  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • __TOC__
  • History of team is unknown.
  • Die Sith sind die Weiterentwicklung der Jedi. Seit ... sind sie immer zu zweit unterwegs, ein Meister und ein Schüler. (Anm.: Auf der Titelseite heißt es "Sithpedia" ! - Muahahah. :-)
  • [[Bestand:Darth Vader in Star Wars exhibition.jpg|thumb|230px|Kostuum van de Sith Darth Vader]] Sith zijn de kwaadaardige tegenhangers van de Jedi in het Star Wars-universum. Ze zijn niet te verwarren met Fallen Jedi, Dark Jedi of Tainted Jedi (Jedi die om een of andere reden de training niet hebben afgemaakt).
  • The Sith were the enemies of the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. They were enemies to the republic until Chancellor Palpatine or Darth Sidious changed it to the ruthless Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. Sith lords Darth Sidious and Darth Vader destroyed the Jedi after Order 66 was executed. 24 years later the Sith were destroyed by Anakin Skywalker.
  • V izmišljenem vesolju Vojne zvezd so bili Sithi rasa, ki jo je zasužnjila skupina bojevniških svečenikov, ki so sledili temni strani sile in so služili kot zlobni nasprotniki Jedijev. Njihovi voditelji so poznani kot »Sith Lordi,« in najmočnejši kot »Temni Sith Lordi.« Mnogi so bivši Jediji, ki so se pridružili temni strani sile. Sith Lordi pogosto »posvojijo« imena, ki se začnejo z "Darth. * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Die Sith sind das Dümmste, was es gibt...
  • A bygone country in what is now Ramalia * It rose after the collapse of Veakmal * It fought Soster repeatedly over the city of Annor * It was extant circa 400 ST Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • The Sith are one of the ten factions of Star Wars Miniatures. They mostly represent the Sith Empires during the time of the Old Republic, and the One Sith from the Legacy era. It is a Dark Side faction, and it can be played in the Old Republic era.
  • Sith is an ability.
  • Sith was a city on Meldorin Island.
  • The Sith was started when members of the Jedi Order began to break away and fall into the void of the Dark Side. When there was enough members, the Dark Jedi challenged the Jedi Order creating the Hundred-Year Darkness. When they were defeated, the Dark Jedi were exiled from space to most likely the Outer Rim Territory. The Sith then were not shown by their species, but by their philosophy to destroy the Jedi Order. Throughout history, the Sith created vast armies including the Confederacy of Independant Systems(CIS) and the Galactic Empire to oppose the supporters of peace and justice.
  • The Sith are the opposite number of the Jedi in the Star Wars continuum. They use the Force for power and personal gain, and care only for themselves. The Sith are considered evil. It is important to note that not every user of the Dark Side of the Force is a Sith—to be a Sith requires specific training and instruction. Without this, a Dark Sider is often considered "merely" a Dark Jedi. The Mysterious Somebody, though occasionally referred to as a Sith Lord, was a Dark Jedi, while Rilwen Shadowflame and Cavan Shenn are Sith.
  • Sith are the users of the Dark Side of the Force. In most Star Wars games, the Sith are considered "the enemy". Commonly, Jedi often battle with them. They often seem more powerful than their enemy. The Jedi, due to a more aggressive aproach, a wider range of force powers and the fact that they generaly rule by fear.
  • Los Sith son los villanos principales de Star Wars.
  • A Sith is a warrior like a Jedi.Ther goal is to have more power than anyone else in the Universe.The first Sith lord was Darth bane. Darth Sidious is the most powerful Sith.
  • This page lists Sith Orders and Characters. Other Sith-like Orders may take the name of and are listed on that page.
  • Created by a relationship between Satan, Al Gore, and Helen Keller shortly affter God created the Jedi, the Sith have always had their ass kicked by Stephen Colbert every time they meet him. However, lesser Americans (but still real, gut-feeling Americans) have been attacked by the Sith. They are almost as dangerous as bears, and Stephen hates them almost as much as he hates bears.
  • Dark side force using faction. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Sith were once a race of red-skinned conquerors, native to the planet of Korriban. They were adept in the dark side of the force, but didn’t master that power until exiled jedi landed on their homeworld and enslaved them. Under the fallen Jedi’s leadership, the Sith constructed a formidable empire. Eventually the Sith lord Naga Sadow led his people against the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War. However, Naga was betrayed by his apprentice, and the war was lost. The remaining Sith fled into the unknown regions of the galaxy, and eventually resettled on Drommund Kass. Over a thousand years, they rebuilt their empire, and eventually fought the republic again in the Great Galactic War.
  • Sithowie (inaczej Shitowie, Syfowie) – banda miłośników dark sajda. Różnica między Sithem, a mrocznym Jedi jest taka jak między dresiarzem a gangsterem.
  • Also called Dark Jedi, the Sith were orginally founded by Shi'ar who broke away from the Jedi Order in order to focus on the exclusive worship of K'ythri at the expense of venerating Sharra. They use the same powers as Jedi do, especially lightning and choking powers. Sith also use light sabers with red laser blades. Sith can either be Shi'ar or non-Shi'ar. Sith tend to be more likely than Jedi to engage in evil acts. Sith are technically legal under the laws of the Shi'ar Intergalactic Empire, but they are closely watched by Imperial authorities for criminal acts and activities.
  • A Sith is a member of the Sith Order, who studied, served and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the dark side of the Force. The weapon of the Sith is the Sith lightsaber, a weapon with a blade made of pure energy. The Sith fought for conquest in the Sith Empire, usually against their mortal enemies, the Jedi, who studied the light side of the Force.
  • Categoría:Esbozos thumb Los Sith, son una organización de diversas especies, que buscan la inmortalidad y poder. Cualquier socio puede convertirse en Sith en la fiesta de Star Wars: La Invasión. Los Sith, al igual que los Jedi , usan la Fuerza y los sables de luz pero ellos usan el miedo, la ira, y el odio como arma, también conocido como el lado oscuro de la Fuerza. Solo pueden a ver dos Sith a la vez siempre: un maestro y un aprendiz, si hubiera uno más, los más débiles matarian al mas fuerte. Los miembros conocidos son Darth Herbert (nombre real Darth Vader y el Emperador Palpatine. Están a favor del Imperio Galáctico.
  • The Sith are Force-sensitive beings that utalize the dark side of the Force and band together to oppose the Jedi. In Star Wars canon, Sith were originally a type of red skinned species that lived in the area of the galaxy near Korriban. Later, the term came to describe exiled Dark Jedi that adopted some of the culture of the Sith species. Since then, there was a cycle of galactic victory and defeat for the Sith. The Sith manage to survive defeat when other Jedi are tempted to fall to the dark side, sometimes at the prompting of the old spirit of a Sith lord. Despite the many changes in the Sith order's structure and opinions, one trait remains a constant: the desire to destroy the Jedi.
  • Sithorden var en orden av utövare av den mörka sidan av Kraften. Sithorden hade som mål att besegra och förgöra Jediorden. Sitherna bör ej förväxlas med de mörka jedierna, de som gått över till den mörka sidan. Sithlorderna nyttjade den mörka sidan av Kraften. De var jedimästarnas raka motsats och jobbade enbart för att främja sina egna intressen, vilket oftast gick ut på galaktisk dominans.
  • The Sith are an order of Force practitioners who have chosen the dark side of the Force as the source of their power. Members of the Sith Order are called Sith Lords or Dark Lords of the Sith. The sworn enemy of the Jedi, the Order has existed in many forms and structures throughout history. Originally, the Sith were a humanoid species, enslaved by a group of exiled Dark Jedi. These renegades came to call themselves the Lords of the Sith, or simply Sith. The goal of the Sith was to conquer the Galactic Republic and exact vengeance on the Jedi Order.
  • The Sith are an organization and order of Dark side Force-users in the Star Wars universe. The first Sith were once Jedi before they turned evil and embraced the Dark side of the Force.
  • Ordinul Sith era o sectă a părţii întunecate ai cărei adepţi aveau ca principal scop obţinerea puterii şi distrugerea Ordinului Jedi. Adepţii Sith erau caracterizaţi prin setea lor de putere şi prin metodele adesea brutale prin care o obţineau. Secta a existat sub diverse forme de-a lungul istoriei galactice. La început Sith a fost o simplă specie umanoidă de pe planeta Korriban, care la un moment dat a luat contact cu un grup de Jedi Întunecaţi exilaţi din rândul Cavalerilor Jedi. In urma contopirii celor celor doua civilizaţii a luat naştere Ordinul Sith, care ulterior nu a mai fost identificat după specie, ci după filozofia practicată. Au eixistat mai multe facţiuni Sith, ditre care cele mai notabile au fost Imperiul Sith, Ordinul Lorzilor Sith şi Triumviratul Sith
  • The Sith Order was a sect of dark side Force users bent on destroying the Jedi. They were characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they were willing to use in order to acquire it. The sect existed in many diverse forms throughout galactic history. Originally, the Sith were a humanoid species that interbred with a group of exiled Dark Jedi, but after the rise and fall of that people, the meaning of the word 'Sith' changed. In time, the Sith would not be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. There were many factions of the Sith, the most notable being the Sith Empire and the Order of the Sith Lords.
  • 200px|thumb|left|Die Sith-Lords Naga Sadow (rechts), Darth Sidious (mitte) und Darth Bane In den frühen Jahren der Alten Republik wandten sich einige Jedi-Ritter vom Orden der Jedi ab und verfielen der dunklen Seite der Macht. Vom Orden verstoßen und von ihren einstigen Meistern gejagt, flohen sie aus den Kernwelten in die äußeren Randgebiete, dem Outer Rim. Dort trafen sie auf eine relativ unterentwickelte Spezies, für die es jedoch alltäglich war, die Macht zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen und die für ihre Nutzung keine Regeln kannten: die Sith. Diesem Volk schlossen sich die Dunklen Jedi nun an und lernten von den Sith genau so, wie diese von ihnen lernten. Viele Jahrhunderte vergingen, in denen die Jedi die Sith fast vergaßen, doch in dieser Zeit bauten sich die Sith im Outer Rim ein Impe
  • 200px|thumb|left|Die Sith-Lords Naga Sadow (rechts), Darth Sidious (mitte) und Darth Bane In den frühen Jahren der Alten Republik wandten sich einige Jedi-Ritter vom Orden der Jedi ab und verfielen der dunklen Seite der Macht. Vom Orden verstoßen und von ihren einstigen Meistern gejagt, flohen sie aus den Kernwelten in die äußeren Randgebiete, dem Outer Rim. Dort trafen sie auf eine relativ unterentwickelte Spezies, für die es jedoch alltäglich war, die Macht zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen und die für ihre Nutzung keine Regeln kannten: die Sith. Diesem Volk schlossen sich die Dunklen Jedi nun an und lernten von den Sith genau so, wie diese von ihnen lernten. Viele Jahrhunderte vergingen, in denen die Jedi die Sith fast vergaßen, doch in dieser Zeit bauten sich die Sith im Outer Rim ein Impe
  • The Sith are a group of Dark Side Force-users who think that they are the holders of ultimate power in the galaxy! They usually have a Darth in front of their names and they did not like the army of hippies called the Jedi. They have a crappy system of power where the apprentice kills the master, so they don't believe in team building. Plus Sith whined like spoiled brats when they don't get their cookies. The Jedi always tried to destroy the great Sith Lords and claim the galaxy for themselves, although they never succeeded due to believing in peace and the Light Side. Notable members include:
  • Homeworld: Ziost / Tyriun Description: The Sith populate the planet Tyriun, and used to populate the planet of Ziost, in the times of the Ancient Sith. They have pale, pink skin, and their eyes are generally a porcelain white color, giving them an eerie appearance, and almost ghostlike feel. The Sith have an enhanced jaw that begins as a normal human's would, however, is more angled and about midway to the tip of the chin, has two odd bones that move straight downwards. The hair folocules of the male Sith are very weak, so typically a male is bald everywhere except for on the facial points.
  • Sith je sekta zlih sljedbenika Sile u Star Wars filmovima (i knjigama, stripovima itd.). Suprotno od njih su Jediji. Svi Sithovi imaju počasnu titulu Darth ispred imena koje je odredio učitelj pojedinca, kada dokažu da su potpuno odani mračnoj strani. Služe se Mračnom stranom sile da bi postigli vlast nad galaksijom. Većina ih je nosila crveno – crne tetovaže. Kodeks sitha: Mir je laž, postoji samo strast. Kroz strast, dobijam snagu. Kroz snagu, dobijam moć. Kroz moć, dobijam pobjedu. Kroz pobjedu, moji su lanci slomljeni. Sila će me osloboditi.
  • L' Ordine Sith era un gruppo di sensibili alla Forza che utilizzavano il lato oscuro senza timori o limiti di sorta. Originariamente, il termine "Sith" si riferiva alla specie nativa nativa del pianeta Korriban che venne poi soggiogata e governata dai Jedi oscuri esiliati dalla Repubblica Galattica. A seguito di secoli di meticciato (culturale e genetico), la parola "Sith" non venne più utilizzata per identificare una razza, ma bensì l'appartenenza e la dedizione alla filosofia e agli insegnamenti del lato oscuro.
  • The Sith are people who are very self-centered and selfish. There used to be many Sith, but because they hunger for power, they killed each other off, so now there are only two - a master and an apprentice. Sith rely on their passion to get things done. They use their raw emotion, their hatred, their anger, their bitterness - which is the dark side of the Force. The Force is what binds the galaxy together, and it has a good side and a bad side. The Sith learned how to manipulate both sides of the Force, and then they fell into the trap of being corrupted by the dark side. The Jedi Knights are like marshals in the Wild West. It's their job to make sure everyone is protected, to bring peace. They are the enemy of the Sith, because the Sith want to dominate the galaxy. ―George Lucas on the Si
  • Sith, derived from the name of a red-skinned species native to the planet Korriban were a secretive order devoted to mastering the dark side of the force. Sith culture was influenced by the centuries of conflict between the dark side worshipping order and the Jedi, the defenders of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, there were known to be only two, a master and an apprentice, a practice created after the New Sith War by Darth Bane. Before the the Great Sith War era the Sith order, like its Jedi counterpart, had hundreds of thousands of members. However, after the devastation visited upon the order by Republic forces, Bane, one of the last survivors of this period, devised this Rule of Two. The Rule stated that there could be no more than two true members of the Sith order the master and
  • Pour les articles homonymes de "Sith", voir "Sith (homonymie)" [[Fichier:Empereur Palpatine.png|thumb|right|250px|Dark Sidious]]Les Sith sont les ennemis jurés des Jedi. Ce sont des êtres qui apprennent à utiliser le Côté Obscur de la Force. Depuis l'avènement de Dark Bane au rang de Seigneur Noir des Sith, ceux-ci ne sont que deux, un Maître et un apprenti, afin d'éviter des conflits internes qui risqueraient de les détruire. En effet, la nature même des Sith veut qu'ils soient toujours à la recherche de plus de pouvoir. Ainsi, si le Maître fait preuve de faiblesse, son apprenti le tue et prend sa place. Les Sith ne doivent pas être confondu avec les Jedi Noir, qui sont des Jedi passés du Côté Obscur, tandis qu'un Sith n'a bien souvent jamais été un Jedi.
  • The Sith are the bad guys in the Star Wars series who utilized the dark side of the Force. The Sith are dedicated to perpetrating evil and doing harm. The term "Sith" originally referred to a species of alien native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving into the dark and starting the Hundred-Year Darkness. However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species. Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing o
  • Die Sith bilden einen Zusammenschluss verschiedener Spezies, die sich das Ziel gesetzt hat die Galaxis unter einer Gewaltherrschaft zu vereinen und zu regieren. Dabei vertrauen die Sith, ebenso wie ihre Wiedersacher die Jedi auf die Macht die von den Sith allerdings vollkommen anders verwendet wird. Sie benutzen die Macht um andere einzuschüchtern und zu verletzen. Früher gab es die Sith in einem Orden, ebenso wie die Jedi. Doch als Darth Bane die Regel der Zwei festlegte durfte es nur noch zwei Sith geben.
  • The paramount lords of the Empire are led by the dark Prince of the Sith. Many, but not all, of the great Council of Lords are practitioners of the Dark Side of the Force. All, whether they wield the Force or not, follow the Sith philosophy: Cruelty is power, Power is freedom, Freedom is life, and life is cruel. No one may be taught the Sith arts without the explicit permission of the Prince. Anyone who breaks this law -- both Master and Apprentice -- is to be sentenced to death. This cruel penalty admits NO mercy.
  • The Sith Order, also known as the Sith Empire, The Sith Triumvirate, The Brotherhood of Darkness, The Order of the Sith Lords, or The One Sith- depending on the specific era of usage, are a dark order of Force sensitives in the Star Wars universe. Unlike the Jedi, who serve the light side of the Force and use positive emotions to further their dedication to peace, the Sith use the dark side of the Force to serve their power-hungry aims and desire to dominate others.
  • Neben den Jedi gibt es auch einen Orden, der sich der dunklen Seite der Macht bedient: der Sith-Orden. Er besteht immer nur aus zwei Personen; einem Meister und einem Schüler. Der Schüler ist dem Meister unterlegen, bis er diesen vernichtet und selber zum Meister mit einem neuen Schüler wird. Jeder Sith trägt einen individuellen Sith-Namen mit dem Titel Darth, der sich aus Dark Lord of the Sith ableitet.
  • Die Sith besitzen eine komplexe Kultur, die in der Lebensweise der primitiven Sith-Spezies verwurzelt ist und später immer wieder verschiedene Ausprägungen bekam. Die Sith-Kultur erlaubt jedem Dunklem Machtnutzer größere Anwendungsfreiheit in an, die Macht zu benutzen, als die Jedi, was in der Geschichte oft zu Überläufern führte, die sich größere Macht erhofften. Die gesamte Ideologie der Sith ist darauf ausgerichtet, größere Macht zu bekommen, weshalb sich die Schwachen den Starken unterwerfen müssen und ihnen als Sklaven dienen müssen, was im direkten Widerspruch zu den Prinzipien der Jedi steht, die die Schwächeren verteidigen und in Schutz nehmen. Außerdem wandelten die Sith ihre Angst in Zorn, der zu Hass ausgebildet wurde, während die Jedi stets nach Harmonie, Frieden und Gerechtigk
  • Little is known of the mysterious order referred to as the Sith, a group shrouded in many layers of secrecy and deception. What is known is that like the Jedi order, they believe in a mystical bioenergy field called the "Force", which is apparently dualistic in nature. The Sith claim to draw their power from the "dark side" of said Force, which is fed by strong negative emotion.
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • *Era de la Pre-República *Era de la Antigua República *Era del Alzamiento del Imperio *Era de la Rebelión *Era de la Nueva República *Era de la Nueva Orden Jedi *Era del Legado
  • a00
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  • e55
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  • fff
  • *Ziost *Korriban *Ruusan *Coruscant
  • *Jedi-Orden **Dunkle Jedi
Row 1 info
  • Destroy the Jedi
  • 250
Row 2 info
  • Fill this in
  • with more info!
  • Señor Oscuro de los Sith también llamado Lord de los Sith
Row 1 title
  • Main Goal:
Row 2 title
  • More to come!
  • *Korriban *Ziost *Ambria *Coruscant *Dromund Kaas *Thule *Roon *Malachor V *Dxun *Lehon *Umbara *Kesh *Byss
  • *Templo Sith de Malachor *Santuário Sith, Coruscant *Vale dos Lordes Negros, Moraband **Templo Sith ***Tumba de Darth Bane
  • *Sith-Imperator *Darth Revan *Darth Malak *Darth Traya *Darth Bane *Darth Sidious *Darth Krayt *Darth Wyyrlok *Darth Nihl *Darth Maber *Darth Krawl *Darth Sykan
  • *Tribu Perdida de los Sith *Antiguo Orden Sith **Verdaderos Sith **Naddista **Hermandad de los Sith **Triumvirato Sith **Hermandad de la Oscuridad **Orden de los Lores Sith ***Acólitos Oscuros ***Inquisidores ***Adeptos del Lado Oscuro ***Elite del Lado Oscuro **Discípulos de Ragnos **Sith de Lumiya *Único Sith **Manos **Inteligencia y Asesinato Sith **Caballeros de Ren
  • *Dunkle Jedi
  • *Federação do Comércio *Confederação de Sistemas Independentes *República Galáctica *Império Galáctico
  • Independent
  • *Galactic Republic *Confederacy of
  • Systems *Galactic Empire
  • *Trade Federation *Galactic Republic *Confederacy of Independent Systems *Shadow Collective *Galactic Empire
Box Title
  • The Sith
  • 시스
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  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Sith Order
  • Keep their rule and command over their henchmen and the Galactic Empire .
  • Destroy the entire Jedi Order .
  • Kill Luke Skywalker or cause him to turn to The Dark Side .
  • Conquer and Rule all over the entire Galaxy and destroy everyone who opposes them .
  • Orden Sith
  • Various Productions in the Star Wars franchise
  • Sith
  • Strength
  • Leadership skills
  • Mind manipulation
  • Warriorship
  • High-Level intellect
  • High-level Lightsaber skills
  • Powerful control over the Dark Side of The Force
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith Council
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith#kanon
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith Order
  • Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal
  • Manaan: Depths of History
  • *Code of the Sith *Rule of Two
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • *Korriban *Coruscant *Ziost *Kesh *Dromund Kaas
  • blue
  • Darth vader closeup c.jpg
  • #004455
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  • 3
  • Darth vader closeup c.jpg
  • 1.893456E11
  • *Galaktisches Imperium
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Galactic Basic
  • *Sith tongue *Balc
  • y
  • *Unidentified rogue Jedi *Momin *Sith Lord of Gairm *Presence *Exim Panshard *Darth Bane *Darth Bane's apprentice *Darth Plagueis *Darth Sidious *Darth Maul *Darth Tyranus *Savage Opress *Quinlan Vos *Darth Vader
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Сіти
  • Сіти
  • Сітхи
  • Сітхи
  • Сітхи
  • Сітхи
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  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sithowie
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • 西斯
  • 西斯
  • 西斯
  • 西斯
  • Sith
  • Sith Lords
  • Sith Knights
  • Old Sith Empire
  • The Sith
  • The Order of the Sith
  • Goddess of Evil; Sithera
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Korriban
  • Moraband
  • Sith/Canon
  • 28000
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Sithes
  • Darth Krayt
  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Marka Ragnos
  • Darth Vitiate
  • Various
  • *Korriban *Ziost *Coruscant
  • *Moraband *Malachor *Coruscant *Mustafar
  • 250
  • Ситы
  • Ситхи
  • Ситхи
  • Ситхи
  • Ситы
  • Ситы
  • Ситы
  • Ситы
  • Ситы
  • Ситы/Канон
Image size
  • 190
  • Sith
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Sithek
  • Um Jedi sombrio
  • *Sith-Imperium in den Sith-Welten *ausgedehnte Gebiete am Äußeren Rand
  • 6881
  • 1.893456E11
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Sithit
  • Behind the Threat: The Sith
  • Manaan: Depths of History
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  • Sith
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  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • *Sith Lord *Sith Master *Sith apprentice
  • *Sith Master *Sith Apprentice *Sith Marauder *Sith Assassin *Sith Lord
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
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  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/BtT1
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  • Sith Order
Image File
  • Sith01.png
  • Sith Empire
  • *Brotherhood of Darkness *Order of the Sith Lords
  • *1032 BBY; reformed in secret by Darth Bane *4 ABY
  • *Mestre Sith *Aprendiz Sith
  • *Sith temple, Moraband **Valley of the Dark Lords *Imperial Palace, Coruscant **Sith shrine, Coruscant *Sith temple, Mustafar *Sith temple, Malachor
  • *Korriban *Ziost *Coruscant *Lehon *Ambria
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith
  • Sith.png
  • Sith
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wikipage disambiguates
  • Darth Maul
  • Darth Vader
  • Count Dooku
  • Darth Nihl
  • Darth Caedus
  • Darth Malgus
  • Darth Nihilus
  • Exar Kun
  • Darth Bane
  • Darth Malak
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Sion
  • Darth Traya/Kreia
  • 80.0
  • y
  • y
type of villains
  • Mongers, Dark Knights, Tyrants
  • Diktatur
  • *Holocrón Sith *Amuleto Sith *Talismán Muur
  • *Maestro Sith *Lord Sith *Aprendiz Sith *Caballero Sith *Mano de la Sombra *Merodeador Sith *Guerrero Sith *Acólito Sith *Adepto Sith *Asesino Sith *Espía Sith *Cultista Sith *Manos *Puño *Historiador Sith *Cazador Sith *Inquisidor Sith
  • 42
  • 30
  • *Imperio Sith de Adas *Antiguo Imperio Sith *Orden Mecrosa *Imperio Sith de Exar Kun *Imperio Sith de Revan *Nuevo Imperio Sith *Yinchorri *Federación de Comercio *Confederación de Sistemas Independientes *Guardia de la Muerte *Sol Negro *Sombra Colectiva *Imperio Galáctico **Imperio Oscuro **Voz del Emperador **Mano del Emperador **Ojo del Emperador *Remanente Imperial *Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres *Imperio Fel *Imperio Sith de Darth Krayt
  • 1000
  • *6900 VSY *3960 VSY *3951 VSY *2000 VSY *1003 VSY *1000 VSY *25 NSY *1048 NSY
  • Código Sith, Regla del Fuerte, Regla de Dos, Regla de Uno
  • *Naddistas *Krath *Orden Mecrosa *Fuerza Oscura *Profetas del Lado Oscuro u Orden Secreta del Emperador *Discípulos de Ragnos *Malevolencia
  • Сит
  • Сит
  • Сит
  • 13
  • *Moraband *Coruscant
  • 1.262304E8
  • __TOC__
  • History of team is unknown.
  • Die Sith sind die Weiterentwicklung der Jedi. Seit ... sind sie immer zu zweit unterwegs, ein Meister und ein Schüler. (Anm.: Auf der Titelseite heißt es "Sithpedia" ! - Muahahah. :-)
  • Sith je sekta zlih sljedbenika Sile u Star Wars filmovima (i knjigama, stripovima itd.). Suprotno od njih su Jediji. Svi Sithovi imaju počasnu titulu Darth ispred imena koje je odredio učitelj pojedinca, kada dokažu da su potpuno odani mračnoj strani. Služe se Mračnom stranom sile da bi postigli vlast nad galaksijom. Većina ih je nosila crveno – crne tetovaže. Rangovi sitha Reveridian - Izabran od strane Sith Mastera da je vješt za tamnu stranu Shiboku - Preživio mjesec dana treniranja tamne strane Valoridian - Sith učenik, zna Force lightning i Force choke Utalli - Sith učenik, zna Force avalanche, Force earthquake i Force fireball Gorgais - Sith učenik sposoban za ubojstvo Sith Master-a Whatazorthumb - Sith Master Kodeks sitha: Mir je laž, postoji samo strast. Kroz strast, dobijam snagu. Kroz snagu, dobijam moć. Kroz moć, dobijam pobjedu. Kroz pobjedu, moji su lanci slomljeni. Sila će me osloboditi.
  • L' Ordine Sith era un gruppo di sensibili alla Forza che utilizzavano il lato oscuro senza timori o limiti di sorta. Originariamente, il termine "Sith" si riferiva alla specie nativa nativa del pianeta Korriban che venne poi soggiogata e governata dai Jedi oscuri esiliati dalla Repubblica Galattica. A seguito di secoli di meticciato (culturale e genetico), la parola "Sith" non venne più utilizzata per identificare una razza, ma bensì l'appartenenza e la dedizione alla filosofia e agli insegnamenti del lato oscuro. Nel corso della loro lunga storia, i Sith comandarono molti imperi ed intrapresero numerose guerre e campagne militari; la loro influenza diede vita a molti culti e ordini minori, che tecnicamente non erano parte dell'Ordine Sith. I loro membri però, unendo la loro visione della galassia con gli antichi insegnamenti, permettevano al lato oscuro di resistere alla prova del tempo e di stendere ancora una volta la sua ombra su tutti gli esseri viventi. Tali culti includevano i Naddisti, i Discepoli di Ragnos, il Krath e le Sorelle della Notte
  • Little is known of the mysterious order referred to as the Sith, a group shrouded in many layers of secrecy and deception. What is known is that like the Jedi order, they believe in a mystical bioenergy field called the "Force", which is apparently dualistic in nature. The Sith claim to draw their power from the "dark side" of said Force, which is fed by strong negative emotion. What little history of their home galaxy has been revealed to us suggests that the Sith have been engaged in many campaigns against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, often using other factions at a remove, such as the Mandalorians and, more recently, the Separatists. They do not seem to have very many mechs at their disposal compared to other known factions. Whether this is due to a reliance on their Force or a desire not to have traceable links to known manufacturers of battle machines is unknown. However, their use of the Force gives them a considerable combat advantage, making use of mechs potentially unnecessary.
  • [[Bestand:Darth Vader in Star Wars exhibition.jpg|thumb|230px|Kostuum van de Sith Darth Vader]] Sith zijn de kwaadaardige tegenhangers van de Jedi in het Star Wars-universum. Ze zijn niet te verwarren met Fallen Jedi, Dark Jedi of Tainted Jedi (Jedi die om een of andere reden de training niet hebben afgemaakt).
  • The Sith were the enemies of the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. They were enemies to the republic until Chancellor Palpatine or Darth Sidious changed it to the ruthless Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. Sith lords Darth Sidious and Darth Vader destroyed the Jedi after Order 66 was executed. 24 years later the Sith were destroyed by Anakin Skywalker.
  • The Sith are people who are very self-centered and selfish. There used to be many Sith, but because they hunger for power, they killed each other off, so now there are only two - a master and an apprentice. Sith rely on their passion to get things done. They use their raw emotion, their hatred, their anger, their bitterness - which is the dark side of the Force. The Force is what binds the galaxy together, and it has a good side and a bad side. The Sith learned how to manipulate both sides of the Force, and then they fell into the trap of being corrupted by the dark side. The Jedi Knights are like marshals in the Wild West. It's their job to make sure everyone is protected, to bring peace. They are the enemy of the Sith, because the Sith want to dominate the galaxy. ―George Lucas on the Sith The Sith Order was a sect of dark side Force users bent on destroying the Jedi. They were characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they were willing to use in order to acquire it. The sect existed in many diverse forms throughout galactic history. Originally, the Sith were a humanoid species that interbred with a group of exiled Dark Jedi, but after the rise and fall of that people, the meaning of the word 'Sith' changed. In time, the Sith would not be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. There were many factions of the Sith, the most notable being the Sith Empire and the Order of the Sith Lords and the United Order Of The Sith. "The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power. The only difference between the two is that the Sith are not afraid of the dark side of the Force. That is why they are more powerful." "The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inwards only about themselves."
  • Pour les articles homonymes de "Sith", voir "Sith (homonymie)" [[Fichier:Empereur Palpatine.png|thumb|right|250px|Dark Sidious]]Les Sith sont les ennemis jurés des Jedi. Ce sont des êtres qui apprennent à utiliser le Côté Obscur de la Force. Depuis l'avènement de Dark Bane au rang de Seigneur Noir des Sith, ceux-ci ne sont que deux, un Maître et un apprenti, afin d'éviter des conflits internes qui risqueraient de les détruire. En effet, la nature même des Sith veut qu'ils soient toujours à la recherche de plus de pouvoir. Ainsi, si le Maître fait preuve de faiblesse, son apprenti le tue et prend sa place. Les Sith ne doivent pas être confondu avec les Jedi Noir, qui sont des Jedi passés du Côté Obscur, tandis qu'un Sith n'a bien souvent jamais été un Jedi. Les Sith étaient des êtres primitifs, liés à la Force de façon naturelle. Ils vivaient dans une société peu complexe et employaient une forme primitive mais puissante de la Force : la Magie Sith. Les Sith sont originaires de la planète Korriban, du système portant le même nom. Cette planète deviendra plus tard le berceau du Côté Obscur de la Force. Les Sith vivaient de façon paisible sur la planète jusqu'à l'apparition de Jedi renégats, ayant quitté l'Ordre pour diverses raisons. Les Jedi Noirs furent vite considérés comme des dieux aux yeux des Sith. Les bannis de l'Ordre Jedi prirent conscience de l'immense pouvoir de la nouvelle race et l'utilisèrent de façon à conquérir les planètes avoisinantes pour y bâtir l'Empire Sith. Peu à peu, les races se mélangèrent et les différences ne se firent plus. La race des Sith finit par s'éteindre et le mot Sith désigne à présent les utilisateurs du côté Obscur de la Force ayant suivi une formation Sith. Les Sith utilisent des sabres alimentés par des « cristaux de sabres » synthétiques, de la couleur de ce qu'ils adorent voir : le sang.
  • V izmišljenem vesolju Vojne zvezd so bili Sithi rasa, ki jo je zasužnjila skupina bojevniških svečenikov, ki so sledili temni strani sile in so služili kot zlobni nasprotniki Jedijev. Njihovi voditelji so poznani kot »Sith Lordi,« in najmočnejši kot »Temni Sith Lordi.« Mnogi so bivši Jediji, ki so se pridružili temni strani sile. Sith Lordi pogosto »posvojijo« imena, ki se začnejo z "Darth. * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • The Sith Order, also known as the Sith Empire, The Sith Triumvirate, The Brotherhood of Darkness, The Order of the Sith Lords, or The One Sith- depending on the specific era of usage, are a dark order of Force sensitives in the Star Wars universe. Unlike the Jedi, who serve the light side of the Force and use positive emotions to further their dedication to peace, the Sith use the dark side of the Force to serve their power-hungry aims and desire to dominate others. Sith Lords usually possess red-bladed lightsabers, as opposed to the Jedi who, while avoiding the red colors, wield lightsabers with various different colors. However, some Sith use lightsabers with blades of other color; examples include Exar Kun, as well as fallen Jedi (such as Darth Vader, Darth Caedus, and Dark Krayt) before they fulled converted to the dark side. Counted as a whole group, the Sith are main antagonists of the entire Star Wars franchise. In the main series (the movies and Post-2013 miscellaneous content), they are the main antagonists of the original and prequel trilogies, as well as the posthumous antagonists of the sequel trilogy (since the First Order is based on the ideals of their Empire) and the central antagonists of the entire Legends series.
  • Neben den Jedi gibt es auch einen Orden, der sich der dunklen Seite der Macht bedient: der Sith-Orden. Er besteht immer nur aus zwei Personen; einem Meister und einem Schüler. Der Schüler ist dem Meister unterlegen, bis er diesen vernichtet und selber zum Meister mit einem neuen Schüler wird. Jeder Sith trägt einen individuellen Sith-Namen mit dem Titel Darth, der sich aus Dark Lord of the Sith ableitet. Wie die Jedi beherrschen auch die Sith den Kampf mit dem Lichtschwert, wobei sie Exemplare mit einem roten Strahl bevorzugen. Die mächtigsten Sith beherrschen außerdem dunkle Fähigkeiten wie den Macht-Blitz.
  • Die Sith sind das Dümmste, was es gibt...
  • A bygone country in what is now Ramalia * It rose after the collapse of Veakmal * It fought Soster repeatedly over the city of Annor * It was extant circa 400 ST Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • The Sith are one of the ten factions of Star Wars Miniatures. They mostly represent the Sith Empires during the time of the Old Republic, and the One Sith from the Legacy era. It is a Dark Side faction, and it can be played in the Old Republic era.
  • Sith is an ability.
  • Sith was a city on Meldorin Island.
  • Homeworld: Ziost / Tyriun Description: The Sith populate the planet Tyriun, and used to populate the planet of Ziost, in the times of the Ancient Sith. They have pale, pink skin, and their eyes are generally a porcelain white color, giving them an eerie appearance, and almost ghostlike feel. The Sith have an enhanced jaw that begins as a normal human's would, however, is more angled and about midway to the tip of the chin, has two odd bones that move straight downwards. The hair folocules of the male Sith are very weak, so typically a male is bald everywhere except for on the facial points. The planet of Tyriun is mostly barren, and as such, the Sith, working with the Humans as their masters, have constructed vast temples to the Force on the planet, each which can house the Sith Masters and Human peasants, as well as which have small, underground areas for growing food and harvesting water from streams. The Sith lead a complex life there. Born into a caste, a Sith's life is predetermined. There is a royal family that has been determined for years by power between the siblings of the family, or outside power for that matter, and there is a complex Bishop system which allows the Sith to worship the Force in manners of Priests and Religious exploits. Since the planet was born entirely through the Force, it is not unlikely that is the reason why such a Force Sensitive species as the Sith inhabit it. The humans, though, were most likely chosen due to their intelligence and belief in something above them, and as such Tyriun is a great planet for the Sith to call their home.
  • The Sith was started when members of the Jedi Order began to break away and fall into the void of the Dark Side. When there was enough members, the Dark Jedi challenged the Jedi Order creating the Hundred-Year Darkness. When they were defeated, the Dark Jedi were exiled from space to most likely the Outer Rim Territory. The Sith then were not shown by their species, but by their philosophy to destroy the Jedi Order. Throughout history, the Sith created vast armies including the Confederacy of Independant Systems(CIS) and the Galactic Empire to oppose the supporters of peace and justice.
  • The Sith are the opposite number of the Jedi in the Star Wars continuum. They use the Force for power and personal gain, and care only for themselves. The Sith are considered evil. It is important to note that not every user of the Dark Side of the Force is a Sith—to be a Sith requires specific training and instruction. Without this, a Dark Sider is often considered "merely" a Dark Jedi. The Mysterious Somebody, though occasionally referred to as a Sith Lord, was a Dark Jedi, while Rilwen Shadowflame and Cavan Shenn are Sith.
  • Sith are the users of the Dark Side of the Force. In most Star Wars games, the Sith are considered "the enemy". Commonly, Jedi often battle with them. They often seem more powerful than their enemy. The Jedi, due to a more aggressive aproach, a wider range of force powers and the fact that they generaly rule by fear.
  • The Sith are a group of Dark Side Force-users who think that they are the holders of ultimate power in the galaxy! They usually have a Darth in front of their names and they did not like the army of hippies called the Jedi. They have a crappy system of power where the apprentice kills the master, so they don't believe in team building. Plus Sith whined like spoiled brats when they don't get their cookies. The Jedi always tried to destroy the great Sith Lords and claim the galaxy for themselves, although they never succeeded due to believing in peace and the Light Side. Notable members include: * Darth Wyyrlok * Darth Fanon * Darth Caedus * Darth Obvious * Darth Secret * Daiman * Me Image:Darth Krayt-Darth Krayt.jpg This article is a stub about a Sith or the Sith. You can help the My English Wiki by expanding it. If you don't, they'll destroy your planet.
  • Los Sith son los villanos principales de Star Wars.
  • 200px|thumb|left|Die Sith-Lords Naga Sadow (rechts), Darth Sidious (mitte) und Darth Bane In den frühen Jahren der Alten Republik wandten sich einige Jedi-Ritter vom Orden der Jedi ab und verfielen der dunklen Seite der Macht. Vom Orden verstoßen und von ihren einstigen Meistern gejagt, flohen sie aus den Kernwelten in die äußeren Randgebiete, dem Outer Rim. Dort trafen sie auf eine relativ unterentwickelte Spezies, für die es jedoch alltäglich war, die Macht zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen und die für ihre Nutzung keine Regeln kannten: die Sith. Diesem Volk schlossen sich die Dunklen Jedi nun an und lernten von den Sith genau so, wie diese von ihnen lernten. Viele Jahrhunderte vergingen, in denen die Jedi die Sith fast vergaßen, doch in dieser Zeit bauten sich die Sith im Outer Rim ein Imperium auf. Die wichtigsten Sith-Lords sind Naga Sadow, der den Untergang des alten Sith-Imperiums förderte und ein neues gründete, Darth Bane, der die "Regel der zwei" einführte und Darth Sidious, der die Jedi ausrottete, die Republik zerstörte und das erste Galaktische Imperium gründete.
  • 200px|thumb|left|Die Sith-Lords Naga Sadow (rechts), Darth Sidious (mitte) und Darth Bane In den frühen Jahren der Alten Republik wandten sich einige Jedi-Ritter vom Orden der Jedi ab und verfielen der dunklen Seite der Macht. Vom Orden verstoßen und von ihren einstigen Meistern gejagt, flohen sie aus den Kernwelten in die äußeren Randgebiete, dem Outer Rim. Dort trafen sie auf eine relativ unterentwickelte Spezies, für die es jedoch alltäglich war, die Macht zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen und die für ihre Nutzung keine Regeln kannten: die Sith. Diesem Volk schlossen sich die Dunklen Jedi nun an und lernten von den Sith genau so, wie diese von ihnen lernten. Viele Jahrhunderte vergingen, in denen die Jedi die Sith fast vergaßen, doch in dieser Zeit bauten sich die Sith im Outer Rim ein Imperium auf. Die wichtigsten Sith-Lords sind Naga Sadow, der den Untergang des alten Sith-Imperiums förderte und ein neues gründete, Darth Bane, der die "Regel der zwei" einführte und Darth Sidious, der die Jedi ausrottete, die Republik zerstörte und das erste Galaktische Imperium gründete.
  • A Sith is a warrior like a Jedi.Ther goal is to have more power than anyone else in the Universe.The first Sith lord was Darth bane. Darth Sidious is the most powerful Sith.
  • This page lists Sith Orders and Characters. Other Sith-like Orders may take the name of and are listed on that page.
  • Created by a relationship between Satan, Al Gore, and Helen Keller shortly affter God created the Jedi, the Sith have always had their ass kicked by Stephen Colbert every time they meet him. However, lesser Americans (but still real, gut-feeling Americans) have been attacked by the Sith. They are almost as dangerous as bears, and Stephen hates them almost as much as he hates bears.
  • Die Sith bilden einen Zusammenschluss verschiedener Spezies, die sich das Ziel gesetzt hat die Galaxis unter einer Gewaltherrschaft zu vereinen und zu regieren. Dabei vertrauen die Sith, ebenso wie ihre Wiedersacher die Jedi auf die Macht die von den Sith allerdings vollkommen anders verwendet wird. Sie benutzen die Macht um andere einzuschüchtern und zu verletzen. Früher gab es die Sith in einem Orden, ebenso wie die Jedi. Doch als Darth Bane die Regel der Zwei festlegte durfte es nur noch zwei Sith geben. „Es sollen zwei sein, nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Einer der die Macht verkörpert und einer der dannach giert!“ — Darth Bane, die Regel der Zwei
  • The Sith are the bad guys in the Star Wars series who utilized the dark side of the Force. The Sith are dedicated to perpetrating evil and doing harm. The term "Sith" originally referred to a species of alien native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had once been members of the Jedi, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side, challenged the Jedi by giving into the dark and starting the Hundred-Year Darkness. However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their discovery of the Sith species. Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing of cultures between the aliens and the exiles, the Sith would no longer be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. This religious order would survive in many different incarnations throughout Galactic History. The rise of a new leader, or Dark Lord, would often cause drastic reorganizations in the cult, however the Sith would always be characterized by their lust for power and their desire to destroy the Jedi Order. The Sith were the most infamous of all dark side religions, and the members of the cult were often seen as the pinnacle of power within the dark side. Throughout their long history, the Sith commanded several Empires and initiated many galactic wars. With such great influence, the Sith religion inspired many cults that weren't technically part of the Sith Order, nor did they consist of actual Sith. Instead, they were founded and made up of Sith devotees and other Force-sensitives dedicated to prolonging the teachings and the memory of the Sith. Such cults included the Naddists, the Disciples. Sith often rule empires that are also Theocracies.
  • Dark side force using faction. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Sith were once a race of red-skinned conquerors, native to the planet of Korriban. They were adept in the dark side of the force, but didn’t master that power until exiled jedi landed on their homeworld and enslaved them. Under the fallen Jedi’s leadership, the Sith constructed a formidable empire. Eventually the Sith lord Naga Sadow led his people against the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War. However, Naga was betrayed by his apprentice, and the war was lost. The remaining Sith fled into the unknown regions of the galaxy, and eventually resettled on Drommund Kass. Over a thousand years, they rebuilt their empire, and eventually fought the republic again in the Great Galactic War.
  • The paramount lords of the Empire are led by the dark Prince of the Sith. Many, but not all, of the great Council of Lords are practitioners of the Dark Side of the Force. All, whether they wield the Force or not, follow the Sith philosophy: Cruelty is power, Power is freedom, Freedom is life, and life is cruel. But those who practice the power of the Dark Side are the dark mirror of the Jedi. Violent where the Jedi are peaceful, cruel where the Jedi are calm, the servants of the Dark Side are a virulent elite within the Sith. The secrets of the Dark Side do not come easily; for few are willing to teach their secrets without service in return. Thus most Sith start as vassals of more powerful minions of the Dark Side, are taught in fiercely competitive pairs, and finally are recognized as worthy -- or destroyed -- by the Prince himself. No one may be taught the Sith arts without the explicit permission of the Prince. Anyone who breaks this law -- both Master and Apprentice -- is to be sentenced to death. This cruel penalty admits NO mercy.
  • Sithowie (inaczej Shitowie, Syfowie) – banda miłośników dark sajda. Różnica między Sithem, a mrocznym Jedi jest taka jak między dresiarzem a gangsterem.
  • Sith, derived from the name of a red-skinned species native to the planet Korriban were a secretive order devoted to mastering the dark side of the force. Sith culture was influenced by the centuries of conflict between the dark side worshipping order and the Jedi, the defenders of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, there were known to be only two, a master and an apprentice, a practice created after the New Sith War by Darth Bane. Before the the Great Sith War era the Sith order, like its Jedi counterpart, had hundreds of thousands of members. However, after the devastation visited upon the order by Republic forces, Bane, one of the last survivors of this period, devised this Rule of Two. The Rule stated that there could be no more than two true members of the Sith order the master and his apprentice, no more no less, this doctrine allowed the order to strengthen and hide Republic for centuries until there existence was revealed during the Invasion of Naboo. It would be during this Invasion that Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul would do battle and ultimately die as the Trade Federation influenced by Maul's master Sidious fought against Republic taxation policies. After Maul's apparent death former Jedi Master Dooku became Sidious' new apprentice gathering the unhappy corporate forces in the Republic into a Separatist Confederacy which launched a war for galactic dominance.
  • Also called Dark Jedi, the Sith were orginally founded by Shi'ar who broke away from the Jedi Order in order to focus on the exclusive worship of K'ythri at the expense of venerating Sharra. They use the same powers as Jedi do, especially lightning and choking powers. Sith also use light sabers with red laser blades. Sith can either be Shi'ar or non-Shi'ar. Sith tend to be more likely than Jedi to engage in evil acts. Sith are technically legal under the laws of the Shi'ar Intergalactic Empire, but they are closely watched by Imperial authorities for criminal acts and activities.
  • A Sith is a member of the Sith Order, who studied, served and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the dark side of the Force. The weapon of the Sith is the Sith lightsaber, a weapon with a blade made of pure energy. The Sith fought for conquest in the Sith Empire, usually against their mortal enemies, the Jedi, who studied the light side of the Force.
  • Categoría:Esbozos thumb Los Sith, son una organización de diversas especies, que buscan la inmortalidad y poder. Cualquier socio puede convertirse en Sith en la fiesta de Star Wars: La Invasión. Los Sith, al igual que los Jedi , usan la Fuerza y los sables de luz pero ellos usan el miedo, la ira, y el odio como arma, también conocido como el lado oscuro de la Fuerza. Solo pueden a ver dos Sith a la vez siempre: un maestro y un aprendiz, si hubiera uno más, los más débiles matarian al mas fuerte. Los miembros conocidos son Darth Herbert (nombre real Darth Vader y el Emperador Palpatine. Están a favor del Imperio Galáctico.
  • The Sith are Force-sensitive beings that utalize the dark side of the Force and band together to oppose the Jedi. In Star Wars canon, Sith were originally a type of red skinned species that lived in the area of the galaxy near Korriban. Later, the term came to describe exiled Dark Jedi that adopted some of the culture of the Sith species. Since then, there was a cycle of galactic victory and defeat for the Sith. The Sith manage to survive defeat when other Jedi are tempted to fall to the dark side, sometimes at the prompting of the old spirit of a Sith lord. Despite the many changes in the Sith order's structure and opinions, one trait remains a constant: the desire to destroy the Jedi.
  • Sithorden var en orden av utövare av den mörka sidan av Kraften. Sithorden hade som mål att besegra och förgöra Jediorden. Sitherna bör ej förväxlas med de mörka jedierna, de som gått över till den mörka sidan. Sithlorderna nyttjade den mörka sidan av Kraften. De var jedimästarnas raka motsats och jobbade enbart för att främja sina egna intressen, vilket oftast gick ut på galaktisk dominans.
  • The Sith are an order of Force practitioners who have chosen the dark side of the Force as the source of their power. Members of the Sith Order are called Sith Lords or Dark Lords of the Sith. The sworn enemy of the Jedi, the Order has existed in many forms and structures throughout history. Originally, the Sith were a humanoid species, enslaved by a group of exiled Dark Jedi. These renegades came to call themselves the Lords of the Sith, or simply Sith. The goal of the Sith was to conquer the Galactic Republic and exact vengeance on the Jedi Order.
  • The Sith are an organization and order of Dark side Force-users in the Star Wars universe. The first Sith were once Jedi before they turned evil and embraced the Dark side of the Force.
  • Die Sith besitzen eine komplexe Kultur, die in der Lebensweise der primitiven Sith-Spezies verwurzelt ist und später immer wieder verschiedene Ausprägungen bekam. Die Sith-Kultur erlaubt jedem Dunklem Machtnutzer größere Anwendungsfreiheit in an, die Macht zu benutzen, als die Jedi, was in der Geschichte oft zu Überläufern führte, die sich größere Macht erhofften. Die gesamte Ideologie der Sith ist darauf ausgerichtet, größere Macht zu bekommen, weshalb sich die Schwachen den Starken unterwerfen müssen und ihnen als Sklaven dienen müssen, was im direkten Widerspruch zu den Prinzipien der Jedi steht, die die Schwächeren verteidigen und in Schutz nehmen. Außerdem wandelten die Sith ihre Angst in Zorn, der zu Hass ausgebildet wurde, während die Jedi stets nach Harmonie, Frieden und Gerechtigkeit strebten, was einer der vielen Gründe für die Abneigung und die Versuche zur völligen Vernichtung der jeweils anderen Partei war.
  • Ordinul Sith era o sectă a părţii întunecate ai cărei adepţi aveau ca principal scop obţinerea puterii şi distrugerea Ordinului Jedi. Adepţii Sith erau caracterizaţi prin setea lor de putere şi prin metodele adesea brutale prin care o obţineau. Secta a existat sub diverse forme de-a lungul istoriei galactice. La început Sith a fost o simplă specie umanoidă de pe planeta Korriban, care la un moment dat a luat contact cu un grup de Jedi Întunecaţi exilaţi din rândul Cavalerilor Jedi. In urma contopirii celor celor doua civilizaţii a luat naştere Ordinul Sith, care ulterior nu a mai fost identificat după specie, ci după filozofia practicată. Au eixistat mai multe facţiuni Sith, ditre care cele mai notabile au fost Imperiul Sith, Ordinul Lorzilor Sith şi Triumviratul Sith
  • The Sith Order was a sect of dark side Force users bent on destroying the Jedi. They were characterized by their single-minded lust for power and the brutal methods they were willing to use in order to acquire it. The sect existed in many diverse forms throughout galactic history. Originally, the Sith were a humanoid species that interbred with a group of exiled Dark Jedi, but after the rise and fall of that people, the meaning of the word 'Sith' changed. In time, the Sith would not be identified by their race, but by their dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. There were many factions of the Sith, the most notable being the Sith Empire and the Order of the Sith Lords.
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