  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • 10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none 10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown
  • Stejně jako většina Jediů, tak i Windu nosí obyčejnou tuniku a dlouhý plášť. Na nohou ,má vždy obuté své vysoké černé boty. Ačkoliv to není na první pohled zjevné, Mace Windu není člověk, je to Koruan (název rasy Korun). Ta mu poskytuje výhodu v tom, že má větší možnosti ve využívání Síly.
  • Mace Windu is a Jedi, a man of peace, yet doesn't hesitate to use a Jedi Starfighter when the stars descend into war. Flying said starfighter, Windu races to the aid of his fellow Jedi who are under attack in the Jedi Temple. Upon arrival, he morphs his starfighter into a humanoid robot and storms into battle to protect his faith! Perhaps some day we will learn more about the dramatic attack on this temple. __TOC__
  • Mace Windu was a Jedi Master of the Jedi High Council. He is the Master of the Jedi Order, after giving up the position of Grandmaster to Master Yoda.
  • Mace Windows var en Kronisk jedimästare av MLG status och var under Spännigs dagarna som ledde fram till slaget om Programeran, efter vilket han gav titeln till Roger Lödwalker. Härstammande från transtenius, Mace Windu agerade som en av de sista av medlemmarna i Banan rådet före fallet av Motiveran. Han åt stensås redan som ung MLG ? MLG var hans hemplanet och allt annat som står är bullshit... bajs var hans favvo mat och med kissvinssås. Han drack även läsken fanta med citron och bajssmak
  • Mace Windu is a minifigure based on a character from the Star Wars movies of the same name. Mace Windu has appeared in four variations throughout sets in LEGO Star Wars, and a fifth variant was released in 2013. He has also appeared in three of the four LEGO Star Wars Video Games. He first appeared in a set in 2005.
  • Mace Windu is now a collector's item and piece of historical memorabilia as it was first marketed as the free toy with every Happy Meal during the Cold War.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi der während der Klonkriege an der Seite seines Meisters Yoda kämpfte. Er hatte 2 Schüler namens Depa Billaba und Bultar Swan. In der Schlacht von Geonosis tötete er den Kopfgeldjäger Jango Fett. Sein Sohn Boba Fett wollte sich dafür rächen und tat sich mit den Kopfgeldjägern Aurra Sing, Bossk und Castas zusammen. Er scheiterte und wurde zusammen mit Bossk gefangen genommen. Als Mace versuchte den dunklen Lord der Sith Palpatine zu töten wurde er von diesem mit Machtblitzen aus dem Fenster geschleudert. Jedoch konnte er den Sturz überleben und damit auch die Order 66.
  • Mace Windu was a well-respected Korun Jedi Master. He served as a member of the Jedi High Council prior to the Great Jedi Purge. Considered by many of his compatriots to be a master swordsman, Windu created the Vaapad lightsaber combat form.
  • Mace Windu, also known as Shaft Windu, Zeus Windu, The Man that PWNS everyfrakingthing and Mace Windy DooDoo, was the baddest motherfraker this side of the galaxy. He was a rapper and gang member his entire life. He recorded two singles, including his bootlegged own version of Ewok Gangsta Rap. He was killed in a gang fight by traitor Mannequin Skywanker.
  • Mace Windu był jednym z największych mistrzów czasu schyłku Republiki, a także członkiem Najwyższej Rady Jedi. Często, razem z Yodą, posiadali ostatnie słowo na posiedzeniach. Mace Windu, czarnoskóry mistrz Jedi, był uważany przez niektórych za równie potężnego, co mistrz Yoda. Posiadał szczególną umiejętność wyczuwania za pośrednictwem Mocy tzw. "punktów przełomu". Opracował siódmą, niesamowicie skomplikowaną formę walki mieczem świetlnym, zwaną Vaapad. Miecz świetlny, którego używał, posiadał klingę o rzadko spotykanym w tym okresie fioletowym kolorze
  • Mace Windu was één van de machtigste en bekendste Jedi Masters in de laatste jaren van de Galactic Republic.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi-Meister des alten Jedi-Ordens. Er lebte zu Zeiten der Alten Republik. Er wurde von Darth Sidious aus dessem Büro im Galaktischen Senat in die Tiefen von Courosunt geschleudert.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi-Meister des alten Jedi-Ordens. Er lebte zu Zeiten der Alten Republik. Er wurde von Darth Sidious aus dessem Büro im Galaktischen Senat in die Tiefen von Courosunt geschleudert.
  • Mace Windu was one of the galaxy's strongest Jedi Knights. He died in the Clone Wars attempting to save the chosen one, Stephen Colbert, from falling to the dark side of the American political party system. Luckily for us all, Stephen Colbert is safe from the clutches of the dreaded Democrat Party. Unfortunately for Mace, he was killed in battle against up-and-coming Democrat Party potential presidential nomination Emperor Palpatine. Mace Windu is credited as being the bravest Jedi to ever exist and is widely accepted as the strongest human to ever breath the same, unfiltered air of the dirty liberal Democrats.
  • Mace Windu es un jedi de la saga de Star Wars.
  • Jedi-Meister Mace Windu ist Mitglied des Hohen Rat der Jedi. Er ist der enzige bekannte Jedi mit einem lilanen Laserschwert.
  • Mace Windu was a human male Jedi who fought during the Clone Wars . He was born on Haruun Kal and soon became a lead member of the Jedi Council. He was famous for his lightsaber skills and was fairly intimidating to his enemies. He was also a master at hand to hand combat. Mace Windu fought with a blue lightsaber until he became a member of the Jedi Council, then constructing a purple lightsaber to demonstrate his skill. He met his death at the hands of Darth Sidious after having his hand cut off by Anakin Skywalker.
  • Mace Windu was a Grand Jedi Master and was also a member for the Jedi High Council, he was a Lightsaber Master in the Lightsaber form known as Vaa'pad. Mace was a skilled Jedi and knew right from wrong. Mace was a strong believer in democracy and always had a say on the council, because he and Yoda were close friends Mace was also one of the leading Jedi who wanted to be away from the field. Mace Windu, was sometimes very arrogant and didn't want the conversation near him. Mace was then supposedly killed during his fight with Palpatine but he survived only by will power, and turned to help the rebels on Yavin. Mace had his hand replaced after having it hacked off during his fight with Palpatine it was now a metal replacement like Anakin's but able to do more than his did.
  • Mace Windu is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is portrayed by actor Samuel L. Jackson in the prequel films.
  • Mace Windu was een Jedi Master. Zijn minifiguurtje bevatte een paars Jedi kostuum en een paars lichtzwaard.
  • thumb|214pxMace Windu Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži Kategória:Jediovia
  • Windu was a powerful swordsman, even inventing his own lightsaber form of combat, known as Vaapad. One of Mace's apprentices was the Jedi Depa Billaba. Mace Windu was killed when he tried to arrest Chancellor Palpatine in Episode III. Mace deflected Palpatine's Sith lighting, but Anakin Skywalker cut off his lightsaber hand and Darth Sidous struck the defenceless Mace with force lightning and was launched out of the building's broken glass window onto the street miles below.
  • Mace Windu (72 BBY - 19 BBY) era un potente maestro Jedi ucciso da Darth Sidious. La sua saggezza e la sua potenza sono leggendarie. Oltre la sua reputazione di saggio, Windu è considerato come uno dei migliori combattenti con la spada laser dell'Ordine Jedi.
  • He is the former Master of the Order, a title he passed on to Jedi Master Yoda during the Clone Wars when he heard about Dr. Nefarious he would need Ratchet & Clank's help
  • Mace Windu was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
  • Im Baukasten Clone Turbo Tank 7261 hat er ein Lichtschwert mit der seltenen violette Klinge. In der Neuauflage des Baukasten im Jahr 2007, wurde es durch eine normale Klinge ersetzt.
  • Mace Windu fue un Maestro Jedi humano y miembro del Alto Consejo Jedi durante los últimos días de la República Galáctica. Nacido en el planeta Haruun Kal, Windu fue entrenado en los caminos de la Fuerza debido a su fuerte conexión con ella. Al ascender al rango de Maestro, empezó a ser conocido como el campeón de la Orden Jedi, un honor que acarreó hasta años después de su muerte. En algún punto de su carrera, Windu pasó a servir como Maestro de la Orden, el líder electo de la Orden Jedi.
  • Mace Windu, to mistrz Jedi pochodzący z Haruun Kal, który żył w czasach tuż przed końcem istnienia pierwotnego Zakonu Jedi. Mace był członkiem Rady Jedi oraz jednym z największych mistrzów Jedi swoich czasów. Niektórzy utrzymują, że jego znajomość Mocy była porównywalna z umiejętnościami mistrza Yody. Jego szczególną umiejętnością było wyczuwanie za pośrednictwem Mocy "punktów węzłowych" historii (zwanych "punktami przełomu" - ang. shatterpoint), chociaż nie zawsze potrafił odpowiednio w takich momentach zareagować. Był mistrzem siódmej formy walki mieczem świetlnym, zwanej Vaapad. Jego broń miała rzadko spotykaną purpurową barwę ostrza.
  • Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force. When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant. With reservations, he agreed that the child, Anakin Skywalker, could be tested for Jedi potential. He thought it impossible that the Separatist leader, former Jedi Count Dooku, could be behind the escalating flashpoints of violence in the galaxy. Such aggression was not in his character, Mace reasoned.
  • Mace Windu is a Jedi Master in the fictional Star Wars universe and one of the last members of the Jedi Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Image:Mace Windu.jpg A senior member on the Jedi Council, Master Windu was a respected Jedi on a par with the venerable Master Yoda. His wisdom and power was legendary, as was the weight of his words. In addition to his reputation for wisdom, Windu is considered to be one of the finest swordsmen to ever grace the Jedi Order. He is the creator of Vaapad, a dueling technique derived from the seventh style of lightsaber combat. Only Mace Windu, his former student Depa Billaba, and legendary lightsaber instructor Sora Bulq have ever mastered it, though both Depa and Sora fell to the Dark Side through the technique.
  • Mace Windu was one of the main protagonists in the Star Wars prequels. He was portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson who also portrays Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. Mace was an extremely powerful Jedi Master and second-in command to the Jedi council. He appeared in the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga and served as a general in the Clone Wars. He engages in a battle with Chancillor Palpatine/Darth Sidious and restrains him. Mace apparently had the upper hand and had Palpatine cornered. Palpatine attacked with his force lightning but Mace blocked it with his lightsaber. The lightning rebounded and deformed Palpatine's face. He then tried to slay the Sith lord but Anakin Skywalker stopped him and severed his arm. Palpatine used his force lightning once more and threw him out
  • Mace Windu is one of the most respected Jedi Masters in Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. He is well-versed in the ways of the Force, and skilled at the use of the lightsaber. He is very wise and his opinion holds massive importance in the Jedi Council.
  • Mace Windu (s. 72 BBY - k. 19 BBY) oli legendaarinen miespuolinen jedimestari Imperiumin nousun aikakaudella. Windu oli peräisin Haruun Kal-planeetalta, ja hän oli yksi viimeisistä jedineuvoston jäsenistä ennen suurta jedipuhdistusta. Windua pidettiin toiseksi parhaana jedinä, vain Yodaa pidettiin parempana. Vaikka Windu oli kahdeksan vuosisataa nuorempi kun Yoda, olivat hänen tietonsa ja taitonsa kuitenkin legendaarisia.
  • Mace Windu egy korun Jedi mester volt, akit Yoda nem sokkal a geonosisi csata előtt a Rend Mestere címmel ruházott fel. Windu Haruun Kal világából származott, és a nagy Jedi tisztogatás előtt a Jedi Nagytanács egyik utolsó tagja volt. Bár bölcsessége legendás volt és nagy súlya volt a szavának, Yodát a kora miatt jobban tisztelték nála. A Galaxis egyik legjobb vívójának mondhatta magát. Kifejlesztett egy új küzdőstílust, a vaapadot, amit mindössze két ember tudott megtanulni, és csak Windu tudta úgy alkalmazni úgy, hogy közben nem állt át a sötét oldalra. Azt beszélték, hogy csak Yoda és Dooku tudná felvenni vele a versenyt vívás terén. Egész életében a Jedi Rendet szolgálta, sok Jedit tanított, köztük Depa Billabát és Echuu Shen-Jont. Ő vezette azt a 212 Jedit, akik a Geonosisi csatában h
  • Mace Windu Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Gå til: navigation , søg "Windu" omdirigerer her. For den cyklus af 8 månens år, se javanesisk kalender . Mace Windu Star Wars karakter Samuel L. Jackson som Mace Windu Portrætteret af Samuel L. Jackson (prequel film) Udtrykt af Terrence C. Carson ( 2002 video game , Star Wars Battlefront 2 , Clone Wars universet) Samuel L. Jackson ( 2008 animerede film ) Kevin Michael Richardson ( Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles , Star Wars: Obi-Wan , Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter ) Tesshō Genda (japanske dub, flere projekter) Fiktiv profil Arter Menneskelig Køn Mand
  • Mace Windu (portrayed primarily by Samuel L. Jackson) is a supporting character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The character is famous for being the only Jedi in the Star Wars films to have a purple lightsaber; all other Jedi use either blue or green lightsabers, while Sith use red. The purple lightsaber was used at Jackson's request, as he wanted Windu to have something unique from other Jedi.
  • [Source] Mace Windu est le deuxième maître de l'Ordre Jedi après Yoda. Sa sagesse et sa puissance sont légendaires. Windu a créé une technique particulière de combat au sabre laser : le vaapad, technique de combat très dangereuse car elle consiste à utiliser des sentiments agressifs de haine et de colère ce qui rapproche dangereusement son utilisateur vers le côté obscur si celui-ci ne peut maîtriser suffisamment ses sentiments. Il s'agit d'une technique extrêmement puissante, qui fut interdite pour le risque mentionné précédemment.
  • Mace Windu a fost un Maestru Jedi Korun legendar care a purtat titulatura de Maestru al Ordinului în zilele de dinaintea Bătălia de pe Geonosis, după care a cedat titlul Marelui Maestru Yoda. Provenind de pe planeta Haruun Kal, Mace Windu a fost unul din ultimii membri ai Înaltului Consiliu Jedi de dinainte de Marea Epurare Jedi. Având funcţie în Consiliu, Windu era adesea considerat al doilea după Marele Maestru Yoda, deşi Windu era cu 800 de ani mai tânăr decât acesta. Înţelepciunea şi puterea lui erau considerate de mulţi legendare, ca de altfel şi greutatea cuvintelor sale.
  • Mace Windu is a powerful Jedi Master and second-in command to the Jedi Council. He appeared in the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga, and served as a general in the Clone Wars. In, Revenge of the Sith he engages in a battle with Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious and restrains him. Windu had the upper hand and had Palpatine cornered. Palpatine attacked with his force lightning but Windu blocked it with his lightsaber. The lightning rebounded and deformed Palpatine's face. He then tried to slay the Sith Lord but Anakin Skywalker stopped him and severed his arm. Palpatine used his force lightning once more and threw him out of the building to his death.
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • y
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Мейс Уинду
  • Good
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • Μέις Ουίντου
  • miecz świetlny
dubbing polski
  • Jacek Rozenek
  • *Depa Billaba/Légendes *Devan For'deschel *Echuu Shen-Jon *
  • Masculin
  • muž
  • Jedi Master/General
  • Humain
  • Haarun-Kal
  • Haarun-Kal
  • mężczyzna
Row 4 info
  • Purple Lightsaber
  • Hellblau
  • Hellblau
  • 250
  • 250
  • 152.0
  • *Jediritarikunta *Galaktinen Tasavalta *ULF *Balawai
  • Fekete
  • Männlich
  • Männlich
  • Mace Windu
  • 19
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Bruin
  • Samuel L Jackson
  • *Orden Jedi **Alto Consejo Jedi **Equipo de ataque de Geonosis *República Galáctica **Gran Ejército de la República
  • Mace Windu
Row 1 info
  • 72
  • hnědá
  • 1.200000
  • 188.0
  • Mace Windu
  • 72
type of hero
  • Arrogant Hero/Heroic Jerk/Extremist
  • człowiek
  • USB 3
  • 250
  • Orange röd grön blå
  • 5.995944E8
Row 4 title
  • Weapon:
  • 11280.0
  • Mace Windu.jpg
  • Lichtschwert mit seltener violetter Klinge
  • 19
  • * Ordem Jedi ** Conselho Jedi ** Equipe de Assalto Jedi * República Galática
  • Mace Windu
  • 18
  • Frak Fu
  • Mace Windu
  • 72
  • Mace Windu
  • 82
  • 1.88
  • 3
  • 72
  • 250
  • Sable de luz morado
  • Umano
  • Om
  • 20
  • Ei ole
  • 72
Row 2 info
  • 19
  • Spoiler 19 BBY, Coruscant
  • Mace Windu
Row 1 title
  • Born:
  • Calvo, anticamente neri
  • *Stará Republika
  • Castaño
  • Korun
  • 19
  • Mace_Windu.jpg
Row 2 title
  • Death:
  • siehe oben
  • 16
  • *Ordine Jedi *Repubblica Galattica
  • *Samuel L. Jackson *Terrence C. Carson
  • Mace Windu
  • Live jasmine
  • Careca
  • 72
  • Negra
  • *Řád Jedi *Rada Jediů *Galaktická republika
  • Home premium
  • Mann
Row 3 info
  • High Jedi master
  • dobry
  • Very Rare
Row 3 title
  • Type:
  • 1,92 m
Pełne imię
  • Mace Windu
  • *Episode I - III *Clone Wars *Jedi 50px|Republik
  • Mensch
  • Mensch
  • 19
  • Man
  • Jedi Orden Galaktische Republik
  • Jedi Orden Galaktische Republik
  • 20
  • Ruskeat
force power
  • Deppa Billaba
  • Deppa Billaba
  • character
Box Title
  • Mace Windu
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • 메이스 윈두
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Masculin
  • Clone Strike
  • *Clone Turbo Tank 7261 *Mace Windu’s Jedi Starfighter 7868 *Republic Attack Shuttle 8019 *Palpatine's Arrest 9526 *AT-TE 75019
  • Republic
  • macewindu
  • Star Wars
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Power of the Force
  • Jedi Master
  • Master of the Order
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Purple Lightsaber
  • nie żyje
  • Jedi
  • *Jedi Order *Galactic Republic
  • *Ordre Jedi *République Galactique
  • *Jedi Order *Galactic Republic *Jedi Council
  • *Jedi Order **Jedi High Council **Jedi assault team **Mace Windu's squad *Galactic Republic **Republic military ***Grand Army of the Republic
First Appearance
  • 7261
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Black
  • Bald
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu/Legends
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Zeus Windu, Shaft Windu, Mace Windu, or Mothuh Frakkah
  • Mace Windu
  • Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  • Bossk biography gallery
  • Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  • "Arresting the Chancellor"
  • "Execution Arena Finale"
  • "Mace Defeats Jango"
  • "Mace Windu Defeats Jango Fett"
  • "This Party's Over"
  • "Unlimited Power"
  • Drawing Mace Windu
  • Drawing Mace Windu
  • Hero
  • Jedi
  • Jedi
  • Jedi
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • The Phantom Menace
  • Force 5
  • Lightsaber Precision
  • Lightsaber Block
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • *Depa Billaba *Devan For'deschel *Echuu Shen-Jon
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
Spalte 1 Titel
  • Spezies
  • Mace Windu
Spalte 3 Titel
  • Heimat
  • 19
Spalte 1 Info
  • Mensch
Spalte 2 Titel
  • Geschlecht
  • *Yoda
Spalte 3 Info
  • Haruun Kal
Spalte 2 Info
  • Männlich
  • Căprui
Data morţii
  • 19
  • Coruscant
  • 188
lumea de origine
  • Haruun Kal
  • Negru
  • 188
  • 1.88
wykonywane funkcje:
  • członek Rady Jedi
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Мейс Вінду
  • Мейс Вінду
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu/Legendy
Primary Weapon
  • 魅使·雲度
  • General Windu
  • Master Windu
  • Purple
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • 1.880000
  • 1.93
  • 1.92
  • midget tall guy
  • Mace Windu
  • Member of the Jedi High Council
  • 150
  • 250
  • 250
  • 22
  • 250
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду
  • Мейс Винду/Канон
Image size
  • 300
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Jedi
  • Mace Windows
  • Mace Windu
  • 192
  • 63
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Unknown
  • 19
  • Mace Windu
  • c. 32 BBY–19 BBY
  • None
  • Mace Portrait.jpg
  • Star Wars
  • Gang Member, Rapper
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • 200
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • メイス・ウィンドゥ/レジェンズ
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Luminara Unduli
  • Jedi Master
  • Jedi General
  • Master of the Order
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Episode II
  • Clone Wars version
  • Episode III, 2012 redesign
  • Light-up Lightsaber version
  • Original Episode III variant
  • Original Episode III variant, non-lightup version
  • 150
  • 9526
  • 75019
  • Mace Windu.png
  • Mace_Windu.jpg
  • Master Windu.png
  • films/star-wars-episode-iii-revenge-of-the-sith
  • bossk-biography-gallery
  • films/star-wars-episode-ii-attack-of-the-clones
  • kids/do/draw/f20090514/index.html
  • kids/do/draw/f20090514/index.html
  • video/arresting-the-chancellor
  • video/execution-arena-finale
  • video/mace-defeats-jango
  • video/mace-windu-defeats-jango-fett
  • video/this-party-s-over
  • video/unlimited-power
  • Mace Windu
  • Dark
  • 72
Image File
  • Windu.jpg
  • 72
  • Menneske
  • Operativsystem
  • Unique
  • Triple Attack
  • Melee Attack
  • Vaapad-Style Fighting
  • Naboo Soldier
  • White
  • *Sabre laser violet *La Force
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • Mace Windu
  • 250
  • Mace Windu.jpg
  • file:Mace Windu.jpg
  • 64
  • 72
  • "Why ya wanna know?"
  • c. 72 BBY
  • 300
  • Medium
miejsce i data urodzenia:
  • 72
  • *Ordinul Jedi *Republica Galactică
  • y
wykonywane zawody:
  • Jedi
  • * Depa Billaba * Devan For'deschel * Echuu Sen-Jon * Iguni
  • y
  • 19
Kolor włosów
  • czarny
  • Zakon JediRepublika Galaktyczna
  • 1,88 m
Powód śmierci
  • porażony piorunami przez Dartha Sidiusa
kolor oczu:
  • brunatny
Kolor skóry
  • czarny
  • tmavá
  • * Jedi Rend * Galaktikus Köztársaság
Data naşterii
  • 72
  • Haruun Kal
  • Barna
rasa (gatunek):
  • mężczyzna
  • Marroni
  • 1.880000
  • YE 19, Coruscant, Darth Sidious által
  • 1.88
  • Gwiezdne Wojny 1 Mroczne Widmo Gwiezdne Wojny 2 Atak Klonów Gwiezdne Wojny 3 Zemsta Sithów
  • Yoda
  • YodaT'ra Saa
  • *Yoda *T'ra Saa
  • Mejce Vindu
Spalte 4 Info
Spalte 7 Titel
  • Zugehörigkeit
Spalte 4 Titel
  • Beruf
Spalte 6 Info
Spalte 7 Info
Spalte 6 Titel
  • Schüler
Spalte 5 Titel
  • Meister
  • Depa BillabaDevan For'deschelEchuu Shen-Jon
  • *Depa Billaba *Echuu Shen-Jon *Iguni
miejsce i data śmierci:
  • 19
Spalte 5 Info
  • *Depa Billaba *Echuu Shen-Jon *Iguni
  • Wojny Klonów
  • 10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none 10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown
  • Stejně jako většina Jediů, tak i Windu nosí obyčejnou tuniku a dlouhý plášť. Na nohou ,má vždy obuté své vysoké černé boty. Ačkoliv to není na první pohled zjevné, Mace Windu není člověk, je to Koruan (název rasy Korun). Ta mu poskytuje výhodu v tom, že má větší možnosti ve využívání Síly.
  • Mace Windu is a powerful Jedi Master and second-in command to the Jedi Council. He appeared in the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga, and served as a general in the Clone Wars. In, Revenge of the Sith he engages in a battle with Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious and restrains him. Windu had the upper hand and had Palpatine cornered. Palpatine attacked with his force lightning but Windu blocked it with his lightsaber. The lightning rebounded and deformed Palpatine's face. He then tried to slay the Sith Lord but Anakin Skywalker stopped him and severed his arm. Palpatine used his force lightning once more and threw him out of the building to his death. In the first battle of the Clone Wars, Windu and hundreds of Jedi traveled to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. They fought battle droids and Windu ended up in a stand off with Jango Fett. Windu deflected Fett's shooting and decapitated him. When Yoda arrived with the clones, Windu lead troops into battle and was victorious. A part of him did not believe that Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one and believed that Anakin was too old to be trained. During the war, Anakin's friendship with the Chancellor increased to a point when the council was starting to not trust either of them. Little did they know that Anakin's friendship with Palpatine would lead to the downfall of the Jedi. When Windu was killed, Yoda could sense it and literally felt the pain from it. He was portrayed by veteran actor, Samuel L. Jackson.
  • Mace Windu is a Jedi, a man of peace, yet doesn't hesitate to use a Jedi Starfighter when the stars descend into war. Flying said starfighter, Windu races to the aid of his fellow Jedi who are under attack in the Jedi Temple. Upon arrival, he morphs his starfighter into a humanoid robot and storms into battle to protect his faith! Perhaps some day we will learn more about the dramatic attack on this temple. __TOC__
  • Mace Windu was a Jedi Master of the Jedi High Council. He is the Master of the Jedi Order, after giving up the position of Grandmaster to Master Yoda.
  • Mace Windows var en Kronisk jedimästare av MLG status och var under Spännigs dagarna som ledde fram till slaget om Programeran, efter vilket han gav titeln till Roger Lödwalker. Härstammande från transtenius, Mace Windu agerade som en av de sista av medlemmarna i Banan rådet före fallet av Motiveran. Han åt stensås redan som ung MLG ? MLG var hans hemplanet och allt annat som står är bullshit... bajs var hans favvo mat och med kissvinssås. Han drack även läsken fanta med citron och bajssmak
  • Mace Windu Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Gå til: navigation , søg "Windu" omdirigerer her. For den cyklus af 8 månens år, se javanesisk kalender . Mace Windu Star Wars karakter Samuel L. Jackson som Mace Windu Portrætteret af Samuel L. Jackson (prequel film) Udtrykt af Terrence C. Carson ( 2002 video game , Star Wars Battlefront 2 , Clone Wars universet) Samuel L. Jackson ( 2008 animerede film ) Kevin Michael Richardson ( Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles , Star Wars: Obi-Wan , Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter ) Tesshō Genda (japanske dub, flere projekter) Fiktiv profil Arter Menneskelig Køn Mand Position Jedi Master , Jedi rådsmedlem, High Jedi General, tidligere ordensherre Homeworld Haruun Kal Tilhørsforhold Jedi Order , Galaktiske Republik Mace Windu er en fiktiv karakter i Star Wars universet , mest berømt portrætteret af skuespilleren Samuel L. Jackson i prequel filmene . Imidlertid har Mace også blevet fremført af andre aktører i diverse videospil og animerede projekter. Mace Windu er en Jedi Master og en af de sidste medlemmer af Jedi Rådet før faldet af Galaktiske Republik . Mace er Rådets primære kontaktperson til højesteret kansler, selv om Clone Wars få ham til at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved hans fasteste overbevisninger. [1] Indhold [hide] 1 karakter undfangelse og overblik 2 Optrædener i Star Wars filmene 2,1 The Phantom Menace 2,2 Attack of the Clones 2,3 Revenge of the Sith 3 Optrædener i Expanded Universe 4 Star Wars Transformers 5 Reception 6 Yderligere læsning 7 Referencer 8 Eksterne links [ edit ] Character undfangelse og overblik Mace Windu er en af de tidligste navngivet og skabte figurer i Star Wars historie, som er fortælleren af de oprindelige 1973 udkast til den originale Star Wars film (senere kaldet Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope ). [2] Gennem processen med omformulering og copyediting, blev hans karakter fjernet fra den oprindelige film og dens to efterfølgere, men han blev genindført i 1994, hvor seriens skaber George Lucas begyndte at skrive den prequel trilogien. Søgningen efter en skuespiller til at spille den karakter sluttede, da Samuel L. Jackson udtrykte sit ønske om at være i den næste film, som borgerne vil senere lære skulle døbt The Phantom Menace. Lucas så tilbød ham rollen, som Jackson accepteret og dermed underskrevet den, men med visse bestemmelser om skildringen af ​​hans karakter. Bevidst, at klimaks prequel trilogien sidste ende vil opfordre til Mace Windu død, en af de betingelser var, at hans karakter dø i en spektakulær måde, snarere end at blive dræbt ingloriously "ligesom nogle punk". [3] Også, ifølge et interview på Late Show med David Letterman den 13. maj 2005, Mace er lilla (nogle faktisk sige 'crimson') lyssværd var en personlig anmodning fra Jackson til Lucas som en quid pro quo for optræder i filmene, som såvel som en måde at gøre den karakter enestående og let skelnelige. Jackson, en ivrig Star Wars fan, især ønskede hans egen farve, så hans karakter kunne let plettet og genkendes i det endelige kampscene af Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones midt i al den anden Jedi. Denne afgørelse om Master Windu lyssværd farve kan meget vel have ændret opfattelse af, hvad en Jedi lyssværd skal se ud med hensyn til farve. [ edit ] Optrædener i Star Wars filmene [ edit ] The Phantom Menace Windu optræder første gang i Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace . som Master of the Jedi Order [1] Han er til stede, når Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn ( Liam Neeson ) bringer Anakin Skywalker ( Jake Lloyd ) før Jedi Rådet, hævder at den unge slave er "udvalgte" som Jedi profeti forudsiger vil skabe balance på Kraften . Windu deler Rådets betænkeligheder, at drengen udviser en stor frygt, og er enig med kroppens enstemmige beslutning om at nægte Qui-Gon tilladelse til at træne ham som en Jedi. Men efter Qui-Gon død i hænderne på den Sith Lord Darth Maul ( Ray Park , og stemme af Peter Serafinowicz ), Rådet revurderer og tillader Qui-Gon lærling, Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Ewan McGregor ), at uddanne Anakin i stedet . Han er til stede ved Qui-Gon begravelse, på hvilket tidspunkt han bekræfter med Yoda (stemme af Frank Oz ), at Qui-Gon morder var uden tvivl en Sith, selvom de ikke var sikker på, om dette var skibsføreren eller bare lærlingen. [ edit ] Attack of the Clones I Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones , der 10 år senere, Mace forsøger at hjælpe Rådet besejre den stigende trussel, som separatisterne, ledet af Jedi Master-turned-Sith Lord Count Dooku ( Christopher Lee ). Han har også ser med stigende bekymring som den nu voksne Anakin ( Hayden Christensen ) begynder at gøre oprør mod Obi-Wan har formynderskab. I filmens klimaks scene, fører han en stor gruppe af Jedier i en kamp mod Dooku hær . I denne kamp, ​​dræber Windu dusørjægeren Jango Fett ( Temuera Morrison ), skabelonen for en hær af clone troopers . [ edit ] Revenge of the Sith Mace gør hans sidste film optræden i Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith . Ved dette punkt, har han kæmpet i Clone Wars i tre år, i hvilken tid han er kommet til mistro republikkens højesteret kansler Palpatine ( Ian McDiarmid ) . Da Palpatine udpeger Anakin som sin personlige repræsentant i Jedi Rådet, Windu frygter, at flytningen er designet til at give Kansleren en afstemning i Jedi anliggender, og kaster en central stemme nægte Anakin den fulde rang af Jedi Master. Kort efter Anakin fortæller Mace han har lært at Palpatine er i virkeligheden den Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Mace, ledsaget af Jedi Masters Kit Fisto , Agen Kolar , og Saesee Tiin , går til kanslerens kontor for at konfrontere ham, selvom Dark Lord kan have faktisk forventet hans ankomst. Modsætte sig anholdelse, Palpatine svinger et rødt lyssværd og lancerer sig selv ved Jedi og dræbte alle tre af Mace ledsagere og engagere ham i en lightsaber duel. Windu overhånd i at vinde lyssværd del af hele duel og frakobler Sith Herre, som affyrer Force lightning på ham, Windu blokerer lyn med sit lyssværd og dirigerer den tilbage på Palpatine, ardannelse the Sith Herrens ansigt. Anakin derefter ankommer og Palpatine tigger om hjælp og erklærede, at kun han kan redde Anakin kone, Padmé Amidala ( Natalie Portman ). Anakin påberåbt med Mace ikke at dræbe kansler, og at han skal stå retssag før Senatet. Windu svarer, at Palpatine styrer både Senatet og domstolene, og er for farligt at blive holdt i live. Som Mace forbereder sig på at strejke, Anakin griber og skærer Windu lyssværd hånd. Palpatine derefter kaster los sin illusion af svaghed, og rammer Mace med en anden torrent af lyn, sende Mace kaster ud af kammeret vinduet til hans død. [4] [ rediger ] optrædener i Expanded Universe Mace Windu vises udførligt i Star Wars " Expanded Universe "af romaner og tegneserier. Han er en stor birolle i den animerede mikro-serie Star Wars: Clone Wars , der blev vist på Cartoon Network fra 2003 til 2005. I serien er han portrætteret af voice-skuespiller TC Carson . I episoder 12 og 13 i Volume One, er han vist forsvarer græsland planet Dantooine mod en stor svævende "fæstning", og i løbet, mister han sit lyssværd, hvilket tvang ham til i stedet bruge en dødelig form for ubevæbnet kamp drevet af Kraften . I episode 25, den sidste episode af Volume Two (og serien) han og kollega Jedi Master Yoda hjælpe med at forsvare planeten Coruscant fra et angreb fra Dooku anden-i-kommando, General Grievous . Midt i den kamp , indser han, at angrebet er et kneb for at distrahere Jedi fra Grievous 'egentlige mål: at kidnappe Palpatine. Han er for sent at redde kansler, men bruger Kraften til at knuse Grievous 'bryst, påførte på cyborg generelt hvæsen, astmatisk hoste hørt i Revenge of the Sith. I 2008 CGI film Star Wars: The Clone Wars , genoptog Samuel L. Jackson hans rolle som Mace Windu. Men Terrence C. Carson genoptog sin rolle som Mace Windu i tv-serie, der fulgte efter filmen . Mace er den centrale karakter af Matthew Stover 's roman Shatterpoint , hvor han er kaldet til sit hjem planet Haruun Kal at besejre sin tidligere lærling, Depa Billaba , der har henvendt sig til mørke side af Kraften . Romanen fastslår, at Windu har den unikke talent for at se "shatterpoints" eller brudlinjer i den kraft, der kunne påvirke skæbner visse enkeltpersoners, og faktisk galakse selv. Det forklarer også, at Windu er skaberen og eneste herre over en stil af lyssværd kamp kaldet Vaapad (Form VII), hvor kombattanter nederdele faretruende tæt på den mørke side - uden at give i det - ved faktisk nyder kampen og spændingen ved sejr. Alle andre, der har forsøgt at mestre form af enten gav efter for den mørke side, eller var i stand til korrekt beherske teknikken. Stover også refereres disse evner i hans novelization of Revenge of the Sith . Det blev sagt, at uden hans unikke stil kun Yoda og Count Dooku kunne matche ham. Men med brugen af ​​Vaapad han var den største sværdkæmper af sin tid, i stand til at besejre Darth Sidious i lyssværd kamp, ​​som selv Yoda ikke kunne opnå. Han var også i stand til at overvælde Dooku i lyssværd kamp under slaget ved Boz Pity der fandt sted mellem Episodes II og III. Udover Shatterpoint har Mace optrådt i andre Expanded Universe romaner, såsom Cloak of Deception , Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter , Rogue Planet , Outbound Flight , The Cestus Deception , Jedi Trial , Yoda: Dark Rendezvous og Labyrinth of Evil . [ edit ] Star Wars Transformers En Mace Windu action figur blev sat til Star Wars Transformers legetøj linje i 2006. Det var en omforme af legetøjet første gang brugt til Obi-Wan Kenobi , han bliver en Eta-2 Actis-klassen lys interceptor starfighter med astromech droid R4-M6. [ edit ] Reception IGN rapporterede Mace Windu som 27. top Star Wars karakter og erklærede, at han er en vigtig bestanddel af serien. [ * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Mace Windu (s. 72 BBY - k. 19 BBY) oli legendaarinen miespuolinen jedimestari Imperiumin nousun aikakaudella. Windu oli peräisin Haruun Kal-planeetalta, ja hän oli yksi viimeisistä jedineuvoston jäsenistä ennen suurta jedipuhdistusta. Windua pidettiin toiseksi parhaana jedinä, vain Yodaa pidettiin parempana. Vaikka Windu oli kahdeksan vuosisataa nuorempi kun Yoda, olivat hänen tietonsa ja taitonsa kuitenkin legendaarisia. Windua pidettiin myös yhtenä parhaana valosapelimiehenä jediritarikunnassa. Windu oli tunnettu omasta vaapad-valosapelitaistelutyylistään. Se oli tappava yhdistelmä tyyli VIII:tä ja vaapadia. Hän oli toinen kahdesta jotka hallitsivat tyylin ja ainoa, joka ei kääntynyt pimeälle puolelle. Sanottiin että valosapelitaistelussa vain Yoda ja Dooku olisivat samatasoisia. Windu oli myös tunnettu nimittämisestään jedineuvostoon kun hän oli vasta kaksikymmentäkahdeksanvuotias. Windu palveli jediritarikunnassa koko ikänsä ja kouluttikin monta tunnettua jediä, kuten Depa Billaban. Windu osallistui uransa aikana muun muuassa Starkin hyperavaruussotaan ja kloonisotiin, esimerkiksi Geonosiksen taisteluun, jossa hän johti hyökkäystä ja tappoi pahamaineisen palkkiometsästäjän, Jango Fettin.. Windu kuoli kloonisotien viimeisenä päivänä 19 BBY taistelussa sithlordi Darth Sidiousta vastaan.
  • Mace Windu is a minifigure based on a character from the Star Wars movies of the same name. Mace Windu has appeared in four variations throughout sets in LEGO Star Wars, and a fifth variant was released in 2013. He has also appeared in three of the four LEGO Star Wars Video Games. He first appeared in a set in 2005.
  • Mace Windu is now a collector's item and piece of historical memorabilia as it was first marketed as the free toy with every Happy Meal during the Cold War.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi der während der Klonkriege an der Seite seines Meisters Yoda kämpfte. Er hatte 2 Schüler namens Depa Billaba und Bultar Swan. In der Schlacht von Geonosis tötete er den Kopfgeldjäger Jango Fett. Sein Sohn Boba Fett wollte sich dafür rächen und tat sich mit den Kopfgeldjägern Aurra Sing, Bossk und Castas zusammen. Er scheiterte und wurde zusammen mit Bossk gefangen genommen. Als Mace versuchte den dunklen Lord der Sith Palpatine zu töten wurde er von diesem mit Machtblitzen aus dem Fenster geschleudert. Jedoch konnte er den Sturz überleben und damit auch die Order 66.
  • Mace Windu was a well-respected Korun Jedi Master. He served as a member of the Jedi High Council prior to the Great Jedi Purge. Considered by many of his compatriots to be a master swordsman, Windu created the Vaapad lightsaber combat form.
  • Mace Windu, also known as Shaft Windu, Zeus Windu, The Man that PWNS everyfrakingthing and Mace Windy DooDoo, was the baddest motherfraker this side of the galaxy. He was a rapper and gang member his entire life. He recorded two singles, including his bootlegged own version of Ewok Gangsta Rap. He was killed in a gang fight by traitor Mannequin Skywanker.
  • Mace Windu (portrayed primarily by Samuel L. Jackson) is a supporting character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The character is famous for being the only Jedi in the Star Wars films to have a purple lightsaber; all other Jedi use either blue or green lightsabers, while Sith use red. The purple lightsaber was used at Jackson's request, as he wanted Windu to have something unique from other Jedi. The character is first introduced as a member of the Jedi Council when Qui-Gon Jinn presents Anakin Skywalker and professes his belief that Anakin is the Chosen One. Windu aides in testing Anakin for potential Jedi training, and initially rejects Anakin—but the Council agrees to let Obi-Wan Kenobi train the boy after Qui-Gon is killed by Darth Maul. Ten years later, Mace leads a battalion of Jedi to rescue Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Senator Padmé Amidala, who are being held captive by anti-Republic Separatists. The rescue mission sparks the first battle of the Clone Wars, which Windu serves in as a general for the next three years. After Anakin discovers that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is the Dark Lord of the Sith, Windu and a group of Jedi confront the Chancellor. The other Jedi are quickly killed, leading to a duel between Windu and Palpatine. Before Windu was able to strike a killing blow, he was attacked by Anakin—who had turned to the dark side—and killed by Palpatine.
  • Mace Windu był jednym z największych mistrzów czasu schyłku Republiki, a także członkiem Najwyższej Rady Jedi. Często, razem z Yodą, posiadali ostatnie słowo na posiedzeniach. Mace Windu, czarnoskóry mistrz Jedi, był uważany przez niektórych za równie potężnego, co mistrz Yoda. Posiadał szczególną umiejętność wyczuwania za pośrednictwem Mocy tzw. "punktów przełomu". Opracował siódmą, niesamowicie skomplikowaną formę walki mieczem świetlnym, zwaną Vaapad. Miecz świetlny, którego używał, posiadał klingę o rzadko spotykanym w tym okresie fioletowym kolorze
  • Mace Windu, to mistrz Jedi pochodzący z Haruun Kal, który żył w czasach tuż przed końcem istnienia pierwotnego Zakonu Jedi. Mace był członkiem Rady Jedi oraz jednym z największych mistrzów Jedi swoich czasów. Niektórzy utrzymują, że jego znajomość Mocy była porównywalna z umiejętnościami mistrza Yody. Jego szczególną umiejętnością było wyczuwanie za pośrednictwem Mocy "punktów węzłowych" historii (zwanych "punktami przełomu" - ang. shatterpoint), chociaż nie zawsze potrafił odpowiednio w takich momentach zareagować. Był mistrzem siódmej formy walki mieczem świetlnym, zwanej Vaapad. Jego broń miała rzadko spotykaną purpurową barwę ostrza. Urodził się na porośniętej nieprzystępnymi lasami Haruun Kal, był oprócz Kara Vastora ostatnim z ghosha Windu. W wieku kilku miesięcy już zostało postanowione, że zostanie Jedi, więc został zabrany na Coruscant. Na rodzinną planetę powrócił jeszcze dwa razy, jako nastolatek, oraz aby ratować swoją uczennicę Depę Billabę przed pogrążeniem się w mroku pelokotanu. Akcji tej omal nie przypłacił życiem. thumb|left|217px|Mace Windu Był obecny podczas raportu Qui-Gon Jinna i Obi-Wana Kenobiego na temat wydarzeń z Naboo i Tatooine, zorganizował pomoc dla Obi-Wana i Anakina, gdy wpadli w pułapkę na Geonosis. Był jednym z niewielu, którzy przeżyli bitwę na Geonosis (podczas której zabił łowcę nagród Jango Fetta), nie wykorzystał jednak okazji do zabicia hrabiego Dooku. Jemu też Anakin powiedział, że kanclerz Palpatine był Lordem Sithów. Wraz z trzema innymi Jedi, Mace udał się aresztować kanclerza. Zginął podczas walki zdradzony przez Anakina, który wkrótce po tym wydarzeniu stał się Vaderem.
  • Mace Windu was één van de machtigste en bekendste Jedi Masters in de laatste jaren van de Galactic Republic.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi-Meister des alten Jedi-Ordens. Er lebte zu Zeiten der Alten Republik. Er wurde von Darth Sidious aus dessem Büro im Galaktischen Senat in die Tiefen von Courosunt geschleudert.
  • Mace Windu war ein Jedi-Meister des alten Jedi-Ordens. Er lebte zu Zeiten der Alten Republik. Er wurde von Darth Sidious aus dessem Büro im Galaktischen Senat in die Tiefen von Courosunt geschleudert.
  • Mace Windu was one of the galaxy's strongest Jedi Knights. He died in the Clone Wars attempting to save the chosen one, Stephen Colbert, from falling to the dark side of the American political party system. Luckily for us all, Stephen Colbert is safe from the clutches of the dreaded Democrat Party. Unfortunately for Mace, he was killed in battle against up-and-coming Democrat Party potential presidential nomination Emperor Palpatine. Mace Windu is credited as being the bravest Jedi to ever exist and is widely accepted as the strongest human to ever breath the same, unfiltered air of the dirty liberal Democrats.
  • Mace Windu es un jedi de la saga de Star Wars.
  • Jedi-Meister Mace Windu ist Mitglied des Hohen Rat der Jedi. Er ist der enzige bekannte Jedi mit einem lilanen Laserschwert.
  • Mace Windu was a human male Jedi who fought during the Clone Wars . He was born on Haruun Kal and soon became a lead member of the Jedi Council. He was famous for his lightsaber skills and was fairly intimidating to his enemies. He was also a master at hand to hand combat. Mace Windu fought with a blue lightsaber until he became a member of the Jedi Council, then constructing a purple lightsaber to demonstrate his skill. He met his death at the hands of Darth Sidious after having his hand cut off by Anakin Skywalker.
  • Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force. When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant. With reservations, he agreed that the child, Anakin Skywalker, could be tested for Jedi potential. Though Anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count on record, and indeed showed great potential, the Council and Windu decided that he was not to be trained. He was too old to begin the life of a Jedi. After Qui-Gon's death, the Council rescinded their original decision, and granted Obi-Wan Kenobi permission to train Anakin Skywalker. Still, Windu fostered a mistrust of Skywalker, feeling that he was too powerful for his age and too unpredictable. Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action. But as the galaxy found itself increasingly fragmented by the rise of a powerful secessionist movement, he grew to question some of his firmest held beliefs. He thought it impossible that the Separatist leader, former Jedi Count Dooku, could be behind the escalating flashpoints of violence in the galaxy. Such aggression was not in his character, Mace reasoned. When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed. Though he reminded the Supreme Chancellor that the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, as the Clone Wars began, the Jedi found themselves leading platoons of clone troopers into battle. Reversals such as these troubled Master Windu, for they came about too suddenly, and the usually prescient Jedi were unprepared. Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening. That a Sith Lord existed somewhere in the galaxy, was not in doubt but could this shadowy villain really bring this much imbalance to the Force? At the first engagement on Geonosis, Windu arrived ahead of the clone trooper army with a Jedi taskforce. He was there to free Jedi held captive by Count Dooku. In the battle that ensued, Windu faced Dooku's hired gun, bounty hunter Jango Fett. Though Fett had proven himself deadly against other Jedi, he was no match against Windu. The Jedi Master repeatedly deflected Jango's incoming blasts, and quickly decapitated the hunter with his lightsaber. As the Clone Wars erupted on Geonosis, Windu led a special squad of commando clone troopers into the thick of battle. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement... at least physically. His spirit would suffer in the years that followed. Though the Jedi were loyal protectors of the galaxy, facing war on the battlefronts in command of the clones, Windu felt uncertain about the direction of the Republic. As the war carried on year after year, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine amassed more political power, modifying the Galactic Constitution in the name of security. A wary Windu grew to distrust Palpatine, and he feared that the Chancellor would make a move to take direct control of the Jedi Council. Palpatine's first step in that direction appeared to be the installation of a personal representative on the Jedi Council. The Chancellor requested that Anakin Skywalker, his close associate, be appointed to the ruling body. The Council, surprisingly, agreed. They hoped to use Anakin as a conduit of information, to learn of the Chancellor's dealings. It was a difficult decision, indicative of the stressful times. Windu had deep reservations—it was very dangerous, he sensed, to keep Anakin and Palpatine close together. His concern was justified. Chancellor Palpatine was, in fact, Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord that had escaped Jedi detection all this time. It was Anakin Skywalker who loyally delivered news of this discovery to Windu, though the Jedi Master still did not fully trust the young Jedi. Mace gathered a team of his finest Jedi warriors—Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar and Kit Fisto—to arrest the Chancellor. Though Skywalker wished to accompany Windu, the Jedi Master forbade it. He ordered Skywalker to stay in the Council chambers until the matter was resolved. The Jedi barged into Palpatine's most private offices. Mace attempted to arrest the Chancellor, but Palpatine sprang into action. Brandishing a lightsaber, Palpatine dropped the guise of harmless politician and emerged as deadly Sith Lord. Sidious quickly killed Tiin, Kolar and Fistoand forced Windu back into the main office chamber. Just then, Anakin Skywalker arrived, disobeying Windu's direct order. Windu had disarmed Sidious and cornered the treacherous Sith Lord into the frame of his expansive office window. Fearing that Sidious was too powerful to take prisoner—the Dark Lord still had control of the Senate and courts—Windu moved to deliver a deathblow. Torn between his loyalties, and needing Palpatine alive to fulfill his quest for arcane knowledge to preserve the life of his beloved, Anakin acted. In an emotionally charged action, Anakin ignited his lightsaber blade and sheared off Mace Windu's weapon hand before he could strike Palpatine. Defenseless, Windu was bombarded with Sith lightning as Sidious unleashed a torrent of deadly energy at the Jedi Master. The forked bolts of lightning penetrated Mace's body, illuminating his form from within. The final blast bodily lifted him into the air, sending his form hurling into the Coruscant skies, to crash lifelessly somewhere in the vast cityscape below.
  • Mace Windu was a Grand Jedi Master and was also a member for the Jedi High Council, he was a Lightsaber Master in the Lightsaber form known as Vaa'pad. Mace was a skilled Jedi and knew right from wrong. Mace was a strong believer in democracy and always had a say on the council, because he and Yoda were close friends Mace was also one of the leading Jedi who wanted to be away from the field. Mace Windu, was sometimes very arrogant and didn't want the conversation near him. Mace was then supposedly killed during his fight with Palpatine but he survived only by will power, and turned to help the rebels on Yavin. Mace had his hand replaced after having it hacked off during his fight with Palpatine it was now a metal replacement like Anakin's but able to do more than his did.
  • Mace Windu fue un Maestro Jedi humano y miembro del Alto Consejo Jedi durante los últimos días de la República Galáctica. Nacido en el planeta Haruun Kal, Windu fue entrenado en los caminos de la Fuerza debido a su fuerte conexión con ella. Al ascender al rango de Maestro, empezó a ser conocido como el campeón de la Orden Jedi, un honor que acarreó hasta años después de su muerte. En algún punto de su carrera, Windu pasó a servir como Maestro de la Orden, el líder electo de la Orden Jedi. Aproximadamente veintidós años antes de la Batalla de Yavin, Windu presenció el decline de la República por causa de la Crisis Separatista, que sumió a la Galaxia en las Guerras Clon. La Confederación de Sistemas Independientes, que se había separado de la República a la fuerza, comenzó a representar una amenaza para la República. Windu y los Jedi, pasaron entonces a formar parte del Gran Ejército de la República para defender a la antigua democracia de los ejércitos separatistas. A lo largo de las Guerras Clon, Windu sirvió a la Orden y a la República tanto en el campo de batalla como en Coruscant, aconsejando al Canciller Supremo Sheev Palpatine. También ejerció de diplomático a pesar de su desdén hacia la política. Sus hazañas en el campo de batalla hicieron que ganara una enorme reputación como guerrero Jedi. A medida que la guerra llegaba a su fin, las sospechas de Windu acerca de las intenciones del Canciller fueron aumentando, sobretodo debido al control casi dictatorial de Palpatine sobre el Senado. También sintió el aumento del poder del Lado oscuro de la Fuerza y finalmente, percibió un complot para destruir a la Orden Jedi. Preocupado por el futuro de la República y los Jedi, recomendó al Consejo Jedi despojar a Palpatine de su cargo y tomar control del senado para garantizar una transición pacífica hacia un nuevo gobierno. Sus sospechas se hicieron realidad cuando el Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker le informó de la verdadera identidad del Canciller: Palpatine era Darth Sidious, el Señor Oscuro de los Sith que estaba manipulando a la República y a los separatistas para que se enfrentasen convirtiéndose él en el absoluto gobernante de la Galaxia. Determinado a salvar a la Orden y a la República antes de que fuese demasiado tarde, Windu se dirigió a enfrentarse al Canciller con la ayuda de los Maestros Jedi Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar y Saesee Tiin. Su intención era arrestar a Sidious para juzgarlo por traición contra la República. Armado con un sable de luz rojo, Sidious mató a sus adversarios Jedi a excepción de Windu, que se enfrentó al Sith en solitario. Tras un breve duelo, Windu desarmó a Sidious y le apuntó con su sable láser. En ese momento, Windu sintió que un juicio era demasiado arriesgado, puesto que Sidious tenía el control de los tribunales, y decidió ejecutarle. Sin embargo, un emocionalmente inestable Skywalker entró en escena y cortó el brazo de Windu. Palpatine atacó a Windu con rayos de la Fuerza y lo lanzó a través de una ventana. Tras la muerte de Windu, la Orden Jedi y la República cayeron, alzándose en su lugar el Imperio Galáctico. Durante el reinado del Emperador Sheev Palpatine, la propaganda imperial impulsó un sentimiento anti-Jedi propagando mentiras sobre ellos, incluyendo del difunto Mace Windu. Buscando culpar a los Jedi del estallido de las Guerras Clon, el Imperio afirmó falsamente que Windu era el líder de una "banda criminal" que había interferido en una ejecución legal en el planeta Geonosis antes de la subsiguiente Batalla de Geonosis. A pesar de la propaganda imperial, algunas de las verdaderas hazañas de Windu fueron recordadas con cariño y gratitud por la gente a la que había ayudado durante la guerra. En particular, los twi'leks inmortalizaron el nombre de Windu en "El Martillo de Ryloth", una canción dedicada a la liberación del planeta Ryloth.
  • Mace Windu is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is portrayed by actor Samuel L. Jackson in the prequel films.
  • Mace Windu was een Jedi Master. Zijn minifiguurtje bevatte een paars Jedi kostuum en een paars lichtzwaard.
  • Mace Windu is a Jedi Master in the fictional Star Wars universe and one of the last members of the Jedi Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Image:Mace Windu.jpg A senior member on the Jedi Council, Master Windu was a respected Jedi on a par with the venerable Master Yoda. His wisdom and power was legendary, as was the weight of his words. In addition to his reputation for wisdom, Windu is considered to be one of the finest swordsmen to ever grace the Jedi Order. He is the creator of Vaapad, a dueling technique derived from the seventh style of lightsaber combat. Only Mace Windu, his former student Depa Billaba, and legendary lightsaber instructor Sora Bulq have ever mastered it, though both Depa and Sora fell to the Dark Side through the technique. Mace Windu was originally from the planet Haruun Kal, where he was born into the tribe Gösh Windu. After the death of his parents, he was turned over to the Jedi Order when he was six months old. Like all in the Order, Mace was trained by Master Yoda before coming a Padawan to another Jedi. At a very early age, Mace learned of his unusual ability to see shatterpoints in the Force and how they would affect all of his future actions as well as the vulnerabilities of his opponents. With these unique abilities, he had glimpses of parts of his future, such as the lightsaber he would eventually build. By age fourteen the Jedi Council was concerned with Mace, for even though he was not at the top of his class, he still did not construct the lightsaber that came to him in visions multiple times. He informed the Council that he wanted a true challenge in order to find the best pieces for his lightsaber. After considering this, the Council and his Master sent Mace on his own to the world of Hurikane. Whilst on this mission, Mace was at first chased away from the natives that resided there, but after he saved one of them from falling down a chasm, they rewared him with a crystal. This crystal produced the distinctive purple blade of his lightsaber. Over the next decade and a half, Mace went on many notable missions that included his first visit to his homeworld, Haruun Kal (during which he learned his native Korun language), one where he tracked down and defeated the killer Uda-Khalid. Prodigiously talented in the Force, Mace passed the trials early and was appointed to the Jedi Council at the age of 28 after his exploits during the Arkanian Revolution where he fought the cyborg Gorm the Dissolver. During his late career, Mace trained many to be Jedi, including Echuu Shen-Jon and fellow Council member Depa Billaba. Mace created his own style of lightsaber combat which became known as Vaapad. Mace Windu, his former Padawan Depa Billaba, and legendary lightsaber instructor Sora Bulq were the only ones to master Vaapad. With his eclectic fighting style, it is said that only his one time friend, Dooku, and Yoda could outspar him.
  • Mace Windu a fost un Maestru Jedi Korun legendar care a purtat titulatura de Maestru al Ordinului în zilele de dinaintea Bătălia de pe Geonosis, după care a cedat titlul Marelui Maestru Yoda. Provenind de pe planeta Haruun Kal, Mace Windu a fost unul din ultimii membri ai Înaltului Consiliu Jedi de dinainte de Marea Epurare Jedi. Având funcţie în Consiliu, Windu era adesea considerat al doilea după Marele Maestru Yoda, deşi Windu era cu 800 de ani mai tânăr decât acesta. Înţelepciunea şi puterea lui erau considerate de mulţi legendare, ca de altfel şi greutatea cuvintelor sale. Considerat de mulţi drept unul din cei mai buni duelişti din Ordinul Jedi, Windu a creat Vaapad, cea de-a şaptea formă modernă a duelului cu săbii laser pe care o şi stăpânea. A fost singurul practicant al acestei forme care nu a fost atras de partea întunecată. Windu a servit Ordinul Jedi toată viaţa sa, antrenând mai mulţi Jedi, inclusiv Depa Billaba şi Echuu Shen-Jon. Maestrul Windu a fost cel care a condus 212 Jedi în luptă în Bătălia de pe Geonosis şi l-a omorât pe notoriul vânător de recompense Jango Fett. A continuat să servească Republica pe întreaga durată a Războiului Clonelor, adeseori în linia întâi a luptelor energice, unde a condus forţele republicane ca Înalt General Jedi. În ultimele zile ale războiului, Windu l-a confruntat şi înfrânt pe Darth Sidious într-un duel dificil. În final, a fost trădat de Anakin Skywalker şi în consecinţă omorât de Sidious, căzând de pe fereastra biroului lui Sidious. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • thumb|214pxMace Windu Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži Kategória:Jediovia
  • Mace Windu was one of the main protagonists in the Star Wars prequels. He was portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson who also portrays Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. Mace was an extremely powerful Jedi Master and second-in command to the Jedi council. He appeared in the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga and served as a general in the Clone Wars. He engages in a battle with Chancillor Palpatine/Darth Sidious and restrains him. Mace apparently had the upper hand and had Palpatine cornered. Palpatine attacked with his force lightning but Mace blocked it with his lightsaber. The lightning rebounded and deformed Palpatine's face. He then tried to slay the Sith lord but Anakin Skywalker stopped him and severed his arm. Palpatine used his force lightning once more and threw him out of the building to his death. In the first battle of the Clone Wars, Mace and hundreds of Jedi traveled to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. They fought battle droids and Mace ended up in a stanbdoff with Jango Fett. Mace deflected Fett's shooting and decapitated him. When Yoda arrived with the clones, Mace lead troops into battle and was victorious. A part of him did not believe that Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one and believed that Anakin was too old to be trained. During the war, Anakin's friendship with the Chancellor increased to a point when the council was starting to not trust either of them. Little did they know that Anakin's friendship with Palpatine would lead to the downfall of the Jedi. When Mace was killed by Palpatine after Anakin used his lightsaber to sever his left hand in order to save Palpatine, Yoda could sense it and literally felt the pain from it. After Windu's death, Anakin becomes Palpatine's new apprentice and is renamed Darth Vader before Palpatine summons all the Clone Troopers to execute Order 66 to kill all of the Jedi knights (excluding Obi-Wan and Yoda).
  • Mace Windu egy korun Jedi mester volt, akit Yoda nem sokkal a geonosisi csata előtt a Rend Mestere címmel ruházott fel. Windu Haruun Kal világából származott, és a nagy Jedi tisztogatás előtt a Jedi Nagytanács egyik utolsó tagja volt. Bár bölcsessége legendás volt és nagy súlya volt a szavának, Yodát a kora miatt jobban tisztelték nála. A Galaxis egyik legjobb vívójának mondhatta magát. Kifejlesztett egy új küzdőstílust, a vaapadot, amit mindössze két ember tudott megtanulni, és csak Windu tudta úgy alkalmazni úgy, hogy közben nem állt át a sötét oldalra. Azt beszélték, hogy csak Yoda és Dooku tudná felvenni vele a versenyt vívás terén. Egész életében a Jedi Rendet szolgálta, sok Jedit tanított, köztük Depa Billabát és Echuu Shen-Jont. Ő vezette azt a 212 Jedit, akik a Geonosisi csatában harcoltak és ő volt az, aki legyőzte a hírhedt fejvadászt, Jango Fettet. A klónok háborúja idején is hű maradt a Galaktikus Köztársasághoz, és gyakran a legvéresebb csatákban vezette a köztársasági csapatokat. A háború végén szembenézett Darth Sidiousszal, akit le is győzött, de Anakin Skywalker árulása miatt végül Sidiusnak sikerült megölnie Windut.
  • Windu was a powerful swordsman, even inventing his own lightsaber form of combat, known as Vaapad. One of Mace's apprentices was the Jedi Depa Billaba. Mace Windu was killed when he tried to arrest Chancellor Palpatine in Episode III. Mace deflected Palpatine's Sith lighting, but Anakin Skywalker cut off his lightsaber hand and Darth Sidous struck the defenceless Mace with force lightning and was launched out of the building's broken glass window onto the street miles below.
  • Mace Windu (72 BBY - 19 BBY) era un potente maestro Jedi ucciso da Darth Sidious. La sua saggezza e la sua potenza sono leggendarie. Oltre la sua reputazione di saggio, Windu è considerato come uno dei migliori combattenti con la spada laser dell'Ordine Jedi.
  • He is the former Master of the Order, a title he passed on to Jedi Master Yoda during the Clone Wars when he heard about Dr. Nefarious he would need Ratchet & Clank's help
  • Mace Windu is one of the most respected Jedi Masters in Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. He is well-versed in the ways of the Force, and skilled at the use of the lightsaber. He is very wise and his opinion holds massive importance in the Jedi Council. His trust is hard to earn, as Anakin Skywalker finds out, but he is a loyal friend and a spirited fighter. In Episode III Mace faces off against Chancellor Palpatine, who newly self-dubbed himself as the Emperor, after he is told by Anakin that the Chancellor is actually the Dark Lord. This is where Mace finds his untimely end, and his loss was largely ignored due to the galactic belief of the Jedi being traitors to the Galactic Republic. Nevertheless, Master Windu was one of the greatest fighters the Jedi Order ever knew. His lightsaber form, Vaapad, was very hard to control as it made the user fight with inner passion, which leans very close to the Dark Side of the Force. He has a lethal slamming jump attack that leaves a powerful blast marks. Mace is as tough as most heros, though weaker than Han and Chewbacca.
  • [Source] Mace Windu est le deuxième maître de l'Ordre Jedi après Yoda. Sa sagesse et sa puissance sont légendaires. Windu a créé une technique particulière de combat au sabre laser : le vaapad, technique de combat très dangereuse car elle consiste à utiliser des sentiments agressifs de haine et de colère ce qui rapproche dangereusement son utilisateur vers le côté obscur si celui-ci ne peut maîtriser suffisamment ses sentiments. Il s'agit d'une technique extrêmement puissante, qui fut interdite pour le risque mentionné précédemment. Mace Windu est peut-être le seul Jedi qui aurait pu tuer Palpatine, si Anakin ne s'était pas interposé pour venir en aide au seigneur Sith. A cause du vaapad il n'a pas put expliquer à Anakin la vérité au sujet de Sidious, ce qui lui a couté la vie.
  • Mace Windu was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
  • Im Baukasten Clone Turbo Tank 7261 hat er ein Lichtschwert mit der seltenen violette Klinge. In der Neuauflage des Baukasten im Jahr 2007, wurde es durch eine normale Klinge ersetzt.
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