  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars
  • .
  • Star Wars is a series of sci fi films. The movies chronicle the adventures of a group of characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away". During the 1980s, the Strategic Defence Initiative was dubbed "Star Wars" after the film.
  • Star Wars was a movie franchise on Earth that John Crichton referenced a lot while in the Uncharted Territories. When Moya landed on Denea, Crichton pointed out the similarities to Dagobah, home to Yoda. ("I, E.T.")
  • Star Wars - лицензионная серия, запущенная в 1999 году.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise by George Lucas and centered around a film series of which the original first film appeared in 1977.
  • If you are reading this article, it's already too late. Expect to be seeing Jar Jar Binks in heaven any time soon. Not to mention Pasta!
  • Star Wars is a series of movies that are extremely popular. Teal'c has displayed a great love of the series in the past.
  • Star Wars is a series of six movies and related franchises created by George Lucas.
  • Star Wars is a film franchise consisting of eight feature films, starting with Star Wars (1977), which was directed and written by George Lucas. This space opera story is about freedom fighters rebelling against an evil empire ruling over a distant galaxy. The original Star Wars was followed by The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), and then by the prequels The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), Revenge of the Sith (2005), and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008). Disney is producing more feature films, starting with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). The films inspired tremendous merchandizing and gained a large fan base.
  • Lego Star Wars es un videojuego lanzado por Lucas Films y Traveler´s Tales, es un videojuego en tercera persona salida al venta por edicion completa en 2006.
  • The Star Wars movie franchise has spawned five machines, and thus may refer to: * Star Wars, the 1987 Sonic machine * Star Wars, the 1992 Data East machine * Star Wars Trilogy, the 1997 Sega machine * Star Wars Episode I, the 1999 Williams machine Or: * The Empire Strikes Back, the 1980 Hankin machine based on the franchise's second released film
  • Star Wars is often mentioned or talked about in "Weird Al" Yankovic songs.
  • |} Star Wars - dziewiąty odcinek pierwzszego sezonu Jessie.
  • thumb Star Wars, traducido al español como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia compuesta de películas, novelas, cómics, videojuegos y juguetes. Es un universo de ficción creado por George Lucas. La historia de Star Wars utiliza arquetipos comunes a la ciencia ficción, climax político y mitología, así como temas musicales de estos aspectos
  • Star Wars was a highly popular science fiction franchise during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, consisting of various productions in multiple media. Mrs. Davis, the counselor at Lewis Elementary School in 2003, did not know the difference between Star Wars and another similarly-named science fiction franchise of the same time period. (TOS - Constellations short story: "Make-Believe")
  • Star Wars (Scilicet Latine Bella Stellaria vel Bella Astralia) est nomen seriei pellicularum utopicae. Dispositor et effector erat George Lucas
  • Se conoce que J.J. Abrams y Damon Lindelof son grandes fans de estas películas[1]. El día que se conocieron para comenzar a colaborar en Lost, J.J. llevaba un camiseta de Star Wars, y como resultado ambos descubrieron una conexión mutua.
  • Star Wars (teilweise ins deutsche Übersetzt mit Krieg der Sterne) ist eine US-amerikanische Kinofilmreihe von George Lucas, deren erster Film 1977 erschien. Neben den sechs Kinofilmen entstanden noch weitere Filme und Serien fürs Fernsehen.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction movie series, as well as books, cartoons, computer games and much more. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Numerous Star Wars related games have appeared on Nintendo gaming devices, the earliest being Star Wars, a game released on the Famicom in 1987. Since then, a Star Wars game has appeared on every Nintendo console and handheld (with the exception of Virtual Boy). The complete list can be seen below.
  • Star Wars is a media franchise.
  • Star Wars ist besser als Star Trek.
  • Star wars wiki
  • The film series has spawned a media franchise outside the film series called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise active in the interim between the film trilogies. The franchise portrays a galaxy that is described as far, far away in the distant past. It commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterpart. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The fictional universe also contains many themes, especially influences of philosophy and religion.
  • Star Wars er et episk eventyr der fortæller historien om Anakin Skywalker og hans drabelige eventyr og hans Sith kællinger.
  • Star Wars is the first franchise covered by the LEGO Games.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise created by George Lucas. Seven of the intended nine films have been released since 1977.
  • Star Wars is a campy movie. The first film, A New Hope, had ground breaking effects, yet a tiny budget. This article is a stub, it needs work.
  • Star Wars is the fictional universe created by George Lucas and added upon by numerous authors and artists.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
  • The Star Wars Trilogies are, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest six films (yes, all six) ever to be made or experienced by the human species. End of story.
  • As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately US$4.3 billion, making it one of the most successful franchises of all time.
  • Ok, das kennt wahrscheinlich jeder. Ähnlich wie ein Märchen, bloß dass es im Weltraum spielt. Dazu gibt es natürlich auch unglaublich viele Merchandising Artikel, wie zum Beispiel Spiele, Comics, Bücher, Figuren, T-Shirts, Kostüme, etc. Einige Leute haben auch daraus eine eigene Religion abgeleitet: die Jedi... naja, Freaks. Aber lustig.
  • Star Wars is a media franchise that begins with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a space opera created by George Lucas. Since that time, it has spawned a trilogy, a prequel trilogy, novels, comic books, several animated series, and a number of role-playing games.
  • Star Wars is a franchise that can kick Star Trek's peacelovin', leotard-wearin', Prime-Directive-obeyin' ass. For those of you not familiar with it, it is a parody of Spaceballs
  • Known factions include Bounty Hunters, Empire, Jedi, Rebel, Republic, Separatist, and Sith.
  • Star Wars is a epic space opera franchise created by George Lucas. Originally six films based around the life of main character Anakin Skywalker, many expanded universe stories have been told. It became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon after the first film was released in 1977.
  • Star Wars is published by Marvel Comics. The cover price is $3.99.
  • 160px|right|thumb|George Lucas Star Wars (pol. Gwiezdne wojny) - uniwersum stworzone przez George'a Lucasa. Początkowo była to trylogia filmowa, z czasem nakręcono kolejne trzy części, których akcja toczy się przed wydarzeniami z pierwotnej serii. Ogromna oryginalność i obszerność świata stworzonego przez Lucasa, doprowadziła do stworzenia dziesiątek książek, komiksów, gier i serii odcinkowej, a także figurek i strojów postaci ze SW. Powstała nawet sekta, która sama siebie nazwała Rycerzami Jedi. Aktualnie świat SW jest uznawany za jeden z najbardziej obszernych w fantastyce.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects. As one of the foremost examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction, Star Wars has become part of mainstream popular culture, as well as being one of the highest-grossing series of all time. The movies have become even more popular in recent years with a new generation of Star Wars fans, and is one of the most popular franchises ever.
  • Pez began its Star Wars collection in 1997 with the introduction of C-3PO, Darth Vader, Storm Trooper,Yoda, and Chewbacca. They were folowed in 1999 by Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, and Ewok. Then in 2002, R2-D2, Jango Fett, and a Clone Trooper were released. The most recent Star Wars characters appeared in 2005:Emperor Palpatine, General Grievous, another Chewbacca, and a the Death Star. All are valued under $10 and most can be purchased in sets. A set of three crystal limited editions has been introduced, each with its own stand.
  • Star Wars (SW) omfatter, utover seks filmer, også dataspill, fanfiksjon, m.m. Selve Star Wars-sagaen og -miljøet er grunnlagt av filmskaperen George Lucas, men fenomenet er så utbredt at mange fans og forfattere på egen hånd har utvidet dette i form av noveller, hjemmelagde filmklipp m.m. Det er til og med opprettet en wikier over hele verden for å kunne dekke alt stoffet. thumb|290px|Star Wars-logoen.
  • Star Wars is a series of films created by George Lucas and mainly focuses on six films. From the six films, a countless number of books, games and other merchandise has been released, some of which are based outside of the movies.
  • Star Wars est une série de sept films thumb|left|340px|Le logo du filmde Science-fiction créés par Georges Lucas en 1977.
  • Dark Horse Comics has produced many licensed works, a large number of which take place in the Star Wars universe. Dark Horse first published for Star Wars with Star Wars: Dark Empire in 1991. Dark Horse has also republished the Marvel Star Wars comics. Due to Disney acquiring the rights of Star Wars, publication rights of Star Wars were transferred back to Marvel as of 2015. : Back to title selection : [[:Category:Comics |Comics ]] : Star Wars [[Category:Comics ]]
  • Star Wars est une saga cinématographique devenue très populaire. Teal'c affirma l'avoir beaucoup apprécié.
  • Star Wars es una es una franquicia de medios reconocida principalmente por su línea de películas, esta marca se a unido a Club Penguin en algunas ocasiones. Quizá estés buscando: * Star Wars: La Invasión * Star Wars Rebels: La Invasión
  • Star Wars är en serie filmer som är extremt populära. Teal'c har visat stor kärlek av serien tidigare.
  • Star Wars is a series of epic science fiction action films. These films were directed by George Lucas. As of the release of Space Quest 6, only three had been made. This "original trilogy" starred a young Luke Skywalker as he and his comrades tried to take down the evil Darth Vader and the oppressive Galactic Empire. The film series has been parodied in the Space Quest series numerous times.
  • Star Wars is a series that was created in the 1970's when an old man came up with this ridiculous idea that would get him a lot of money. So he created Star Wars, a fictional universe that centered around characters Anakin Skycrawler, Luke Skycrawler, and Slowbi Wan Kenobi. And two of them died (haha).
  • Because you have failed to leave any kind of comment HERE the wrath of Star Wars is now upon thee. Behold 10 (completely and utterly true) reasons why Star Wars is better then Star Trek.
  • Star Wars is a 20th Century movie saga. There have been many references to the franchise have been featured in various episode of Futurama, from explicit references, visual gags, and nods to famous lines and shots.
  • Star Wars ist der Prototyp des nie endenden Hollywood-Franchises von George Lucas. Es zeichnet sich durch seinen enormen Überlebenswillen aus. Die Saga hält sich durch mittelmäßige Bücher, kindische Animationsfilme, Spiele für alle gängigen Konsolen und bedruckte Unterwäsche am Leben.
  • thumb|Ein Snowspeeder, wie er in Episode V vorkommt und womit Han Solo und Luke Skywalker gerettet werden. Star Wars ist eine 30 Jahre alte Saga, die Geschichte geschrieben hat.Sie setze neue Maßstäbe in Special-Effects, Story, dämlichen Dialogen, Liebesszenen und natürlich in der Theologie. Die Star Wars Saga ist in ihrer ganzen Fülle in sechs offizielle Filme eingeteilt, die sich jeweils nochmal in die alte und neue Trilogie einteilen. Hinzu kommt, dass kleinere Projekte die Welt von Star Wars komplett darstellen. Dazu gehören z.B. die Clone Wars Filme und einige andere schlechtere Filme, die etwas mit den Ewoks zu tun haben. Da diese aber jedoch eher eine Qual sind, werden sie im folgenden Teilabschnitt nicht erwähnt.
  • Other puppet characters included Yoda and Salacious B. Crumb. The Star Wars cast also guest starred on The Muppet Show episode 417. An online video parodying Star Wars was made, titled Grocery Store Wars. All of the characters were puppets, using strings, wires, and some computer animation.
  • Star Wars is an upcoming world in Disney Crossy Road. The world was confirmed on the 10th of July, 2016 after the game was datamined.
  • A saga including The Clone Wars, A New Hope,and Attack Of The Clones.
  • Here is a collection of "Star Wars" movie posters * The Phantom Menace * Attack Of The Clones * Revenge Of The Sith * A New Hope * Empire Strikes Back * Return Of The Jedi
  • thumb|right|250px|Star Wars-Logo Star Wars ist ein Fantasy-Film aus dem Jahre 1977, der in einer weit entfernten Galaxie spielt.
  • Star Wars is what this Wiki is all about, If you don't Know about the Franchise, I guess you wouldn't be here, so I will not waste Your time, If you would like to Learn about things other than Collecting Go to the Largest Star Wars Wiki on the Internet: Wookiepedia
  • The Star Wars science fiction movie, novel and video game series that is widely related with LucasArts. But due to George Lucas recently retiring, Star Wars and all of its trademark properties were bought and now owned by Disney. Many of the Star Wars characters are made from the sprites of the Super Star Wars series on the Super Nintendo. Almost every character and enemy from those games have been made into a mugen character.
  • Star Wars is a classic six-film saga made by George Lucas, which is commonly referred to by three movies each: first, the Prequel Trilogy of episodes I (The Phantom Menace, 1999), II (Attack of the Clones, 2002) and III (Revenge of the Sith, 2005). Secondly, there is what is most commonly referred to as the Original Trilogy of episodes IV (A New Hope, 1977), V (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980), and VI (Return of the Jedi, 1983).
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
  • The Star Wars were a series of wars that took place between 1792 and 1865. The conflict arose over the Martian invasion of the moon in 1792, after which the forces of the United States of Canada, lead by Benjamin Franklin, quickly developed advanced space flight capabilities and engaged the martians. The conflict quickly escalated, however, to the point where typical weapons became useless and, displaying a continued ability to very quickly develop technology, both the Martians and the Canadians developed devices capable of launching entire stars at enemies. Thus the wars became known as the Star Wars.
  • Le wiki Star Wars traite de la série de films et de dessins animés Star Wars ainsi que de ses séries dérivées. Ce wiki tente de fournir toute l'information existante sur Star Wars dont les films, les livres, les bandes dessinées, les acteurs, les planètes, la musique, les jeux vidéo et bien plus! Catégorie:Communautés sur Twitter
  • Welcome to the Star Wars category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Star Wars" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of George Lucas. Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without monetary gain. Should the license-holders object to this, it will be removed.
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created and directed by George Lucas. It is also one of Rob's obsessions.
  • Star Wars er en film han dere Georg Lucas har laga. Den er delt opp i 6% filmer, som alle har den samma handlingen: Sloss, drepe og skyte folk.
  • Addison revealed to Derek that for her prom, she went out with Skippy Gold, who spoke about Star Wars all night. ("Losing My Religion")
  • La Guerre des Étoiles (Star Wars) est une épopée de science-fiction créée par Georges Lucas. J.J. Abrams et Damon Lindelof ont exprimé leur admiration pour les films de la saga. [1] Le jour où ils se sont rencontrés pour commencer leur collaboration sur LOST, Damon Lindelof portait un t-shirt original et officiel du fan-club Star Wars et les deux se sont par conséquent instantanément bien entendus. Il y a donc beaucoup de références à Star Wars dans LOST.
  • Star Wars, Stjärnornas Krig på svenska, är nuförtiden mycket mer än det från början var, så började det sin bana som en enda film av George Lucas. Då den första filmen bara hette Star Wars, eller Stjärnornas Krig, så började serietidningar och böcker att publiceras redan innan andra filmen - Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back eller Star Wars: Episod V: Rymdimperiet Slår Tillbaka - spelades på biodukarna för första gången. Numera finns det ett antal filmer, varav de sex episoderna är de mest kända, ett par TV-serier, många dator- och konsollspel, ofantligt många böcker och ett oräkneligt antal serietidningar.
  • Second Life includes a great Star Wars Roleplaying community called SWRP, having its own wiki.
  • É notório que J.J. Abrams e Damon Lindelof são grandes fãs destes filmes [1]. No dia em que eles se reuniram para começar a colaboração para Lost, J.J. vestia uma camiseta do Star Wars, e como resultado ambos encontraram uma conexão imediata. Em 2015 foi lançado Star Wars Episódio VII: O Despertar da Força, também dirigido pelo J.J Abrams.
  • Star Wars is a multi-billion dollar space opera/space fantasy franchise. Conceived by George Lucas, it was launched with the release of the first film on May 25, 1977, which created a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.
  • Star Wars (Stjärnornas krig) är en episk science fiction-saga byggd på sex filmer som blivit kända världen över. När filmen Star Wars kom ut för första gången 1977 så innehöll den flera tekniska genombrott i filmindustrin. Filmerna efter den, The Empire Strikes Back och Return of the Jedifick enorm uppmärksamhet. Filmskaparen, George Lucas, lät Star Wars bli, inte bara filmer, utan nästan ett kommersiellt märke. Runt över världen finns folk som lätt känner igen låtarna ur "Original Trilogy", som Imperial March eller den klassiska öppningssången för filmerna. 1999 kom Star Wars Episod I: Det Mörka Hotet ut, efter flera års väntan. Filmen är en av de filmer som man har tjänat mest pengar på någonsin i hela världen, sammanlagt cirka 924 miljoner USD. Förutom sex filmer finns några mindre känd
  • I sei film della saga sono divisi in due trilogie che hanno come protagonisti in gran parte personaggi diversi. La trilogia originale, la prima prodotta, risale alla fine degli anni '70 ed ai primi anni '80. La nuova trilogia, la seconda prodotta, è invece apparsa sul grande schermo ventidue anni dopo il primo film, a cavallo tra il secolo scorso e quello corrente. Anche se la nuova trilogia è stata prodotta per seconda, le vicende narrate sono cronologicamente antecedenti a quelle della trilogia originale, si tratta cioè di un prequel. La colonna sonora dell'esalogia così ottenuta è opera di John Williams, elemento questo che concorre a dare unità narrativa a tutta la saga: ad es. tutti i film iniziano con il famoso tema introduttivo.
  • Star Wars Mighty Muggs are a line of Mighty Muggs action figures produced by Hasbro in 2008. Featuring stylized classic Star Wars characters in the super deformed style, these six-inch toys straddle the line between Urban Vinyl and block figures. Muggs: The first wave included: * Darth Vader * Chewbacca * Boba Fett * Han Solo * Darth Maul * Stormtrooper The second wave includes: * C3PO * Obi-Wan kenobi * Mace Windu * Luke Skywalker The third wave includes: * Jango Fett * Lando Calrissian * Princess Leia * Clone Commander Cody The fourth wave includes:
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise comprised of movies, books, comics, video games, toys, and animated shows. It is a fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects.
  • [[Soubor:Vvvader.jpg|right|thumb|Darth Vader podporuje i Věci veřejné]] Star Wars (Hvězda Války) je fiktivní sci-fi svět několika filmových, ale také seriálových a knižních adaptací a děl. Žánrově spadá mezi sci-fi. Autorem sci-fi světa Star Wars je neznámý vojín, případně neznámý autor, který nikdy nebyl povolán do vojenské služby, popřípadně člověk, který se stal autorem Star Wars ještě předtím, než se stal neznámým vojínem. Postupem času se práv na Star Wars ujalo nezávislé a neziskové produkční filmové studio Disney. Star Wars řadí experti kinematografie ke sci-fi žánru. V nedávné době odkoupil filmová práva od Disneyho archeolog a dobrodruh George Lucas, a to za nezveřejněnou symbolickou částku. Závěrem úvodu je nutno zdůraznit, že svět Star Wars je zcela fiktivní a patří ke sci-fi žá
  • right|250pxLa Guerre des étoiles (titre original Star Wars, soit littéralement Guerres Stellaires) est une épopée cinématographique de science-fiction créée par George Lucas, considérée comme un élément phare du space opera. Prévue à la base pour être une suite de trois trilogies (triptyque), Lucas fut contraint, par manque de moyens techniques, de commencer par la seconde trilogie (l'Épisode IV - Un nouvel espoir) en 1977.
  • Star Wars: A New Hope - Darth Vader nears completion of the massive Death Star space station which will allow him and Sidious, now the Emperor, to crush the rebellion which has formed against the evil empire. He captures Princess Leia Organa who has stolen the plans to the Death Star and hidden them in droid R2-D2. R2-D2, along with his counterpart C-3PO, escape to the planet Tatooine. There, the droids are purchased by Luke Skywalker, son of Anakin, and his step-uncle and aunt. While Luke is cleaning R2-D2, he accidentally triggers a message put into the robot by Leia, who asks for assistance from Obi-Wan. Luke later assists the droids in finding the Jedi Knight, who is now passing as an old hermit under the alias Ben Kenobi. Obi-Wan tells Luke of his father's greatness, but says that he
  • Many Star Wars characters and references are seen throughout all the Family Guy series. Stewie freezes an airport security officer named Henry in carbonite in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". Jabba the Griffin appears in "He's Too Sexy for His Fat". The Griffins use an escape pod in "Holy Crap" that is similar to the pod used in Star Wars. The binoculars Stewie uses to watch Janet from the ladder in "Dammit Janet!" are the same Luke Skywalker uses in The Empire Strikes Back. In "And the Wiener is...", an Imperial Stormtrooper is seen shooting a cardboard cutout of Luke Skywalker.
  • Star Wars is a film series created by George Lucas. Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures includes some Star Wars characters. The Lost Temple includes C-3PO. In the temple idol scene there is a metal gate. Blow it up using a Bazooka or bomb man. In there is a barrel brake bam C-3PO. Into the Mountains includes Luke Skywalker. Go to the giant broken ravine and blow up the glass - good, you found Luke. Free the Slaves includes Princess Leia. Go to the slave area and go to the low part and brake the metal use the solider passage - you found Leia. Now you can buy Han Solo in the library.
  • The Galactic Republic was a peaceful government led by the Galactic Senate that lasted for more than a total of twenty-five thousand years. However, in the Republic Classic era the Trade Federation (later known to have joined with others to form the Separatists), a trading group, was convinced by the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who was actually Senator Palpatine, to attack the world of Naboo using their Droid Army. They attacked, but Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were called in from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to negotiate with Nute Gunray (the leader of the Trade Federation), and they freed Queen Amidala, her advisers and pilots from the droids and fled back to Coruscant, but had to stop at Tatooine for repairs after they broke through the Droid Navy blockade at Naboo. Later, they me
  • Star Wars is an epic space opera franchise initially conceived by George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was simply titled Star Wars, but later had the subtitle Episode IV: A New Hope added to distinguish it from its sequels and prequels. Star Wars was released on May 25, 1977 by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels released in three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released in three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction, fantasy, space opera and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story is comprised of numerous archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology. Music, including musical motifs, played a large part in the telling of the story, according to Lucas and Star Wars composer John Williams. Starting with the original release of what is now-titled Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, originally called Star Wars, the saga became one of the most commonly used examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction. Along with this, it became a large part of mainstream culture, particularly in the United States where it was conceived, and it has gone on to become one of the highest-grossing series of all time.
  • Star Wars is a famous science fiction film series directed by George Lucas. Outside of the seven films and two television series, Star Wars is expanded by many canonical novels, comics, and video games, as well as source books by which to continue the story. Some claim it is not canon (like the majority of secondary sources for Star Trek) and Lucas doesn't care for EU but then again, they tend to ignore his involvement in EU and EU's involvement with the films or the fact that Lucas specifically had the Keeper of EU + Film canon with him during the re-shooting of the Special Edition films and the entirety of the Prequel Trilogy or his constant use of references to events only in the Expanded Universe.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga. Der erste Film mit dem ursprünglichen Titel Krieg der Sterne lief am 25. Mai 1977 in den amerikanischen und am 10. Februar 1978 in den deutschen Kinos an. Der Film entwickelte sich zu einem Phänomen der heutigen Popkultur. Aus dem Erfolg des Films entsprang neben weiteren Spielfilmen eine weitreichende Sammlung an Büchern, Comic-Heften, Videospielen, Fernsehserien und vielem mehr.
  • The story starts, unsurpisingly, with the galactic republic in ecenomic decline. Taxation has provoked the trade federation to make a blockade around Naboo. Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to negotiate with the federation, but they mess everything up and the federation tries to kill them and invades Naboo with a droid army. So the "negotiators" run away. Typical. On Naboo, Qi-Gon saves a alien gungan from being run over by a tank. He instantly regrets this though, as the gungan turns out to be the idiotic and irritating Jar Jar Binks, who decides to follow them aroud and be no help at all. They try to lose him by going to the Otoh Gunga, as Jar Jar isn't allowed there, but instead they get sent to Theed. In Theed, they rescue Queen Amidala, and with an obnoxious droid c
  • Star Wars is known for having a deep and engaging expanded universe (unlike Star Trek) that is filled with far more interesting and better written characters than anything the movies ever had. Several good examples are Revan, Darth Bane, Kreia, and Bastila Shan (which were all created by the same guy). Along with characters like Thrawn, Talon Karrde, and Mara Jade. The EU's best collection of stories deal with the era thousands of years before Episode 1. This time period chronicles several wars between the Sith Empire vs the Jedi & Republic. It is significantly more in depth and interesting then those films.
  • Star Wars is a long-running science fiction and space opera franchise created by George Lucas. The franchise began in 1977 with the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and it continued with Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in 1980 and 1983, respectively. In 1999, the film saga continued with the first film in the prequel trilogy, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. 2002 saw the release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released in 2005. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered on Cartoon Network and ran for five seasons. An entire Expanded Universe of books, comics, games, and more has also been released since 1978.
  • Star Wars (Guerra nas Estrelas [1]) é o título de uma "ópera espacial", nas próprias palavras do seu autor que assim designou o universo de fantasia que compunha este projeto, que foi transformada em uma série de nove filmes de ficção científica. Como subprodutos surgiram também uma franquia literária, uma série de jogos eletrônicos e desenhos animados (incluindo a Nova Trilogia, sequências e adaptações literárias) baseados nas idéias do diretor e roteirista George Lucas.
  • In the "Pilot" (S01E01), Sheldon mentions Leonard's Star Wars hair products that are in the shower which their new neighbor Penny is using. In The Loobenfeld Decay (S01E010), Howard calls Sheldon Chewbacca, Leonard Han Solo and Raj Princess Leia. In The Jerusalem Duality (S01E12), due to Sheldon not liking Dennis Kim, he talks about a disturbance in the force and Leonard talks like Yoda. In "The Euclid Alternative" (S02E05), Sheldon buys Star Wars bed sheets, but finds the sheets too stimulating to sleep, remarking that he is uncomfortable with how Darth Vader "stares at him".
  • Star Wars is a science fiction saga,though it should be classified as science fantasy. It was created by George Lucas in 1977, beginning with the film Episode IV A New Hope, and continued into the trilogy of Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI The Return of the Jedi. It has since become a pop culture phenomenom, once of the most commercially successful enterprises of all time. In 1994, George Lucas began writing the screeplays for the prequel trilogy, beginning with Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was released in 1999, starting the fame of the last trilogy all over again. Following The Phantom Menace came 2002's Episode II Attack of the Clones and 2005's Episode III Revenge of the Sith. All films made to the top film lists of the year, and have remained some of the most po
  • frame STAR WARS (deutsch Krieg der Sterne) ist ein Film-Franchise, dessen Geschichte mit dem 1977 erschienenen Kinofilm Krieg der Sterne (Originaltitel: Star Wars) begann. Im Kern besteht Star Wars aus drei Filmtrilogien: * Originaltrilogie * Krieg der Sterne * Das Imperium schlägt zurück (1980) * Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983) * Prequel-Trilogie * Die dunkle Bedrohung (1999) * Angriff der Klonkrieger (2002) * Die Rache der Sith (2005) * Sequel-Trilogie * Das Erwachen der Macht (2015) * *
  • Michelle Gordian brought a video cassette of Star Wars, with all the necessary playing equipment, back in time to 1953. After science fiction writer Pete Lundquist deduced her anachronistic nature and asked to see some futuristic gadgets, she showed him the movie.
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas. The popular film series has spawned an extensive media franchise called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the two film trilogies have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe.
  • George Lucas planla opprinnelig ni filmer, men om de siste tre noensinne blir laget vites ennå ikke. Selv har Lucas avvist at han vil produsere flere. Dessuten finnes også tegnefilmen Clone Wars, som handler om begivenhetene mellom episodene 2 og 3. Videre foreligger det også planer om å produsere en TV-serie med oppstart i 2007.
  • Star Wars is a film series by George Lucas. Many parodies have been made on these movies. MOVIES- There are Six official Star Wars Movies. * Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace * Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones * Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith * Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope * Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back * Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi There is another rumered trilogy based after IV,V,and VI. However this is just a rumer. MAJOR CHARACTERS-
  • Star Wars ("Episode 4: Hope Floats") is a 1977 science fiction film directed by George Lucas. The plot deals with an unruly group of liberal rebels attempting to overthrow the Galactic Empire, the noble and free market-oriented government of Emperor Palpatine. Acting legend Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker, a carefree youth who is tragically seduced into joining this band of lefty terrorists by a Jedi called Obi-Wan Kenobi, portrayed by Alec Guinness. Kenobi is clearly a godless communist, as he is fond of spouting insipid new age nonsense about something called "the Force", which, with all its teachings of energy fields and the unity of reality, can only be anti-Christian propaganda.
  • Star Wars is one of the most popular Movie series of all time. It consists of six movies. Traditionally, most fans agree that the last three that were released were not as good as the original three. The character of Jar Jar Binks ruined part one. It is generally agreed by all that Jar Jar Binks is representative of Dennis Kusinch. Short little feller with big ears. It is also considered one of the best movie series ever made.[1]
  • general grevious-my favorite character captain rex-my second favorite character "Star Wars" was seven movie series which grave rise to an animated series "Star Wars Clone Wars" and 12 sequel Television series along with cartoon serie[s} and Video games and franchises
  • Star Wars is a series of movies created by George Lucas. The original trilogy includes Episode IV: A New Hope released in theatres in 1997, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back released in 1980 and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi released in 1983. The prequels include Episode I: The Phantom Menace released in 1999, Episode II: Attack of the Clones released in 2002 and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released in 2005. Episode II features Anakin returning to protect Padmé Amidala while Obi-Wan is sent on a mission to find out who is trying to assassinate her.
  • Before devising the origins of Star Wars, George Lucas attended a few Star Trek conventions. When interviewed by Rod Roddenberry in 2011 , Lucas recalled, "I started writing Star Wars sort of in the heyday of the syndication part of Star Trek. I think the thing I was attracted to the most about Star Trek is that it completely got rid of all the mundane, boring angle of real space. And just said, 'Well, let's just go out and go where no one else dared to go' [....] Star Trek and Star Wars are not reality shows; they're imagination shows. The story is really the thing that makes it work." Lucas went on to point out that portraying the stories of both Star Wars and Star Trek was limited by resources such as the amount of budgets and technology available. Comparing Star Wars to Star Trek, he n
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction/fantasy film saga created by George Lucas and Lucasfilms. The first three films in the series were released in 1977, 1980, and 1983. Three prequels to the first trilogy were released in 1999, 2002, and 2005.
  • Star Wars ist ein Themenbereich von LEGO. Es war das erste Lizenzgeschäft, das sowohl Lego als auch LucasArts machte. Der Lizenzvertrag wurde 1999 abgeschlossen, mit einer Laufzeit bis 2007. 2007 wurde die Lizenz, die für LEGO sehr wichtig ist, bis 2011 verlängert. 2011 wurde sie erneut verlängert. 2012 wurde eine Verlängerung der Star Wars-Lizenz von 10 Jahren bekannt gegeben, also bis 2022. Star Wars spielt in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis. In den Episoden 1-6 geht es um die Geschichte eines Jungen, der erst zum Jedi und dann zum bekanntem Darth Vader wird. Fortsetzung folgt ...
  • thumb|290px Star Wars, tambien conocida en Latinoamérica y España como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia de medios estadounidense bajo el concepto de la opereta espacial épica, creada por George Lucas. En Octubre de 2012, The Walt Disney Company adquirió Lucasfilm y anunció la producción de una nueva trilogía, cuya primera película se estrenó en 2015.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise beginning in 1977 that consists of movies, TV shows, books, comic books, and a wealth of merchandise and other spin-offs. There are many connections between Star Wars and The Muppets, perhaps most notably the presence of Frank Oz's Star Wars character Yoda, who has often been misidentified as a Muppet. The properties are both owned by The Walt Disney Company; The Muppets were purchased in 2004, and Star Wars in 2012.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction film released in 1977 and directed by George Lucas and starring Alec Guinness, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Anthony Daniels. Eddie Van Blundht and Amanda Nelligan shared a mutual interest in the film, the latter seeing the movie three hundred and sixty eight times. Van Blundht used his abnormal physiology to appear as the film's protagonist, Luke Skywalker, in order to have sexual relations with Nelligan. (TXF: "Small Potatoes")
  • Star Wars (en español La guerra de las galaxias), es el título de una saga de ficción creada por el guionista, productor y director estadounidense George Lucas, reflejada principalmente en seis películas aunque también en otros medios. Durante los años siguientes el universo Star Wars siguió ampliándose en forma de libros, cómics, videojuegos, juegos de rol y juegos de mesa. Dos décadas después del estreno de la primera se estrenó una nueva trilogía cinematográfica, precuela de la anterior, formada por La amenaza fantasma (1999), El ataque de los clones (2002) y La venganza de los Sith (2005).
  • Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist unvollständig und soll erweitert werden. Hilf mit, indem du ihn erweiterst. Kategorie:Unvollständig Allgemeines Budget Mitwirkende Star Wars (deutsch: Krieg der Sterne; wörtlich: „Sternenkriege“) ist eine Filmreihe, die von George Lucas (Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Produzent von Star Wars) erdacht wurde. Der erste Film war Krieg der Sterne (später: Episode IV - Eine neue Hoffnung), der am 25. Mai 1977 in den US-amerikanischen und am 2. Februar 1978 in den westdeutschen Kinos anlief.
  • Tegan Jovanka contemptuously referred to her former companion Nyssa's servo robot Loki as . (AUDIO: Cobwebs) The Sixth Doctor and Frobisher attended the American premiere of the first film at Mann's Chinese Theatre in May 1977. Frobisher appreciated the original film and was aware of its place in culture, but the Doctor claimed to prefer the Special Editions. He also thought the actor who played Tarkin looked familiar, and seemed to remember meeting his granddaughter. (PROSE: Mission: Impractical) Sam Jones had Star Wars toys as a child. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)
  • Star Wars, traducido al español como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia compuesta de películas, novelas, cómics, videojuegos y juguetes. Es un universo de ficción creado por George Lucas. La historia de Star Wars utiliza arquetipos comunes a la ciencia ficción, climax político y mitología, así como temas musicales de estos aspectos.
  • In 1975, George Lucas had an idea. Not an idea as simple as one that you or I might have, of course, as the idea was not had by you or me. It was had by George Lucas. Yes, George Lucas, already the brilliant mastermind behind such works as American Graffiti, but who really cares about that, anyway? He made fucking STAR WARS!! It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base have... etc, etc, DEATH STAR!!, etc, Princess Leia, etc, save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy!!
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas. The film series, consisting of two trilogies (and an upcoming third), has spawned an extensive Media franchise called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the franchise resulted in significant development of the series' Fictional universe, keeping the franchise active in the 16-year interim between the two film trilogies. The franchise depicts a galaxy described as "far, far away" in the distant past, and commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterpart. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The franchise's s
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  • Just like the franchise, its fictional weapons contained in it, such as the lightsaber and the blaster, have been used in popular culture and have been an iconic part of the franchise.
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  • SWOTOR Wiki es un proyecto que pretende reunir información sobre lugares, personajes, armas, armaduras, objetos, etc. sobre el juego de Star Wars, Caballeros de la Antigua República 1, 2, KotOR MMORPG y Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  • Wiki sobre Star Wars y todo lo que lo rodea: videojuegos, anime, cómics, etc.
  • The Clone Wars Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que reune información sobre la serie, y sus personajes.
  • Wiki sobre Star Wars Rebels.
  • Star Wars Fanon Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de reunir información inventada por los fans sobre Stars Wars.
  • La wiki sobre referencias, menciones y parodias a Star Wars
  • Proyecto fanon Historias Star Wars, donde todos creamos el Universo Expandido.
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  • news/the-star-wars-digital-movie-collection-coming-april-10
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  • de.starwars
  • index.html
  • news/tag/indiana-jones
  • news/the-cinema-behind-star-wars-indiana-jones-and-the-lost-missions
  • 20
  • ''
  • *
  • ''
  • *
  • Rogue One
  • Saga Episodes *
  • Stand-Alone Films *
  • Films, television, novels, comics
alt language
  • All
  • George Lucas
  • [[starwars:George Lucas
  • Historias Star Wars
  • Parodias de Star Wars
  • SWTOR Wiki
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars Fanon
  • Star Wars Rebels Wiki
  • Star Wars Wiki
  • The Clone Wars Wiki
  • fr.starwars
  • [[starwars:George Lucas
  • Theme parks
  • Ficción
  • 20
  • 1977
  • 1977
  • "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
  • "The old Wookie prisoner gag"
  • Cuse and Lindelof in front of a Star Wars poster.
  • Note the similar expressions on their faces.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 31
  • 2007-08-31
  • Star Wars
series type
  • Novels,Comics,Games and Movies
  • y
  • y
  • George Lucas
series genre
  • Sci-Fi,Fantasy,Action,Adventure, and Fighting
  • Cuando el Paposo estaba plantado.
Date de Début
  • 2005-10-24
Título Original
  • Star Wars ''
data premiery w Polsce
  • 2012-04-28
Letztes Set
  • bis Heute
Erstes Set
  • 1999
Kod produkcji
  • 114
data premiery w USA
  • 2012-01-06
  • *Lego Star Wars *Lego Star Wars 2 *Lego Star Wars - Die komplette Saga *Star Wars III - The Clone Wars - Das Video Spiel 360 2856217
  • Повстанцы
  • Легенды
  • Войны клонов
  • Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая
  • Buildable Galaxy
  • Microfighters
  • Ultimate Collectors' Series
  • Ultrabuild
  • Эпизод I: Скрытая/Призрачная угроза
  • Изгой: Один
  • Хроники Йоды
  • Эпизод II: Атака клонов
  • Эпизод III: Месть ситхов
  • Эпизод IV: Новая надежда
  • Эпизод VII: Пробуждение Силы
  • Эпизод V: Империя наносит ответный удар
  • Christopher Lee
  • Pernilla August
  • Tu Hermana
napisany przez
  • Tima Maile i Douglasa Tubera
  • 1999
  • .
  • Star Wars is a series of sci fi films. The movies chronicle the adventures of a group of characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away". During the 1980s, the Strategic Defence Initiative was dubbed "Star Wars" after the film.
  • Star Wars was a movie franchise on Earth that John Crichton referenced a lot while in the Uncharted Territories. When Moya landed on Denea, Crichton pointed out the similarities to Dagobah, home to Yoda. ("I, E.T.")
  • Star Wars - лицензионная серия, запущенная в 1999 году.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise by George Lucas and centered around a film series of which the original first film appeared in 1977.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction, fantasy, space opera and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story is comprised of numerous archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology. Music, including musical motifs, played a large part in the telling of the story, according to Lucas and Star Wars composer John Williams. Starting with the original release of what is now-titled Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, originally called Star Wars, the saga became one of the most commonly used examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction. Along with this, it became a large part of mainstream culture, particularly in the United States where it was conceived, and it has gone on to become one of the highest-grossing series of all time. One of the contributions of Star Wars was the creation of a large Star Wars fan base, particularly on the World Wide Web. Websites such as TheForce.Net offer numerous news and fan postings on different aspects of the Star Wars Saga, and Wookieepedia has grown to become the largest Star Wars encyclopedia, as well as the largest Wikia Wiki, to document all available information from Star Wars. The Star Wars Fanon Wiki is also one of the largest Wikia Wikis, and it has grown to become a place where fan fiction authors and other creators of fan activities can post encyclopedic articles on their work. Websites such as FanFiction.Net and TheForce.Net also provide a haven for fan fiction, with the latter also providing space for fan films, fan audio and fan art.
  • Star Wars is a series of movies created by George Lucas. The original trilogy includes Episode IV: A New Hope released in theatres in 1997, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back released in 1980 and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi released in 1983. The prequels include Episode I: The Phantom Menace released in 1999, Episode II: Attack of the Clones released in 2002 and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released in 2005. Also, there is an animated-CGI film called Star Wars: The Clone Wars which was released in theatres in 2008. The film served as an introduction into television series of the same name. Episode I features two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi trying to settle a trade dispute on Naboo. They, along with Queen Amidala, flee the planet and land on Tatooine where they find a young slave boy who is unusually strong with the Force and the Sith has returned. Episode II features Anakin returning to protect Padmé Amidala while Obi-Wan is sent on a mission to find out who is trying to assassinate her. Episode III features Anakin wanting to protect Padmé after he has a dream that she dies in childbirth. He is seduced to the dark side by Darth Sidious who reveals that he is the Sith Lord and that they could save Padmé's life. Episode IV features Princess Leia who is captured by Darth after receiving plans for the Death Star and Luke Skywalker who is going to rescue her with the help of Obi-Wan. Episode V features Darth Vader trying to hunt down Princess Leia and Han Solo while Luke Skywalker is on a search for Jedi Master Yoda. Episode VI features Luke returning to Tatooine to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. The Rebel alliance decide to mount an attack on the second Death Star where Luke confronts his father, Darth Vader. Star Wars features on the movies include R2-D2: Beneath the Dome, Star Wars: A Musical Journey and The Story of Star Wars. Also, animated television series of Star Wars: Ewok Adventures and Droids, featuring R2-D2 and C-3P0 would be aired. The Clone Wars, which is set in-between Episode II and III, features Anakin getting his own Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. They are sent on a mission to find Jabba the Hutt's son while Obi-Wan tries assure Jabba that his son will be found and secure safe passage in the Hutts' trading routes. A television series based on the continuation of the movie was created. Rebels, which is set in-between Episode III and IV, Featuring Ezra Bridger,Zeb,Kanan Jarrus,Hera & Sabine and Of course Chopper to take down Inquisitor. Other spin-offs include The Holiday Special was aired once, Caravan of Courage, The Battle for Endor, The Great Heep, The Haunted Village, The Pirates and the Prince, Tales from the Endor Woods and Treasure of the Hidden Planet. The Star Wars franchise is now under the ownership of the Walt Disney company. Episodes 7 to 9 are planned as well as at least two spin-off movies. Episode 7 is currently under production.
  • If you are reading this article, it's already too late. Expect to be seeing Jar Jar Binks in heaven any time soon. Not to mention Pasta!
  • Star Wars (en español La guerra de las galaxias), es el título de una saga de ficción creada por el guionista, productor y director estadounidense George Lucas, reflejada principalmente en seis películas aunque también en otros medios. Desde el estreno de la primera trilogía de películas, Una nueva esperanza (1977), El imperio contraataca (1980) y El retorno del Jedi (1983), la serie se convirtió en un éxito popular y económico que permitió a Lucas crear todo un imperio cinematográfico formado por varias empresas que revolucionaron el cine posterior, especialmente en lo que a los efectos especiales se refiere. Durante los años siguientes el universo Star Wars siguió ampliándose en forma de libros, cómics, videojuegos, juegos de rol y juegos de mesa. Dos décadas después del estreno de la primera se estrenó una nueva trilogía cinematográfica, precuela de la anterior, formada por La amenaza fantasma (1999), El ataque de los clones (2002) y La venganza de los Sith (2005).
  • Star Wars, traducido al español como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia compuesta de películas, novelas, cómics, videojuegos y juguetes. Es un universo de ficción creado por George Lucas. La historia de Star Wars utiliza arquetipos comunes a la ciencia ficción, climax político y mitología, así como temas musicales de estos aspectos. Siendo uno de los ejemplos más importantes de la space opera (subgénero de ciencia ficción) Star Wars se ha convertido en una parte esencial de la cultura popular, así como una de las películas de mayor recaudación en taquilla de todos los tiempos y una de las mas aclamadas por el público en general.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction saga,though it should be classified as science fantasy. It was created by George Lucas in 1977, beginning with the film Episode IV A New Hope, and continued into the trilogy of Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI The Return of the Jedi. It has since become a pop culture phenomenom, once of the most commercially successful enterprises of all time. In 1994, George Lucas began writing the screeplays for the prequel trilogy, beginning with Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was released in 1999, starting the fame of the last trilogy all over again. Following The Phantom Menace came 2002's Episode II Attack of the Clones and 2005's Episode III Revenge of the Sith. All films made to the top film lists of the year, and have remained some of the most popular films of all time. In addition to the films, a massive Expanded Universe started in 1978 with Alan Dean Foster's novel Splinter of the Minds Eye, thus has gone in an endless series of novels, graphic novels, TV shows, card games, PC and console video games, action figures, toys and magazines that further expand and flesh out the world of Star Wars.
  • Star Wars is known for having a deep and engaging expanded universe (unlike Star Trek) that is filled with far more interesting and better written characters than anything the movies ever had. Several good examples are Revan, Darth Bane, Kreia, and Bastila Shan (which were all created by the same guy). Along with characters like Thrawn, Talon Karrde, and Mara Jade. The EU's best collection of stories deal with the era thousands of years before Episode 1. This time period chronicles several wars between the Sith Empire vs the Jedi & Republic. It is significantly more in depth and interesting then those films. Some gems from the Expanded Universe include: * The Star Wars Holiday Special * Ewoks: The Battle for Endor * Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure * The Crystal Star * Spider Legs Darth Marth (actually this is AU canon) * Skippy the Droid * The Jedi Prince Series * Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie (also AU canon) * The Sun Crusher (actually cool) * Mount Sorrow * Magic * Leia becoming a Jedi * Ziro the Hutt * Zombies (which is awesome) * Jizz (Space Jazz) But considering everything in the EU, it's a net positive.
  • The story starts, unsurpisingly, with the galactic republic in ecenomic decline. Taxation has provoked the trade federation to make a blockade around Naboo. Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to negotiate with the federation, but they mess everything up and the federation tries to kill them and invades Naboo with a droid army. So the "negotiators" run away. Typical. On Naboo, Qi-Gon saves a alien gungan from being run over by a tank. He instantly regrets this though, as the gungan turns out to be the idiotic and irritating Jar Jar Binks, who decides to follow them aroud and be no help at all. They try to lose him by going to the Otoh Gunga, as Jar Jar isn't allowed there, but instead they get sent to Theed. In Theed, they rescue Queen Amidala, and with an obnoxious droid called R2-D2, the leave for the planet of Tatooine, which bears a strong resemblance to Australia and Teufort, and is run by an obese alien called Jabba the Hutt. While Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Jar-Jar, and Amidala's surprisingly familiar maid Padme look around, they meet a bug-like alien called Watto, and his minion, an annoying 9-year old called Anakin Skywalker, who has created a droid called C-3PO who is constantly caused misery by everyone else. Knowing that training another apprentice is likely to help him get a promotion, and also wanting a droid to cause misery, Qui-Gon persuades Watto to gamble Anakin in the Podracing. Anakin wins the Podrace, and Qui-Gon wins Anakin and C-3PO, who is now doomed to a life of pain and suffering, not least from R2-D2. As they return to the ship however, they are attacked by Darth Mall, an apprentice of an evil villian called The Hood. Mall attacks them with his dual bladed lightsaber, but they escape. Qui-Gon knows nothing about Mall, but suspects him to be a Sith. He tells the rest of the jedi council about his escapades, but they doubt Mall was a Sith and tell Qui-Gon if he wants to train Anikan, he can do it himself. Amidala meanwhile, is convinced by Senator Paltapine to try a get a stronger chancellor to power, but the galactic senate don't care, so she and the jedi return to Naboo. There, they find out Padme is actually Queen Amidala, and Queen Amidala was just some maid in disguise. The Gungan make an alliance with Naboo, some idiot makes Jar Jar a general, and they all head out for war. Queen Padme captures the Federation viceroy, Nute Gunray, Anakin and R2 manage to pilot a Naboo ship and shut down the droids, and Qui-Gon and Obi-wan fight Darth Mall. Mall fatally wounds Qui-Gon, who pleads Obi-Wan to train Anakin, then dies. Obi Wan then kills Mall with Qui-Gon's lightsaber, and takes Qui Gon's body. After the battle, Qui-Gon is given a jedi funeral, Obi-Wan is becomes a Jedi knight, the Jedi council gives Obi-Wan their granting to train Anakin, Gunray is put on trial, and Queen Padme gives a symbol of friendship to the Gungans.
  • Star Wars is a series of movies that are extremely popular. Teal'c has displayed a great love of the series in the past.
  • Star Wars is a film series created by George Lucas. Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures includes some Star Wars characters. The Lost Temple includes C-3PO. In the temple idol scene there is a metal gate. Blow it up using a Bazooka or bomb man. In there is a barrel brake bam C-3PO. Into the Mountains includes Luke Skywalker. Go to the giant broken ravine and blow up the glass - good, you found Luke. City of Danger includes Chewbacca. In the end part open the gate go use a book dude, open the door and you are in Mos Eisle. Use a small dude and go in the small passage brake brake Chewbacca should appear. Free the Slaves includes Princess Leia. Go to the slave area and go to the low part and brake the metal use the solider passage - you found Leia. Desert Ambush has R2-D2. Go to the first go to the top and whip the crane R2-D2 Whoop. Now you can buy Han Solo in the library.
  • Star Wars is a series of six movies and related franchises created by George Lucas.
  • Star Wars is a film franchise consisting of eight feature films, starting with Star Wars (1977), which was directed and written by George Lucas. This space opera story is about freedom fighters rebelling against an evil empire ruling over a distant galaxy. The original Star Wars was followed by The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), and then by the prequels The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), Revenge of the Sith (2005), and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008). Disney is producing more feature films, starting with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). The films inspired tremendous merchandizing and gained a large fan base.
  • Lego Star Wars es un videojuego lanzado por Lucas Films y Traveler´s Tales, es un videojuego en tercera persona salida al venta por edicion completa en 2006.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction film released in 1977 and directed by George Lucas and starring Alec Guinness, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Anthony Daniels. Eddie Van Blundht and Amanda Nelligan shared a mutual interest in the film, the latter seeing the movie three hundred and sixty eight times. Van Blundht used his abnormal physiology to appear as the film's protagonist, Luke Skywalker, in order to have sexual relations with Nelligan. (TXF: "Small Potatoes") In reality, two trilogies bearing the name Star Wars have been produced but this fact has never been established in The X-Files, Millennium' or The Lone Gunmen.
  • The Star Wars movie franchise has spawned five machines, and thus may refer to: * Star Wars, the 1987 Sonic machine * Star Wars, the 1992 Data East machine * Star Wars Trilogy, the 1997 Sega machine * Star Wars Episode I, the 1999 Williams machine Or: * The Empire Strikes Back, the 1980 Hankin machine based on the franchise's second released film
  • Star Wars (Stjärnornas krig) är en episk science fiction-saga byggd på sex filmer som blivit kända världen över. När filmen Star Wars kom ut för första gången 1977 så innehöll den flera tekniska genombrott i filmindustrin. Filmerna efter den, The Empire Strikes Back och Return of the Jedifick enorm uppmärksamhet. Filmskaparen, George Lucas, lät Star Wars bli, inte bara filmer, utan nästan ett kommersiellt märke. Runt över världen finns folk som lätt känner igen låtarna ur "Original Trilogy", som Imperial March eller den klassiska öppningssången för filmerna. 1999 kom Star Wars Episod I: Det Mörka Hotet ut, efter flera års väntan. Filmen är en av de filmer som man har tjänat mest pengar på någonsin i hela världen, sammanlagt cirka 924 miljoner USD. Förutom sex filmer finns några mindre kända TV-serier, litteratur och TV/PC-spel i mängder. För sju år sedan när den sista filmen kom ut, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, var skillnaden jämfört med den första filmen mycket stor. Dataanimering var stor del av innehållet i filmen, men kritiken var för det mesta positiv i alla fall. Men Star Wars tar inte slut där. TV-spel och serier i olika former görs fortfarande om sagan. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategori:Star Wars
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise beginning in 1977 that consists of movies, TV shows, books, comic books, and a wealth of merchandise and other spin-offs. There are many connections between Star Wars and The Muppets, perhaps most notably the presence of Frank Oz's Star Wars character Yoda, who has often been misidentified as a Muppet. The properties are both owned by The Walt Disney Company; The Muppets were purchased in 2004, and Star Wars in 2012. In 1999, Star Wars Insider noted, "There seemed to be a kind of natural synergy between Star Wars and the Muppets almost immediately," to which Frank Oz replied: “I think that's true. Certainly, they both had the vitality and purity and joy and dreaming, and there's certainly geniuses behind both of them. George and Jim worked together on Labyrinth, and I think that which got them together was that synergy. There was an awareness and an appreciation. They are both very unique individuals, and I think they both wanted to work with each other, because they were very similar - very smart, very quiet, very strong people.”
  • Tegan Jovanka contemptuously referred to her former companion Nyssa's servo robot Loki as . (AUDIO: Cobwebs) The Sixth Doctor and Frobisher attended the American premiere of the first film at Mann's Chinese Theatre in May 1977. Frobisher appreciated the original film and was aware of its place in culture, but the Doctor claimed to prefer the Special Editions. He also thought the actor who played Tarkin looked familiar, and seemed to remember meeting his granddaughter. (PROSE: Mission: Impractical) Flip Jackson compared the Valeyard to Darth Vader. The Sixth Doctor expressed surprise at her reference, not having thought she liked Star Wars, to which she replied she loved Jar Jar Binks. (AUDIO: Stage Fright) When the Sixth Doctor told Flip that Transmission was an artificial planetoid, she compared it to the Death Star. The Doctor expressed the hope that it was "not quite so ominous." (AUDIO: The Fourth Wall) Returned to her old haunts in Perivale in 1989, Ace learned from Ange that their mutual friend Flo married a "brain-dead plumber" whom they had nicknamed "Darth Vader." (TV: Survival) Ace compared the hymnal skein to "the Force." The Seventh Doctor agreed that it was a useful analogy. (PROSE: Hymn of the City) Sam Jones had Star Wars toys as a child. (PROSE: Alien Bodies) Izzy Sinclair had a Darth Vader poster on her bedroom wall in the TARDIS. (COMIC: Beautiful Freak) The Tenth Doctor told Martha Jones that Jar Jar Binks' clan were "...good people...very hospitable." (PROSE: Forever Autumn) Both Mr Grantham and Clyde Langer made reference to the series, the latter comparing himself to Luke Smith's mentor, like Obi-Wan Kenobi. (TV: Warriors of Kudlak) Clyde called Luke his "young padawan", when stating he had much to learn about humour. (TV: Prisoner of the Judoon) Clyde said that he did a school history project on the Battle of Waterloo because his teacher had not allowed him to do one on . (TV: The Last Sontaran) At the end of a holographic communication left to Jack Harkness, another Time Agent, John Hart mockingly said "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope". (TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang) The Tenth Doctor once said that ventilation ducts never seemed to work out as a means of escape, just like in Star Wars. (TV: Dreamland) The Eleventh Doctor once compared himself to "" and proceeded to play with an imaginary , but incorrectly named him Gandalf. (TV: Meanwhile in the TARDIS) Amy Pond cried out "Help me, Obi Wan!" upon seeing a hologram of herself. (PROSE: The King's Dragon) A homeless man, who was an eyewitness to the arrival of one of the metalkind arrived on Earth, established his perception of robots from Star Wars, which he explained when he told Sarah Jane Smith and Rani Chandra the creature could not be a robot. (TV: Sky) Fitz Kreiner mentioned that he had seen all nine Star Wars films at a cinema in the 2040s. (PROSE: The Last Resort) Hex described the control centre of Ranulph Fiennes Bunker as a cross between Buckingham Palace and the Death Star. (AUDIO: The Word Lord) Bernice Summerfield compared The Empire State to the Death Star. (AUDIO: The Empire State) Anji Kapoor recounted the tale of Jabba the Hutt and Han Solo to Jamon de la Rocas, recalling the tale after her boyfriend Dave Young made her watch Star Wars. (PROSE: The Slow Empire) While on Skaro in the 27th century, Bernice Summerfield described the Seventh Doctor as "the worst Yoda ever". (AUDIO: The Lights of Skaro)
  • Star Wars is often mentioned or talked about in "Weird Al" Yankovic songs.
  • |} Star Wars - dziewiąty odcinek pierwzszego sezonu Jessie.
  • thumb Star Wars, traducido al español como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia compuesta de películas, novelas, cómics, videojuegos y juguetes. Es un universo de ficción creado por George Lucas. La historia de Star Wars utiliza arquetipos comunes a la ciencia ficción, climax político y mitología, así como temas musicales de estos aspectos
  • In the "Pilot" (S01E01), Sheldon mentions Leonard's Star Wars hair products that are in the shower which their new neighbor Penny is using. In The Loobenfeld Decay (S01E010), Howard calls Sheldon Chewbacca, Leonard Han Solo and Raj Princess Leia. In The Jerusalem Duality (S01E12), due to Sheldon not liking Dennis Kim, he talks about a disturbance in the force and Leonard talks like Yoda. In "The Euclid Alternative" (S02E05), Sheldon buys Star Wars bed sheets, but finds the sheets too stimulating to sleep, remarking that he is uncomfortable with how Darth Vader "stares at him". In "The Lizard-Spock Expansion" (S02E08), Sheldon refuses to watch the Clone Wars TV series with Leonard until he sees the movie. Leonard protests, but Sheldon suggests they decide with a game of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, so he just gives Sheldon the remote, who then changes the channel. In "The Killer Robot Instability" (S02E12), Raj references Jedi Mind-Tricks while taunting Sheldon's inability to influence Barry Kripke into backing down. In "The Maternal Capacitance" (S02E15), Raj and Howard make fun of the fact that Leonard's younger siblings are far more successful than him, comparing him to Jar Jar Binks, followed by the two mocking him with Gungan accents. In "The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition" (S02E19), Sheldon attempts to mimic Admiral Ackbar's famous line from "Return of the Jedi"; "Ah, it's a trap!". He tells Penny to imagine him with a squid head, however Ackbar's species, the MonCalamari, are based on amphibious fish. Their neighbors on their home-planet Dac, the Quarren, are based on squid. In "The Vegas Renormalization" (S02E21), Raj and Howard compare C-3PO to Sheldon, as they share many traits; however Sheldon does not believe he has any resemblance to the droid. Later, when Sheldon is trying to find his key, he hums a Star Wars theme song. Later, Penny is playing twenty questions with Sheldon, is confused and guesses "Are you Star Wars?" In "The Monopolar Expedition" (S02E23), Sheldon references The Battle of Hoth when Han Solo cut open his deceased Tauntaun mount and used it for a heat source, saving Luke Skywalker from freezing to death. An irritated Howard suggests cutting open Sheldon and doing the same, prompting Leonard to restrain him. In "The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation" (S03E01), Leonard claims that when Sheldon is upset, he puts on his Darth Vader helmet and tries to choke Leonard to death with the Force. Later at work, Sheldon tries to Force-Choke Raj, feeling bad for Sheldon, Raj pretends it works. In "The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary" (S03E05), Sheldon taunts Will Wheaton by saying that his current card deck would be about as much help as an air conditioner on the ice planet Hoth. In "The Large Hadron Collision" (S03E15), Sheldon references Anakin Skywalker's betrayal to the Jedi order, and his transformation into Darth Vader. In "The Excelsior Acquisition" (S03E16), Raj is wearing a shirt that plays sound bytes and walks around the Comic Book Store playing "The Imperial March" from Star Wars. In "The Wheaton Recurrence" (S03E19), Penny quotes Yoda to Leonard while in bed and correctly identifies the movie it came from though Leonard also gets it wrong. In "The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification" (S04E02), Howard keeps making Star Wars droid jokes (i.e. C3PO) when Sheldon is using his Mobile Virtual Presence Device (MVPD), e.g.; Howard calls Sheldon "R2-D2", and threatens to sell him to Jawas on Tatooine. In "The Zazzy Substitution" (S04E03), Leonard refers to their group of friends as the Rebel Alliance, but Sheldon prefers the Galactic Empire. In "The Hot Troll Deviation" (S04E04), Sheldon sarcastically states that Star Wars I: Phantom Menace is a timeless classic, implying he dislikes the first three movies, and prefers the Original Trilogy (IV-VI). Howard has two exact-replica green lightsabers above his bed, these are also seen in, The Pulled Groin Extrapolation, and The Russian Rocket Reaction. In "The Irish Pub Formulation" (S04E06), Sheldon tells Leonard that he is to short to be Darth Vader, saying he would make a better Ewok. In "The 21-Second Excitation" (S04E08), they note that they should go see Raiders of the Lost Ark before it gets changed like George Lucas keeps doing to the Star Wars pictures. Jar Jar Binks from Episodes 1 - 3 is also mimicked a couple of times during the episode with Wil Wheaton doing it once. In "The Justice League Recombination" (S04E11), one of the people at the costume party is dressed as a Stormtrooper from Star Wars IV-VI. In "The Thespian Catalyst" (S04E14), Howard refers to Darth Vader planning to construct the Death Star; however this statement is incorrect, as it was Darth Sidious who ordered the construction of the Death Star, Darth Vader simply utilized it. In "The Herb Garden Germination" (S04E20), there is a poster in Sheldon's bathroom depicting some of the best known bounty hunters in the Star Wars Original Trilogy, including Boba Fett, Greedo, and Dengar. In "The Russian Rocket Reaction" (S05E05), Sheldon taunts Leonard's "betrayal" by saying if he were Obi-Wan he would have said "Excuse me, Mr. Stormtrooper, these ARE the droids your looking for." Leonard argues that he is just going to Wil Wheaton's party, not turning R2-D2 & C-3PO over to The Empire. In "The Good Guy Fluctuation" (S05E07), some Star Wars action figures are seen behind Leonard when he first talks to Alice; an ARC Trooper, & Aura Sing. In "The Isolation Permutation" (S05E08), Sheldon is making a model of the Death Star out of {{w|LEGO. In "The Ornithophobia Diffusion" (S05E09), Leonard rents a Star Wars movie on Blu-ray, Sheldon wants to watch Star Wars but is distracted by a blue jay. When he tries to scare the bird with a broom, Sheldon puts on a Boba Fett helmet. In "The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition" (S05E10), there is a figurine of Princess Leia, and Aura Sing in the comic book store when Dale tells Leonard he doesn't know how to make change for returns. In "The Beta Test Initiation" (S05E14), Penny hides Leonard's Star Wars socks while they are at the Emergency Room. In "The Friendship Contraction" (S05E15), when Sheldon wakes up Leonard for the "apocalypse drill", a stormtrooper figurine can be seen on his nightstand. Leonard uses a lightsaber as a light source during a blackout. In "The Weekend Vortex" (S05E19), the guys are playing the Star Wars online game Star Wars: The Old Republic all weekend. Amy accidently says they are playing a Star Trek game. Penny corrects her that the guys don't like them being mixed up. Amy asks what the difference is and Penny claims that there is no difference. In "The Hawking Excitation" (S05E21), people thought Sheldon's Stephen Hawking costume was R2-D2. In "The Launch Acceleration" (S05E23), Penny parodies Darth Vader's famous line "I am your father!" When she inhales a voice-deepening gas. In "The Date Night Variable" (S06E01), when Raj goes to the comic book store, there is a poster of C-3PO, a Chewbacca coffee mug, and a display case full of clone action figures. In "The Extract Obliteration" (S06E05), Sheldon tries to use a Jedi mind trick to make Stephen Hawking play a game with him. Hawking aborted the game because Sheldon was winning. In "The Cooper/Kripke Inversion" (S06E14), Sheldon plays the Imperial March, calling it his "I am unhappy and want to destroy the planet" song. He also wears an afghan blanket over his head making him look like Darth Sidious. In "The Proton Displacement" (S07E07), Raj makes Howard a lightsaber belt buckle as a way of apologizing for the way he treated Howard when they were with: Amy, Bernadette and Penny. Initially, Howard was impressed. The lightsaber would even light up. However, when he found that Raj had one, and when Raj said "we can have little sword fights whenever we want", Howard got annoyed. In "The Hesitation Ramification" (S07E12), after Penny's scene on "NCIS" is cut from her episode, Leonard finds an internet audition offer for the new Star Wars film(The Force Awakens.) Unfortunately it's for fans and not a professional audition. To make her feel better he uses a Star Wars analogy (Luke Skywalker having only one chance to destroy the Death Star), however Penny doesn't really want it. Part of Howard's Star Wars audition taping session is also shown. In "The Occupation Recalibration" (S07E13), When Bernadette visits Stuart, there are action figures of Darth Maul, Darth Vader on display, and two models of Darth Sidious on his throne. When Bernadette and Stuart go to the other comic book store there is a display of several Star Wars characters; Darth Malgus, Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress, Captain Rex, Stormtrooper, Chewbacca, Shaak Ti and a life-size statue of C-3PO. Penny tricks Sheldon into doing yoga by making him think she said "Yoda". When Bernadette returns to Jesse's comic book store an Imperial Guard statuette can be seen on the shelf, and a Yoda figurine is standing on the cash register. In "The Convention Conundrum" (S07E14), Sheldon goes to ask James Earl Jones to appear in his own Comic-Con. He ends up having an amazing evening with Jones, and even got to pull a prank on Carrie Fisher. In "The Friendship Turbulence" (S07E17), Sheldon says he is still mad about Howard calling him C-3PO in "The Vegas Renormalization". In “The Proton Transmogrification” (S07E22), The gang celebrates Star Wars Day with Sheldon, Howard, and Raj watching all Star Wars movies and Bernadette and Amy making a Death Star cake. When Professor Proton dies, he comes to Sheldon in a dream and then magically is dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi when Sheldon tells him about Star Wars. At the end, The whole gang celebrates Star Wars Day. Various Star Wars references were made in "The Skywalker Incursion", when Leonard and Sheldon dropped by Skywalker Ranch to meet George Lucas. In “The Platonic Permutation” (S09E09), Penny reads from Leonard’s journal and finds out he wrote that he is so excited for the new Star Wars movie. In “The Opening Night Excitation” (S09E11), The guys are going to see the new Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens. Leonard, Howard, and Raj go while Sheldon celebrates Amy’s birthday with her. The three invite Wil to come with them since Sheldon isn’t coming. The four end up enjoying the movie, with Leonard, Howard, and Raj shell-shocked and amazed afterwards.Sheldon and Amy saw it several days later and both loved it.
  • Star Wars was a highly popular science fiction franchise during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, consisting of various productions in multiple media. Mrs. Davis, the counselor at Lewis Elementary School in 2003, did not know the difference between Star Wars and another similarly-named science fiction franchise of the same time period. (TOS - Constellations short story: "Make-Believe")
  • Star Wars (Scilicet Latine Bella Stellaria vel Bella Astralia) est nomen seriei pellicularum utopicae. Dispositor et effector erat George Lucas
  • Se conoce que J.J. Abrams y Damon Lindelof son grandes fans de estas películas[1]. El día que se conocieron para comenzar a colaborar en Lost, J.J. llevaba un camiseta de Star Wars, y como resultado ambos descubrieron una conexión mutua.
  • Star Wars (teilweise ins deutsche Übersetzt mit Krieg der Sterne) ist eine US-amerikanische Kinofilmreihe von George Lucas, deren erster Film 1977 erschien. Neben den sechs Kinofilmen entstanden noch weitere Filme und Serien fürs Fernsehen.
  • Many Star Wars characters and references are seen throughout all the Family Guy series. Stewie freezes an airport security officer named Henry in carbonite in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". Jabba the Griffin appears in "He's Too Sexy for His Fat". The Griffins use an escape pod in "Holy Crap" that is similar to the pod used in Star Wars. The binoculars Stewie uses to watch Janet from the ladder in "Dammit Janet!" are the same Luke Skywalker uses in The Empire Strikes Back. In "And the Wiener is...", an Imperial Stormtrooper is seen shooting a cardboard cutout of Luke Skywalker. Stewie’s air battle in "Emission Impossible" with Peter’s sperm parodies that of both Luke Skywalker in A New Hope and the Millennium Falcon attack in Return of the Jedi with one of Peter’s testicles representing the base. After Lois asks Peter if he gave away the family’s Christmas presents in "A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas", Peter responds: “Lois, if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” This is almost an exact quote of Obi-Wan Kenobi in his climactic duel with Darth Vader. Brian slices open the camel’s belly to save Stewie from the cold, much like Han Solo did with his Tauntaun to warm Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. When Peter imagines the baby birds as his children in "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows", the third bird wears a purple version of Boba Fett’s helmet. In "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein", Luke Skywalker is used by Lois Griffin as an example as to why laser eye surgery is so dangerous. While Joe Swanson chases the Griffins through the sewer in "Breaking Out is Hard to Do", Tie fighters appear and Joe destroys them. In "Chick Cancer", Luke is called out for embarrassing a rebel trooper by saying it was possible to shoot a proton torpedo into a two meter hole. The final scene in "Blind Ambition" in which Peter receives his award is a reenactment of the ending of the original Star Wars film', complete with John Williams’ music, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2. In the same fashion, the credits were done to the Star Wars theme and style. In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire", Emperor Palpatine tried to make Cleveland Brown so angry he'll beat up Glenn Quagmire for sleeping with Cleveland's wife. In an installment of "What Really Grinds My Gears" for Quahog 5 News in the first Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story segment, "Stewie B. Goode", one of the things that irks Peter Griffin is not being able to find the droids he's looking for. A couple of Stormtroopers viewing the telecast agree. In the second Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story segment "Bango Was His Name Oh", Stewie Griffin shoos Jawas away from the car he was using to track down a man he believes is his father. In "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives", Peter saves Luke Skywalker's life by filling in for the Tauntaun that Han cuts open. In "The Courtship of Stewie's Father", Kenobi warns Peter Griffin that the Tusken Raiders will return after storming from choir practice in greater numbers. In "Barely Legal", Stewie proclaims that discovering Brian and Meg kissed at the dance was a bigger jackpot than when the Emperor discovered the key to great Star Wars dialogue. Attorney Scott Greenberg battles the Rancor in "Peterotica" when he represents the plaintiff who is suing Carter Pewterschmidt. In "Mother Tucker", Darth Vader is seen working as a meter maid writing a parking ticket, then being insulted on his narrow life and lack of vision by the business man whose car is involved Nien Nunb is Glenn Quagmire's co-pilot in "Airport '07". In "Brian Sings and Swings", Meg sees Chris putting on his hair and hat the same way Vader has his helmet put on in The Empire Strikes Back". It shows Chris' scarred head as the "Imperial March" is played. With support from Lucas, Seth MacFarlane created Blue Harvest, a whole Family Guy extended episode which is a retelling of Star Wars Episode IV. Another episode of Family Guy dedicated to Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back titled Something, Something, Something, Dark Side was released on DVD and Blu-ray on December 22, 2009. The title came from a Star Wars related "Barely Legal" cutaway. Yet another episode of Family Guy dedicated to Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, It's A Trap!, was released on December 21st 2010, as was a box set for the trilogy, known as the Laugh it Up, Fuzzball trilogy. File:SethSW123.png In "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One", Mayor Lois Griffin claims that Darth Vader is buying yellowcake uranium from unwed teenage mothers in order to get money from the taxpayers to support Lake Quahog. Peter quotes Vader's line "They are a part of a rebel alliance and a traitor!" in "Padre de Familia". Hayden Christensen identifies who he is, with intention to go into character, when he shows up to join the spirits Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Francis Griffin, in their attempt to encourage Peter Griffin to prove himself to his biological father Mickey McFinnigan in "Peter's Two Dads". Emperor Palpatine is also seen in "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing," at the Quahog Cabana Club as the only audience member when Frank Sinatra, Jr. and Brian become the new owners. He requests they play "On the Dark Side". In "Three Kings", Peter as Andy Dufrense has several Star Wars figurines in his cell including Vader and General Grievous. Chris uses two logs to crush Peter's head while they are mad at each other in "Hannah Banana". The scene is reminiscent of Return of the Jedi when the Ewoks use two logs to crush an AT-STs head. In "Family Goy", the ghost of Francis Griffin appears before Peter and orders him to stop supporting the Jewish faith. When Peter agrees, he asks Francis to quote Obi-Wan's quote from The Empire Strikes Back: "You must go to the Dagobah System". The producers of the films decided to make James Earl Jones's role as Vader voice-only after seeing that he could barely fit in the suit, as seen in "Go, Stewie, Go!". The Death Star appeared in "Brian Griffin's House of Payne" in the shape of Peter's face in Stewie's imagination. In "Back to the Pilot", Future Joe's body below the head is a copy of that of IG-88, the assassin droid bounty hunter from Star Wars. Peter makes the creators of Mad Men make Jon Hamm's character a Star Wars Jedi in "Ratings Guy". KISS guitarist Ace Frehley appears and plays the Star Wars theme. Chris believes that Peter is about to launch into another Star Wars story in "Jesus, Mary & Joseph". When Peter has a severe accident while skydiving in Las Vegas in "Turban Cowboy", he says he saw his life flash before his eyes and admits they did way too much Star Wars stuff. Peter also mangles "Allahu Akbar" as "Admiral Akbar" while dining at The Chaste Camel with Mahmoud. Peter tries to make a Star Wars reference to Kimi in "Take My Wife" but she doesn't get it. Lois does, but refers to the film as The Star Wars as Peter corrects her.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction movie series, as well as books, cartoons, computer games and much more. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Numerous Star Wars related games have appeared on Nintendo gaming devices, the earliest being Star Wars, a game released on the Famicom in 1987. Since then, a Star Wars game has appeared on every Nintendo console and handheld (with the exception of Virtual Boy). The complete list can be seen below.
  • Star Wars is a media franchise.
  • Star Wars ist besser als Star Trek.
  • Star wars wiki
  • The film series has spawned a media franchise outside the film series called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise active in the interim between the film trilogies. The franchise portrays a galaxy that is described as far, far away in the distant past. It commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterpart. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The fictional universe also contains many themes, especially influences of philosophy and religion.
  • Star Wars Mighty Muggs are a line of Mighty Muggs action figures produced by Hasbro in 2008. Featuring stylized classic Star Wars characters in the super deformed style, these six-inch toys straddle the line between Urban Vinyl and block figures. Muggs: The first wave included: * Darth Vader * Chewbacca * Boba Fett * Han Solo * Darth Maul * Stormtrooper The second wave includes: * C3PO * Obi-Wan kenobi * Mace Windu * Luke Skywalker The third wave includes: * Jango Fett * Lando Calrissian * Princess Leia * Clone Commander Cody The fourth wave includes: * Yoda * General Grievous * Emperor Palpatine * Luke Skywalker (Bespin) The fifth wave includes: * Anakin Skywalker * Count Dooku * Asajj Ventress * Captain Rex The sixth wave includes: * Darth Vader ( Maskless) * Grand Moff Tarkin * Han Solo (Hoth) * Plo Koon The seventh wave includes: * Darth Maul (shirtless) * Darth Revan
  • Star Wars is an epic space opera franchise initially conceived by George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was simply titled Star Wars, but later had the subtitle Episode IV: A New Hope added to distinguish it from its sequels and prequels. Star Wars was released on May 25, 1977 by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels released in three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released, again released in three-year intervals, with the final film released on May 19, 2005. As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately $4.3 billion, making it the third-highest grossing film series, behind only Harry Potter and James Bond. The franchise has spawned other media including books, television series, video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies comprise the Star Wars Expanded Universe, and have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise going in the interim between the film trilogies. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released to theaters as the first ever worldwide theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main trilogies. It was the franchise's first animated film, and was intended as an introduction to the Expanded Universe series of the same name, a 3D CGI animated series based on a 2003 animated 2D series, also of the same name.
  • Star Wars ist ein Themenbereich von LEGO. Es war das erste Lizenzgeschäft, das sowohl Lego als auch LucasArts machte. Der Lizenzvertrag wurde 1999 abgeschlossen, mit einer Laufzeit bis 2007. 2007 wurde die Lizenz, die für LEGO sehr wichtig ist, bis 2011 verlängert. 2011 wurde sie erneut verlängert. 2012 wurde eine Verlängerung der Star Wars-Lizenz von 10 Jahren bekannt gegeben, also bis 2022. Star Wars spielt in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis. In den Episoden 1-6 geht es um die Geschichte eines Jungen, der erst zum Jedi und dann zum bekanntem Darth Vader wird. Episode 1 Der Planet Naboo wird von der Handelsförderation belagert. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi und die Königin von Naboo (Padmé Amidala) versuchen den Planeten zu befreien und stoßen auf Tatooine auf Anakin Skywalker. Dieser wird dann zum Jedi. Anakin macht bei einem Podrennen mit um das Geld für die Maschine der Königin zu bekommen. Episode 2 Ein geheimnisvoller Kopfgeldjäger namens Jango Fett versucht, Padmé Amidala (jetzt Senatorin von Naboo) zu töten. Als Obi-Wan Kenobi und Anakin Skywalker, der Padawan von Obi-Wan, versuchen, den Kopfgeldjäger zu fassen, stößt Obi-Wan auf Kamino auf die unbekannte Klonarmee der Republik während Anakin seine Mutter sucht. Am Ende treffen sie sich auf Geonosis wieder, wo in der folgenden Schlacht die Klonkriege ausgelöst werden. Episode 3 Als General Grievous Coruscant angreift und Kanzler Palpatine entführt, retten Obi-Wan und Anakin diesen und nebenbei tötet letzterer Count Dooku. General Grievous entkommt, wird aber wenig später von Obi-Wan getötet. Als die Jedi erfahren, dass Kanzler Palpatine der gesucht Sith ist, ruft dieser die Order 66 aus, woraufhin die Klone ihre Jedi-Generäle töten. Damit wird Anakin Skywalker zu Darth Vader. Obi-Wan und Yoda flüchten ins Exil. Zuletzt bekommt Padmé dann noch zwei Kinder namens Luke und Leia, die in den nächsten Episoden eine große Rolle spielen. Fortsetzung folgt ...
  • Star Wars er et episk eventyr der fortæller historien om Anakin Skywalker og hans drabelige eventyr og hans Sith kællinger.
  • Star Wars is the first franchise covered by the LEGO Games.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise created by George Lucas. Seven of the intended nine films have been released since 1977.
  • Star Wars is a film series by George Lucas. Many parodies have been made on these movies. MOVIES- There are Six official Star Wars Movies. * Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace * Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones * Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith * Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope * Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back * Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi There is another rumered trilogy based after IV,V,and VI. However this is just a rumer. MAJOR CHARACTERS- * Darth Vader * Emperor Palpatine * Luke Skywalker * Anakin Skywalker * Han Solo * Obi-Wan Kenobi * Yoda * Boba Fett * Padme Amidala * C-3PO * R2-D2
  • Star Wars is a campy movie. The first film, A New Hope, had ground breaking effects, yet a tiny budget. This article is a stub, it needs work.
  • Michelle Gordian brought a video cassette of Star Wars, with all the necessary playing equipment, back in time to 1953. After science fiction writer Pete Lundquist deduced her anachronistic nature and asked to see some futuristic gadgets, she showed him the movie. Lundquist was stunned by the sight of a color television, which was still only a hypothetical technology in his time. The movie itself was great fun, despite its thin plot. The headlong action of the space opera felt like several months of serial installments spliced together, and the trick photography was unlike anything he'd ever seen. However, the greatest impression on him was made by the sight of a much-older Alec Guinness, who was already famous in 1953. The actor's age as Obi-Wan Kenobi made Lundquist wonder what two decades would do to him.
  • Star Wars is the fictional universe created by George Lucas and added upon by numerous authors and artists.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction/fantasy film saga created by George Lucas and Lucasfilms. The first three films in the series were released in 1977, 1980, and 1983. Three prequels to the first trilogy were released in 1999, 2002, and 2005. J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof have expressed their admiration of the Star Wars films. The day they met to begin collaboration for Lost, Damon Lindelof was wearing an original official Star Wars fan club T-shirt and the pair found an instant connection as a result. In January 2013, J.J. Abrams was hired direct the first film in the third Star Wars trilogy titled The Force Awakens, following Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
  • Star Wars is a science fiction franchise comprised of movies, books, comics, video games, toys, and animated shows. It is a fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects. As one of the foremost examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction, Star Wars has become part of mainstream popular culture, as well as being one of the highest-grossing series of all time. It is currently the third highest-grossing film series behind only Harry Potter and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. and the second highest-grossing media franchise of all time (with only the Japanese franchise Pokémon outranking it).
  • The Star Wars Trilogies are, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest six films (yes, all six) ever to be made or experienced by the human species. End of story.
  • Star Wars (Guerra nas Estrelas [1]) é o título de uma "ópera espacial", nas próprias palavras do seu autor que assim designou o universo de fantasia que compunha este projeto, que foi transformada em uma série de nove filmes de ficção científica. Como subprodutos surgiram também uma franquia literária, uma série de jogos eletrônicos e desenhos animados (incluindo a Nova Trilogia, sequências e adaptações literárias) baseados nas idéias do diretor e roteirista George Lucas. Os filmes, organizados em duas trilogias, abordam a transição histórica "numa galáxia muito, muito distante..." onde ocorre a queda da República Galáctica e a implantação do Império Galáctico sob comando do senador Palpatine (Lorde Sith).
  • As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately US$4.3 billion, making it one of the most successful franchises of all time.
  • Ok, das kennt wahrscheinlich jeder. Ähnlich wie ein Märchen, bloß dass es im Weltraum spielt. Dazu gibt es natürlich auch unglaublich viele Merchandising Artikel, wie zum Beispiel Spiele, Comics, Bücher, Figuren, T-Shirts, Kostüme, etc. Einige Leute haben auch daraus eine eigene Religion abgeleitet: die Jedi... naja, Freaks. Aber lustig.
  • The Galactic Republic was a peaceful government led by the Galactic Senate that lasted for more than a total of twenty-five thousand years. However, in the Republic Classic era the Trade Federation (later known to have joined with others to form the Separatists), a trading group, was convinced by the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who was actually Senator Palpatine, to attack the world of Naboo using their Droid Army. They attacked, but Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were called in from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to negotiate with Nute Gunray (the leader of the Trade Federation), and they freed Queen Amidala, her advisers and pilots from the droids and fled back to Coruscant, but had to stop at Tatooine for repairs after they broke through the Droid Navy blockade at Naboo. Later, they met Anakin Skywalker, a Force-Sensitive slave on the world. After going to his house and meeting his mother, Shmi Skywalker, and Anakin's protocol droid, C-3PO, Qui-Gon Jinn realized the potential that Anakin had in himself and believed that he was the chosen one. Later on Anakin entered a podrace and won first place and enough money for the others to repair the Queen's ship, allowing Anakin to leave Tatooine with the others to grow up and become a Jedi Knight. The Queen had asked Supreme Chancellor Valorum for help regarding the invasion of her planet, but the senate was fooled by the Trade Federation. However, dissent in the senate caused a new Chancellor to be elected, Palpatine. With no help from the Republic, the only thing Amidala could do was ask the Gungan army for help. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon tried to have Anakin become a Jedi, but he was rejected by the Council for being too old and having too much fear. So they all went back to Naboo, where the fight was becoming the Battle of Naboo, featuring It was the Gungan Army and the Naboo Security Force(and some civilians) against the Trade Federation's Battle Droids. However, as they reached the hangar of the palace they were trying to take, they ran into Darth Maul, Sidious' apprentice, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fought them off while the others dealt with the droids. Meanwhile, Anaking stumbled into a Naboo starfighter and accidentally launched into space with the rest of the Nabooian fighter squadrons. In the battle in space, Anakin destroyed a Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship and saved the Gungans from certain defeat, and possibly death. Meanwhile Qui-Gon was killed by Darth Maul, which lead to Obi-Wan grabbing his master's lightsaber and bisecting Maul from the waist. Qui-Gon's sacrifice inspired the council to allow Anakin to become a Jedi youngling. There was then a massive celebration on Naboo to celebrate the victory and the peaceful reuniting of the Naboo and the Gungans. 10 years later the Sith Count Dooku hired two notorious assassins, Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett and Clawdite assassin Zam Wesell, to assassinate the Senator of Naboo, Padme Amidala after she ruined Darth Sidious' plans for control of the Naboo system in the Battle of Naboo. After the attempt was quelled by her bodyguards, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, Kenobi went to Kamino to track Jango Fett and Skywalker was assigned as Amidala's personal bodyguard. While he was there, Kenobi discovered that a clone army was being created at the request of the now dead Jedi, Master Sifo-Dyas. Obi Wan found out that the newly-found Separatist Alliance led by Count Dooku was building a droid army on Geonosis, so he tried to inform the Jedi Council, but was then captured by the hostile Geonosians. Anakin, Padme and R2-D2(an astromech that helped Anakin in the battle of Naboo) were on Tatooine because Anakin was searching for his mother, who he found captured by Tusken Raiders. When she died in his arms, Anakin became so angry that he slaughtered all of the Tusken Raiders.. When he returned to the Lars' homestead, where his mother had stayed as the wife of Cliegg Lars, who had bought her and then freed her, they received Obi-Wan's message. While they did send the message to the council as instructed, the two went to Geonosis to help anyway. However, they were captured, and a strike team of 200 Jedi led by Jedi Master Mace Windu came to rescue them and destroy the droids. After a large fight in which the 200 Jedi were reduced to roughly 30, Master Yoda arrived with the Clone Army to rescue the Jedi. Then Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi attempted to capture Count Dooku, who was escaping. After a short but intense duel, Dooku was forced to retreat by Yoda, but not before wounding Obi Wan and cutting off Anakin's right arm. As a result of the Republic's victory in the First Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars had begun. Afterwards, Anakin and Padme got married in secret, and Anakin replaced his arm with a robotic one. The Clone Wars waged for some three years, during which time the Jedi and their Clone Troopers fought against the Droid Armies of the Separatists. Among the enemies they would face during this time would be Dooku's Force-sensitive assassins, Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress; Pre Vizsla and his Death Watch; and the return of Darth Maul, who was revealed to have survived his apparent demise on Naboo. Later, in 19 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and the Republic's Open Circle Fleet fought against a large Separatist Navy fleet in orbit of Coruscant after the Separatists had led a lightning-fast invasion and captured Chancellor Palpatine. They boarded cyborg General Grievous's flagship, the Invisible Hand, and dueled Count Dooku, resulting in Kenobi getting minor injuries and Anakin killing Dooku at the request of Chancellor Palpatine. They freed Chancellor Palpatine from him, who was being held prisoner on the bridge. While Grievous escaped, the three and R2-D2 managed to safely "land" the ship on Coruscant. When they got back, Obi-Wan left to report to the Council, while Anakin went to see Padme, who revealed she was pregnant. Later, Palpatine told Anakin he wanted him to be his personal representative of the Jedi Council. The Jedi approved, but did not grant him the title "Jedi Master". Anakin became angry at the Jedi Order for not letting him become a Master, and got even angrier that Palpatine, who was Anakin's friend, was not trusted by the Order, and they wanted Anakin to spy on him. Anakin refused, but he also refused to spy on the Order for Palpatine, who had asked him to. Later Kenobi and the 212th Attack Battalion was sent to Utapau, a world where Grievous had been spotted, and Anakin had to stay on Coruscant. Meanwhile, Yoda went to Kashyyyk in the Outer Rim to defend it from the invading Separatist forces alongside the Wookies. Meanwhile on Coruscant, Palpatine revealed to Anakin that he was the Sith, Darth Sidious, and that he knew about Anakin's visions of Padme dying, and that he could help. This lead to Mace Windu leading a team of Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin to lead an attempt to arrest Palpatine. All but Windu were cut down in a matter of seconds, but Palpatine was fought to a stalemate by Windu. Anakin then arrived and Palpatine took the opportunity to turn him to the Dark Side once and for all by telling him the Sith could help him save his wife. After Anakin sliced off Windu's sword arm, Palpatine took the chance to blast him with Sith Lightning and throw him out of a window. Anakin's soul was lost, and in its place the Sith Darth Vader was born. Sidious then gave the clone troopers across the galaxy an order to execute Order 66, a contingency order that branded the Jedi as traitors to the clone troopers. Clones across the Galaxy turned on their Jedi Generals and killed them including Commander Bacara killing Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, Commander Neyo killing Stass Allie on Saleucami, Captain Jag killing Plo Koon on Cato Neimoidia, Commander Bly killing Aayla Secura on Felucia, and thousands of others with only a few surviving including Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Yoda, Luminara Unduli, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Palpatine then called an emergency meeting in the Senate, where he said that the Jedi had tried to kill him and take control of the Republic. To prevent any further attack, he then re-organized the Republic into the first Galactic Empire. Vader was then sent by Sidious to the volcanic world of Mustafar where he was to "take care" of the Separatists. Then Padmé arrived and told him that Obi Wan told her Anakin had killed younglings and turned to the dark side. Obi- Wan, who was secretly aboard, emerged from the boarding ramp and Vader force-choked Padmé due to him believing that they were both conspiring to kill him. While this happened, Yoda left to confront Sidious, but he realized that the Sith had evolved in the past two-thousand years, and the Jedi had remained the same. Thus, Yoda retreated, knowing he could not win. The two former friends on Mustafar continued to battle, and Vader lost. His legs and remaining arm were cut off, and he then fell near a lava river, but was rescued by Sidious and a squad of Shock Troopers after being burned severely. Padmé was taken to a medical center, where Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa(later Leia Organa Solo) were born. Padmé died after naming her twins, having lost the will to live after Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. Vader was brought to Coruscant and was sealed in a new suit and helmet to keep him alive. Yoda exiled himself to Dagobah, Senator Bail Organa adopted Leia, and Luke was brought to his uncle and aunt, Owen Lars and Beru Lars on Tatooine where Obi Wan would watch over him until the time would come for Luke to become the first in a new Jedi Order. But Obi-Wan also was training with Yoda to survive beyond death, where he could retain his consciousness if his physical form was lost. The following years saw the rise of numerous groups of rebels, who eventually joined together to form the Rebel Alliance and oppose the Empire. These rebels included Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Chopper, Zeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger, who would face such Imperial adversaries as Agent Kallus, The Inquisitor, Darth Vader, the Fifth Brother, the Seventh Sister, and Grand Admiral Thrawn. It also fell to this group to deal with the return of Maul, who survived the events of the Clone Wars, while working alongside such heroes as Ahsoka Tano, former Jedi apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, who later faced her former master in a duel. Another group of rebels consisting of Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, K-2SO, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, Pao, Bistan, and others later stole the plans to the Death Star, and handed them to Princess Leia Organa. After the theft of the Death Star plans, Princess Leia, who was a member of the Rebel Alliance, and her ship, the Tantive IV, was pursued by Vader's flagship, the ISD Devastator. She was captured after Stormtroopers, Imperial soldiers that some of were human and some of were former clones, boarded the ship and killed everyone on board. She put a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Death Star plans(plans to a devastating weapon) in R2-D2. R2-D2 and C-3PO had been gifted to Padme for a wedding gift, and when she died Bail Organa gave them to Leia, but secretly giving them to the Rebel Alliance as both he and Leia were part of it. The two escaped to Tatooine in an escape pod and wandered in the desert, But they were captured by Jawas, and the Empire sent troops to find them. Luke Skywalker was a teenager by now, and was still living with Owen and Beru on the desert world of Tatooine. He wanted to go to the Imperial Academy, but his aunt and uncle didn't let him for fear that he wouldn't be able to stay with them and help the family farm, also not wanting him to get involved in the Galactic Civil War, which raged on between the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire. Later, Owen purchased the two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO from the Jawas to work around the farm. However, R2-D2 went to find Obi-Wan shortly after, and Luke and C-3PO went after him. They found him but were attacked by Tusken Raiders, and were rescued by Obi-Wan, who called himself Ben Kenobi to hide from the Empire. Luke found out that Kenobi was a Jedi, and Kenobi told him he was Force-sensitive, and he should train to become a Jedi. The four stumbled upon a destroyed Jawa sand crawler upon trying to return the the farm, and they identified the sandcrawler as the same one that sold the droids to him. Luke went back to the farm in a panic and saw that everything was destroyed, and Owen and Beru were dead. He decided to leave with Ben to the world of Alderaan as per instructed by the message Leia left with R2-D2. They paid Han Solo and Chewbacca to take them there after getting to a spaceport, but then found that the planet had been destroyed by the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star. They were captured by it, and rescued Leia from the prison while Ben turned off the Tractor Beam. But he was killed in a final duel with Vader. The others escaped to the Rebel base on Yavin 4, where pilots such as Jek Porkins and Biggs Darklighter prepared to attack. As expected, the Death Star came in system, and after an assault the Death Star was destroyed, but Vader and a few others managed to escape. Luke, Han, and Chewbacca were then commended by the Alliance in a huge medal ceremony. Later, Luke joined the Rebellion and was patrolling around Echo Base on the frozen ice world of Hoth. The Empire was searching for the Rebel base and sent an Imperial probe droid to Hoth, but Luke thought it was a meteor crash(the droid was later dealt with by Han Solo). He was attacked by a Wampa while looking for the droid, but later escaped from it and was rescued by Han Solo. Han had already decided to leave to pay off a debt to Jabba the Hutt, but had to stay, for it was too cold for any ship to leave. Later, the Empire came(they had been tipped off by the droid), attacking with Snowtroopers and massive All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) walkers, led by General Veers. Luke lead a squad of snowspeeders to take out the walkers(really buy the Rebels time), but failed and the base was lost. However, they succeeded in buying the rebels time, and most of the Rebel troops evacuated. Luke escaped in his X-wing, and Han, Leia, Threepio and Chewbacca escaped in the Millennium Falcon. They were followed by a squad of Star Destroyers and TIE Fighters while fleeing, and fled into an asteroid field hoping the TIEs(the Star Destroyers were far behind) would give up the chase. The TIEs did not, but the rebels managed to destroy them. They landed inside an asteroid, but realized it was a space slug, and quickly left. They then headed to Cloud City on Bespin, where Han's friend Lando Calrissian was the administrator of Cloud City. Later, Han was betrayed by Calrissian and captured by the Empire, as the Empire had forced Calrissian to give them the rebels or the citizens of Cloud City would die. Meanwhile, Luke left to Dagobah, as he was told to by the spirit of Obi-Wan. There, he finally met Yoda, who trained in the ways of the Force, but with much hesitance, as Luke was as reckless and impatient as his father. Han was taken by Jango Fett's "son", Boba Fett, to the crime lord Jabba the Hutt and was frozen in carbonite. Luke had visions of this, and left to help his friends, though he did not complete his training. When he arrived, Vader was waiting for him. After a huge battle between the two, Luke lost his hand, and Vader revealed that he was Luke's father. Lando helped Leia, Chewbacca and the droids escape because he never wanted them to be hurt, all he wanted was for his city to be protected. But he had to leave, and they quickly rescued Luke before they left. When they returned to the Rebel Alliance, Luke replaced his hand, as his father had with his own lost hand. Lando and Chewbacca then left to go free Han. Leia tried to rescue Han from Jabba's palace on Tatooine but was captured. Luke came to try to rescue Han, Chewbacca, Leia, Threepio, and R2, but was taken prisoner. He then was forced into a pit with a horrible rancor monster, but managed to kill the beast. Luke was to be thrown into the mouth of the Sarlacc with the others, but managed to get to Jabba's sail barge, destroy it, and escaped with Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the two droids. They made it to the Rebel fleet, where the space attack on the Death Star II battle station over the Forest Moon of Endor was being planned. Luke left to Dagobah to complete his training, but Yoda said it was nearly done already. But before he could fully become a Jedi Knight, he had to kill Vader. Before Yoda died of old age though, he told Luke that there was another Skywalker. Obi-Wan then helped Luke realize that Leia was his sister, and with that he returned to the Rebel fleet. Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, and the droids were to go down to the planet surface with a group of Rebel Commandos and destroy the shield generator bunker on the planet surface. They went to the world and made it past the blockade, and landed. They went to the bunker, but had to fight Scout troopers on speeder bikes and Leia was lost and captured by Ewoks. Then, the strike team waited near the bunker while the droids, Luke, Han, C-3PO and Chewie searched for Leia, but were captured by Ewoks, but freed and were made part of the tribe, thanks to the Ewoks' misconception that C-3PO was an Ewok god. They then attacked the bunker, and the fleet attacked the Death Star, and Luke told Leia that she was his sister and Vader was their father. He then left to Vader to turn him back to the light side. The bunker was destroyed after a battle, and Luke managed to destroy Darth Vader and revive Anakin Skywalker once and for all. But Anakin died while saving his son from the Emperor on the Death Star, as the Emperor had electrocuted him severely before falling into an exhaust shaft. Meanwhile, the Death Star II was attacked by Lando, Nien Nunb, Wedge Antilles and the Rebels. Luke managed to escape before the Death Star II was destroyed, along with Lando and Nien in the Falcon and Wedge in an X-wing. The Rebel Alliance, Ewoks, and other planets (like Tatooine, Coruscant, and Naboo) celebrated the fall of the Empire. Luke saw the spirits of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin during the celebration. After watching them, he turned back to enjoy the festivities. Some thirty years later, the defeated Empire would be reborn as the First Order under the evil Supreme Leader Snoke, who would seduce Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia, to the dark side of the Force. After Ben-now known as Kylo Ren-and his underlings the Knights of Ren slaughtered Luke's new Jedi students, Luke went into self-imposed exile and was sought by both the First Order and Leia's Resistance, a group who sought to protect the New Republic from the First Order. Resistance Pilot Poe Dameron eventually received a fragment of a map leading to Luke's location, only to be captured by the First Order and escape with the help of a First Order Stormtrooper who became known as Finn. Finn later met up with Poe's droid BB-8, carrying the map, and a scavenger named Rey; the trio later linked up with Han Solo and Chewbcca after stealing the Millennium Falcon. Eventually Rey was kidnapped by Kylo Ren while Poe and the others joined the Resistance, who launched a mission to take out the First Order's Starkiller Base. Rey escaped and was reunited with her friends, only for Han to be killed by his own son Kylo, who then injured Finn before facing Rey-a newly discovered Force sensitive-in a lightsaber duel. Rey won and Starkiller base was destroyed; she then set out to find Luke while the defeated Kylo was taken to Snoke to complete his own training.
  • Star Wars is a media franchise that begins with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a space opera created by George Lucas. Since that time, it has spawned a trilogy, a prequel trilogy, novels, comic books, several animated series, and a number of role-playing games.
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas. The popular film series has spawned an extensive media franchise called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the two film trilogies have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise active in the interim between the film trilogies. The franchise depicts a galaxy described as far, far away in the distant past, and it commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good as they fight for the Republic, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterparts who fight for the Empire. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The fictional universe also contains many themes, especially influences of philosophy and religion. The first film in the series was originally released on May 25, 1977, under the title Star Wars, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by two sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released. The three prequel films were also released at three-year intervals, with the final film of the trilogy released on May 19, 2005. In October 2012, The Walt Disney Company bought Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced that it would produce three new films, with the first film, Star Wars Episode VII, planned for release in 2015. 20th Century Fox still retains the distribution rights to the first two Star Wars trilogies, owning permanent rights for the original film Episode IV: A New Hope, while holding the rights to Episodes I–III, V and VI, until May 2020. Reactions to the original trilogy were mostly positive, with the last film being considered the weakest, while, inversely, the prequel trilogy received a more mixed reaction, with most of the praise being for the final movie, according to most review aggregator websites. All six of the main films in the series were also nominated for or won Academy Awards. All of the main films have been box office successes, with the overall box office revenue generated by the Star Wars films (including the theatrical Star Wars: The Clone Wars) totaling $5.4 billion, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film series. The success has also led to multiple re-releases in theaters for the series.
  • Star Wars is a franchise that can kick Star Trek's peacelovin', leotard-wearin', Prime-Directive-obeyin' ass. For those of you not familiar with it, it is a parody of Spaceballs
  • Before devising the origins of Star Wars, George Lucas attended a few Star Trek conventions. When interviewed by Rod Roddenberry in 2011 , Lucas recalled, "I started writing Star Wars sort of in the heyday of the syndication part of Star Trek. I think the thing I was attracted to the most about Star Trek is that it completely got rid of all the mundane, boring angle of real space. And just said, 'Well, let's just go out and go where no one else dared to go' [....] Star Trek and Star Wars are not reality shows; they're imagination shows. The story is really the thing that makes it work." Lucas went on to point out that portraying the stories of both Star Wars and Star Trek was limited by resources such as the amount of budgets and technology available. Comparing Star Wars to Star Trek, he noted, "What I was doing was more space opera than sort of science fiction. Star Trek was more sort of intellectual mystery. It wasn't action oriented. Star Wars was action oriented." Lucas also acknowledged that both Star Wars and Star Trek have affected many millions of people. He doesn't put much stock in the fan-based competitiveness between Star Wars and Star Trek, remarking, "I couldn't even contemplate what would happen if you put the Enterprise up against the Millennium Falcon. You know, it's an intellectual exercise which, you know, could have any outcome you want." (Trek Nation) Having become the most successful science fiction franchise in media history (see: Paramount Pictures: Footnotes), the Hollywood studios United Artists and Universal Studios declined the opportunity to become part of it when they were approached by Lucas in the mid-1970s with the proposition for what was to become the first Star Wars movie installment of the same title. [1] The studio that had picked up the project, 20th Century Fox, refused to buy the marketing and licensing rights when Lucas needed additional funding to finish his movie. United Artists was ended after its disastrous 1980 western Heaven's Gate; Universal Studios did ultimately manage to produce the far less successful Star Wars-"inspired" science fiction franchise Battlestar Galactica of its own; and 20th Century Fox, aside from missing out on any and all takes from the huge Star Wars merchandise sales, is now completely out of the loop after the sale of Lucasfilm to The Walt Disney Company in 2012. Incidentally, adjusted for inflation, the first Star Wars movie has become the second all-time highest grossing movie in history, only surpassed by the 1939 movie Gone with the Wind. It has been joined by all the other Star Wars films, including the seventh one, in the top two hundred, whereas none of the Star Trek films have made the list. [2] At the 2016 Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, William Shatner attributed the existence of Star Trek: The Motion Picture and all subsequent projects to Star Wars' popularity. [3] Yet, Shatner's assertion has to be seen in a somewhat more nuanced light; attempts to revitalize the live-action Star Trek franchise preceded the premiere of the original Star Wars movie in 1977, eventually resulting in the Star Trek: Phase II television project. Nevertheless, Shatner has a point in his assessment in that the phenomenal success at the box-office of Star Wars, considered a fluke – and therefore disregarded at first – by Paramount, became instrumental in the studio's eventual decision to upgrade the television project into a major theatrical movie project. See The Motion Picture production history for further particulars.
  • Known factions include Bounty Hunters, Empire, Jedi, Rebel, Republic, Separatist, and Sith.
  • Star Wars is a epic space opera franchise created by George Lucas. Originally six films based around the life of main character Anakin Skywalker, many expanded universe stories have been told. It became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon after the first film was released in 1977.
  • Star Wars is published by Marvel Comics. The cover price is $3.99.
  • 160px|right|thumb|George Lucas Star Wars (pol. Gwiezdne wojny) - uniwersum stworzone przez George'a Lucasa. Początkowo była to trylogia filmowa, z czasem nakręcono kolejne trzy części, których akcja toczy się przed wydarzeniami z pierwotnej serii. Ogromna oryginalność i obszerność świata stworzonego przez Lucasa, doprowadziła do stworzenia dziesiątek książek, komiksów, gier i serii odcinkowej, a także figurek i strojów postaci ze SW. Powstała nawet sekta, która sama siebie nazwała Rycerzami Jedi. Aktualnie świat SW jest uznawany za jeden z najbardziej obszernych w fantastyce.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas.
  • Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga. Der erste Film mit dem ursprünglichen Titel Krieg der Sterne lief am 25. Mai 1977 in den amerikanischen und am 10. Februar 1978 in den deutschen Kinos an. Der Film entwickelte sich zu einem Phänomen der heutigen Popkultur. Aus dem Erfolg des Films entsprang neben weiteren Spielfilmen eine weitreichende Sammlung an Büchern, Comic-Heften, Videospielen, Fernsehserien und vielem mehr. Der Begriff Star Wars bezieht sich einerseits auf den originalen Filmtitel des erstveröffentlichten Star-Wars-Films im Jahr 1977 und andererseits auf alle lizenzierten Produkte aus Merchandising, die von Lucasfilm und ihren Kooperationspartnern im Laufe der dreißigjährigen Erfolgsgeschichte von Star Wars herausgegeben wurden. Nach einem Bericht des Forbes Magazines vom 11. Januar 2005 beläuft sich die durch Star-Wars-Filmen und -Merchandising erwirtschaftete Gesamtsumme auf über 20 Milliarden US-Dollar. Somit ist Star Wars in finanzieller und kommerzieller Hinsicht das erfolgreichste Filmprojekt aller Zeiten. Im Wesentlichen handelt Star Wars vom ständig andauernden Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse, vor dem Hintergrund einer weit entfernten Galaxis in einer längst vergangenen Zeitgeschichte. Selbst versteht sich Star Wars als eine Mischung mehrerer Filmgenres mit archetypischen und mythologischen Motiven, dargestellt als moderne Vision eines Märchens oder Weltraumoper.
  • Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects. As one of the foremost examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction, Star Wars has become part of mainstream popular culture, as well as being one of the highest-grossing series of all time. The movies have become even more popular in recent years with a new generation of Star Wars fans, and is one of the most popular franchises ever.
  • Pez began its Star Wars collection in 1997 with the introduction of C-3PO, Darth Vader, Storm Trooper,Yoda, and Chewbacca. They were folowed in 1999 by Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, and Ewok. Then in 2002, R2-D2, Jango Fett, and a Clone Trooper were released. The most recent Star Wars characters appeared in 2005:Emperor Palpatine, General Grievous, another Chewbacca, and a the Death Star. All are valued under $10 and most can be purchased in sets. A set of three crystal limited editions has been introduced, each with its own stand.
  • Star Wars (SW) omfatter, utover seks filmer, også dataspill, fanfiksjon, m.m. Selve Star Wars-sagaen og -miljøet er grunnlagt av filmskaperen George Lucas, men fenomenet er så utbredt at mange fans og forfattere på egen hånd har utvidet dette i form av noveller, hjemmelagde filmklipp m.m. Det er til og med opprettet en wikier over hele verden for å kunne dekke alt stoffet. thumb|290px|Star Wars-logoen.
  • Star Wars: A New Hope - Darth Vader nears completion of the massive Death Star space station which will allow him and Sidious, now the Emperor, to crush the rebellion which has formed against the evil empire. He captures Princess Leia Organa who has stolen the plans to the Death Star and hidden them in droid R2-D2. R2-D2, along with his counterpart C-3PO, escape to the planet Tatooine. There, the droids are purchased by Luke Skywalker, son of Anakin, and his step-uncle and aunt. While Luke is cleaning R2-D2, he accidentally triggers a message put into the robot by Leia, who asks for assistance from Obi-Wan. Luke later assists the droids in finding the Jedi Knight, who is now passing as an old hermit under the alias Ben Kenobi. Obi-Wan tells Luke of his father's greatness, but says that he was killed by Vader. Obi-Wan and Luke hire the Corellian space pilot and smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca to take them to the rebels. Obi-Wan begins to teach Luke about the Force, but allows himself to be killed in a showdown with Vader during the rescue of Leia. His sacrifice allows the group to escape with the plans that allow the rebels to destroy the Death Star. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Star Wars.
  • Star Wars ("Episode 4: Hope Floats") is a 1977 science fiction film directed by George Lucas. The plot deals with an unruly group of liberal rebels attempting to overthrow the Galactic Empire, the noble and free market-oriented government of Emperor Palpatine. Acting legend Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker, a carefree youth who is tragically seduced into joining this band of lefty terrorists by a Jedi called Obi-Wan Kenobi, portrayed by Alec Guinness. Kenobi is clearly a godless communist, as he is fond of spouting insipid new age nonsense about something called "the Force", which, with all its teachings of energy fields and the unity of reality, can only be anti-Christian propaganda. Long-term effects of this film continue to manifest. Rather than teach American children about the dangers of joining leftist groups and obeying old people, the movie spawned yet another dangerous cult called "Jedi". The misguided followers wear brown dresses, eat a good deal of Cheetos, and spend a lot of time alone in their rooms vigorously "using the Force" to "wield their lightsabers". This "religion" has since settled heavily in countries where people have the same accent as the Galactic Empire. Recent reports suggest at least 45 percent of New Zealanders are now Jedi, and at least 17 percent of Australians list it as their preferred worship. Census data suggest that birth rates in these countries has since dropped sharply, in response to a lack of sexual relations.
  • Star Wars is a series of films created by George Lucas and mainly focuses on six films. From the six films, a countless number of books, games and other merchandise has been released, some of which are based outside of the movies.
  • Star Wars est une série de sept films thumb|left|340px|Le logo du filmde Science-fiction créés par Georges Lucas en 1977.
  • Dark Horse Comics has produced many licensed works, a large number of which take place in the Star Wars universe. Dark Horse first published for Star Wars with Star Wars: Dark Empire in 1991. Dark Horse has also republished the Marvel Star Wars comics. Due to Disney acquiring the rights of Star Wars, publication rights of Star Wars were transferred back to Marvel as of 2015. : Back to title selection : [[:Category:Comics |Comics ]] : Star Wars [[Category:Comics ]]
  • Star Wars est une saga cinématographique devenue très populaire. Teal'c affirma l'avoir beaucoup apprécié.
  • Star Wars is a famous science fiction film series directed by George Lucas. Outside of the seven films and two television series, Star Wars is expanded by many canonical novels, comics, and video games, as well as source books by which to continue the story. Some claim it is not canon (like the majority of secondary sources for Star Trek) and Lucas doesn't care for EU but then again, they tend to ignore his involvement in EU and EU's involvement with the films or the fact that Lucas specifically had the Keeper of EU + Film canon with him during the re-shooting of the Special Edition films and the entirety of the Prequel Trilogy or his constant use of references to events only in the Expanded Universe. The majority of the novels take place before, during, between and after the events of the main two film trilogies; Shadows of the Empire was set in-between and after the events of Episode V and before the story of Episode VI. With the Original Trilogy, most of the over-reaching focus was pushed onto the formation and establishment of the New Republic, and the fragmentation and dissolution of the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor. With the Prequel Trilogy, EU authors focused more on the development of the Clone Wars and as of late: post-Order 66 or post-Episode III events, and the Jedi Purge. George Lucas has announced that the EU is Non-Canon.
  • right|250pxLa Guerre des étoiles (titre original Star Wars, soit littéralement Guerres Stellaires) est une épopée cinématographique de science-fiction créée par George Lucas, considérée comme un élément phare du space opera. Prévue à la base pour être une suite de trois trilogies (triptyque), Lucas fut contraint, par manque de moyens techniques, de commencer par la seconde trilogie (l'Épisode IV - Un nouvel espoir) en 1977. La série connut un succès phénoménal partout dans le monde et engendra une très importante communauté de fans. Sans prétendre expliquer le succès du premier film (s'il y avait une recette, cela se saurait), on peut, toutefois, noter que, malgré le manque de moyens (le budget était relativement modeste, les acteurs presque inconnus) : * Il fait appel à des références connues et appréciées des jeunes de l'époque : films de cape et d'épée, westerns, péplums, contes de fées et même le Seigneur des Anneaux de J.R.R. Tolkien ; cette œuvre n'apparaît pas comme de la science-fiction au sens strict mais plutôt comme du space fantasy. * Les effets spéciaux, supervisés par Ken Ralston, étaient réellement novateurs, avec notamment la participation de John Dykstra (qui a également participé au premier film de Star Trek), qui avait développé une nouvelle manière d'animer les maquettes des vaisseaux en coordonnant leurs mouvements par ordinateur (Dykstraflex). * Le film a développé un univers cohérent, avec, comme préoccupation constante, autant la création d'une ambiance que l'action proprement dite. * La musique, composée par John Williams, introduit des thèmes récurrents et des leitmotivs (procédé classique mais renforçant la cohérence). * De nombreux produits dérivés (maquettes de vaisseaux, figurines...) ont été commercialisés, notamment pour financer les suites du film (Lucas avait réussi à obtenir que les droits des produits dérivés lui reviennent après une année d'exploitation avec la Fox) ; * La distribution du film s'était déroulée en même temps que celle de Carrie au bal du diable de Brian de Palma en 1975. George Lucas fut même obligé d'hypothéquer sa propre demeure pour financer le film. L'acteur Alec Guinness accepta de jouer le rôle de Obi-Wan Kenobi pour presque rien, décidant, de cette façon, d'être rémunéré sur les futures recettes du film à sa sortie en salle; * Lucas ayant étudié l'histoire des religions et des civilisations, notamment à travers les ouvrages du mythologue Joseph Campbell, a bâti sa première trilogie à la manière d'une tragédie antique (avec un héros victime de ses passions), et la seconde sur le principe d'initiation, récurrent dans toute mythologie, et qui leur confèrent un propos et une profondeur allant au-delà du simple "blockbuster"; Grâce au succès de ce film, George Lucas fonda sa propre entreprise de production cinématographique, Lucasfilm, sa propre entreprise d'effets spéciaux, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), et fit même construire un studio d'enregistrement pour les bandes son en 1987, le Skywalker Sound, (auquel on doit le fameux son THX) dans son ranch (le Skywalker Ranch). Il garde une maîtrise totale sur l'utilisation des personnages de ses films et sur les produits dérivés (à titre d'anecdote, la traduction française du jeu de rôle Star Wars fut... retraduite en anglais pour vérifier que l'esprit n'avait pas été trahi). La volonté de cohésion entre les films a été jusqu'à remanier les trois premiers films tournés, en ajoutant des incrustations numériques, voire en changeant d'acteur pour un personnage (l'apparition du père de Luke Skywalker à la fin du Retour du Jedi). En France, le nom du premier de ces films a également été changé afin de respecter la nouvelle nomenclature imposée par les épisodes tournés plus récemment : la Guerre des étoiles est devenu Star Wars : épisode IV - Un nouvel espoir.
  • Star Wars es una es una franquicia de medios reconocida principalmente por su línea de películas, esta marca se a unido a Club Penguin en algunas ocasiones. Quizá estés buscando: * Star Wars: La Invasión * Star Wars Rebels: La Invasión
  • Star Wars är en serie filmer som är extremt populära. Teal'c har visat stor kärlek av serien tidigare.
  • Star Wars is a series of epic science fiction action films. These films were directed by George Lucas. As of the release of Space Quest 6, only three had been made. This "original trilogy" starred a young Luke Skywalker as he and his comrades tried to take down the evil Darth Vader and the oppressive Galactic Empire. The film series has been parodied in the Space Quest series numerous times.
  • Star Wars is a series that was created in the 1970's when an old man came up with this ridiculous idea that would get him a lot of money. So he created Star Wars, a fictional universe that centered around characters Anakin Skycrawler, Luke Skycrawler, and Slowbi Wan Kenobi. And two of them died (haha).
  • Because you have failed to leave any kind of comment HERE the wrath of Star Wars is now upon thee. Behold 10 (completely and utterly true) reasons why Star Wars is better then Star Trek.
  • Star Wars is a 20th Century movie saga. There have been many references to the franchise have been featured in various episode of Futurama, from explicit references, visual gags, and nods to famous lines and shots.
  • Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist unvollständig und soll erweitert werden. Hilf mit, indem du ihn erweiterst. Kategorie:Unvollständig Allgemeines Budget Mitwirkende Star Wars (deutsch: Krieg der Sterne; wörtlich: „Sternenkriege“) ist eine Filmreihe, die von George Lucas (Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Produzent von Star Wars) erdacht wurde. Der erste Film war Krieg der Sterne (später: Episode IV - Eine neue Hoffnung), der am 25. Mai 1977 in den US-amerikanischen und am 2. Februar 1978 in den westdeutschen Kinos anlief. Heute ist Star Wars mit sechs Filmen sowie einer Reihe von lizensierten Videospielen, Comics, Büchern, Serien, Kostümen, Spielzeugen und weiteren Produkten weltweit einer der bekanntesten Filmreihen. Nachdem im Oktober 2012 Lucasfilm (und damit auch die Rechte an Star Wars und vielen weiteren Filmen) an Disney verkauft wurde, gab Diney bekannt, weitere Filme zu Produzieren. Im Dezember 2015 wird Star Wars: Episode VII - Das Erwachen der Macht in die deutschen Kinos kommen.
  • Star Wars ist der Prototyp des nie endenden Hollywood-Franchises von George Lucas. Es zeichnet sich durch seinen enormen Überlebenswillen aus. Die Saga hält sich durch mittelmäßige Bücher, kindische Animationsfilme, Spiele für alle gängigen Konsolen und bedruckte Unterwäsche am Leben.
  • thumb|Ein Snowspeeder, wie er in Episode V vorkommt und womit Han Solo und Luke Skywalker gerettet werden. Star Wars ist eine 30 Jahre alte Saga, die Geschichte geschrieben hat.Sie setze neue Maßstäbe in Special-Effects, Story, dämlichen Dialogen, Liebesszenen und natürlich in der Theologie. Die Star Wars Saga ist in ihrer ganzen Fülle in sechs offizielle Filme eingeteilt, die sich jeweils nochmal in die alte und neue Trilogie einteilen. Hinzu kommt, dass kleinere Projekte die Welt von Star Wars komplett darstellen. Dazu gehören z.B. die Clone Wars Filme und einige andere schlechtere Filme, die etwas mit den Ewoks zu tun haben. Da diese aber jedoch eher eine Qual sind, werden sie im folgenden Teilabschnitt nicht erwähnt.
  • Other puppet characters included Yoda and Salacious B. Crumb. The Star Wars cast also guest starred on The Muppet Show episode 417. An online video parodying Star Wars was made, titled Grocery Store Wars. All of the characters were puppets, using strings, wires, and some computer animation.
  • Star Wars is an upcoming world in Disney Crossy Road. The world was confirmed on the 10th of July, 2016 after the game was datamined.
  • A saga including The Clone Wars, A New Hope,and Attack Of The Clones.
  • George Lucas planla opprinnelig ni filmer, men om de siste tre noensinne blir laget vites ennå ikke. Selv har Lucas avvist at han vil produsere flere. Dessuten finnes også tegnefilmen Clone Wars, som handler om begivenhetene mellom episodene 2 og 3. Videre foreligger det også planer om å produsere en TV-serie med oppstart i 2007. I tillegg til filmer har det blitt laget utallige leker, bøker, tegneserier, brettspill og dataspill om Star Wars. Forbes Magazine har estimert totalinntektene fra alle Star Wars-relaterte produkter til nesten 20 milliarder amerikanske dollar, dette gjør det til den mest lønnsomme filmkonsesjonen noen sinne.
  • Here is a collection of "Star Wars" movie posters * The Phantom Menace * Attack Of The Clones * Revenge Of The Sith * A New Hope * Empire Strikes Back * Return Of The Jedi
  • thumb|290px Star Wars, tambien conocida en Latinoamérica y España como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia de medios estadounidense bajo el concepto de la opereta espacial épica, creada por George Lucas. La primera película, Star Wars Episodio IV: A New Hope, contó con los actores: Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guiness, Anthony Daniel, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Peter Cushing y David Prowse. Pasado el tiempo, pasó a convertirse en un fenómeno de la cultura popular a nivel mundial y su influencia ha sido reconocida por numerosos cineastas. Tres años después, se estrenó Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, y se incorporaron nuevos actores: Billy Dee Williams, Frank Oz e Ian McDiarmid. Luego otros tres años después se estrenó Star Wars Episode VI: Return of Jedi. Diesciséis años después llegó a los cines Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, la primera cinta de una nueva trilogía centrada en los años previos a la anterior. Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson y Christopher Lee fueron algunos de los principales miembros del reparto, que también contó con la presencia de algunos actores de la trilogía original. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones y Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, estrenadas nuevamente en intervalos de tres años, completaron una trilogía que recaudó aproximadamente 5510 millones de dólares estadounidenses entre las seis películas, convirtiendola en la tercera más exitosa de todos los tiempos. En Octubre de 2012, The Walt Disney Company adquirió Lucasfilm y anunció la producción de una nueva trilogía, cuya primera película se estrenó en 2015.
  • [[Soubor:Vvvader.jpg|right|thumb|Darth Vader podporuje i Věci veřejné]] Star Wars (Hvězda Války) je fiktivní sci-fi svět několika filmových, ale také seriálových a knižních adaptací a děl. Žánrově spadá mezi sci-fi. Autorem sci-fi světa Star Wars je neznámý vojín, případně neznámý autor, který nikdy nebyl povolán do vojenské služby, popřípadně člověk, který se stal autorem Star Wars ještě předtím, než se stal neznámým vojínem. Postupem času se práv na Star Wars ujalo nezávislé a neziskové produkční filmové studio Disney. Star Wars řadí experti kinematografie ke sci-fi žánru. V nedávné době odkoupil filmová práva od Disneyho archeolog a dobrodruh George Lucas, a to za nezveřejněnou symbolickou částku. Závěrem úvodu je nutno zdůraznit, že svět Star Wars je zcela fiktivní a patří ke sci-fi žánrům. Typickými znaky ságy jsou boj světelnými smeči nebo prastará Kýla.
  • In 1975, George Lucas had an idea. Not an idea as simple as one that you or I might have, of course, as the idea was not had by you or me. It was had by George Lucas. Yes, George Lucas, already the brilliant mastermind behind such works as American Graffiti, but who really cares about that, anyway? He made fucking STAR WARS!! Well, he made six of them as to separate all this into chapters of a serial since this he realized he could make more money and draw a larger audience if he stretched this out. All he wanted to do was special effects and making movies was his way of making BILLIONS for his special effects along. This six-part saga was going to be a NINE-part series, but even Lucas himself got fed up with this damn thing. Well, he had this idea, and he made his movie(s). A movie which took place a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base have... etc, etc, DEATH STAR!!, etc, Princess Leia, etc, save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy!!
  • thumb|right|250px|Star Wars-Logo Star Wars ist ein Fantasy-Film aus dem Jahre 1977, der in einer weit entfernten Galaxie spielt.
  • Star Wars is what this Wiki is all about, If you don't Know about the Franchise, I guess you wouldn't be here, so I will not waste Your time, If you would like to Learn about things other than Collecting Go to the Largest Star Wars Wiki on the Internet: Wookiepedia
  • I sei film della saga sono divisi in due trilogie che hanno come protagonisti in gran parte personaggi diversi. La trilogia originale, la prima prodotta, risale alla fine degli anni '70 ed ai primi anni '80. La nuova trilogia, la seconda prodotta, è invece apparsa sul grande schermo ventidue anni dopo il primo film, a cavallo tra il secolo scorso e quello corrente. Anche se la nuova trilogia è stata prodotta per seconda, le vicende narrate sono cronologicamente antecedenti a quelle della trilogia originale, si tratta cioè di un prequel. La colonna sonora dell'esalogia così ottenuta è opera di John Williams, elemento questo che concorre a dare unità narrativa a tutta la saga: ad es. tutti i film iniziano con il famoso tema introduttivo. I titoli in italiano dei sei film in ordine narrativo: * Star Wars Episodio I: La Minaccia Fantasma (1999) * Star Wars Episodio II: L'attacco dei cloni (2002) * Star Wars Episodio III: La vendetta dei Sith (2005) * Star Wars Episodio IV: Una nuova speranza (1977) * Star Wars Episodio V: L'Impero colpisce ancora (1980) * Star Wars Episodio VI: Il ritorno dello Jedi (1983) Nel titolo del primo film prodotto, Guerre stellari, non compaiono né il numero dell'episodio, né un titolo particolare: questo perché all'epoca della sua produzione, anche se il suo ideatore George Lucas aveva già in mente a grandi linee l'intera saga, non era affatto sicura la produzione degli altri episodi. In una successiva uscita nelle sale cinematografiche, quando ormai era certo che avrebbe avuto un seguito, fu rititolato Guerre Stellari - episodio IV - Una nuova speranza (in originale Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope). In Italia abbiamo potuto vedere sia l'edizione con i sottotitoli "Episodio IV" e "Una Nuova Speranza" che, inizialmente, quella priva di essi. Anche la versione realizzata per il ventennale del film è sempre intitolata Guerre Stellari - episodio IV - Una nuova speranza. Inoltre per la nuova trilogia George Lucas ha imposto che nelle edizioni estere non venisse tradotto il titolo principale "Star Wars". Questo spiega perché nella nuova trilogia non sia stata mantenuta la traduzione italiana "Guerre Stellari"; il distributore italiano è stato costretto a seguire le direttive di Lucas. Il primo dei sei film, Episodio IV: Una Nuova Speranza, è uscito negli Stati Uniti il 25 maggio 1977 riscuotendo un enorme successo. La saga doveva inizialmente essere composta da nove film, ovvero da tre trilogie, ma George Lucas ha annunciato che dopo l'ultimo episodio, Episodio III: La vendetta dei Sith, non ha intenzione di girare nuovi film.
  • The Star Wars science fiction movie, novel and video game series that is widely related with LucasArts. But due to George Lucas recently retiring, Star Wars and all of its trademark properties were bought and now owned by Disney. Many of the Star Wars characters are made from the sprites of the Super Star Wars series on the Super Nintendo. Almost every character and enemy from those games have been made into a mugen character.
  • Star Wars is a classic six-film saga made by George Lucas, which is commonly referred to by three movies each: first, the Prequel Trilogy of episodes I (The Phantom Menace, 1999), II (Attack of the Clones, 2002) and III (Revenge of the Sith, 2005). Secondly, there is what is most commonly referred to as the Original Trilogy of episodes IV (A New Hope, 1977), V (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980), and VI (Return of the Jedi, 1983).
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
  • Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
  • The Star Wars were a series of wars that took place between 1792 and 1865. The conflict arose over the Martian invasion of the moon in 1792, after which the forces of the United States of Canada, lead by Benjamin Franklin, quickly developed advanced space flight capabilities and engaged the martians. The conflict quickly escalated, however, to the point where typical weapons became useless and, displaying a continued ability to very quickly develop technology, both the Martians and the Canadians developed devices capable of launching entire stars at enemies. Thus the wars became known as the Star Wars.
  • Le wiki Star Wars traite de la série de films et de dessins animés Star Wars ainsi que de ses séries dérivées. Ce wiki tente de fournir toute l'information existante sur Star Wars dont les films, les livres, les bandes dessinées, les acteurs, les planètes, la musique, les jeux vidéo et bien plus! Catégorie:Communautés sur Twitter
  • Welcome to the Star Wars category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Star Wars" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of George Lucas. Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without monetary gain. Should the license-holders object to this, it will be removed.
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created and directed by George Lucas. It is also one of Rob's obsessions.
  • Star Wars er en film han dere Georg Lucas har laga. Den er delt opp i 6% filmer, som alle har den samma handlingen: Sloss, drepe og skyte folk.
  • Addison revealed to Derek that for her prom, she went out with Skippy Gold, who spoke about Star Wars all night. ("Losing My Religion")
  • Star Wars is one of the most popular Movie series of all time. It consists of six movies. Traditionally, most fans agree that the last three that were released were not as good as the original three. The character of Jar Jar Binks ruined part one. It is generally agreed by all that Jar Jar Binks is representative of Dennis Kusinch. Short little feller with big ears. Yoda is the little green Jedi knight that was voiced by Frank Oz, and sometimes people refer to older wise people at a workplace as "yoda". Yoda is representative of Oliver Wendell Holmes, a liberal Supreme Court justice who kicked ass. Han Solo was played by Harrison Ford. Star Wars is also important culturally because of the marketing of toys, which has made Billions for George Lucas. Star Wars made a political statement when the emperor in Part II using "emergency powers" declared himself ruler and created an "army of clones". This has been compared to George Bush using the Patriot Act and creating the Blackwater Army to go into Iraq after 9/11. It is also considered one of the best movie series ever made.[1]
  • La Guerre des Étoiles (Star Wars) est une épopée de science-fiction créée par Georges Lucas. J.J. Abrams et Damon Lindelof ont exprimé leur admiration pour les films de la saga. [1] Le jour où ils se sont rencontrés pour commencer leur collaboration sur LOST, Damon Lindelof portait un t-shirt original et officiel du fan-club Star Wars et les deux se sont par conséquent instantanément bien entendus. Il y a donc beaucoup de références à Star Wars dans LOST.
  • frame STAR WARS (deutsch Krieg der Sterne) ist ein Film-Franchise, dessen Geschichte mit dem 1977 erschienenen Kinofilm Krieg der Sterne (Originaltitel: Star Wars) begann. Im Kern besteht Star Wars aus drei Filmtrilogien: * Originaltrilogie * Krieg der Sterne * Das Imperium schlägt zurück (1980) * Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983) * Prequel-Trilogie * Die dunkle Bedrohung (1999) * Angriff der Klonkrieger (2002) * Die Rache der Sith (2005) * Sequel-Trilogie * Das Erwachen der Macht (2015) * * Zum Star-Wars-Franchise, das eines der kommerziell einträglichsten ist, gehören über die Kernfilme hinaus Ableger-Filme und -Fernsehserien, mehr als 250 Romane sowie Comics, Spielzeug und zahllose andere Merchandising-Produkte.
  • Star Wars, Stjärnornas Krig på svenska, är nuförtiden mycket mer än det från början var, så började det sin bana som en enda film av George Lucas. Då den första filmen bara hette Star Wars, eller Stjärnornas Krig, så började serietidningar och böcker att publiceras redan innan andra filmen - Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back eller Star Wars: Episod V: Rymdimperiet Slår Tillbaka - spelades på biodukarna för första gången. Numera finns det ett antal filmer, varav de sex episoderna är de mest kända, ett par TV-serier, många dator- och konsollspel, ofantligt många böcker och ett oräkneligt antal serietidningar.
  • Second Life includes a great Star Wars Roleplaying community called SWRP, having its own wiki.
  • Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas. The film series, consisting of two trilogies (and an upcoming third), has spawned an extensive Media franchise called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the franchise resulted in significant development of the series' Fictional universe, keeping the franchise active in the 16-year interim between the two film trilogies. The franchise depicts a galaxy described as "far, far away" in the distant past, and commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterpart. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The franchise's storylines contain many themes, with strong influences from philosophy and religion. The first film in the series was released under the title Star Wars on May 25, 1977, by 20th Century Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon followed by two sequels, released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of films was released. The three prequel films were also released at three-year intervals, with the final film of the trilogy released on May 19, 2005. In 2012, The Walt Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced that it would produce three new films, with the first film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, planned for release in 2015. 20th Century Fox still retains the distribution rights to the first two Star Wars trilogies, owning permanent rights for the original film Episode IV: A New Hope, while holding the rights to Episodes I–III, V and VI until May 2020. Reactions to the original trilogy were positive, with the last film being considered the weakest, while the prequel trilogy received a more mixed reaction, with most of the praise being for the final film, according to most review aggregator websites. All six of the main films in the series were nominated for or won Academy Awards. All of the main films have been box office successes, with the overall box office revenue generated by the Star Wars films (including the theatrical Star Wars: The Clone Wars) totalling $4.38 billion, making it the fifth-highest-grossing film series. The success has also led to multiple re-releases in theaters for the series.
  • general grevious-my favorite character captain rex-my second favorite character "Star Wars" was seven movie series which grave rise to an animated series "Star Wars Clone Wars" and 12 sequel Television series along with cartoon serie[s} and Video games and franchises * Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Meneace {1999} * Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones {2002} * Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith {2005} * Star Wars Epiosde IV: A New Hope {1977} originally released as "Star Wars" * Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" {1980} aka "The Empire Strikes BacK' * Star Wars Epsiode VI: The Return of the Jedi" {1983} * Star_Wars_Episode_VII {2015}
  • Star Wars is a long-running science fiction and space opera franchise created by George Lucas. The franchise began in 1977 with the release of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and it continued with Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in 1980 and 1983, respectively. In 1999, the film saga continued with the first film in the prequel trilogy, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. 2002 saw the release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released in 2005. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered on Cartoon Network and ran for five seasons. An entire Expanded Universe of books, comics, games, and more has also been released since 1978. In 2012, it was announced that The Walt Disney Company had purchased Lucasfilm Ltd. and, with it, the rights to Star Wars. Along with that announcement came word that Disney would be producing a sequel trilogy, beginning with Star Wars Episode VII for a projected release in 2015. Disney also announced that it would be producing spinoff films, and there are a number of rumors as to what those films will focus on. There are a number of television projects that could also be part of the future of the franchise.
  • É notório que J.J. Abrams e Damon Lindelof são grandes fãs destes filmes [1]. No dia em que eles se reuniram para começar a colaboração para Lost, J.J. vestia uma camiseta do Star Wars, e como resultado ambos encontraram uma conexão imediata. Em 2015 foi lançado Star Wars Episódio VII: O Despertar da Força, também dirigido pelo J.J Abrams.
  • Star Wars is a multi-billion dollar space opera/space fantasy franchise. Conceived by George Lucas, it was launched with the release of the first film on May 25, 1977, which created a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.
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