  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo war ein bekannter Schmuggler. Er war der Besitzer des Millennium Falken und ein Freund des Wookiees Chewbacca. Er schloss sich, nachde[[m er Prinzessin Leia zusammen mit Luke Skywalker und Obi-Wan Kenobi befreite, der Rebellen-Allianz an.
  • Han Solo is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He appears in the Star Wars movies: A New Hope,The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and the Star Wars Holiday Special.
  • Han Solo war ein Schmuggler. Sein bester Freund war der Wookiee Chewbacca und seine Frau war Leia Skywalker. Er wurde von seinem Sohn Kylo Ren erstochen.
  • Han Solo is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.
  • Han Solo is a character from the Star Wars saga who can be played in the Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventuresvideo game. It is mostly because Indiana Jones and Han Solo are played by the same actor (Harrison Ford). He is also seen in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga in most levels. He is also on sale in LEGO Star Wars sets, including the Millenium Falcon.
  • Han Solo war ein kiffender Schmuggler und hat sich später der Rebellen-Allianz angeschlossen. Er ist Kapitän des Piratenschiffes "Jens". Später heiratete er Yoda , die Schwester von Darth Vader. Mit seinem Mann hatte er drei Kinder, zwei davon schwarz. Allerdings hat Han Solo seinen schwulen Sohn Seppito M. nicht davon abbringen können ins Raumschiff zu furzen, so bekam das ganze Imperium ewiges "rosa Dildo" verbot.
  • Han Solo war ein kiffender Schmuggler und hat sich später der Rebellen-Allianz angeschlossen. Er ist Kapitän des Piratenschiffes "Jens". Später heiratete er Yoda , die Schwester von Darth Vader. Mit seinem Mann hatte er drei Kinder, zwei davon schwarz. Allerdings hat Han Solo seinen schwulen Sohn Seppito M. nicht davon abbringen können ins Raumschiff zu furzen, so bekam das ganze Imperium ewiges "rosa Dildo" verbot.
  • Han Solo is an unlockable cheat skin that can be used in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. The player can unlock this skin after collecting a certain amount of National Treasures. These are the large grey boxes with a symbol spray-painted on the side. Otherwise the player can just simply go to the factions screen on their PDA and input the following code; Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up , Up. This skin is purely for aesthetic reasons and does not change gameplay in any way.
  • Smuggler. Scoundrel. Hero. Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, was one of the great leaders of the Rebel Alliance. He and his co-pilot Chewbacca came to believe in the cause of galactic freedom, joining Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the fight against the Empire.
  • Han Solo was a smuggler and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon from another galaxy.
  • Han Solo is a Star Wars minifigure first introduced in 2000. Since then, a total of seventeen versions of the minifigure have been made, along with two different pieces representing Han frozen in carbonite, and one microfigure for the LEGO Games theme. He is also a playable character in four video games to date in addition to making a cameo in The LEGO Movie (where he was voiced by Keith Ferguson).
  • Han Solo * * [ ] * [ ]
  • [Source] Han Solo, parfois prononcé Yan Solo, était un contrebandier originaire de Corellia. Lui et son co-pilote Chewbacca rejoignirent l'Alliance Rebelle et aidèrent notamment Luke Skywalker durant la Guerre Civile Galactique. Après la chute de l'Empire Galactique, il épousa Leia Organa et ils eurent un fils, Ben Solo. Mais dans les jours qui suivirent la destruction de la Nouvelle République par le Premier Ordre, Han moura des mains de son fils qui avait rejoint le côté obscur.
  • In "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives", Peter saves Luke Skywalker's life by filling in for the Tauntaun that Han cuts open. Peter Griffin plays the role in Blue Harvest, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, and It's A Trap!. In Blue Harvest, Han introduces himself as the Captain of the Millennium Falcon and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by the movie. A line uttered in the first film by the character becomes the basis for the title of the box set for the trilogy, Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy.
  • Han Solo es un canalla y un sinvergüenza ladrón conocido en toda la galaxia. Nació en Corellia. Pronto se convierte en parte de la Alianza Rebelde. Su buque insignia es el Halcón Milenario. Su socio es el Wookiee Chewbacca. Los jugadores serán capaces de comprar su traje en Star Wars: La Invasión.
  • Han Solo is one of the original male protagonists of the Star Wars saga. He is the captain of the Millennium Falcon. In "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars", Pilot Isabella is his rival.
  • He often serenaded Orion slave girls with the slurring line of "Baby, if its a big geometric shape I've blown it up!"
  • Han Solo byl lidský muž z planety Corellia. Jeho nejlepším přítelem a kopilotem byl Wookiee Chewbacca, kterému Solo přezdíval 'Chewie'. Han pilotoval a vlastnil frachťák Millennium Falcon, který vyhrál od Landa Calrissiana. Solo a Chewbacca pomáhali Lukovi Skywalkerovi při záchraně princezny Leiy Organy z první Hvězdy smrti. Později se přidal k Aliance rebelů a byl povýšen na generála.
  • Han Solo ist ein Deuteragonist der originalen Trilogie von Star Wars und wird von Harrison Ford dargestellt. Auch im kommenden Film, Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht, wird er erscheinen. Im Laufe der Zeit erhielt die Figur einen Kultstatus.
  • Han Solo es un personaje del universo de Star Wars.
  • Han Solo was released in 2004 with the Rebel Storm set.
  • Han Solo is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Tritagonist of Star Wars Episode 4-7 as well as the Protagonist of his own Spin-Off Movie. He is a human from Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a member of the Rebel Alliance and later the New Galactic Republic. He is portrayed by Harrison Ford, who also portrayed Indiana Jones.
  • Han Solo is a captian in the Star Wars movies.Han Solo is a friend to Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca(who is first mate of Han Solo's ship). Han Solo and Princess Leia are in love.
  • Han Solo was een smokkelaar en een uitmuntend piloot van Corellia die faam verwierf met zijn schip de Millennium Falcon en zijn co-piloot Chewbacca. In 0 BBY raakte Solo betrokken in de Galactic Civil War en bij de Rebel Alliance waar hij uitgroeide tot één van de Heroes of Yavin.
  • Han Solo is een hoofdpersonage uit de Star Wars-films.
  • Han Solo je izmišljena oseba v romanu in istoimenskem filmu Vojna zvezd. Predstavlja lik tihotapca, ki se je pojavil v vseh treh originalnih epizodah. Je pilot Millenium Falcona serije YT-1300 Corellijske izdelave. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Han Solo was a cocky Corellian with a wry wit, dry humor, a reckless disposition, and technological savvy, who began his career as a smuggler circa 10 BBY. He went through several employers, had a short military career, and met and befriended Chewbacca. He was the captain of the Millennium Falcon and upset enough sentients to have several bounties placed on his head before being swept up into the Galactic Civil War against his wishes. He later became a general in the Rebel Alliance and eventually married Leia Organa, who became the mother of his children, Jaina and Jacen.
  • [[Tiedosto:Han-solo.jpg|thumb|220px|right|Han Solo setistä 8038 The Battle of Endor.]] Han Solo on tunnettu tähtienvälinen salakuljettaja ja kapinallinen, joka esiintyy sekä Episodi IV:n, V:n sekä VI:n seteissä. Hän pelasti prinsessa Leian Luke Skywalkerin kanssa, auttoi Lukea tuhoamaan Kuolemantähden ja joutui myöhemmin palkkionmetsästäjä Boba Fettin vangiksi ja tämä jäädytti hänet karboniittiin. Myöhemmin Han meni naimisiin Leian kanssa.
  • Han Solo was a Human from Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a Rebel Alliance member. Born on Corellia as an orphan who was taken in by the pirates. He was treated cruelly. He later ran away and became a smuggler in his teens. The way he became allied with the Alliance is obvious: Ben, Luke, and the droids persuaded him to join while rescuing Princess Leia.
  • Han Solo began as a smuggler and later married Princess Leia.
  • thumb|250px Han Solo. Han Solo är en duktig pilot, som anlitas av Luke Skywalker i Episod IV. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Han Solo is a rogue smuggler who goes on to help the Rebel Alliance. He is a friend of Luke Skywalker and eventually marries Leia Organa. He flies a unique ship, Millenium Falcon, with his companion Chewbacca.
  • The Han Solo has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
  • Han Solo was a Corellian Human smuggler who acheived fame during the Galactic Civil War as part of the Rebel Alliance.
  • Han Solo is a skilled and/or lucky intergalactic smuggler, and pilot of the Millennium Falcon, frequently finding himself on the run from Darth Vader and the Empire. He also thinks that the Millennium Falcon is the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. He bears an uncanny resemblence to Harold Edsel.
  • Han Solo was a cocky Corellian with a wry wit, dry humor, a reckless disposition, and technological savvy, who began his career as a smuggler circa 10 BBY. He went through several employers, had a short military career, and met and befriended Chewbacca. He was the captain of the Millennium Falcon and upset enough sentients to have several bounties placed on his head before being swept up into the Galactic Civil War against his wishes. He later became a general in the Rebel Alliance and eventually married Leia Organa, who became the mother of his children, Jaina, Jacen and Anakin Solo.
  • Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, is a fictional smuggler and "reckless mercenary" in the Star Wars franchise. Introduced in the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977), Solo and his Wookiee first mate, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), become involved in the Rebel Alliance against the evil Galactic Empire. Over the course of the Star Wars franchise, Solo becomes a chief figure in the Alliance and succeeding galactic governments. Star Wars creator George Lucas described Solo as "a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good." The American Film Institute ranked Solo as the fourteenth-greatest film hero.
  • Han Solo is a major character in the Star Wars universe and the deuteragonist in the original film trilogy. In The Force Awakens, he is married to Leia Organa and has a son with her, named Ben, who turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren.
  • A Korélián született, 11 évvel a Császár uralma előtt. Szüleit soha nem ismerte meg, csak sejtette, hogy ki lehetett az apja és az anyja. Két évesen Garris Shrike maga mellé vette, koldulásra és tolvajlásra kényszeríttette, mint ahogy még egy tucat gyereket Han mellett. Ott egyetlen barátja volt: Dewlana, egy vuki. Dewlana segített Han-nak kideríteni, hogy mi a vezetékneve. Egész addig csak azt tudta, hogy Han-nak hívják. 18 éves korában elszökött Shriketól, és elvesztette Dewlanat is, aki feláldozta az életét, hogy Han elmenekülhessen. Egy droidvezérelte szállítóhajóval az Ylesiara ment, ahol a T’landa Til papoknak kezdett el dolgozni, Vykk Draygo néven. Később azonban rájött, hogy a papok nem igazi papok, és az áhítatot (amellyel a zarándokokat uralmuk alatt tartják, és a fűszergyárakban
  • Han Solo was an Imperial fighter pilot turned smuggler after the Clone Wars. He won his ship, the Millennium Falcon, in a game with his friend Lando Calrissian. He flew the ship with his Wookiee copilot Chewbacca. They were employed by Obi-Wan Kenobi to himself, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan. Upon finding the planet had been destroyed by the Empire, Solo helped them to escape and helped them destroy the Death Star, joining the Rebellion afterwards. After the Rebels' defeat on Hoth, he took Princess Leia to Bespin and met up with Lando Calrissian, who double-crossed them. Han was frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba the Hutt by Boba Fett. Later he was rescued by his Rebel friends and helped kill the Hutt. Later he helped at the Battle of Endor, destroying the Second Death St
  • Han Solo-jedna z głównych postaći z serii Gwiezdne Wojny <default>Han Solo</default> Personalia Pełne imię Przydomek Dom Nazwisko w oryginalnej wersji Rodzaj Gatunek Model Płeć Zajęcie Strona Bronie Cele Los Status Powód śmierci Rodzina Ojciec Matka Rodzeństwo Miłość Dzieci Dziadek Babcia Wnukowie Inni Występowanie Aktor Dubbing angielski Dubbing polski Inne wersje językowe dubbingu Filmy Seriale Gry wideo Książki Komiksy center|200px
  • Indiana Jones Han Solo was a Human smuggler and space pirate who spent much of his life in search of fortune and glory his kidnapped wife credits. Perhaps his most famous space-piratical adventure was that one time when he shot Greedo with his DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol. Unfortunately, Kyle Katarn then shot him. Sometime between these events, he had three really annoying kids. He hung out with a giant walking carpet whose name has been forgotten. Although he never knew it, KHAAAN!!! Solo was his father.
  • Tier: 10-A physically. 9-A with blasters. High 8-C with heavy weapons and explosives Name: Han Solo Origin: Star Wars Gender: Male Age: Late 20's to early 30's during original trilogy, early 60's in The Force Awakens Classification: General of the Rebel Alliance, Smuggler Powers and Abilities: Athlete level physical attributes, A skilled marksman, pilot and mechanic, Skilled con artist Speed: Peak Human Lifting Strength: Athletic human Striking Strength: Human Class Durability: Street level (Survived a blow from a Wookiee) Stamina: Peak Human Weaknesses: Can underestimate Force users. Cocky to a degree.
  • Han Solo var en kæphøj Corellianer med en tør humor og teknologisk snilde, der startede sin karriere som smugler omkring 10 BBY. Han var ansat hos flere arbejdsgivere, havde en kort militær karriere, og mødte Wookieen Chewbacca, der blev hans bedste ven. Han var kaptajn på Millennium Falcon og blev uvenner med nok folk til at få flere dusører på sit hovede før han blev involveret i den Galaktiske Borgerkrig mod sin egen vilje efter et møde med Luke Skywalker og Obi-Wan Kenobi. Han blev senere en general i Oprørsalliancen og blev gift med Leia Organa. De fik tre børn: Jaina, Jacen og Anakin.
  • He was abandoned by his parents at an early age, and his earliest memories were of being found in a Corellian spaceport by Garris Shrike who took him in as a member of his band of vagabonds, training and using him in his underhanded enterprises. He was sent out as a beggar, using his young appearance to get handouts, later, he learned how to pickpocket by first practicing on a droid of Shrike's, and then being sent out into the streets. During this time, he was befriended by Dewlanna, a Wookiee who was serving as a cook aboard Trader's Luck, Shrike's ship. Dewlanna raised him as her own son, teaching him Shyriiwook and taking care of him when he became ill. He would go on to participate in numerous scams and illegal activities under Shrike's direction, including participating in an asteroi
  • Han Solo war ein Schurke, der während der Bürgerkriege viel für die Allianz kämpfte.Er half bei der Zerstörung des 1. und 2. Todessterns, rettete Prinzessin Leia Organa. Er flog den Millenium Falke, eines der schnellsten Schiffe der Galaxis. In späteren Jahren wurde er von seinem Sohn Kylo Ren ermordet.
  • Han Solo war ein Schmuggler und Pilot des Millennium Falken, später ein wichtiger Helfer der Rebellen. Han Solo wurde 29 Jahre vor der Schlacht um Yavin auf Corellia geboren. Mit ca. zwei Jahren wurde er von dem Händler und Ganoven Garris Shrike aufgenommen. Von dort konnte er hinterher fliehen. Nach seiner erfolgreichen Bewerbung an der Akademie traf Han seinen „Stiefvater“ Garris Shrike wieder, der versuchte ihn zu töten, dies konnte Han aber verhindern. Nach seiner Ausbildung an der Akademie schlug Han die Offizierslaufbahn ein. Han Solo wurde nach fünfjährigem Offiziersdienst unehrenhaft entlassen, weil er Chewbacca, seinen später besten Freund, verteidigt hatte, weil dieser sich seiner Sklavenarbeit widersetzte. Beide flohen zusammen. Er verdiente sein Geld hauptsächlich als Schmuggle
  • Han Solo, to przemytnik z planety Corellia, który odegrał ważną rolę w końcowych zmaganiach Rebeliantów z Imperium. Solo jest dowcipnym przemytnikiem z planety Korelia, który lata na Sokole Millenium ze swoim przyjacielem, drugim pilotem, Wookieem Chewbaccą. Pierwotnie Han jest zwyczajnym przemytnikiem, który z trudem wiąże koniec z końcem. W roku 0 BBY pomaga Luke’owi Skywalkerowi uwolnić księżniczkę Leię i zniszczyć Gwiazdę Śmierci i zostaje bohaterem Sojuszu Rebeliantów. Kiedy Rebelianci przenoszą główną bazę na Hoth, Han wciąż jest w czynnej służbie Rebelii, ale chce od niej odejść by spłacić dług u Jabby. Zostaje pochwycony przez łowcę nagród Bobę Fetta i zamrożony w bryle karbonitu. Rok później przyjaciele Hana uwalniają go z pałacu Jabby i Solo bierze udział w ostatecznej bitwie prz
  • Solo took a job with Jabba the Hutt, but was forced to dump his cargo when Imperial officers boarded the Millennium Falcon. He later ended up on Tatooine, Jabba’s world, and came into contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, who offered to pay him more than enough money to pay off his debt to Jabba, in exchange for transporting them to Alderaan. They arrived at Alderaan to find only a debris field and the Death Star, which they were forced onto with a tractor beam. Solo assisted Skywalker in rescuing Princess Leia Organa from the station’s prison area, and Kenobi sacrificed himself in a duel with Darth Vader to ensure their escape. This allowed them to flee to Yavin IV, where Solo assisted Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance in destroying the Death Star.
  • Han Solo Jones estas sola hano kiu partoprenis en Stel-milito. Li naskiĝis en Indianio, Usono. center right Li estis piloto de kosmoŝipo Millenium Falcon, kiu estis kaptita de altira radio al imperia kosmoŝipo dum misio ĉirkaŭ planedo Alderaan. Han kaj Ĉubako liberigis princinon Leia Organa el imperia kosmoŝipo. Antaŭ batalo kontraŭ Morta Stelo Han foriris por pagi siajn debetojn, sed revenis por patopreni destruon de imperia fortikaĵa stacio. Han Solo gajnis princan medalon pro sia partopreno en tiu batalo. Noktaj fantomoj!
  • Description: Help Han Solo reconcile himself with Nym so that he can try to convince Nym to aid the Rebel Alliance. You will be given a waypoint to a location near the Blood Razor Camp. The actual camp can be found at (/wp -6483 3889 Blood Razor Camp). The six crates of munitions are spread throughout the camp, their locations are as follows: Once you retrieve the six crates of munitions, its time to kill the Pirate Leader. He should be wandering around the camp at approximately (/wp -6465 3886 Pirate Leader). He's a BOSS 88 so you'll definitely be in for a tough fight.
  • Han Solo is a primary character in the Star Wars continuum. A sarcastic, world-weary smuggler, he eventually joins the Rebel Alliance and falls in love with Princess Leia. In the films he is portrayed by Harrison Ford. He has a Wookiee companion and first mate, Chewbacca.
  • Han Solo is the arrogant pilot of the Millenium Falcon introduced in Episode IV: A New Hope. He is very good friends with the wookiee Chewbacca, and together they form a strong team and friendship, with Han's blaster and Chewbacca's bowcaster. Han is also the second toughest of all of the good heroes, beaten only by his pal Chewie. Han is a skilled repairman and pilot, and he eventually earns the love of Princess Leia. Solo comes to the rescue many times throughout the films, and he is a key fighter for the Rebel Alliance.
  • Han Solo (portrayed by Harrison Ford) is a protagonist in the original trilogy. He first appeared in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and returned for the rest of the trilogy. Han will be returning for Star Wars Episode VII, and is rumored to be the main character of a stand-alone film.
  • Han Solo a fost un om de pe Corellia care a obţinut faimă la nivel galactic ca membru al Alianţei Rebele şi mai târziu al Noii Republici. Născut pe Corellia, a rămas orfan de mic şi luat de către piratul Garris Shrike ca să facă parte din echipajul lui. A fost tratat cu cruzime, dar l-a servit pe Shrike mult timp înainte să evadeze, în adolescenţă. Solo a devenit contrabandist şi s-a îndrăgostit de Bria Tharen, deşi ea l-a părăsit din cauza datoriei faţă de Alianţa Rebelă. Solo s-a înrolat apoi în Academia Imperială pe Carida, servind cu distincţie. A fost dat afară însă când a oprit un ofiţer imperial să-l bată pe un Wookiee numit Chewbacca cu un bici neuronic. Drept mulţumire, Wookiee-ul a jurat o "datorie de viaţă" faţă de Solo. A redevenit contrabandist cu Chewbacca alături de el. Pilo
  • If, at the height of his smuggling days, you told Han Solo that he would be a hero of the Rebellion, fall in love with an Alderaanian princess, and become a general in the Alliance, he would have had no shortage of smart remarks for you. But if anything is consistent in Solo's life, it is unpredictability. Han and his Wookiee first mate and co-pilot Chewbacca had a variety of adventures throughout their long careers as smugglers. By hanging out on the fringe of galactic society, Solo not only made useful allies, but powerful enemies. Han eventually met up with a young gambler named Lando Calrissian. After a period of adventuring, Han won Lando's freighter, the Millennium Falcon in a heated sabacc game.
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era *New Jedi Order era *Legacy era
  • *Era dell'Ascesa dell'Impero *Era della Ribellione *Era della Nuova Repubblica *Era del Nuovo Ordine Jedi *Era dell'Eredità
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era *New Jedi Order era *Legacy era
  • Clone Wars, Rise of the Empire, Galactic Civil War, New Republic, Legacy
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Neutral, later good
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Χαν Σόλο
  • Χαν Σόλο
  • Χαν Σόλο
  • To bring his son back
  • To get money
  • To pay off Jabba
  • To save the galaxy
  • blaster
dubbing polski
  • Piotr Polak,Marek Lewandowski
  • 80.0
  • Masculin
  • muž
  • Humain
  • Some whiny bitch from the desert
  • mężczyzna
  • Leia Organas Herz erobern
  • 250
  • BlasTech DL-44
  • custom blaster pistol
  • 140.0
  • hnědá
  • *Galaktinen Imperiumi *Huttit *Tasavallan palauttajien liitto *Vapaiden planeettojen liitto *Uusi Galaktinen Tasavalta *Vapaiden liittojen galaktinen allianssi *Viisi maailmaa
  • Leia Organa
  • Barna
  • Han Solo.png
  • Han Solo
  • Männlich
  • Han Solo
  • Marrón, luego gris
  • 34
  • Galactic Empire
  • Boba Fett
  • Darth Vader
  • Jabba the Hutt
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Bruin
  • Harrison Ford
  • No
  • *Cártel Hutt *Alianza para Restaurar la República *Flota de la Alianza *Fuerzas Especiales de la Alianza *Aldea del Árbol Brillante *Nueva República *Kanjiklub *Fuerzas Armadas de la Nueva República *Flota Estelar de la Nueva República *Resistencia
  • Han Solo
  • hnědá
  • braun
  • 180.0
  • *Garfio
  • Han Solo
type of hero
  • Pilot, Anti-Hero, Comic Relief, Tough Guy, loyal and friendly hero
  • człowiek
  • He can't, he has The Shingles.
  • Jabba the Hutt, bounty hunters, droids, being cheated, people taking Leia's attention from him, being told what to do, debts, losing his son to evil
  • 1.0729584E9
  • Cabello de Han Solo, Traje de Han Solo
domovský svět
  • 1,8 m
  • han.jpg
  • 34
  • *Clã Hutt *Aliança para Restauração da República **Frota da Aliança **Forças Especiais da Aliança **Desbravadores *Nova República **Frota estelar da Nova República *Resistência
  • Han Solo
  • 6
  • Han Solo
  • 1.8
  • 80.0
  • 29
  • 250
  • Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht
  • Star Wars: Episode IV – Eine neue Hoffnung
  • Star Wars: Episode V – Das Imperium schlägt zurück
  • Star Wars: Episode VI – Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter
  • Episode 4-7
  • 8
  • Disney INFINITY 3.0
  • Ruskeat
  • *Blaster *Carbonite
  • Clara
  • Han Solo
  • Castani
  • Schmuggler
  • Cafés
  • Marrom
  • člověk
  • 34
  • Han_Solo.jpg
  • ab 1999
  • Valiente, fanfarrón, codicioso
  • *Blaster
  • siehe links
  • Hoth,Jabbas Palast,Endor,Episode 7,mit Medallie
  • *Imperiumin nousun aikakausi *Kapinallisten aikakausi *Uuden tasavallan aikakausi *Uuden jediritarikunnan aikakausi *Perinnön aikakausi
  • sarkastisch, zynisch, mutig, loyal
  • 8
  • *Impero Galattico *Cartello Hutt *Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica *Alleanza dei Pianeti Liberi *Nuova Repubblica *Villaggio Albero Bright *Associazione degli Spedizionieri Indipendenti *Federazione Galattica delle Alleanze Libere *Cinque Pianeti, poi Confederazione *Coalizione Jedi
  • Bruin
  • Harrison Ford
  • Han Solo
  • Marrom, mais tarde cinza
  • 29
  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
  • Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Clara
  • Blaster,Armbrust
  • Mann
  • dobra
  • Rare
  • 1,8 m
Pełne imię
  • Han Solo
  • *Episode IV - VI *Schmuggler 50px|Rebellen
  • Mensch
  • 29
  • Man
  • 20
  • 4
  • Ruskeat
Mag nicht
  • Jabba the Hutt, Kopfgeldjäger
  • CLR65
  • Corellia
  • character
  • Rokurota Makabe from The Hidden Fortress
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • 한 솔로
  • Gut
  • Ross Marquand
  • Harrison Ford
  • Michael Daingerfield
  • John Armstrong
  • Ross Marquand
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Free the Galaxy from the Empire
  • Get marry to Leia
  • To defeat the Sith
  • Han Solo
  • Rebel Storm
  • siehe links
  • Rebel
  • Harrison Ford
  • Blue
  • Hazel
  • Brown
  • Brun
  • hansolo
  • Star Wars Episode lV: A New Hope
  • Han Solo
  • Ian Solo
  • *Master marksman *skilled gunman *one of the few non-Force sensitives to effectively use a lightsaber *excellent in hand to hand combat *excellent pilot and excellent detective skills.
  • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars"
  • about 33
  • Cae por un abismo tras ser empalado por su hijo Kylo Ren
  • Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Money, Leia, piloting space ships
  • Blaster
  • Blaster Pistol
  • blaster
  • pistol
  • DL44 Blaster
  • Tod
  • nie żyje
  • Heroe
  • New Republic
  • Rebel Alliance
  • *Galaktiske Imperium *Hutt Kartellet *Alliancen til Republikkens Gendannelse *Alliancen af Frie Planeter *Nye Republik *Galaktiske Føderation af Frie Alliancer *Fem Verdener
  • *Himself *Jabba Desilijic Tiure *Rebel Alliance *New Republic
  • *Hutt Clan *Alliance to Restore the Republic **Massassi Group **Leia Organa's team **Han Solo's strike team *Kingdom of Han *Bright Tree tribe *New Republic **New Republic military *Han Solo's shipping company *Resistance
  • *Alliance Rebelle *Nouvelle République *Résistance
  • Galactic Empire, Hutts, Rebellion, New Republic
  • *Galactic Republic *Hutt Cartel *Rebel Alliance * *New Republic *Galactic Alliance * * *
  • Slick
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo#kanon
  • Han Solo#kanon
  • Han Solo#kanon
  • Dark
  • Brown
  • Brown, later gray
  • Brun
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Hero
  • Resistance
  • Resistência
  • original
  • legends
  • Greedy , selfish , cocky, noble, egoistical , brave, cynical , loyal, heroic, sharp-tongued, caring, selfless
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • 170
  • Don't get cocky kid!
  • Han in Episode V
  • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars"
  • Corellia
  • Han Solo
Spalte 1 Titel
  • Spezies
  • Han Solo
Spalte 3 Titel
  • Heimat
  • yes
  • 34
  • Kylo Ren
Spalte 1 Info
  • Mensch
Spalte 2 Titel
  • Geschlecht
Spalte 3 Info
  • Corellia
Spalte 2 Info
  • Männlich
  • Han Solo/DICE
  • Han Solo
wykonywane funkcje:
  • generał
  • 100.0
  • 29
  • Killed by his own son Kylo Ren
Character Name
  • Han Solo
  • World of Color
  • Star Tours: The Adventures Continue
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • #fff
  • Ган Соло
  • Ган Соло
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • 韓·蘇洛
  • Master Marksman
  • Dad
  • Miek
  • Vykk Draygo
  • First Husband
  • Aalos Noorg
  • Captain Solo, Master Han
  • General Solo
  • Jav Kabadi
  • Jenos Idanian
  • Jobekk Jonn
  • Kell Garris
  • Lord Rysto
  • Luke Morgavi
  • Roaky Laamu
  • Solo Jaxal
  • Stevv Manosk
  • Uncle Han
  • Zack Kluggerhorn
  • 80
  • Being with his family, smuggling
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Millenium Falcon
  • Han Solo/Canon
  • 18
  • 1.8
  • 1.8 m
  • Rival
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • 250
  • *The Paradise Snare *The Hutt Gambit *Rebel Dawn *Han Solo at Stars' End *Han Solo's Revenge *Han Solo and the Lost Legacy *Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope og bog *Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina *The Star Wars Holiday Special *Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four *Star Wars Missions 2: Escape from Thyferra *Star Wars Missions 3: Attack on Delrakkin *Star Wars Missions 4: Destroy the Liquidator *Star Wars Missions 5: The Hunt for Han Solo *The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot *The Wookiee Storybook *Han Solo's Rescue Mission *Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back *Shadows of the Empire *Tales of the Bounty Hunters *Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi *The Truce at Bakura *Tales from Jabba's Palace *Star Wars Journal: Hero for Hire *The Ordeal of Boba Fett *The Deposition of General Solo *X-wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade *The Glove of Darth Vader *The Lost City of the Jedi *Zorba the Hutt's Revenge *Mission from Mount Yoda *Queen of the Empire *Prophets of the Dark Side *Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor *X-wing: Rogue Squadron *X-wing: Wedge's Gamble *X-wing: Wraith Squadron *X-wing: Iron Fist *X-wing: Solo Command *The Courtship of Princess Leia *Corphelion Interlude *A Forest Apart *Tatooine Ghost *The Trouble with Squibs *Heir to the Empire *Dark Force Rising *The Last Command *Jedi Search *Dark Apprentice *Champions of the Force *I, Jedi *Children of the Jedi *Darksaber *Planet of Twilight *The Crystal Star *Before the Storm *Shield of Lies *Tyrant's Test *The New Rebellion *Ambush at Corellia *Assault at Selonia *Showdown at Centerpoint *Specter of the Past *Vision of the Future *Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe *Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World *Junior Jedi Knights: Promises *Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest *Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress *Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade *Young Jedi Knights *Vector Prime *Dark Tide I: Onslaught *Dark Tide II: Ruin *Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial *Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse *Balance Point *Recovery *Edge of Victory II: Rebirth *Star by Star *Dark Journey *Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream *Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand *Destiny's Way *Ylesia *Force Heretic I: Remnant *Force Heretic II: Refugee *Force Heretic III: Reunion *The Final Prophecy *The Unifying Force *Dark Nest I: The Joiner King *Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen *Dark Nest III: The Swarm War *Betrayal *Bloodlines *Tempest *Exile *Sacrifice *Inferno *Fury
  • 250
  • 17
  • DL-44 heavy blaster pistol
  • Capitán del Halcón Milenario
  • 250
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло
  • Хан Соло/Канон
  • Хан Соло/Канон
  • starwars
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Resistencia
  • #336600
  • #00b
  • Adult
  • Naranja
  • Han Solo
  • Episode IV
  • 1.800000
  • 28
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Yan Solo
  • Han Solo
  • 2014
  • Han7.jpg
  • Original-0.jpg
  • Star Wars
  • Pilot
  • Smuggler
  • *Smuggler *Pilot
  • Rebel Fighter
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • ハン・ソロ
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Cânon:Han Solo
  • Cânon:Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Elite Rebel Trooper
  • Smuggler
  • Captain of the Millennium Falcon
  • General in the Rebel Alliance/New Republic
  • General of the Rebel Alliance
  • General of the Resistance
  • Ranged
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Bail Organa
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Leia Organa
  • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
  • Breha Organa
  • Anakin Solo, son
  • Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
  • Jacen Solo, son
  • Jaina Solo, daughter
  • Leia Organa, wife
  • brother-in-law
  • Microfigure
  • Classic
  • Endor
  • Hoth
  • Stormtrooper
  • Young
  • Carbonite
  • Skiff
  • Ceremonial
  • Starkiller Base
  • Ep. VII
  • Hoth Jacket
  • Twon Ketee
  • 80
  • 7879
  • 7965
  • 290538743505
  • 293075196265
  • hoth han.png
  • Lego Han Solo.png
  • Lego-carbonite.jpg
  • Han Solo Stormtrooper.png
  • HanSolo.jpg
  • Pre-carbonhan.JPG
  • Lego-star-wars-han-solo-minifigure.jpg
  • Han Solo light flesh brown legs.png
  • Star_wars_lego_han_solo.jpg
  • Han-Solo-Skiff-LEGO-Star-Wars-Figure-B001BG0BDS-L.jpg
  • Halvh.png
  • Han LEGO.jpg
  • Han Solo 6210.png
  • Han celebration-2.jpg
  • Han hoth.png
  • Han2014New.jpg
  • HanHothPoly.jpg
  • HanKid.jpg
  • HanLSW2Hoth.png
  • HanLSW2Stormtrooper.png
  • HanSolo6212.jpg
  • HanSoloEp6.jpg
  • HanSoloLSW2Endor.png
  • HanSoloLSW2Skiff.png
  • HanSoloNew9516.jpg
  • Han_Hoth_2016.jpg
  • Han_Skiff_2016_Redesign.jpg
  • Han_Solo_Carbon.jpg
  • Han_Solo_Endor.jpg
  • L .jpg
  • han micrfig.jpg
  • old han.png
  • character/ch0000002/
  • explore/encyclopedia/characters/hansolo/index.html
  • Han Solo
  • DL-44 schwere Blasterpistole
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
  • Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  • ''Star Wars: A New Hope
  • ''Untitled Han Solo Star Wars Anthology film
  • Tomorrowland''
  • Light
  • Fair
  • 29
  • *Joueur *Contrebandier *Pilote
  • *Smuggler *Millennium Falcon captain *Rebel General
  • Menneske
  • Han Solo
  • Unique
  • Accurate Shot
  • Cunning Attack
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Hoth Trooper
  • *Young Han Solo *Han Solo (Smuggler) *Han Solo (Stormtrooper) *Han Solo (Brown Pants) *Han Solo (Yavin IV Ceremony) *Han Solo (Hoth) *Han Solo (Carbonite) *Han Solo (Bespin) *Han (Sail Barge) *Han Solo
  • "It's true. All of it. The dark side, the Jedi, they're real."
  • "Chewie...we're home!"
  • "Laugh it up, fuzzball."
  • "Never tell me the odds."
  • "This is where the fun begins."
  • "Who's scruffy looking?"
  • "I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight."
  • 34
  • Never
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • Han Solo
  • 250
  • 6212
  • file:Han Solo.jpg
  • 29
  • After 30 BBY, Corellia
  • Jeff Allison
  • 300
  • Medium
miejsce i data urodzenia:
  • 29
  • 29
  • y
wykonywane zawody:
  • pilot
  • y
  • 34
Kolor włosów
  • brunatny
  • PrzemytnicySojusz RebeliantówNowa RepublikaSojusz Galaktyczny
  • 1,8 m
Powód śmierci
  • przebity mieczem przez swojego syna Kylo Rena
  • Durante os últimos anos da República Galáctica
kolor oczu:
  • brunatny
Kolor skóry
  • jasny
  • světlá
  • * Galaktikus Birodalom * Hutt Egyezmény * Lázadók Szövetsége * Szabad Bolygók Szövetsége * Új Köztársaság * Független Fuvarozók Társasága * Szabad Szövetségesek Galaktikus Szövetsége * Öt Világ
  • * Birodalom felemelkedésének kora * Lázadás kora * Új Köztársaság kora * Új Jedi Rend kora * Hagyaték kora
  • *Faucon Millenium *Eravana
  • Barna
rasa (gatunek):
  • mężczyzna
  • Marroni
  • 1.800000
  • YU 34
  • 1.8
  • Gwiezdne Wojny 4 Nowa Nadzieja,Gwiezdne Wojny 5 Imperium Kontratakuje Gwiezdne Wojny 6 Powrót Jedi Gwiezdne Wojny 7 Przebudzenie Mocy
  • y
Spalte 4 Info
Spalte 7 Titel
  • Zugehörigkeit
Spalte 4 Titel
  • Familie
Spalte 6 Info
  • Durch seinen Sohn Ben Solo
Spalte 7 Info
  • Rebellen
Spalte 6 Titel
  • Tod
Spalte 5 Titel
  • Beruf
Spalte 5 Info
  • Schmuggler
  • Han Solo/Canone
  • lewe oko
First included with
  • *7190 Millennium Falcon
  • *Han Solo *Jan Solo
  • A Korélián született, 11 évvel a Császár uralma előtt. Szüleit soha nem ismerte meg, csak sejtette, hogy ki lehetett az apja és az anyja. Két évesen Garris Shrike maga mellé vette, koldulásra és tolvajlásra kényszeríttette, mint ahogy még egy tucat gyereket Han mellett. Ott egyetlen barátja volt: Dewlana, egy vuki. Dewlana segített Han-nak kideríteni, hogy mi a vezetékneve. Egész addig csak azt tudta, hogy Han-nak hívják. 18 éves korában elszökött Shriketól, és elvesztette Dewlanat is, aki feláldozta az életét, hogy Han elmenekülhessen. Egy droidvezérelte szállítóhajóval az Ylesiara ment, ahol a T’landa Til papoknak kezdett el dolgozni, Vykk Draygo néven. Később azonban rájött, hogy a papok nem igazi papok, és az áhítatot (amellyel a zarándokokat uralmuk alatt tartják, és a fűszergyárakban való munkára kényszerítik) bármely HERE T’landa Til képes előidézni. Han összebarátkozott az egyik zarándokkal, Bria Tharennel. Meggyőzte arról, hogy a papok csalók, és rávette, hogy szökjön el vele. Egyetlen akadályuk Muuurgh volt, egy togoriai, akit a főpap, Teroenza bérelt fel Han figyelésére. Azonban Muuurgh-ot is sikerült maga mellé állítania, azzal hogy elárulta neki, hogy a szerelme Mrrow nem veszett el, csak Teroenza rejtette el előle. Egy éjszakán aztán Han, Bria és Muuurgh elszöktek, de még előbb ellopták Teroenza műkincsgyűjteményét, és felrobbantották a fűszergyárat. A kincsek összeszedése közben azonban észrevették őket, és tűzharcba keveredtek. A harcban meghalt Zaval, a Hutt is. Hanék felvették közben Mrrowot, és elindultak a Togoriara. Részt vettek Muuurgh és Mrrow esküvőjén, majd Briaval elindultak a Koréliára. Ott meglátogatták Bria szüleit, és Han eladta Teroenza műkincseinek egy részét. Ezután elindultak a Coruscantra. A Coruscanton Hannak nehézségei adódtak, ugyanis nem tudta felvenni a számlájáról a pénzét, amit a kincsekért kapott.
  • Han Solo war ein bekannter Schmuggler. Er war der Besitzer des Millennium Falken und ein Freund des Wookiees Chewbacca. Er schloss sich, nachde[[m er Prinzessin Leia zusammen mit Luke Skywalker und Obi-Wan Kenobi befreite, der Rebellen-Allianz an.
  • Han Solo is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He appears in the Star Wars movies: A New Hope,The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and the Star Wars Holiday Special.
  • Han Solo war ein Schmuggler. Sein bester Freund war der Wookiee Chewbacca und seine Frau war Leia Skywalker. Er wurde von seinem Sohn Kylo Ren erstochen.
  • Han Solo is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.
  • Han Solo is the arrogant pilot of the Millenium Falcon introduced in Episode IV: A New Hope. He is very good friends with the wookiee Chewbacca, and together they form a strong team and friendship, with Han's blaster and Chewbacca's bowcaster. Han is also the second toughest of all of the good heroes, beaten only by his pal Chewie. Han is a skilled repairman and pilot, and he eventually earns the love of Princess Leia. Solo comes to the rescue many times throughout the films, and he is a key fighter for the Rebel Alliance. In the game, Han has a great gun as well as a Fusion Cutter, which means he is the only hero that can fix medical and repair droids. His detpacks are also handy for luring AI enemies and killing them with one explosion. He is definitely not a Jedi, though, so be careful when going into crowded places with him.
  • Han Solo is a character from the Star Wars saga who can be played in the Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventuresvideo game. It is mostly because Indiana Jones and Han Solo are played by the same actor (Harrison Ford). He is also seen in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga in most levels. He is also on sale in LEGO Star Wars sets, including the Millenium Falcon.
  • Solo took a job with Jabba the Hutt, but was forced to dump his cargo when Imperial officers boarded the Millennium Falcon. He later ended up on Tatooine, Jabba’s world, and came into contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, who offered to pay him more than enough money to pay off his debt to Jabba, in exchange for transporting them to Alderaan. They arrived at Alderaan to find only a debris field and the Death Star, which they were forced onto with a tractor beam. Solo assisted Skywalker in rescuing Princess Leia Organa from the station’s prison area, and Kenobi sacrificed himself in a duel with Darth Vader to ensure their escape. This allowed them to flee to Yavin IV, where Solo assisted Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance in destroying the Death Star. For many years, Solo remained with the Rebel Alliance, participating in the Battle of Hoth before being captured by Darth Vader and given to Boba Fett for transport to Jabba the Hutt. One year later, Solo was rescued by his friends and went on to participate in the Battle of Endor, helping to destroy the second Death Star. The destruction of the station killed Galactic Emperor Palpatine, leading to the formation of the New Republic in place of the Empire one year later. Solo married Princess Leia in 8 ABY. Together, they had three children: the twins Jacen and Jaina, and Anakin—the latter named for Leia’s father, Anakin Skywalker. Solo remained a General in the New Republic and fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War, in which Chewbacca and Anakin were both killed. The Vong were defeated and the New Republic became the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, but the threats continued and Jacen fell to the dark side of the Force and became a Sith Lord before being killed by Jaina. Solo went on to have a contentious relationship with the Galactic Alliance.
  • Han Solo war ein kiffender Schmuggler und hat sich später der Rebellen-Allianz angeschlossen. Er ist Kapitän des Piratenschiffes "Jens". Später heiratete er Yoda , die Schwester von Darth Vader. Mit seinem Mann hatte er drei Kinder, zwei davon schwarz. Allerdings hat Han Solo seinen schwulen Sohn Seppito M. nicht davon abbringen können ins Raumschiff zu furzen, so bekam das ganze Imperium ewiges "rosa Dildo" verbot.
  • Han Solo war ein kiffender Schmuggler und hat sich später der Rebellen-Allianz angeschlossen. Er ist Kapitän des Piratenschiffes "Jens". Später heiratete er Yoda , die Schwester von Darth Vader. Mit seinem Mann hatte er drei Kinder, zwei davon schwarz. Allerdings hat Han Solo seinen schwulen Sohn Seppito M. nicht davon abbringen können ins Raumschiff zu furzen, so bekam das ganze Imperium ewiges "rosa Dildo" verbot.
  • Han Solo is a primary character in the Star Wars continuum. A sarcastic, world-weary smuggler, he eventually joins the Rebel Alliance and falls in love with Princess Leia. In the films he is portrayed by Harrison Ford. He has a Wookiee companion and first mate, Chewbacca. Oddly enough, despite his rogueish nature Han Solo is not commonly featured in badfic and his relationship with Leia Organa is rarely contested. This may be because he is not a Jedi and has no special powers of interest to the fandom, or possibly because there are so much bigger angst/lust magnets in the canon such as Luke and Anakin Skywalker, or even Obi Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy. While he is a decently good man, he also serves as a character foil to Luke's upstanding nature and is a bit sneakier or more self-serving than Luke. Although he does undergo character development that has him fighting fully and honestly for the side of freedom and the Rebel Alliance, making Han Solo act like a dopey goodie-goodie at any point in time is too much and probably a charge.
  • Han Solo is an unlockable cheat skin that can be used in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. The player can unlock this skin after collecting a certain amount of National Treasures. These are the large grey boxes with a symbol spray-painted on the side. Otherwise the player can just simply go to the factions screen on their PDA and input the following code; Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up , Up. This skin is purely for aesthetic reasons and does not change gameplay in any way.
  • Smuggler. Scoundrel. Hero. Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, was one of the great leaders of the Rebel Alliance. He and his co-pilot Chewbacca came to believe in the cause of galactic freedom, joining Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the fight against the Empire.
  • Han Solo was a smuggler and co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon from another galaxy.
  • Han Solo is a Star Wars minifigure first introduced in 2000. Since then, a total of seventeen versions of the minifigure have been made, along with two different pieces representing Han frozen in carbonite, and one microfigure for the LEGO Games theme. He is also a playable character in four video games to date in addition to making a cameo in The LEGO Movie (where he was voiced by Keith Ferguson).
  • Han Solo * * [ ] * [ ]
  • [Source] Han Solo, parfois prononcé Yan Solo, était un contrebandier originaire de Corellia. Lui et son co-pilote Chewbacca rejoignirent l'Alliance Rebelle et aidèrent notamment Luke Skywalker durant la Guerre Civile Galactique. Après la chute de l'Empire Galactique, il épousa Leia Organa et ils eurent un fils, Ben Solo. Mais dans les jours qui suivirent la destruction de la Nouvelle République par le Premier Ordre, Han moura des mains de son fils qui avait rejoint le côté obscur.
  • In "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives", Peter saves Luke Skywalker's life by filling in for the Tauntaun that Han cuts open. Peter Griffin plays the role in Blue Harvest, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, and It's A Trap!. In Blue Harvest, Han introduces himself as the Captain of the Millennium Falcon and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by the movie. A line uttered in the first film by the character becomes the basis for the title of the box set for the trilogy, Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy.
  • Han Solo war ein Schurke, der während der Bürgerkriege viel für die Allianz kämpfte.Er half bei der Zerstörung des 1. und 2. Todessterns, rettete Prinzessin Leia Organa. Er flog den Millenium Falke, eines der schnellsten Schiffe der Galaxis. In späteren Jahren wurde er von seinem Sohn Kylo Ren ermordet. Es existieren Figuren von Han Solo, sie sind in zahlreichen Sets, wie z.B. Millenium Falcon, Mos Eisley Cantina, Jabbas Pallace oder Hoth Echo Base.Im Buch LEGO Star Wars: Lexikon der Minifiguren war eine limitierte Variante von Han Solo mit aufgedrucktem Orden. Ultimate-collectors-millennium-falcon-10179.jpg|sein Shiff P4150107.JPG|eine ältere Version Han Hoth.jpg|auf Hoth Han Karboniet.jpg|in Karboniet Han Medallie.jpg|mit Medallie Kategorie:Episode IV Kategorie:Episode V Kategorie:Episode VI Kategorie:Episode VII Kategorie:Rebellenallianz Kategorie:Minifiguren
  • Han Solo es un canalla y un sinvergüenza ladrón conocido en toda la galaxia. Nació en Corellia. Pronto se convierte en parte de la Alianza Rebelde. Su buque insignia es el Halcón Milenario. Su socio es el Wookiee Chewbacca. Los jugadores serán capaces de comprar su traje en Star Wars: La Invasión.
  • Han Solo is one of the original male protagonists of the Star Wars saga. He is the captain of the Millennium Falcon. In "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars", Pilot Isabella is his rival.
  • He often serenaded Orion slave girls with the slurring line of "Baby, if its a big geometric shape I've blown it up!"
  • Han Solo byl lidský muž z planety Corellia. Jeho nejlepším přítelem a kopilotem byl Wookiee Chewbacca, kterému Solo přezdíval 'Chewie'. Han pilotoval a vlastnil frachťák Millennium Falcon, který vyhrál od Landa Calrissiana. Solo a Chewbacca pomáhali Lukovi Skywalkerovi při záchraně princezny Leiy Organy z první Hvězdy smrti. Později se přidal k Aliance rebelů a byl povýšen na generála.
  • Han Solo a fost un om de pe Corellia care a obţinut faimă la nivel galactic ca membru al Alianţei Rebele şi mai târziu al Noii Republici. Născut pe Corellia, a rămas orfan de mic şi luat de către piratul Garris Shrike ca să facă parte din echipajul lui. A fost tratat cu cruzime, dar l-a servit pe Shrike mult timp înainte să evadeze, în adolescenţă. Solo a devenit contrabandist şi s-a îndrăgostit de Bria Tharen, deşi ea l-a părăsit din cauza datoriei faţă de Alianţa Rebelă. Solo s-a înrolat apoi în Academia Imperială pe Carida, servind cu distincţie. A fost dat afară însă când a oprit un ofiţer imperial să-l bată pe un Wookiee numit Chewbacca cu un bici neuronic. Drept mulţumire, Wookiee-ul a jurat o "datorie de viaţă" faţă de Solo. A redevenit contrabandist cu Chewbacca alături de el. Pilotând Şoimul Mileniului, pe care îl câştigase la un joc de Sabacc împotriva lui Lando Calrissian, a devenit cunoscut drept unul din cei mai buni contrabandişti din galaxie. Datorită lui Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker şi Leia Organa, Solo a ajuns să facă parte din Alianţa Rebelă, când i-a ajutat pe primii doi să o salveze pe prinţesă din Steaua Morţii. Solo l-a ajutat pe Skywalker să distrugă Steaua Morţii când a atacat baza rebelă de pe Yavin 4 unde o duseseră pe. Solo a devenit un membru neoficial al alianţei şi s-a îndrăgostit de Organa. A contribuit la distrugerea celei de-a doua Stele a Morţii în timpul Bătăliei de pe Endor din 4 DBY, în care împăratul Palpatine a murit. Un an mai târziu a fost fondată Noua Republică. Solo s-a căsătorit cu Organa in 8 DBY, iar împreună au avut trei copii: Jaina, Jacen şi Anakin. Noua Republică fiind ameninţată de mulţi duşmani încă din primii ani de existenţă, Solo a fost tot timpul în mişcare, uneori călătorind alături de Skywalker, fratele lui Organa. Alături de soţia şi credinciosul lui prieten Wookiee, Solo a luptat contra lordului războinic Zsinj, Marelui Amiral Thrawn, împăratului renăscut Palpatine, Amiralului Daala şi rasei Yevetha. În 25 DBY Noua Republică a fost atacată de Yuuzhan Vong. Războiul care a urmat a durat patru ani şi a fost extrem de sângeros. Cel mai bun prieten al lui, Chewbacca şi fiul lui, Anakin Solo au murit amândoi în timpul războiului, morţi care l-au marcat pe fostul contrabandist. Rasa Yuuzhan Vong a fost înfrântă într-un final, iar Noua Republică a fost transformată într-un final în Alianţa Galactică. În 40 BBY, fiul său, Jacen s-a întors spre partea întunecată a Forţei şi a preluat controlul Alianţei Galactice. Solo şi soţia lui s-au alăturat facţiunii rebele care i se opunea, iar cei doi erau pregătiţi să îl omoare, nevaivăzându-l ca fiul lor. La sfârşitul războiului, Solo încă mai avea legături tensionate cu guvernul Alianţei Galactice. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Han Solo ist ein Deuteragonist der originalen Trilogie von Star Wars und wird von Harrison Ford dargestellt. Auch im kommenden Film, Star Wars: Das Erwachen der Macht, wird er erscheinen. Im Laufe der Zeit erhielt die Figur einen Kultstatus.
  • Han Solo Jones estas sola hano kiu partoprenis en Stel-milito. Li naskiĝis en Indianio, Usono. center right Li estis piloto de kosmoŝipo Millenium Falcon, kiu estis kaptita de altira radio al imperia kosmoŝipo dum misio ĉirkaŭ planedo Alderaan. Han kaj Ĉubako liberigis princinon Leia Organa el imperia kosmoŝipo. Antaŭ batalo kontraŭ Morta Stelo Han foriris por pagi siajn debetojn, sed revenis por patopreni destruon de imperia fortikaĵa stacio. Han Solo gajnis princan medalon pro sia partopreno en tiu batalo. Noktaj fantomoj! Poste, li servis dum du jaroj en glacia planedo Hoth, ĝis la atako de Imperio kontraŭ la planedo. Han estis kaptita en planedo Bespin, frostigita kaj liverita al Boba Fett, homĉasisto laboranta por Jabba the Hutt. Li estis liberigita de Rambo kaj revenis al militagado. Post la milito, li fariĝis arkeologisto kaj instruisto ĉe la Universitato Marshall de Konektikuto. Tiam li restis konata kiel "Indiana Jones" pro sia devena subŝtato. Kiel arkeologisto, li serĉis antikvajn valoraĵojn kaj fojfoje laŭ liaj aventuroj, li nevole enmiksas sin en la aferoj de povaj malamikoj, kiuj ofte havas politikajn aŭ militajn celojn. Ree hejme en Usono, Indiana reekhavas sian profesoran postenon en la univerisitato.
  • Han Solo es un personaje del universo de Star Wars.
  • Han Solo var en kæphøj Corellianer med en tør humor og teknologisk snilde, der startede sin karriere som smugler omkring 10 BBY. Han var ansat hos flere arbejdsgivere, havde en kort militær karriere, og mødte Wookieen Chewbacca, der blev hans bedste ven. Han var kaptajn på Millennium Falcon og blev uvenner med nok folk til at få flere dusører på sit hovede før han blev involveret i den Galaktiske Borgerkrig mod sin egen vilje efter et møde med Luke Skywalker og Obi-Wan Kenobi. Han blev senere en general i Oprørsalliancen og blev gift med Leia Organa. De fik tre børn: Jaina, Jacen og Anakin. Senere i sit liv blev Han en helt i den Nye Republik og deltog i mange slag mod Yuuzhan Vongerne. Efter han mistede Chewbacca og Anakin, voksede hans ønske om at beskytte sin familie, og han deltog også i kampene mod Dark Nest. Ved beyndelsen af Swarm Krigen blev Han farfar til Allana, den hemmelige datter af Jacen og Tenel Ka. Under Konfederation-Galaktiske Alliance Krigen i 40 ABY havde Han mistet sin tillid til den Galaktiske Alliance.
  • Han Solo was released in 2004 with the Rebel Storm set.
  • Han Solo is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Tritagonist of Star Wars Episode 4-7 as well as the Protagonist of his own Spin-Off Movie. He is a human from Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a member of the Rebel Alliance and later the New Galactic Republic. He is portrayed by Harrison Ford, who also portrayed Indiana Jones.
  • Han Solo was an Imperial fighter pilot turned smuggler after the Clone Wars. He won his ship, the Millennium Falcon, in a game with his friend Lando Calrissian. He flew the ship with his Wookiee copilot Chewbacca. They were employed by Obi-Wan Kenobi to himself, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan. Upon finding the planet had been destroyed by the Empire, Solo helped them to escape and helped them destroy the Death Star, joining the Rebellion afterwards. After the Rebels' defeat on Hoth, he took Princess Leia to Bespin and met up with Lando Calrissian, who double-crossed them. Han was frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba the Hutt by Boba Fett. Later he was rescued by his Rebel friends and helped kill the Hutt. Later he helped at the Battle of Endor, destroying the Second Death Star's shield generator and allowing the Rebels to destroy the battle station.
  • Han Solo is a captian in the Star Wars movies.Han Solo is a friend to Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca(who is first mate of Han Solo's ship). Han Solo and Princess Leia are in love.
  • Han Solo was een smokkelaar en een uitmuntend piloot van Corellia die faam verwierf met zijn schip de Millennium Falcon en zijn co-piloot Chewbacca. In 0 BBY raakte Solo betrokken in de Galactic Civil War en bij de Rebel Alliance waar hij uitgroeide tot één van de Heroes of Yavin.
  • He was abandoned by his parents at an early age, and his earliest memories were of being found in a Corellian spaceport by Garris Shrike who took him in as a member of his band of vagabonds, training and using him in his underhanded enterprises. He was sent out as a beggar, using his young appearance to get handouts, later, he learned how to pickpocket by first practicing on a droid of Shrike's, and then being sent out into the streets. During this time, he was befriended by Dewlanna, a Wookiee who was serving as a cook aboard Trader's Luck, Shrike's ship. Dewlanna raised him as her own son, teaching him Shyriiwook and taking care of him when he became ill. He would go on to participate in numerous scams and illegal activities under Shrike's direction, including participating in an asteroid mining scam and swoop racing. Though he wanted to learn more about his family, especially his parents, Shrike kept all that information from him in order to better keep him under his control. For years, he did not even know his family name. At one point, soon after learning from Dewlanna that he was part of the famous Solo line, he ran away from Shrike on Corellia. There, he tracked down his long lost aunt Tiion Solo and his cousin, Thrackan Sal-Solo. The reunion with his family went badly, however—his aunt was a housebound madwoman, while his cousin was a sadistic bully who eventually sold him out to Shrike. Han did not learn about his parents, Jonash and Jaina Solo, until he reached adulthood. Exactly how they died is unknown. "I sentence you to death, Solo. May you rot in all the hells there ever were." - Garris Shrike Han visited many planets on the behest of Shrike. There are also scattered reports that claim Han was present on Kashyyyk during the battle there, near the tail-end of the Clone Wars. Why Shrike would have put young Solo in such dangerous circumstances is unknown. Similar reports have been made about a brief run-in with bounty hunters searching for an escaped Jedi on the planet Socorro. Solo's education was spotty, like those of the other children Shrike used as beggars and thieves. Though most of the children received only an elementary education from the ship's computer on Trader's Luck, he managed with Dewlanna's help to pick up some knowledge of mathematics, physics, and history by reading in his spare time. Intermittently, he would attend school while going undercover as part of a "respectable family" while Shrike was running a complicated con. At one point, Solo briefly attended a school where Garm Bel Iblis gave a speech. Afterwards, he asked the Senator two insightful questions, which impressed Bel Iblis. Solo earned his keep for Shrike doing a variety of unsavory jobs. He once joined a pirate group operated by cutthroats Lemo and Sanda. He made a name for himself racing repulsorlift swoops professionally and on the independent circuit. In these days, Solo made an enemy out of a Corellian swoop jockey named Dengar. During one highly publicized race through the crystal swamps of Agrilat, Solo caused Dengar to crash headfirst into a crystalline plant, severely crippling the other racer. Dengar, who would hold a grudge against Solo for the rest of his life, would later become a bounty hunter contracted to find him. In 12 BBY, Solo was sentenced to fight in the Regional Sector Number Four's All-Human Free-For-All on the penal-colony world of Jubilar for cheating at cards, a felony there. Matched against three other human fighters much larger than himself, Solo somehow managed to defeat the other gladiators in unarmed combat, suffering numerous broken bones. Just prior to the onset of the fight, Solo caught a glimpse of a mysterious figure wearing Mandalorian armor, his first encounter, albeit indirect, with the notorious Boba Fett. In 10 BBY, Solo was ready to leave Trader's Luck in order to start his own career. He made plans to stowaway aboard Ylesian Dream, an automated freighter, and go to Ylesia, where he would apply for a job opening advertised by the Ylesian high priests. When Solo was about to leave, Shrike and a few of his cohorts caught him as he was saying goodbye to Dewlanna. The armed men tried to stop Solo, but Dewlanna sacrificed herself so that Solo could escape. Solo promised to himself that, if ever he had the chance, he would help one of Dewlanna's people to repay his debt to her. Solo stowed away aboard Ylesian Dream and after a difficult flight arrived on Ylesia. He applied for the piloting job under the alias Vykk Draygo; he was to pilot the Ylesian Dream—being a drone ship, it had been falling victim to pirate attacks. A Togorian by the name of Muuurgh was assigned to be Solo's 'bodyguard', and, despite some initial tension due to the nature of the relationship, Solo and Muuurgh became fast friends. Solo also developed a relationship with one of the pilgrims who had come to Ylesia seeking religious sanctuary—a Human woman by the name of Bria Tharen. Solo remained in the High Priests' employ for a time, but after discovering the true nature of the operation- a complete scam designed to lure Pilgrims into becoming slaves -he fled the planet with Tharen, Muuurgh, and Mrrov, Muuurgh's wife-to-be. Also key in his flight was that Bria, who had also learned the truth about the Ylesian fraud, was to be married to Ganar Tos. In the process, Solo and Tharen stole a small cache of treasures from the High Priest Toroenza's treasure room and indirectly killed Zavval, the Hutt administrator of Ylesia. This would come back to haunt him later in his life as many bounty hunters would be after him due to the bounty placed on his head by Zavval's relatives. Solo and Tharen eventually made their way to Coruscant so that Solo could fulfill his dream of becoming a pilot in the Imperial Navy. There, Han had his identity completely changed, including new retinal patterns by Nici the Specialist. They remained together for a short time, but in the end Tharen left Solo without warning because she felt that she was holding him back. She felt that her struggles with the addictive "Exultation" of the Ylesian t'landa Til would hinder Han's career. Just after he was accepted into the Academy of Carida, he was attacked by Garris Shrike, who was one of the few people who knew that 'Vyyk Draygo' and Han Solo were the same person. Han was certain to have been doomed to Hutt retribution, but another bounty hunter killed Shrike and Han was able to kill that hunter. The next day he shipped out to Carida. "I think there was a time that Solo, who had bound his conception of honor to his service to the Empire, forgot that honor could exist outside Imperial service." - Tycho Celchu Solo was crushed at Tharen's departure, but he followed his dreams (and Tharen's wishes) and went to study at the Academy of Carida. There he would hone his skills as a pilot. Among his fellow students were future TIE Fighter ace Soontir Fel and Solo's friend Mako Spince. Solo graduated at the top of his class with the rank of lieutenant. However, his hard-earned military career was short lived. In 5 BBY, he was dispatched to aid Commander Nyklas in duties including slaving and construction work. In this capacity, Han boarded a derelict slaving craft to find that its cargo (Wookiee children) had escaped and that a badly wounded Wookiee was in the pilot's seat. Nyklas ordered Han to skin the helpless Chewbacca, but Han refused and Nyklas swore to punish the Corellian. Shortly afterwards, Han and Chewbacca were put to work on the construction of a new wing of the Imperial Hall of Heroes on Coruscant by Wookiee slaves. An enraged Chewbacca turned on Nyklas, who drew his blaster on the Wookiee. Solo refused to let Chewbacca die; he stunned his commanding officer and helped Chewbacca escape, with the assistance of the Rebel Alliance. Court-martialed and dishonorably discharged, Solo returned to smuggling with Chewbacca (who had sworn a life debt to the Corellian) at his side. Solo later reflected that even without Chewbacca he probably would have left Imperial service anyway, due to the ridiculous regulations, incompetent officers and widespread anti-alien prejudice. Solo earned both classes of the Corellian Bloodstripe at some point during his military career, though the reasons for his first-class stripe are unknown. All that is known is that the events through which he earned them took place over several days. Because they were non-Imperial awards, they were the sole decorations that were not stripped from his uniform after his court-martial.It is believed that Solo's second-class bloodstripes came from an incident dealing with a Wookiee. "I happen to like to shoot first, Rekkon. As opposed to shooting second." - Han Solo Initially, Han was not happy to have the big Wookiee around. He had saved Chewbacca out of remembrance of Dewlanna, but it had cost him his life's dreams. Han spent much time drinking and playing sabacc, until he was accused of cheating by an irritated Barabel named Shallamar. He probably would have been seriously injured if Chewbacca had not stepped in. After that, Han and Chewbacca grew much closer. Solo's friend Mako Spince, who had been expelled from the Academy two years before graduation, helped Solo and Chewbacca get started as smugglers. Using Nar Shaddaa as their home base, the three of them enjoyed considerable success. Solo and Chewbacca also frequently worked for the Hutt Lords Jiliac and Jabba. They piloted many of their ships, including both Hutts' personal yachts. Solo also befriended Lando Calrissian and Jarik "Solo", a street urchin who claimed to be a long-lost relative. Han knew that Jarik's claim was a lie, but he took the youth under his wing anyway. He also became romantically involved with the magician Xaverri and later fellow smuggler Salla Zend. During his time with Xaverri, Han became her stage assistant, and performed across the galaxies in her shows. He also served in the other part of her work- schemes designed to hurt the Empire and Imperial officials. At one point, Han even taught Lando how to fly in a ship that would be the center of much of Han's life-the Millennium Falcon. Han also bought his own ship, the Bria, from Lando, and restored it to spaceworthy condition with the help of Shug Ninx. When the Empire sent a fleet to raze the Smuggler's Moon, Han and his friends rallied a force of smugglers and pirates to victory in the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. Shortly after the battle, as Han was paying the Imperial admiral that the Hutts had agreed to bribe in exchange for his battle plans, the Bria was destroyed by Imperial fighters. Han and Chewbacca worked again with Mako, until he was crippled during a smuggling run in the Ottega system. Solo and Chewbacca continued their career on their own. Short on cash, Han pawned his last stolen treasure from Toroenza's cache and entered the Cloud City Sabacc Tournament. Against all odds he reached the tournament finals and beat his friend Lando, winning the Millennium Falcon with his earnings. For a time afterwards Han Solo and Chewbacca worked in the Corporate Sector, the Tion Hegemony, and other remote but potentially lucrative sectors of the galaxy. Part of Solo's motivation for these travels was a desire to get away from Salla Zend and her wedding plans, as he was not ready for such a commitment. Solo would later boast that he had been "from one side of the galaxy to the other." While in the Corporate Sector, their ship was damaged while smuggling weapons to insurgents on Duroon. However, they did collect payment from the insurgents and went to pay off Ploovo Two-For-One, but in a rather creative manner. Given the prickly relationship and even outright disgust they had for each other, Han bought a foul, irritable, putrid dinko, attached the payment to it, and unleashed on the unfortunate employer. Although Corporate Sector Security arrived at the establishment where they were, Han and Chewbacca escaped their grasp relatively unscathed. Payment completed, they went off to find the outlaw tech "Doc" Vandangante's hideout, only to discover he had been taken to the Corporate Sector Authority prison at Stars' End. Doc's daughter Jessa offered upgrades and repairs to his ship, and a Corporate Sector waiver, in exchange for Han helping rescue Doc and other prisoners. Before he could take off, the outlaw techs were attacked by IRD-A Fighters. Piloting a Z-95 Headhunter, Han led the other techs and Jessa in defense of the base. Despite heavy losses, they were successful. To complete their rescue mission for Jessa, Solo and Chewbacca were given two droids, Bollux and Blue Max, and went to the agriworld Orron III to meet up with a group led by Rekkon planning the prison rescue. Though Solo was initially only interested in getting the repairs for his ship, his motives became personal when Chewbacca was captured. After dealing with a traitor in the group, Solo and the others arrived at Stars' End. In order to gain entry, Han, Atuarre, Pakka, Bollux and Blue Max posed as a troupe of entertainers. The rescue proved successful; freeing Chewbacca, Doc, and the other prisoners and destroying the Stars' End in the process. After the Falcon was repaired, Solo and Chewbacca left the Corporate Sector for a time, taking Bollux and Blue Max with them. After a disastrous incident on Kamar, where Solo and Chewbacca accidentally began a religion (the Cult of Varn) before having to flee with their lives, they returned to the Corporate Sector. There, they were contracted to transport cargo from Lurr. When they discovered the cargo was a group of Lurrian slaves, Solo freed the slaves and killed the slaver Zlarb. Since they had not been paid for their cargo run, Solo and Chewbacca decided to track down Zlarb's partner on Bonadan and get the promised ten thousand credits as revenge. While on Bonadan, Han was jumped and nearly overcome by a mysterious figure and Chewbacca encountered a skip-tracer, Spray, trying to possess their ship for debts and regulation compliance. However, Han and Chewbacca became mixed up with a CSA Auditor, Hart-and-Parn Gorra-Fiolla, who was investigating the slavers also. Han went to meet an associate of hers, Magg, but he betrayed them. Forced to flee on a swoop bike, they made it off planet after a harrowing encounter and planned to meet up with Chewbacca on Ammuud. Chewbacca was also forced to make a somewhat hurried escape. While Han and Fiolla were on the transport that was taking them to meet Chewbacca, they were attacked by pirates, who were looking for them. They escaped in one of the pirate's craft and landed at the nearby estates of the Mor Glayyd. Han and Chewbacca were eventually reunited after Han saved the Mor Glayyd from a duel which would have gotten him killed. The Glayyd estate provided Han with a way to get back to the Falcon and Chewbacca. As Han was leaving the planet, he was pursued by the pirates/slavers. However, at that point a CSA Victory-class Star Destroyer intervened and tractor beamed both ships. Though they helped her break up the gang, they barely escaped being arrested by another CSA executive, Odumin, who had really been the tracer Spray, and earned the enmity of a hired gun named Gallandro. They did, however, manage to steal the money Solo felt the CSA owed them. Giving up on the Corporate Sector, the Falcon's crew attempted clotheslegging in the Cron Drift and a currency exchange scam in the Lesser Plooriod Cluster before finding themselves short on cash and stuck in the Tion Hegemony. After several misadventures, they joined with Solo's old friend Badure, a young woman named Hasti, and a Ruurian historian named Skynx on a hunt for Xim the Despot's long-lost treasure ship, Queen of Ranroon. On Dellalt, they finally discovered the treasure vaults. After run-ins with the "Survivors" (the descendants of Xim's soldiers) and their ancient War-Robots, Solo finally discovered the vaults. Though Gallandro followed him to the vaults and challenged the smuggler to a duel, the automatic defense systems killed the gunfighter. Solo and his associates then recovered the treasure—unfortunately for them, after all those years it had become outdated war matériel. The two droids stayed with Skynx when Solo and Chewbacca left the Tion Hegemony. During this period, Solo and Chewbacca worked for Jabba the Hutt on occasion. They also had several run-ins with the Rebel Alliance. Senators Mon Mothma and Leia Organa became aware of Solo when he began to lead efforts to free Wookiee slaves from Kashyyyk, as a favor to Chewbacca, who had begun to lose friends and family members to the slaving effort. Solo reluctantly allowed the Alliance to help him in this effort, despite his disdain for political causes, and the Alliance soon became one of his frequent employers. After being saved from an Imperial fleet over Corellia, Han and Chewie helped plant an EMP charge on a shipment that was delivered to an Imperial facility over Corulag and helped steal Mon Calamari cruiser schematics on Carida. This last mission almost got them killed, and afterwards Han swore off involvement with the Alliance and swore to keep his distance from the Galactic Civil War. At some point in his smuggling career, he partnered with Katya M'Buele as part of a Corellian rim-runner's crew. They were the only survivors among the crew when a suggling operation on Skye was discovered by the planet's Imperial-assigned Majestrix, Kharys. Solo's heaviest involvement with the fledgling Rebel Alliance occurred when he and other smugglers, including Lando Calrissian and Jarik Solo aided Bria Tharen's Red Hand Squadron in raiding the Ylesian colonies and putting them out of business—a plan endorsed, aided, and supported by Jabba, a business rival of Ylesia. In the subsequent battle, the Alliance forces were victorious, but several smugglers, including Jarik Solo, were killed. Han and his smuggler friends were double-crossed by Tharen who seized all the spice and treasures that were to be the smugglers' reward for the Alliance. Soon afterwards, he met with Tharen again during a Hutt-sponsored treasure hunt for the Yavin Vassilika. Once again, Tharen took the prize for the Rebellion, while Solo and his smuggling associates were left with nothing. Solo and Tharen left on poor terms on both occasions, since Solo refused to give up his independent ways and join Tharen in the Alliance. However, most of his fellow smugglers assumed that he had been working with Tharen from the beginning. Even one of his closest friends, Lando Calrissian, said that he never wanted to see him again. Han continued to work for Jabba the Hutt as a smuggler, but once, while smuggling glitterstim, Han was boarded by an Imperial patrol and had to dump his load of spice – spice he couldn't recover. Still, as small consolation, Han and Chewbacca made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs after an attempt to recover the dumped spice turned nasty. As a warning, Jabba hired Greedo, a novice bounty hunter, to let Solo know that he was serious about getting paid. However, the Hutt lord was not renowned for patience, and none of Solo's smuggler friends would help him. Solo was also dealt another personal blow at this time, when Boba Fett broke the news of Bria Tharen's death, at the Battle of Toprawa, to Solo. In an attempt to find the funds to pay off Jabba, Han and Chewbacca were hired to transport an imprisoned crime lord, Tyber Zann off the prison world of Kessel. Though the deal did not transpire exactly as planned, much to Solo's annoyance, the duo transported Zann and his associate Urai Fen as agreed, though only after an increased fee.
  • Han Solo is een hoofdpersonage uit de Star Wars-films.
  • Han Solo (portrayed by Harrison Ford) is a protagonist in the original trilogy. He first appeared in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and returned for the rest of the trilogy. Han will be returning for Star Wars Episode VII, and is rumored to be the main character of a stand-alone film. Fictionally, Han began as captain of the Millennium Falcon, where he and his first mate, Chewbacca, worked as smugglers for crime kingpin Jabba the Hutt. During A New Hope, he helped Luke Skywalker rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star, which he was later instrumental in destroying. He went on to fight with the Rebel Alliance for many years, where he fell in love with Princess Leia. After being frozen in carbonite on Cloud City, Han was rescued from Jabba the Hutt by his friends. Shortly thereafter, now-General Han Solo fought in the Battle of Endor and helped destroy the second Death Star, leading to the defeat of the Galactic Empire. Years later, Han and Chewbacca found the long-lost Millennium Falcon along with a scavenger named Rey, a rogue Stormtrooper named Finn and a BB-8 droid containing a piece of a map to missing Jedi Master Luke's location. Han was reunited with Leia, now a General for the Resistance and promised to help bring their son Ben home. During the invasion of the Starkiller Base, Han is killed by Kylo while attempting to help bring out the light side of his internal conflict.
  • Han Solo je izmišljena oseba v romanu in istoimenskem filmu Vojna zvezd. Predstavlja lik tihotapca, ki se je pojavil v vseh treh originalnih epizodah. Je pilot Millenium Falcona serije YT-1300 Corellijske izdelave. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Han Solo-jedna z głównych postaći z serii Gwiezdne Wojny <default>Han Solo</default> Personalia Pełne imię Przydomek Dom Nazwisko w oryginalnej wersji Rodzaj Gatunek Model Płeć Zajęcie Strona Bronie Cele Los Status Powód śmierci Rodzina Ojciec Matka Rodzeństwo Miłość Dzieci Dziadek Babcia Wnukowie Inni Występowanie Aktor Dubbing angielski Dubbing polski Inne wersje językowe dubbingu Filmy Seriale Gry wideo Książki Komiksy center|200px Han Solo - to pochodzący z planety Korelii człowiek,który w czasach panowania Imperium zajmował się przemytem. Solo pilotował frachtowiec Sokół Millenium, którego wygrał w sabacca od swojego przyjaciela Landa Carlissiana .Drugim pilotem i towarzyszem był Wookie Chewbacca.Podczas pobytu w Mos Eisley na Tatooine, Han i Chewie poznali Luke'a Skywalkera i Obi-Wana Kenobiego, próbujących dostać się na Alderaan. Próbujący zdobyć pieniądze na spłacenie długu wobec gangstera Jabby Solo przyjął zlecenie i postanowił przetransportować mężczyzn oraz ich droidy, R2-D2 i C-3PO. Gdy jednak dotarli na miejsce, okazało się, że planeta została zniszczona, a w jej miejscu zastali Gwiazdę Śmierci, stację bojową Imperium. Nie mogąc uciec, Solo i jego towarzysze zinfiltrowali stację i uwolnili Leię Organę, księżniczkę i przywódczynię Sojuszu Rebeliantów. W bazie na Yavinie 4 Solo odebrał nagrodę i opuścił przygotowujących się do bitwy rebeliantów, nie chcąc mieszać się w spór z Imperium. Postanowił jednak wrócić i pomógł Luke'owi, umożliwiając mu zniszczenie stacji bojowej. W kolejnych latach Solo współpracował z Sojuszem, zbliżając się również do Leii. Gdy dowiedział się, że wciąż poszukuje go Jabba, Solo i Chewie postanowili opuścić rebeliantów, którzy przebywali wówczas w bazie na Hoth. Gdy jednak Imperium odnalazło rebeliantów i zaatakowało bazę, Han pomógł w ewakuacji placówki, zabierając ze sobą Leię i dwa droidy. Millennium Falcon uciekł imperialnemu pościgowi wykorzystując pole asteroid, jednak zepsuty hipernapęd zmusił ich do udania się do zarządzanego przez Calrissiana Miasta w Chmurach. Kolonia górnicza Bespina okazała się jednak pułapką. Po tym jak pojmany Han i Leia wyznali sobie miłość, Solo został zamrożony w karbonicie i oddany w ręce łowcy nagród, Boby Fetta, który zabrał go do pałacu Jabby na Tatooine.
  • Han Solo was a cocky Corellian with a wry wit, dry humor, a reckless disposition, and technological savvy, who began his career as a smuggler circa 10 BBY. He went through several employers, had a short military career, and met and befriended Chewbacca. He was the captain of the Millennium Falcon and upset enough sentients to have several bounties placed on his head before being swept up into the Galactic Civil War against his wishes. He later became a general in the Rebel Alliance and eventually married Leia Organa, who became the mother of his children, Jaina and Jacen.
  • Description: Help Han Solo reconcile himself with Nym so that he can try to convince Nym to aid the Rebel Alliance. You will be given a waypoint to a location near the Blood Razor Camp. The actual camp can be found at (/wp -6483 3889 Blood Razor Camp). The six crates of munitions are spread throughout the camp, their locations are as follows: /wp purple -6514 3875 Crate of Munitions 1; /wp purple -6457 3884 Crate of Munitions 2; /wp purple -6430 3867 Crate of Munitions 3; /wp purple -6431 3857 Crate of Munitions 4; /wp purple -6468 3890 Crate of Munitions 5; /wp purple -6479 3892 Crate of Munitions 6; Once you retrieve the six crates of munitions, its time to kill the Pirate Leader. He should be wandering around the camp at approximately (/wp -6465 3886 Pirate Leader). He's a BOSS 88 so you'll definitely be in for a tough fight. Once he's dead, the mission will update and you will need to head back to Nym's Stronghold to light a torch to signal the traitor. The torch can be found at (/wp 321 4965 Torch). Once you ignite the torch, you have 2 seconds before a level 90 elite named Mahar spawns and attacks you. Once you kill him, return to Han Solo for your reward. Han Solo will give you the next mission.
  • [[Tiedosto:Han-solo.jpg|thumb|220px|right|Han Solo setistä 8038 The Battle of Endor.]] Han Solo on tunnettu tähtienvälinen salakuljettaja ja kapinallinen, joka esiintyy sekä Episodi IV:n, V:n sekä VI:n seteissä. Hän pelasti prinsessa Leian Luke Skywalkerin kanssa, auttoi Lukea tuhoamaan Kuolemantähden ja joutui myöhemmin palkkionmetsästäjä Boba Fettin vangiksi ja tämä jäädytti hänet karboniittiin. Myöhemmin Han meni naimisiin Leian kanssa.
  • Han Solo was a Human from Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a Rebel Alliance member. Born on Corellia as an orphan who was taken in by the pirates. He was treated cruelly. He later ran away and became a smuggler in his teens. The way he became allied with the Alliance is obvious: Ben, Luke, and the droids persuaded him to join while rescuing Princess Leia.
  • Han Solo began as a smuggler and later married Princess Leia.
  • thumb|250px Han Solo. Han Solo är en duktig pilot, som anlitas av Luke Skywalker i Episod IV. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Han Solo is a rogue smuggler who goes on to help the Rebel Alliance. He is a friend of Luke Skywalker and eventually marries Leia Organa. He flies a unique ship, Millenium Falcon, with his companion Chewbacca.
  • Han Solo, to przemytnik z planety Corellia, który odegrał ważną rolę w końcowych zmaganiach Rebeliantów z Imperium. Solo jest dowcipnym przemytnikiem z planety Korelia, który lata na Sokole Millenium ze swoim przyjacielem, drugim pilotem, Wookieem Chewbaccą. Pierwotnie Han jest zwyczajnym przemytnikiem, który z trudem wiąże koniec z końcem. W roku 0 BBY pomaga Luke’owi Skywalkerowi uwolnić księżniczkę Leię i zniszczyć Gwiazdę Śmierci i zostaje bohaterem Sojuszu Rebeliantów. Kiedy Rebelianci przenoszą główną bazę na Hoth, Han wciąż jest w czynnej służbie Rebelii, ale chce od niej odejść by spłacić dług u Jabby. Zostaje pochwycony przez łowcę nagród Bobę Fetta i zamrożony w bryle karbonitu. Rok później przyjaciele Hana uwalniają go z pałacu Jabby i Solo bierze udział w ostatecznej bitwie przeciwko Imperium, które Rebelia wygrywa. Kilka lat po zwycięstwie nad Imperatorem Han żeni się z Leią Organą. Mają trójkę dzieci – bliźnięta Jacena i Jainę oraz o rok młodszego Anakina. 36 lat po śmierci Vadera przy życiu została już tylko ich córka.
  • The Han Solo has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
  • Han Solo war ein Schmuggler und Pilot des Millennium Falken, später ein wichtiger Helfer der Rebellen. Han Solo wurde 29 Jahre vor der Schlacht um Yavin auf Corellia geboren. Mit ca. zwei Jahren wurde er von dem Händler und Ganoven Garris Shrike aufgenommen. Von dort konnte er hinterher fliehen. Nach seiner erfolgreichen Bewerbung an der Akademie traf Han seinen „Stiefvater“ Garris Shrike wieder, der versuchte ihn zu töten, dies konnte Han aber verhindern. Nach seiner Ausbildung an der Akademie schlug Han die Offizierslaufbahn ein. Han Solo wurde nach fünfjährigem Offiziersdienst unehrenhaft entlassen, weil er Chewbacca, seinen später besten Freund, verteidigt hatte, weil dieser sich seiner Sklavenarbeit widersetzte. Beide flohen zusammen. Er verdiente sein Geld hauptsächlich als Schmuggler, bis er Obi-Wan Kenobi und Luke Skywalker kennenlernte. Weil er eine Schiffsladung für Jabba geschmuggelte Waren an das Imperium aufgeben musste, hatte er lange Zeit hohe Schulden bei ihm, weshalb dieser ein erhebliches Kopfgeld auf ihn ausgesetzt hatte. Dieses Kopfgeld wollten Boba Fett und andere Kopfgeldjäger erlangen, weshalb sie Han jagten. Im fünften Teil der Star Wars Saga wird Han durch Boba Fett an Jabba den Hutten ausgeliefert, nachdem er von diesem in Karbonit eingefroren wurde. In der sechsten Episode wird Han dann von Prinzessin Leia befreit und die Flucht gelingt den Beiden mithilfe von Luke Skywalker.
  • Han Solo was a Corellian Human smuggler who acheived fame during the Galactic Civil War as part of the Rebel Alliance.
  • If, at the height of his smuggling days, you told Han Solo that he would be a hero of the Rebellion, fall in love with an Alderaanian princess, and become a general in the Alliance, he would have had no shortage of smart remarks for you. But if anything is consistent in Solo's life, it is unpredictability. Han and his Wookiee first mate and co-pilot Chewbacca had a variety of adventures throughout their long careers as smugglers. By hanging out on the fringe of galactic society, Solo not only made useful allies, but powerful enemies. Han eventually met up with a young gambler named Lando Calrissian. After a period of adventuring, Han won Lando's freighter, the Millennium Falcon in a heated sabacc game. Han and Chewie made countless modifications to the dilapidated Corellian freighter, souping up the Falcon to become an incredibly fast and well-armed smuggling vessel. During a stretch of bad fortune, Solo was forced to jettison a cargo of contraband spice belonging to the gangster Jabba the Hutt. The gangster put a price on his head so large that bounty hunters across the galaxy would come searching for the Corellian and his Wookiee first mate. Desperate for cash, Solo took a charter to the Alderaan system. He was to transport Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio from Tatooine to Alderaan for the price of 17,000 credits. When arriving at Alderaan, they discovered the planet destroyed, and were taken captive by the Imperial Death Star. Han agreed to rescue the captive Princess Leia Organa if he was to be rewarded, and rewarded well. After escaping from the Death Star, Han took the Rebels to their base on Yavin 4. Han decided not to participate in the Alliance's desperate attack against the Death Star, preferring to take his reward and leave. It was in mid-transit that Solo had a change of heart, and joined the battle just in time to cripple Darth Vader's ship, and allow Luke enough time to destroy the station. For his efforts, Han was awarded a medal of honor. The number of enemies in Solo's past haunted him during his years with the Rebellion. Solo's debt to Jabba eventually accumulated to the point that the gangster placed a death mark on Solo's head, and sent a number of bounty hunters after him. Several bounty hunters almost succeeded in collecting during run-ins on Ord Mantell. Han received an acting rank of captain in the Alliance, and accompanied the Rebels on numerous missions and adventures. His Millennium Falcon was stationed on Hoth's Echo Base during the Imperial attack there. When Princess Leia Organa was cut off from her transport vessel, she used the Falcon to escape from the besieged base. Despite a number of malfunctions, the Falcon was able to avoid the Imperial Fleet for a time. During quiet moments, when Solo set the Falcon down for repairs, he and Leia grew closer. When the Falcon escaped Hoth, Darth Vader made it a priority to have it captured. Vader posted a reward, and dispatched a number of bounty hunters. One of them, Boba Fett, eventually captured Solo at Bespin's Cloud City. There, Solo was taken prisoner by Darth Vader, and underwent carbon freezing for transportation back to Jabba the Hutt. Han was encased in carbonite, where he remained in perfect hibernation. Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke planned a mission to rescue him from Jabba's fortress on Tatooine. When his friends arrived at Jabba's palace, Han was freed from his carbonite coffin. He suffered from a mild case of hibernation sickness. A battle ensued wherein Han's friends ultimately destroyed the Hutt crime lord. With Jabba dead, Solo's debt was effectively erased. Solo also managed to knock Boba Fett into the gaping maw of the Sarlacc creature, ending that long-standing threat. Rejoining the Alliance Fleet, Solo received the commission of General. He was put in charge of a strike team sent to the moon of Endor. Their mission was to destroy the shield generator that protected the second Death Star high in orbit. With the help of the native Ewoks, the Rebel strike force defeated the Imperial forces, and destroyed the generator, paving the way for the victory at the Battle of Endor. Han is overly confident and arrogant. He possesses a wry, sarcastic wit, and a reckless manner. This often gets him into predicaments that only his foolhardy courage can get him out of. Han is well traveled, and claims to have been from one side of the galaxy to the other. For a time, Solo didn't believe in the Force, attributing it to simple luck. Han is pragmatic, some would say mercenary, and his personality often conflicts with Leia's idealism. Despite such conflicts (or perhaps because of them) the two eventually fell in love.
  • Tier: 10-A physically. 9-A with blasters. High 8-C with heavy weapons and explosives Name: Han Solo Origin: Star Wars Gender: Male Age: Late 20's to early 30's during original trilogy, early 60's in The Force Awakens Classification: General of the Rebel Alliance, Smuggler Powers and Abilities: Athlete level physical attributes, A skilled marksman, pilot and mechanic, Skilled con artist Attack Potency: Athlete level physically. Small Building level with blasters (Heavy blaster pistols such as Han's DL-44 and military issue blaster rifles can pack these kinds of a punch). Large Building level+ with heavy weapons and explosives. Speed: Peak Human Lifting Strength: Athletic human Striking Strength: Human Class Durability: Street level (Survived a blow from a Wookiee) Stamina: Peak Human Range: Standard melee range. Tens of meters with blaster pistol and grenades. Hundreds of meters with blaster rifles and rocket launchers. Standard Equipment: His modified DL-44 heavy blaster pistol. Will use blaster rifles, grenades or other weapons for missions/scenarios if the need arises. Intelligence: Fairly high. Is a skilled con artist and has some decent tactical acumen. Weaknesses: Can underestimate Force users. Cocky to a degree.
  • Han Solo is a skilled and/or lucky intergalactic smuggler, and pilot of the Millennium Falcon, frequently finding himself on the run from Darth Vader and the Empire. He also thinks that the Millennium Falcon is the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. He bears an uncanny resemblence to Harold Edsel.
  • Han Solo was a cocky Corellian with a wry wit, dry humor, a reckless disposition, and technological savvy, who began his career as a smuggler circa 10 BBY. He went through several employers, had a short military career, and met and befriended Chewbacca. He was the captain of the Millennium Falcon and upset enough sentients to have several bounties placed on his head before being swept up into the Galactic Civil War against his wishes. He later became a general in the Rebel Alliance and eventually married Leia Organa, who became the mother of his children, Jaina, Jacen and Anakin Solo.
  • Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, is a fictional smuggler and "reckless mercenary" in the Star Wars franchise. Introduced in the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977), Solo and his Wookiee first mate, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), become involved in the Rebel Alliance against the evil Galactic Empire. Over the course of the Star Wars franchise, Solo becomes a chief figure in the Alliance and succeeding galactic governments. Star Wars creator George Lucas described Solo as "a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good." The American Film Institute ranked Solo as the fourteenth-greatest film hero.
  • Han Solo is a major character in the Star Wars universe and the deuteragonist in the original film trilogy. In The Force Awakens, he is married to Leia Organa and has a son with her, named Ben, who turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren.
  • Indiana Jones Han Solo was a Human smuggler and space pirate who spent much of his life in search of fortune and glory his kidnapped wife credits. Perhaps his most famous space-piratical adventure was that one time when he shot Greedo with his DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol. Unfortunately, Kyle Katarn then shot him. Sometime between these events, he had three really annoying kids. He hung out with a giant walking carpet whose name has been forgotten. Although he never knew it, KHAAAN!!! Solo was his father. He was a carbonite addict, and he got totally stoned with Darth Vader at the Super Carbonite Rave Party. He loved carbonite so much, he encased himself in it one time.
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