  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • __TOC__
  • Padmé Amidala war die Frau des mächtigen Anakin Skywalker, auf seiner Reise zur Dunklen Seite. Sie war als junge Frau Königin des Planeten Naboo, während der Blockade durch die Handelsföderation und später Senatorin im Galaktischen Senat. Im Tod gebar sie die Zwillinge Luke Skywalker und Prinzessin Leia Organa, die einst das Imperium zum Wanken bringen sollten.
  • Padmé Naberrie, veřejně známá jako Padmé Amidala, byla lidská politička, která se stala jednou z hlavních představitelek politiky v době pádu Galaktické republiky.
  • Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) secretly known as (Padmé Naberrie Skywalker or Padmé Amidala Skywalker) would serve as the Queen of Naboo from 32 BBY to 24 BBY and as Senator from Naboo from 24 BBY to 19 BBY in the Star Wars universe. She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrietar , Later in her life, Padmé became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker, and Leia Skywalker Solo, the grandmother of Jaina, Jacen, Anakin Solo, and Ben Skywalker, the great-grandmother of Allana Solo, and the ancestor of Nat, Kol, Cade Skywalker, and Ania Solo.
  • Padmé Naberrie af Naboo (offentligt kendt under sit kongelige navn, Padmé Amidala, og som Hendes Kongelige Højhed, Dronning Amidala af Naboo fra 33 BBY til 25 BBY og derefter som Hendes Excellence, Senator Amidala af Naboo fra 25 BBY til sin død) var den yngste datter af Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Senere blev Amidala i hemmelighed gift med Jedi Ridderen Anakin Skywalker og fødte Luke Skywalker og Leia Organa Solo, to af de vigtigste figurer i den galaktiske historie. Hun er ligeledes bedstemor til Jaina, Jacen og Anakin Solo såvel som Ben Skywalker. Dette gør hende til oldemor til Allana Solo, Jacen Solos dater, og forfader til Nat, Kol, Cade Skywalker og Ania Solo.
  • Padmé Amidala Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Ženy
  • A strong supporter of the republic, during the old republic era.
  • Padmé Amidala, geboren als Padmé Naberrie, was één van de belangrijkste politici in de laatste jaren van de Republic. In het geheim was ze getrouwd met de Jedi held Anakin Skywalker. Net na de Clone Wars beviel ze van een tweeling: Luke en Leia. Meteen daarna overleed Padmé echter aan psychische en fysieke verwondingen.
  • Padmé Amidala, born as Padmé Naberrie, was the queen of Naboo during the Trade Federation blockade of the planet. She later became the senator of Naboo for 6 years, until she took time off to be a mother. Padmé was the wife of Anakin Skywalker. They had two children: Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. Padmé died on Polis Massa when she lost the will to live after being choked by Anakin. She is the only main character from Revenge of the Sith to not have had a playable character in the Revenge of the Sith levels of Lego Star Wars: The Video Game.
  • Padmé Amidala was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
  • Padmé Amidala is a central protagonist in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She is a Senator from Naboo, the wife of Anakin Skywalker, and the mother of their children, Luke and Leia. Anakin has a vision of Padmé's death and joins the Sith to save her, sadly leading to her death at his hands. Padmé was portrayed by Natalie Portman in the prequel trilogy. Her voice was provided by Grey DeLisle and Catherine Taber in the two Clone Wars animated series.
  • Padmé Amidala was a Senator for the Republic. Padme was the Senator from Naboo. She was also in a secret relationship with Anakin Skywalker after the first battle of Geonosis. Padme was a strong believer in democracy. She believed everyone should be free from war and stravation. Padme was a senator who wasn't affraid to voice her opinion. Padme during the Clone Wars, tried to create a bill. To stop the production of Clones to end the war. But the bill was ignored and the war raged on. Later during the war Padme later died on Pollis Masses from a broken heart.
  • Padmé Amidala was the queen of Naboo in the early stages of the Clone Wars. In the initial stages of the Clone Wars, Padmé and Anakin Skywalker's love blossomed and they married in secret after the severing of Anakin's arm. When the war was nearly over, Anakin, blinded by the will to stop Padmé from dying, undertook the teachings of Darth Sideous, becoming Darth Vader. Vader, in his anger towards Padmé (accidentally) leading Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mustafar, force-choked her till she fell unconcious. After Obi-Wan's defeat over Vader, she gave birth to twins on Polis Massa, Luke and Leia. Sadly, she simply lost the will to live and died moments after child-birth, as Anakin had turned to the dark side of the Force
  • Padmé Naberrie Amidala – fikcyjna postać z Gwiezdnych wojen (epizody I-III). W filmach grana była przez Natalie Portman.
  • Padmé Amidala Naberrie (secretly known as Padmé Skywalker) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. She first appeared on-screen in the 1999 feature film The Phantom Menace as the young Queen of the planet Naboo. In the subsequent prequel trilogy films, Padmé represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Padmé was the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and the grandmother of Ben Solo. She is the tritagonist of the Prequel Trilogy.
  • Padme was Anakin Skywalker's love interest, and Jedi weren't allowed to fall in love, marry and have children, but they broke the rules and got married in secret. Eventually, Padme became pregnant with twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. When Anakin was seduced by the Dark Side and became Darth Vader, she was devastated and tried to talk him out of it, but when he saw Obi-Wan Kenobi, he gave her the Force Choke. Padme is taken to a medical clinic and gives birth to the twins, and dies from a broken heart.
  • Padmé Amidala (Padmé Naberrie), to królowa Naboo (w latach 33 BBY 25 BBY), później senator Naboo w senacie Republiki (w latach 25 BBY - 19 BBY). Padmé Amidala, to imię monarsze, przybrane przez Padmé po nominacji na królową Naboo. Na Naboo imiona monarsze używane są przez byłego monarchę także po ukończeniu mandatu. Prawdziwe imię Padmé brzmi Padmé Nabierre. W sekrecie została żoną rycerza Jedi Anakina Skywalkera. Matka Luke'a i Lei. Zmarła ze smutku tuż po porodzie z powodu przejścia małżonka na ciemną stonę Mocy. Anakin Skywalker, który stał się Darth Vaderem długo nie zdawał sobie sprawy, że Padmé tuż przed śmiercią urodziła ich wspólne dzieci, bliźniaki Luke'a i Leię. W filmach rolę Padmé zagrała Natalie Portman.
  • Padmé Amidala of Naboo Amidala was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommell sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate. As Queen of Naboo, Amidala fought bravely to liberate her people during the Trade Federation's invasion in 32 BBY, thus becoming one of the most respected political figures in the galaxy. With Anakin and Ahsoka saved, Amidala proceeded to negotiate an alliance between the Republic and the Hutts, which would allow Republic warships to use unknown Hutt hyperspace lanes, an advantage the Separatists did not have. When she heard about Dr. Nefariou she want to Nagosiations with him durn the time in the clone wars
  • Padmé Amidala (syntynyt Padmé Naberriena, tunnettu myös Padmé Amidala Skywalkerina) (s. 46 BBY- k. 19 BBY) oli naboolainen senaattori sekä kuningatar. Amidalan tunnetuimpia saavutuksia ovat rauhanponnistelut galaktisessa senaatissa kloonisotien aikana sekä taistelu Naboon kansan puolesta Naboon invaasion aikana. Amidala avioitui 22 BBY jediritari Anakin Skywalkerin kanssa. Vuonna 19 BBY heille syntyi kaksi lasta, Luke ja Leia, joista tuli Imperiumin suuria vastustajia. Amidala kuoli 19 BBY synnyttäessän lapsensa Luken ja Leian.
  • Padmé Naberrie Amidala was a cute senator and the fairy queen of Naboo, an attractive little planet, that is the capital of the Chommell Sector near the Outer Rim Territories in a galaxy far, far away. In spite of her inability to order alcohol at the Cantina, she had small but titillating breasts which quite handily drove Anakin Skywalker to the darth side of the force.
  • Padmé Amidala di Naboo (in precedenza Padmé Naberrie, nota anche come Sua Altezza Reale, Regina Amidala di Naboo, dal 32 BBY al 24 BBY, e come Sua Eccellenza, Senatrice Padmé Amidala di Naboo, dal 24 BBY fino alla sua morte) era la figlia di Ruwee e Jobal Naberrie, e la sorella minore di Sola Naberrie. Più tardi, Amidala divenne segretamente la moglie del Cavaliere Jedi Anakin Skywalker e la madre di Luke Skywalker e Leia Organa, due delle più importanti figure nella storia galattica. Era anche la nonna di Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, e Ben Skywalker. Fu inoltre la bisnonna di Allana, la figlia di Jacen, ed un'antenata di Cade Skywalker e Kol Skywalker.
  • Padmé Amidala bila je najmlađa kćer Ruwee Naberrie i Jobal Thule Naberrie, i sestra Sole Naberrie. Kasnije ona se tajno udaje za Anakina Skywalkera i postaje majka dvoje djece Luke Skywalkera i Leie Organa Solo. Također je bila baka Jaine, Jacena i Anakina Solo, a tako i Bena Skywalkera. Poslije bitke u kojoj je Kenobi odnio pobjedu, odveo je Padmé u medicinsku ustanovu na planetu Polis Massa, gdje je rodila blizance, dečka Luke i djevojčicu koju je nazvala Leia. Nažalost nakon što je njen muž postao Sith izgubila je volju za životom i umrla. Kad je umrla bila je pokopana na Theedu.
  • Padmé Naberrie (Thronname Padmé Amidala) war die Königin von Naboo, später Senatorin von Naboo. In ihre Regierungszeit fiel die Krise von Naboo. Die Handelsföderation ließ die Königin gefangen nehmen; später wurde sie durch Qui-Gon Jinn und Obi-Wan Kenobi befreit und entkam mit drei Zofen und einigen anderen der Leibgarde. Dass die wahre Königin jetzt als Dienerin verkleidet und unter dem Namen Padmé Naberrie die falsche Königin als vertrauteste Dienerin begleitete, bemerkte niemand.
  • Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) is a fictional character in the Star Wars science fiction franchise. She first appeared on film in the 1999 feature film, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, as the young queen of the planet Naboo. In subsequent prequel trilogy films, Padmé represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate. She is featured in the animated miniseries Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003–2005), Star Wars: The Clone Wars and in Star Wars.
  • Padmé Naberrie de Naboo (cunoscută public după numele ei regal, Padmé Amidala, de asemenea cunoscută ca Alteţa sa Regală, Regina Amidala de Naboo, din 33 ÎBY până în 25 ÎBY, şi ca Excelenţa Sa, Senatoarea Padmé Amidala de Naboo, din 25 ÎBY până la moartea acesteia) a fost fiica cea mică a lui Ruwee şi Jobal Thule Naberrie şi sora Solei Naberrie. Mai târziu în viaţă, Amidala a devenit soţia secretă a cavalerului Jedi Anakin Skywalker şi mama lui Luke Skywalker şi Leia Organa Solo, două din cele mai importante personaje din istoria galactică. A fost de asemenea bunica lui Jaina, Jacen şi Anakin Solo ca şi a lui Ben Skywalker. Această legătură o face şi străbunica Allanei Solo, fiica lui Jacen Solo, şi un ascendent al lui Nat, Kol şi Cade Skywalker.
  • Padmé Amidala, also Queen Amidala, Senator Amidala, Padmé Naberrie, Miss Padme, Padma, Your Highness, Your Excellency, Panda Bear, Oobadooba, PADME!, Princess Abbadabba, Pantypadme Ammanamma and Hey Hottie, How You Doin? by a very confused old man, had yet another name: Padma Cecilia Pooja Dritana Marvana Alana Amidala. She was the Queen of the lovely and quaint planet of Nabooboo and later Senator of the same place. Despite being basically the only good thing about the prequel trilogy, Padmé found herself unable to score with a man her own age (though I'm sure plenty of people here would volunteer to help her out), so she hooked up with Anakin Skywalker, a whiny emo Jedi 5 years younger than her. Even he wasn't good enough, so she started banging Edward Cullen. Common sense would only sug
  • Padmé Amidala (primarily portrayed by Natalie Portman) is a major character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She was first mentioned, indirectly, in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi as the mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. The character was introduced in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and went on to appear in the remaining two prequel films, as well as the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
  • Padmé Amidala (46 f.s.Y. - 19 f.s.Y.) ble født med navnet Padme Naberrie. Amidala var et formelt navn på den tidligere dronningen av Naboo. Som barn var hun talentfull, og hadde en god utdannelse. I en alder av 14 år ble hun valgt til dronning av Naboo. Her fikk hun se hvor inneffektive Senatet egentlig var, og kom derfor med et mistillitsforslag mot Kansler Valorum. Da hun ikke kunne gjøre noe i Senatet returnerte hun til Naboo, for å be Gungerne om å hjelpe til å stoppe Handelsføderasjonen. Dette klarte de ved å fange lederen deres, Nute Gunray, og okkupasjonen ble avbrutt.
  • Padmé Amidala (született Padmé Naberrie, más néven királyi felség, Naboo Králynője YE 33-tól YE 25-ig, Naboo Szenátora YE 25-től haláláig) Ruwee és Jobal Naberrie kisebbik lányaként született, nővére Sola Naberrie volt. Amidala emellett titkos felesége is volt Anakin Skywalker Jedi Lovagnak, anyja Luke Skywalkernek és Leia Organának, akik az egyik legfontosabb személyek voltak a Galaxis történetében. Az ő unokája volt Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Anakin Solo és Ben Skywalker. Az ő leszármazotta volt Allana, Kol Skywalker, Nat Skywalker és Cade Skywalker.
  • [Source] Padmé Amidala de Naboo, née Padmé Naberrie, connue sous les titres successifs de Reine Amidala de Naboo puis de Sénatrice Padmé Amidala de Naboo, est la fille de Ruwee et Jobal Naberrie, et la sœur cadette de Sola Naberrie. Elle devint au cours de sa vie l'épouse secrète du chevalier Jedi Anakin Skywalker et la mère de Luke et de Leia. Padmé ne pouvait être reine que pendant deux mandats de quatre années consécutifs. Ensuite, elle a été élue sénatrice.
  • Padmé Amidala Skywalker (född Padmé Naberrie, känd som hennes kungliga höghet, drottning Amidala av Naboo från 33 BBY till 24 BBY och senator Padmé Amidala av Naboo från 24 BBY till hennes död) var den yngre dottern av Ruwee och Jobal Naberrie, och syster till Sola Naberrie. Senare i sitt liv blev Padmé den hemliga frun till den legendariska jediriddaren Anakin Skywalker och moder till Luke och Leia Skywalker, två av de viktigaste personerna i galaktiska historien. Hon var också mormor till Jaina, Jacen och Anakin Solo, liksom också till Ben Skywalker. Detta gjorde henne även ättling till Allana, Jacens dotter, och Nat, Kol och Cade Skywalker.
  • In 1999, Padmé Amidala appeared in two sets, both depicting her in her Tatooine clothing from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 7131 Anakin's Podracer, and 7171 Mos Espa Podrace. Each variant in both sets had a brown, braided headpiece, a yellow face, a blue torso with printing on it depicting Padmé's Tatooine clothes, and black legs. In the second wave of 2013, Padmé appears in the white clothes she wears in the Geonosian Arena, including scratch marks on her back from the Nexu beast.
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • y
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Падме Амидала
  • Good
  • 45.0
  • Padmegreenscrshot.jpg
  • Féminin
  • žena
  • Queen van Naboo
  • Apprentice Legislator
  • Senator van de Chommell Sector
  • Naboo
Row 4 info
  • *Anakin Skywalker *Luke Skywalker *Leia Organa Solo
  • 250
  • 125.0
  • hnědá
  • *Naboon kuninkaalliset *Galaktinen Tasavalta
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Castaño oscuro
  • 19
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Bruin
  • *República Galáctica *Casa Real de Naboo *Delegación de los 2000
Row 1 info
  • 46
  • Human
  • hnědá
  • 24
  • 32
  • 33
  • 1.65
  • 165.0
  • 46
type of hero
  • Freedom Fighter, Politician, Tragic Hero
  • Brunt
  • War, the dark side, suffering, danger
  • 19
Row 4 title
  • Relations
  • 19
domovský svět
  • Naboo
  • 165
  • Hr2~9.jpg
  • 19
  • *Legisladores Aprendizes *Programa Jovem Legislativo *Casa Real de Naboo *República Galáctica **Senado Galáctico ***Comitê ***Delegação dos 2.000 *Império Galáctico **Senado Imperial
  • Padmé Amidala
  • 20
  • *Galaktický senát *Delegace 2000 *Imperiální senát
  • 46
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • 45.0
  • 1.65
  • 46
  • 22
  • *Kungahuset av Naboo *Galaktiska Republiken
  • Tummanruskeat
  • 46
Row 2 info
  • 19
  • 46
Row 6 info
  • 7131
  • 19
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Born:
  • Castani
  • Cafés
  • Castanho
  • člověk
  • 19
Row 5 info
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Padme.jpg
Row 2 title
  • Born
  • Death:
  • siehe links
  • *Imperiumin nousun aikakausi
Row 6 title
  • First Appearance
  • 9
  • *Casa Reale di Naboo *Repubblica Galattica **Senato Galattico
  • Bruin
  • *Natalie Portman *Catherine Taber
  • *Naboos Royale Hus *Den Galaktiske Republik **Det Galaktiske Senat *Det Galaktiske Imperium
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Bruna
  • 46
  • Castanho
  • 46
  • Clara
Row 5 title
  • Primary Weapon
  • Kvinna
  • Kvinne
Row 3 info
  • 19
  • Senator
  • Very Rare
Row 3 title
  • Died
  • Type:
  • 1,65 m
  • *Episode I - III 50px|Republik
  • 19
  • Vrouw
  • 45.0
  • 10
  • Tummanruskeat
Box Title
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • 파드메 아미달라
  • Heather Doerksen
  • Catherine Taber
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Save the corrupt Republic by ending the Clone Wars, bring Anakin back from the dark side
  • Adjacent followers gain Bodyguard
  • Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Edition
  • Clone Strike
  • siehe links
  • Republic
  • 5158564
  • Brown
  • Dark brown
  • Sötétbarna
  • 2011-07-10
  • Reina de Naboo
  • Princesa de Theed
  • Monarca de Naboo
  • Senador de Naboo
  • Senadora del Sector Chommell
  • Star Wars
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Diplomacy, powerful will, blaster
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Peace, the lakes of Naboo, Anakin
  • Nearly 5.5 feet tall, slender, brown hair, eyes, and eyebrows, fair skin
  • Galactic Republic
  • *Royal House of Naboo *Galactic Republic *Rebel Alliance
  • *Nabooi Királyi Ház *Galaktikus Köztársaság *2000-ek Delegációja
  • *Apprentice Legislators *Legislative Youth Program *Royal House of Naboo *Galactic Republic **Galactic Senate ***Loyalist Committee ****Naboo delegation ***Delegation of 2,000 *Galactic Empire **Imperial Senate
  • *Peuple Naboo *République Galactique **Sénat Galactique ***Délégation des 2000
  • *Royal House of Nabooboo **House Naberrie *Galactic Republic **Galactic Senate *Galactic Empire **Imperial Senate
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Color
  • Dark brown
  • Brunette
  • Sötétbarna
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Drawing Manga Naboo Padmé Amidala
  • Drawing Manga-style Battle Padmé Amidala
  • Drawing Manga-style Padmé Amidala
  • Galactic Empire
  • República Galáctica
  • galactic-empire
  • Warm, stern, compassionate, selfless, faithful, responsible, strong-willed, sensible, kind, sad
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • The Phantom Menace
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • A Chommell szektor szenátora
  • A Naboo uralkodója
  • 19
  • 24
  • 32
  • 33
wykonywane funkcje:
  • królowa Naboo, senator
  • YE 19–YE 6
  • YE 24—22
  • 1.65
  • Brun
  • Lys
  • Brun
  • 100.0
  • Passes away in childbirth.
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • 45
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Padme Amidala‎‎
  • Her Royal Highness
  • Milady
  • Miss Padmé
  • Queen Amidala of Naboo
  • Senator Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala, Queen Amidala of Naboo, Senator Amidala, Milady
  • Sought for peace, spending time with her husband
  • purple
  • 1
  • 1.65
  • 45.0
  • Monarch of Naboo
  • Senator of Naboo
  • 250
  • 24.0
  • 250
  • 17
  • Her laser pistols
  • 250
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала Наберри
  • Падме Амидала/Канон
  • Падме Амидала/Канон
  • Падме Амидала/Канон
  • Nute Gunray, Count Dooku, Battle Droids, General Grievous, Riff Tamson, Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, Robonino, Ziro the Hutt, Nuvo Vindi, Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Zam Wesell
Image size
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  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Imperial
  • Magenta
  • Padmé Amidala
  • 165
  • 1,65m
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  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Sheev Palpatine
  • King Veruna
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Jar Jar Binks
  • Queen Jamillia
  • Star Wars
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • パドメ・アミダラ
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Naboo Soldier
  • Queen of Naboo
  • Princess of Naboo, Queen of Naboo, Politician, Senator of the Galactic Republic, Member of the Loyalist Committee
  • Senator of the Chommell Sector and Naboo
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala‎
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala/Canon
  • Battle
  • The Clone Wars
  • Labor
  • Geonosis
  • Queen Amidala
  • Clawed
  • Padmé Naberrie
  • Ep. III
  • 60
  • 7961
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  • L .jpg
  • Padme-3.png
  • Padme1.jpg
  • PadmeNaberrie.png
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  • Padme_Ep1.png
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  • Padme_LEGO_TFA.png
  • Padme_labor.png
  • PadmearenaIII.png
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  • Screen Shot 2014-01-10 at 12.40.50 PM.png
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  • explore/encyclopedia/characters/padmeamidala/index.html
  • character/ch0000027/
  • kids/activity/draw/f20080408/index.html
  • kids/activity/draw/f20080419/index.html
  • kids/activity/draw/f20080814/index.html
  • Padmé Amidala Naberrie Skywalker
  • Padmé Naberrie Amidala
  • ''Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  • Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars''
  • Light
  • 46
Image File
  • Padmé.jpg
  • Padme3.jpg
  • *Queen of Naboo *Senator of Naboo
  • *Reine de Naboo *Sénatrice
  • Plo Koon
  • "My place is with my people."
  • "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."
  • "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"
  • white
  • 19
  • YE 19 Polis massa
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • Padmé Amidala
  • 300
  • Medium
wikipage disambiguates
miejsce i data urodzenia:
  • 46
  • 1
  • H-type Nubian yacht
  • J-Type Nubian Star Skiff
  • J-Type 372 Nubian Starship
  • J-Type Diplomatic Barge
  • Rian-327 Airspeeder
  • y
wykonywane zawody:
  • polityk
  • y
  • 19
  • Padmé Amidala
Kolor włosów
  • brunatny
  • Republika GalaktycznaNaboo
  • 1,65 m
  • 46
kolor oczu:
  • brunatny
Kolor skóry
  • jasny
  • světlá
  • *Vaisseau Nubian 327 de type J *Barge diplomatique de type J *Chasseur N-1 *Yacht Naboo de type H *Skiff stellaire Naboo de type J
rasa (gatunek):
  • kobieta
  • Castani
  • 1.65
  • Dead
  • '
  • Jar Jar Binks
  • Rainha Jamillia
miejsce i data śmierci:
  • 19
  • YE 24–YE 19
  • YE 33—24
  • YE 30–YE 24
  • YE 46—33
  • __TOC__
  • Padmé Amidala (primarily portrayed by Natalie Portman) is a major character in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She was first mentioned, indirectly, in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi as the mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. The character was introduced in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and went on to appear in the remaining two prequel films, as well as the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The character is introduced as the young Queen of Naboo during the Trade Federation occupation of her planet. With the help of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, she escapes Naboo and pleads her case to the Galactic Senate, which is too slow to act. Padmé returns to Naboo, where it becomes clear that the invasion is a Sith plot, and fights back. The planet is retaken, and the Trade Federation is removed from Naboo. In the years that follow, Padmé's term as queen ends and she becomes the Senator of Naboo. She becomes an outspoken proponent of diplomacy during the rising tensions of the Separatist Crisis, and urges a peaceful outcome instead of war. Her stance leads to assassination attempts against her life, and Anakin Skywalker is assigned to be her Jedi bodyguard. While in hiding, the two fall in love and, as the Clone Wars begin, soon marry in secret. Padmé fought in a number of battles of the Clone Wars, often alongside Anakin. Towards the war's end, Padmé became pregnant with twins. Anakin is struck with a vision of Padmé dying in childbirth, leading to his fall to the dark side after Emperor Palpatine, revealed to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, offers to help Anakin stop Padmé from dying. Padmé attempts to reason with Anakin, but he attacks her after thinking that she has sided with Obi-Wan in attempting to kill him. Padmé later dies, but not before giving birth to her twins: Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.
  • Padmé Amidala war die Frau des mächtigen Anakin Skywalker, auf seiner Reise zur Dunklen Seite. Sie war als junge Frau Königin des Planeten Naboo, während der Blockade durch die Handelsföderation und später Senatorin im Galaktischen Senat. Im Tod gebar sie die Zwillinge Luke Skywalker und Prinzessin Leia Organa, die einst das Imperium zum Wanken bringen sollten.
  • Padmé Naberrie, veřejně známá jako Padmé Amidala, byla lidská politička, která se stala jednou z hlavních představitelek politiky v době pádu Galaktické republiky.
  • Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) secretly known as (Padmé Naberrie Skywalker or Padmé Amidala Skywalker) would serve as the Queen of Naboo from 32 BBY to 24 BBY and as Senator from Naboo from 24 BBY to 19 BBY in the Star Wars universe. She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrietar , Later in her life, Padmé became the secret wife of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker, and Leia Skywalker Solo, the grandmother of Jaina, Jacen, Anakin Solo, and Ben Skywalker, the great-grandmother of Allana Solo, and the ancestor of Nat, Kol, Cade Skywalker, and Ania Solo.
  • Padmé Naberrie af Naboo (offentligt kendt under sit kongelige navn, Padmé Amidala, og som Hendes Kongelige Højhed, Dronning Amidala af Naboo fra 33 BBY til 25 BBY og derefter som Hendes Excellence, Senator Amidala af Naboo fra 25 BBY til sin død) var den yngste datter af Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, and the sister of Sola Naberrie. Senere blev Amidala i hemmelighed gift med Jedi Ridderen Anakin Skywalker og fødte Luke Skywalker og Leia Organa Solo, to af de vigtigste figurer i den galaktiske historie. Hun er ligeledes bedstemor til Jaina, Jacen og Anakin Solo såvel som Ben Skywalker. Dette gør hende til oldemor til Allana Solo, Jacen Solos dater, og forfader til Nat, Kol, Cade Skywalker og Ania Solo.
  • Padmé Amidala (született Padmé Naberrie, más néven királyi felség, Naboo Králynője YE 33-tól YE 25-ig, Naboo Szenátora YE 25-től haláláig) Ruwee és Jobal Naberrie kisebbik lányaként született, nővére Sola Naberrie volt. Amidala emellett titkos felesége is volt Anakin Skywalker Jedi Lovagnak, anyja Luke Skywalkernek és Leia Organának, akik az egyik legfontosabb személyek voltak a Galaxis történetében. Az ő unokája volt Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Anakin Solo és Ben Skywalker. Az ő leszármazotta volt Allana, Kol Skywalker, Nat Skywalker és Cade Skywalker. Amidalát szülőbolygóján, a Naboon királynővé választották, majd később bolygóját és a Chommell szektort képviselte a Galaktikus Szenátusban. A Naboo királynőjeként sikerült népét felszabadítania a blokád alól, amiért Padmé a leginkább megtisztelt politikusok közé emelkedett a galaxisban. viszonylag rövid élete során nagyon fontos szerepet játszott a galaxis politikájában, valamint a Klónok Háborújához kötődő eseményekben.
  • Padmé Amidala Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Ženy
  • A strong supporter of the republic, during the old republic era.
  • Padmé Amidala, geboren als Padmé Naberrie, was één van de belangrijkste politici in de laatste jaren van de Republic. In het geheim was ze getrouwd met de Jedi held Anakin Skywalker. Net na de Clone Wars beviel ze van een tweeling: Luke en Leia. Meteen daarna overleed Padmé echter aan psychische en fysieke verwondingen.
  • Padmé Amidala (born Padmé Naberrie) is a fictional character in the Star Wars science fiction franchise. She first appeared on film in the 1999 feature film, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, as the young queen of the planet Naboo. In subsequent prequel trilogy films, Padmé represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate. She is featured in the animated miniseries Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003–2005), Star Wars: The Clone Wars and in Star Wars. Padmé is the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa and maternal grandmother of Ben Solo. She is portrayed by Natalie Portman who also portrayed Evey Hammond.
  • [Source] Padmé Amidala de Naboo, née Padmé Naberrie, connue sous les titres successifs de Reine Amidala de Naboo puis de Sénatrice Padmé Amidala de Naboo, est la fille de Ruwee et Jobal Naberrie, et la sœur cadette de Sola Naberrie. Elle devint au cours de sa vie l'épouse secrète du chevalier Jedi Anakin Skywalker et la mère de Luke et de Leia. Elle fut un temps la Reine démocratiquement élue de Naboo avant de représenter le secteur Chommell en tant que sénatrice au Sénat Galactique. En tant que Reine de Naboo, Padmé œuvra à la libération de son peuple, devenant ainsi l'une des figures politiques les plus respectées de la Galaxie. Au cours de sa vie relativement courte, elle joua un rôle essentiel dans les événements entourant la Guerre des Clones, où elle contribua, avec d'autres sénateurs, à la fondation de ce qui devint plus tard l'Alliance Rebelle, à travers la création de la Délégation des 2000. Padmé ne pouvait être reine que pendant deux mandats de quatre années consécutifs. Ensuite, elle a été élue sénatrice. Accompagnant Anakin dans son voyage galactique, Padmé plonge au cœur de la crise séparatiste. Face au danger, elle réagit avec l'efficacité et la volonté inflexible qu'elle a manifestés en tant que reine. Dans sa résidence familiale de la Contrée des Lacs, Padmé peut enfin porter des tenues civiles. Profondément troublée par la présence d'Anakin Skywalker, elle s'efforce de lui résister.
  • Padmé Amidala, born as Padmé Naberrie, was the queen of Naboo during the Trade Federation blockade of the planet. She later became the senator of Naboo for 6 years, until she took time off to be a mother. Padmé was the wife of Anakin Skywalker. They had two children: Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. Padmé died on Polis Massa when she lost the will to live after being choked by Anakin. She is the only main character from Revenge of the Sith to not have had a playable character in the Revenge of the Sith levels of Lego Star Wars: The Video Game.
  • Padmé Amidala was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set.
  • Padmé Amidala is a central protagonist in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She is a Senator from Naboo, the wife of Anakin Skywalker, and the mother of their children, Luke and Leia. Anakin has a vision of Padmé's death and joins the Sith to save her, sadly leading to her death at his hands. Padmé was portrayed by Natalie Portman in the prequel trilogy. Her voice was provided by Grey DeLisle and Catherine Taber in the two Clone Wars animated series.
  • Padmé Amidala was a Senator for the Republic. Padme was the Senator from Naboo. She was also in a secret relationship with Anakin Skywalker after the first battle of Geonosis. Padme was a strong believer in democracy. She believed everyone should be free from war and stravation. Padme was a senator who wasn't affraid to voice her opinion. Padme during the Clone Wars, tried to create a bill. To stop the production of Clones to end the war. But the bill was ignored and the war raged on. Later during the war Padme later died on Pollis Masses from a broken heart.
  • In 1999, Padmé Amidala appeared in two sets, both depicting her in her Tatooine clothing from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace: 7131 Anakin's Podracer, and 7171 Mos Espa Podrace. Each variant in both sets had a brown, braided headpiece, a yellow face, a blue torso with printing on it depicting Padmé's Tatooine clothes, and black legs. In 2011 a redesigned version of Padmé in her Tatooine clothing was released in 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator. In this variant Padmé has the same braided hairpiece, and her face is now flesh-toned and double-sided. One side has her smiling, and the other side has an angry expression. The torso is similar to the old version but with some minor updates. Once again her legs are black. In 2012, two new variations were released, in 9499 Gungan Sub and 9515 Malevolence. In the Gungan Sub, Padmé was dressed as Queen Amidala, with a new headpiece and a face was white with make-up details. The torso is bright red with printing depicting her royal garb. The minifigure utilises a special piece for her unique dress. In the Malevolence, Padmé was in her Clone Wars variant. Her hairpiece is the same as Will Turner and Philip Swift. She has a red torso with printing, and the arms and legs are a beige colour. In the second wave of 2013, Padmé appears in the white clothes she wears in the Geonosian Arena, including scratch marks on her back from the Nexu beast. This variant of Padmé comes with a flip face, one showing an large smiling face, the other depicting a smirk. Padmé also comes with a new hairpiece that is currently exclusive to her. She is set to appear in 75021 Republic Gunship .
  • Padmé Amidala was the queen of Naboo in the early stages of the Clone Wars. In the initial stages of the Clone Wars, Padmé and Anakin Skywalker's love blossomed and they married in secret after the severing of Anakin's arm. When the war was nearly over, Anakin, blinded by the will to stop Padmé from dying, undertook the teachings of Darth Sideous, becoming Darth Vader. Vader, in his anger towards Padmé (accidentally) leading Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mustafar, force-choked her till she fell unconcious. After Obi-Wan's defeat over Vader, she gave birth to twins on Polis Massa, Luke and Leia. Sadly, she simply lost the will to live and died moments after child-birth, as Anakin had turned to the dark side of the Force
  • Padmé Amidala (46 f.s.Y. - 19 f.s.Y.) ble født med navnet Padme Naberrie. Amidala var et formelt navn på den tidligere dronningen av Naboo. Som barn var hun talentfull, og hadde en god utdannelse. I en alder av 14 år ble hun valgt til dronning av Naboo. Under Handelsføderasjonenens blokade av Naboo prøvde de å få henne til å signere en avtale, som skulle gjøre invasjonen lovlig. Da hun ikke ville dette, ble hun dømt til fangenskap i en fangeleir. Heldigvis ble hun reddet av de to jediridderne Qui-Gon Jinn og Obi-Wan Kenobi. De tok henne med til Coruscant, hvor hun skulle prøve sin sak foran Senatet. Her fikk hun se hvor inneffektive Senatet egentlig var, og kom derfor med et mistillitsforslag mot Kansler Valorum. Da hun ikke kunne gjøre noe i Senatet returnerte hun til Naboo, for å be Gungerne om å hjelpe til å stoppe Handelsføderasjonen. Dette klarte de ved å fange lederen deres, Nute Gunray, og okkupasjonen ble avbrutt. Da hun var ferdig som dronning, fikk hun tilbud om å bli senator for Naboo, noe hun takket ja til. Trusselen av Separatistbevegelsen ville Amidala, i motsetning til mange andre, løse fredelig. Hun var en av forkjemperne for dette, og ville ikke lage en hær for republikken. På dagen det skulle stemmes for om det skulle lages en slik hær, ble skipet hennes ødelagt, og 7 mennesker ble drept. Hun mistenkte Grev Dooku, men det var faktisk hennes gamle fiende Nute Gunray som stod bak angrepet. På kommando fra Kansler Palpatine, den tidligere senatoren for Naboo, ble Amidala satt under beskyttelse fra jediene. Hun fikk nå møte Obi-Wan Kenobi og Anakin Skywalker igjen, som hun ikke hadde møtt på 10 år. Ikke lang tid etter dette ble hun på nytt angrepet, denne gang av dusørjegeren Zam Wesell. På grunn av dette dro Anakin med Padme til Naboo, mens Obi-Wan undersøkte hva som hadde skjedd. På Naboo ble de to forelsket. Dette var forbudt kjærlighet for dem begge. Anakin som var jedi, kunne ikke være i et forhold i følge kodeksen, mens Padme måtte fokusere på karrieren sin. Det var Padme av de to som klarte å kontrollere seg best, og hun klarte å holde seg en stund. thumb|left|310px|Padme forteller Anakin at hun er gravid. Men for Anakin var ikke dette hans eneste problem. Han hadde begynt å få fæle drømmer om sin mor, og måtte derfor besøke Tatooine, Padme ble med. På Tatooine fant han sin mor døende, og drepte alle sandfolkene som hadde torturert henne. Dette innrømmet han for Padme, og hun prøvde å trøste ham. Kort tid etter måtte de til Geonosis, for å redde Obi-Wan, som hadde blitt fanget av Separatistene. Imidlertid ble de to fanget, og dømt til døden. Dette gjorde at Padme innrømmet sin kjærlighet til Anakin, da hun trodde hun skulle dø. Heldigvis ble de to reddet av en hel haug med jedier, som dermed startet Klonekrigen. Etter slaget på Geonosis dro Anakin og Padme tilbake til Naboo. Der giftet de to seg i hemmelighet, uvitende om hva fremtiden ville bringe. I "Revenge of the sith" forteller Padmè, Anakin at hun er gravid. De blir enige om ikke å si noe. Hun hadde bestemt seg for å reise tilbake til Naboo for å føde. Hun hadde også bestemt seg for hvor hun skulle ha barnerommet. Men disse planene ble satt en stopper for da Obi-Wan Kenobi kom og fortalte at Anakin hadde gått over til den onde siden, blitt Palpatins nye elev og hadde drept alle i jedi-tempelet, inkludert barna. Obi-Wan Kenobi fant ut at Anakin var faren og gikk. Padmè tok med seg C3PO til der Anakin var for å stoppe han. Men Anakin var blindet av makten den onde siden ga ham og han ville ikke høre. Han tok kvelertak på henne med jedi-krefter da han fant ut at Obi-Wan hadde sneket seg med på skipet hennes. Hun besvimte. Da hun måtte føde døde hun. Hun fikk så vidt navngitt barna sine, Luke Skywalker og Leia, og sagt til Obi-Wan at det fremdeles var noe godt i Anakin. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategori:Senatorer Kategori:Kvinner Kategori:Skywalker Kategori:Karakterer
  • Padmé Naberrie (Thronname Padmé Amidala) war die Königin von Naboo, später Senatorin von Naboo. In ihre Regierungszeit fiel die Krise von Naboo. Die Handelsföderation ließ die Königin gefangen nehmen; später wurde sie durch Qui-Gon Jinn und Obi-Wan Kenobi befreit und entkam mit drei Zofen und einigen anderen der Leibgarde. Dass die wahre Königin jetzt als Dienerin verkleidet und unter dem Namen Padmé Naberrie die falsche Königin als vertrauteste Dienerin begleitete, bemerkte niemand. Entgegen dem Wunsch der falschen Königin und ihrem Leibwächter wollte Padmé die Jedi nach Mos Espa begleiten. Am Ende gaben sie nach und die echte Königin konnte ungehindert die Stadt besuchen. Dort lernte sie den neunjährigen Anakin Skywalker, seine Mutter und den Droiden C-3PO kennen. Später konnten sie das Schiff, das bei der Flucht beschädigt wurde, reparieren, und Anakin, der von seinem Herrn Watto die Freiheit geschenkt bekam, begleitete sie nach Coruscant. Auf dem Planeten angekommen tauschten die Königin und ihre Dienerin die Rollen. Padmé sprach ein Misstrauensvotum gegen den amtierenden Kanzler Valorum aus und ermöglichte es so, Senator Palpatine an die Macht zu bringen. Erneut tauschten Dienerin und Königin auf Naboo die Rollen und versuchten, die Gungans zum Kämpfen mit den Naboo zu überzeugen. Erst als sich die Königin offenbarte, einigten sie sich auf einen Plan zur Rückeroberung der besetzten Stadt. Am Ende war der Frieden wiederhergestellt und die Gungans und die Naboo schlossen für immer Frieden nach jahrhundertelangem Streit beider Völker Naboos. Zehn Jahre später sahen sich Padmé und Anakin wieder und verliebten sich ineinander. Padmé war mittlerweile nicht mehr Königin, sondern Senatorin von Naboo. Sie heirateten im Geheimen auf Naboo, auch wenn dies im Widerspruch zum Verhaltenskodex der Jedi steht, dem Anakin verpflichtet war (Episode II). Padmé wurde schwanger und reiste später nach Mustafar um Anakin zu suchen, nachdem sie von Obi-Wan gehört hatte, dass er der dunklen Seite verfallen sei. Dort wurde sie nach einem Streit von Anakin verletzt. Obi-Wan rettete sie, nachdem er Anakin besiegt hatte, und brachte sie in Sicherheit nach Polis Massa. Kurz darauf gebar sie ihre Kinder, die Zwillinge Luke und Leia. Nach der Geburt verstarb Padmé, sie wollte nicht mehr leben, da sie Anakin verloren hatte (Episode III). Die Kinder wurden anschließend getrennt voneinander aufgezogen.
  • Padmé Naberrie Amidala – fikcyjna postać z Gwiezdnych wojen (epizody I-III). W filmach grana była przez Natalie Portman.
  • Padmé Naberrie de Naboo (cunoscută public după numele ei regal, Padmé Amidala, de asemenea cunoscută ca Alteţa sa Regală, Regina Amidala de Naboo, din 33 ÎBY până în 25 ÎBY, şi ca Excelenţa Sa, Senatoarea Padmé Amidala de Naboo, din 25 ÎBY până la moartea acesteia) a fost fiica cea mică a lui Ruwee şi Jobal Thule Naberrie şi sora Solei Naberrie. Mai târziu în viaţă, Amidala a devenit soţia secretă a cavalerului Jedi Anakin Skywalker şi mama lui Luke Skywalker şi Leia Organa Solo, două din cele mai importante personaje din istoria galactică. A fost de asemenea bunica lui Jaina, Jacen şi Anakin Solo ca şi a lui Ben Skywalker. Această legătură o face şi străbunica Allanei Solo, fiica lui Jacen Solo, şi un ascendent al lui Nat, Kol şi Cade Skywalker. Amidala a fost aleasă democratic ca regină în Naboo înainte de a reprezenta sectorul Chommell ca un senator în Senatul Galactic. Ca regină de Naboo, Amidala a luptat cu curaj pentru a-şi elibera poporul în timpul invaziei Federaţiei de Comerţ în 32 ÎBY, devenind astfel una din cele mai importante figuri politice din galaxie. În 22 ÎBY, ca urmare a Actului de Creaţie Militar, Anakin Skywalker a fost desemnat să o apere, iar după Bătălia de pe Geonosis, cei doi s-au căsătorit în secret pe Naboo după ce s-au îndrăgostit. Senatoarea Amidala a participat în multe evenimente ale Războiului Clonelor, atât politice cât şi militare, inclusiv în timpul sarcinii. Aproape de sfârşitul războiului, a început să se îndoiască de motivele Republicii Galactice. În 19 ÎBY, şocată de dizolvarea Republicii şi crearea Imperiului Galactic, a semnat Delegaţia celor 200 împreună cu Bail Organa, Mon Mothma şi alţi senatori. După ce Anakin a ucis o mulţime de Jedi, inclusiv copii, Obi-Wan Kenobi a venit să-i spună lui Padmé despre transformarea lui în lordul Sith Darth Vader. Ea a refuzat să îl creadă şi a venit pe Mustafar să-şi găsească soţul, neştiind însă că Obi-Wan se ascunsese la bordul navei ei pentru a-şi confrunta fostul ucenic. Când Kenobi s-a arătat, noul lord Sith a presupus că ea îl trădase şi a sufocat-o folosind partea întunecată, ea pierzându-şi astfel cunoştinţa. După ce Kenobi l-a înfrânt pe Vader, a dus-o pe Amidala la o instalaţie medicală pe Polis Massa, unde a născut gemeni: un băiat, Luke, şi o fată, Leia, ea alegând numele pentru amândoi. Din nefericire, căderea soţului ei în partea întunecată a determinat-o să-şi piardă voinţa de a mai trăi, care, cuplată cu oboseala fizică determinată de naşterea copiilor, a rezultat în decesul ei. Înainte de a muri, prin ultimele sale cuvinte către Kenobi şi-a exprimat credinţa că încă mai exista bine în Anakin. După moartea ei, a fost îngropată în Theed ca un erou al poporului ei. În timpul vieţii ele relativ scurte, a jucat un rol vital în politica şi evenimentele din jurul Războiului Clonelor. Amidala şi alţi senatori au fost responsabili pentru fondarea Rebeliunii împotriva Imperiului. Într-un final, copiii lui Padmé vor juca un rol major în fragmentarea Imperiului şi izbăvirea lui Anakin.
  • Padmé Amidala, also Queen Amidala, Senator Amidala, Padmé Naberrie, Miss Padme, Padma, Your Highness, Your Excellency, Panda Bear, Oobadooba, PADME!, Princess Abbadabba, Pantypadme Ammanamma and Hey Hottie, How You Doin? by a very confused old man, had yet another name: Padma Cecilia Pooja Dritana Marvana Alana Amidala. She was the Queen of the lovely and quaint planet of Nabooboo and later Senator of the same place. Despite being basically the only good thing about the prequel trilogy, Padmé found herself unable to score with a man her own age (though I'm sure plenty of people here would volunteer to help her out), so she hooked up with Anakin Skywalker, a whiny emo Jedi 5 years younger than her. Even he wasn't good enough, so she started banging Edward Cullen. Common sense would only suggest she got bored of them, so she decided to score with Obi-Wan Kenobi, a much cooler Jedi Master 11 years older than her. If you think this is a load of crap, ask Olivia Kenobi and then try calling me back. Padmé eventually did the smart thing and divorced her husband after she caught him choking the chicken leaving little Ani with two kids. She eventually died when Obi-Wan gave her a Sith death stick. Idiot! You just killed the only reason why people bought the whole prequel trilogy!
  • Padmé Amidala Naberrie (secretly known as Padmé Skywalker) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. She first appeared on-screen in the 1999 feature film The Phantom Menace as the young Queen of the planet Naboo. In the subsequent prequel trilogy films, Padmé represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Padmé was the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and the grandmother of Ben Solo. She is the tritagonist of the Prequel Trilogy.
  • Padmé Amidala Skywalker (född Padmé Naberrie, känd som hennes kungliga höghet, drottning Amidala av Naboo från 33 BBY till 24 BBY och senator Padmé Amidala av Naboo från 24 BBY till hennes död) var den yngre dottern av Ruwee och Jobal Naberrie, och syster till Sola Naberrie. Senare i sitt liv blev Padmé den hemliga frun till den legendariska jediriddaren Anakin Skywalker och moder till Luke och Leia Skywalker, två av de viktigaste personerna i galaktiska historien. Hon var också mormor till Jaina, Jacen och Anakin Solo, liksom också till Ben Skywalker. Detta gjorde henne även ättling till Allana, Jacens dotter, och Nat, Kol och Cade Skywalker. Amidala var den demokratist valda drottningen av Naboo före hon representerade Chommell-sektorn som senator i den Galaktiska senaten. Under hennes period som drottning var hon med och befriade sitt folk från Handelsfederationen, som invaderade planeten 32 BBY, och blev en av de mest respekterade politiska personerna i galaxen. Under hennes relativt korta liv spelade hon en viktig roll i politik, såväl som i klonkrigen och hon var en av personerna som planerade en rebellrörelse, som kom att ändra galaxens historia.
  • Padmé Amidala di Naboo (in precedenza Padmé Naberrie, nota anche come Sua Altezza Reale, Regina Amidala di Naboo, dal 32 BBY al 24 BBY, e come Sua Eccellenza, Senatrice Padmé Amidala di Naboo, dal 24 BBY fino alla sua morte) era la figlia di Ruwee e Jobal Naberrie, e la sorella minore di Sola Naberrie. Più tardi, Amidala divenne segretamente la moglie del Cavaliere Jedi Anakin Skywalker e la madre di Luke Skywalker e Leia Organa, due delle più importanti figure nella storia galattica. Era anche la nonna di Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, e Ben Skywalker. Fu inoltre la bisnonna di Allana, la figlia di Jacen, ed un'antenata di Cade Skywalker e Kol Skywalker. Fu eletta democraticamente Regina di Naboo, prima di rappresentare il Settore Chommell come Senatrice nel Senato Galattico. Come Regina di Naboo, Padmé aiutò a liberare il suo popolo, diventando una delle più rispettate figure politiche nella galassia. Durante la sua vita relativamente breve, ebbe un ruolo vitale nella politica e negli eventi riguardanti le Guerre dei Cloni, quando Amidala ed altri senatori gettarono le basi per quella che sarebbe stata l'Alleanza Ribelle.
  • Padmé Amidala bila je najmlađa kćer Ruwee Naberrie i Jobal Thule Naberrie, i sestra Sole Naberrie. Kasnije ona se tajno udaje za Anakina Skywalkera i postaje majka dvoje djece Luke Skywalkera i Leie Organa Solo. Također je bila baka Jaine, Jacena i Anakina Solo, a tako i Bena Skywalkera. Amidala je bila demokratski izabrana kraljica planeta Naboo prije no što je kao Senatorica predstavljala Chommell sektor u Galaktičkom senatu. Kao kraljica Nabooa hrabro se borila za oslobođenje njenog naroda tjekom invazije Trgovinske Federacije u 32 BBY, čime je postala jedna od mnogih poštovanih političkih osoba u galaksiji. 22 BBY Anakin Skywalker joj je bio dodijeljen kako bi ju zaštitio, i nakon bitke na Geonosisu zaljubljeni se par potajno vjenčao. Senatorica Amidala je sudjelovala u mnogim političkim i vojnim događajima za vrijeme Ratova Klonova, te je u to vrijeme zatrudnjela sa Anakinom. Krajem rata sumnjala je u namjere Galaktičke Republike. 19 BBY, zgrožena raspadom Republike i stvaranjem Galaktičkog carstva potpisala je dokument nazvan Delegacija od 2000, što su napravili i Bail Organa, Mon Mothma i drugi senatori. Kad je Anakin ubio mnoge Jedi vitezove, uključujući i mlade Padawane, Obi-Wan Kenobi je otišao k Padmé kako bi joj rekao da je Anakin sada Sith Lord Darth Vader. Padmé nije htjela vjerovati riječima koje je čula i otišla je na Mustafar kako bi pronašla muža, ono što nije znala bilo je da se Obi-Wan skrio na njenom brodu kako bi pronašao svog bivšeg učenika. Kada je Obi-Wan izašao iz broda novi Gospodar Sitha je pomislio da ga je Padmé prevarila, stoga ju je zadavio koristeći moć mračne strane, od čega se onesvjestila. Poslije bitke u kojoj je Kenobi odnio pobjedu, odveo je Padmé u medicinsku ustanovu na planetu Polis Massa, gdje je rodila blizance, dečka Luke i djevojčicu koju je nazvala Leia. Nažalost nakon što je njen muž postao Sith izgubila je volju za životom i umrla. Kad je umrla bila je pokopana na Theedu.
  • Padme was Anakin Skywalker's love interest, and Jedi weren't allowed to fall in love, marry and have children, but they broke the rules and got married in secret. Eventually, Padme became pregnant with twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. When Anakin was seduced by the Dark Side and became Darth Vader, she was devastated and tried to talk him out of it, but when he saw Obi-Wan Kenobi, he gave her the Force Choke. Padme is taken to a medical clinic and gives birth to the twins, and dies from a broken heart.
  • Padmé Naberrie Amidala was a cute senator and the fairy queen of Naboo, an attractive little planet, that is the capital of the Chommell Sector near the Outer Rim Territories in a galaxy far, far away. In spite of her inability to order alcohol at the Cantina, she had small but titillating breasts which quite handily drove Anakin Skywalker to the darth side of the force. Padmé was most well-known as "Anakins sexy kabuki baby sitter". Although she wore many different dresses she had few layers of character other than being a cute and feisty host incubator for the two heroes, Luke and Leia. In any case, she's a minor footnote in the chronicles of democratically elected queens, and hereditary senators; and her plot position is so ambiguous that it is nearly impossible to categorize her as either a rebel or imperialist.
  • Padmé Amidala (Padmé Naberrie), to królowa Naboo (w latach 33 BBY 25 BBY), później senator Naboo w senacie Republiki (w latach 25 BBY - 19 BBY). Padmé Amidala, to imię monarsze, przybrane przez Padmé po nominacji na królową Naboo. Na Naboo imiona monarsze używane są przez byłego monarchę także po ukończeniu mandatu. Prawdziwe imię Padmé brzmi Padmé Nabierre. W sekrecie została żoną rycerza Jedi Anakina Skywalkera. Matka Luke'a i Lei. Zmarła ze smutku tuż po porodzie z powodu przejścia małżonka na ciemną stonę Mocy. Anakin Skywalker, który stał się Darth Vaderem długo nie zdawał sobie sprawy, że Padmé tuż przed śmiercią urodziła ich wspólne dzieci, bliźniaki Luke'a i Leię. W filmach rolę Padmé zagrała Natalie Portman.
  • Padmé Amidala of Naboo Amidala was the democratically elected Queen of Naboo before representing the Chommell sector as a Senator in the Galactic Senate. As Queen of Naboo, Amidala fought bravely to liberate her people during the Trade Federation's invasion in 32 BBY, thus becoming one of the most respected political figures in the galaxy. With Anakin and Ahsoka saved, Amidala proceeded to negotiate an alliance between the Republic and the Hutts, which would allow Republic warships to use unknown Hutt hyperspace lanes, an advantage the Separatists did not have. When she heard about Dr. Nefariou she want to Nagosiations with him durn the time in the clone wars
  • Padmé Amidala (syntynyt Padmé Naberriena, tunnettu myös Padmé Amidala Skywalkerina) (s. 46 BBY- k. 19 BBY) oli naboolainen senaattori sekä kuningatar. Amidalan tunnetuimpia saavutuksia ovat rauhanponnistelut galaktisessa senaatissa kloonisotien aikana sekä taistelu Naboon kansan puolesta Naboon invaasion aikana. Amidala avioitui 22 BBY jediritari Anakin Skywalkerin kanssa. Vuonna 19 BBY heille syntyi kaksi lasta, Luke ja Leia, joista tuli Imperiumin suuria vastustajia. Amidala kuoli 19 BBY synnyttäessän lapsensa Luken ja Leian.
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