  • Ripper II
  • Ripper II
  • Ripper II is a flame-propelled variant of a Ripper that flies at high speeds. A native of Zebes, it is found in Metroid, Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. They can be frozen with the Ice Beam in which they become platforms to stand on. Ripper IIs can also be grappled onto with the Grappling Beam and swing from them to cross over hazards and throw Samus high into the air. According to the 1986 Metroid manga, the Ripper II species evolved from Rippers. The Tripper appears to be a relative of Ripper IIs, and the Yumees share many traits with the latter.
  • Ripper II es una especie de criaturas voladoras impulsadas por propulsores de fuego. Son una variante de la especie Ripper y aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Al igual que los Ripper, estas criaturas destacan por su asombrosa capacidad de resistencia, aunque no tienen ningún ataque físico. Es una especie nativa de Zebes.
  • A Ripper II is a boxy, coelopteranoid creature native to the planet Zebes. Like its more primitive cousin, the Ripper, the creature is completely brainless and flies back and forth its whole life. It keeps alive by breathing air, which is rich in minerals and other nutrients. It only has nerves to control itself and mainly uses them early in its life to find a place to fly for the rest of its life.
  • Arte oficial de un Ripper II
  • Estos Rippers son más avanzados que los encontrados en la zona rocosa. Ellos pueden disparar fuego y volar a gran velocidad. Lucen igual que los otros Ripper pero vuelan mucho más rápido.
  • m
  • No ha sido visto en otros planetas
  • Pacífico
  • Rojo
  • Metroid
  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Super Metroid
  • Ninguno
  • No puede detener su propulsión a chorro, causando choques a alta velocidad
  • Ripper II
  • Metroid
  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Super Metroid
  • Ripper II
  • Official artwork for a Ripper II.
  • RipperII Metroid Sprite.gif
  • Ripper_II.PNG
  • None, damage on contact.
  • Ripper II es una especie de criaturas voladoras impulsadas por propulsores de fuego. Son una variante de la especie Ripper y aparecen en Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid. Al igual que los Ripper, estas criaturas destacan por su asombrosa capacidad de resistencia, aunque no tienen ningún ataque físico. Es una especie nativa de Zebes. Son criaturas pacíficas y no buscan dañar otros seres, aunque si ocasionarán daños a los seres que se pongan en su camino, puesto que no pueden frenar su propulsión. Variaciones de esta especie incluyen Ripper, Ripper Alado y Tripper. Los Ripper II pueden ser usados como punto de enganche para el Rayo Enganche.
  • A Ripper II is a boxy, coelopteranoid creature native to the planet Zebes. Like its more primitive cousin, the Ripper, the creature is completely brainless and flies back and forth its whole life. It keeps alive by breathing air, which is rich in minerals and other nutrients. It only has nerves to control itself and mainly uses them early in its life to find a place to fly for the rest of its life. Ripper IIs are red in color and have a tough shell that protects them from most attacks, although a powerful enough concussive blast or intense exposure to plasma and electricity, such as with a Screw Attack movement system, will destroy them. They are also susceptible to cold, and can be frozen in place; somehow, a frozen Ripper II will not fall to the ground. Their body is split into two main segments: * The head, the small pointed anterior section of the body. It is approximately only 1/10th of the total body length. * The thorax, which makes up the rest of the body and is covered in the smooth, yet flared and pointed shell. With the destruction of Zebes, they may be extinct in the wild, although with rumors abound that they are in fact the creation of the Space Pirates or that said Pirates found a use for them, they are currently considered still alive, but endangered.
  • Ripper II is a flame-propelled variant of a Ripper that flies at high speeds. A native of Zebes, it is found in Metroid, Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission. They can be frozen with the Ice Beam in which they become platforms to stand on. Ripper IIs can also be grappled onto with the Grappling Beam and swing from them to cross over hazards and throw Samus high into the air. With the exception of Zero Mission, there are always two variants of Ripper IIs in the games. The original Metroid featured a weak and indestructible version; while it is impossible to differentiate them visually as they are identical to one another, a single Missile or the Screw Attack can kill the weaker of the two. In Super Metroid, a weak Ripper II has a red body and blue eyes while the stronger form possesses a metallic-colored body with red eyes. According to the 1986 Metroid manga, the Ripper II species evolved from Rippers. The Tripper appears to be a relative of Ripper IIs, and the Yumees share many traits with the latter.
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