  • Plunger
  • Plunger
  • The Plunger is a common tool used to remove stoppages in plumbing.
  • The plunger is a miscellaneous item found in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and a weapon in Fallout Tactics.
  • The plunger is a basic bludgeoning item except for two key traits that are unique to it. 1.When you throw the plunger, you throw it as if it were a spear. 2.If the flying plunger(a plunger that is thrown) hits a wall, it will stick to the wall. You will be able to use a plunger that is stuck on a wall as a makeshift trampoline. Meaning that you can bounce off of it.
  • The Plunger is a Melee Weapon in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, on the map Der Eisendrache.
  • Plunger ist ein feindseliger Mutant und ein Feind der Mighty Mutanimals, der für die unproduzierte TV-Serie The Mighty Mutanimals erschaffen wurde.
  • A Plunger is Mario's and Luigis best friend. Plungers are one of the official things for Plumbers to be Plumbers.
  • Plunger is an action-puzzle game released on January 22nd, 2013. The player controls Plunger, a robot with long arms that has to reach the finish lines of each level while avoiding enemies.
  • A plunger is a component of the internals of a Nerf blaster. It is the part that takes in the dart and pushes it into the barrel to launch it. The size and shape of a plunger varies depending on the blaster; there are only two mechanisms that plungers are incorporated into. Many modders often pad plungers or replace plungers to make them last longer or perform better.
  • The Plunger is one of the only useful items in Pokémon Pearl and Diamond. It can be found at Gloomyshore City, in the abandoned Lighthouse on the very top floor. However, in order to get it, the player has to answer five simple math questions, so it was worth it. The Plunger has to be used at the run-down McDonald's conviently located in Gloomyshore City. Unclogging the Toilet will result in getting a McDonald's Key, which will have to be used to get into the Manager's office. If the player looks behind the desk, they'll find over nine thousand PokeDollars.
  • Plunger is a weapon that deals 5 damage per bullet and <default>Plunger</default> Weapon Type(s) Rarity Damage Energy Cost Critical Chance Inaccuracy Rounds per Second Projectile Colour Projectiles per attack Effect(s) costs 2 energy per shot. It has a 20% critical chance with 10 on the accuracy stat. The projectiles appear to be, well, poop.
  • The Plunger is a Weapon for the Links in The Legend of Zeldumb: The Links' Horrible Adventure. It could be found in Tingle's House, in the bathroom. Stealing will result in the secret Fingle boss battle, who is Tingle's evil "side". The Plunger can unclog Toilets, which is useful for gaining extra Rupies. It is also useful in the boss fight against Ganondorf, as he's complaining about his clogged Toilet. This results in a harder battle, though, as Ganondorf feels like killing the Link being played anyways. The Plunger is known to give double the damage if used recently to unclog a Toilet.
  • A windswept chain of rocky islands rises above the green and white swell of the Antarctic waters. On the rock pinnacles, above the height at which waves surge and break, lie a number of glossy shapes, basking in the distant watery sun. These black and white creatures flop around clumsily, seeming to wobble on their bellies, pushed along by their stubby limbs, apparently quite incapable of any fast or graceful movement. Yet, when they reach a cliff edge, they rise to their hind legs and plunge head first into the foam. There they are transformed into elegant streamlined creatures, turning and darting, chasing after the shoals of fish on which they feed. In many areas the seas are so rich in fish that the fishing animals do not need to travel long distances to find them.
  • *N/A
  • *''Hitman: Absolution
  • männlich
  • Angriffsvan
  • Giftsprühdusche
  • Klempner
  • Superverbrecher
  • Braun
Fire Mode
  • Melee
Fire Rate
  • N/A
Magazine Size
  • Infinity
  • 24
  • Poop
  • Plunger
  • Plunger
  • Melee
  • - Move
  • A knight welding a plunger.
  • A projectile fired by the plunger.
  • 100
  • Ranged
  • *N/A
  • Bradley Martin
  • Higher damage
  • #3e3351
  • #65467f
  • Plunge your way through this action-packed puzzler!
  • 0
number of projectiles
  • 1
  • Screenshot 20170416-111647.jpg
  • Screenshot 20170416-111734.jpg
  • Chance to stun
  • 10
  • --01-22
  • 5
  • 150
  • 250
  • Infinity
  • Infinity
  • 150
  • Melee
  • Plunger
  • N/A
  • -
  • Infinity
  • Infinity
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • *No
  • Infinity
  • N/A
  • Melee
  • Infinity
  • Upgraded Plunger
  • *Yes
  • N/A
  • N/A
Ammo Cost
  • 2
reload time
  • N/A
  • The Plunger is a common tool used to remove stoppages in plumbing.
  • The plunger is a miscellaneous item found in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and a weapon in Fallout Tactics.
  • The plunger is a basic bludgeoning item except for two key traits that are unique to it. 1.When you throw the plunger, you throw it as if it were a spear. 2.If the flying plunger(a plunger that is thrown) hits a wall, it will stick to the wall. You will be able to use a plunger that is stuck on a wall as a makeshift trampoline. Meaning that you can bounce off of it.
  • The Plunger is a Melee Weapon in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, on the map Der Eisendrache.
  • Plunger ist ein feindseliger Mutant und ein Feind der Mighty Mutanimals, der für die unproduzierte TV-Serie The Mighty Mutanimals erschaffen wurde.
  • A Plunger is Mario's and Luigis best friend. Plungers are one of the official things for Plumbers to be Plumbers.
  • Plunger is an action-puzzle game released on January 22nd, 2013. The player controls Plunger, a robot with long arms that has to reach the finish lines of each level while avoiding enemies.
  • A plunger is a component of the internals of a Nerf blaster. It is the part that takes in the dart and pushes it into the barrel to launch it. The size and shape of a plunger varies depending on the blaster; there are only two mechanisms that plungers are incorporated into. Many modders often pad plungers or replace plungers to make them last longer or perform better.
  • The Plunger is one of the only useful items in Pokémon Pearl and Diamond. It can be found at Gloomyshore City, in the abandoned Lighthouse on the very top floor. However, in order to get it, the player has to answer five simple math questions, so it was worth it. The Plunger has to be used at the run-down McDonald's conviently located in Gloomyshore City. Unclogging the Toilet will result in getting a McDonald's Key, which will have to be used to get into the Manager's office. If the player looks behind the desk, they'll find over nine thousand PokeDollars.
  • Plunger is a weapon that deals 5 damage per bullet and <default>Plunger</default> Weapon Type(s) Rarity Damage Energy Cost Critical Chance Inaccuracy Rounds per Second Projectile Colour Projectiles per attack Effect(s) costs 2 energy per shot. It has a 20% critical chance with 10 on the accuracy stat. The projectiles appear to be, well, poop.
  • A windswept chain of rocky islands rises above the green and white swell of the Antarctic waters. On the rock pinnacles, above the height at which waves surge and break, lie a number of glossy shapes, basking in the distant watery sun. These black and white creatures flop around clumsily, seeming to wobble on their bellies, pushed along by their stubby limbs, apparently quite incapable of any fast or graceful movement. Yet, when they reach a cliff edge, they rise to their hind legs and plunge head first into the foam. There they are transformed into elegant streamlined creatures, turning and darting, chasing after the shoals of fish on which they feed. In many areas the seas are so rich in fish that the fishing animals do not need to travel long distances to find them. The plunger is a fishing pterosaur that has lost its powers of flight. Its wings are still present but modified into hydrodynamic organs that allow it a mobility in the water that its ancestors had in the air. Layers of fat have built up under the skin, and these not only insulate the animal from the chill waters but also give it the streamlined shape that allows it to swim easily. The plunger's lungs have special adaptations to withstand the great pressures found at the depths at which they hunt their food.
  • The Plunger is a Weapon for the Links in The Legend of Zeldumb: The Links' Horrible Adventure. It could be found in Tingle's House, in the bathroom. Stealing will result in the secret Fingle boss battle, who is Tingle's evil "side". The Plunger can unclog Toilets, which is useful for gaining extra Rupies. It is also useful in the boss fight against Ganondorf, as he's complaining about his clogged Toilet. This results in a harder battle, though, as Ganondorf feels like killing the Link being played anyways. The Plunger is known to give double the damage if used recently to unclog a Toilet.
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