  • USS Tian An Men
  • USS Tian An Men
  • USS Tian An Men
  • USS Tian An Men
  • La Tian An Men es una nave Clase Miranda. En 2368 la nave fue parte de la flota que realizo el Bloqueo a la Flota Romulana para evitar que estos ayudaran a la Familia Duras durante la guerra civil Klingon. En el 2373, por la Fecha Estelar 50929 la Tian An Men desapareció patrullando la frontera Cardassiana y se pensó que fue destruida por una emboscada del Dominio, pero a principios del 74 regreso milagrosamente. En ese mismo año, y luego de finalizadas sus reparaciones, el Tian An Men batallo junto a la USS Nautilus, el USS Hood y el USS Defiant para destruir el asteroide que alimentaba energéticamente a las defensas del Sistema Chin`Toka.
  • The USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) was a 24th century Federation Miranda-class starship operated by Starfleet. In early 2368, the Tian An Men was docked at Starbase 234's spacedock for repairs. The ship joined Captain Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. It was prematurely deployed, despite the yard superintendent's belief the ship was not ready for launch. Experienced officers from the USS Enterprise-D augmented the crew of this ship. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the Enterprise-D.
  • USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) byla Federační lodí třídy Miranda, která sloužila během 24. století. Začátkem roku 2368 dokovala Tian An Men na Hvězdné základně 234 za účelem zásadních oprav. Navzdroy tomu, že nebyla připravena na opětovné zařazení do služby, byla převelena do flotily kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda, která měla za úkol blokovat Klingonsko-Romulanskou hranici během Klingonské občanské války. (TNG: "Redemption II")
  • thumb|Die Tian An Men im Tachyongitter Die USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) ist ein Föderationsschiff der Miranda-Klasse im 24. Jahrhundert. Zu den 23 Sternenflottenraumschiffen, die getarnte romulanische Raumschiffe davon abhalten sollen, die Neutrale Zone zu durchqueren, um der Duras-Familie im klingonischem Bürgerkrieg von 2367 und 2368 Waffen zu liefern, zählt auch die USS Tian An Men. Dabei nimmt das Schiff eine Schlüsselposition ein und baut im Tachyongitter eine Verbindung zu einem Großteil der ebenfalls beteiligten Schiffe, wie etwa der Enterprise. (TNG: )
  • This ship was used in the elite Klingon Command Academy bridge crew training simulations for the Class of 2290. As such, a simulacrum of Tian An Men was encountered in the Piachi star system in a simulated mission. (TOS video game: Klingon Academy) This appearance has a slight mis-spelling of the canon name, USS Tian Nan Man. In 2368, the Tian An Men was part of a 17-strong task force that was assigned to blockade the Klingon-Romulan border in order to stop Romulan interference in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II")
  • 2374
  • Active
  • active
  • 23
  • NCC-21382
  • USS Tian An Men
  • fed
  • The Tian An Men participates in the First Battle of Chin'toka .
  • heavy cruiser
  • USS Tian An Men
  • Tachyon detection network activated.jpg
  • 220
  • This ship was used in the elite Klingon Command Academy bridge crew training simulations for the Class of 2290. As such, a simulacrum of Tian An Men was encountered in the Piachi star system in a simulated mission. (TOS video game: Klingon Academy) This appearance has a slight mis-spelling of the canon name, USS Tian Nan Man. In 2368, the Tian An Men was part of a 17-strong task force that was assigned to blockade the Klingon-Romulan border in order to stop Romulan interference in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG episode: "Redemption, Part II") The Tian An Men was investigating the Kilandra Cluster in mid-2372. (DS9 novel: The 34th Rule) In late 2373, the Tian An Men was patrolling the Cardassian border, when it went missing near Minos Korva. Starfleet Command believed it had been destroyed by the Dominion, as many other ships had in the previous weeks. However, the Tian An Men was later recovered. (DS9 episode: "In the Cards"; ST reference: Star Charts) In late 2374, the Tian An Men participated in the First Battle of Chin'toka. During the battle, the Tian An Men assisted the USS Defiant, USS Hood, and USS Nautilus in destroying a moon that contained the power generators for the Cardassian weapon platforms in the system. (DS9 episode: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) byla Federační lodí třídy Miranda, která sloužila během 24. století. Začátkem roku 2368 dokovala Tian An Men na Hvězdné základně 234 za účelem zásadních oprav. Navzdroy tomu, že nebyla připravena na opětovné zařazení do služby, byla převelena do flotily kapitána Jeana-Luca Picarda, která měla za úkol blokovat Klingonsko-Romulanskou hranici během Klingonské občanské války. (TNG: "Redemption II") Ke konci roku 2373 dostala loď za úkol hlídkovat kolem hranice mezi Federací a Cardassijskou unií. Loď se však během této mise ztratila a bylo předpokládáno, že byla zničena Jem'Hadary. (DS9: "In the Cards") Loď se však později opět objevila, byla opravena a později nasazena do bojů ve válce s Dominionem, konkrétně v První bitvě u Chin'toky na konci roku 2374. V této bitvě Tian An Men společně s loděmi USS Hood a USS Nautilus asistovali lodi USS Defiant ve zničení měsíce, který zásoboval energií obranné zraňové platformy, které chránily systém Chin'toka. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • La Tian An Men es una nave Clase Miranda. En 2368 la nave fue parte de la flota que realizo el Bloqueo a la Flota Romulana para evitar que estos ayudaran a la Familia Duras durante la guerra civil Klingon. En el 2373, por la Fecha Estelar 50929 la Tian An Men desapareció patrullando la frontera Cardassiana y se pensó que fue destruida por una emboscada del Dominio, pero a principios del 74 regreso milagrosamente. En ese mismo año, y luego de finalizadas sus reparaciones, el Tian An Men batallo junto a la USS Nautilus, el USS Hood y el USS Defiant para destruir el asteroide que alimentaba energéticamente a las defensas del Sistema Chin`Toka.
  • The USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) was a 24th century Federation Miranda-class starship operated by Starfleet. In early 2368, the Tian An Men was docked at Starbase 234's spacedock for repairs. The ship joined Captain Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. It was prematurely deployed, despite the yard superintendent's belief the ship was not ready for launch. Experienced officers from the USS Enterprise-D augmented the crew of this ship. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the Enterprise-D. A plan was hatched by Picard, which he hoped would lure the Romulans through the detection grid. When Gowron launched a full attack against the forces of the House of Duras, the Romulan ships would rush to their aid. During this, the USS Excalibur would fall back with feigned engine troubles, taking the USS Akagi and the USS Hornet. In doing so, this would open up a small gap in the detection net for the Romulans to attempt to pass through. As their ships passed through the gap, the Enterprise-D and the Tian An Men would swing around, close the gap, and catch the Romulans in the act. The plan was foiled when the network was disrupted by a high-energy burst released by the Romulans, the net was no longer effective in a radius of ten million kilometers around the USS Sutherland. Subsequently, Picard ordered the fleet to proceed to Gamma Eridon at maximum warp, where the fleet would attempt to reestablish the net before the Romulans got there. (TNG: "Redemption II" ) In late 2373, the Tian An Men was assigned to patrol along the Federation's border with the Cardassian Union. It was reported missing, possibly due to action by the Jem'Hadar. (DS9: "In the Cards") The ship later fought in the Dominion War at the First Battle of Chin'toka in late 2374. It was in this battle where it, the USS Hood, and the USS Nautilus assisted the USS Defiant in destroying the moon that supplied power to the orbital weapon platforms protecting the Chin'toka system. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • thumb|Die Tian An Men im Tachyongitter Die USS Tian An Men (NCC-21382) ist ein Föderationsschiff der Miranda-Klasse im 24. Jahrhundert. Zu den 23 Sternenflottenraumschiffen, die getarnte romulanische Raumschiffe davon abhalten sollen, die Neutrale Zone zu durchqueren, um der Duras-Familie im klingonischem Bürgerkrieg von 2367 und 2368 Waffen zu liefern, zählt auch die USS Tian An Men. Dabei nimmt das Schiff eine Schlüsselposition ein und baut im Tachyongitter eine Verbindung zu einem Großteil der ebenfalls beteiligten Schiffe, wie etwa der Enterprise. (TNG: ) Im Jahre 2373 gehört die Tian An Men zu mehreren Schiffen der Sternenflotte, die an der cardassianischen Grenze patrouillieren sollen. Sie wird vorübergehend als vermisst gemeldet (DS9: ). Die Tian An Men ist nach dem Platz des himmlischen Friedens in Peking benannt. Im originalen Okudagramm der Episode TNG: ist sie fälschlicherweise Tian Nan Men geschrieben. In der remasterten Version der Episode wurde dieser Schreibfehler behoben und die korrekte Schreibweise ist auch in der Star Trek Enzyklopädie enthalten.