  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • Celsius
  • The Celsius temperature scale is based on the properties of water. At one standard atmosphere of pressure, water melts/freezes at 0°C and vaporizes/condenses at 100°C. Celsius is related to the Kelvin scale by the following formula: Celsius is related to the Fahrenheit scale by the following formula:
  • De Celsius (of afgekort tot °C) een eenheid van temperatuur, genoemd naar de Aardse astronoom Anders Celsius. De Celsius temperatuurschaal was zo opgezet dat het vriespunt van water 0° op de schaal is en het kookpunt 100° bij 1 Aardse Atmosfeer. De schaal is evenredig met de eenheid Kelvin, waardoor het absolute nulpunt op -273,16 °C ligt.
  • Celsius or Centigrade was a measurement unit of temperature. Heat storms on the scorched planet Ryloth could reach upwards of 300 degrees Celcius.
  • Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Celsius Celsius ist der höchste medizinische Offizier der stählernen Bruderschaft im Jahre 2197.
  • Celsius är en temperaturskala som används för mäta för temperatur på planeten Jorden. Under 2009 sände Destiny Expeditionen en kino till planeten Hoth som sände tillbaka temperaturmätningen till Destiny som visade - 47°C. (SGU: "Water")
  • Celsius is the chief medical officer of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2197.
  • A scale for measuring temperature. On the Celsius scale, which is named for the Swedish astronomer that proposed it, pure water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C. Impurities and minerals in water (such as salt) change the temperature at which water freezes or boils. The United States, which uses the Fahrenheit scale, is one of the few countries in the world that has not made the conversion to Celsius. Celsius is also known as the centigrade scale.
  • A degree Celsius (°C) is a unit of temperature named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius.
  • thumb|210px|Die Celsius Die Celsius ist ein Luftschiff aus Final Fantasy X-2 und dient dem Möwenpack als Hauptquartier. Gesteuert wird sie von Brüderchen. Das Luftschiff wird in vier Bereiche geteilt. Als erstes die Brücke. Dort kann man speichern, sich mit Rikku, Paine und Brüderchen unterhalten, ein Flugziel ansteuern oder Shinra zur Spielmechanik befragen, wie etwa zum Anlegen von Kostüm-Sphäroiden. Als nächstes gibt es ein Quartier. Dort kann man Items und Accessoires bei Mr. Schank kaufen oder sich ausruhen. Außerdem befinden sich hier die Leute, die man mit auf das Flugschiff nimmt, beispielsweise Clasko oder O'aka. Weiterhin existiert ein Maschinenraum, in dem die meiste Zeit über nichts ist, und als letztes das Deck. Von dort kann man sich die Möwenstatue des Schiffes ansehen.
  • Celsius adj (abbreviation C) relating to the Celsius scale of temperature measurement. In stating temperatures, Celsius is now preferred, as a more specific term, to Centigrade.
  • Lysander is cool calm and collected. He rarely ever loses his head and it takes quite a lot to push him over the edge. Although he can be a bit goofy sometimes, he’s serious when the situation calls for it. He can be a little too sarcastic or confident for his own good sometimes.
  • Celsius (セルシウス Serushiusu?) is the Spirit of Ice. Celsius has appeared in several games of the series as a character or cameo and can be summoned through the Celsius arte. Celsius is opposed by Efreet, the Spirit of Fire, and she is often seen with her wolf partner, Fenrir (フェンリル Fenriru?). In most appearances, she appears as a blue-skinned woman specializing in martial arts.
  • Celsius was a temperature measurement scale used by the Human civilization of the planet Earth.
  • File:Celsius-DP2-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Le degré Celsius (°C) était une unité de température, nommée ainsi en hommage au scientifique suédois Anders Celsius {w}. (Réalité extrapolée *) L'échelle de température Celsius définissait 0°C comme la température de gel de l'eau et 100 °C comme la température d'ébullition de l'eau.
  • Celsius es la aeronave que sirve de transporte y base de operaciones a Las Gaviotas en Final Fantasy X-2. El buque posee un detector de esferas gracias a que registra las ondas emitidas por los artefactos. Es por ello que las misiones del grupo comienzan y terminan a bordo de la nave. Hermano y Buddy son los pilotos de la aeronave. En un principio, los asistentes eran Shinra y Rikku. pero más tarde se uniría Paine y finalmente Yuna. Se forma así el grupo bautizado como YRP, las iniciales de las tres protagonistas del juego.
  • The facilities on the airship include a number of resources from Shinra including a bestiary, information about Spira, and a sphere theater. A shop and inn, and a number of refilling treasure chests are also available. As the game progresses many of the airship's passengers will also offer their services to compliment the airship's; these include an additional shop and the ability to capture and store chocobos.
  • In Tales of Xillia 2, after Gilland's death, Celsius had been resting inside her spyrite until she was awakened at the Research lab and ran off. Throughout Jude's sidestory, Jude, Milla, and Ludger often tried to convince her that they never meant harm. After their first fight, Celsius requested that to prove themselves by visiting Kijara Seafalls, Fennmont, and Fort Galdala. It was revealed in the past that she and Professor Haus visited those places together as well. At Fort Galdala, she summons a seadragon and fights Jude, Milla, and Ludger again. At the end of the sidestory, Celsius went back inside her spyrite and became Jude's to use.
  • Skala Celsius adalah suatu skala suhu yang didesain supaya titik beku air berada pada 0 derajat dan titik didih pada 100 derajat di tekanan atmosferik standar. Skala ini mendapat namanya dari ahli astronomi Anders Celsius (1701–1744), yang pertama kali mengusulkannya pada tahun 1742. Anders Celsius awalnya mengusulkan titik beku berada pada 100 derajat dan titik didih pada 0 derajat. Ini dibalik pada tahun 1747, disebabkan hasutan dari Linnaeus, atau mungkin Daniel Ekström, pembuat kebanyakan termometer yang digunakan oleh Celsius.
  • From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 °C was defined as the boiling point of water, both at a pressure of one standard atmosphere. Although these defining correlations are commonly taught in schools today, by international agreement the unit "degree Celsius" and the Celsius scale are currently defined by two different points: absolute zero, and the triple point of VSMOW (specially prepared water). This definition also precisely relates the Celsius scale to the Kelvin scale, which is the SI base unit of temperature (symbol: K). Absolute zero, the hypothetical but unattainable temperature at which matter exhibits zero entropy, is defined as being precisely 0 K and −273.15 °C. The temperature value of the triple point of water is defined as being precis
  • The Celsius temperature scale was previously known as the centigrade scale. The degree Celsius (symbol: °C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as serve as a unit increment to indicate a temperature interval (a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty). "Celsius" is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale two years before his death.
  • The degree Celsius, also known as centigrade (or simply °C) was a unit of temperature named after Earth astronomer Anders Celsius. The Celsius temperature scale was designed so that the freezing point of water is 0 °C, and the boiling point is 100 °C at one Earth atm, which results in the zero point of the temperature unit Kelvin (or "absolute zero") being at −273.15 °C. The body function panels in sickbay measured a patient's body temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. (Star Trek: The Original Series) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
  • Celsius ist eine Temperatureinheit. Die Celiusskala beginnt beim Gefrierpunkt von Wasser, der absolute Nullpunkt (0 K) liegt bei -273,15°C. Sie misst in derselben Größenordnung wie die Kelvinskala, d.h. 0° Celsius entsprechen 273,15° Kelvin. Auf Theta 116 VIII herrscht eine Oberflächentemperatur von -219°C. (TNG: ) Die Replikatoren der Föderation verwenden als Temperatureinheit als einzige Einheit Grad Celsius. (TNG: ) Im Sommer steigt die Temperatur auf Rinax bis auf 50 Grad Celius. (VOY: ) An Bord eines Borg-Kubus herrscht eine Temperatur von 39,1 Grad Celsius. (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt)
  • 17
  • empty
  • Elder robes
  • Ropagi II
  • "We're the Gullwings!"
  • Items inventory
  • Trauma pack
  • Doctor's bag (Fallout Tactics)
  • Field medic first aid kit
  • Doctor's bag x2
  • RadAway x3
  • Stimpak x5
  • Super stimpak x6
  • Stimpak x4
  • Small energy cell x48
  • Antidote x10
  • Field medic first aid kit x3
  • First aid kit x2
  • First aid kit x3
  • First aid kit x7
  • Paramedics bag x4
  • Rad-X x3
  • Rad-X x8
  • RadAway x9
  • Stimpak x11
  • Super stimpak x13
  • Super stimpak x14
  • Trauma pack x4
  • Trauma pack x6
  • Ultra stimpak x7
civilian name
  • Lysander Killoran
  • Xavier Killoran Naomi Killoran Azriel Killoran
  • Ropagi II
  • For a Few Kilotons More
  • FOT
  • 21
  • We're the gullwings.ogg
  • Medical officer
  • •Tales of Symphonia
  • •Tales of Eternia
  • •Tales of Legendia
  • •Tales of Xillia 2
  • •Tales of Xillia
  • •Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
  • •Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2
  • •Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3
  • Celsius
  • Twin Stars of Kira
  • none
  • Male
Hair Color
  • White
  • All items
  • Healing Rate: 1
  • Bonus Damage: 0%
  • Perk Rate: 3
  • Skill Rate: 21
  • 200.0
  • 6
  • Human
Marital Status
  • single pringle and ready to mingle
Place of Birth
  • Bakersfield, California, USA
  • •Rena Mizushiro
  • •Hiromi Hirata
  • •Primary Craymel of Celestia
  • •Spirit of Ice
Eye Color
  • Red
  • Male
  • Twin Stars of Kira
Date of Birth
  • 10
  • Bunker Alpha, Beta and Gamma
  • •Hunter Austin
  • •Rachel Robinson
missions involved
  • During the training mission
  • The Celsius temperature scale is based on the properties of water. At one standard atmosphere of pressure, water melts/freezes at 0°C and vaporizes/condenses at 100°C. Celsius is related to the Kelvin scale by the following formula: Celsius is related to the Fahrenheit scale by the following formula:
  • De Celsius (of afgekort tot °C) een eenheid van temperatuur, genoemd naar de Aardse astronoom Anders Celsius. De Celsius temperatuurschaal was zo opgezet dat het vriespunt van water 0° op de schaal is en het kookpunt 100° bij 1 Aardse Atmosfeer. De schaal is evenredig met de eenheid Kelvin, waardoor het absolute nulpunt op -273,16 °C ligt.
  • The Celsius temperature scale was previously known as the centigrade scale. The degree Celsius (symbol: °C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as serve as a unit increment to indicate a temperature interval (a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty). "Celsius" is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale two years before his death. From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C on the Celsius scale was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 °C was defined as the boiling point of water under a pressure of one standard atmosphere; this close equivalency is taught in schools today. However, the unit "degree Celsius" and the Celsius scale are currently, by international agreement, defined by two different points: absolute zero, and the triple point of VSMOW (specially prepared water). This definition also precisely relates the Celsius scale to the Kelvin scale, which is the SI base unit of temperature (symbol: K). Absolute zero—the temperature at which no energy remains in a substance—is defined as being precisely 0 K and −273.15 °C. The triple point of water is defined as being precisely 273.16 K and 0.01 °C. This definition fixes the magnitude of both the degree Celsius and the unit kelvin as being precisely 1 part in 273.16 parts the difference between absolute zero and the triple point of water. Thus, it sets the magnitude of one degree Celsius and the kelvin to be exactly equivalent. Additionally, it establishes the difference between the two scales' null points as being precisely 273.15 degrees Celsius (−273.15 °C = 0 K and 0.01 °C = 273.16 K).
  • Celsius or Centigrade was a measurement unit of temperature. Heat storms on the scorched planet Ryloth could reach upwards of 300 degrees Celcius.
  • Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Celsius Celsius ist der höchste medizinische Offizier der stählernen Bruderschaft im Jahre 2197.
  • Celsius är en temperaturskala som används för mäta för temperatur på planeten Jorden. Under 2009 sände Destiny Expeditionen en kino till planeten Hoth som sände tillbaka temperaturmätningen till Destiny som visade - 47°C. (SGU: "Water")
  • Celsius is the chief medical officer of the Brotherhood of Steel in 2197.
  • A scale for measuring temperature. On the Celsius scale, which is named for the Swedish astronomer that proposed it, pure water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C. Impurities and minerals in water (such as salt) change the temperature at which water freezes or boils. The United States, which uses the Fahrenheit scale, is one of the few countries in the world that has not made the conversion to Celsius. Celsius is also known as the centigrade scale.
  • A degree Celsius (°C) is a unit of temperature named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius.
  • thumb|210px|Die Celsius Die Celsius ist ein Luftschiff aus Final Fantasy X-2 und dient dem Möwenpack als Hauptquartier. Gesteuert wird sie von Brüderchen. Das Luftschiff wird in vier Bereiche geteilt. Als erstes die Brücke. Dort kann man speichern, sich mit Rikku, Paine und Brüderchen unterhalten, ein Flugziel ansteuern oder Shinra zur Spielmechanik befragen, wie etwa zum Anlegen von Kostüm-Sphäroiden. Als nächstes gibt es ein Quartier. Dort kann man Items und Accessoires bei Mr. Schank kaufen oder sich ausruhen. Außerdem befinden sich hier die Leute, die man mit auf das Flugschiff nimmt, beispielsweise Clasko oder O'aka. Weiterhin existiert ein Maschinenraum, in dem die meiste Zeit über nichts ist, und als letztes das Deck. Von dort kann man sich die Möwenstatue des Schiffes ansehen.
  • Celsius adj (abbreviation C) relating to the Celsius scale of temperature measurement. In stating temperatures, Celsius is now preferred, as a more specific term, to Centigrade.
  • Lysander is cool calm and collected. He rarely ever loses his head and it takes quite a lot to push him over the edge. Although he can be a bit goofy sometimes, he’s serious when the situation calls for it. He can be a little too sarcastic or confident for his own good sometimes.
  • Celsius (セルシウス Serushiusu?) is the Spirit of Ice. Celsius has appeared in several games of the series as a character or cameo and can be summoned through the Celsius arte. Celsius is opposed by Efreet, the Spirit of Fire, and she is often seen with her wolf partner, Fenrir (フェンリル Fenriru?). In most appearances, she appears as a blue-skinned woman specializing in martial arts.
  • Celsius was a temperature measurement scale used by the Human civilization of the planet Earth.
  • File:Celsius-DP2-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Celsius ist eine Temperatureinheit. Die Celiusskala beginnt beim Gefrierpunkt von Wasser, der absolute Nullpunkt (0 K) liegt bei -273,15°C. Sie misst in derselben Größenordnung wie die Kelvinskala, d.h. 0° Celsius entsprechen 273,15° Kelvin. Auf Theta 116 VIII herrscht eine Oberflächentemperatur von -219°C. (TNG: ) Die Replikatoren der Föderation verwenden als Temperatureinheit als einzige Einheit Grad Celsius. (TNG: ) Im Sommer steigt die Temperatur auf Rinax bis auf 50 Grad Celius. (VOY: ) In der Höhle, in der Doktor 2373 nach den erkrankten Garanern sucht, herrscht eine Temperatur von 16 Grad Celsius. (VOY: ) An Bord eines Borg-Kubus herrscht eine Temperatur von 39,1 Grad Celsius. (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt)
  • Le degré Celsius (°C) était une unité de température, nommée ainsi en hommage au scientifique suédois Anders Celsius {w}. (Réalité extrapolée *) L'échelle de température Celsius définissait 0°C comme la température de gel de l'eau et 100 °C comme la température d'ébullition de l'eau.
  • The degree Celsius, also known as centigrade (or simply °C) was a unit of temperature named after Earth astronomer Anders Celsius. The Celsius temperature scale was designed so that the freezing point of water is 0 °C, and the boiling point is 100 °C at one Earth atm, which results in the zero point of the temperature unit Kelvin (or "absolute zero") being at −273.15 °C. The body function panels in sickbay measured a patient's body temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. (Star Trek: The Original Series) The replicators aboard a Federation starship like the USS Enterprise-D were calibrated to the Celsius system. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor" , "The Defector" ) * −291 °Celsius was the average surface temperature of the planet Theta VIII, with wind speeds of up to 320 meters/second. (TNG: "The Royale" ) −291 °Celsius is about eighteen degrees below absolute zero (0 Kelvin), which is a theoretical impossibility, suggesting this was a production mistake and actually meant to be −291 °Fahrenheit (−179 °Celsius). * −200 °Celsius was the temperature at which invidium became inert. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits" ) * −40 °Celsius was the temperature that biothermally insulated booties would protect B'Elanna Torres' baby's feet against. (VOY: "Human Error") * −20 °Celsius was the ambient temperature in the Argala habitat zone, found on board the Nyrian biosphere vessel. (VOY: "Displaced") * −10 °Celsius was the temperature in the USS Voyager's gymnasium when the environmental controls failed in 2371. (VOY: "Twisted"} * −5 °Centigrade was the amount Shuttlepod 1's thermostat was reduced by in 2151 to free up power to enhance the efficiency of the atmosphere recyclers. (ENT: "Shuttlepod One"} * 1 °Centigrade was the temperature for condensed suspension of water vapor, otherwise known as fog. (TNG: "Sub Rosa" ) * 2 °Centigrade was the increase in the Enterprise bridge's ambient temperature ordered by a de-evolving Deanna Troi in 2370. (TNG: "Genesis" } * 3 °Celsius was the temperature of a glass of water Dr. Beverly Crusher gave to Will Riker when he awakened in a simulation created by Barash. (TNG: "Future Imperfect" ) * 10 °Celsius was the temperature of a glass of water Reginald Barclay drank to calm himself in 2369. (TNG: "Realm of Fear" ) * 15 °Celsius was the temperature at the San Francisco administrative processing center of Sanctuary District A in August 2024. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I", "Past Tense, Part II") * 16 °Celsius was the ambient temperature beneath the surface of a Garan mining colony in 2373. (VOY: "Macrocosm") * 17 °Celsius was the temperature when the morphogenic matrix of a Changeling was most malleable. (DS9: "The Begotten") * 21 °Celsius was the temperature Humans preferred in order to operate most efficiently, according to Data's observations. (TNG: "Starship Mine" ) * 21 °Celsius was also the cabin temperature in the shuttlecraft Justman just before Jo'Bril flew it into the star Vaytan. (TNG: "Suspicions" ) * 22.2 °Celsius was the temperature detected by initial scans made by the USS Grissom of Sector 1 on the Genesis Planet, indicating also that it was a forested region. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) * 30 °Celsius was the maximum temperature at which liquefied platinum could remain stable. (ENT: "The Xindi") * 32 °Celsius was the average temperature of Deep Space 9 when the Federation took over the station, indicating the temperature preference of Cardassians. (DS9: "Emissary") The average body temperature of a Human was 37 °Celsius. In the script for "The Most Toys" , after Varria kissed his lips and discovered it to be warm, Data informed her that he had adjustable temperature and chose this degree to approximate Human skin texture. * 39.1 °Celsius (roughly 102.4 °Fahrenheit) was the constant temperature in the internal climate aboard a Borg cube. (Star Trek: First Contact) * 39.4 °Celsius was the temperature detected by initial scans made by the USS Grissom of Sector 2 on the Genesis Planet, indicating also that it was a desert terrain with minimal vegetation. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) * 46 °Celsius was the ambient temperature on both the Zooabud and Tanatuva habitat zones, on board the Nyrian biosphere vessel. (VOY: "Displaced") * 50 °Celsius with a 90% humidity were the conditions on summers in the Rinax marshlands, the hottest it got in the sector surrounding the Talaxian system. Conditions of these marshlands also included vicious lavaflies on Rinax. (VOY: "Macrocosm") * 55 °Celsius was the average temperature on Lambda Paz, a moon of Pentarus III, classified as barely class M with a desert-like surface. (TNG: "Final Mission" ) * 55 °Celsius was the temperature level reached at the ore processing section of Terok Nor, when dilithium ore was being processed. (DS9: "Civil Defense") * 60 °Celsius was the temperature at which Benjamin Sisko preferred his coffee. (DS9: "Call to Arms") * 76 °Celsius was the ambient temperature of both the Federation and Bourget habitat zones, found on board the Nyrian biosphere vessel. (VOY: "Displaced") Based on the habitat seen on screen, this temperature figure was likely a production mistake and actually meant to be 76 °Fahrenheit (24 °Celsius), which is a comfortable temperature for Humans. * 80 °Celsius was the temperature at which ginger tea with honey, Aunt Adele's cure for the common cold was served at. (TNG: "Ensign Ro" ) * 150 °Celsius was the exact constant temperature of a pool of thick swirling ooze the Legarans preferred to inhabit in. (TNG: "Sarek" ) * 300 °Celsius was the temperature a Bersallis III fire storm could produce, with winds of over two hundred kilometers per hour. (TNG: "Lessons" ) * 300 °Celsius was the approximate temperature the magma pockets beneath Atrea IV's surface had risen by after ferro-plasmic infusion had taken place. (TNG: "Inheritance" ) * 323 °Celsius was the core temperature of an advanced long-range torpedo. (Star Trek Into Darkness, display graphics) * 1300 °Celsius was the temperature the hull of the USS Yangtzee Kiang ultimately rose to after being scanned by an artificial satellite in 2369 prior to crash landing. (DS9: "Battle Lines") * 8000 °Centigrade was the melting point of the Kalandan homeworld's surface. (TOS: "That Which Survives" ) * 12,000 °Celsius was about the maximum tolerance of the Enterprise-D's hull temperature within a star's corona. (TNG: "Descent, Part II" )
  • Celsius es la aeronave que sirve de transporte y base de operaciones a Las Gaviotas en Final Fantasy X-2. El buque posee un detector de esferas gracias a que registra las ondas emitidas por los artefactos. Es por ello que las misiones del grupo comienzan y terminan a bordo de la nave. Hermano y Buddy son los pilotos de la aeronave. En un principio, los asistentes eran Shinra y Rikku. pero más tarde se uniría Paine y finalmente Yuna. Se forma así el grupo bautizado como YRP, las iniciales de las tres protagonistas del juego.
  • From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C was defined as the freezing point of water and 100 °C was defined as the boiling point of water, both at a pressure of one standard atmosphere. Although these defining correlations are commonly taught in schools today, by international agreement the unit "degree Celsius" and the Celsius scale are currently defined by two different points: absolute zero, and the triple point of VSMOW (specially prepared water). This definition also precisely relates the Celsius scale to the Kelvin scale, which is the SI base unit of temperature (symbol: K). Absolute zero, the hypothetical but unattainable temperature at which matter exhibits zero entropy, is defined as being precisely 0 K and −273.15 °C. The temperature value of the triple point of water is defined as being precisely 273.16 K and 0.01 °C. This definition fixes the magnitude of both the degree Celsius and the kelvin as precisely 1 part in 273.16 parts the difference between absolute zero and the triple point of water. Thus, it sets the magnitude of one degree Celsius and that of one kelvin as exactly the same. Additionally, it establishes the difference between the two scales' null points as being precisely 273.15 degrees Celsius (−273.15 °C = 0 K and 0 °C = 273.15 K). Some key temperatures relating the Celsius scale to other temperature scales are shown in the table below.
  • The facilities on the airship include a number of resources from Shinra including a bestiary, information about Spira, and a sphere theater. A shop and inn, and a number of refilling treasure chests are also available. As the game progresses many of the airship's passengers will also offer their services to compliment the airship's; these include an additional shop and the ability to capture and store chocobos.
  • In Tales of Xillia 2, after Gilland's death, Celsius had been resting inside her spyrite until she was awakened at the Research lab and ran off. Throughout Jude's sidestory, Jude, Milla, and Ludger often tried to convince her that they never meant harm. After their first fight, Celsius requested that to prove themselves by visiting Kijara Seafalls, Fennmont, and Fort Galdala. It was revealed in the past that she and Professor Haus visited those places together as well. At Fort Galdala, she summons a seadragon and fights Jude, Milla, and Ludger again. At the end of the sidestory, Celsius went back inside her spyrite and became Jude's to use.
  • Skala Celsius adalah suatu skala suhu yang didesain supaya titik beku air berada pada 0 derajat dan titik didih pada 100 derajat di tekanan atmosferik standar. Skala ini mendapat namanya dari ahli astronomi Anders Celsius (1701–1744), yang pertama kali mengusulkannya pada tahun 1742. Karena ada seratus tahapan antara kedua titik referensi ini, istilah asli untuk sistem ini adalah centigrade (100 bagian) atau centesimal. Pada 1948 nama sistem ini diganti secara resmi menjadi Celsius oleh Konferensi Umum tentang Berat dan Ukuran ke-9 (CR 64), sebagai bentuk penghargaan bagi Celsius dan untuk mencegah kerancuan yang timbul akibat konflik penggunaan awalan centi- (di Indonesia senti-) seperti yang digunakan satuan ukur SI. Meski angka-angka untuk saat beku dan mendidih untuk air tetap lumayan tepat, definisi aslinya tidak cocok digunakan sebagai standar formal: ia bergantung pada definisi tekanan atmosferik standar yang sendiri bergantung kepada definisi suhu. Definisi resmi Celsius saat ini menyatakan bahwa 0,01 °C berada pada triple point air dan satu derajat adalah 1/273,16 dari perbedaan suhu antara triple point air dan nol absolut. Definisi ini memastikan bahwa satu derajat Celsius merepresentasikan perbedaan suhu yang sama dengan satu kelvin. Anders Celsius awalnya mengusulkan titik beku berada pada 100 derajat dan titik didih pada 0 derajat. Ini dibalik pada tahun 1747, disebabkan hasutan dari Linnaeus, atau mungkin Daniel Ekström, pembuat kebanyakan termometer yang digunakan oleh Celsius. Suhu sebesar −40 derajat mempunyai nilai yang sama untuk Celsius dan Fahrenheit. Selain itu, sebuah cara untuk mengkonversi Celsius ke Fahrenheit adalah dengan menambah 40, dikalikan dengan 1,8, dan kemudian dikurangi 40. Sebaliknya, untuk mengkonversi dari Fahrenheit ke Celsius kita menambah 40, kemudian dibagikan 1,8 dan akhirnya dikurangi 40. Skala Celsius digunakan di hampir seluruh dunia untuk keperluan sehari-hari, meski di media massa ia masih sering dikenal sebagai centigrade hingga akhir 1980-an atau awal 1990-an, terutama oleh peramal cuaca di saluran televisi di Eropa misalnya BBC, ITV dan RTÉ. Di Amerika Serikat dan Jamaika, Fahrenheit tetap menjadi skala pilihan utama untuk pengukuran suhu sehari-hari, meski Celsius dan kelvin digunakan untuk aplikasi sains.
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