  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • __TOC__
  • Write the first paragraph of your page here.
  • ACTION: Execute a white (Left Turn 1) or (Right Turn 1) maneuver. Then, receive 1 stress token. Then, if you do not have the boost action icon, roll 2 attack dice. Suffer any damage (hit) and critical damage (critical) rolled.
  • Daredevil is the first episode of Shougeki Gouraigan. The episode introduces Gou, Hitomi, Hitomi's grandmother and the main villain Jin.
  • Daredevil is a hero in the Marvel Universe
  • Daredevil is a Soul Voice in Xenoblade Chronicles X. It is triggered when a party member with less than 30% of his or her HP uses an Art.
  • Daredevil (Matt Murdock) is a blind superhero in the Marvel Universe.
  • After the murder of his father Nathan was in a car accident that claimed the life of his mother as well as his sight. His other senses compensated on a super human level, allowing Nathan to achieve feats that were unattainable by normal people. Matthew Murdock, the original Daredevil, took an interest in the orphan and trained him in the arts of the Chaste, just as he had once been trained. Now, as an adult, he uses his skills to defend Hell's Kitchen as the Man Without Fear; Daredevil.
  • Daredevil is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
  • Daredevil ist der Name einer Comicreihe um die gleichnamige Hauptfigur des US-amerikanischen Verlages Marvel Comics. Daredevil erschien zuerst 1964 in Daredevil #1. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist Daredevil seit den 1970ern bekannt, hier erlangte er auch unter den Namen Der Dämon oder Der Teufelskerl Popularität.
  • Matthew Murdock is a blind lawyer who fights crime as the superhero Daredevil.
  • thumb Marvel's Daredevil o simplemente Daredevil es una serie de televisión estadounidense de género dramático y acción, creada por Drew Goddard y basada en la historia del superhéroe de Marvel Comics del mismo nombre.
  • [[Plik:250px-Daredevil_Vol_4_1_Marvel_Comics_75th_Anniversary_Variant_Textless.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Matthew Murdock]] drdv.jpg|Danny Rand|link=Iron Fist ppdv.jpg|Peter Parker|link=Peter Parker be.jpg|Beast (Demon)|link=Beast (Demon)
  • The Hot Wheels Daredevil casting is based off of the Marvel comics character of the same name.
  • Fortune seems to smile on you when you take risks! Any time you take an unnecessary risk (in the GM's opinion), you get a +1 to all skill rolls. Furthermore, you may reroll any critical failure that occurs during such high-risk behavior. Example: A gang of thugs opens fire on you with automatic weapons. If you crouch down behind a wall and return fire from cover, Daredevil gives no bonuses. If you vault over the wall and charge the gunmen, screaming, it provides all of its benefits!
  • This page will be edited in full later this week --Shuhei Hisagi 01:13, November 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • Matthew Michael Murdock AKA Daredevil is a hero from Marvel comics who was blinded in an accident which also bestowed him a type of radar-sense that enhanced all his other senses to a greater extent than a normal human being. He becomes a costumed vigilante after the death of his father as well as a lawyer.
  • Daredevil is a booster that appears in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It gives the player ammo after they taunt over an opponent's body. It can be purchased from the competitive loadout from level 6 onwards
  • Christopher Steel, Luke McDermott, Skip Broke See also: ru:Сорвиголова
  • Daredevil (Advantage, 3 points, 2 points for Mantis) [Mental] A character with the Daredevil advantage are more capable of surviving incredible odds.
  • Daredevil was created in 1812 by the visionary Jules Verne after witnessing the invention of electric lights, sonar and handicapped parking at the Worlds Fair before they were all stolen by ninjas. Verne was temporarily blinded from staring into a light bulb and sued the manufacturers.
  • thumb Daredevil es un personaje ficticio de la editorial Marvel Comics, creado por Stan Lee y Bill Everett, que tuvo su primera aparición en el comic-book Daredevil #1, publicado en 1964. El nombre del personaje significa temerario en español, pero en España Vértice lo publicó como Dan Defensor para justificar las dos "D" sobre su pecho, mientras que en algunos países de Hispanoamérica recibió el nombre de Diabólico. Categoría:Aliados
  • A Daredevil is a paramorph in the Inspiration Age with the supposed ability to manipulate probability, although it is possible that Daredevils have no actual "powers" at all. This Adventure!-related article is a stub. You can help WWWiki by fixing it.
  • Find a large jump such as those in the airfield or the one on the top of the quarry and using preferably a stunt car, successfully land a jump where you perform a double barrel roll.
  • Daredevil ist der Name des Hauptakteurs aus einer gleichnamigen Superhelden-Comicserie, die seit 1964 bei Marvel Comics erscheint.
  • Daredevil is a competitor on Total Drama Marvel. He will be on the TBA team.
  • Daredevil (Matthew "Matt" Murdock") and Deadpool are longtime allies. Daredevil sometimes embraces Deadpool's warped sense of humor when around him, an example being when Deadpool asks Daredevil to "give me a hand" and Daredevil hands Deadpool the hand that was cut off of Deadpool earlier. Much like Bullseye it is clear Deadpool and Daredevil's history with one another pre-dates their actual first meeting in the comics. They teamed-up in the following comics:
  • Daredevils are warriors that embody the Venture League's philosophy of plunging into the unknown and facing whatever they find head-on. They provide the heavy firepower of their faction, and are generally seen as the faction's shock troopers. Whereas Buccaneers are focused around evasion and disorientation, Daredevils emphasize spreading and maximising damage to large numbers of enemies using their flareguns.
  • Daredevil is a Marvel Comics Superhero created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, with artistic input from Jack Kirby and Wally Wood. Daredevil was an attempt to recreate Lee's earlier success with the archetypal "everyman" hero Comicbook/Spider-Man, this time with an adult central character and a somewhat Darker and Edgier tone. The new character first appeared in "Daredevil" #1 (April, 1964)
  • Note: This episode was released just 1 month before Marvel's First Netflix tv series of the same name was released. NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. With Ben Affleck now being chosen as the new Dark Knight, you have to wonder if anyone ever gave any consideration to having Ben Affleck play a superhero in the past--It's Daredevil, isn't it?! NC: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! You don't understand! This isn't just a bad comic book movie, this is a bad comic book movie from the early 2000s! Voice: You won't need to, Critic! Stranger: I will help you! NC: See?
  • After Tails gained super speed from the Speedemint Gum, he went looking for people to save so that he could be like Sonic. He noticed the daredevil jumping out of a plane and thought that the daredevil needed saving. Even though the daredevil told him to go away, Tails caught him anyway, at which point the daredevil said that he was competing in the parachute freefall event of the Mobius International Daredevil Competition, and that Tails had made him lose.
  • From Wikipedia: Daredevil is a fictional character, a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett, with an unspecified amount of input from Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Daredevil #1 (April 1964) Daredevil is notable as being among the few superheroes with a disability, being blinded as a youth in a radioactive accident that also drastically heightened his remaining senses and gave him a "radar-sense" allowing him to perceive his surroundings. His public identity is Matt Murdock, a successful attorney-at-law.
  • Un giorno, Matt vide un cieco che stava per essere colpito da un camion. Matt spinse via l'uomo. Il camion sbandò e un isotopo radioattivo cadde fuori. Questo colpì Matt sulla faccia accecandolo. Mentre era ricoverato in ospedale, Matt scoprì che il suo udito, l'olfatto, il gusto ed il tatto furono amplificati a livelli superumani. Sviluppò anche un "senso radar" che forma un disegno mentale di ciò che lo circonda. Inoltre fu visitato da una suora che portava una croce d'oro. Matt non sa chi è la donna. Lo scoprirà molti anni dopo. Inoltre ricevette un addestramento dal maestro di arti marziali Stick.
  • Matthew "Matt" Murdock is a man who was blinded as a young boy, but was gifted with extraordinary senses. After his father was murdered by mobsters, Murdock dedicated his life to fight injustice in New York City as a lawyer by day with his law firm Nelson and Murdock, and by night as a vigilante known as Daredevil. His actions as a crime fighter put Murdock into conflict with a crime lord named Wilson Fisk. Murdock used his skills to expose Fisk's criminal activities and have him taken to prison.
  • Matt Murdock führte je her ein normales Leben, auch wenn er als Kind das Augenlicht verlor und blind wurde. Er strebte eine Karriere als Jurist an und investierte viel Zeit in sein Jura-Studium. Er arbeitet zudem mit seinem Kollegen und Freund Foggy Nelson in der gemeinsamen Kanzlei. Durch einen schweren Unfall mit atomaren Müll, entwickelten sich seine verbliebenen Sinne jedoch außerordentlich weiter, sodass er diese jetzt in verschiedenen Lebenslagen einsetzen kann.
  • 400005
  • 701306
  • (Community MCU Reboot); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Cinematic Alliance); No Image Male.jpg
  • M
  • y
  • 3
Main Character
  • Matt Murdock; Daredevil Disambiguation.jpg
  • Matthew "Matt" Murdock; Daredevil Vol 4 1 Marvel Comics 75th Anniversary Variant Textless.jpg
  • Good
  • 10
  • 13
  • Universo Marvel
  • Stati Uniti d'America
  • Daredevil
  • * senso-radar * udito, tatto, olfatto e gusto super-sviluppati
Row 9 info
  • Billy Club Disguised as a Cane
  • St. Grace Children's Home
Row 8 info
  • Excellent athlete, Detective Expertise, Marksmanship Expertise, Master martial artist, high-level gymnast and acrobat
  • New York City, Marvel-Universum
nombre solicitado
  • es.daredevil
  • Chicago, Illinois
Row 4 info
  • The Plot to Frozen 2
  • S.H.I.E.L.D., The Chaste, Nelson & Murdock, The Defenders, The Hand, New Avengers
  • Daredevil n. 1
  • 183.0
  • Blau
Row 7 title
  • Powers
  • Charlie Cox Skylar Gaertner
TV Series
  • Daredevil
  • Iron Fist
  • The Defenders
  • Luke Cage
  • Jessica Jones
  • männlich
  • 3
Row 1 info
  • 2015-03-17
  • Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock
  • Peter Flechtner
Row 8 title
  • Skills and Abilities
type of hero
  • Normal Badass, Martial Artist, Lawyer
Row 4 title
  • Team Affliations
  • Next Review
  • 2
Row 9 title
  • Tools and Weapons
  • Daredevil was a hero in the 1940s. He was captured at some point by Solar Man, along with many other heroes of that era, and used to fuel Solar Man's powers. Daredevil and the other heroes were released in 2008, draining Solar Man's power and enabling Savage Dragon to defeat him. Later, Daredevil and the other superheroes formerly imprisoned by Solar Man are relocated to different cities by the US government. Daredevil is relocated to Chicago where he helps Savage Dragon to take out some thugs. After a brief conversation, the two heroes set out to find Savage Dragon's kidnapped children with the help of the Little Wise Guys, Daredevil's sidekicks. With their help, Devil and Dragon find the children and discover their kidnapper is none other than the children's former babysitter. thumb|left|Golden Age Daredevil
Dargestellt von
  • Ben Affleck
Row 2 info
  • 1673.0
  • Daredevil #1
Row 6 info
  • Billy Club
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Aired
  • Rechtsanwalt
  • Superheld
  • 4
  • Besonders ausgeprägte Sinneswahrnehmung
  • Kampfkünste und Akrobatik
  • Radarsinn
  • gesteigerte Gehör-, Geruchs- und Tastsinne
Row 5 info
  • Mike Murdock , Jack Batlin, Kingpin of Crime, Laurent LeVasseur, Scarlet Swashbuckler, Nameless One, Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen, The Man Without Fear, The Guardian Devil, DD, Red, The Daredevil, Hornhead, Cooper Peyton, formerly Captain Universe, Scarlet Avenger
  •|Row 6 title = Real Thoughts
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Running Time
  • Marvel Comics
Row 6 title
  • Base of Operations
  • Blond
  • US-amerikanisch
  • y
  • Devil disegnato da Alex Maleev
Row 5 title
  • Aliases
  • Link
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Creators
  • Previous Review
  • Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock
  • Mensch
  • 91.0
  • Daredevil
  • Bill Everett
  • Stan Lee
  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Black Widow
  • Defenders
  • Elektra
Row 7 info
  • Heightened Senses, RADAR sense
  • Matthew Murdock
  • 1
  • Jack Cole, Jack Binder
  • Stan Lee Bill Everett
  • 20
previous alliances
  • View Askew
Box Title
  • Daredevil
  • The Hand, S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Knights
  • Sleepy Hollow
  • Fight Crime, Defeat the Kingpin of Crime, Uphold the Justice System
  • TBA
  • 384
  • Blue
  • Daredevil #1 - The Origin of Daredevil
  • unbekannt
  • Daredevil
  • Xbox 360
  • Heightened hearing, smell, touch and taste at the cost of his sight, Martial-Arts mastery, High intellect, Peek human agility, Stealth skill, Marksmanship
  • 32
  • 2
  • Billy Clubs
  • Flareguns
  • Alive
  • Current
  • lebendig
  • Lebend
  • No
  • Landman and Zack
  • Burnout Paradise
  • Red
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • Matt Murdock
  • Matt Murdock / Daredevil
comic color
  • background:#ff8080
  • Law School at Yale
  • 2013-10-07
  • 25.0
  • 1985
  • Alive in 1825
  • Savage Dragon #141
  • See "Abilities"
  • Daredevil is a superior fighter and an expert with boomerangs.
  • Little hard data is to be had on the Daredevil's exact origin, but it is believed that Guardian Angel engineers created it to serve as a defensive complement to the Cartel's Dramiel frigate. In both flair and utility it closely resembles its counterpart, but it eschews offensive capabilities in favor of greater defensive potential and stronger armor plating. A tough nut to crack.
  • 145
  • TBA
  • no
data inizio Italia
  • 1970-05-06
Data Inizio
nome italiano
  • Devil
lingua originale
  • inglese
Fighting Skills
  • 6
Energy Projection
  • 1
editore Italia
  • Editoriale Corno
  • 60
  • 10
  • 625000
  • 3.390000
  • 234380
  • 537
  • 0
  • 6
  • 395
  • 0
  • 60
  • 35
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 582
  • 0
  • 40
  • 20
  • 4
  • 35
  • 657
  • * Vedova Nera * Uomo Ragno * Pugno d'acciaio * Luke Cage * Elektra * Ben Urich
  • Blank
Character Name
  • Daredevil
  • Sonar-Like Sense
  • Zatoichi
  • Jessica Jones
  • 65
  • 88
  • 98
  • 110
  • 155
  • 181
  • 460
  • 538
  • 617
  • 666
  • 689
  • 691
  • 763
  • 804
  • 858
  • 905
  • 907
  • 928
  • 934
  • 938
  • 969
  • 982
  • 1065
  • 1298
  • 1347
  • 1610
  • 1611
  • 1836
  • 1994
  • 2010
  • 2081
  • 2090
  • 2149
  • 2301
  • 2806
  • 2992
  • 3290
  • 3971
  • 4321
  • 4400
  • 5113
  • 5421
  • 5560
  • 5631
  • 5700
  • 6001
  • 6066
  • 6215
  • 6381
  • 7642
  • 7848
  • 8101
  • 8110
  • 8181
  • 8312
  • 8441
  • 8545
  • 8610
  • 8666
  • 8910
  • 8982
  • 9009
  • 9112
  • 9140
  • 9151
  • 9200
  • 9411
  • 9511
  • 9590
  • 9591
  • 9655
  • 9711
  • 9916
  • 9939
  • 9997
  • 10011
  • 10511
  • 10995
  • 11045
  • 11053
  • 11080
  • 11123
  • 11124
  • 11418
  • 12101
  • 12121
  • 13017
  • 13133
  • 13584
  • 14026
  • 14436
  • 14850
  • 16112
  • 18119
  • 20051
  • 21011
  • 21050
  • 21101
  • 21261
  • 21993
  • 22795
  • 26292
  • 28918
  • 29007
  • 31117
  • 32323
  • 33900
  • 37072
  • 40081
  • 42015
  • 42777
  • 45201
  • 50302
  • 51518
  • 54201
  • 54321
  • 57780
  • 58163
  • 58942
  • 61112
  • 64894
  • 66209
  • 70105
  • 71016
  • 71166
  • 71912
  • 73595
  • 77013
  • 80219
  • 81156
  • 81426
  • 82100
  • 82588
  • 82829
  • 83042
  • 85826
  • 89721
  • 90110
  • 90214
  • 90251
  • 90266
  • 91110
  • 91126
  • 91600
  • 92164
  • 93165
  • 94561
  • 95019
  • 95126
  • 96020
  • 97315
  • 97751
  • 98105
  • 98121
  • 99062
  • 198234
  • 200506
  • 200507
  • 200512
  • 200515
  • 523001
  • 523002
  • 807128
  • 820231
  • (SigmaVerse); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Earth-AU); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Offspringaverse); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Pandaverse); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Revival); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Sigma Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel 3030); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Regenesis); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Astonishing Universe); Daredevil new suit .jpg
  • (Heroic Spider-Man); Matthew Murdock 001.jpg
  • (Marvel Nexus); Matthew Murdock 2 .jpeg
  • (Marvel Unleashed); DaredevilEarth606.jpg
  • (Modern Universe); Daredevil_Earth_61615.png
  • (Sensational Universe); MM.jpg
  • (Ultra Universe); Daredevil-.png
  • ; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Bullseye; Matt.png
  • Bullseye; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Daredevil; No Image Female.jpg
  • Devil(Devil's Reality); No Image Male.jpg
  • Keeper Murdock;Keeper Murdock 00.jpg
  • Punisher(Swapverse); Punisher Swap.png
  • ; Matthew_Murdock__from_Daredevil_Season_One_Vol_1_1_001.jpg
  • Radar Devil; No Image Male.jpg
  • The Advocate; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Scaredevil; Mutt Murdoctor from What The--?! Vol 1 3 0001.jpg
  • Matthew Murdoch(The Bard); Matthew Murdoch --1.jpg
  • Blindside(Avengers & Mutant Conflict); No Image Male.jpg
  • None
  • 0
  • 200.0
  • 123.0
  • Daredevil
  • Daredevil
  • D
  • Red
  • The Mask
  • Doc
  • Devil Man
  • The Man in Black
  • Mike
  • Daredevil
  • Our Mutual Friend
  • Matty
  • Black Mask
  • Matt Murdock
  • The Devil of Hell's Kitchen
  • The Man in the Mask
  • The Man Without Fear
  • "Der Mann ohne Furcht"
  • A Blind Man Who Can See
  • Akuma-san
  • Altar Boy
  • Blind Bastard
  • Blind Ninja
  • Matthew "Matt" Murdock
  • Our Friend In The Mask
  • Saint Matthew
  • The Horny One
  • The Loyal One
  • The Masked Idiot
  • Daredevil, DD, Matt Murdock, The Man Without Fear, Magoo
  • 823000
  • Listening to the news, Going to the gym, Daily mourning exercise, defending criminals or innocent people, fighting crime.
  • Wiki sobre el hombre sin miedo Daredevil.
  •|Daredevil at Public Domain Super Heroes
  • No
  • 28
  • 0.0
  • 26500
  • Copertina di Daredevil 41.jpg
  • Secret
  • Daredevil carries twin boomerangs.
  • 5
  • Gallente Frigate
  • Minmatar Frigate
  • Kingpin
  • Gladiator
  • Ruin
  • Bullseye
  • Ikari
  • All villains.
Image size
  • 250
  • 320
  • United States of America
  • American
  • 200
Real Name
  • Matt Murdock
  • Matthew Michael Murdock
  • The son of prize fighter Battlin' Jack, Matt Murdock grew up in the relative poverty of Hell's Kitchen with much reverence for his father, who constantly pressed him to study instead of playing with his friends. In turn, they taunted him with the nickname Daredevil since he always went back to studying instead of doing things with them. As a boy, Matt witnessed a man about to be hit by a truck and pushed him out of the way but the truck crashed and spilled its cargo of extremely toxic chemicals into his face. He awoke in the hospital blind from the toxins and learned that his other senses were amplified as a result of his loss of sight and was able to see by a radar-like sense using natural sounds around him, giving him ultimate confidence in his surroundings. He met a blind martial arts master named Stick, who taught him to hone his senses and trained him in martial arts among other skills such as free running, meditation and marksmanship. As an adult, he became a lawyer and opened a law firm with Foggy Nelson while secretly taking on the mantle of Daredevil in order to protect the citizens of Hell's Kitchen and bring justice to the streets as well as the courtroom. His arch nemesis is Kingpin and other side villains include Electro, the psychotic Bullseye, and Daredevil's frequent love interest Elektra. He carries a multi-purpose cane, disguised as a blind man's cane in his day life. It has a range of different modes including Nunchaku and Bo-Staff. Daredevil was created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, first appearing in .
  • Landed a 2 barrel roll jump
  • Reilly Tyne (Earth-982)
  • dbkwik:resource/9QhMxucemZcHTc7kVRzLwA==
  • Franklin Benjamin Murdock; No Image Male.jpg
  • Dare the Terminator;Slade Murdock .jpg
  • Daredevildog; Drake 1.jpg
  • Devil Who Dares; Masahiro .jpg
  • Dourdevil; Dourdevil.jpg
  • Duhdevil; Duhdevil .jpg
  • Ikari; Ikari 001.jpg
  • Jersey Devil; Don Remming 1.jpg
  • Matthew Murdock II; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Robodevil; Robodevil 1.jpg
  • Deviled Ham; Ultimate Civil War Spider-Ham Vol 1 1 Deviled Ham .jpg
  • Obnoxio-Daredevil; Obnoxio the Clown What If Vol 1 34.jpg
  • Battlin' Jack of the Law Enforcement Squad; Battling Jack - Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 2001.jpg
  • Deerdevil (Mr. Burdock); Batt Burdock from Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Ham Vol 1 7 0001.jpg
  • Daredevil The man in Black Dock
  • See "Powers"
  • Super human senses, athletic ability, Ace Attorney
  • Tracker predator
collana nota
  • fumetti
collana Italia
  • L'Incredibile Devil n. 1
  • 2016
  • New York, New York
  • Daredevil
  • The Man Without Fear
  • Daredevil (Earth-9997)
  • dbkwik:resource/fOmr0hKArmG737C--4vEhw==
  • Raymond "Ray" Connor; Ultimate_Comics_Avengers_Vol_3_1_Cover_Daredevil__th.jpg
  • Richard Fisk; What If Vol 2 2 page 28 Richard Fisk .jpg
  • Hank Pym (Yellowjacket); Hank Pym as Daredevil.jpg
  • Victor von Doom; Victor von Doom Daredevil Vol 1 38.jpg
  • Terrence Hillman; Terrence Hillman from Daredevil Vol 2 25 0001.jpg
  • Bullseye; Lester as Daredevil.jpg
  • Connor Murdock; No Image Male.jpg
  • Daredevil; Daredevil .jpg
  • Derrick Murray; D27.jpg
  • Flash Thompson; Eugene Thompson .jpg
  • Frank Castle; Daredevil Swap.jpg
  • Franklin Nelson; Franklin Nelson 0001.jpg
  • Garret Murdock; No Image Male.jpg
  • Jack Mercer; DAREDEVIL.JPG
  • John Adams; John Adams 636.png
  • Jonathan Murdock; Reilly Tyne 001-1.jpg
  • Kurt Wagner; Daredevil Mutantverse.png
  • Peter Parker; Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 566 Textless.jpg
  • Peter Parker; Daredevil.jpg
  • Poppupian; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Robert Fisk; No Image Male.jpg
  • Samuel Fisk; Samuel Fisk 001.jpeg
  • Skrull Subversive; Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Skrull; Daredevil .jpg
  • T'Challa; T'Challa as Daredevil.jpg
  • Timothy Urich; Timothy Urich .png
  • Tony Masters(Dark Daredevil); Dark Daredevil.png
  • Eric Nelson; Eric Nelson 2099 A.D. Genesis Vol 1 1.jpg
  • Martha Paterson (Sir); Martha Paterson as Daredevil.jpg
  • Beast(Demon); Shadowland Vol 1 1 page 19 Matthew Murdock .jpg
  • Danny Rand; New Avengers Vol 1 22 page 17 Daniel Rand .jpg
  • Daredevil; Daredevil from Edge of Spider-Verse Vol 1 5 0001.png
  • Daredevil is based on the original Daredevil character published by Lev Gleason Publications during the Golden Age. The original character debuted in Silver Streak Comics #6 . He was partially revamped the next issue and given his famous red and blue costume.
  • Social Worker/Director, Attorney
  • Abandonada
Letzte Folge
  • Attorney at law, vigilante
  • --04-01
  • No
  • Matthew Michael Murdock
  • Super Being
  • Spiderman, Iron Fist, Luke Cage
  • TBA
Image File
  • Daredevil.jpg
  • NCdaredevil.jpg
  • Male
  • male
  • 140
  • Human
  • Director
  • Bart Hill
  • Nathan Christopher Graham
  • 8096
  • 8107
  • 92131
  • 95099
  • 199999
  • 534834
  • 904913
  • (Ultimate Marvel Team-Up); No Image Male.jpg
  • (New Adventures of Spider-Man); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Assemble!); Daredevil.png
  • (Legend of Spider-Boy); Daredevilspiderboy.jpg
  • ; Matthew Murdock Marvel Super Heroes What The--! Season 1 33.jpg
  • Debauchery
  • Savage Dragon #148
  • Marvel
  • Daredevil
  • attivo
  • 250
  • Daredevil.jpg
  • Matt_Murdock.png
  • 290
wikipage disambiguates
  • 35
  • bastone estensibile
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  • Note: This episode was released just 1 month before Marvel's First Netflix tv series of the same name was released. NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. With Ben Affleck now being chosen as the new Dark Knight, you have to wonder if anyone ever gave any consideration to having Ben Affleck play a superhero in the past--It's Daredevil, isn't it?! NC: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! You don't understand! This isn't just a bad comic book movie, this is a bad comic book movie from the early 2000s! NC (vo): You know how comic films are huge now and smart and funny and clever? (Clips of Daredevil) Well, back in the day, comic books were still kind of seen as kids stuff, and films like these (posters of Batman & Robin and Steel are shown) certainly didn't help its case. So comic book movies back then had to try even harder to be taken seriously, which surprisingly backfired in how repetitive they became. Every movie had to be dark and gritty and painful, which isn't bad once in awhile, (posters for Blade, Hulk, The Punisher, Spawn and Constantine are shown) but when every single fucking one of them starts to look like that, they start to come across as mopey, complainy, and downright not fun. Don't get me wrong, (picture from X-Men is shown) some films did it okay, but ones like Daredevil? NC: Ugh! Let's just say it's something I'm really not looking forward to reviewing alone. Voice: You won't need to, Critic! Stranger: I will help you! NC: Who are you? Stranger: I am a superhero from the early 2000s simply known as...The Angst! (A lightning bolt cracks behind him.) NC: Well, that's great. I could use some help reviewing this. Here, why don't you come sit next to me? Angst: Thank you, but I must stay here. I have so many brooding poses on top of rooftops to show. NC: Oh, yeah, I guess that was kind of a thing for a while. (Posters for Catwoman, Daredevil, Underworld, The Crow: City of Angels and Spider-Man 3 are shown.) Angst: But we'll get through this together, or my name isn't The Angst! NC: *sigh* All right, prepare for early 2000s super cheese with Daredevil. Angst: It makes me want to hang my head in contemplation. (As he turns to look down, the lightning crash shows posters for Batman Begins and Superman Returns) NC (vo): As the credits roll, blood drips down a stained glass window of the Virgin Mary while our hero hangs in pain off the cross at the top of a church. Yep, it's that kind of movie, kids. NC: Why don't you just throw in God... NC (vo): ...weeping in the corner saying "What poetic despair has life become?" (A picture of a statue covering its face is shown.) NC (vo): We then flashback to the good old days of the bad old days when we see Affleck, playing Matt Murdock, growing up in a part of town called Hell's Kitchen. NC: Yeah, you know it's coming, so here it is. (He pulls up a clip of Gordon Ramsay from the TV Show, Hell's Kitchen.) Gordon Ramsay: This is fucking painful! NC: Back to the review. NC (vo): When he was a young boy, he was always beat up by the kid from--Aw, shit, there's a Sopranos joke, too? NC: Crap, where's that joke filed under? Um? (He pulls up OF COURSE!) No. (He then pulls up I WAS FROZEN--) No, um... So...that's why you were interrogated in Law & Order? (Clip from an episode of Law & Order is shown involving said actor is shown. The crowd then boos at NC.) What do you want?! They sprung it on me! NC (vo): He's upset because his dad used to go nine rounds with Heavyweight Louis, now he goes nine rounds with Heavyweight Heineken. Jack Murdock: You don't hit nothing but books, you get me? NC (vo): But when he discovers his dad was working for a crime boss, he stumbles onto some hazardous chemicals that make him blind. You know, why is it anything that can give you superpowers is not better protected? You can write biohazard all you want on it, but when kids are allowed in the area and it's fucking everywhere like goddamn Candy Crush, you might wanna rethink security a little bit! Jack: I'm sorry, Matty. NC (vo): His dad gives up his life of crime, but he shouldn't feel too sorry as the chemicals heighten Murdock's other senses, allowing him to see the world like every special feature in a PS3 game. Bully: Hey, Murdock! Round 2! NC (vo): (as Bullies) Yeah, that's right. We're such one-dimensional bullies, we're actually gonna beat up a blind kid. We kind of have no souls. NC: Next, we're gonna teach tap dancing to people in wheelchairs...also while beating them up! (Pictures of a kid tap dancing for wheelchair bound people are shown, followed by a picture of a kid raising his fist to another are shown.) It's a thug thing, you wouldn't understand. NC: Oh, no, he has a cane! All I can do is just stand here and take it, I guess! NC (vo): He's even become so good that he can even tell when his father is losing a fight. Matt: Come on, Dad! Come on, Dad, get up! NC: So wait a minute, his powers are so good, he can hear punches over a screaming crowd and he can take on bullies all by himself? Angst: Oh, yes. Superpowers can do that. I'm actually completely deaf. NC: You are? Angst: Yes. Chemical liquid goo made me lose all of my hearing, but it also gave me super listening powers as well. NC: So, there's totally no point to you being deaf, then. Angst: Huh? NC: If one thing was taken away from you but then given back in a different way, there's totally no point in losing it. Angst: Of course there is. It gives me an edge! NC: No, it doesn't. If anything, you can sense things better than you could before! NC (vo): Look at our hero. He doesn't even need the stick! Not only is he a better fighter than most, but he's pointing out when to cross the street better than mandatory cameos can. (One of the clips is of Matt making sure Stan Lee didn't walk into a busy street.) NC: So the disability is totally pointless. In fact, it's almost like you don't even have the disability! Angst: Well...I also broke my arm. NC: Did you get it fixed? Angst: Maybe. NC: Then it doesn't matter! It doesn't impact anything with your character! Angst: I am The Angst! NC: Does a gust of wind ever just push you off a building? Angst: Not yet. (Just as he said that, a gust of wind tries to push him off a building) Whoa-ho! Whoa-ho! Almost got me there. He-he, whoo, ha-ha. Angst! NC (vo): So because his father doesn't throw the fight, he's killed by a bunch of thugs with the final punch being given by a villain called the Kingpin, who leaves a rose with all his victims'll leave no trace that way? NC (vo): (as Jack) Bruce...I mean, Peter...I mean, Simba...I mean...oh, you know what to do with this. NC (vo): (as Virgin Mary) Um, hi, audience. Uh, the director has decided to hold on me for a bit. So, um... it's the Virgin Mary Show! (a sock puppet and another puppet appear on screen as a made-up theme song is sung) Hey, what are you doing today? Oh, I'm gonna learn all about--(The Virgin Mary now fades to an adult Matt Murdock) Oh, thank God! (the puppets leave the screen) That was getting really awkward! NC (vo): (as a vampire) Blah, I am Count Affleckula. I have come to suck...and that's it. (Normal) So, rather than, oh, I don't know, hand himself over to science to help other blind people sense what he does, he decides to become a lawyer because...let's face it, saying the "Justice is blind" phrase is just too tempting not to use. Matt: Justice is blind. NC: See? José Quesada: I stopped off at Josie's Bar after work, had a few drinks. (Photos of his victim are shown.) She asked me if I wanted to stick around for some fun. NC (vo): Uh, yeah, listen to his heartbeat to see if he's lying. Not the so obviously lying tone he's so obviously lying with. Quesada: Miss Sutton certainly enjoyed every minute of it. Matt: It's not right. Another rapist back onto the streets. NC (vo): This, of course, forces him to take justice in his own hands. (Cut to a clip of Daredevil twirling his baton around like nunchucks.) That was totally necessary. Thug: Look at that. Is that guy for real? Quesada: Yeah, he's for real. What do you want? NC: Okay, I'll give you three guesses what he's going to answer that with. 1. Directions back to the Gay Pride Parade. 2. A Cosmopolitan, maybe with just a little bit more cranberry juice than usual. Or 3. JUSTICE! NC (vo): Just assume a superhero's answer for anything is justice. How are you? "Justice." What are you eating? "Justice." How do I get to your house? "Oh, just take a right off Michigan Avenue off the corner of Wabash and Justice!" (Quesada is knocked out by Daredevil onto the train tracks.) He tracks him down to a subway where he finally gets the JUSTICE! he deserves. Daredevil: That light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven. That's the C Train! NC (vo): That's right. Daredevil's going to kill you because Matt Murdock is a terrible lawyer! Enjoy my compensation for my terrible occupational choices! (The top half of Quesada is carried out on a stretcher, followed by the bottom half on another.) Determined to get his half of the story... (A rimshot is heard) Joe Pantoliano comes in, playing Robert Wuhl, minus the humor... (Clip of Alexander Knox from Batman) NC: Before he became Robert Wuhl, minus the humor. (Poster of Arli$$ is shown.) NC (vo): he suspects the urban legend Daredevil might be behind this. Ben Urich: Are you here to confirm that Daredevil is responsible for this, Detective? Det. Nick Manolis: There is no proof that your so-called Daredevil was involved, nor that he even exists. Got it? NC: Now let me bask in how weasly and stuck-up I am as I know for a fact that I will in no way be contradicted at all--(Urich throws his cigarette on the ground, lighting up a pair of initials that spell DD.) WHAAAAAAT!? Urich: Got it. NC (vo): You know, that's not exactly the most obvious or safest calling card. Say they didn't see that gasoline on the floor, like most people wouldn't. What if another subway rider was just waiting for a train while smoking? Tamara: Who the hell is DD? Woman: Matt, are you there? Of course you're not there. You're never there. Every time we sleep together, I wake up in the morning alone. I thought that if I waited, if I was patient enough, you'd let me in. NC (vo): (as Affleck) Ugh, fucking J-Lo. Will she ever get the message? (normal) After chewing his pills because that's what hardcore people do, he goes to confession as the priest is apparently the only one who knows his secret. Matt: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. NC (vo): (as Affleck) For I am making Daredevil. (as Priest) Your penance is ten years obscurity. Do one Argo, one Gone Girl and maybe one day, you will be Batman. Franklin "Foggy" Nelson: "Eyewitnesses say that Quesada was singled out by the demonic vigilante..." NC (vo): He then meets up with his partner, played by Jon Favreau, clearly taking notes on how not to direct a superhero movie. Foggy: Mr. Lee, he made his first payment. He paid in fluke. (Matt then catches a scent in the air) What, what? Where, where, where? Matt: Front door. Not yet. Soon. NC (vo): Ah yes, those chemicals also gave him super sniffing-through-glass-able-to-detect-attractiveness-and-not-just-a-really-nice-perfume-powers, too. NC: It's a...strange cross to bear. NC (vo): This, of course, is Jennifer Garner, who doesn't seem to grasp that love is blind. NC: Hey, you know if the film thought of that joke, it would've said it. Matt: I didn't get your name. Elektra Natchios: I didn't give it. Foggy: Hey, some people have no compassion for the handicapped. NC (vo): No, she left because he was Ben Affleck. Though, I guess in some respects, that's kind of a handicap. Elektra: What do you want? Matt: I just wanted to get your name. NC (vo): He follows her outside to get her name, but...oh, I can't even explain it, just watch. Matt: (grabbing Elektra's hand) Wait a second. (Elektra tries to twist him off, but he spins around to meet her.) We should do what you do like and start there. (The two of them then fight each other, with Matt casually deflecting Elektra's blows.) NC: (Laughs) Okay, so...where do I begin with this? NC (vo): First of all, I think she's making it pretty clear she's not interested in your stalker ass. If she wanted, she could call the cops on you for being a creeper and grabbing her. But, nah, it makes much more sense to fight him, which leads to the second and most obvious problem: she's fighting a blind guy! She doesn't know he has super senses and neither does anyone else, so, really, what is there to gain? If you lose, you got beaten by a blind guy. Pretty pathetic. But if you win, congrats, you beat the shit out of a fucking blind guy! How does anyone come out looking good in this scenario? Elektra: My name's Elektra Natchios. NC: No, really, what's your name? That so obviously can't be it. Elektra: My name's Elektra Natchios. NC: Yes, you should meet my other parents with obvious real names: Anastasia Steele and Harvey Manfredjensenden. NC (vo): So Murdock and Electric Nachos seem to hit it off as they go strolling together. Matt: Where'd you learn how to fight like that? Elektra: My father, he had me study with a different sensei every year since I was five years old. Matt: Sounds like he wanted to turn you into some kind of a warrior. Elektra: No, just not a victim. NC (vo): (as Elektra) Which is clearly all I am if I don't learn how to kick ass. He's very equal that way. Matt: Watch your step. Elektra: Oh, thank you. I didn't even... Wait, how'd you do that? NC (vo): Oh, NOW you're asking how the fuck he sees stuff? NC: Because that shit back there? Pfft, I've seen Ray Charles do that on fucking Pepsi commercials. (Ray Charles' head is added onto someone doing a karate kick next to a Pepsi logo. Before the next scene, the words "Know any virgins?" pop up underneath) Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin: I want you to create a paper trail. One that can be traced to Natchios. Get me Bullseye. NC (vo): We're then introduced to our villains of the film: Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin, and Colin Farrell as Bullseye. And I swear, these guys are having the time of their life whenever the camera is on them. It's like they know the movie is totally fucking ridiculous, so they're just gonna have fun with it. (Imitates a redneck) They're like honey badger, they don't give a shit. Old woman: But he did very well for himself on the internet, but don't ask me how. So I said-- NC (vo): (Laughs) Oh, my God! I swear, if Nicolas Cage was a drug, he'd smoke two bags worth. Flight attendant: Aww, she's sleeping! Can I get you anything before we land? Bullseye: More peanuts, please. NC: We hope you enjoyed this...charming choking-the-old-lady scene. Stay tuned for more uncomfortable dives into the director's psyche. NC (vo): So Daredevil hunts down another criminal preying on the weak, when he comes across an onlooker. Kid: Please don't hurt me! Daredevil: I'm not the bad guy, kid. NC (vo): (as Daredevil) Why is it just because I dress like the devil, everyone assumes I'm the bad guy? Daredevil: I'm not the bad guy. I'm not. NC: The hell was that about? Angst: Brooding. NC: Brooding. Angst: Yes, every early 2000s superhero (pictures of Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, Blade, Hulk and Man of Steel are shown) has a moment where he has to stare into the distance to think. NC: Yeah, but those other superheroes usually have something to think about. NC (vo): He scared a kid because he was beating up a bad guy. NC: How does that make him question himself? Girl: We don't need a reason. We just need to brood. NC: Ah, Jesus, who are you? Girl: I am...(she stabs her sais around randomly in the air trying to be all badass) Angstine! Angst: My God! Where did you learn karate? Angstine: My father didn't want me to be a victim. Angst: I'm amazed! NC: Uh, you do know women learn martial arts all the time, right? Angstine: Impossible! Clearly, there must be some strange reason why! NC: No, a lot of women, just like men, take it up just because they wanna take it up. Angst: That's crazy! There's got to be a reason why! Like her father was trying to protect her, or her father was secretly a spy, or her father always wanted a son! NC: Or...maybe her mother played a part somehow. Angst: That's a good one! Angstine: Yeah, in between picking flowers or not being dead! These (the sais) aren't real. NC: I'm just saying women learning martial arts isn't as "rare" as you think it is. Angst: Well, how else can we pretend she's unique when she's clearly not? NC: I don't know. I just need a break from these early 2000s cliches. Angst: Very well. Angstine, we draw closer to the third act. You know what that means. Angstine: Sexy cry? Angst: Sexy cry. Angstine: Okay. Angst: I'm so tortured. Angstine: Don't ever be heroes, kids. (We come back from commercial) NC (vo): So Murdock brings Electric Tacos to the roof because he knows it's going to rain, and that'll allow him to see her face better. Matt: You are so beautiful. NC (vo): (as Matt) Wow, I'm sure this is the first time a superhero who wears all red is kissing his girlfriend in the rain, but we'll be remembered better for it. NC (vo): But hero duties seem to be calling. Elektra: What? Matt, what's wrong? NC (vo): (as Matt) Oh, it should've been about just us, and now it's about just-us (Pun on Justice). Matt: I have to go. Elektra: Stay with me. NC (vo): Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm sure it was nobody important who was getting hijacked--oh! (It turns out to have been Uncle Ben in Spider-Man 1.) Peter Parker: Uncle Ben? NC (vo): I'm...sure things will turn out fine. Anyway--aaah! (The scene transitions to a rapid spin around a building.) Foggy: That's what I'm talking 'bout. NC (vo): Oh, yeah, quick side note. Early 2000s editing seemed to really liked the style that somebody's buttcheeks sat on the fast forward button and then got up just before the scene starts. This is one of the few additions I actually miss from early 2000s films because, as you can tell, it gets the movie over faster. Fisk: I know who you are. You're the blind lawyers from Hell's Kitchen. NC (vo): So he finally meets the Kingpin, who wants to bring Murdock into his business. Matt: We can't represent you. Fisk: Why's that? Foggy: Hehe. Yes, why is that, Mr. Murdock? Matt: Because we only handle clients who are innocent. NC (vo): *ahem!* Okay, a blind man jumping around in tights stopping crimes who can see better than most people, I can take. But a lawyer who only takes innocent clients? I'm sorry, you totally clipped the suspension cord of disbelief! Matt: Now I found you. NC (vo): (as Matt) I really wanna see you again. What do you say we pull the fire alarm and set the sprinklers off? (normal) But the Kingpin puts out a hit on her father and, of course, Bullseye is the one to pull it off. NC (vo): How the hell many assassins stand out as much as this guy does? I mean, for God's sakes, the artist's rendering must be pretty easy to sketch! (A picture of the comic version of Bullseye appears in the corner.) Bullseye: Bullseye, eh? (He points to the target on his head before leaving with a twirl of his coat.) NC: (Laughs) Can I adopt you? Bullseye: Bullseye! NC (vo): (as Bullseye) It's on my head. Thought I'd point that out. I'm Irish! (normal) So Electronic Honchos thinks, of course, Daredevil killed her father and vows revenge. Meanwhile, we all giggle as one of the world's biggest comic book geeks (Kevin Smith) cameos in one of the world's worst comic book movies, as the reporter realizes that the cane used as a weapon is also the cane Murdock walks with...which is pretty fucking stupid when you really think about it. Why the flying hell would you walk around with that? NC: Isn't that like Bruce Wayne driving into work with the Batmobile? (A picture of the Batmobile outside of a gate is shown.) Somebody's gonna put two and two together! Fisk: You know, you've exceeded all my expectations. NC (vo): Meanwhile, the Kingpin and Bullseye meet to figure out what to do about Daredevil. Bullseye: He...made me...miss! Fisk: Too much pride can kill a man. NC (vo): (as Fisk) Well, that's just ridiculous. Fisk: Give Elektra all my best. NC (vo): (Laughs) He's so evil, even roses smell bad to him! NC: What does he have for dinner? Corned beef and Cabbage Patch Kids heads? (A plate of corned beef and cabbage is shown, with a Cabbage Patch Kid head instead.) NC (vo): Meanwhile, Natchios Libre prepares for her revenge by taking on the most dangerous obstacles she can think of: sandbags! NC (vo): Who the hell's even dropping those? Is there just a really confused servant who's not sure why she's attacking the flooding equipment in their chandelier room? NC (vo): (as Butler) Madam, why do you want me to paint a cartoon devil on this one? (as Elektra) Because he's the one that killed my father. (Butler) Of course he is. Would you like to tour some of the local rubber rooms in the area by any chance? (normal) So, Electron attacks Daredevil outside the one weirdo who dries his laundry at night for some reason. Daredevil: It wasn't me! I didn't kill your father! Elektra: Liar! NC (vo): (Snickers) Nice read on that line, Garner. Daredevil: I didn't kill your father! Elektra: Liar! NC (vo): Yeah, you could really cause people to crack with how convicted and not silly that sounds. NC: Yeah, I was just up all night watching Game of Thrones. Elektra: Liar! NC: Okay, Walking Dead. Elektra: Liar! NC: Alright, Bates Motel. Elektra: Liar! NC: Alright, Parks and Recreation! Elektra: Liar! NC: Alright, I was watching Downton Abbey! I just have to know what Maggie Smith thinks of turn of the century social no-o-o-orms! Elektra: Liar! NC: Oh, shut up! NC (vo): She beats the shit out of him, but then realizes the mistake she's made. Matt: I was trying to protect you. NC (vo): (as Elektra) Wait, why do I smell Guinness, stale cigarettes and Lucky Charms? NC (vo): Oh, yeah, he sneers at rats, too. This guy could be a song lyric for the Grinch. Matt: I don't wanna lose you again. Elektra: I'll find you. NC (vo): (as Elektra) I should get you medical attention,, revenge is more important. Which reminds me, avenge me if I don't come back. Bullseye: Come on! NC (vo): (as Elektra) Well, I can do that, too--Oh, wait, I forgot. I suck. NC (vo): (as Elektra) You wouldn't be so hot if you were a sandbag! NC (vo): (as Bullseye) Does this annoy you? Does this annoy you? I'm not touching you. NC (vo): (as Elektra) I don't get it! I did so good at fighting a blind guy and--Oh, now I'm putting the pieces together! NC (vo): (as Daredevil) We really suck. (as Elektra) Yeah, yeah, we do. (normal) So she gets axed off as the police try to track him down, leading us to where we started. Voice: Speaking of getting started, (suddenly Doug comes into the scene looking like Bullseye) that's what I plan to do! Angst: By God, an eccentric, big eyed villain! Angstine: Classic trademark of the early 2000s! Who are you? Villain: Name's Target! Hahahaha! NC: Let me guess, because you always hit your target? Target: No, I just really like clearance prices! Haha! Angst: Yikes. You know what we need to do! NC: You're both going to defeat him? Angst: Nope. I'm going to defeat him while she either gets captured or killed. NC: What? Angstine: It's an early 2000s thing. We make me look all tough, but in the end, I gotta be saved or mourned. NC: Or you could work together-- Angstine: No, this works. Target: Well, lass, you're good at catching things. Well, catch this! (he points his gun at the heroes) Angstine: Don't worry, I'll stop it with my head. NC: Uh, I don't think that's a good idea-- (He warned her. Angstine gets a bullet to the head and drops dead) Angst: Great! Now I know even more what to do! NC: Finally fight? Angst: No! Mourn in agony while he mugs for the camera. NC: Okay, you do what you feel you're compelled to do while I get back to the review. (The scene continues on with Angst mourning his fallen partner while Target continues mugging for the camera.) Wow. NC (vo): Bullseye tracks Daredevil down to the church, and they partake in Toccata in Fuck You. NC (vo): (as Daredevil) Wow, I dodged bullets and Siamese stars and yet somehow I miss that? The only thing consistent about my powers is how inconsistent they are! Bullseye: Have no fear? Looks like I found something you're afraid of. Let's bring on the pain. NC (vo): (as Bullseye) Ah, Begorrah and potatoes. NC (vo): But he gives him a touch of stigmata because...I don't know, are we doing Jesus symbolism in comic book movies yet? And he wishes him a nice fall. Urich: Whoa! Daredevil: Bullseye. NC: Hmm. I also would have accepted, (as Daredevil) Knock-knock? (Urich) Who's there? (Daredevil) Justice! Priest: Good luck, son. NC (vo): (as Priest) Do the Lord's work. Kill them! Kill them fucking all! Fisk: Send the guards home. Wesley: But, sir... Fisk: I was raised in the Bronx, Wesley. This is something you wouldn't understand. NC (vo): (as Fisk) Yes, I have to go one on one, even though every other murder I've committed has always been done by the hands of others. In fact, I even had others kill Daredevil's father and only delivered the final punch. It's all about honor. A very, very, very inconsistent honor. Daredevil: Kingpin. NC (vo): Daredevil tries to fight him, but forgot he sucks, so he figures maybe the sprinklers will help. Because, yeah, his powers that can sense all these tiny things apparently can't pick up a 300 lb., 7-foot giant for some reason. [Note: Slight error - Michael Clarke Duncan's height was actually 6 ft 5.] Daredevil: I've been thinking about this day since I was 12-years old. NC (vo): (as Fisk) Uh, I wonder if he knows he missed? Oooh, you got me! I'm dead! Fisk: I don't understand. Daredevil: I'm not the bad guy. NC (vo): Oh, no shit. Try telling that to the two halves of the guy you let get run over by a train! Daredevil: That's not Heaven! Quesada: Kill you! Daredevil: That's the C-Train! NC (vo): (as Daredevil) By the way, I'm totally not the bad guy-- He knew what I was saying. Fisk: I swear I'll tell who you are. Daredevil: Tell the guys at Rikers all about how you got beat by a blind man. Fisk: Don't worry about that. 'Cause I'll get out. Daredevil: Yeah, I know. And I'll be waiting. (He tosses Fisk's cane away.) Justice is served. NC (vo): Wait, you're not killing the guy, he just said he'll get out to cause more chaos because of the faulty justice system, a justice system you're a part of, and then you said... Daredevil: Justice is served. NC: Yeah, until he gets out. Then it's not, you fucking idiot! Daredevil: Justice is served. NC: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. NC (vo): So the Kingpin is put away, until he's let out again, but it's okay. (with Daredevil) Justice is served. (normal) And we cut to later, where we see Murdock...smelling someone who looked like his dead girlfriend. Makes about as much sense as the other stuff, when we then cut to the reporter deciding whether or not to reveal Daredevil's identity. Urich: Go get 'em, Matt. NC (vo): This is probably withholding evidence and I'm not sure why I was writing about it instead of going to the police, but I had little to no part in this movie, so why make an impact now? NC: Oh, will you guys stop it?! (The two stop what they're doing.) Thank fucking God these clichés are so rarely done anymore! NC (vo): You could point to every comic book movie before it that this film was trying to imitate, from Batman to Spider-Man to Blade. But while those movies at the time offered something new, this just throws in what it heard worked in the past together without attaching any emotional logic or character to it. Once in a while, you’ll have something kind of neat, like the blind vision that’s kind of cool, and some of the fights work, but they’re way too few and far between. It was when the old and tired comic book clichés were fading away and the new and inventive ones were starting to take over. And all I can say is, it was definitely for the best. Target: That's all fine and good, but what about our current situation, Buttercup? NC: Oh, don't worry. (He picks up his phone) I know the one thing that can stop every early 2000s hero or villain. Angst: Really? What's that? NC: Look to your left, now. Target: Aw, hell, the bloody sun came up! Angst: We can't fight during the day! We only look cool at night! Target: Well, I'll see you in the sequel that'll never happen. Angstine: I'm getting a sequel? Target: You're dead. It wouldn't make any sense! (He shoots her one more time to make sure she stays dead) I'm Target! Hehe-haha-hehe-hoho-haha! (He runs off) NC: So, now what? Angst: Well, isn't it obvious? I jump through the city looking awesome while an early 2000s song plays. NC: Oh, you mean the ones that always sound like a Southern hick is singing with a golf ball in his mouth? Angst: The very one. I'll see you whenever justice is needed, Critic. NC: I will have no fond memories of you, Angst. Angst: Until then... (He then jumps towards the camera in an action pose, ending on a freeze frame as we go to credits, with said early 2000s song as the theme. During the credits, one of the captions under Tamara's name says "Malcolm will Return Next Week in Angst 2: Revenge of the Crying".) Channel Awesome logo Elektra: Liar!
  • Daredevil (Matthew "Matt" Murdock") and Deadpool are longtime allies. Daredevil sometimes embraces Deadpool's warped sense of humor when around him, an example being when Deadpool asks Daredevil to "give me a hand" and Daredevil hands Deadpool the hand that was cut off of Deadpool earlier. Much like Bullseye it is clear Deadpool and Daredevil's history with one another pre-dates their actual first meeting in the comics. They teamed-up in the following comics: * Deadpool: Suicide Kings #2-5 * Daredevil Deadpool '97 Annual #1 by Joe Kelly (writer), Bernard Chang (penciller) & Jon Holdredge (inker).
  • Daredevil is the first episode of Shougeki Gouraigan. The episode introduces Gou, Hitomi, Hitomi's grandmother and the main villain Jin.
  • Matthew "Matt" Murdock is a man who was blinded as a young boy, but was gifted with extraordinary senses. After his father was murdered by mobsters, Murdock dedicated his life to fight injustice in New York City as a lawyer by day with his law firm Nelson and Murdock, and by night as a vigilante known as Daredevil. His actions as a crime fighter put Murdock into conflict with a crime lord named Wilson Fisk. Murdock used his skills to expose Fisk's criminal activities and have him taken to prison. Daredevil's actions in New York City and his strict moral code soon put him into conflict with the Punisher, a vigilante who believed that death was the only punishment for crime. Daredevil was thrown into more turmoil by the return of his old lover Elektra and his former mentor Stick, who attempted to recruit him into their war with the Hand. Murdock eventually managed to find a middle ground with the Punisher while also defeating the Hand's leader Nobu Yoshioka, although then losing Elektra in the process and watching Nelson and Murdock fall apart as Foggy Nelson still struggled to cope with his friend's double life.
  • Daredevil is a hero in the Marvel Universe
  • Daredevil is a Soul Voice in Xenoblade Chronicles X. It is triggered when a party member with less than 30% of his or her HP uses an Art.
  • Daredevils are warriors that embody the Venture League's philosophy of plunging into the unknown and facing whatever they find head-on. They provide the heavy firepower of their faction, and are generally seen as the faction's shock troopers. Whereas Buccaneers are focused around evasion and disorientation, Daredevils emphasize spreading and maximising damage to large numbers of enemies using their flareguns. Many NPCs that are part of the Venture League faction support or use Daredevil gear. These examples include Sky Lane, who stands next to a modified Daredevil Helmet, and Trek Furino, who carries a Daredevil flaregun.
  • Daredevil (Matt Murdock) is a blind superhero in the Marvel Universe.
  • Matt Murdock führte je her ein normales Leben, auch wenn er als Kind das Augenlicht verlor und blind wurde. Er strebte eine Karriere als Jurist an und investierte viel Zeit in sein Jura-Studium. Er arbeitet zudem mit seinem Kollegen und Freund Foggy Nelson in der gemeinsamen Kanzlei. Durch einen schweren Unfall mit atomaren Müll, entwickelten sich seine verbliebenen Sinne jedoch außerordentlich weiter, sodass er diese jetzt in verschiedenen Lebenslagen einsetzen kann. Als dann jedoch sein Vater ermordet wird, nimmt Matts Leben eine ganz andere Wendung und verwendete jede Lebensenergie darauf, den Mörder ausfindig zu machen und Selbstjustiz zu üben. Dafür erdenkt er sich die Figur des Daredevils und trainiert seine bislang schon außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten noch weiter um den Krinimellen auf die Spur zu kommen und im Kampf gegen sie anzutreten.
  • After the murder of his father Nathan was in a car accident that claimed the life of his mother as well as his sight. His other senses compensated on a super human level, allowing Nathan to achieve feats that were unattainable by normal people. Matthew Murdock, the original Daredevil, took an interest in the orphan and trained him in the arts of the Chaste, just as he had once been trained. Now, as an adult, he uses his skills to defend Hell's Kitchen as the Man Without Fear; Daredevil.
  • Daredevil is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
  • Daredevil ist der Name einer Comicreihe um die gleichnamige Hauptfigur des US-amerikanischen Verlages Marvel Comics. Daredevil erschien zuerst 1964 in Daredevil #1. Im deutschsprachigen Raum ist Daredevil seit den 1970ern bekannt, hier erlangte er auch unter den Namen Der Dämon oder Der Teufelskerl Popularität.
  • Daredevil is a Marvel Comics Superhero created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, with artistic input from Jack Kirby and Wally Wood. Daredevil was an attempt to recreate Lee's earlier success with the archetypal "everyman" hero Comicbook/Spider-Man, this time with an adult central character and a somewhat Darker and Edgier tone. The new character first appeared in "Daredevil" #1 (April, 1964) Daredevil has the ultimate in Disability Superpower - he's blind, but his other senses are superhumanly sharp. This is the result of his having been blinded by a radioactive substance whilst rescuing a blind man (oh, the irony) from the path of an oncoming truck. He is also a superb gymnast and martial artist, having been trained from an early age by a mysterious blind sensei called Stick as well as showing him how to control his senses to live normally. His Secret Identity is that of Matt Murdock, attorney-at-law. Despite his book having been home to some of the most respected writers and artists in the business, Daredevil has never really succeeded in making the breakthrough into mainstream popular culture in the way that stablemates such as Spider-Man and the X-Men have, and he was generally considered to be at best a C-list character until Frank Miller took over the title in 1981 and introduced what are now considered to be some of the defining elements of the Daredevil mythos, including the characters of the Kingpin (originally a Spider-Man villain), Bullseye and Elektra. Part of the reason for the character's relative lack of popularity may lie in the fact that, Bullseye and The Kingpin (and possibly Mr. Fear and Mr. Hyde) aside, he has been lumbered with arguably the least impressive Rogues Gallery in comics, including such threats to Western civilization as Shotgun (a guy with a gun), Ammo (a guy with lots of guns), The Jester (a bargain-bin Joker knockoff), The Owl (a gang boss who can fly - v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y), the Matador (whose entire gimmick revolves around making you unable to see him), and Stilt-Man (who unfortunately is just what he sounds like). Luckily, in recent years the writers have been working to remedy this (see Echo, Purple Man and Typhoid Mary). A Daredevil film was released in 2003, starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, but despite being one of the most faithful comic-to-screen adaptations ever made--it lifted whole scenes and even entire chunks of dialogue from Miller's run--and some strong (if idiosyncratic) casting, it was a critical failure, in no small part due to being a vehicle for nu-metal and having severe Executive Meddling done to it; the director's cut is far better received. Some people prefer to believe that it never happened, though many liked Colin Farrell as Bullseye and Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin. Despite it making back more than double its budget at the box office, they did not do a direct sequel but a spin-off starring Garner as Elektra. It didn't go over well. On a lighter note, Garner and Affleck (who met on the first film) later married in real life, have had two children, and are still together, and reportedly quite happy as of this writing. Daredevil is quite arguably one of the most underrated superheroes at Marvel, but hardcore Marvel fans do tend to give the character a lot of respect thankfully. The character was also one of two characters created by Stan Lee to have never been an Avenger, until he was added to the New Avengers line-up in 2011.
  • Matthew Murdock is a blind lawyer who fights crime as the superhero Daredevil.
  • thumb Marvel's Daredevil o simplemente Daredevil es una serie de televisión estadounidense de género dramático y acción, creada por Drew Goddard y basada en la historia del superhéroe de Marvel Comics del mismo nombre.
  • [[Plik:250px-Daredevil_Vol_4_1_Marvel_Comics_75th_Anniversary_Variant_Textless.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Matthew Murdock]] drdv.jpg|Danny Rand|link=Iron Fist ppdv.jpg|Peter Parker|link=Peter Parker be.jpg|Beast (Demon)|link=Beast (Demon)
  • The Hot Wheels Daredevil casting is based off of the Marvel comics character of the same name.
  • Fortune seems to smile on you when you take risks! Any time you take an unnecessary risk (in the GM's opinion), you get a +1 to all skill rolls. Furthermore, you may reroll any critical failure that occurs during such high-risk behavior. Example: A gang of thugs opens fire on you with automatic weapons. If you crouch down behind a wall and return fire from cover, Daredevil gives no bonuses. If you vault over the wall and charge the gunmen, screaming, it provides all of its benefits!
  • This page will be edited in full later this week --Shuhei Hisagi 01:13, November 2, 2009 (UTC)
  • Matthew Michael Murdock AKA Daredevil is a hero from Marvel comics who was blinded in an accident which also bestowed him a type of radar-sense that enhanced all his other senses to a greater extent than a normal human being. He becomes a costumed vigilante after the death of his father as well as a lawyer.
  • After Tails gained super speed from the Speedemint Gum, he went looking for people to save so that he could be like Sonic. He noticed the daredevil jumping out of a plane and thought that the daredevil needed saving. Even though the daredevil told him to go away, Tails caught him anyway, at which point the daredevil said that he was competing in the parachute freefall event of the Mobius International Daredevil Competition, and that Tails had made him lose. On the ground, the people booed Tails, who ran away. Sonic arrived a moment later, looking for Tails, and the daredevil said that Tails had ruined their whole competition. When the daredevil angrily demanded to know if Sonic was Tails' friend, Sonic said that he had never heard of him and ran off.
  • From Wikipedia: Daredevil is a fictional character, a comic book superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett, with an unspecified amount of input from Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Daredevil #1 (April 1964) Daredevil is notable as being among the few superheroes with a disability, being blinded as a youth in a radioactive accident that also drastically heightened his remaining senses and gave him a "radar-sense" allowing him to perceive his surroundings. His public identity is Matt Murdock, a successful attorney-at-law. For Daredevil sculpts, see:
  • Daredevil is a booster that appears in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It gives the player ammo after they taunt over an opponent's body. It can be purchased from the competitive loadout from level 6 onwards
  • Christopher Steel, Luke McDermott, Skip Broke See also: ru:Сорвиголова
  • Daredevil (Advantage, 3 points, 2 points for Mantis) [Mental] A character with the Daredevil advantage are more capable of surviving incredible odds.
  • Daredevil was created in 1812 by the visionary Jules Verne after witnessing the invention of electric lights, sonar and handicapped parking at the Worlds Fair before they were all stolen by ninjas. Verne was temporarily blinded from staring into a light bulb and sued the manufacturers.
  • thumb Daredevil es un personaje ficticio de la editorial Marvel Comics, creado por Stan Lee y Bill Everett, que tuvo su primera aparición en el comic-book Daredevil #1, publicado en 1964. El nombre del personaje significa temerario en español, pero en España Vértice lo publicó como Dan Defensor para justificar las dos "D" sobre su pecho, mientras que en algunos países de Hispanoamérica recibió el nombre de Diabólico. Categoría:Aliados
  • A Daredevil is a paramorph in the Inspiration Age with the supposed ability to manipulate probability, although it is possible that Daredevils have no actual "powers" at all. This Adventure!-related article is a stub. You can help WWWiki by fixing it.
  • Find a large jump such as those in the airfield or the one on the top of the quarry and using preferably a stunt car, successfully land a jump where you perform a double barrel roll.
  • Daredevil ist der Name des Hauptakteurs aus einer gleichnamigen Superhelden-Comicserie, die seit 1964 bei Marvel Comics erscheint.
  • Daredevil is a competitor on Total Drama Marvel. He will be on the TBA team.
  • Un giorno, Matt vide un cieco che stava per essere colpito da un camion. Matt spinse via l'uomo. Il camion sbandò e un isotopo radioattivo cadde fuori. Questo colpì Matt sulla faccia accecandolo. Mentre era ricoverato in ospedale, Matt scoprì che il suo udito, l'olfatto, il gusto ed il tatto furono amplificati a livelli superumani. Sviluppò anche un "senso radar" che forma un disegno mentale di ciò che lo circonda. Inoltre fu visitato da una suora che portava una croce d'oro. Matt non sa chi è la donna. Lo scoprirà molti anni dopo. Inoltre ricevette un addestramento dal maestro di arti marziali Stick. Matt continuò a studiare ed entrò alla Columbia Law School. Alla Columbia, Matt conobbe e si innamorò di Elektra Natchios. Fu il primo amore per entrambi. Quando il padre di Elektra fu ucciso accidentalmente dalla polizia, lei si rifugiò dal mondo e da Matt. Nel frattempo, Jack Murdock era in ricerca disperata di un incontro. Si unì riluttantemente ad un promoter di combattimenti truccati conosciuto come "The Fixer." Il Fixer organizzò un match di Jack per i pesi massimi, dicendogli di perdere il match. Jack rifiutò e vinse il suo ultimo combattimento. Più tardi la stessa sera , Jack Murdock fu ucciso da Fixer e i suoi uomini. Matt, ora orfano, si guadagnò la sua laurea in legge e aprì uno studio con Franklin "Foggy" Nelson e la segretaria Karen Page. Inoltre cercò gli assassini di suo padre. Matt creò un costume giallo e nero partendo dai vecchi abiti da boxe di suo padre. Finalmente trovò la banda di Fixer e sfidò lo stesso Fixer. Matt seguì Fixer finche fu colpito da un attacco di cuore. Una volta che fu vendicata la morte di suo padre, Matt continuò a combattere il crimine come Daredevil. Come molti eroi Marvel, la vita di Daredevil è stata un misto di gioia e tragedia. Le sue storie più memorabili solitamente implicano una donna che ha amato. Il suo vero amore fu Karen Page. Lei cominciò la carriera di attrice a L.A., ma diventò una porno star dipendente dall'eroina. Vendette l'identità segreta di Daredevil ; informazione che eventualmente interessò Wilson Fisk, Kingpin di tutta la criminalità a New York City. Matt volle riprendere Karen e costruire una vita con lei. Tristemente, la vita di Karen finì quando fu uccisa dall'assassino Bullseye. Matt si riunì ad Elektra tra le peggiori circostanze. Dopo il college, Elektra divenne un'assassina. Fu allenata da un culto di ninja chiamato La Mano. Successivamente abbandonò La Mano, diventando fredda e violenta. Elektra verrà uccisa successivamente da Bullseye. Fortunatamente, la magia ninja e l'amore di Murdock la riporteranno in vita e "ripuliranno il suo spirito". Lei andò su una montagna remota andando a vivere con I Casti, la controparte eroica della Mano. Nel 1970, Murdock andò a San Francisco con Natasha Romanova, la Vedova Nera. Divennero la prima coppia dei fumetti convivente e non sposata. Anche se la loro storia finì anni dopo, rimasero amici, nonostante Natasha provi ancora qualcosa. Un altra fiamma è Heather Glenn, fidanzata di Matt alla fine degli anni 70 e i primi degli anni 80. Glenn era l'erede delle industrie Glenn. Dopo la morte di Elektra, Matt si dichiarò a Heather. Matt andò a lavorare per provare che i direttori delle Industrie Glenn erano implicati in affari illegali. Trovò abbastanza prove per rovinare la compagnia, e lasciò Heather senza scelta eccetto che sposarlo. Foggy vide che ciò che Matt stava facendo era sbagliato, e con l'aiuto di Vedova Nera riuscì ad evitare la storia tra Heather e Matt. Anni dopo, una Heather ubriaca chiese aiuto a Matt. Quando lui venne a sapere che lei stava mentendo, la lasciò malamente e la ignorò. Giorni dopo, si uccise impiccandosi. Typhoid Mary è l'incarnazione vivente del complesso Madonna/prostituta. Mary è una dolce ma impaurita donna con una brillante carriera di attrice alle spalle. Typhoid è la killer trasandata e crudele con poteri telecinetici e pirocinetici. Kingpin la assunse per far innamorare Matt Murdock, e farlo diventare pazzo. Typhoid Mary riuscì a conquistare Matt imbrogliando su Karen Page e fu vicina ad ucciderlo. Le sue recenti apparizioni mostrano il suo conflitto mentale che ha continuato a peggiorare. Glorianna O'Brien era una fotogiornalista Irlandese che conobbe Matt quando combattè un terrorista IRA (Irish Republican Army o Esercito Repubblicano Irlandese). Ma la decenza di Matt nella povertà e malignità, portata da Kingpin, la spinse via. Successivamente si avvicinò a Foggy Nelson. Anni dopo, Glorianna fu uccisa da Victor "Kruel" Krueller, un pazzo alla ricerca del suo passato tramite la sconfitta dei testimoni del suo tentativo di omicidio. Maya Lopez nacque sorda. Ha il dono di ricreare qualsiasi movimento fisico che vede. Kingpin la usò in un altro complotto per distruggere Matt Murdock. Inizialmente, ha invitato Matt ad incontrarla, conoscendo Matt che era triste per la morte recente di Karen Page. Poi ingannò Maya a pensare che Daredevil uccise suo padre. Maya creò la sua identità di Echo e combattè Daredevil. Lei non sapeva che si trattasse di Matt e non sapeva perchè ora lo odiasse. Matt le rivelò la sua identità e Maya attaccò Kingpin. Lo accecò per alcuni mesi. L'ultima donna nella vita di Matt fu Milla Donovan.Come Matt, Donovan è cieca. Matt salvò la sua vita ed un anno dopo si sposarono. Milla ha saputo che il loro matrimonio potrebbe essere in parte causa dell'esaurimento nervoso di Matt. Ha richiesto l'annullamento del matrimonio. Si può pensare che Matt Murdock ha cercato una sostituta della madre che l'ha abbandonato alla nascita. A lungo pensata morta, Matt trovò sua madre, "Maggie", che viveva da suora. Il perchè lei lasciò Matt per andare in un convento non è stato spiegato.
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