  • Mod
  • Mod
  • MOD
  • Mod
  • MOD
  • Mod
  • MOD
  • MoD
  • Mod
  • Mod
  • Mod
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  • Moderator) Mod) הוא אחד מבעלי התפקידים בהאטריק, ומכונה בעברית מפקח או אחראי ועידות (או בכינויו הנפוץ - מוד). תפקידו הוא לשמש כ"מנהל" בועידות של המדינה אליה הוא שייך, אך יכול לפעול גם בועידות אשר לא שייכות למדינה שלה הוא משתייך. ביכולתו להעביר פתילים למקום שבו הם צריכים להיות, לנעול פתילים ואף לתת קנסות ו/או הרחקות (באנים) לעוברים על חוקי הועידות. בישראל ישנם כרגע ארבעה מודים (בסוגריים - מספר הקבוצה שלהם): Mod-Shlomit (340676) Mod-Transy (153401) Mod-Tomash (152282) Mod-Sagi (152278) בנוסף, כל הג'י-אמים משמשים גם כמודים.
  • modifyの略。オブジェクトに対する権限のひとつ。この権限がある場合は、サイズの修正などが可能になる。(no mod)の表示がある場合は、この権限がない。
  • A Mod is a fan-made alteration to a game. In Europa Universalis games, this can be a basic scenario (e.g. altering the game so that it starts in a different year to the standard scenarios), or it can be a complete overhaul of everything except the game mechanics.
  • MOD is the gaming term for a game modification; an expansion, alteration or general improvement of the game or software. After the release of Impossible Creatures, it was later followed up by a free downloadable expansion called Insect Invasion. There are also some unnofficial MODs available for free download like Creature Chaos.
  • Serverfag. all words to describe the one true god- Mod. unfortunately, he is steeped in moralfaggotry, and has (as of 6:46 US Central) refused to allow Cracked /pol/bots to enter into the game.
  • MOD is the common 'acronym' used for the British Ministry of Defence.
  • function Mod (float fAdd, float fMult = 1.0) Create game modifier * Return type: mod * Include file: nwscriptdefn
  • siehe Manager on Duty
  • A mod (shortened from modification) is an fan-made modification or an expansion of an existing game.
  • This page details some user-made modifications of Master of Magic. MoM mods can usually only be used with a specific version of the game.
  • Los MODs son unos objetos que aparecen en Metroid Prime: Federation Force.
  • Mod stands for modification and basically it is anything that changes any aspect of the game. It may add new functions, fix bugs, add new models, change skins etc. Mods are developed by independent (usually amateur) programmers and designers that are not related to the game developer.
  • Eine Mod (auch der Mod, selten das Mod; Abk. für engl. Modification oder deutsch Modifikation) ist eine üblicherweise kostenlose, von Hobbyentwicklern oder selten auch beruflichen Spieleentwicklern erstellte, Erweiterung bzw. Veränderung eines bereits veröffentlichten Computerspiels.
  • Søg på flere end 90 søgemaskiner på: Screenshot:[1]
  • Mods (short for Modifications) are scripts and images that change the game interface. The largest mod is Marble Blast Platinum, which currently has multiplayer games, achievements, and online leaderboards.
  • 300px|thumb|left|zweihander.tbm Mod - plik tekstowy w formacie .tbm. Toribash odczytuje go i wprowadza modyfikacje do gry. Na przykład zamiast pięści mamy miecze, w naszym kierunku lecą klocki i wiele innych. Mod często po prostu wprowadza gotowe ustawienia. Proste mody możemy tworzyć za pomocą udostępnionego skryptu o nazwie worldbuilder. Zaawansowaną edycję wykonuje się zazwyczaj w notatniku.
  • I Mods sono una simpatica sottocultura anni sessanta sconosciuta ai più, che però è attiva e ben presto conquisterà il mondo. I Mods erano i Truzzi degli anni 60, combattevano contro i Rockers, che in realtà ascoltavano musica ben poco Rock (ovvero Elvis Presley e cazzi e mazzi).
  • ECCO MI AVETE BANNATO SIETE SODDISFATTI RAZZA DI NERD? VI SENTITE REALIZZATI? PICS OR GTFO TITS OR GTFO /B/ FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD /ME ESCE I Mod sono dei malvagi, rossastri esseri mistici (simili ai Guardian e agli Admin) che hanno ricevuto il potere del rosso e grassetto direttamente dal sommo Lex in persona, e che si adoperano per mantenere la pace e la tranquillità in Gamesradar. Stranamente chi esprime dissenso verso queste mistiche figure viene bannato (mistero su cui attualmente è al lavoro Roberto Giacobbo, che ipotizza il coinvolgimento dei Mod con i templari). Hanno molti poteri, tra cui miniban, telecinesi, telatrasporto e schienamento, per il quale prendono lezioni da SNIPPOLO. Spesso commettono delle troiate ma gli utenti li odiano li amano ugualmente
  • A mod (or modification) is a modification to the original game. Mods come in many different shapes and sizes. Some add brand new maps, units, and races. Others seek to fix longstanding issues and bugs that the official patches never got around to, while others still seek to be a total conversion. A mod is a collection of art, sound, and other files.
  • A mod in Driv3r is anything to do with modification to the game mechanics and engine. Examples: * Vehicle replacement mods exist * Vehicle handling configuration mods are possible * There are some texture pack mods on the internet * Animation configuration files are also modifiable in any text editor * Weather and time of day "mood" files are also modifiable in any text editor including the fog distances and other parameters/settings. * Profile modifications are also possible to utilize Cheats * It is also possible to add a custom language to the game using a generic text editor, the format is XML
  • Mod or Moderator is one of the four staff position. They are in charge of keeping TPPC clean. They can ban accounts and delete/lock/move threads. Also they can post in the HIA.
  • A Mod or modification is when the game data is edited.
  • A mod is a modification to Supreme Commander. They change and enhance gameplay by adding units, changing unit abilities, or adding or changing game mechanics. Some mods are called total conversions, which change nearly everything about the game.
  • a mod is a modifaction to a game or program that can change it completly or slighty (ex. total mod: megamod slight mod: weapon mods)
  • Mod, kort voor modificatie of in dit geval spelmodificatie worden gebruikt om één of meerdere spelfuncties aan te passen, of om gloednieuwe functies te introduceren. Mods zijn een soort aangepast materiaal die gedownload moet worden en waarbij de bestand(en) op een juiste plek geplaatst moeten worden. Ze zijn geen in-game voorwerpen zoals kleding of decoratieve voorwerpen, alhoewel sommige mods wel een in-game voorwerp gebruiken om een functie toe te staan of juist te vermijden.
  • |Check this site out for converting mod files: |} * jon fortis said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" |I have been using JVC MOD files for about 2 years now. Instead of just renaming them .mpg files I convert them using streamclip ( - free) into .avi files then you save time on the rendering once you import. The new version of streamclip has batch conversion. |} * anonymous said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" * Vidioterie said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" |}
  • MOD Sample: Team fortress 1 Description: It is a computer game software which originates from another computer game software - Quake. Sample: previous See Circuit Bending for an example of how modding can take on a physical dimension. The game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos produced by Blizzard Entertainment was a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game that allowed users to play a series of storyline campaigns or against other players. Defense of the Ancients commonly known as DotA was a created scenario from Warcraft III:Reign of Chaos game. An example is Half - Life 2: Retaliation ()
  • This distinguishes them from "hacked objects". Mods mainly alter gameplay values or add/change already existing features. For example, a mod could allow children to cook, or teenagers to WooHoo and become pregnant. With regard to The Sims series, the term entered common usage with The Sims 2. Modifications to The Sims generally worked through "hacked objects"; even when they didn't, the term "mod" was generally not used. Example of big mods would be Awesomemod and Macrotastics.
  • A mod is an add-on, a modification that changes one or more aspects of the game. This usually means that the game logic is changed, e.g. adding new gametypes or weapons and also adding the required textures and models for this. Maps, playermodels and texture packs are modifications as well, but are usually not considered a mod themself. A mod is created by downloading, editing, compiling and packing the game logic of OpenArena. There are different kinds of mods If a mod also needs modifications of the client engine, it usually becomes a standalone game.
  • Mods are add-ons used for various purposes. They can be used to make your game easier, harder, add more monsters, create servers easily, add items to your game, new features, add new worlds, a few even change your game completely. Mods are normally uploaded by the players themselves, and they can be found on sites such as the Minecraft forums or on Planetminecraft. Installing a mod may have varying effects on game-play, such as:
  • Mod (modyfikacja gry komputerowej) jest to przeróbka elementów danej gry z wykorzystaniem jej silnika, wykonana przez społeczność graczy. Zwykle mody są grywalnymi i w pełni darmowymi (do pobrania przez sieć Internet) instalatorami, które po rozpakowaniu całkowicie lub częściowo zmieniają, bądź rozszerzają grę. Charakterystyczną cechą modów jest konieczność posiadania pełnej wersji gry, na której zostały zrobione, do ich uruchomienia. Osobę, która tworzy nowe lub modyfikuje standardowe elementy gry z wykorzystaniem jej silnika nazywamy modderem.
  • Mods are modifications or additional functionality that a user can choose to add to a game to make it more enjoyable. Modding is the process of altering the game and its data files to use these mods. Changes can vary from being completely cosmetic, to fundamental modifications to gameplay, such as changes to the technology tree.
  • Modificar el Meka
  • Objetos repartidos por las misiones
  • MOD MPFF.png
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  • Want to edit this page? Feel free!
  • Moderator) Mod) הוא אחד מבעלי התפקידים בהאטריק, ומכונה בעברית מפקח או אחראי ועידות (או בכינויו הנפוץ - מוד). תפקידו הוא לשמש כ"מנהל" בועידות של המדינה אליה הוא שייך, אך יכול לפעול גם בועידות אשר לא שייכות למדינה שלה הוא משתייך. ביכולתו להעביר פתילים למקום שבו הם צריכים להיות, לנעול פתילים ואף לתת קנסות ו/או הרחקות (באנים) לעוברים על חוקי הועידות. בישראל ישנם כרגע ארבעה מודים (בסוגריים - מספר הקבוצה שלהם): Mod-Shlomit (340676) Mod-Transy (153401) Mod-Tomash (152282) Mod-Sagi (152278) בנוסף, כל הג'י-אמים משמשים גם כמודים.
  • Mod (modyfikacja gry komputerowej) jest to przeróbka elementów danej gry z wykorzystaniem jej silnika, wykonana przez społeczność graczy. Zwykle mody są grywalnymi i w pełni darmowymi (do pobrania przez sieć Internet) instalatorami, które po rozpakowaniu całkowicie lub częściowo zmieniają, bądź rozszerzają grę. Charakterystyczną cechą modów jest konieczność posiadania pełnej wersji gry, na której zostały zrobione, do ich uruchomienia. Osobę, która tworzy nowe lub modyfikuje standardowe elementy gry z wykorzystaniem jej silnika nazywamy modderem. Seria Unreal zyskała bardzo wiele dzięki modom. W zorganizowanym konkursie Make Something Unreal Contest! w kategorii mod zwyciężyła Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 wykonana przez Tripwire Interactive. Dziś już jako osobna i pełnoprawna gra multiplayer znajduje się w czołówce on-linowych gier FPP.
  • modifyの略。オブジェクトに対する権限のひとつ。この権限がある場合は、サイズの修正などが可能になる。(no mod)の表示がある場合は、この権限がない。
  • A Mod is a fan-made alteration to a game. In Europa Universalis games, this can be a basic scenario (e.g. altering the game so that it starts in a different year to the standard scenarios), or it can be a complete overhaul of everything except the game mechanics.
  • MOD is the gaming term for a game modification; an expansion, alteration or general improvement of the game or software. After the release of Impossible Creatures, it was later followed up by a free downloadable expansion called Insect Invasion. There are also some unnofficial MODs available for free download like Creature Chaos.
  • Serverfag. all words to describe the one true god- Mod. unfortunately, he is steeped in moralfaggotry, and has (as of 6:46 US Central) refused to allow Cracked /pol/bots to enter into the game.
  • MOD Sample: Team fortress 1 Description: It is a computer game software which originates from another computer game software - Quake. Sample: previous See Circuit Bending for an example of how modding can take on a physical dimension. The game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos produced by Blizzard Entertainment was a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game that allowed users to play a series of storyline campaigns or against other players. Defense of the Ancients commonly known as DotA was a created scenario from Warcraft III:Reign of Chaos game. (DotA2: due to DotA's world wide popularity a stand-alone version 'DotA2' was developed by Valve Corporation and was released at 2013. DotA2 is a online multiplayer battle area game and has its own world championship now.The creation of DotA2 is also like a sequel of the DotA which is the mod for Warcraft III.) An example of more simple MOD is in Grand Theft Auto Vice City, the game does not come with commercial cars. However, users can create and add their desired car. () Another example of MoD is SA-MP San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto (GTA SA) () Hot Coffee is another popular mod for GTA San Andreas. The Hot Coffee mod allows access to a minigame where the main character goes to his girlfriend's house for an euphemistic coffee. Hot Coffee was a relatively controversial offering when it was initially released because its inclusion as part of the game may have required modification of the game's rating. An example is Half - Life 2: Retaliation () Another example is Garry's Mod. It allows players modification, but need based on the other game source engine, like Half-Life 2, and so on. Fall From Heaven II is a prominent mod for Civilization IV. It is the most popular mod for the original game, to date. Fall From Heaven II is a dark fantasy mod; it adds spellwork, new religions and ethnic groups and new quests to the original game. {C}Creating mods for the Civilization series has historically been incredibly popular; the game inspires dedicated communities of players. In anticipation of this, Fireaxis designed Civilization IV to be easily modded. This anticipation of modding and indeed, the creation of deliberately remixable content represents a significant shift in game production. File:Civ4beyondsword-2009-05-10-23-41-00-84 reduced.jpg Another MOD example from Taiwan, is the machinema created by AFK PL@YERS. They used materials from online game "World of Warcraft" and mixed with other culural references in it. Their introduction: Inspired by the animation series "Robot Chicken" and share the same idea with Olibith's "Never Stay Tuned" series,"Wrath of A Couch Potato" combines Taiwanese TV show styles and the characters from AFK PL@YERS' previous works, introducing the new expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" with tons of TV show parodies and extremely short jokes. Please check their offical blog: A subsection of modding is Machinima. Machinima are new pieces of content created using the character rendering and animation tools available in many current video games. The most popular and long running western Machinima creation is "Red vs Blue" which featured characters created in the video game Halo. There have been ten series created of the show so far. The first video introducing the characters was posted on the Rooster Teeth website in April 2003. Today, 21st, August, 2012, is the day that Counter Strike: Global Offensive launches. For the contribution, a trailer was developed by using Source Filmmaker. Here is the link of the trailer: Minecraft is an open source, cross-platform simulation game. There're currently many MODs of this game created by its fans. Some of them adds new items with special effect/usage into the game, some provide a seprate map with unique feature. Here's the link of one example: Zipline Mod
  • MOD is the common 'acronym' used for the British Ministry of Defence.
  • function Mod (float fAdd, float fMult = 1.0) Create game modifier * Return type: mod * Include file: nwscriptdefn
  • Mods are modifications or additional functionality that a user can choose to add to a game to make it more enjoyable. Modding is the process of altering the game and its data files to use these mods. Changes can vary from being completely cosmetic, to fundamental modifications to gameplay, such as changes to the technology tree. In Galactic Civilizations II mods may allow the user to use more ship textures or different hulls (other than the ones that come with the game). These are just some of the possible mods as there might be other mods in the future that change different aspects of the game. The Mod folder that may provide these abilities has not yet been documented.
  • siehe Manager on Duty
  • A mod (shortened from modification) is an fan-made modification or an expansion of an existing game.
  • This page details some user-made modifications of Master of Magic. MoM mods can usually only be used with a specific version of the game.
  • Los MODs son unos objetos que aparecen en Metroid Prime: Federation Force.
  • Mod stands for modification and basically it is anything that changes any aspect of the game. It may add new functions, fix bugs, add new models, change skins etc. Mods are developed by independent (usually amateur) programmers and designers that are not related to the game developer.
  • Eine Mod (auch der Mod, selten das Mod; Abk. für engl. Modification oder deutsch Modifikation) ist eine üblicherweise kostenlose, von Hobbyentwicklern oder selten auch beruflichen Spieleentwicklern erstellte, Erweiterung bzw. Veränderung eines bereits veröffentlichten Computerspiels.
  • Søg på flere end 90 søgemaskiner på: Screenshot:[1]
  • Mods (short for Modifications) are scripts and images that change the game interface. The largest mod is Marble Blast Platinum, which currently has multiplayer games, achievements, and online leaderboards.
  • 300px|thumb|left|zweihander.tbm Mod - plik tekstowy w formacie .tbm. Toribash odczytuje go i wprowadza modyfikacje do gry. Na przykład zamiast pięści mamy miecze, w naszym kierunku lecą klocki i wiele innych. Mod często po prostu wprowadza gotowe ustawienia. Proste mody możemy tworzyć za pomocą udostępnionego skryptu o nazwie worldbuilder. Zaawansowaną edycję wykonuje się zazwyczaj w notatniku.
  • Mod, kort voor modificatie of in dit geval spelmodificatie worden gebruikt om één of meerdere spelfuncties aan te passen, of om gloednieuwe functies te introduceren. Mods zijn een soort aangepast materiaal die gedownload moet worden en waarbij de bestand(en) op een juiste plek geplaatst moeten worden. Ze zijn geen in-game voorwerpen zoals kleding of decoratieve voorwerpen, alhoewel sommige mods wel een in-game voorwerp gebruiken om een functie toe te staan of juist te vermijden. File:Carriere Schrijver DS4.png Dit onderdeel moet uitgebreid worden. Deze pagina heeft nog meer informatie nodig. Kan jij deze pagina verbeteren? bewerk de pagina dan meteen!
  • I Mods sono una simpatica sottocultura anni sessanta sconosciuta ai più, che però è attiva e ben presto conquisterà il mondo. I Mods erano i Truzzi degli anni 60, combattevano contro i Rockers, che in realtà ascoltavano musica ben poco Rock (ovvero Elvis Presley e cazzi e mazzi).
  • ECCO MI AVETE BANNATO SIETE SODDISFATTI RAZZA DI NERD? VI SENTITE REALIZZATI? PICS OR GTFO TITS OR GTFO /B/ FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD /ME ESCE I Mod sono dei malvagi, rossastri esseri mistici (simili ai Guardian e agli Admin) che hanno ricevuto il potere del rosso e grassetto direttamente dal sommo Lex in persona, e che si adoperano per mantenere la pace e la tranquillità in Gamesradar. Stranamente chi esprime dissenso verso queste mistiche figure viene bannato (mistero su cui attualmente è al lavoro Roberto Giacobbo, che ipotizza il coinvolgimento dei Mod con i templari). Hanno molti poteri, tra cui miniban, telecinesi, telatrasporto e schienamento, per il quale prendono lezioni da SNIPPOLO. Spesso commettono delle troiate ma gli utenti li odiano li amano ugualmente
  • A mod (or modification) is a modification to the original game. Mods come in many different shapes and sizes. Some add brand new maps, units, and races. Others seek to fix longstanding issues and bugs that the official patches never got around to, while others still seek to be a total conversion. A mod is a collection of art, sound, and other files.
  • A mod in Driv3r is anything to do with modification to the game mechanics and engine. Examples: * Vehicle replacement mods exist * Vehicle handling configuration mods are possible * There are some texture pack mods on the internet * Animation configuration files are also modifiable in any text editor * Weather and time of day "mood" files are also modifiable in any text editor including the fog distances and other parameters/settings. * Profile modifications are also possible to utilize Cheats * It is also possible to add a custom language to the game using a generic text editor, the format is XML
  • Mod or Moderator is one of the four staff position. They are in charge of keeping TPPC clean. They can ban accounts and delete/lock/move threads. Also they can post in the HIA.
  • A Mod or modification is when the game data is edited.
  • This distinguishes them from "hacked objects". Mods mainly alter gameplay values or add/change already existing features. For example, a mod could allow children to cook, or teenagers to WooHoo and become pregnant. With regard to The Sims series, the term entered common usage with The Sims 2. Modifications to The Sims generally worked through "hacked objects"; even when they didn't, the term "mod" was generally not used. Examples of small mods would be phone plugins for The Sims, mods such as the Less Addictive Espresso Bar mod that affects how strongly an object advertises, or mods that allow Sims to do homework faster. Example of big mods would be Awesomemod and Macrotastics. Since recent Sims games make more menu items available when using Testingcheatsenabled, many mods from older games have been seen as not worth remaking. Some mods, such as hacked cameras for The Sims 2, are not in package format and are not installed in the player's downloads folder, but somewhere else. These mods are known as config(uration) mods.
  • A mod is a modification to Supreme Commander. They change and enhance gameplay by adding units, changing unit abilities, or adding or changing game mechanics. Some mods are called total conversions, which change nearly everything about the game.
  • Mods are add-ons used for various purposes. They can be used to make your game easier, harder, add more monsters, create servers easily, add items to your game, new features, add new worlds, a few even change your game completely. Mods are normally uploaded by the players themselves, and they can be found on sites such as the Minecraft forums or on Planetminecraft. Installing a mod may have varying effects on game-play, such as: * New items/blocks * New mobs * New or changed AI for (existing) mobs * New or changed game-play mechanisms * Fixes for the game or other mods (uncommon) * Support for texture packs with higher resolutions * APIs for making mods easier and/or preventing conflicts between mods(a good example is ModLoader) Mods are almost never officially supported by Mojang AB, but very rarely, mods get officially added to the game. An example of a mod is: McRegion, which was added to Minecraft Beta. This mod created a much more compact and faster way of storing worlds. An example of a popular and massive mod is Orespawn. Players should be careful while installing mods into Minecraft, as mods will sometimes make Minecraft crash, and they can even corrupt save data if they are installed wrong. Additionally, mods that are from an unknown or little known source should be scanned for viruses before being used because it is possible that the downloaded files may contain a virus. One example of a particular mod is the "Lucky Block" Mod, which spawns Lucky Blocks randomly in the world, bestowing either positive or negative effects. For example, a Lucky Block could spawn "Mr. Rainbow", which spawns many Sheep with various colors of Wool.
  • A mod is an add-on, a modification that changes one or more aspects of the game. This usually means that the game logic is changed, e.g. adding new gametypes or weapons and also adding the required textures and models for this. Maps, playermodels and texture packs are modifications as well, but are usually not considered a mod themself. A mod is created by downloading, editing, compiling and packing the game logic of OpenArena. There are different kinds of mods * Client-side mods - which change the client logic or user interface. Those need to be installed on the clients. * Server-side mods - which only change the server logic. Those do not need to be installed on the clients, but are also limited in their abilities. If a mod also needs modifications of the client engine, it usually becomes a standalone game. A main feature and goal of OA is its compatibility with many mods designed for Quake III Arena. So, here there are some pages you may find useful. * Manual/Using mods - How to use mods, i.e. install them * Mods - A list of mods designed for OA * ModCompat - A list of mods designed for Q3A, and their compatibility with OpenArena. * The Mission Pack - Official expansion for OA, inspired by id Software's Team Arena mod for Q3A
  • |Check this site out for converting mod files: |} * jon fortis said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" |I have been using JVC MOD files for about 2 years now. Instead of just renaming them .mpg files I convert them using streamclip ( - free) into .avi files then you save time on the rendering once you import. The new version of streamclip has batch conversion. |} * anonymous said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" |Right there are 2 ways to do this that I know of.....having helped out a friend over a preiod of months trying to find the best way to use jvc everio hdd camera .mod files on premiere pro CS3. For the second technique you will need another package maybe encore (though other adobe packages might work)You can use squared5 free streamclip software but this caused problems...masses of massive files, faults in files that only surface when transcoding the final movie to dvd and if using XP64 (which has awfull error handling) premiere tends to crash a lot."Patch" PremiereOk well it is not quite a patch but here the way I am hoping that this does not go against the EULA, confirmation from Adobe would be appreciated I guess by JVC Everio users.To run .mod files on Premiere Pro you need to patch it so as it will read AC3 audio with mpeg2 files.Open C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS3 copy the ad2ac3dec.dll filePaste the file ad2ac3dec.dll into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3You have now made premiere pro work with AC3 audio.You can use this sdcopy program to convert the .mod files to mpeg2In SDcopy :Select the source folder that contains the mod files( this could be the hdd on the camera if you like)Choose the destination folderMake sure that the widescreen box is ticked if you are dealing with widescreen files and click run!!Now Run premiere and you should be able to import and edit the new files that you have just created(they might have odd names but they will work!) Just remember where you set the sdcopy to save them. |} * Vidioterie said: {| border="0" style="background:#efefef;" | FINALLY I found the solution for Mac users, and it's just as easy as the Windows solution offered above, assuming you have Adobe Encore DVD installed as well. I worked with the CS3 version, but I think it'll work equally well with CS2 or CS4. Here it goes: 1. * in Finder, navigate to Applications -> Adobe Encore (CS3) 2. * ctrl-click on the Adobe Encore CS3 program file in this folder 3. * click 'Show Package Contents'. a second Finder window opens. 4. * navigate to Contents -> Frameworks 5. * select and copy (cmd-C) the folder 'mcac3dec.framework' 6. * close this Finder window 7. * in the first FInder window, now navigate to Applications -> Adobe Premiere Pro (CS3) 8. * ctrl-click on the Adobe Premiere Pro (CS3) program file in this folder 9. * click 'Show Package Contents'. again a second Finder window opens * navigate to Contents -> Frameworks 10. * paste (cmd-V) the copied folder into the Frameworks folder 11. * check if it's there. it should be listed in between 'mcaacaenc.framework' and 'mcdvd_32.framework' 12. * That's all! From now on, all you'll have to do is rename your .MOD files to .MPG and you'll be able to work with them directly in Premiere without ANY converting! Yay! :-D |}
  • a mod is a modifaction to a game or program that can change it completly or slighty (ex. total mod: megamod slight mod: weapon mods)
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