  • Modding
  • Modding
  • Modding
  • To mod SimCity means to change the game in some way. Usually by either changing the games behavior, adding custom cars, props, buildings and lots within the game, changing the games terrain, roads, among other features. Some of the most notable add-ons shown via building architect tools and lot editors. Other notable modifications have been added by fans using high-profile sites like Simtropolis. The most notable fan made modification to date has been the Network Addon Mod (NAM) for SimCity 4 and SimCity 4: Rush Hour. One of the most popular modding websites can be found here.
  • Post mod tutorials, videos and files. Place under the right category and below the last post plus use a Sub Heading for each new post. Most tools will come packaged in a .Rar or .Zip file. Download WinRaR or 7zip to extract the files. Windows 7 can extract .zip files with no added utilities.
  • The term modding refers to customizing computer hardware, software, videogames or other online content in a manner not intended by the owner.
  • Il modding è quella raffinata arte risultante dell'incontro tra la razza dei nerd e la razza truzza. Il modding in sostanza potrebbe essere visto un po' come il tuning estetico delle auto con il quale condivide la proporzionalità diretta che esiste tra la totale inutilità al fine del miglioramento delle prestazioni e i millemila € spesi per l'espletamento di tale pratica.
  • Modding is a popular hobbyist aesthetic within steampunk culture. Modding involves remaking everyday items (such as appliances, computers, or vehicles) to appear as if they have come from a steampunk setting while still functioning properly. Items are often retrofitted with brass fittings, gears, fine leather, lenses, and a variety of other things. In addition to an altered aesthetic, experienced modders often alter the original object to become more energy efficient as well as more environmentally friendly.
  • The SDK is the uncompiled game code used by the engine. Microsoft C++ Visual Studio 2003 is required to compile the SDK code into usable format. GolemLabs takes no responsibility for any errors or bugs that are created by mod makers as they use the SDK, nor will they support the SDK in any way. A strong knowledge of C++ is advised before you start editing the C++ game code.
  • Many modders choose to use programs that allow Grunts to drive vehicles. This is evidence that players are coming to accept their grunty overlords. See given picture for more details.
  • Modding is short for "modifying", which in game terms means changing a game in some way. A mod is short for "modification". A mod can, for example, change the graphics, add new units or buildings, or change the properties of existing ones. For non-comprehensive lists and descriptions of mods in the games, see mods.
  • In questa pagina sono presenti soltanto le mod che sono state tradotte in italiano. Mods Gothic: * Diccuric Mods Gothic II: la Notte del Corvo: * Ku'Hajag Mods Gothic 3: * Quest Pack 4 * Content Mod 2.2 * Community Story Project Mods Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods: * Content Mod 1.0
  • CD Projekt und Atari haben am 10. April 2008 den D'Jinni Abenteuer Editor für das Computerspiel The Witcher veröffentlicht.
  • Jade Empire, unlike some BioWare games, was not designed to be edited by players, but a certain amount has been achieved despite this.
  • This article contains information about modding The Witcher computer game. It assumes that: * You are already familiar with the directory layout. If not, see Game layout. * You have extracted the original game data. If not, see Extracting game data.
  • Modding is a way of changing the form and playthrough of a game by manipulating its base coding. This can vary from changing colors of a character, to re-making a map or weapons, such as in Halo 2. Using the mods can significantly alter the processes of a game. As modding is sometimes used for cheating, it is not allowed on Xbox Live and the use of a modded Xbox on Xbox Live will result in a terminated account. However, Halo Custom Edition, an expansion of Halo PC, was created by Gearbox Software and is a legal form of modding.
  • Modding is a slang expression that is derived from the verb "modify". The term can refer to the act of modifying a piece of hardware or software or anything else for that matter, to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer. The Internet provides an inexpensive medium to promote and distribute mods, and they have become an increasingly important factor in the commercial success of some games, such as Spore, through websites such as Sporedum & SporeMods
  • 2010 and patch 3.13 brought an exciting new change to the game, the ability to start adding in our own modifications to the game. The overall ability to mod started out very rudimentary and was largely undocumented, but as time has gone by we have seen steady improvements and additions. As of September 2014, there still wasn't very complete information about modding, and what there was was sometimes vague, and oftentimes contradictory in it's nature. This is an attempt to create a complete, readable piece of documentation on modding and how it can be applied, and is intended to be a growing body of work as this amazing aspect of the game continues to grow and be developed.
  • path = {} local function mount_dir(dir, mountpoint) table.insert(path, { dir = dir, mountpoint = mountpoint } ) end local function mount_contents(dir, mountpoint) LOG('checking ' .. dir) for _,entry in io.dir(dir .. '\\*') do if entry != '.' and entry != '..' then local mp = string.lower(entry) mp = string.gsub(mp, '[.]scd$', ) mp = string.gsub(mp, '[.]zip$', ) mount_dir(dir .. '\\' .. entry, mountpoint .. '/' .. mp) end end end The mods have to be inside the '/mods' folder either in an scd, in the root folder, or in the My Games folders.
  • Da die Mass Effect-Reihe, besonders das erste Mass Effect, bereits einige Jahre alt ist, haben sich findige Modder daran gemacht, dem originalen Mass Effect, aber auch Mass Effect 2 und Mass Effect 3, HD-/ UHD-Texturen und weitere grafische Verbesserungen hinzuzufügen und so dem Zahn der Zeit ein Schnippchen zu schlagen. Auf dieser Seite werden einige dieser Mods vorgestellt, zusammen mit den Links, von wo man sie beziehen kann. Sollte es bei einem Mod eine spezifische Art der Aktivierung/ Initalisierung geben (z.B. durch Texmod), wird diese weiter beschrieben.
  • Modding is not allowed by the TOS and you risk not being able to play the game anymore due the following issues: 1. * You edited your gamefiles and made no backup. You can't play with modded files online, so any changes made in the files will prevent you from connecting to a server. If you are concerned don't spam the forum, just re-install the game and all is fine. 2. * You got banned: 3. 1. * for gaining unfair advantage with modding: The possibilty to cheat with modified game files was lucky removed due MD5 checksums. 4. 2. * for unproper spoiling upcoming/unreleased content out of unintended information source like the game files.
  • no
  • Modding is not allowed by the TOS and you risk not being able to play the game anymore due the following issues: 1. * You edited your gamefiles and made no backup. You can't play with modded files online, so any changes made in the files will prevent you from connecting to a server. If you are concerned don't spam the forum, just re-install the game and all is fine. 2. * You got banned: 3. 1. * for gaining unfair advantage with modding: The possibilty to cheat with modified game files was lucky removed due MD5 checksums. 4. 2. * for unproper spoiling upcoming/unreleased content out of unintended information source like the game files. New upcoming stuff is not allowed on the official forums anymore, people posting any unreleased stuff on the official forums risk a forum ban.
  • 2010 and patch 3.13 brought an exciting new change to the game, the ability to start adding in our own modifications to the game. The overall ability to mod started out very rudimentary and was largely undocumented, but as time has gone by we have seen steady improvements and additions. As of September 2014, there still wasn't very complete information about modding, and what there was was sometimes vague, and oftentimes contradictory in it's nature. This is an attempt to create a complete, readable piece of documentation on modding and how it can be applied, and is intended to be a growing body of work as this amazing aspect of the game continues to grow and be developed. The section below is intended as an in-depth examination of all of the elements involved in creating a Mod. Slip to the end for a quick and dirty hands-on introduction to modding if you just want to dive in. That section will reference this one extensively, so don't worry about getting lost!
  • To mod SimCity means to change the game in some way. Usually by either changing the games behavior, adding custom cars, props, buildings and lots within the game, changing the games terrain, roads, among other features. Some of the most notable add-ons shown via building architect tools and lot editors. Other notable modifications have been added by fans using high-profile sites like Simtropolis. The most notable fan made modification to date has been the Network Addon Mod (NAM) for SimCity 4 and SimCity 4: Rush Hour. One of the most popular modding websites can be found here.
  • Post mod tutorials, videos and files. Place under the right category and below the last post plus use a Sub Heading for each new post. Most tools will come packaged in a .Rar or .Zip file. Download WinRaR or 7zip to extract the files. Windows 7 can extract .zip files with no added utilities.
  • The term modding refers to customizing computer hardware, software, videogames or other online content in a manner not intended by the owner.
  • Da die Mass Effect-Reihe, besonders das erste Mass Effect, bereits einige Jahre alt ist, haben sich findige Modder daran gemacht, dem originalen Mass Effect, aber auch Mass Effect 2 und Mass Effect 3, HD-/ UHD-Texturen und weitere grafische Verbesserungen hinzuzufügen und so dem Zahn der Zeit ein Schnippchen zu schlagen. Auf dieser Seite werden einige dieser Mods vorgestellt, zusammen mit den Links, von wo man sie beziehen kann. Sollte es bei einem Mod eine spezifische Art der Aktivierung/ Initalisierung geben (z.B. durch Texmod), wird diese weiter beschrieben. Ein Tool, welches fast immer gebraucht wird, ist Texmod. Wird es auf Windows 8/10 genutzt, muss es im Kompatiblitätsmodus für XP gestartet werden. Windows 7 braucht manchmal eine Admin-Befehl, damit es funktioniert. Hinweis: Es gibt Mods, die die Spielgrafiken komplett austauschen, in diesem Fall ist ein Backup dieser Dateien in einem extra Ordner ratsam, sollte der Austauschvorgang nicht oder nicht so wie gewünscht funktionieren. Eine Sicherung entfällt bei allen Texmod-Mods, da dieser Editor als "Überbrückung" arbeitet und nichts an den Daten verändert.
  • Il modding è quella raffinata arte risultante dell'incontro tra la razza dei nerd e la razza truzza. Il modding in sostanza potrebbe essere visto un po' come il tuning estetico delle auto con il quale condivide la proporzionalità diretta che esiste tra la totale inutilità al fine del miglioramento delle prestazioni e i millemila € spesi per l'espletamento di tale pratica.
  • path = {} local function mount_dir(dir, mountpoint) table.insert(path, { dir = dir, mountpoint = mountpoint } ) end local function mount_contents(dir, mountpoint) LOG('checking ' .. dir) for _,entry in io.dir(dir .. '\\*') do if entry != '.' and entry != '..' then local mp = string.lower(entry) mp = string.gsub(mp, '[.]scd$', ) mp = string.gsub(mp, '[.]zip$', ) mount_dir(dir .. '\\' .. entry, mountpoint .. '/' .. mp) end end end mount_contents(SHGetFolderPath('PERSONAL') .. 'My Games\\Gas Powered Games\\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\\mods', '/mods') mount_contents(SHGetFolderPath('PERSONAL') .. 'My Games\\Gas Powered Games\\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\\maps', '/maps') mount_dir(InitFileDir .. '\\..\\gamedata\\*.scd', '/') mount_dir(InitFileDir .. '\\..', '/') The mods have to be inside the '/mods' folder either in an scd, in the root folder, or in the My Games folders.
  • Modding is a popular hobbyist aesthetic within steampunk culture. Modding involves remaking everyday items (such as appliances, computers, or vehicles) to appear as if they have come from a steampunk setting while still functioning properly. Items are often retrofitted with brass fittings, gears, fine leather, lenses, and a variety of other things. In addition to an altered aesthetic, experienced modders often alter the original object to become more energy efficient as well as more environmentally friendly.
  • The SDK is the uncompiled game code used by the engine. Microsoft C++ Visual Studio 2003 is required to compile the SDK code into usable format. GolemLabs takes no responsibility for any errors or bugs that are created by mod makers as they use the SDK, nor will they support the SDK in any way. A strong knowledge of C++ is advised before you start editing the C++ game code.
  • Many modders choose to use programs that allow Grunts to drive vehicles. This is evidence that players are coming to accept their grunty overlords. See given picture for more details.
  • Modding is short for "modifying", which in game terms means changing a game in some way. A mod is short for "modification". A mod can, for example, change the graphics, add new units or buildings, or change the properties of existing ones. For non-comprehensive lists and descriptions of mods in the games, see mods.
  • In questa pagina sono presenti soltanto le mod che sono state tradotte in italiano. Mods Gothic: * Diccuric Mods Gothic II: la Notte del Corvo: * Ku'Hajag Mods Gothic 3: * Quest Pack 4 * Content Mod 2.2 * Community Story Project Mods Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods: * Content Mod 1.0
  • CD Projekt und Atari haben am 10. April 2008 den D'Jinni Abenteuer Editor für das Computerspiel The Witcher veröffentlicht.
  • Jade Empire, unlike some BioWare games, was not designed to be edited by players, but a certain amount has been achieved despite this.
  • Modding is a way of changing the form and playthrough of a game by manipulating its base coding. This can vary from changing colors of a character, to re-making a map or weapons, such as in Halo 2. Using the mods can significantly alter the processes of a game. As modding is sometimes used for cheating, it is not allowed on Xbox Live and the use of a modded Xbox on Xbox Live will result in a terminated account. However, Halo Custom Edition, an expansion of Halo PC, was created by Gearbox Software and is a legal form of modding. An example of a Meta Tag modding program is Halo Map Tools, or the more supported, advanced Eschaton. Existing modding programs examples are: SparkEdit, or SwordEdit as the Mac equivalent is named, and DotHalo. DotHalo is viewed via winzip for certain computers.
  • Modding is a slang expression that is derived from the verb "modify". The term can refer to the act of modifying a piece of hardware or software or anything else for that matter, to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer. It is a term generally applied to PC games, especially first-person shooters, RPGs and real-time strategy games. Mods are made by the general public or a developer, and can be entirely new games in themselves, but mods are not standalone software and require the user to have the original release in order to run. They can include new items, weapons, characters, enemies, models, textures, levels, story lines, music, and game modes. They also usually take place in unique locations. They can be single-player or multiplayer. Mods that add new content to the underlying game are often called partial conversions, while mods that create an entirely new game are called total conversions and mods that fix bugs are called unofficial patches. The Internet provides an inexpensive medium to promote and distribute mods, and they have become an increasingly important factor in the commercial success of some games, such as Spore, through websites such as Sporedum & SporeMods
  • This article contains information about modding The Witcher computer game. It assumes that: * You are already familiar with the directory layout. If not, see Game layout. * You have extracted the original game data. If not, see Extracting game data.
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