  • Swashbuckler
  • Swashbuckler
  • A swashbuckler was a heroic individual who engaged in swordplay. In 2266, seeing a recent pattern in unusual crew behavior due to polywater intoxication, Spock described Hikaru Sulu to James T. Kirk as (being) "at heart, a swashbuckler out of your 18th century." This was after the helmsman, while under the influence of polywater, brandished a sword and chased crewmen around level two's corridor three of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "The Naked Time" )
  • The debonair rake whose wit is as sharp as his sword. The sassy elf maiden who takes up the blade despite her fathers wishes. The traveler on the high seas mastering rope and rig as he does blade and bow. All of these are classic examples of the swashbuckler, daring adventurers who live on the edge of their swords and who dive headlong into danger. A swashbuckler is a fierce opponent in melee combat as well as a respectable ranged combatant, but it is their style and pinache which set them apart from other warriors.
  • Swashbuckler is Isabela's specialization in Dragon Age II.
  • Swashbuckler is an alias adopted by several heroes over the years.
  • The following are changes in the Swashbuckler class from its listing in Paizo material.
  • An American superhero who fought in World War II.
  • Ahoy, matey! Batten down the hatches! Shiver me timbers! Brush up on your favorite pirate slang for deviantWEAR's "Swashbuckler" shirt. Serious business in the front, with a sweet gold coin on the left sleeve this shirt lets everyone know that there will be no walking the plank for you. Yo-ho-ho! Prepare to be boarded. Yarrragh!
  • The Swashbuckler's origin and background have yet to be revealed. What little is known surfaced during Carter's only recorded meeting with Batman, an adventure in which he assisted the Dark Knight Detective in apprehending the Riddler. By Carter's own account, he was trained by his uncle, Greg Saunders, the 1940's hero the Vigilante. Carter was reluctant to give any further details, however. His surname suggests that he may be the son of one of Sally Saunder's siblings, although biographical information on the late Mrs. Saunders is scarce.
  • O swashbuckler é uma classe de combatentes.
  • Swashbuckler is Spider880's Red Puffle.
  • The word swashbuckler generally describes a protagonist who is heroic and idealistic to the bone and who rescues damsels in distress. His opponent is typically characterised as the dastardly villain. There is a long list of swashbucklers who combine outstanding courage, swordfighting skill, resourcefulness, chivalry and a distinctive sense of honor and justice, as for example The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Robin Hood and Zorro.
  • Swashbuckler (a.k.a. swasher) is a term that emerged in the 16th century and has been used for rough, noisy and boastful swordsmen ever since. A possible explanation for this term is that it derives from a fighting style using a side-sword with a buckler in the off-hand, which was applied with much "swashing and making a noise on the buckler". Later the name "swashbuckler" (like Gunslinger) became common for an archetype and the accordant special film genre.In Italy the genre was known as Cappa e spada.
  • The swashbuckler embodies the concepts of daring and panache. Favoring agility and wit over brute force, the swashbuckler excels both in combat situations and social interactions, making her a versatile character indeed.
  • Swashbucklers are pirate minifigures who appeared in 4850307 LEGO Battles. They have grey hair and carries two cutlasses each. They appeared only in the cutscenes, but in the game they are mounted on horses, not on foot.
  • Introduction: This is my first Handbook, and as you can see from the title, it is devoted to the Swashbuckler. Now you might wonder, why Swashbuckler? First of, there was no Handbook. And 2nd, I think there is more to them than a 3 level dip. Also, special note to Dictum Mortuum, for the great guide to writing handbooks -boffer
  • Swashbuckler is one of the classes that can be selected in Elder Tale.
  • One of the basic character templates provided by Turbine. It replaced the original Blademaster template. Its description is as follows: SWASHBUCKLERS are specialists in the art of swordfighting [sic]. Few compare to their daring or their skill. The Swashbuckler profession contains the Arcane Lore, Dual Wield, Heavy Weapons, Item Enchantment, Healing and Melee Defense skills. * For the pre-Master of Arms template, see Swashbuckler/Archive
  • It is also the third-highest rank given for PvP Infamy. To achieve this rank, a pirate must already be a Buccaneer and then earn 2,000 additional points in pirate vs. pirate fights. It takes 4,500 total Infamy points to reach this rank. * Both Unlimited Access and Basic Access players can earn badges, but only Unlimited Access members can display a badge they earn.
  • The Swashbuckler is a specialized Combat class focusing on fighting with . How to Obtain: Reaching this class requires a Mystic/Item balance regardless of what the original class type is, while Sword has to be the highest Weapon skill. From Freelancer simply keep the balance while training swords. Upgrade Options: Keeping the Mystic/Item balance is not an easy task, but it's the only way to obtain the next rank of the Combat classes: X360
  • Founded after a great war with the Orcs and a difficult conflict with the Vampire Lord, the Swashbuckler came to be the front line force of the Moon Elves, always there to stand firm against the darkness that sought to destoy Chantra. As a close range combatant wielding two swords, the elegant and agile Swashbuckler is able to inflict great damage on their enemies, whilst also dodging incoming attacks with ease.
  • Swashbucklers are melee combat specialized thieves. Please see Thief page for the basic thief information which will not be redundantly listed here. Advantages: * +1 bonus to armor class at the start and +1 bonus every five levels (+9 AC at level 40). * +1 bonus to THAC0 and damage every five levels (+8 to-hit and damage at level 40). * May become specialized in all melee weapons a thief may use. This is an extra +1 to-hit and +2 damage (but does not gain extra 1/2 attack warrior Classes get for weapon specialization). * Can invest up to three points in two weapons style instead of one point (an extra +2 to-hit with main hand and +4 to-hit with off hand compared to other thieves). * Gains the ability to take Whirlwind Attack high level ability from the Fighter pool multip
  • Level
  • 8.620000
Row 1 info
  • Combatente
  • 160
Icon Number
  • 30
  • Specialization
  • Cutlasses
Row 2 info
  • desconhecida
Row 1 title
  • Categoria
Row 2 title
  • Tendência
Icon Color
  • Blue
  • H
Icon Border
  • 3
  • Item / Mystic Balance
  • Highest Weapon: Sword
  • Obtainable by getting both addons of Pirate Outfits.
  • Combat
Box Title
  • Swashbuckler
  • 4850307
  • Faction
  • Hero
  • Bucklers
  • Cloth
  • Leather
  • Chain
  • Throwing Weapons
  • One-handed Weapons
  • Playing in Spider880's Igloo
  • no
  • Vanguard
  • Guerrilla
  • Swashbuckler
  • Swashbuckler
  • 270
  • 盗剣士 or スワッシュバックラー
  • Swashbuckler
  • 10
  • 6
  • Swashbuckler.png
  • 4
  • 3
  • Ye be a gentleman o' fortune, fightin' and carousin' on the high seas, out fer booty and lassies! Ye no be answerin' to no man or blasted monarchy and yer life ain't fer the lily-livered. Aye, matey!
  • Isabela's personal take on dueling includes a plethora of dirty tricks.
  • yes
  • 2009
  • Yes
  • 2
  • Male
  • Fine
  • Ambush, Triple Threat, and Shadow Dance are now attacks and cause Ambush now causes
  • Duelist
  • Sword
  • HP
  • Spider880's Igloo
mp level
  • Slightly Above Average
hp level
  • Slightly Above Average
  • Bluff, Craft , Diplomacy, Lore, Parry, Taunt, and Tumble.
  • Swashbucklers are melee combat specialized thieves. Please see Thief page for the basic thief information which will not be redundantly listed here. Advantages: * +1 bonus to armor class at the start and +1 bonus every five levels (+9 AC at level 40). * +1 bonus to THAC0 and damage every five levels (+8 to-hit and damage at level 40). * May become specialized in all melee weapons a thief may use. This is an extra +1 to-hit and +2 damage (but does not gain extra 1/2 attack warrior Classes get for weapon specialization). * Can invest up to three points in two weapons style instead of one point (an extra +2 to-hit with main hand and +4 to-hit with off hand compared to other thieves). * Gains the ability to take Whirlwind Attack high level ability from the Fighter pool multiple times in place of Assassination once. Disadvantage: * No Backstab multiplier for attacks when invisible. Still receives +4 to-hit bonus for attacking from hiding.
  • A swashbuckler was a heroic individual who engaged in swordplay. In 2266, seeing a recent pattern in unusual crew behavior due to polywater intoxication, Spock described Hikaru Sulu to James T. Kirk as (being) "at heart, a swashbuckler out of your 18th century." This was after the helmsman, while under the influence of polywater, brandished a sword and chased crewmen around level two's corridor three of the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "The Naked Time" )
  • The debonair rake whose wit is as sharp as his sword. The sassy elf maiden who takes up the blade despite her fathers wishes. The traveler on the high seas mastering rope and rig as he does blade and bow. All of these are classic examples of the swashbuckler, daring adventurers who live on the edge of their swords and who dive headlong into danger. A swashbuckler is a fierce opponent in melee combat as well as a respectable ranged combatant, but it is their style and pinache which set them apart from other warriors.
  • The Swashbuckler is a specialized Combat class focusing on fighting with . How to Obtain: Reaching this class requires a Mystic/Item balance regardless of what the original class type is, while Sword has to be the highest Weapon skill. From Freelancer simply keep the balance while training swords. Upgrade Options: Keeping the Mystic/Item balance is not an easy task, but it's the only way to obtain the next rank of the Combat classes: X360 * Warrior: Two-Handed 9 or Power Grip 9, STR41+ * Fencer: One-Handed 9 or Dual Wield 9, STR41+ * Warrior: One-Handed 9 and Power Grip 9, STR41+ * Fencer: One-Handed 9 and Dual Wield 9, STR41+ Letting the scale tip in either direction, allowing either Items or Mystics to become significant, will likely result in an Item, Item+Combat or Mystic+Combat class change upon reaching STR41, depending on the individual skill levels. The only way to prevent this is to not meet the skill requirements for any of these classes. Mystic classes are also an option if Mystics are developed to be the only significant skill group.
  • Swashbuckler is Isabela's specialization in Dragon Age II.
  • Swashbuckler is an alias adopted by several heroes over the years.
  • Founded after a great war with the Orcs and a difficult conflict with the Vampire Lord, the Swashbuckler came to be the front line force of the Moon Elves, always there to stand firm against the darkness that sought to destoy Chantra. As a close range combatant wielding two swords, the elegant and agile Swashbuckler is able to inflict great damage on their enemies, whilst also dodging incoming attacks with ease. Using a number of unique skills the Swashbuckler is able to maximise their damage by working in conjuction with other classes, chaining their skills together magnifying the effect of each skill within the chain.
  • The following are changes in the Swashbuckler class from its listing in Paizo material.
  • An American superhero who fought in World War II.
  • Ahoy, matey! Batten down the hatches! Shiver me timbers! Brush up on your favorite pirate slang for deviantWEAR's "Swashbuckler" shirt. Serious business in the front, with a sweet gold coin on the left sleeve this shirt lets everyone know that there will be no walking the plank for you. Yo-ho-ho! Prepare to be boarded. Yarrragh!
  • The Swashbuckler's origin and background have yet to be revealed. What little is known surfaced during Carter's only recorded meeting with Batman, an adventure in which he assisted the Dark Knight Detective in apprehending the Riddler. By Carter's own account, he was trained by his uncle, Greg Saunders, the 1940's hero the Vigilante. Carter was reluctant to give any further details, however. His surname suggests that he may be the son of one of Sally Saunder's siblings, although biographical information on the late Mrs. Saunders is scarce.
  • O swashbuckler é uma classe de combatentes.
  • Swashbuckler is Spider880's Red Puffle.
  • The word swashbuckler generally describes a protagonist who is heroic and idealistic to the bone and who rescues damsels in distress. His opponent is typically characterised as the dastardly villain. There is a long list of swashbucklers who combine outstanding courage, swordfighting skill, resourcefulness, chivalry and a distinctive sense of honor and justice, as for example The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Robin Hood and Zorro.
  • Swashbuckler (a.k.a. swasher) is a term that emerged in the 16th century and has been used for rough, noisy and boastful swordsmen ever since. A possible explanation for this term is that it derives from a fighting style using a side-sword with a buckler in the off-hand, which was applied with much "swashing and making a noise on the buckler". Later the name "swashbuckler" (like Gunslinger) became common for an archetype and the accordant special film genre.In Italy the genre was known as Cappa e spada.
  • The swashbuckler embodies the concepts of daring and panache. Favoring agility and wit over brute force, the swashbuckler excels both in combat situations and social interactions, making her a versatile character indeed.
  • Swashbucklers are pirate minifigures who appeared in 4850307 LEGO Battles. They have grey hair and carries two cutlasses each. They appeared only in the cutscenes, but in the game they are mounted on horses, not on foot.
  • Introduction: This is my first Handbook, and as you can see from the title, it is devoted to the Swashbuckler. Now you might wonder, why Swashbuckler? First of, there was no Handbook. And 2nd, I think there is more to them than a 3 level dip. Also, special note to Dictum Mortuum, for the great guide to writing handbooks -boffer
  • Swashbuckler is one of the classes that can be selected in Elder Tale.
  • One of the basic character templates provided by Turbine. It replaced the original Blademaster template. Its description is as follows: SWASHBUCKLERS are specialists in the art of swordfighting [sic]. Few compare to their daring or their skill. The Swashbuckler profession contains the Arcane Lore, Dual Wield, Heavy Weapons, Item Enchantment, Healing and Melee Defense skills. * For the pre-Master of Arms template, see Swashbuckler/Archive
  • It is also the third-highest rank given for PvP Infamy. To achieve this rank, a pirate must already be a Buccaneer and then earn 2,000 additional points in pirate vs. pirate fights. It takes 4,500 total Infamy points to reach this rank. * Both Unlimited Access and Basic Access players can earn badges, but only Unlimited Access members can display a badge they earn.
is Name of
is Type of
is Specialization of
is Classes of