  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon
  • Pokémon (Perverse oder kranke einzellige Monster ohne Namen) sind Lebewesen, welche bis heute noch nicht richtig erforscht wurden. Sie wurden erstmals in Asien (Japan) gesichtet, als ein kleiner Junge (Takahaschi) ein Bisachu und ein Schicki kämpfen sah. Er entwickelte zu diesen Wesen zahlreiche Spiele, darunter Pokémon Feuergrün. Heute lebt Takahaschi auf Hawaii und geniesst sein Leben. __TOC__
  • The English adaption of the series was licensed by 4Kids Entertainment, but in 2006 it was moved to the Pokémon Company.
  • Pokémon (do inglês: Pocket Monsters — "monstros de bolso") é uma série de jogos para videogame criada pela Nintendo e muito popular no mundo; caso fosse uma empresa separada, "Pokémon" seria uma das dez mais vendidas no planeta. A série foi criada por Satoshi Tajiri e consiste no uso de criaturas fictícias chamadas pokémons, que possuem diversas habilidades e espécies. O Treinador Pokémon captura-as com pokébolas e pode usá-las em batalhas contra outros treinadores, pode criá-las ou inscrevê-las em concursos.
  • Pokémon, abreviación de Pocket Monsters 「ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?」 es una serie de anime basada en su mayoría en los videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Fue creada en Japón por Satoshi Tajiri, Junichi Masuda y Ken Sugimori, siendo producida por los estudios Oriental Light and Magic y licenciada por The Pokémon Company desde 2006. Comenzó su andadura por la televisión japonesa en 1997 y todavía hoy sigue en emisión, contando con más de 960 episodios.
  • Pokémon may refer to: * The game Pokémon Go * The creatures that can be captured in Pokémon Go, listed .
  • thumb Pokémon es una franquicia de videojuegos creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995, que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc.
  • Pokémon kan verwijzen naar: * Pokémon (anime)
  • thumb|right|290px|Podobizeň niektorých pokémonov Pokémon, známy aj ako pokéjmon, je najznámejší typ politického zvera, ktorý údajne pochádza z Japonska, ale nie je to overené. Podľa týchto zverov bol neskôr nakreslený aj rovnomenný animovaný seriál, ktorý napáchal vážne škody vo svete.
  • thumb|352pxPokémon er en mediafranchise som eies av Nintendo.
  • Die ersten Spiele (Pokémon Rot (Japan) und Pokémon Grün (Japan)) sind in Japan am 27. 02. 1996 erschienen. In den USA am 30.09.1998 und in Europa am 30.10.1999.
  • Pokémon is a children's Japanese anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. it holds a TV-Y7-FV rating. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is part of the Pokémon franchise.
  • Es gibt sehr viele verschiedene Editionen der Pokémon, jede einzelne ausgefallener und abwechslungsreicher als der Vorgänger.
  • Wikia zum Thema Pokémon. Kategorie:Inaktiv (+1000 Artikel) Kategorie:Anime und/oder Manga Kategorie:Sammelkartenspiele Kategorie:Computerspiele (Action) Kategorie:Filme
  • Pokémon ist ein Anime und Manga. Pokémon (engl. Pocketmonster = Taschenmonster) sind Wesen, die in verschiedenen Regionen einer Fantasiewelt leben, gefangen und trainiert werden können. Bisher wurden 649 Arten in 8 Regionen von ihnen entdeckt.
  • Ahora en mis últimos momentos de ocio y tiempo libre he decidido jugar Pokémon Crystal, aquí lo que he hecho hasta ahora:
  • Pokémon é um anime baseado em uma série de jogos da Nintendo criada por Satoshi Tajiri. O anime conta as aventuras de Ash Ketchum um garoto que sonha em se tornar o maior mestre Pokémon.
  • Pokémon is a video game franchise owned by Nintendo and developed by Gamefreak that made it's first release on the Game Boy and has turned into one of the most successful video-game media franchises by Nintendo. The series involves creatures of different types and elements fighting each other in a rock-paper-scissors-like fashion with the player trying to catch and train them. It became one of the world's most recognizable fads and it was popular enough to spawn an anime, toys, many movies, and a manga. It's the second largest selling video game franchise of all time, only surpassed by Mario Bros, another franchise owned by Nintendo.
  • __INDEX__ Pokémon Image:Kratos_rendering_concept.jpg Originaltitel Sprache Land Jahr(e) Genre Format Idee Regie Titellied Musik Episoden Staffeln Produktion ausführende Produzenten Produzent(en) Produktions-Unternehmen Länge Ausstrahlung Premiere Premiere (DE) Bildformat Pokémon ist eine japanische Animeserie, die seit 1997 produziert wird. Die Erstausstrahlung in Japan war am 1. April 1997 bei TV Tokyo. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war am 1. September 1999 bei RTL II.
  • Pokémon is a Japanese animated reality TV show where the host, Ash Ketchum is a gay kid that likes watching Gumball porn and advertizes animal merchandise and competes in cockfights for a living. It's based on a video game series. By the time the 7th generation is out, there will be over 1000 episodes.It has a knockoff called Chinpokomon, which means PINGAS Monster.
  • Pokémon - z jęz. ang. - Pocket Monsters - kieszonkowe potwory. (jap. ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā). Pokémony - Fikcyjne stworzenia zapoczątkoawły w 1995 roku, kiedy to wyszły na GameBoy pocket.
  • Pokémon es una franquicia, que originalmente comenzó como un videojuego, pero debido a su popularidad ha logrado expandirse a otros medios de entretenimiento como series de televisión, juegos de cartas, ropa, entre otros, convirtiéndose en una marca que es reconocida en el mercado mundial volviéndose muy polémica al igual.
  • Pokémon - japoński serial animowany oparty na serii gier wideo rozgrywający się w fikcyjnym świecie z ponad 600 wymyślonymi stworkami nazywanymi Pokémonami. Jest emitowany nieprzerwanie od 1997 roku do dziś. Serial został podzielony na 15 sezonów i 4 duże serie. Opowiada o 10-letnim chłopcu imieniem Ash, stworku Pikachu i jego przyjaciołach, którzy razem podróżują po świecie poznając nowe Pokémony i trenerów.
  • The Pokémon franchise has made references to the Godzilla franchise since it first began. __TOC__
  • Pokémon are characters created and owned by The Pokémon Company. In Smosh, Pokémon characters appear in the POKEMON IN REAL LIFE! series and other videos. The Pokémon in Smosh are most commonly Smosh actors dressed up in Pokémon costumes. Multiple Smosh actors have acted as Pokémon characters, including Lee Eisenhower, Patrick Egan, and Noah Grossman. Kalel Cullen acted out the part of Jigglypuff, one of her few Smosh appearances.
  • 200px|right|thumb|Logo-ul Pokémon Pokémon este o franciză media controlată de Nintendo şi creată de Satoshi Tajiri în anul 1996. Numele Pokémon este o abreviere a cuvintelor Pocket Monsters, ce în traducere înseamnă monştri de buzunar.
  • Pokémon is a long running anime/game franchise with massive popularity worldwide. Gotta catch them all! Except they keep making new ones! Note: This verse is for joke profiles relating to the series. More serious profiles go here.
  • thumb|right|Offizieles Pokemon Logo Die Pokémon (Pocket Monster) sind die Wesen, um die sich alles in den Spielen und in der TV-Serie Pokémon dreht und wurden von Satoshi Tajiri erfunden. Pokémon hat weltweit über 150 Millionen verkaufte Spiele und es gibt sogar Pokémon-Autos und ein Pokémon-Flugzeug.
  • Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) are strange creatures that live in the forests and lakes.
  • This article describes how Pokémon work in-game, including how individual Pokémon are defined and other general information relating to them.
  • Pokémon (Abreviado de Pocket Monsters, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonés) es una serie de anime, que está basada en la serie de videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Creada en Japón y adaptado para la televisión norteamericana, Pokémon es la serie más larga y completa de la televisión que se basó en los vídeojuegos y es parte de la franquicia.
  • thumb| Pokémon (jap. ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters) ist international erfolgreicher Anime. Er basiert auf einer Videospielreihe von Nintendo und richtet sich in Europa und Amerika an jüngere Kinder. In Japan jedoch, beschäftigen sich auch viele ältere Leute mit Pokémon.
  • Les Pokémon [ɔ̃] (ポケモン) sont des petits monstres vivant près de chez vous, dans vos égouts ou dans la forêt détruisant l'écosystème humain. Ils causent, par exemple, des incendies l'été, polluent les cours d'eau avec leur attaque "détritus" ou interfèrent avec les ondes radios à cause de leur attaque électrique. Il s'agit d'une nuisance à éradiquer au plus vite et pour cela il faut tous les attraper. « Les pokémons sont nos amis, maintenant attrapez les tous et forcez les à combattre entre eux !!! » ~ Sacha Guitry à propos de son rôle dans la série culte.
  • Pokémon (manchmal auch Pokemon geschrieben) ist eine japanische Anime-Serie. Die Serie basiert auf einer Fantasy-Welt in der Monster von Spielern trainiert werden können. Diese Fantasy-Welt wurde unter anderem für Videospiele vermarktet.
  • Chuck Norris caught Cubone's Mother with one single pokéball.
  • Le Wiki Pokémon est un wiki traitant de l'univers des Pokémon. Nous vous invitons à contribuer à la réussite de ce wiki afin qu'il apporte aux contributeurs les informations recherchées.
  • thumb|right|400px|Logotip oficial de Pokémon a occident.Pokémon (també abreviat PKMN, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonès) és una franquícia multimilionària de Videojocs de tipus RPG per a Game Boy, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, i Wii, creada per Satoshi Tajiri el 1996. El seu èxit va ser tal que va abastar altres camps de l'entreteniment com sèries d'Anime, una de Manga i una gran varietat d'articles de col·lecció, com cartes, ninots, etc...
  • This is also known as Pocket Monsters. Like ma panis
  • Los Pokemón, son las criaturas que debes atrapar como objetivo en Pokémon GO. Los Pokémon aparecen alrededor del mapa cuando caminas por la ciudad, dependiendo del nivel de entrenador es que podrás descubrir nuevos y cada vez más poderosos Pokémon. Los Pokémon que atrapes pueden ser mejorados, evolucionados y utilizados para retar Gimnasios rivales. Actualmente solo los Pokémon de la Primera Generación están disponibles en el juego.
  • Pokémon destroyed Star Ocean in the Series Contest, giving us yet another opportunity to laugh at an incredulous Heroic Mario upset pick. Didn't do half-bad against Metroid either. Characters from the series who have made it into a Character Battle Contest include: * Pikachu * Mewtwo * Nidoran F * Mudkip * Bidoof * Lucario * Charizard * Pokemon Trainer Red * Missingno * Pokemon Trainer Blue * Lugia * Jigglypuff * N * Squirtle * Magikarp Apparently Pokemon characters are L-Block's weakness.
  • Pokémon is an anime created for OLM,Inc studios and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment. Ling-Ling is a spoof of Pikachu. In A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special, several Pokémon characters have appeared in the shot where they were introduced to Xandir by Spanky, they are all wearing businessmen suit: Including Pikachu, himself, Jigglypuff, and some random parodied pokémons. They appear later in Jun-Jee's wedding with Toot in Freaks & Greeks.
  • Pokémon is an animated anime television series in that started in Japan and later on was moved to America and is still around today. It is also a large series of video games released by Nintendo and various Pokémon movies have been released. The first few were released in theaters while others afterwards were released straight to DVD. Pokémon has also been referenced a few times on the Simpsons.
  • thumb|225px|Logo Pokémonów thumb|225px|Nie no, to już przesada... 225px|thumb|right|Pokémony w prawdziwym życiu Pokémony - fikcyjne stwory wymyślone w Japonii, o których powstało mnóstwo gier, anime i innych pierdół. Z wyglądu są to jakieś dziwne mutanty jak np. żaba z kwiatkiem na głowie czy kamień z oczami. Stwory te żyją sobie w jakimś dziwnym świecie, gdzie trenerzy mogą je łapać do Pokéballi, a potem organizować spektakularne walki zwierząt. Ta gra wciągała i dzieci nie wychodziły z domu, więc powstało Pokemon Go. Teraz już tylko nie wracają do domu.
  • Pokémon is media franchise that began life as a video game, and has expanded into cartoons, toys, and other merchandise.
  • Pokémon is a Japanese creation enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Conservatives hate Pokémon, because it's a cool thing that young people like and most Conservatives are old. Pokémon isn't traditional and they can't control it. The website we've quoted? Well?
  • In the Pokemon world, these monsters roam the world, similar to wild animals (regardless of what they are shaped like but they can either be similar in design to a Fraggle, Digimon, Moshi Monster, Alien, Transformer or any kind beyond the creatures that Pokemon can be shaped like), perferring to hide in tall grass, mountains, caves or bodies of water among other places. If they come across a human, they viciously attack. For this reason, the humans, referred to as "trainers" have developed a method of capturing Pokemon in handheld capsules called "Pokeballs," which allow the trainer to command the Pokemon to do his or her bidding, which includes defending the trainer from other pokemon.
  • Die Pokémon sind eine, aus aktuell 719 Mitgliedern bestehende, Fabelwesen-artige Spezies, die hauptsächlich in der Pokémon-Serie, aber auch seit Super Smash Bros. in der Mario-Serie, auftreten. Pokémon werden in 18 Elemente eingeteilt, welche hauptsächlich deren Attacken, Fähigkeiten und Schwachpunkte beeinflussen. Pokémon leben in freier Wildbahn, werden allerdings von Pokémon-Trainern eingefangen, um sie als Haustiere zu halten, oder gegeneinander antreten zu lassen.
  • Nintendo had to stop manufacturing the Japanese version of the Trading Card called "Koga's Ninja Trick" because it had a "manji", which is a traditionally Buddhist symbol that has no negative connotations. The Jewish civil rights group Anti-Defamation League, however complained because the manji was the reverse of a swastika, which Jewish people consider offensive. The cards were originally intented for sale in Japan only, but Pokémon's popularity led them to be imported to the US, with approval from Nintendo. The Anti-Defamation League understood that the issue symbol was not intented to be offensive and acknowledged the sensitivity that Nintendo showed when they removed the product.
  • Pokémon is one of Nintendo's most famous video game franchises, having been created by Satoshi Tajiri, the president of the Game Freak Inc. Upon the release of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, the franchise became popular enough in Japan that Nintendo started to release it in other countries such as North America, Australia and those within Europe under the names of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Some time after, Nintendo expanded the franchise into an anime series and a trading card game. The series follows a concept of a Pokémon Trainer that goes across a land capturing and training different creatures known as Pokémon in order to defeat other Trainer's Pokémon and eventually (after defeating the Elite Four) become the Pokémon champion. The franchise originally had 151 Pokémon, but as of n
  • The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, "Pocket Monsters" (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon".
  • Pokémon is a popular media franchise owned and originated by Japenese video game company, Nintendo. Following its first video game release, Pokémon soon became a hit and was soon featured in more games, anime, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The 2011 line of the Pokémon toys included, Pikachu, Reshiram, Zekrom, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Zorua, Zoroark. Additionally, random cards for the Pokémon card game are included in the line. The commercials promoting the 2012 line showed the characters from the Farm era alongside Pikachu.
  • Pokémon is a role-playing video game franchise owned by Nintendo and mostly developed by Game Freak. It first released in 1995 as Pokémon Red and Green, and arriving worldwide as Pokémon Red and Blue. The games were critically acclaimed by critics, and the series soon had a large fanbase. The Pokémon franchise continues strong today with over 180 million sold copies, an anime adaptation, manga adaptations, toys, spinoffs, and a trading card game.
  • Originally released in 1996 in the form of two video games, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, Pokémon has since gained worldwide media and attention, and become one of the leading trademarks of the Nintendo company in the form of the Electric Mouse Pokémon, Pikachu.
  • Pokémon (pronounced Pocketmen or Pocketrash in PAL regions) are a species of five hundred and twenty-seven+ creatures (more or less) scattered around the Isle of Stupidity. They "star" in the Pokémon series. They are not to be confused with the entirely and in every way different Pokemon, which is a type of disease that can't be cured.
  • Video Games Main Series: * Pokémon Red and Blue(Also Red and Green, Yellow,Fire Red and Leaf Green) * Pokémon Gold and Silver(Also Crystal, Heart Goldand Soul Silver) * Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire(Also Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire) * Pokémon Diamond and Pearl(Also Platinum) * Pokémon Black and White * Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 * Pokemon X and Y * Pokémon Stadiumand Battle Revolution * Pokémon Colosseumand XD: Gale of Darkness * Pokémon Ranger * Pokémon Mystery Dungeon * Pokémon Pinball * Pokémon Rumble * Poke Park Wii * Pokémon Snap * Hey You Pikachu * Pokémon Channel * My Pokémon Ranch * Pokémon Conquest * Pokémon anime * Pokémon films * Pokémontrading card game * Various Pokémonma
  • The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 649 Pokémon species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the most recent Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Black and White. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon". Nintendo originally translated Poketto Monsutā literally, but a naming conflict with the Monster in My Pocket toy line caused Nintendo to rebrand the franchis
  • Pokémon learn various moves, dependent on their type, which are used for battles. A Pokémon has HP (Hit or Health Points) and PP (Power Points). HP is the stamina of a Pokémon. Without health, the Pokémon can no longer fight, and faints. PP is similar to HP, but is used for attacks. If the PP of a move runs out, the Pokémon can't use that move again until healed or given a special item. If the PP of ALL of the attacks run out, the Pokémon can only use the move Struggle. To heal a Pokémon's HP and PP, its trainer must heal it at a Pokémon Center, or give it certain items, such as Ether, which restores 10 PP of a move, and Elixir, which restores 10 PP of all moves.
  • The Pokémon card game which was started in 1999 is a card game based on the Pokémon game and anime series. The first set was simply called 'Base Set' but it soon grew into something more. The basic outline of the Pokémon cards (Not including energies and trainers, which have remained basically the same) from 'Base Set' to 'E-Expedition' was as follows. In the top left corner it showed a small picture of the previous stage if it had one. Then at the top to the right it would say what the card evolves from... For example; Stage 2 Evolves from Kadabra Put Alakazam on the stage 1 Pokemon
  • Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?), abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā) and currently advertised in English as Pokémon: The Series, is a Japanese anime television series, which has been adapted for the international television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a part of the Pokémon franchise.
  • Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon), abbreviated from Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā), is a Japanese animated series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a significant part of the Pokémon franchise.
  • Welcome to the Pokémon category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately!
  • Pokémon is essentially the brainchild of a fat American watching popcorn. It's thought the idea for pokemon came about randomly in the form of a dove - that flew into the window of video game designer Mr Yagamuchi. Yagamuchi quickly turned on his window electricity and laughed stereotypically fanaticly at the cooked bird. Later collecting his fried bird he began playing "war" with the deceased bird's various limbs and using the feathers in a complicated way of calculating "damage".
  • Pokémon is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become one of the most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchises in the world. Pokémon properties have been merchandized into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Pokémon.
  • thumb|250px|Logo oficial de Pokémon en occidente. Pokémon (también abreviado PKMN; Pocket Monsters en japonés) es una franquicia de videojuegos que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc.
  • “Logré salir…” El entrenador Pokémon había pasado la semana entera en esas cavernas. Se había comido todo lo que había y había mantenido a sus Pokémon tan saludables como pudo… dadas las circunstancias. Y todo lo que podía ver era blanco. “Tengo qué seguir…” El joven entrenador continuó con su duelo mental, tratando de regresar incluso si sabía que no podía. El entrenador miró su cinturón, o al menos lo que podía ver a través del clima, y agarró una Pokéball. La bola contenía a su Pidgeot, que podía volar para sacarlo de ahí. Pero él sabía que no podía. “¡No puedo volar así!” “No puedo regresar. No.
  • seit 1997
  • 870
  • No
Data premiery
  • 1997-04-01
  • 1998-09-08
  • Gaming
nombre solicitado
  • es.po-ke-mon
  • es.pokefanon
  • es.pokestorys
  • es.ideaspokemon
  • es.pokemon
  • es.pokpiruleta
  • es.pokehistorias-fanon
  • es.poke-inventados
  • es.pokecreated
  • es.pokemonpedia
  • es.ball
  • es.bibliotecapkmn
  • es.fakepoke
  • es.fanonwikidex
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  • es.pkemon-fanon
  • es.pkmn
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  • es.pokeescritura
  • es.pokeespectaculos
  • es.pokeland
  • es.pokemewtwo
  • es.pokeminds
  • es.pokemon-estrategias
  • es.pokemon19th
  • es.pokemonfanon
  • es.pokemonfanones
  • es.pokemonfanonpokemon
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  • es.pokeprofe
  • es.poketown
  • es.pokexpertodex
  • es.tupropiapoke
  • es.yoh
  • es.zonaural
  • Männlich
  • Weiblich
Erster Auftritt
Erstausstrahlung (DE)
  • 1999-09-01
  • No
  • actif
  • Yes
  • 1997-04-01
  • 2016-02-12
  • Japan
  • 12307
Bislang letzter Auftritt
  • 1500.0
  • 1
  • ?
  • Lemon Petite
  • Poketto Monsutā
  • ポケットモンスター
  • Sebletoulousain
  • 2008-02-09
  • Japan
  • 10
  • ?
  • present
  • 1260.0
  • Inaktiv
  • lebendig
  • Active Broadcast
  • Pokémon-Wiki
  • Abenteuer
  • Action
  • Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
  • Abenteuer, Comedy, Shōnen, Action
  • Adventure, Comedy-drama, Fantasy
  • 1996
  • Logo of the English-language version of Pokémon.
  • © The Pokémon Company
  • 1997-04-01
  • Pokepèdia és el wiki en català de la sèrie Pokemón.
  • Actiu
nom sol·licitat
  • ca.pokemon
Oryginalny Tytuł
  • Poketto monsutâ
  • Japanisch
  • 14
  • pokefanon
  • pokemonfanon
  • 20
fanon name
  • PokéFanon
  • Pokémon Fanon Wiki
show name
  • Pokemon
  • En ésta Wiki puedes crear tus novelas pokémon. ¿Qué son las denominadas novelas Pokémon? ¡Historias que tu mismo puedes crear gracias a tu imaginación y las grandes herramientas que proporciona Wikia! En PokéEscritura apreciamos tu trabajo y siempre puedes pasar grandes momentos en nuestro chat. Hay todo tipo de concursos celebrados anualmente, incluso tú puedes crear el tuyo. Nuestra organización es muy elaborada así que no tendrás problemas para moverte por [[w:c:es.pokeescritura
  • PokéCity es más que un sitio donde crear fakes y novela; ¡es una ciudad! ¡Explórala y haz nuevos amigos!
  • Wiki sobre estrategias Pokémon de videojuegos y, aunque no tanto, de TCG.
  • La Wikia de Pokéfanon es una wiki donde uno puede crear cosas acerca de Pokémon. Fakémon, Regiones y Personajes. Mientras que no puedes insultar ni hacer spam, esta wiki es muy libre. Tanto españoles como hispanohablantes pueden crear sus cosas.
  • Wiki que recopila información sobre Pokémon y también es fanon.
  • Bienvenido a Biblioteca PKMN, el wiki de ocio Pokémon. Estamos creando muchas novelas o fakes, y tú también puedes estimular tu imaginación.
  • El mejor "Wikijuego" que puedas conocer
  • Es un Wiki de anime, dedicado más a Fanart.
  • Intentamos tener todo lo oficial del wiki
  • Wiki sobre "Pokémon".
  • Tu propia wiki Poke es una Wiki para crear un mundo Pokémon.
  • Wiki sobre "Pokémon" y todo lo que lo rodea: videojuegos, anime, manga, etc.
  • Es una wiki para los verdaderos amantes del mundo pokémon y, para los que tiene sed de aprender sobre este.
  • Una wiki que es un pueblo en el que tendrás muchos amigos,podrás crear Historias, tener tu equipo pokémon, atrapar otros pokémon y mucho más
  • Wikia para publicar Novelas de autoría propia y Pokénovelas, ofrecemos tutorías y ayuda para que los usuarios mejoren su capacidad de redacción, ortografía y narración. Eventualmente realizamos concursos y torneos entre escritores en toda clase de género literario para evaluar y premiar el avance realizado.
  • Wiki sobre Pokémon, puedes subir tus dibujos, hacer historietas, editar articulos, de todo, con tal que sea de pokémon
  • Pokeminds es una Wiki Fannon de la exitosa franquicia de Pokémon aun vigente. Nuestros objetivos son simples, dar vida a entrenadores, arcos argumentales de gran interés y más que nada Pokémon como no podría ser de otra forma, entre otras cosas interesantes que tenemos preparadas. ¡Los invitamos a unirse a nuestro mundo Pokeminds!
  • ZonAuraL Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata sobre Pokémon.
  • Wikipedia sobre pokémon y todo lo relacionado que a demás incluye páginas en las que los usuarios pueden escribir sus historias con cada pokémon.
  • Es una wiki que cuya idea es recopilar toda la información posible sobre pokémon y añadirle vuestras ideas nuevas sobre pokémon un nuevo tipo elemental, nuevos personajes de pokémon, nuevas regiones, nuevas evoluciones de pokémon, etc.
  • No es una wiki de pokémon común y corriente, si no una comunidad para que te diviertas de muchas maneras.
  • Wiki sobre Pokémon inventados, Fakémon, novelas y más.Diviertete y da rienda suelta a tu imaginación
  • Motel Poke, una wikia de pokemon donde creas novelas y tambien donde puedes tener una habitación.
  • Wiki sobre todo lo que sea acerca de Pokémon; donde realizar intercambios, torneos, series, etc. Actualmente tiene sus propios fanfics, torneos e intercambios.
  • los fans de Pokémon para darle la sensación de crear un entrenador,coordinador,Criador,Líder de gimnasio o Alto Mando puedes elegir como mejor te apetece porque !Tu eliges tu propio mundo ¡
  • La mejor wiki para crear historias de Pokémon. Ya contamos con varias de mas de 70 episodios tipo anime. La idea va en seguir una trama en tus historias ya sea te guste hacer viajes de entrenador, coordinador y hasta tipo Mundo Misterioso; de lo que te de la gana!... Siempre y cuando este relacionado con Pokémon.
  • PokéPiruleta es un Wiki en el que podrás conocer gente con todo tipo de gustos, pero eso sí: siempre hay diversión.
  • Wikipedia sobre las Noticias, videojuegos, etc de Pokémon
  • Wiki sobre Pokémon . También hay artículos para hackroms, juegos que no son hackroms y hasta links de descarga para los videojuegos
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  • Pokémon
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  • Nintendo
  • The Pokémon Company International
  • TAJ Productions <DuArt Film & Video
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  • DragonTrainer
  • EL J.C
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  • 2005-01-27
  • Ash Ketchum ist die Hauptfigur der Pokémonserie und ein sehr guter Trainer. Sein Anfangspokemon ist Pikachu, mit dem er durch dick und dünn geht. Ash stammt aus Alabastia und ist in der 1. Staffel gut mit den Trainern Misty und Rocko befreundet.
  • Als Ash und Rocko Misty kennen lernten, war sie noch Besitzerin und Leiterin der Arena in Azuria City. Doch als Ash und sein Pikachu ihr Fahrrad zerstörten, wollte sie, dass er es ersetze. Doch da Ash kein Geld hat, begleitet sie ihn, in der Hoffnung auf ein Fahrrad.Sie ist in Wasserpokemon verliebt aber hat nur angst vor Garados sie besitzt aber eines.Ihr Traum ist es besser als Lorelei einer der Top 4 in der Kanto-Region zu sein, sie ist ebenfalls Mistys Vorbild. Am Ende der 5. Staffel verlässt sie unsere Freunde jedoch wieder um sich ihrer Arena zu widmen, da ihre Schwestern auf Weltreise sind.
  • Sie ist eine talentierte Pokemonkoordinatorin . Ihr Anfangspokemon ist ein Flemmli. Sie nahm schon zweimal am großen Festival, dem ultimativen Pokemonwettbewerb, teil und kam dort unter die besten Vier. Maike kann auch mit Ash mithalten, hat als Rivalen aber Drew, der die oft zur Weißglut treibt. Erst mochte Maike keine Pokemon, sollte aber auf Wunsch ihres Vaters eine Pokemonreise machen. Dabei entdeckte sie die Pokemonwettbewerbe und wurde eine Koordinatorin. Die Pokemon schloss sie sehr schnell in ihr Herz.
  • Rocko ist der Arenaleiter von Mamoria City und kämpft mit Gestein-Pokemon. Außerdem verliebt er sich in jedes Mädchen, dem er begegnet und muss so von Misty, Max oder Glibunkel zurückgeschleift werden. Allerdings verliebt er sich nicht in die Hauptcharaktere wie Jessie, Misty, Maike oder Lucia. Rockos Traum ist es, ein weltbekannter Pokémonzüchter zu werden. Sein Onix bekam er als erstes Pokémon von seinem Vater geschenkt.
  • Pokémon.png
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  • la bêta Pokémon Online
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  • Pokémon Wiki
  • WikiDex
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  • Pokémon
  • WikiDex
  • pokemon
  • Wiki Po-ke-mon
  • Wiki Poké inventados
  • Wiki PokéPiruleta
  • pokemon
  • Biblioteca PKMN
  • Combates y todo lo relacionado con Pokémon.
  • Motel Poke
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  • Pokeespectaculos wiki
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  • Pokemon Fanon Wiki
  • Pokemon fanon Wiki
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  • Pokémon 19th
  • Pokémon Comuniti Wiki
  • Pokémon Estrategias
  • Pokémonpedia
  • Tu propio mundo Pokémon
  • Wiki Ball
  • Wiki Fanon WikiDex
  • Wiki Ideas pokémon
  • Wiki Pkémon Wiki
  • Wiki Pokecreated
  • Wiki Pokemon
  • Wiki Pokemon fanon
  • ZonAuraL Wiki
  • fr.pokemon
  • novelas pokémon, PokéEscritura
  • pokehistorias fanon
  • Drei Pokémon an der Seite eines Trainers
  • Ken Sugimori
  • Junichi Masuda
  • Satoshi Tajiri
wikipage disambiguates
Charaktere dieser Spezies
  • Mewtu, Lucario, Pichu, Bisaknosp, Pikachu, Pummeluff, Glurak, Schiggy und 711 weitere
  • Pokémon
  • 132463
  • Pokémon
  • 14
  • DarkBarbarian
Date de Début
  • 2008-05-08
  • de.pokemon
  • 29
Japanische Erstpublikation
  • 8081997
  • seit 1997
Anzahl Folgen
  • *898+ in 18+ Staffeln *17 Kinofilme
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung
  • 1091999
Deutsche Erstpublikation
  • ?
Anzahl Manga-Bände
  • ?
Japanische Erstausstrahlung
  • 1041997
Czas trwania odcinka
  • 1320.0
liczba sezonów
  • 15
  • Satoshi Tajiri
Od lat
  • 25
gatunek serialu
tytuł serialu
  • Pokémon
Name dt./Name jp.
  • Misty
  • Ash Ketchum
  • Maike
  • Rocko
  • Shōjo
  • Shōnen
Titre du projet Wiki
  • Wiki Pokémon
  • Team Ota
  • OLM, Inc.
  • Team Iguchi
  • Team Kato
  • thumb|250px|Logo oficial de Pokémon en occidente. Pokémon (también abreviado PKMN; Pocket Monsters en japonés) es una franquicia de videojuegos que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc. Antes de la llegada de Pokémon Rojo y Azul a España, se publicó una revista llamada Los libros de Neko: Pocket Monster's, que avanzaba detalles sobre la franquicia. Actualmente Pokémon en España dispone de una revista llamada Pokémon: La revista oficial para todos los lectores, distribuida y publicada por Panini Revistas.
  • In the Pokemon world, these monsters roam the world, similar to wild animals (regardless of what they are shaped like but they can either be similar in design to a Fraggle, Digimon, Moshi Monster, Alien, Transformer or any kind beyond the creatures that Pokemon can be shaped like), perferring to hide in tall grass, mountains, caves or bodies of water among other places. If they come across a human, they viciously attack. For this reason, the humans, referred to as "trainers" have developed a method of capturing Pokemon in handheld capsules called "Pokeballs," which allow the trainer to command the Pokemon to do his or her bidding, which includes defending the trainer from other pokemon. The most skilled trainers in the Pokemon world are an elite group of ten-year olds, which act as the protagonists of the games, but it is perfectly viable for adults to excel at the art of training pokemon as well. Pokemon come in an enormous amount of varieties, differing from being electric themed to water dwelling to having an affinity with fire, ice, rock or and even ghosts. At first, there were thought to be only either 150 or 151 Pokmeon in the world, but this number soon jumped with the release of Pokemon Gold and Silver, the second release of the games. This trend continued with each new generation, and it is likely that as long as Pokemon remains popular, which it probably will, more Pokemon are sure to appear in the future.
  • Pokémon (Perverse oder kranke einzellige Monster ohne Namen) sind Lebewesen, welche bis heute noch nicht richtig erforscht wurden. Sie wurden erstmals in Asien (Japan) gesichtet, als ein kleiner Junge (Takahaschi) ein Bisachu und ein Schicki kämpfen sah. Er entwickelte zu diesen Wesen zahlreiche Spiele, darunter Pokémon Feuergrün. Heute lebt Takahaschi auf Hawaii und geniesst sein Leben. __TOC__
  • The English adaption of the series was licensed by 4Kids Entertainment, but in 2006 it was moved to the Pokémon Company.
  • Pokémon (do inglês: Pocket Monsters — "monstros de bolso") é uma série de jogos para videogame criada pela Nintendo e muito popular no mundo; caso fosse uma empresa separada, "Pokémon" seria uma das dez mais vendidas no planeta. A série foi criada por Satoshi Tajiri e consiste no uso de criaturas fictícias chamadas pokémons, que possuem diversas habilidades e espécies. O Treinador Pokémon captura-as com pokébolas e pode usá-las em batalhas contra outros treinadores, pode criá-las ou inscrevê-las em concursos.
  • Pokémon, abreviación de Pocket Monsters 「ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?」 es una serie de anime basada en su mayoría en los videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Fue creada en Japón por Satoshi Tajiri, Junichi Masuda y Ken Sugimori, siendo producida por los estudios Oriental Light and Magic y licenciada por The Pokémon Company desde 2006. Comenzó su andadura por la televisión japonesa en 1997 y todavía hoy sigue en emisión, contando con más de 960 episodios.
  • The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, "Pocket Monsters" (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon". In November 2005, 4Kids Entertainment, which had managed the non-game related licensing of Pokémon, announced that it had agreed not to renew the Pokémon representation agreement. Pokémon USA Inc., a subsidiary of Japan's Pokémon Co., now oversees all Pokémon licensing outside of Asia.
  • Pokémon is one of Nintendo's most famous video game franchises, having been created by Satoshi Tajiri, the president of the Game Freak Inc. Upon the release of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, the franchise became popular enough in Japan that Nintendo started to release it in other countries such as North America, Australia and those within Europe under the names of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Some time after, Nintendo expanded the franchise into an anime series and a trading card game. The series follows a concept of a Pokémon Trainer that goes across a land capturing and training different creatures known as Pokémon in order to defeat other Trainer's Pokémon and eventually (after defeating the Elite Four) become the Pokémon champion. The franchise originally had 151 Pokémon, but as of now there are currently 802. Due to the series' abundance of characters, there have been many M.U.G.E.N Pokémon characters created by a vast array of different people, though the lack of any pre-existing sprites and the series' general popularity with all age groups makes it so Pokémon is considered a prime example of Sturgeon's Law when it comes to character content in regards to the M.U.G.E.N engine.
  • Pokémon may refer to: * The game Pokémon Go * The creatures that can be captured in Pokémon Go, listed .
  • Die Pokémon sind eine, aus aktuell 719 Mitgliedern bestehende, Fabelwesen-artige Spezies, die hauptsächlich in der Pokémon-Serie, aber auch seit Super Smash Bros. in der Mario-Serie, auftreten. Pokémon werden in 18 Elemente eingeteilt, welche hauptsächlich deren Attacken, Fähigkeiten und Schwachpunkte beeinflussen. Pokémon leben in freier Wildbahn, werden allerdings von Pokémon-Trainern eingefangen, um sie als Haustiere zu halten, oder gegeneinander antreten zu lassen. Bisher interargierten nur einzelne Pokémon mit Charakteren der Mario-Serie, der bekannteste Auftritt von diesem in der Super Smash Bros.-Reihe.
  • The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 649 Pokémon species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the most recent Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Black and White. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon". Nintendo originally translated Poketto Monsutā literally, but a naming conflict with the Monster in My Pocket toy line caused Nintendo to rebrand the franchise as "Pokémon." The game's catchphrase in the Japanese language versions of the franchise is "Let's Get Pokémon!" (ポケモンGETだぜ! Pokemon Getto Daze); in English language versions of the franchise, it was originally "Gotta catch 'em all!", although it is now no longer officially used except in the sidestory episodes airing under the name Pokémon Chronicles.
  • Pokémon is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become one of the most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchises in the world. Pokémon properties have been merchandized into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The name "Pokémon" is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand "Pocket Monsters" (Poketto Monsutā), such contractions being very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the hundreds of fictional species of monster that have made appearances in Pokémon media. (It should be noted that, like the words deer and sheep, the word "Pokémon" is identical in both the singular and plural.) Players are designated as Pokémon Trainers. One of the goals of a Pokémon game is for the player to train a team of powerful Pokémon from those they have caught to compete against teams owned by other Trainers, in orde eventually to become the strongest Trainer, the "Pokémon Master". In most incarnations of the fictional Pokémon universe, a Trainer that encounters a wild Pokémon is able to capture that Pokémon by throwing a specially designed, mass-producible spherical tool called a Poké Ball at it. If the Pokémon is unable to escape the confines of the Poké Ball, it is officially considered to be under the ownership of that Trainer. The other general goal in a Pokémon game is for players to complete their Pokédex by collecting all of the available Pokémon species found in the fictional region where the game takes place. The "Pokédex" is a fictional electronic device. In the video games, a Pokémon Trainer is issued a blank device at the start of the journey. Whenever a Pokémon is first captured, its data will be added to the Pokédex. "Pokédex" is also used to refer to a list of Pokémon, usually a list of Pokémon by number. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Pokémon.
  • Pokémon (pronounced Pocketmen or Pocketrash in PAL regions) are a species of five hundred and twenty-seven+ creatures (more or less) scattered around the Isle of Stupidity. They "star" in the Pokémon series. Pokémon are naturally incubated in little orbs of fatal torture throughout their lives, or at least they were until some idiot who became a killer later on in his life decided to release every one known to exist. The freed Pokémon were soon able to conquer most of the Known Galaxy, and it was soon decided by the highest-ranking international Mushroom council that they hadta catch 'em all!. Creating a league known as the Pokémon Trainers, the world leaders encouraged the capturing of the horrible monsters with an integration of pleasure into the subject, introducing the idea of professional Pokémon battling (which was recently banned due to animal treatment controversy) and advertising certain Pokémon's "cuteness". Because of the incompetence of just about everybody in the universe, though, the council's plan to popularize Pokémon in culture ultimately failed as nearly all of the Pokémon died in their trainers' hands. While the Pokémon species (and, to a much lesser extent, Pokémon training and battling) has managed to survive up to today, life expectancy of a certain obscure Pokémon species has greatly dropped recently because of Luigi's obsession with cheese. They are not to be confused with the entirely and in every way different Pokemon, which is a type of disease that can't be cured.
  • Nintendo had to stop manufacturing the Japanese version of the Trading Card called "Koga's Ninja Trick" because it had a "manji", which is a traditionally Buddhist symbol that has no negative connotations. The Jewish civil rights group Anti-Defamation League, however complained because the manji was the reverse of a swastika, which Jewish people consider offensive. The cards were originally intented for sale in Japan only, but Pokémon's popularity led them to be imported to the US, with approval from Nintendo. The Anti-Defamation League understood that the issue symbol was not intented to be offensive and acknowledged the sensitivity that Nintendo showed when they removed the product. Pokémon cards and games were banned in Saudi Arabia in 2001, alleging that the franchise promoted Zionism by displaying the Star of David in the Trading Cards, and involved gambling, which is a violation of Muslim doctrine. Pokémon has been accused of promoting materialism. In 1999, Nintendo was sued by two 9-year old boys who claimed that the Trading Card game was the reason for their problematic gambling. More than 635 Japanese children were hospitalized because of epileptic seizures on December 16, 1997. It wa determined that the seizures were caused by watching an episode of the Pokémon anime called Computer Soldier Porygon, which contained bright explosions with rapidly alternating blue and red colours. In subsequent research it was determined that the strobing light effects could causes some indivuduals to have epileptic seizures even if they have had no previous history of epilepsy. In March 2000, Nintendo was sued by Morrison Entertaiment Group, which is a small toy developing company based Manhattan Beach, California, claiming that Pokémon infringed on their "Monsters In My Pocket" characters. However, a judge ruled that there was no infingement so Morrison appealed the ruling in 2001.
  • Video Games Main Series: * Pokémon Red and Blue(Also Red and Green, Yellow,Fire Red and Leaf Green) * Pokémon Gold and Silver(Also Crystal, Heart Goldand Soul Silver) * Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire(Also Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire) * Pokémon Diamond and Pearl(Also Platinum) * Pokémon Black and White * Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 * Pokemon X and Y * Pokémon Stadiumand Battle Revolution * Pokémon Colosseumand XD: Gale of Darkness * Pokémon Ranger * Pokémon Mystery Dungeon * Pokémon Pinball * Pokémon Rumble * Poke Park Wii * Pokémon Snap * Hey You Pikachu * Pokémon Channel * My Pokémon Ranch * Pokémon Conquest * Pokémon anime * Pokémon films * Pokémontrading card game * Various Pokémonmanga (see page for list) * Other: * Pokémon Live (stage show) * Pokémon Sunday (TV show) * See Pokémon/Fan Works File:Bandepokemonlogos.jpg The Role Playing Games, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, spawned a multi-billion dollar franchise rivaling the Mario series (which of course is also published by Nintendo), and indirectly caused the proliferation of Western broadcasts of Anime along with Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon. Released in Japan in February of 1996 for the Game Boy, Pokémon (or in Japan, Pocket Monsters) came in two versions: Red and Green. The idea of the game is to run around and battle wild Mons with your own, catch them with hand-held balls, and teach them to battle (non-lethally) with each other under the guidance of human Trainers for fun and profit. The original idea was for an artificial form of insect collecting for kids that lived in cities and thus couldn't participate in such a hobby (as the original creator was a bug collector when he was a kid), with the paired versions providing incentive for players to get together and trade Mons with their friends (but more on that later). The strategy in the gameplay comes from two factors. First of all, there's an ambitiously large Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors setup. No fewer than 15 (and later 17) different elements are in play, and some species of Pokémon belong to two elements instead of just one, which can neutralize or compound the elements' respective resistances or weak points; Pokémon aren't strictly limited to moves of their elemental type either, but can learn almost any move the particular creature might reasonably be capable of executing (like Water Pokémon using Ice-type moves, or Dragon Pokémon using Fire-type moves), and sometimes ones they aren't. The second factor is the strict move limit: each of your Pokémon can only know 4 moves at once, out of a large movepool that they can learn from. This was hampered in the first generation by balance issues leading to some elements and species becoming obvious Game Breakers, but later generations have made many strides in balancing them out, most notably with the addition of Dark and Steel elements. The Plot of each main-series game is typically a quest To Be a Master; the player is given one Pokémon to start their team with, then proceeds to take on the "Pokémon League" by catching new Pokémon, defeating other Pokémon trainers in battles (most importantly your childhood friend and rival), challenging elementally themed Gym Leaders and collecting Gym Badges, and ultimately battling the Elite Four to become the regional League Champion. Oh, yeah, and you manage to single-handedly take down some kind of crime syndicate (and/or save the world) at some point along the way, and capture really powerful Pokémon that the local legends are based on. While these aren't necessarily the greatest stories ever told, the games are certainly enjoyable, and the franchise took off like a (Team) rocket. This was mainly because the completion of the in-game storyline and Bonus Dungeons only comprised part of the gameplay. The real meat of the game (or as some would say, the only point of the game) was the one-on-one Competitive Multiplayer. Not only were the teams of Pokémon usable against the in-game enemies, these same Pokémon can be pitted against Pokémon trained by other live players of the game. As such, players continued to train and catch Pokémon just so they have the best team among their peers. And when we say they took off like a rocket, that's an understatement. Despite being a relatively young series, the franchise is the second best selling video game franchise of all time, by a wide margin , and only is beaten by its older brother, the Mario franchise. Though it consistently has come close to topping it, Pokémon still has a way to go before it's number one. The multiplayer combat was one aspect of the game designed to promote interaction between players. To further facilitate interaction was the fact that Pokémon can also be traded among players, and that certain Pokémon can only be obtained by trading. That was the main reason behind the different versions of the game, as each version had eleven Pokémon that were exclusive to it, and trading was the only way to get those exclusives. The concept of Pokémon would not be confined to the Video Game medium. Merchandising sprung up all over the place, including, of course, an anime. As such, it became a full fledged Cash Cow Franchise. The game series continued on with a third version, Blue, that mostly just improved the graphics and altered the distribution of the mons, which also started the practice of making a "Special Edition" game for each generation, with an altered Pokémon lineup, and special events and items. Yet after all this, it wasn't until September of 1998 that Pokémon made its way to North America and then the world at large. The world got two versions, labeled Red and Blue, which were pretty much Red and Green with Blue's better graphics. With so much time to prepare, the merchandising launch was all ready to go, and the games became as much of a smash hit in America and the rest of the world as they did in Japan. About a year later, a version loosely based on the anime called Pokémon Yellow was released, that featured now-Mascot Pikachu as your starting Pokémon and even better graphics. Of course, sequels were inevitable, especially in the Video Game world. The next generation of Pokémon games, titled Pokémon Gold and Silver, added the two new Types mentioned earlier, around 100 more Pokémon, among other improvements. Most notably, the developers improved game balance; the Psychic element was no longer the ruler of the roost. Further sequels added their own wrinkles to the game mechanics among other minor improvements/adjustments: Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire completely overhauled the the way stats were handled and gave Pokémon special Abilities and Natures, as well as implementing 2-on-2 battles. Pokémon Diamond and Pearl reclassified attacks as Physical or Special based on the nature of the move, rather than on elemental Type as in previous generations; plus new features allowed worldwide trading over Wi-Fi. Pokémon Black and White escalated the multi battles by expanding them to 3-on-3 and introducing combination attacks, as well as adding new connectivity features. Since then, the series has expanded to: * Generation I (Game Boy) * Red and Green/Blue Versions (Green in Japan, Blue internationally) * Blue Version (Japan only; engine used for international Red/Blue Versions) * Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition (anime tie-in) * Generation II (Game Boy Color) * Gold and Silver Versions (backward-compatible with original Game Boy) * Crystal Version (Game Boy Color-exclusive) * Generation III (Game Boy Advance) * Ruby and Sapphire Versions * Emerald Version * FireRed and LeafGreen Versions (remakes of Generation I) * Generation IV (Nintendo DS) * Diamond and Pearl Versions * Platinum Version * HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions (remakes of Generation II) * Generation V (Nintendo DS) * Black and White Versions * Black and White Versions 2 * Generation VI (Nintendo 3DS) * Pokemon X and Y
  • Pokémon is essentially the brainchild of a fat American watching popcorn. It's thought the idea for pokemon came about randomly in the form of a dove - that flew into the window of video game designer Mr Yagamuchi. Yagamuchi quickly turned on his window electricity and laughed stereotypically fanaticly at the cooked bird. Later collecting his fried bird he began playing "war" with the deceased bird's various limbs and using the feathers in a complicated way of calculating "damage". When his mum arrived back home from a tough day at the salt mine to find her balding son playing with dove body parts she gave up and died sent him to "creativity camp" where he achieved a masters degree in Imagination and a minor in Campness. An accomplished creativorist he set about on creating the greatest game ever. With his friend from the creative camp toilets they wrote the blueprint for the Pokemon games and even threw in a free pair of 3D goggles with every version bought of the game.
  • thumb Pokémon es una franquicia de videojuegos creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995, que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc.
  • “Logré salir…” El entrenador Pokémon había pasado la semana entera en esas cavernas. Se había comido todo lo que había y había mantenido a sus Pokémon tan saludables como pudo… dadas las circunstancias. Y todo lo que podía ver era blanco. “Tengo qué seguir…” El joven entrenador continuó con su duelo mental, tratando de regresar incluso si sabía que no podía. El entrenador miró su cinturón, o al menos lo que podía ver a través del clima, y agarró una Pokéball. La bola contenía a su Pidgeot, que podía volar para sacarlo de ahí. Pero él sabía que no podía. “¡No puedo volar así!” Podía sentir la nieve volviéndose más gruesa, y su visión tornándose más y más blanca. Trató de continuar, pero no podía hacer más que andar en círculos cada pocos pasos. “No puedo regresar. No puedo escapar del destino…” “No puedo retroceder nunca.” Con eso, continuó subiendo, presionando contra la blancura cegadora. Subió las rocas congeladas que formaban los ríscos, con sus manos… sus manos congeladas. No había nadie ahí… “¿Vine hasta aquí para nada?” No. Tengo qué seguir. … No hay escape.” Mientras continuaba, encontró unas escaleras. Escaleras que eran viejas y habían sido dejadas sin mantenimiento desde hace mucho. El entrenador se detuvo antes de subir. “Tengo frío…” Las lágrimas comenzaban a salir de sus ojos, hacia su rostro… solo para convertirse en escarcha por el viento gélido. Entonces, mientras subía los escalones, su pie se quedó pegado. Había estado congelado en el suelo por segundos. Intentó quitarse el zapato para poder seguir, pero no lo logró. Estaba congelado totalmente. Jaló y jaló, tratando de liberarse… Y lo logró. Estaba libre. Colapsó en el suelo y siguió arrastrándose, sus manos quemándose en el suelo congelado. Miró hacia atrás, al punto en que se atoró, tratando de reconocer algo en medio de todo ese color blanco… Solo para ver que su pierna seguía ahí. “Está tan frío…” , continuó subiendo por el camino, la blancura volviéndose más y más densa con cada segundo. Hasta que, todo se detuvo… había llegado a la cima. La blancura se fue y todo se volvió visible de nuevo. Y ahí estaba él… El verdadero campeón. Él estaba tan blanco como el entrenador, ahora capaz de ver qué había ocurrido consigo mismo. El entrenador vió a un ratón en el hombro del amo, sobrenaturalmente blanco como el amo mismo. El amo no dijo nada. Con una mano semi congelada, el entrenador alcanzó su cinturón. Tomó una Poké Ball y la abrió. “Ve… Meg-meganium…” Meganium salió de su Pokéball, con un enfermizo color gris-azulado en su piel. Antes de que el entrenador pudiese siquiera ordenar algo, colapsó… muerto. El amo no dijo nada, siguió mirando al entrenador. El entrenador procedió a enviar a todos sus Pokémon restantes… todos con el mismo resultado. Muertos. Todos muertos. Con todos sus compañeros muertos, e incluso parte de su propia cara cayéndose a pedazos, se acercó al amo, intentando pedirle ayuda. El amo le sonrió débilmente y se alejó con su Pikachu, desvaneciéndose en la blancura. El entrenador miró a todos lados, intentando encontrar a donde había ido… Pero no había nadie ahí… … Aquél al que había estado buscando ya no estaba más. Su espíritu condenado a engañar a los mejores para que lo buscaran… Sólo para hallar un fantasma. “Madre… Hace tanto frío… No puedo seguir…” El entrenador se arrastró al borde de la montaña y miró hacia abajo. Miró atrás, a los cuerpos muertos de sus mejores amigos y miró hacia abajó, hacia el fondo. “Ha acabado…” Saltó con toda la fuerza que le quedaba, dejando el resto de su pierna en el borde. La blancura regresó, y cayó tan densa como antes, esperando a su próxima víctima. Categoría:Pokémon
  • Pokémon kan verwijzen naar: * Pokémon (anime)
  • thumb|right|290px|Podobizeň niektorých pokémonov Pokémon, známy aj ako pokéjmon, je najznámejší typ politického zvera, ktorý údajne pochádza z Japonska, ale nie je to overené. Podľa týchto zverov bol neskôr nakreslený aj rovnomenný animovaný seriál, ktorý napáchal vážne škody vo svete.
  • thumb|352pxPokémon er en mediafranchise som eies av Nintendo.
  • Die ersten Spiele (Pokémon Rot (Japan) und Pokémon Grün (Japan)) sind in Japan am 27. 02. 1996 erschienen. In den USA am 30.09.1998 und in Europa am 30.10.1999.
  • Pokémon is a children's Japanese anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. it holds a TV-Y7-FV rating. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is part of the Pokémon franchise.
  • Es gibt sehr viele verschiedene Editionen der Pokémon, jede einzelne ausgefallener und abwechslungsreicher als der Vorgänger.
  • Wikia zum Thema Pokémon. Kategorie:Inaktiv (+1000 Artikel) Kategorie:Anime und/oder Manga Kategorie:Sammelkartenspiele Kategorie:Computerspiele (Action) Kategorie:Filme
  • Pokémon ist ein Anime und Manga. Pokémon (engl. Pocketmonster = Taschenmonster) sind Wesen, die in verschiedenen Regionen einer Fantasiewelt leben, gefangen und trainiert werden können. Bisher wurden 649 Arten in 8 Regionen von ihnen entdeckt.
  • Ahora en mis últimos momentos de ocio y tiempo libre he decidido jugar Pokémon Crystal, aquí lo que he hecho hasta ahora:
  • Pokémon é um anime baseado em uma série de jogos da Nintendo criada por Satoshi Tajiri. O anime conta as aventuras de Ash Ketchum um garoto que sonha em se tornar o maior mestre Pokémon.
  • Pokémon learn various moves, dependent on their type, which are used for battles. A Pokémon has HP (Hit or Health Points) and PP (Power Points). HP is the stamina of a Pokémon. Without health, the Pokémon can no longer fight, and faints. PP is similar to HP, but is used for attacks. If the PP of a move runs out, the Pokémon can't use that move again until healed or given a special item. If the PP of ALL of the attacks run out, the Pokémon can only use the move Struggle. To heal a Pokémon's HP and PP, its trainer must heal it at a Pokémon Center, or give it certain items, such as Ether, which restores 10 PP of a move, and Elixir, which restores 10 PP of all moves. There are officially 802 known species of Pokémon, as of Generation 7. Out of all the known 802 Pokémon species, there are around 64 Legendary Pokémon. There are also 46 Pokémon capable of Mega Evolving (including four legendary Pokémon), with 48 Mega Evolutions in total.
  • Pokémon is a video game franchise owned by Nintendo and developed by Gamefreak that made it's first release on the Game Boy and has turned into one of the most successful video-game media franchises by Nintendo. The series involves creatures of different types and elements fighting each other in a rock-paper-scissors-like fashion with the player trying to catch and train them. It became one of the world's most recognizable fads and it was popular enough to spawn an anime, toys, many movies, and a manga. It's the second largest selling video game franchise of all time, only surpassed by Mario Bros, another franchise owned by Nintendo.
  • __INDEX__ Pokémon Image:Kratos_rendering_concept.jpg Originaltitel Sprache Land Jahr(e) Genre Format Idee Regie Titellied Musik Episoden Staffeln Produktion ausführende Produzenten Produzent(en) Produktions-Unternehmen Länge Ausstrahlung Premiere Premiere (DE) Bildformat Pokémon ist eine japanische Animeserie, die seit 1997 produziert wird. Die Erstausstrahlung in Japan war am 1. April 1997 bei TV Tokyo. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war am 1. September 1999 bei RTL II.
  • Pokémon is a Japanese animated reality TV show where the host, Ash Ketchum is a gay kid that likes watching Gumball porn and advertizes animal merchandise and competes in cockfights for a living. It's based on a video game series. By the time the 7th generation is out, there will be over 1000 episodes.It has a knockoff called Chinpokomon, which means PINGAS Monster.
  • Pokémon - z jęz. ang. - Pocket Monsters - kieszonkowe potwory. (jap. ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā). Pokémony - Fikcyjne stworzenia zapoczątkoawły w 1995 roku, kiedy to wyszły na GameBoy pocket.
  • Pokémon is a Japanese creation enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Conservatives hate Pokémon, because it's a cool thing that young people like and most Conservatives are old. Pokémon isn't traditional and they can't control it. We Know that Pokémon and Roleplaying Games in general are evil tools of Satan and the Anti-Christ. We Know that Dungeons & Dragons is a gateway to the Occult and Socialism but we are very wary of Card-Based Roleplaying Games as well as they can lead to gambling. Pokémon is one of the worst as not only does this franchise promote the Occult and gambling but also evilution. [1] The website we've quoted? Well?
  • Originally released in 1996 in the form of two video games, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, Pokémon has since gained worldwide media and attention, and become one of the leading trademarks of the Nintendo company in the form of the Electric Mouse Pokémon, Pikachu. In the world of fanfiction, however, Pokémon tend to serve a more notorious purpose. Due to the sheer cuteness of some Pokémon, and the variety, many Suethors take it upon themselves to fulfill the Pokémon catchphrase "Gotta Catch 'Em All" with their own characters, resulting in a Trainer!Sue. The Pokémon fandom can be considered the video game equivalent of the Tolkien fandom in terms of sheer number of Sues: as of this writing, there are more Pokémon fics on the Pit (78.3 thousand) than there are for The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion combined (66.8 thousand).
  • Pokémon es una franquicia, que originalmente comenzó como un videojuego, pero debido a su popularidad ha logrado expandirse a otros medios de entretenimiento como series de televisión, juegos de cartas, ropa, entre otros, convirtiéndose en una marca que es reconocida en el mercado mundial volviéndose muy polémica al igual.
  • Pokémon - japoński serial animowany oparty na serii gier wideo rozgrywający się w fikcyjnym świecie z ponad 600 wymyślonymi stworkami nazywanymi Pokémonami. Jest emitowany nieprzerwanie od 1997 roku do dziś. Serial został podzielony na 15 sezonów i 4 duże serie. Opowiada o 10-letnim chłopcu imieniem Ash, stworku Pikachu i jego przyjaciołach, którzy razem podróżują po świecie poznając nowe Pokémony i trenerów.
  • The Pokémon franchise has made references to the Godzilla franchise since it first began. __TOC__
  • Pokémon are characters created and owned by The Pokémon Company. In Smosh, Pokémon characters appear in the POKEMON IN REAL LIFE! series and other videos. The Pokémon in Smosh are most commonly Smosh actors dressed up in Pokémon costumes. Multiple Smosh actors have acted as Pokémon characters, including Lee Eisenhower, Patrick Egan, and Noah Grossman. Kalel Cullen acted out the part of Jigglypuff, one of her few Smosh appearances.
  • 200px|right|thumb|Logo-ul Pokémon Pokémon este o franciză media controlată de Nintendo şi creată de Satoshi Tajiri în anul 1996. Numele Pokémon este o abreviere a cuvintelor Pocket Monsters, ce în traducere înseamnă monştri de buzunar.
  • Pokémon is a long running anime/game franchise with massive popularity worldwide. Gotta catch them all! Except they keep making new ones! Note: This verse is for joke profiles relating to the series. More serious profiles go here.
  • Pokémon is a popular media franchise owned and originated by Japenese video game company, Nintendo. Following its first video game release, Pokémon soon became a hit and was soon featured in more games, anime, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. Pokémon revolves around a fictional world filled with trainable creatures with various powers you can contain in a spherical tool, a PokéBall. One particularly creative aspect of the series is its generations, its division of the games that assists in showing the chronological timeline of the series. One generation, called Pokémon: Black and White, was promoted at McDonald's in both 2011 and 2012 with based on the Pokémon featured in the games. The 2011 line of the Pokémon toys included, Pikachu, Reshiram, Zekrom, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Zorua, Zoroark. Additionally, random cards for the Pokémon card game are included in the line. For the 2012 line, all but Pikachu failed to return in toy form. Instead toys of Dewott, Servine, Pignite, Woobat and Axew were made. Also, like last year, Pokémon card game cards are included with purchase of the toys. The toys in this line were sold alongside Zoobles! toys for girls. The commercials promoting the 2012 line showed the characters from the Farm era alongside Pikachu.
  • thumb|right|Offizieles Pokemon Logo Die Pokémon (Pocket Monster) sind die Wesen, um die sich alles in den Spielen und in der TV-Serie Pokémon dreht und wurden von Satoshi Tajiri erfunden. Pokémon hat weltweit über 150 Millionen verkaufte Spiele und es gibt sogar Pokémon-Autos und ein Pokémon-Flugzeug.
  • Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) are strange creatures that live in the forests and lakes.
  • Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon), abbreviated from Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā), is a Japanese animated series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a significant part of the Pokémon franchise. Originally a single series, Pokémon, it has since been made into five series, including Pokémon: Advanced Generation and subsequently Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, which sequentially continue the story of Pokémon, while its spin-off Pokémon Sunday (formerly Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station) has broadcast a series of stories revolving around some of the recurring characters, Pokémon Chronicles or, as it is known in Japan, Pokémon Side Story. After he turns ten years old, Ash Ketchum (Satoshi in Japan), is allowed to start his journey in the world of Pokémon and dreams of becoming a Pokémon master. On the day he is to receive his first Pokémon, Ash wakes in a panic having overslept. Professor Oak, the local Pokémon researcher, has already given away the three Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) he entrusts to new Pokémon Trainers when Ash finally reaches Oak's Lab. The only Pokémon that he has left is a Pikachu, that he gives to Ash. Determined to make it on his journey, Ash does his best to befriend Pikachu, but it does not trust him and will not even return to its PokéBall, even attacking Ash with its unique electric powers. It is only after Ash protects Pikachu from a group of angry Spearow that Pikachu realizes how much Ash cares, leading it to save Ash. Afterward, they both see a mysterious and unidentifiable Pokémon that spurs both of them to work towards Ash's goal. Along the way, Ash makes many human and Pokémon friends as he works his way through the ranks of the world's many Pokémon Leagues. Through the Kanto Region, Ash befriends Water Pokémon trainer and erstwhile Cerulean City Gym Leader Misty (Kasumi) and Pewter City Gym Leader and Pokémon Breeder Brock (Takeshi), and all the while thwarting the plans of the Team Rocket trio Jessie, James, and Meowth, who want to steal Ash's Pikachu and any other rare Pokémon they come across. When Ash and Misty travel to the Orange Islands (without Brock), they meet and travel with Pokémon Watcher and artist Tracey Sketchit (Kenji), before Brock rejoins the group as they travel to the Johto region. When Ash heads for the Hoenn Region in the Advanced Generation series, Misty stays behind to become the full-time Cerulean City Gym Leader. However he gains new companions in Pokémon Coordinator May (Haruka) and her younger brother Max (Masato), and together they face off against the rival Teams Magma and Aqua. After returning to Kanto to participate in the Battle Frontier challenge, Ash later travels with Brock to the Sinnoh Region in the Diamond & Pearl series, with May and Max going on their own paths. Ash and Brock meet Dawn (Hikari), another Pokémon Coordinator, who travels with them as they go through Sinnoh where they must defeat Cyrus and his Team Galactic. In the Best Wishes! series, Ash, his mother and Professor Oak take a holiday to the far-off Unova Region, where he meets and travels with would-be Dragon Master Iris and Striaton City Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, and sometimes detective Cilan (Dent). During their journey, they discover the evil plans of Team Plasma, a criminal organization that wants to free Pokémon from people's ownership so that they can rule the world unopposed. After winning all eight Unova badges, Ash, Iris, and Cilan travel throughout the eastern side of Unova to prepare for the Unova Pokémon League Tournament, after which they meet N who is instrumental in defeating Team Plasma. After this, Ash, Iris, and Cilan travel through the Decolore Islands before Ash makes his way back to Pallet Town and the meet the investigative reporter Alexa (Pansy) who is from the distant Kalos Region. Having arrived back in Kanto, Iris and Cilan travel to Johto whilst Ash and Alexa head to Kalos soon after Ash reunites with his mother and receiving a new outfit from her. In the XY series, Ash and Alexa arrive in the Kalos region and Ash is itching to get started in earning his Gym badges. But after Alexa informs Ash that her sister, a Gym Leader, is currently absent, Ash travels to Lumiose City where he meets boy-genius Clemont (Citron) and his younger sister Bonnie (Eureka), unaware that Clemont is in fact Lumiose City's Gym Leader - a fact he tries his best to hide. Ash also reunites with Serena, a girl from Vaniville Town whom Ash had met in his childhood at Professor Oak's Summer Camp in Pallet Town and he helped her after she hurt her leg from falling owing to being shocked by a wild Poliwag.
  • This article describes how Pokémon work in-game, including how individual Pokémon are defined and other general information relating to them.
  • Pokémon (Abreviado de Pocket Monsters, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonés) es una serie de anime, que está basada en la serie de videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Creada en Japón y adaptado para la televisión norteamericana, Pokémon es la serie más larga y completa de la televisión que se basó en los vídeojuegos y es parte de la franquicia.
  • thumb| Pokémon (jap. ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters) ist international erfolgreicher Anime. Er basiert auf einer Videospielreihe von Nintendo und richtet sich in Europa und Amerika an jüngere Kinder. In Japan jedoch, beschäftigen sich auch viele ältere Leute mit Pokémon.
  • Les Pokémon [ɔ̃] (ポケモン) sont des petits monstres vivant près de chez vous, dans vos égouts ou dans la forêt détruisant l'écosystème humain. Ils causent, par exemple, des incendies l'été, polluent les cours d'eau avec leur attaque "détritus" ou interfèrent avec les ondes radios à cause de leur attaque électrique. Il s'agit d'une nuisance à éradiquer au plus vite et pour cela il faut tous les attraper. « Les pokémons sont nos amis, maintenant attrapez les tous et forcez les à combattre entre eux !!! » ~ Sacha Guitry à propos de son rôle dans la série culte.
  • Pokémon (manchmal auch Pokemon geschrieben) ist eine japanische Anime-Serie. Die Serie basiert auf einer Fantasy-Welt in der Monster von Spielern trainiert werden können. Diese Fantasy-Welt wurde unter anderem für Videospiele vermarktet.
  • Chuck Norris caught Cubone's Mother with one single pokéball.
  • Le Wiki Pokémon est un wiki traitant de l'univers des Pokémon. Nous vous invitons à contribuer à la réussite de ce wiki afin qu'il apporte aux contributeurs les informations recherchées.
  • thumb|right|400px|Logotip oficial de Pokémon a occident.Pokémon (també abreviat PKMN, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonès) és una franquícia multimilionària de Videojocs de tipus RPG per a Game Boy, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, i Wii, creada per Satoshi Tajiri el 1996. El seu èxit va ser tal que va abastar altres camps de l'entreteniment com sèries d'Anime, una de Manga i una gran varietat d'articles de col·lecció, com cartes, ninots, etc...
  • Welcome to the Pokémon category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Pokémon" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of Satoshi Tajiri and owned by Nintendo). Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without monetary gain. Should the license-holders object to this, it will be removed.
  • Pokémon is a role-playing video game franchise owned by Nintendo and mostly developed by Game Freak. It first released in 1995 as Pokémon Red and Green, and arriving worldwide as Pokémon Red and Blue. The games were critically acclaimed by critics, and the series soon had a large fanbase. The Pokémon franchise continues strong today with over 180 million sold copies, an anime adaptation, manga adaptations, toys, spinoffs, and a trading card game. The Pokémon Trading Card Game Wiki focuses on such trading card game. Only the information revolving around the Pokémon Trading Card Game is presented here. Information about the Pokémon games can be found in the Pokémon Wiki.
  • Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?), abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā) and currently advertised in English as Pokémon: The Series, is a Japanese anime television series, which has been adapted for the international television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a part of the Pokémon franchise. The Pokémon animated series is split up into six chronologically sequential series in Japan, split up by the version of the video game series the anime takes inspiration from: the original series, the Advanced Generation series, the Diamond & Pearl series, the Best Wishes! series, the XY series, and the Sun & Moon series. In the international broadcasts, these six series are split into 20 separate seasons. These anime series are accompanied by spin-off programming, consisting of Pokémon Chronicles, a series of side stories featuring characters in the anime that are not its current cast of main characters, and the live action variety and Pokémon-related news shows of Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station, Pokémon Sunday, Pokémon Smash!, and Pokémon Get TV, premiering in late 2013.
  • This is also known as Pocket Monsters. Like ma panis
  • Los Pokemón, son las criaturas que debes atrapar como objetivo en Pokémon GO. Los Pokémon aparecen alrededor del mapa cuando caminas por la ciudad, dependiendo del nivel de entrenador es que podrás descubrir nuevos y cada vez más poderosos Pokémon. Los Pokémon que atrapes pueden ser mejorados, evolucionados y utilizados para retar Gimnasios rivales. Actualmente solo los Pokémon de la Primera Generación están disponibles en el juego.
  • Pokémon destroyed Star Ocean in the Series Contest, giving us yet another opportunity to laugh at an incredulous Heroic Mario upset pick. Didn't do half-bad against Metroid either. Characters from the series who have made it into a Character Battle Contest include: * Pikachu * Mewtwo * Nidoran F * Mudkip * Bidoof * Lucario * Charizard * Pokemon Trainer Red * Missingno * Pokemon Trainer Blue * Lugia * Jigglypuff * N * Squirtle * Magikarp Apparently Pokemon characters are L-Block's weakness.
  • Pokémon is an anime created for OLM,Inc studios and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment. Ling-Ling is a spoof of Pikachu. In A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special, several Pokémon characters have appeared in the shot where they were introduced to Xandir by Spanky, they are all wearing businessmen suit: Including Pikachu, himself, Jigglypuff, and some random parodied pokémons. They appear later in Jun-Jee's wedding with Toot in Freaks & Greeks.
  • Pokémon is an animated anime television series in that started in Japan and later on was moved to America and is still around today. It is also a large series of video games released by Nintendo and various Pokémon movies have been released. The first few were released in theaters while others afterwards were released straight to DVD. Pokémon has also been referenced a few times on the Simpsons.
  • thumb|225px|Logo Pokémonów thumb|225px|Nie no, to już przesada... 225px|thumb|right|Pokémony w prawdziwym życiu Pokémony - fikcyjne stwory wymyślone w Japonii, o których powstało mnóstwo gier, anime i innych pierdół. Z wyglądu są to jakieś dziwne mutanty jak np. żaba z kwiatkiem na głowie czy kamień z oczami. Stwory te żyją sobie w jakimś dziwnym świecie, gdzie trenerzy mogą je łapać do Pokéballi, a potem organizować spektakularne walki zwierząt. Ta gra wciągała i dzieci nie wychodziły z domu, więc powstało Pokemon Go. Teraz już tylko nie wracają do domu.
  • The Pokémon card game which was started in 1999 is a card game based on the Pokémon game and anime series. The first set was simply called 'Base Set' but it soon grew into something more. The basic outline of the Pokémon cards (Not including energies and trainers, which have remained basically the same) from 'Base Set' to 'E-Expedition' was as follows. In the top left corner it showed a small picture of the previous stage if it had one. Then at the top to the right it would say what the card evolves from... For example; Stage 2 Evolves from Kadabra Put Alakazam on the stage 1 Pokemon Then below that it would show in large bold letters the name of the card, followed by what type it was. Below that it would show a picture of the Pokémon, followed by it's Poke-power (If any) and it's attacks. After that it showed their weakness, resistance and retreat cost. Then at the bottom it'd have a Pokedex entry followed by legal stuff, and then it would show the rarity of the card at the bottom right corner (A black circle being common, a black diamond being uncommon and a black star being rare. This is one of the few things that have been carried throughout the series.) Each deck MUST HAVE exactly sixty cards. The game is won when your opponent; * Has no cards at the time of their next draw phase * Have their last Pokemon on the field knocked out * You get all of your prize cards (This is the main way people look for to win) The usual deck has about one-third energy, one-third Pokemon and one-third trainers. Their are a variety of different cards to use. EX Cards: These are tough Pokemon that usually deal a lot of damage and have high health. One of the thing that is hardest to get rid of. Delta Species: A card that is a different type(or types) then what it usually is. For example, a Pikachu that is steel instead of electric. Dark: These cards started with the old Team Rocket series but ended before the Hoenn series. Their were some cards that would allow people to be able to get them very easily. Light: Light cards were produced sometime during when they were producing the Johto cards. They have more "good natured" attacks then anything else.
  • Pokémon is media franchise that began life as a video game, and has expanded into cartoons, toys, and other merchandise.
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