  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • frame|taris Taris es un pokemon tipo hechizo de la Region Legendaria.
  • Taris is a Star Wars planet, located in The Outer Rim. It features vast city-scapes, and a multi-level architecture where the wealthy inhabitants of the Upper City live far above the squalor of the Undercity. In Second Life, Taris is a non-combat roleplay sim, where all are welcome (roleplayers and nonroleplayers). Taris is owned and administered by Furia Freeloader. __TOC__
  • Taris is a woman in Nashkel who is looking for a man she describes to be of a certain height and 'width.'. She can be found standing outside the Nashkel Inn, or inside.
  • Taris, was the planet that the Galactic Republic escape pods crashed on after the Hammerhead-class capital ship Endar Spire was destroyed by a Sith Interdictor-class Cruiser. The planet was blockaded by the Sith during the Jedi Civil War, and later heavily bombarded from orbit by the Sith in an attempt to kill Bastila Shan, a Jedi who escaped the Endar Spire, but crashed on the planet. Taris had three major levels: the Upper City, where Human nobles lived, the Lower City, where aliens and swoop gangs resided, and the Undercity, a rakgoul-infested level where the exiled Humans were forced to.
  • Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories. During the Jedi Civil War, it was controlled by the Galactic Republic
  • Hey, wie gehts?
  • Hey, wie gehts?
  • The Aldryami representative on the Nysaloran Council of 411 ST * Also known as Taris Sharpthorn * He worshipped High King Elf
  • fill this in with JvS relevant info (don't plagurise wookieepedia!)
  • [Source] Taris était une planète polluée de la Bordure Extérieure. En plus d'une pollution atmosphérique qui se traduisait pas une sorte de brume jaune, le paysage de la planète était jonché d'épaves de vaisseaux.
  • The planet taris is the third planet in the Taris System. Taris orbits a single sun and a single moon orbits the planet. This planet is located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy and is in between the planets Alkarin and Tarkon.
  • Taris was a soldier from Nespa. He fell in battle near Thebes while saving the life of his friend, Tyron. Taris had two brothers who blamed Tyron for his death when the soldier brought Taris' armour home to them.
  • Taris era un pianeta nei territori dell'Orlo Esterno, localizzato nel sistema Taris, settore Ojoster.
  • Taris era un planeta urbano en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, sede de varios eventos clave en la Guerra Civil Jedi, incluyendo la Batalla de Taris. Fue un planeta tan esplendoroso que rivalizaba con el propio Coruscant. También fue el blanco de un bombardeo planetario masivo que dañó bastante la reputación del Imperio Sith de Darth Malak. En el curso de los milenios siguientes el planeta fue reconstruido y se recuperó, aunque nunca al grado de su antigua gloria.
  • Empire, the planet's population of 6 billion was utterly destroyed during a massive conflict between Jedi and Sith forces. In the millennia since, the planet has been resettled. Inhabitants have rebuilt some of the cities on Taris although much of the planet still lies in ruin. Historians believe the swoop bike originated here and continue to excavate the ruins all over the planet in search of proof.
  • Taris is the fifth planet in its star system, located in the Outer Rim areas of the Seat of the Empire region. Taris's level bracket is 16-20 for the Republic, and 32-36 for the Empire. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Taris on Wookieepedia
  • Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim. Darth Revan and his rascally gang of lovable scamps chilled here for a while a long time ago, rescued a hot Jedi chick, PWN3D some Sithies and stole a a pretty crappy ship. A few weeks later, Darth Darth Binks and his L33t time-travel skillz went back in time and really fucked up Taris, with the gang conveniently escaping just before the PWNage. Taris was split into three levels, including a fourth one nobody gave a fuck about because it wasn't in KOTOR. The Lower City: Yep. Gang wars. I'm beginning to think that Taris is supposed to represent LA.
  • thumb|Taris (2365) Subcommander Taris ist die Kommandantin des romulanischen Warbirds der D'deridex-Klasse IRW Haakona. 2365 gehört ihr Schiff zusammen mit der USS Yamato und der USS Enterprise-D zu den drei Raumschiffen, die von der Iconianischen Sonde mit einem Computervirus infiziert werden, der die Yamato zerstört und auf den beiden anderen Schiffen schwere Schäden anrichtet.
  • During the Mandalorian Wars, Taris served as a crucial rallying point for dissident Jedi who had decided to fight against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. As the lower classes were crushed beneath the rich, crime became rampant, and the Tarisian government did little in response. This caused Lhosan Industries, a mining company which employed half of the planet's lower class in its operation, to leave Taris. The millions left unemployed rioted against the government, kidnapping the planet's senator in the Galactic Senate as well as the local constable. This caused the local Jedi to leave Taris as well, leaving the planet in a state of chaos, as the war raged on around it.
  • [[Imagen:Ciudad_Alta_Taris.JPG|thumb|200px|La Ciudad Alta de Taris, bajo la cuarentena Sith.]] Taris es un planeta cubierto completamente por grandes edificios en forma de cúpula. Taris aparece en Star Wars: The Old Republic y en Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República, en el cual es destruido por la flota Sith de Darth Malak, luego de un ataque a la Espiral de Endar, una nave nodriza de la República.
  • Der Planet Taris war eine stark bevölkerte Stadtwelt und säkularer Sitz des Kalakarai-Duumvirats, bevor die Yuuzhan Vong in ihrem Versuch, die Galaxis zu erobern, 26 NSY auch über den Planeten herfielen und die Kalakarai auslöschten und vertrieben. Die urbane Oberfläche und die Bevölkerung mussten nicht weniger leiden. Taris' tragische Geschichte von zu überwindenden Verwüstungen spiegelt sich teils mit der Bombardierung durch Darth Malak 3.956 VSY und deren lang anhaltenden Folgen.
  • In 2382 Admiral Taris is appointed by Fleet Commander Tomalak as his second-in-command. She is ordered to mobilize and re-organize Romulus’ military forces. When Tomalak suffers a defeat against Empress Donatra's fleet at Xanitla on Stardate 60900.31, Admiral Taris defects with twelve ships to the Imperial Romulan State. (2383) The Empress sends Taris as representative to negotiations with the Romulan Star Empire at the Romulan capital, Ki Baratan, in 2384. Donatra recalls her when Praetor Tal'aura is found murdered. Taris is ordered to prepare for defending the Imperial territory.
  • Sub-commander Taris was a female Romulan officer of the Romulan military in the 24th century. She was the commanding officer of the Romulan warbird Haakona in the 2360s. In 2365, her ship discovered the Federation ship USS Yamato inside the Neutral Zone when it was trying to identify the planet Iconia. She eventually found it when it made a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D and watched it explode after downloading some of the contents of its computer while cloaked. Unfortunately, the computer contents contained an Iconian program that re-writes alien programming, affecting the Haakona the same way as the Yamato.
  • V roce 2365 se její loď odmaskovala v Neutrální zóně v blízkosti USS Enterprise-D, která vlétla do Romulanské neutrální zóny na žádost Donalda Varleyho, kapitána USS Yamato, který zde hledal mateřskou planetu vyhynulých Iconianů. Krátce po setkání obou lodí, USS Enterprise a USS Yamato, nastala úplná destrukce lodi Yamato z důvodu postupného vysazování všech jejích lodních systémů. Toto zničení lodi se později přičítalo jejímu setkání s iconianskou sondou, která do ní naskenovala nežádoucí přenosový software.
  • thumb|300px|Taris Taris er en urbanisert planet i Ytre Rim Territoriene av Galaksen. Taris var en viktig strategisk planet i krigene lenge før Det galaktiske imperium. På et tidspunkt rivaliserte Taris' byer med de på Coruscant. Uheldigvis har Taris hatt flere nedgangsperioder. Da handelen til og fra Taris sank klarte de ikke å betale tilbake lån og den overbefolkede planeten falt i gjeld. Styret bestemte seg for å satse på industri, men havene gikk tapt mot fabrikkene og en viktig matkilde forsvant. Rasisme vokste også sterkt fram mellom mennesker og andre vesner. Etter hvert klarte de å stable økonomien på beina.
  • President Romana eventually made her way to the Antiverse, following clues left by Sentris. Rorvan and Taris made a personal appeal to Romana, but the Oubliette of Eternity had erased all memory and knowledge of their existence.
  • 12
  • *Rodialaiset *Twi'lekit *Trandoshanit
  • ruokatarvikkeita
  • estándar
  • *Galaktinen Tasavalta *Exchange *Mandalorialaiset *Sithien imperiumi *avaruusryöstelijät *Galaktinen Imperiumi *Kapinaliitto
  • *Autoridad Civil de Taris *República Galáctica * El Intercambio *Mandalorianos *Orden Jedi *Imperio Sith *Proscritos *Consejo de Sistemas Neutrales *Imperio Galáctico *Imperio Zsinj *Nueva República *Imperio Oscuro *Remanente Imperial *Imperio Yuuzhan Vong *Alianza Galáctica
  • Terrestre
  • 2365
  • Humanos, rakghouls, nekghouls
  • Humanos, rakghouls, y tachs.
  • Tarisiano
  • Sub-Commander Taris in 2365
  • Destroy your planet
  • *Human *Kubaz
  • *Aqualish *Bith *Cathar *Drovian *Duros *Gamorrean *Hutt *Ithorian *Nikto *Quarren *Rodian *Snivvian *Trandoshan *Twi'lek *Wookiee
  • De 6 mil millones a mil millones
Hit points
  • 5
  • *Império Galáctico *Nova República
  • Taris
  • CO,
  • *Paesaggio urbano *Oceani
  • *Urbano *Fungo e parreiras
  • Urbano, previamente oceánico
  • Edificios y construcciones ; Ruinas, esteros, y lluvias frecuentes
  • urbanizzato
  • Tierra Prometida ; antes: Ciudad Alta, Ciudad Media, Ciudad Baja, Ciudad Subterránea, pista de motos swoop, Torre Jedi
  • Repubblica Galattica
  • Impero Sith
  • *Autorità Civile di Taris *Repubblica Galattica *Exchange *Neo-Crociati Mandaloriani *Ordine Jedi *Impero Sith di Revan *Outcasts *Consiglio di sistemi neutrali *Impero Galattico *Impero di Zsinj *Nuova Repubblica *Impero Oscuro *Imperial Remnant *Impero Vong *Federazione Galattica delle Alleanze Libere
Espèces principales
  • Humains
  • 5
xp value
  • 15
  • Antes: muchas especies, incluyendo twi'leks, rodianos, trandoshanos, niktos, etc.
  • 21
  • 타리스
  • 타리스
  • 타리스
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • 86400.0
  • September 2007
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Active
  • Terrestre
  • Romulan Star Empire
  • Romulan military
  • *Galactic Empire *New Republic
  • Neverpeople
  • Not the Sith
  • *Galactic Republic *Exchange *Mandalorians *Jedi Order *Black Sun Pirates *Galactic Empire *Rebel Alliance *Imperial Remnant
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris/Legends
  • Taris/Legends
  • Taris/Legends
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Terrestrial
  • rom
  • Tellurique
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris in 2365
Hair Color
  • Black
  • *Villes *Marécages
  • Caballeros de la Antigua República, La Antigua República y Star Wars: The Old Republic
mapa TOR
  • Taris Galaxia TOR.png
  • Taris in 2409
  • Republic
Character Name
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris/Legendy
  • Taris/Legendy
  • Taris/Legendy
  • Destroy your planet
  • *Urban *Vines and fungae
  • *Urban sprawl *Oceans
  • *Swamplands *Modern Ruins *Toxic Lakes *Frequent Rainfall
  • Taris
  • Haydel Gorawus
  • Talinn district
  • Destroy your planet
  • * shops * quests * Taris Upper City Cantina
  • Erinnen Spaceport, Starlight Cantina, Javyar's Cantina, Outcast Village
  • *Swoop track *Undercity *Upper city *Lower city *Taris Dueling Ring *Middle city *Jedi tower
  • 250
  • Taris.jpg
  • 2391
  • Тарис
  • Тарис
  • Тарис
  • Тарис/Канон
  • Тарис/Канон
  • Тарис/Канон
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • 1
  • Basic
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • 2410
  • Taris
  • 2391
  • Tarisian
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris.JPG
  • 2.71296E7
  • 220
  • Commanding officer of the warbird Haakona
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • Taris
  • no
  • Outside the Nashkel Inn
  • 314
Eye Color
  • Brown
  • Luxury items, technology
  • Repubblica
  • Oligarchia
  • Destroy your planet
  • *Foodstuffs *Raw material
  • Antes: comida, materia prima
  • Foodstuffs, raw materials
  • non-combat/free-form combat
wikipage disambiguates
  • 12200
  • 12200.0
  • 1
  • *Luvattu maa *Ylänkökaupunki *Keskuskaupunki *Alakaupunki *Jedin torni
  • Atmosfera
  • Mezcla de oxígeno, Tipo I
  • Respirabile
  • *Ihmiset *Rakghoulsit *Tachit
  • *6 miliardi *1 miliardo
  • Temperato
  • Templado y controlado
  • Pre- guerra civile Jedi: *Prodotti alimentari *Materie prime
  • Pre- guerra civile Jedi: *Prodotti di lusso *Birra Tarisiana *Tecnologia
  • Standard
  • Tarisian
  • 86400.0
  • N-7
  • Pre- guerra civile Jedi: *Città alta *Città media *Città bassa *Undercity *Terra Promessa *Accademia di Taris *Tarisian Season Opener *Anello del duello di Taris
  • 4
  • Urbaanista maata
  • *Strada Mandaloriana *Via Hydiana
  • 1
  • 6
  • Pre- guerra civile Jedi: *Molte specie **Acqualish **Bith **Catara **Droviani **Duros **Gamoerrani **Umani **Hutt **Ithoriani **Nikto **Paaerduag **Quarren **Rodiani **Snivvian **Trandoshani **Twi'lek **Wookiee
  • Estación Orbital Imperial, Zona de reasentamiento de la República, Marisma Tulariana, La Ciudad Hundible y Sedimento Brell
  • *Humano *Kubaz
  • un solo grande oceano
  • 86400.0
  • 2.71296E7
  • Tasainen ja kontrolloitu
  • frame|taris Taris es un pokemon tipo hechizo de la Region Legendaria.
  • Taris is a Star Wars planet, located in The Outer Rim. It features vast city-scapes, and a multi-level architecture where the wealthy inhabitants of the Upper City live far above the squalor of the Undercity. In Second Life, Taris is a non-combat roleplay sim, where all are welcome (roleplayers and nonroleplayers). Taris is owned and administered by Furia Freeloader. __TOC__
  • Taris is a woman in Nashkel who is looking for a man she describes to be of a certain height and 'width.'. She can be found standing outside the Nashkel Inn, or inside.
  • thumb|300px|Taris Taris er en urbanisert planet i Ytre Rim Territoriene av Galaksen. Taris var en viktig strategisk planet i krigene lenge før Det galaktiske imperium. På et tidspunkt rivaliserte Taris' byer med de på Coruscant. Uheldigvis har Taris hatt flere nedgangsperioder. Da handelen til og fra Taris sank klarte de ikke å betale tilbake lån og den overbefolkede planeten falt i gjeld. Styret bestemte seg for å satse på industri, men havene gikk tapt mot fabrikkene og en viktig matkilde forsvant. Rasisme vokste også sterkt fram mellom mennesker og andre vesner. Etter hvert klarte de å stable økonomien på beina. Som Coruscant og Nar Shaddaa hadde Taris flere nivåer med byer. Eliten og borgerskapet levde i overflod i de øvre nivåene, mens de fattige levde i de nedre. Ofte besto overklassen av mennesker, mens underklassen besto av andre arter. Helt nederst lå Underbyen langt under skyskraperne. Her bodde fredløse og kriminelle som hadde blitt forvist hit. Utenfor byene i det nederste nivået bodde muterte mennesker kjent som Rakghoul og som kunne smitte mennesker vidre som en zombieinfeksjon. Taris ble brukt som festning under de Mandalorianske Krigene og senere av jediene som treningskompleks. Dessverre ble Taris bombet til grunne av Darth Malak under Jediborgerkrigen. Malaks hjernevaskede, omvendte mester Revan, Bastila Shan og mannskapet deres flyktet ødeleggelsen i Ebon Hawk. Taris lå i flere hundre år i ruiner, men etter en stund kom kolonister og begynte å bygge opp de en gang så stolte byene. Under Klonekrigene drev fortsatt Taris med oppbyggingen. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ]
  • Taris, was the planet that the Galactic Republic escape pods crashed on after the Hammerhead-class capital ship Endar Spire was destroyed by a Sith Interdictor-class Cruiser. The planet was blockaded by the Sith during the Jedi Civil War, and later heavily bombarded from orbit by the Sith in an attempt to kill Bastila Shan, a Jedi who escaped the Endar Spire, but crashed on the planet. Taris had three major levels: the Upper City, where Human nobles lived, the Lower City, where aliens and swoop gangs resided, and the Undercity, a rakgoul-infested level where the exiled Humans were forced to.
  • thumb|Taris (2365) Subcommander Taris ist die Kommandantin des romulanischen Warbirds der D'deridex-Klasse IRW Haakona. 2365 gehört ihr Schiff zusammen mit der USS Yamato und der USS Enterprise-D zu den drei Raumschiffen, die von der Iconianischen Sonde mit einem Computervirus infiziert werden, der die Yamato zerstört und auf den beiden anderen Schiffen schwere Schäden anrichtet. Taris hat zuvor die Yamato durch die Neutrale Zone bis zu ihrem Treffen mit der Enterprise verfolgt. Als sie die Enterprise trifft, reagiert sie hochgradig feindselig und als später Fehlfunktionen das Schiff zu vernichten drohen, glaubt sie an Sabotage durch die Enterprise. Erst als die Crew der Enterprise das Problem lösen kann und auch Taris bei der Beseitigung des Virus hilft, zieht sie schließlich ab. (TNG: ) Taris wurde von Carolyn Seymour gespielt, die später als Toreth erneut eine romulanische Kommandantin spielte. Beate Pfeiffer lieh ihr ihre Stimme. Im Spiel Star Trek Online ist sie kurzzeitig Prätorin des Romulanischen Sternenimperium.
  • Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories. During the Jedi Civil War, it was controlled by the Galactic Republic
  • Hey, wie gehts?
  • Hey, wie gehts?
  • The Aldryami representative on the Nysaloran Council of 411 ST * Also known as Taris Sharpthorn * He worshipped High King Elf
  • Der Planet Taris war eine stark bevölkerte Stadtwelt und säkularer Sitz des Kalakarai-Duumvirats, bevor die Yuuzhan Vong in ihrem Versuch, die Galaxis zu erobern, 26 NSY auch über den Planeten herfielen und die Kalakarai auslöschten und vertrieben. Die urbane Oberfläche und die Bevölkerung mussten nicht weniger leiden. Noch 127 NSY nehmen Bewohner der zivilisierten, halbwegs intakten Regionen zusammen mit der Crimson Watch, der Imperialen Mission und Kräften aus dem "Sieg ohne Krieg"-Programm den Kampf gegen Widrigkeiten auf: etablierte Piratennester, gewalttätige Swoop-Gangs und hungrige Sümpfe. Taris' tragische Geschichte von zu überwindenden Verwüstungen spiegelt sich teils mit der Bombardierung durch Darth Malak 3.956 VSY und deren lang anhaltenden Folgen.
  • During the Mandalorian Wars, Taris served as a crucial rallying point for dissident Jedi who had decided to fight against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. As the lower classes were crushed beneath the rich, crime became rampant, and the Tarisian government did little in response. This caused Lhosan Industries, a mining company which employed half of the planet's lower class in its operation, to leave Taris. The millions left unemployed rioted against the government, kidnapping the planet's senator in the Galactic Senate as well as the local constable. This caused the local Jedi to leave Taris as well, leaving the planet in a state of chaos, as the war raged on around it. By the time of the Jedi Civil War, order had been restored, but swoop gangs and crime still held sway over the Lower City. During the war, Taris was conquered by Darth Revan's Sith Empire, which quarantined the planet in an attempt to capture Jedi Bastila Shan. As the search continued fruitlessly, the Sith leader Darth Malak, ordered the bombardment of Taris, killing countless civilians. This act had huge political repercussions for the Sith and changed the tone of the rest of the war, showing Malak and the Sith's true colors, the desire to achieve victory at any cost. Over the next few millennia the planet managed to rebuild and recover from its devastation, though never reaching the extent of its former glory. Similar to other ecumenopolies like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, the upper levels were safe and secure, inhabited by the wealthy, while the lower levels were frequently plagued by gang warfare and inhabited by thugs and the poor. During the Great Galactic War, Taris had become the subject to both Jedi and Sith plans; while the Jedi wanted to rebuild the planet to prove to the people of the Republic that they were strong enough to recover from such a disaster, and with it raise morale, the Sith sought to foil their plans, to prove that the Republic couldn't recover from such a thing.
  • [[Imagen:Ciudad_Alta_Taris.JPG|thumb|200px|La Ciudad Alta de Taris, bajo la cuarentena Sith.]] Taris es un planeta cubierto completamente por grandes edificios en forma de cúpula. Taris aparece en Star Wars: The Old Republic y en Star Wars: Caballeros de la Antigua República, en el cual es destruido por la flota Sith de Darth Malak, luego de un ataque a la Espiral de Endar, una nave nodriza de la República. Taris se divide en tres partes, la Ciudad Alta, la Ciudad Baja, y la Ciudad Subterránea. En la Ciudad Alta, los ricos son los que viven bien, pero los alienígenas viven en departamentos mal construidos y amenazados por los humanos. En la ciudad Baja, viven todos esos alienígenas que no fueron aceptados en la ciudad Alta. Aquí hay dos bandas potenciales, los Beks Ocultos, y los Vulkar Negros. Los Sith no poseían mucha influencia en la ciudad Baja y la ciudad Subterránea. En esta última, viven los proscritos y sus descendientes, que fueron desterrados de la ciudad Alta y la ciudad Baja. Aquí los proscritos sobreviven como pueden, matándose unos a otros por créditos, y siendo afectados por los ataques de los Rakghouls, criaturas del lugar.[[Imagen:TarisUndercity.JPG|thumb|200px|La Ciudad Subterránea de Taris, habitada por los Proscritos.]]
  • fill this in with JvS relevant info (don't plagurise wookieepedia!)
  • President Romana eventually made her way to the Antiverse, following clues left by Sentris. Rorvan and Taris made a personal appeal to Romana, but the Oubliette of Eternity had erased all memory and knowledge of their existence. Rorvan and Taris went to observe CIA Coordinator Vansell as he repaired the visiting Time Station for return to the normal universe. Romana, Vansell, Rorvan and Taris stopped at the Time Station's temporal engine to effect repairs. Vansell trapped the two Neverpeople in the engine with himself, and opened the engine's Zybanium shield. All three of them were consumed by the temporal maelstrom while Romana escaped. (AUDIO: Neverland)
  • [Source] Taris était une planète polluée de la Bordure Extérieure. En plus d'une pollution atmosphérique qui se traduisait pas une sorte de brume jaune, le paysage de la planète était jonché d'épaves de vaisseaux.
  • V roce 2365 se její loď odmaskovala v Neutrální zóně v blízkosti USS Enterprise-D, která vlétla do Romulanské neutrální zóny na žádost Donalda Varleyho, kapitána USS Yamato, který zde hledal mateřskou planetu vyhynulých Iconianů. Krátce po setkání obou lodí, USS Enterprise a USS Yamato, nastala úplná destrukce lodi Yamato z důvodu postupného vysazování všech jejích lodních systémů. Toto zničení lodi se později přičítalo jejímu setkání s iconianskou sondou, která do ní naskenovala nežádoucí přenosový software. Tarisině lodi Haakona se podařilo nepozorovaně stáhnout záznamy deníků USS Yamato. Tímto přenosem záznamů se však i do její lodi dostal nekompatibilní software, v důsledku čehož i u ní nastalo postupné vysazování systémů. I přesto, že subkomandérka Tatis vyzvala USS Enterprise k odletu z Neutrální zóny, rozhodl její kapitán Jean-Luc Picard tuto zónu nepustit do doby než vyšetří, proč došlo ke zničení lodi USS Yamato. Za tímto účelem nasměroval svojí loď k planetě Iconia, kde právě kapitán Varley hledal pozůstatky Iconianů. Po celou dobu však byli sledováni lodí Haakona. Na povrchu Iconie objevil výsadkový tým vedený Picardem řídící centrum. Z ní právě byly automaticky vypouštěny sondy. Navíc zde výsadek objevil bránu, kterou se bylo možné přenášet do různých částí vesmíru. Po dobu pobytu Picarda na povrch Iconie vyjednával se subkomandérkou Tarisou komandér Riker. Ta si nárokovala prostor jako území Romulánů a vyžadovala na Rikerovi, aby ihned Enterprise opustila toto území. Během jednání z povrchu Iconie vyletěla další sonda, která letěla přímo k IRW Haakona. Na důrazné upozornění Rikera ji nechala včas subkomandérka Taris odstřelit. Aby se tato technika nedostala do rukou Romulanů, rozhodl se kapitán Picard toto řídící centrum autodestrukcí zničit. Těsně před úplným zničením iconianského řídícího centra se chtěl nechat kapitán Picard přenést bránou na palubu své lodi. Omylem se však zhmotnil na můstku IKW Haakona. Ihned ho obklopili se zbraněmi romulanští bezpečnostní důstojníci. Na příkaz subkomandérky Taris ho však nezatkli. Než však s ním sama začala vyjednávat, podařilo se Milesovi O'Brienovi lodním transportérem Picarda přenést na USS Enterprise. Poté první důstojník Riker nabídl subkomandérce pomoc hlavního inženýra Geordiho La Forgeho při odstraňování nežádoucích iconianských programů na palubě její lodi, které se postupně aktivovaly v počítačových systémech. (TNG: Contagion) Toto byla první role Carolyn Seymourové ve Star Treku. Později hrála i další Romulanku – Toreth.
  • In 2382 Admiral Taris is appointed by Fleet Commander Tomalak as his second-in-command. She is ordered to mobilize and re-organize Romulus’ military forces. When Tomalak suffers a defeat against Empress Donatra's fleet at Xanitla on Stardate 60900.31, Admiral Taris defects with twelve ships to the Imperial Romulan State. (2383) The Empress sends Taris as representative to negotiations with the Romulan Star Empire at the Romulan capital, Ki Baratan, in 2384. Donatra recalls her when Praetor Tal'aura is found murdered. Taris is ordered to prepare for defending the Imperial territory. In the following two years, Taris maintains a low profile during the troubles between the two Romulan states and passes many her responsibilities over to General Tebok. Late in the year, the Admiral informs Donatra about her investigation concerning claims that the Sword of the Raptor Star has been recovered at Levaeri V. She remains there until 2387. That year, Taris ignores Donatra's order to return to Romulus and does not change course. In addition, she has Commander Arranhu send explosives into the Hobus star, causing it to go supernova and annihilate Romulus and Remus. Following the destruction of the Romulan homeworld in 2388, Admiral Taris recalls all remaining vessels to return to Romulan space. Over the next two years, she organizes these ships into a new fleet. She closes holes in the chain of command by approaching each ship's captain personally. Outside observers expect the Romulan military to be fully operational within seven months. Despite Taris' orders for the fleet to focus on relief efforts and the defense of border regions, Federation analysts warn that these ships could conquer civilian-led colony worlds to be brought under military control. In 2391 Starfleet Command pulls back from the Klingon-Romulan border. Admiral Taris silences complaining colony leaders with a sharp rebuke: "We are Romulan. We fight our own battles. I would rather see Romulans die with pride in their hearts and swords in their hands instead of mewing for protection like scared younglings." Later that year, a Klingon Councilor, J'mpok, commands a fleet of loyal houses to invaded the Zeta Pictoris System. His forces are defeated by a Romulan fleet led by Admiral Taris. Following her decisive victory, Rator III proclaims her leader of the Star Empire. Achenar Prime and a dozen others worlds chime in. In response to that, Taris broadcasts in an empire-wide address: "I am a military commander, and I would prefer to remain so. The seas of politics are rife with submerged hazards and hidden perils, and a wise person does well to avoid them. But my Empire calls and I cannot resist her plea." She calls for the colony leaders to meet at Rator III for select representatives for a new Romulan Senate, make plans for organizing a government and building a new capital. In 2392 the Romulan Colonial Organizational Committee, formed under Taris' directions, meets in the first completed building in Rihan, the new capital. Taris indicates her support for reviving the monarchy but notes that the Romulan people should have to decide whom to crown ruler. Several ongoing RCOC legislative sessions are interrupted by Admiral Taris and General Tebok, who argue about the role of the Romulan military. While the General wants to protect the core worlds by abandoning areas bordering Klingon space, Taris regards it as their duty to protect every world. No decision is found in the debate. (2393) When a permanent government is formed in 2394, Taris is made Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire. Praetor Taris lodges an immediate complaint with the Federation Council when Captain Barax Wenn of the U.S.S. April reveals that the destroyed Starfleet ship U.S.S. Kelso was illegally using a cloaking device. (2395) In 2396 the planet Kevratas is plagued by disease, making the Praetor quarantine Kevratas System by blockading it with Romulan ships, although a cure is available. Starfleet Admiral Zelle comments that Taris would be more compassionate if she saw someone dying from Bloodfire. Taris orders General Tebok to take down the resulting Kevratan insurrection. Instead, he refuses to fire on civilians and the Praetor orders him to resign his position as Fleet Commander. The Romulan Senate overrules her decision and Tebok remains in command of the military. (2397) In the following year, Tebok promotes General Velal, who is openly critical of the Praetor and her policies. Tebok dies in 2399 when his ship, the I.R.W. Alth'lndor is destroyed by an antimatter containment failure. Praetor Taris orders that all fleets have to report to her directly until a new Fleet Commander is chosen. Velal objects to that and the Senate promptly passes a bill that calls for Senate approval for all high-level military appointments. The Senate seeks to restrict the praetor's power even more in 2400, causing a clash between them and Taris. In a rare personal appearance, she argues: "In the absence of a monarch, and at a time of extreme upheaval in the Alpha and Beta quadrants we must have one voice to speak for our empire to the galaxy. Only by expanding the praetor's powers will we have stability and strength. A disharmonious chorus leads to chaos." Although Taris sways some Senators to her side, her general unpopularity with the Romulan populace makes the Senate proceed with the plan to limit the praetor's executive power. As another possible problem for Taris, Starfleet Intelligence decode messages which make the reports about the Alth'lndor's destruction questionable. In 2401, General Velal enters and alliance with the exiled Sela in order to remove Taris from power. The conflict further fractures the empire and Taris faces a growing rebellion when Kevratas and Abraxas Prime support Velal. According to Starfleet Intelligence reports, Taris is locked in her rooms for a few days when the Romulan Second Fleet approaches Rator III on Stardate 80957.96, however, when Velal's fleet enters orbit, she is already gone. The reign of Taris is over when the Senate proclaims Sela Praetor. (2403) In 2407, Praetor Sela revives Taris' idea about a Romulan monarchy. Later on, she becomes Empress of the Star Empire. Taris and her Reman allies, including Commanders Arranhu and S'hanclado, hide with her in the Iconia System until they are found by Starfleet. Taris is captured and her responsibility for the Hobus supernova is revealed. (2409). She was held at Facility 4028 but disappeared, with the only hint being an Iconian energy signature detected near her cell.
  • The planet taris is the third planet in the Taris System. Taris orbits a single sun and a single moon orbits the planet. This planet is located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy and is in between the planets Alkarin and Tarkon.
  • Taris was a soldier from Nespa. He fell in battle near Thebes while saving the life of his friend, Tyron. Taris had two brothers who blamed Tyron for his death when the soldier brought Taris' armour home to them.
  • Taris era un pianeta nei territori dell'Orlo Esterno, localizzato nel sistema Taris, settore Ojoster.
  • Taris was a planet in the Outer Rim. Darth Revan and his rascally gang of lovable scamps chilled here for a while a long time ago, rescued a hot Jedi chick, PWN3D some Sithies and stole a a pretty crappy ship. A few weeks later, Darth Darth Binks and his L33t time-travel skillz went back in time and really fucked up Taris, with the gang conveniently escaping just before the PWNage. Taris was split into three levels, including a fourth one nobody gave a fuck about because it wasn't in KOTOR. The Upper City: Where rich, playa-hatin' douchebags hung out. They enjoyed fun pastimes such as watching poor people kill each other for money, race riots, and shopping. The Lower City: Yep. Gang wars. I'm beginning to think that Taris is supposed to represent LA. The Undercity: That place that Carth was too wimpy to willingly go, so Darth Revan had to put roofies in his milk and drag him here. Full of rakghouls, who I assume represent homeless people. They are zombies with disease that bite you, which is scarily accurate.
  • Sub-commander Taris was a female Romulan officer of the Romulan military in the 24th century. She was the commanding officer of the Romulan warbird Haakona in the 2360s. In 2365, her ship discovered the Federation ship USS Yamato inside the Neutral Zone when it was trying to identify the planet Iconia. She eventually found it when it made a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D and watched it explode after downloading some of the contents of its computer while cloaked. Unfortunately, the computer contents contained an Iconian program that re-writes alien programming, affecting the Haakona the same way as the Yamato. Despite this, Taris ordered the Enterprise-D to leave the Neutral Zone and attempted to claim the planet. However, the Haakona was as unresponsive as the Enterprise was, in fact, the self-destruct procedure had been activated. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, on the planet, discovered an Iconian gateway and destroyed it so that it would not fall into Romulan hands. He stepped through the gateway which was pointed at the Haakona's bridge. However, by this time the Enterprise-D systems had been restored and Picard was beamed back. Geordi La Forge instructed her crew how to remove the probe's effects. (TNG: "Contagion" )
  • Taris era un planeta urbano en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, sede de varios eventos clave en la Guerra Civil Jedi, incluyendo la Batalla de Taris. Fue un planeta tan esplendoroso que rivalizaba con el propio Coruscant. También fue el blanco de un bombardeo planetario masivo que dañó bastante la reputación del Imperio Sith de Darth Malak. En el curso de los milenios siguientes el planeta fue reconstruido y se recuperó, aunque nunca al grado de su antigua gloria.
  • Empire, the planet's population of 6 billion was utterly destroyed during a massive conflict between Jedi and Sith forces. In the millennia since, the planet has been resettled. Inhabitants have rebuilt some of the cities on Taris although much of the planet still lies in ruin. Historians believe the swoop bike originated here and continue to excavate the ruins all over the planet in search of proof.
  • Taris is the fifth planet in its star system, located in the Outer Rim areas of the Seat of the Empire region. Taris's level bracket is 16-20 for the Republic, and 32-36 for the Empire. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Taris on Wookieepedia
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