  • Great Chaparral
  • Great Chaparral
  • Great Chaparral
  • Great Chaparral una zona montañosa situada en el norte de Los Santos County, San Andreas. Está bordeada por el Desierto de Gran Señora y el Lago Zancudo al norte, Vinewood Hills al sur, y Tongva Hills al oeste.
  • great chaparral satelitenansicht.png|Satellit great chaparral landkarte.png|Landkarte Stadtplan Great Chaparral.png|Stadtplan Great-Chapparal-Ansichtskarte.png|Ansichtskarte: „Besuchen Sie uns in Great Chapparal“ Great Chaparral ist eine Hügellandschaft aus Grand Theft Auto V, die sich in Los Santos County in San Andreas, nördlich von Los Santos befindet. Sie ist der flächenmäßig größte Bezirk von San Andreas.
  • The Great Chaparral is a landscape and hilly area located in the north of the Los Santos County, San Andreas. It is bordered by the Grand Senora Desert and the Zancudo River to the north, the Vinewood Hills to the south, and the Tongva Hills to the west. Great Chaparral also is a great place for drifters, as the roads are windy, but at the players cost of ruining the cars bodywork. It also is a great road just to drive along, as it's a long and peaceful drive. It also has great views.
lugares cercanos
comentario imagen
  • Vista aérea de Great Chaparral
  • Great Chaparral
  • 250
  • Great Chaparral una zona montañosa situada en el norte de Los Santos County, San Andreas. Está bordeada por el Desierto de Gran Señora y el Lago Zancudo al norte, Vinewood Hills al sur, y Tongva Hills al oeste.
  • great chaparral satelitenansicht.png|Satellit great chaparral landkarte.png|Landkarte Stadtplan Great Chaparral.png|Stadtplan Great-Chapparal-Ansichtskarte.png|Ansichtskarte: „Besuchen Sie uns in Great Chapparal“ Great Chaparral ist eine Hügellandschaft aus Grand Theft Auto V, die sich in Los Santos County in San Andreas, nördlich von Los Santos befindet. Sie ist der flächenmäßig größte Bezirk von San Andreas.
  • The Great Chaparral is a landscape and hilly area located in the north of the Los Santos County, San Andreas. It is bordered by the Grand Senora Desert and the Zancudo River to the north, the Vinewood Hills to the south, and the Tongva Hills to the west. The Great Chaparral is a grassy, hilly area located between the city and a desert. There are a few small farms scattered throughout the region, but other than that, the Great Chaparral is mostly empty. The northern areas of the Great Chaparral are more arid and dry due to the close proximity to the Grand Senora Desert. The southern end of the Great Chaparral is much more grassy and green, with trees all throughout. Great Chaparral also is a great place for drifters, as the roads are windy, but at the players cost of ruining the cars bodywork. It also is a great road just to drive along, as it's a long and peaceful drive. It also has great views.
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