  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korunové byli příslušníci lidské rasy z planety Haruun Kal. Korunové byli lidé tmavé pleti, kteří žili v klanech nebo početných rodinách zvaných Ghosh. Například Mace Windu a Kar Vastor byli oba ze stejné skupiny, a tedy Doshalo, klanoví bratři. V Letní válce bojovali proti nepřátelskému kmenu Balawaiů, kteří je hanlivě nazývali Kornos. Korunové byly geneticky lidé, až na to, že byli citlivější k Síle, kterou používali k ovládání zvířat, např. psů Akků. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategorie:Inteligentní druhy Kategorie:Lidské rasy Kategorie:Rasy a poddruhy
  • The Korun were the dark-skinned, long-lived, Force-sensitive natives of Haruun Kal.
  • [Source] Le terme Korun (au pluriel Korunnai) désignait les humains nés sur la planète Haruun Kal. Les Korunnai ressemblaient en tout point aux humains sauf qu'ils étaient tous sensibles à la Force.
  • [[Archivo:KarVastor.JPG|thumb|Kar Vastor, un korun de Ghôsh Windu.]] Los korunnai (singular, korun) eran una raza humana del planeta Haruun Kal. Eran una "tribu" nómada de las tierras altas (que era la traducción aproximada de "korunnai" al básico). Pelearon contra los balawai (gente de las tierras bajas) en la Guerra del Verano, y eran llamados kornos por sus enemigos a manera de insulto. Poco después del establecimiento del Imperio Galáctico, una flota Imperial bombardeó Haruun Kal; para el 40 DBY se desconocía si aún vivían korunnai.
  • The Korunnai (singular, Korun) were a Human race from the planet Haruun Kal. They were a nomadic "tribe" of uplanders (which was the rough translation of "Korunnai" into Basic). The Korunnai were born into clans or extended families called Ghôsh. For example, Mace Windu and Kar Vastor were both part of the same group, and thus Dôshalo, clan-brothers, to each other. They fought against the Balawai (downfolk) in the Summertime War and were insultingly called Kornos by these enemies. Korunnai measured distance not in length, but in transit time.
  • Bipédie
  • *Kar Vastor *Lorz Geptun *Mace Windu *Nick Rostu
  • Une paire, bleue ou marron
  • Brune
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korunnai
  • Korunnai
  • Korunnai
  • Korunnai
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Haruun Kal: Beyond the Cloudsea
  • 100.0
  • *Ghôsh Windu **Kar Vastor **Mace Windu *Ghôsh Rostu **Nick Rostu *Lorz Geptun
  • *Darth Plagueis *Cloak of Deception * * *Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force *Jedi Apprentice: The Uncertain Path *Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple *Jedi Apprentice: The Ties That Bind *Jedi Apprentice: The Call to Vengeance *Jedi Apprentice: The Only Witness *Jedi Apprentice: The Threat Within *Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: Deceptions *Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: The Followers *The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader *Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell * * * *Jedi Council: Acts of War *Star Wars: Obi-Wan * *Cloak of Deception *Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi *Episode I Adventures 4: Jedi Emergency *Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter *Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace novel *Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace *Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace comic *Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace junior novel *Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi *Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles *Star Wars: Battlefront *Star Wars: Republic: Emissaries to Malastare *Star Wars: Republic: Twilight *Star Wars: Republic: Infinity's End *Star Wars: Republic: The Hunt for Aurra Sing *Star Wars: Republic: Darkness *Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War *Star Wars 40: The Devaronian Version, Part 1 *Star Wars 41: The Devaronian Version, Part 2 *Star Wars: Republic: Rite of Passage * *Rogue Planet *Jedi Quest: Path to Truth *Jedi Quest comic *Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice *Star Wars: Zam Wesell *Outbound Flight *Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise *Jedi Quest: The School of Fear *Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth *Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard *Jedi Quest: The False Peace *Jedi Quest: The Final Showdown *Full of Surprises *Practice Makes Perfect *Coruscani Dawn * * * * *Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter *Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns *Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive *Boba Fett: Part I: Survival *Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones *Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic *Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones novel *Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones junior novel * * *Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game * *Star Wars: Battlefront II *Machines of War * * *Republic 49: Sacrifice *Republic 50: The Defense of Kamino *Jedi: Mace Windu *Republic 53: Blast Radius *Omega Squad: Targets * *Shatterpoint *Star Wars: Clone Wars PhotoComic * * * *Republic 54: Double Blind * * * *Jedi: Count Dooku *Star Wars: The New Droid Army *Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:3:22 *Hero of Cartao *The Cestus Deception * *Republic 61: Dead Ends *Republic 63: Striking from the Shadows *The Clone Wars: Shadowed * *Star Wars: The Clone Wars film *Star Wars: The Clone Wars novel *The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Tethan Battle Adventure *The Clone Wars: Wild Space *The Clone Wars: Shipyards of Doom *The Clone Wars: Crash Course *The Clone Wars: The Colossus of Destiny * *The Clone Wars: Shakedown * *The Clone Wars: Transfer * * * * *The Clone Wars: The Battle for Ryloth * * * *Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes * * * * *The Clone Wars: The Holocron Heist * * *The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct * *The Clone Wars 10: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 1 *The Clone Wars 11: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 2 * * * * * * * *The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Dooku's Secret Army *Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures video game * * * * * * * *Jedi: Yoda *Star Wars: Republic: Show of Force *Star Wars: General Grievous *Secrets of the Jedi *Jedi Trial *Yoda: Dark Rendezvous *Star Wars: Republic: Dreadnaughts of Rendili *Boba Fett: Pursuit *Obsession 1 *Obsession 2 *Obsession 4 *Obsession 5 *Labyrinth of Evil *Reversal of Fortune * * * * *Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron *Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith *Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith comic *Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith novel *Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith junior novel *Evil Eyes *Star Wars: Republic: Hidden Enemy *Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight *Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows * *Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game *The Force Unleashed novel *Perfect Evil *Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor *Star Wars: Empire: "General" Skywalker *Star Wars -Phantasmagoria- *Dark Nest III: The Swarm War *Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines *Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice''
  • *Brown *Blue
  • Коруны
  • Коруны
  • Коруны
  • Коруны
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • コルン
  • コルン
  • コルン
  • コルン
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • *Black
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030710haruunkal
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korun
  • Korunové byli příslušníci lidské rasy z planety Haruun Kal. Korunové byli lidé tmavé pleti, kteří žili v klanech nebo početných rodinách zvaných Ghosh. Například Mace Windu a Kar Vastor byli oba ze stejné skupiny, a tedy Doshalo, klanoví bratři. V Letní válce bojovali proti nepřátelskému kmenu Balawaiů, kteří je hanlivě nazývali Kornos. Korunové byly geneticky lidé, až na to, že byli citlivější k Síle, kterou používali k ovládání zvířat, např. psů Akků. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategorie:Inteligentní druhy Kategorie:Lidské rasy Kategorie:Rasy a poddruhy
  • The Korun were the dark-skinned, long-lived, Force-sensitive natives of Haruun Kal.
  • [[Archivo:KarVastor.JPG|thumb|Kar Vastor, un korun de Ghôsh Windu.]] Los korunnai (singular, korun) eran una raza humana del planeta Haruun Kal. Eran una "tribu" nómada de las tierras altas (que era la traducción aproximada de "korunnai" al básico). Pelearon contra los balawai (gente de las tierras bajas) en la Guerra del Verano, y eran llamados kornos por sus enemigos a manera de insulto. Los korunnai eran genéticamente humanos en casi todos los aspectos, excepto en que todos eran sensibles a la Fuerza, y usaban sus poderes de la Fuerza para domesticar a los perros akk y los grassers. Se cree que una nave espacial Jedi se estrelló en el planeta durante la Gran Guerra Sith, y que los korun eran descendientes de esos Jedi. Adicionalmente, los korunnai tenían una elevada resistencia a los venenos, debido a vivir cerca del mar de nubes tóxico que cubría las tierras bajas del planeta. Su término para la Fuerza era el Pelekotan. Los korunnai hablaban korunnal, y se organizaban en tribus con muchas similitudes con una unidad familiar. Estas tribus eran llamadas Ghôsh, y una de las más prominentes era Ghôsh Windu, la tribu de Kar Vastor y Mace Windu. La versión korunnai de encogerse de hombros era mover la cabeza un centímetro a la derecha. Poco después del establecimiento del Imperio Galáctico, una flota Imperial bombardeó Haruun Kal; para el 40 DBY se desconocía si aún vivían korunnai. Los korunnai medían la distancia no en longitud, sino en tiempo de viaje.
  • [Source] Le terme Korun (au pluriel Korunnai) désignait les humains nés sur la planète Haruun Kal. Les Korunnai ressemblaient en tout point aux humains sauf qu'ils étaient tous sensibles à la Force.
  • The Korunnai (singular, Korun) were a Human race from the planet Haruun Kal. They were a nomadic "tribe" of uplanders (which was the rough translation of "Korunnai" into Basic). The Korunnai were born into clans or extended families called Ghôsh. For example, Mace Windu and Kar Vastor were both part of the same group, and thus Dôshalo, clan-brothers, to each other. They fought against the Balawai (downfolk) in the Summertime War and were insultingly called Kornos by these enemies. The Korunnai were genetically Human in almost every respect, except that they were all Force-sensitive and used their Force powers to bind akk dogs and grassers to themselves. It is said that a Jedi craft crashed on the planet during the Sith War, and the Korun were descendants of Jedi. In addition, the Korunnai also had a higher tolerance to poisons, due to living near the toxic cloudsea that covered the lowlands of the planet. Their term for the Force was the Pelekotan. The Korunnai spoke Korunnal, and organized themselves into tribes with many similarities to a family unit. These tribes were known as Ghôsh, one of the most prominent being Ghôsh Windu, the tribe of Kar Vastor and Mace Windu. The Korunnai version of a shrug was to tilt the head a centimeter to the right. Their phrase for nonsense was 'tusker poop'. Shortly after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, an Imperial fleet bombarded Haruun Kal; by 40 ABY it was unknown if any Korunnai still lived. However, in 5 ABY at least three Korunnai still existed-Nick Rostu, Lorz Geptun, and Kar Vastor. Korunnai measured distance not in length, but in transit time.
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