  • D'Ghor
  • D'Ghor
  • thumb|D'Ghor (2371) D'Ghor ist ein Klingone und Anführer des Hauses des D'Ghor. Seit Mitte der 2360er greift D'Ghor das Haus des Kozak kontinuierlich an, indem er finanzielle Manipulationen durchführt. Er setzt den Wert der Ländereien niedriger an und ist der Hauptgläubiger der Spielschulden Kozaks. D'Ghor reicht vor dem Hohen Rat eine Petition ein und stellt den Anspruch auf den Titel und das Eigentum des Hauses des Kozaks. Zwischenzeitlich führt Grilka das Brek'tal-Ritual durch und nimmt Quark als ihren neuen Ehemann an. Dadurch wird die Petition ungültig.
  • D'Ghor was a male Klingon who lived in the 24th century. D'Ghor's family have been enemies of Kozak's for generations. In 2371, after Kozak died in an accident in Quark's bar on Deep Space 9, D'Ghor travelled there to force Quark to say that Kozak had died in honorable combat, thus preventing Grilka from becoming head of the House of Kozak. D'Ghor approached Gowron and the Klingon High Council and requested that he take over the Great House. Quark was able to prove that D'Ghor had been plotting against Kozak and Grilka for years and, when D'Ghor attempted to kill Quark, Gowron condemned him for his lack of honor. D'Ghor received a discommendation from the High Council. (DS9 episode: "The House of Quark")
  • When Kozak, the head of the House died in an accident in 2371, apparently killed in self-defense by a Ferengi named Quark, D'Ghor traveled to Deep Space 9 posing as Kozak's brother to learn the truth. Quark maintained his story that he had killed Kozak. Since Kozak had apparently died in personal combat and not under unusual circumstances, it prevented the possibility of allowing Kozak's widow Grilka from taking over the House and would allow D'Ghor to take over. D'Ghor was played by Carlos Carrasco. The character also appears in the Prophecy and Change story "...Loved I Not Honor More".
  • 2371
  • D'Ghor
  • Active
  • Male
  • When Kozak, the head of the House died in an accident in 2371, apparently killed in self-defense by a Ferengi named Quark, D'Ghor traveled to Deep Space 9 posing as Kozak's brother to learn the truth. Quark maintained his story that he had killed Kozak. Since Kozak had apparently died in personal combat and not under unusual circumstances, it prevented the possibility of allowing Kozak's widow Grilka from taking over the House and would allow D'Ghor to take over. Grilka worked to prevent this by marrying Quark, causing her house to become the House of Quark. Quark then brought evidence before the Klingon High Council of D'Ghor's financial attacks. D'Ghor, in response, challenged Quark to a fight to the death. Quark refused to defend himself, knowing that he couldn't possibly defeat D'Ghor, making it nothing more than an honorless execution. D'Ghor was prepared to strike Quark down anyway when Chancellor Gowron intervened, accusing D'Ghor of having no honor. D'Ghor suffered an immediate discommendation and was ejected from the council. By contrast, Quark was commended as a Ferengi of unusual bravery. (DS9: "The House of Quark") D'Ghor was played by Carlos Carrasco. The character also appears in the Prophecy and Change story "...Loved I Not Honor More".
  • thumb|D'Ghor (2371) D'Ghor ist ein Klingone und Anführer des Hauses des D'Ghor. Seit Mitte der 2360er greift D'Ghor das Haus des Kozak kontinuierlich an, indem er finanzielle Manipulationen durchführt. Er setzt den Wert der Ländereien niedriger an und ist der Hauptgläubiger der Spielschulden Kozaks. 2371 stirbt Kozak bei einem Unfall im Quark's. Der Ferengi gibt später an, dass er der Sieger in einem ehrenhaften Kampf ist, um Profit aus dem Zwischenfall zu schlagen. Daraufhin besucht D'Ghor Quark auf Deep Space 9 und gibt sich gegenüber dem Barkeeper als Kozaks Bruder aus. Er hört sich die Geschichte des Ferengi an und fordert ihn auf, bei der Behauptung eines ehrenhaften Todes Kozaks zu bleiben. So verhindert er, das Lady Grilka, die Frau Kozaks, die Nachfolge des Hauses des Kozaks antreten kann. D'Ghor reicht vor dem Hohen Rat eine Petition ein und stellt den Anspruch auf den Titel und das Eigentum des Hauses des Kozaks. Zwischenzeitlich führt Grilka das Brek'tal-Ritual durch und nimmt Quark als ihren neuen Ehemann an. Dadurch wird die Petition ungültig. Als Quark D'Ghors finanzielle Manipulationen herausfindet und diesen vor dem Hohen Rat beschuldigt, bezichtigt dieser Quark der Lüge und fordert ihn zum Kampf heraus. Im Kampf wirft Quark sein Bat'leth weg und will D'Ghor einen ehrenhaften Sieg verwehren. Als D'Ghor nicht ablassen will, hält Kanzler Gowron ihn auf. Da sein Verhalten unehrenhaft ist, verweist Gowron ihn der Halle. (DS9: ) D'Ghor wurde von Carlos Carrasco gespielt und von Jan Spitzer synchronisiert.
  • D'Ghor was a male Klingon who lived in the 24th century. D'Ghor's family have been enemies of Kozak's for generations. In 2371, after Kozak died in an accident in Quark's bar on Deep Space 9, D'Ghor travelled there to force Quark to say that Kozak had died in honorable combat, thus preventing Grilka from becoming head of the House of Kozak. D'Ghor approached Gowron and the Klingon High Council and requested that he take over the Great House. Quark was able to prove that D'Ghor had been plotting against Kozak and Grilka for years and, when D'Ghor attempted to kill Quark, Gowron condemned him for his lack of honor. D'Ghor received a discommendation from the High Council. (DS9 episode: "The House of Quark") During the conflict between the Klingon Empire and the Cardassians, several of D'Ghor's cousins became prominent for military successes and D'Ghor was able to use this prestige to make a return. By 2373, the House of D'Ghor had been engaged by the Reletek to provide them with security, a deal which also gave D'Ghor access to Reletek transphasic sensors. These sensors allowed detection of raw materials in interphase from objects that had been disintegrated and that could then be transported back into normal reality. D'Ghor began to systematically destroy valuables belonging to Grilka and use the sensors to find the interphase materials. D'Ghor later came to Deep Space 9 after Quark ended a contract with the Reletek and attempted to force him to return to the terms of the agreement. Odo arrested D'Ghor after Quark was able to have D'Ghor confess to his actions. (DS9 short story: "... Loved I Not Honor More")