  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Lunch is a goebie who features in the quest Call of the Ancestors. Together with Tunks and Peck they form the goebie trio. After the quest, Lunch can be found east of Kanatah and appears to be counting the muscles on his arms. As part of the Mod Deg trading sequence, players can use the magic flute on Lunch repeatedly, until Lunch accepts it and trades it for the goebie disguise kit. According to Acca Kanatah, their favorite meal of the day is breakfast.
  • Lunch is a meal between breakfast and dinner often eaten around noon unless you are a godless commie liberal keeping Stalin hours rather than MBA hours then lunch is actually eaten during dinner time. Or unless you are French then it gets all screwed up by calling breakfast a small lunch, lunch a lunch as well as supper a lunch. Dr. Stephen Colbert has certain views on school lunches but chooses not to share them until John Kerry's wife, the heir of the Heinz catsup fortune, divorces and marries a real American, or at least one not thought to be in alliance with bears.
  • Virus.DOS.Lunch.1756 or Lunch is a dangerous overwriting DOS virus.
  • Wendy was a skilled cook, and she prepared lunch for the Super Friends on occasion. Director Wimple had a sandwich for lunch that he kept in his lunchpail. Wendy Harris, Marvin White, Wonder Dog, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and joining them last; Superman, all had a picnic lunch on a countryside road across from the Moles residence.
  • Lunch ist ein junges Mädchen, dessen Persönlichkeit und Aussehen sich verändern, wenn sie niesen muss.
  • Launch is een vrouw die voorkomt in Dragon Ball.
  • Lunch is a meal, typically eaten midday.
  • Lunch ist ne Bitch die gerne Cocks will
  • Where should we eat in Portland?
  • Lunch est un personnage qui apparaît essentiellement dans la saga Dragon Ball. C'est une criminelle recherchée qui devient une alliée plus ou moins fidèle de Son Gokû et ses amis.
  • Recorded since 1580; presumably short for luncheon, apparently an alteration from nuncheon, nonechenche "light mid-day meal", itself from none "noon" (from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] nonus) + schench "drink" (from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] scenc, from scencan "pour out") and altered by northern English dialect lunch "hunk of bread or cheese" (1590), which probably is from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] lonja "a slice" (literally "loin")
  • Lunch is an upcoming Illumination Entertainment film.
  • Although Calvin is seen bringing a lunchbox to school, his lunch is usually packed in a brown paper bag. He often brings a yellow and red thermos as well.
  • Eating lunch with someone might mean the character is not commited to the relationship. Things are still superficial. - B
  • Lunch is the forty-first episode (first part of the twenty-first episode) of Season 2 of The Mr. Men Show.
  • Lunch är en måltid oftast äts vid middagstid. Under 2000 när Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill åt lunch i mässan åt han kyckling stekt biff, potatismos, brunsås och gröna bönor. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: Alliances") Under 2002 Major Samantha Carter och Dr Meredith Rodney McKay äter lunch tillsammans med de två fortfarande debatterar över Stargate när Teal'c var fast i buffert. (SG1: "48 Hours")
  • Lunch (jap. ランチ [Ranchi], pl. Lansz) – pierwszy raz widzimy bohaterkę gdy jest aresztowana przez policję, za liczne rabunki. Uratowana przed wymiarem sprawiedliwości przez małych Gokū i Kulilina, zostaje użyta jako "przepustka" do nauki u Żółwiego Pustelnika. Osiedla się w Kame House i pracuje dla naszych bohaterów jako gospodyni domowa. Ważną i najbardziej różniącą ją od innych ludzi umiejętnością jest możliwość zmiany wizerunku i osobowości. Za każdym razem gdy Lunch kichnie jej charakter ulega transformacji o 180°, a włosy zmieniają kolor. Odpowiednio blond Lunch jest zła i narwana, a niebiesko-włosa miła i spokojna.
  • LUNCH is something what somebody would eat after BREAKFAST! and before DINNER. It is allies with Lotsa Spaghetti.You can eat a big burger (spelled boygeer by dumb people and Fakegees) or Freench Froys. You can eat a number(dumb like 26939 or 20503258399052397532) or a crocidle. Remember, eat food without fioreaknig Total Fat, Satuarated Fat, Trans Fat, Dmub Fat and Cholesterol and Sugars/Shugars. Sounds good, right?! Remember, PARAGRAPHS are 5 sentences.
  • According to the personal computer log of the Bajoran criminal Ibudan, he had lunch with Della Santina on stardate 46383. (DS9: "A Man Alone") Dr. Julian Bashir and the Cardassian tailor Garak often ate lunch together at the Replimat on Deep Space 9. As of 2370, they had been meeting for about two years. (DS9: "Cardassians", "The Wire" et al.) Lunch was one of the words Doctor Julian Bashir used after he was infected by the aphasia virus in 2369. (DS9: "Babel")
  • Achieving near-instantaneous success, Lunch's power and influence grew quickly — so quickly that it soon came into conflict with the two other dominant meals in the culinary landscape, Breakfast and the Midnight Snack. Tensions finally boiled over in 1986 after a teenager in New Hampshire was found eating French Fries at 8:30 AM, precipitating the bloody Breakfast-Lunch War. Many casualties were suffered by both sides; prominent deaths included the Avocado-Salad Sandwich, the Bagel 'n' Bacon Cheese Combo, and Weetabix. After a truce was declared in January 1987, the Treaty of Brunch was signed, effectively ending hostilities. However, Lunch was forced to submit to a humiliating inspection program under the supervision of UN lunch counters.
  • Standard
  • War-paint
  • Muten Rōshi Żółw Morski Kulilin Son Gokū Tenshinhan
Première apparition Manga
  • ankōbon vol. 26 - Kanzenban vol. 3
Imię w anime
  • LanszLancz
  • Brak informacji.
  • Kobieta
  • 250
Kolor Czcionki Imienia
  • white
Signification du nom
  • Lunch signifie "déjeuner" en anglais.
Voix Française
  • Claude Chantal
  • Danièle Douet
  • Laurence Crouzet
  • 9.100000
  • w
  • no
  • A strong looking goebie! An intrepid young goebie.
  • Lunch
  • Elle utilise des armes pour combattre
Voix Japonaise
  • Mami Koyama
  • 38
Debiut w mandze
  • Rozdział #026
  • 127.130000
Debiut w anime
  • DB Odcinek #015
Première apparition Anime
  • Dragon Ball épisode 015
  • 730
Imię w mandze
  • Lunch
  • Brak informacji.
Nom Original
  • ランチ
  • 14
Kolor Tła Imienia
  • #C20201
Znaczenie imienia
  • Z języka angielskiego "lunch" drugie śniadanie.
  • blau bzw. blond
  • ランチ
Poziom bojowy
  • 10
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • Ziemia
  • Ranchi
  • 125.300000
  • pres
  • Fisherman
  • Assistant
  • 1991
  • Argentina
  • MS-DOS
  • event
  • Banjo-Tooie (XBLA)
  • Lunch
  • Lunch
  • Virus
  • sg
  • Mensch
  • verändert Aussehen und Persönlichkeit beim Niesen
  • Yes
  • Criminelle recherchée
  • lunchen
  • lunches
  • Call of the Ancestors - Novice Quest
  • No
  • *DOS executable
  • *Lunch *Surviv_1
  • 1
  • Lunch
  • 150
  • He and his master Robson are an allusion to Robinson Crusoe. Not only are the names similar, but Robinson also lived in a hut constructed on the island he got stranded on and also named his only friend there after the time they met.
  • Lunch is Robson's friend and assistant and very good at catching fish.
  • 1
  • 2015-10-12
  • Kazordoon
  • Male
  • Genderless
  • Son Gokû
  • Kuririn
  • Kamé Sennin
  • Oolong
  • Bulma
  • Ten Shin Han
  • Yamcha
  • Chiaotzu
  • Puerh
  • Humaine
  • ind
  • Mazcab
  • Robson's Isle, docks north of Junkar's steamship.
  • 1756
  • 774
Data urodzin
  • 733
  • Lunch is a goebie who features in the quest Call of the Ancestors. Together with Tunks and Peck they form the goebie trio. After the quest, Lunch can be found east of Kanatah and appears to be counting the muscles on his arms. As part of the Mod Deg trading sequence, players can use the magic flute on Lunch repeatedly, until Lunch accepts it and trades it for the goebie disguise kit. According to Acca Kanatah, their favorite meal of the day is breakfast.
  • Lunch is a meal between breakfast and dinner often eaten around noon unless you are a godless commie liberal keeping Stalin hours rather than MBA hours then lunch is actually eaten during dinner time. Or unless you are French then it gets all screwed up by calling breakfast a small lunch, lunch a lunch as well as supper a lunch. Dr. Stephen Colbert has certain views on school lunches but chooses not to share them until John Kerry's wife, the heir of the Heinz catsup fortune, divorces and marries a real American, or at least one not thought to be in alliance with bears.
  • Virus.DOS.Lunch.1756 or Lunch is a dangerous overwriting DOS virus.
  • Wendy was a skilled cook, and she prepared lunch for the Super Friends on occasion. Director Wimple had a sandwich for lunch that he kept in his lunchpail. Wendy Harris, Marvin White, Wonder Dog, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and joining them last; Superman, all had a picnic lunch on a countryside road across from the Moles residence.
  • Lunch ist ein junges Mädchen, dessen Persönlichkeit und Aussehen sich verändern, wenn sie niesen muss.
  • Launch is een vrouw die voorkomt in Dragon Ball.
  • Lunch is a meal, typically eaten midday.
  • Lunch ist ne Bitch die gerne Cocks will
  • Where should we eat in Portland?
  • Lunch est un personnage qui apparaît essentiellement dans la saga Dragon Ball. C'est une criminelle recherchée qui devient une alliée plus ou moins fidèle de Son Gokû et ses amis.
  • Recorded since 1580; presumably short for luncheon, apparently an alteration from nuncheon, nonechenche "light mid-day meal", itself from none "noon" (from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] nonus) + schench "drink" (from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] scenc, from scencan "pour out") and altered by northern English dialect lunch "hunk of bread or cheese" (1590), which probably is from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Lunch]] lonja "a slice" (literally "loin")
  • Lunch is an upcoming Illumination Entertainment film.
  • Lunch (jap. ランチ [Ranchi], pl. Lansz) – pierwszy raz widzimy bohaterkę gdy jest aresztowana przez policję, za liczne rabunki. Uratowana przed wymiarem sprawiedliwości przez małych Gokū i Kulilina, zostaje użyta jako "przepustka" do nauki u Żółwiego Pustelnika. Osiedla się w Kame House i pracuje dla naszych bohaterów jako gospodyni domowa. Ważną i najbardziej różniącą ją od innych ludzi umiejętnością jest możliwość zmiany wizerunku i osobowości. Za każdym razem gdy Lunch kichnie jej charakter ulega transformacji o 180°, a włosy zmieniają kolor. Odpowiednio blond Lunch jest zła i narwana, a niebiesko-włosa miła i spokojna. Jako blondynka zakochuje się w Tenshinhanie, niestety bez wzajemności. Gdy opuszcza dom Genialnego Żółwia widzimy ją sporadycznie w kryzysowych sytuacjach np. przy oddawaniu energii przez ziemian w celu stworzenia Genki Damy.
  • Although Calvin is seen bringing a lunchbox to school, his lunch is usually packed in a brown paper bag. He often brings a yellow and red thermos as well.
  • LUNCH is something what somebody would eat after BREAKFAST! and before DINNER. It is allies with Lotsa Spaghetti.You can eat a big burger (spelled boygeer by dumb people and Fakegees) or Freench Froys. You can eat a number(dumb like 26939 or 20503258399052397532) or a crocidle. Remember, eat food without fioreaknig Total Fat, Satuarated Fat, Trans Fat, Dmub Fat and Cholesterol and Sugars/Shugars. Sounds good, right?! Nobody had found a bunny for LUNCH. WARNING!: Don't eat 423421421 Krabby Patties. A kid named Eric thought that Lunch was spelled L-A-U-B-N-C-H. Eric died after. Weegee thought that Luigi was for Lunch. Captain 0 hasn't eaten LUNCH. Weegee ate 100 Luigi clones. Yum. Baby Yoshi eats LUNCH, and he likes it. All lunch comes out the bump. Remember, PARAGRAPHS are 5 sentences. File:Crushed-drink-can.jpg This article is a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help My English Wiki by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough, it could be placed into the acid lake.
  • Eating lunch with someone might mean the character is not commited to the relationship. Things are still superficial. - B
  • Lunch is the forty-first episode (first part of the twenty-first episode) of Season 2 of The Mr. Men Show.
  • According to the personal computer log of the Bajoran criminal Ibudan, he had lunch with Della Santina on stardate 46383. (DS9: "A Man Alone") Dr. Julian Bashir and the Cardassian tailor Garak often ate lunch together at the Replimat on Deep Space 9. As of 2370, they had been meeting for about two years. (DS9: "Cardassians", "The Wire" et al.) Lunch was one of the words Doctor Julian Bashir used after he was infected by the aphasia virus in 2369. (DS9: "Babel") Bashir suggested he had an allergic reaction of the replicated antipasto he had for lunch when he saw the affectionate Jadzia Dax on his bed. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses") In 2373, Keiko O'Brien was injured when a Pah-wraith that was possessing her caused her to jump from the upper level of Deep Space 9's Promenade in order to impress upon Miles O'Brien the seriousness of the actions that it would take if he attempted to subvert its actions. When Miles was asked what he was doing on the Promenade when he was supposed to be repairing optronic circuitry on level five, he excused it by stating that he was going to the Replimat for lunch. (DS9: "The Assignment") After being injured and having to wait for treatment after a Dominion attack on the USS Defiant in 2374, Garak told Dr. Bashir that he thought he was entitled to preferential treatment by him after all the lunches they had shared together. (DS9: "A Time to Stand") Gagh was served at lunchtime in the mess hall of the IKS Rotarran, although it was also served at breakfast and dinner. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols") In 2375, after returning to Cardassia after a long exile, one of the last things Garak said to Bashir was that he was going to miss their lunches together. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
  • Lunch är en måltid oftast äts vid middagstid. Under 2000 när Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill åt lunch i mässan åt han kyckling stekt biff, potatismos, brunsås och gröna bönor. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: Alliances") Under 2002 Major Samantha Carter och Dr Meredith Rodney McKay äter lunch tillsammans med de två fortfarande debatterar över Stargate när Teal'c var fast i buffert. (SG1: "48 Hours")
  • Achieving near-instantaneous success, Lunch's power and influence grew quickly — so quickly that it soon came into conflict with the two other dominant meals in the culinary landscape, Breakfast and the Midnight Snack. Tensions finally boiled over in 1986 after a teenager in New Hampshire was found eating French Fries at 8:30 AM, precipitating the bloody Breakfast-Lunch War. Many casualties were suffered by both sides; prominent deaths included the Avocado-Salad Sandwich, the Bagel 'n' Bacon Cheese Combo, and Weetabix. After a truce was declared in January 1987, the Treaty of Brunch was signed, effectively ending hostilities. However, Lunch was forced to submit to a humiliating inspection program under the supervision of UN lunch counters. Most recently, Lunch was alleged to have carried out a brutal terror attack on The Afternoon Coffee Break, condemned by the World Mealtime Community as "ill-mannered" and "not especially nice, really." This came on the heels of Lunch's suspected involvement in the Delta Flight 842 Airsickness Disaster, in which over 120 innocent passengers lost their dinners after a 6-hour flight delay. Lunch spokesmen denied any wrongdoing in both incidents.
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