  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • This is the 17th episode of the game, and the seventh episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • 16 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • Diana rätselt, wer ihre Schlittschuhe entwendet haben könnte. Jenny wird unterdessen von Julian mit Dianas Schlittschuhen erwischt und bemüht sich, den Verdacht so schnell wie möglich von sich lenken. Doch Simone, die den Vorfall beobachtet hat, weiß längst um das Vergehen ihrer Tochter. Sie nimmt die Sache in die Hand und präsentiert Richard eine Putzfrau als geständige Diebin. Zu dumm, dass Axel Simone dabei beobachtet, wie sie der vermeintlichen Täterin Schmiergeld überreicht. Vanessa stellt Nina zur Rede, weil sie versucht hat, Tim etwas in die Schuhe zu schieben, was auch auf Ninas Mist gewachsen ist. Blind vor Liebe geht Vanessa bei ihren Maßregelungen eindeutig zu weit.
  • 16 was a clone sharpshooter in the Grand Army of the Republic unit Coruscant Guard.
  • 16 è uno dei numeri.
  • Przez długi okres czasu linia 16 kursowała z Mistrzejowic do Walcowni. 17 listopada 2012, przy tzw. remarszrutyzacji, została ona skrócona do Kopca Wandy. Obecne linie i pętle tramwajowe oraz tabor w Krakowie Kategoria:Linie tramwajowe
  • Liste des occurences du chiffre 16 :
  • El dieciséis (16) es el número natural que sigue al quince y precede al diecisiete. Categoría:Números
  • The year 16 AD
  • [[Plik:16.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 16 (powiększ)]] 16 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Żerania FSO na Woronicza. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnie tramwajowe Mokotów, Żoliborz oraz Wola.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "16" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Joe Coleman (1978*) * Mike Bordick (2003) * Butch Edge (1979) * Garth Iorg (1980-1987) * Tim Johnson (1978*) * Kevin Millar (2009) * Greg Myers (1989) * Tim Nordbrook (1977-1978*) * Tom Quinlan (1990, 1992) * Guillermo Quiroz (2004-2005) * Todd Stottlemyre (1988) * Andy Thompson (2000) * Turner Ward (1993) * Dewayne Wise (2002)
  • 16 (sixteen) is a positive integer following 15 and preceding 17. Its ordinal form is written "16th" or "sixteenth".
  • #16 is the sixteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 16 is the fourth of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, chronologically by episode.
  • 16, (linia tramwajowa) normalna . Zawieszona z powodu małej rentowności ( mała liczba osób do przewozu). Niegdyś kursowała pomiędzy Parkiem Południowym a ZOO.
  • 16 is a number that comprises the sequence of digits 1 and 6 of the Arabic Numeral System—the most widely used numeral system in the world.
  • 16 is a number. It is half of 32, and 8 times 2 is 16.
  • Ask That Guy: Episode 16 That Guy, holding a pipe in his mouth with one hand and using the other to read a large book with a red cover, looks up suddenly and snaps the book shut. That Guy: Oh Sallam! Didn’t hear you come in. Welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to the music of Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Von Beethoven. Narrator: Why is it that after multiple loads of laundry, you realize your missing some socks, and are unable to find them anywhere in the house? What happens to them? That Guy: Yes, but only once.(grins) That Guy: WHAT?(grinning)
  • Victoria relates to Elizabeth the message from Malloy: Roger is OK. He's lucky, the accident could have been worse. Elizabeth is not sure it was an accident. Elizabeth recounts the boring facts that led to her boring speech. Joe is still cool to Burke, who insists he be on a first-name basis with the lovebirds. Carolyn implies she'd like to be bludgeoned and kidnapped by Burke. Joe questions her devotion to staying with Burke. Matthew's accident was 17 years ago, and ever since then, he's made sure the brakes on every car worked, according to Elizabeth. Elizabeth worries that Collinwood 'smells of death' and isn't the place for David. Elizabeth asks Matthew how he's been attending to Roger's car; Matthew jumps to the conclusion that Roger complained and says he hates him. He threatens to k
  • 8.6
  • E1, 2xKonstal 105Na
  • 16
  • 15
  • 258.325000
Folgen Nummer
  • 16
  • 16
  • 16
  • 20
  • Trasa szesnastki
  • 1.200000
  • co 20 minut
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 25092006
  • 17
  • 1966-07-04
  • 16
  • 1967
  • 2
  • 3
  • 6
  • Distress signal.jpg
  • Puzzle3LowerLeft.jpg
  • 2
  • 16
  • Episode 16
  • Galactic Republic
  • 1966-07-18
Character Name
  • 200
  • 1.83
  • 16
  • 13
  • right
  • 15
  • 15.0
  • 16
  • 17
  • 17.0
  • Bawz_20060925_0016_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 32
  • Hotel Room 1516.
  • Image from the Jigsaw Puzzles
  • Sayid is number 16 inside the cliffside cave wall.
  • The Signal has been playing for sixteen years.
  • The exercise bike was going sixteen miles per hour.
  • 16
  • This is the 17th episode of the game, and the seventh episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • 16 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • Diana rätselt, wer ihre Schlittschuhe entwendet haben könnte. Jenny wird unterdessen von Julian mit Dianas Schlittschuhen erwischt und bemüht sich, den Verdacht so schnell wie möglich von sich lenken. Doch Simone, die den Vorfall beobachtet hat, weiß längst um das Vergehen ihrer Tochter. Sie nimmt die Sache in die Hand und präsentiert Richard eine Putzfrau als geständige Diebin. Zu dumm, dass Axel Simone dabei beobachtet, wie sie der vermeintlichen Täterin Schmiergeld überreicht. Vanessa stellt Nina zur Rede, weil sie versucht hat, Tim etwas in die Schuhe zu schieben, was auch auf Ninas Mist gewachsen ist. Blind vor Liebe geht Vanessa bei ihren Maßregelungen eindeutig zu weit.
  • 16 was a clone sharpshooter in the Grand Army of the Republic unit Coruscant Guard.
  • 16 è uno dei numeri.
  • Przez długi okres czasu linia 16 kursowała z Mistrzejowic do Walcowni. 17 listopada 2012, przy tzw. remarszrutyzacji, została ona skrócona do Kopca Wandy. Obecne linie i pętle tramwajowe oraz tabor w Krakowie Kategoria:Linie tramwajowe
  • Liste des occurences du chiffre 16 :
  • El dieciséis (16) es el número natural que sigue al quince y precede al diecisiete. Categoría:Números
  • The year 16 AD
  • [[Plik:16.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 16 (powiększ)]] 16 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała na trasie z Żerania FSO na Woronicza. Linię obsługiwały zajezdnie tramwajowe Mokotów, Żoliborz oraz Wola.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "16" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Joe Coleman (1978*) * Mike Bordick (2003) * Butch Edge (1979) * Garth Iorg (1980-1987) * Tim Johnson (1978*) * Kevin Millar (2009) * Greg Myers (1989) * Tim Nordbrook (1977-1978*) * Tom Quinlan (1990, 1992) * Guillermo Quiroz (2004-2005) * Todd Stottlemyre (1988) * Andy Thompson (2000) * Turner Ward (1993) * Dewayne Wise (2002)
  • 16 (sixteen) is a positive integer following 15 and preceding 17. Its ordinal form is written "16th" or "sixteenth".
  • #16 is the sixteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • Victoria relates to Elizabeth the message from Malloy: Roger is OK. He's lucky, the accident could have been worse. Elizabeth is not sure it was an accident. Elizabeth recounts the boring facts that led to her boring speech. Joe is still cool to Burke, who insists he be on a first-name basis with the lovebirds. Carolyn implies she'd like to be bludgeoned and kidnapped by Burke. Joe questions her devotion to staying with Burke. Matthew's accident was 17 years ago, and ever since then, he's made sure the brakes on every car worked, according to Elizabeth. Elizabeth worries that Collinwood 'smells of death' and isn't the place for David. Elizabeth asks Matthew how he's been attending to Roger's car; Matthew jumps to the conclusion that Roger complained and says he hates him. He threatens to kill anyone who harms Elizabeth. Matthew says the brakes on Roger's car were checked two days ago, so they had to have been tampered with in order to cause Roger's accident. Carolyn attempts to get Burke to dance with her; Burke refuses. Burke decides to stop waiting for Roger; Carolyn invites him to the movie. Joe storms out after insulting Burke (who's really been quite passive in this). Burke and Carolyn go looking for Joe. Reporters hound Elizabeth because the Collins' are newsworthy. Victoria has to give Carolyn up when Elizabeth attempts to contact her at the movie house. Elizabeth is furious when she learns/realizes that Carolyn is chasing Burke. She finds out from the barkeep that Carolyn indeed left with Burke. Victoria breaks a dish; Elizabeth watches the clock.
  • 16 is the fourth of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, chronologically by episode.
  • Ask That Guy: Episode 16 That Guy, holding a pipe in his mouth with one hand and using the other to read a large book with a red cover, looks up suddenly and snaps the book shut. That Guy: Oh Sallam! Didn’t hear you come in. Welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to the music of Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Von Beethoven. Narrator: Why is it that after multiple loads of laundry, you realize your missing some socks, and are unable to find them anywhere in the house? What happens to them? That Guy: That’s a very good question. The answer, in all honesty, is your couch eats them-because he is in cahoots with the laundry machine. You see, the laundry machine HATES to do dirty socks(rolls eyes upward)They’ve been on your feet, for crying out loud! And so, the couch keeps socks in between it’s cushions, and in return, the laundry machine hides the remote! ‘Cause the couch HATES to have the remote lost down the cracks of the cushions. It’s like getting a popcorn kernel out of your teeth. It’s just so annoying! This is why couches and laundry machines are never seen together-so that no one will have suspicion. Think about it...have YOU ever seen the laundry machine and the couch together?(Smiles and nods at the camera)I think not! Unless they’re lovers. In which case they can’t stay away from each other. Because love between the laundry machine and the couch is simply unbreakable. I know a laundry machine and a couch that live just a few blocks down the road. They’ve been married for 30 years, and have given birth to 5 wonderful flannel shirts.(licks the mouthpiece of the pipe while smiling). Narrator: We all know how really bad records make really good frisbees, but would a circular saw do the same job? That Guy: Yes, but only once.(grins) Narrator: Why do they call it a drive through if you have to stop? That Guy: Because you couldn’t very well call it stop throughs(smiles, then frowns, thinking)actually you could. My GOD, what a brilliant idea!(mimes reading a store front with his hand gesturing at it)Stop Through restaurants! Stop! before you GO!(Grins wider) I’ll be RICH! The only problem is YOU gave me the idea(gestures with the pipe)and therefore you will have to DIE!(grinning). Please e-mail me your address so that I may come over and kill you properly. I expect your response very soon(gesticulating with the pipe to emphasize each word). And IF for some reason you do not give me your address...(leans closer to the screen, face growing very serious) I will find you! Narrator: You never seem to hear your viewers come in. Have you seen a doctor lately? Perhaps you are in need of a hearing aid. That Guy: WHAT?(grinning) Narrator: A trekkie dressed as a Klingon and a Star Wars fan dressed as a Stormtrooper meet by chance in an alley. Naturally, a duel to the death is the only possible result. Who wins? That Guy: I highly doubt anyone wins in that situation. I would dare say everybody loses: Loses some dignity...loses some brain cells...loses whatever’s left of their masculinity-Just all around LOSES. (holds pipe in mouth and swings it up and down repeatedly like a teeter totter and waggles eyebrows). That Guy: This is That Guy With The Glasses saying there’s no such thing as a stupid question, until YOU ask it (winks and returns to reading his book). End titles come up with the comment “Ask your stupid questions today.”
  • 16, (linia tramwajowa) normalna . Zawieszona z powodu małej rentowności ( mała liczba osób do przewozu). Niegdyś kursowała pomiędzy Parkiem Południowym a ZOO.
  • 16 is a number that comprises the sequence of digits 1 and 6 of the Arabic Numeral System—the most widely used numeral system in the world.
  • 16 is a number. It is half of 32, and 8 times 2 is 16.
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