  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • Na piętnastce można było znaleźć głównie wagony SGP/Lohner E1 (wszystkie brygady w weekend i niektóre w dni powszednie) oraz Konstal 2x105Na. Jakiś czas w weekend kursowały dwie sztuki MAN GT6 (z zajezdni "Podgórze").
  • The Number 15 is one of the six "Numbers" (4 8 15 16 21 44). It is considered Sawyer's number, since Sawyer was assigned the number 15 by Jacob in his search for a successor. The number 15 has appeared in the following places.
  • [[Plik:15.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 15 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:PESA Jazz 15 Nowowiejska.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Piętnastka na przystanku Nowowiejska]] [[Plik:DSC09558.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Piętnastka na ul. Filtrowej]] [[Plik:Plac Politechniki (przystanek, tramwaj 15).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Piętnastka na przystanku Plac Politechniki]] 15 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Marymontu-Potok na pętlę P+R Aleja Krakowska na Okęciu. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Mokotów i Żoliborz.
  • 15 (linia tramwajowa) normalna, jeżdżąca co 15 minut z Tarnogaju na Marino i odwrotnie . Jej trasa zajmuje 37 minut czasu i liczy 25 przystanków. Jako jedyna linia jeździ ulicą Bałtycką .
  • Le nombre 15 apparaît de nombreuses fois dans la série, mais également en dehors de celle-ci (sites officiels sur la série, ...). Voici la liste non exhaustive de ses occurences :
  • 15 è uno dei numeri.
  • The year 15 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "15" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Marty Cordova (2000) * Shawn Green (1994-1999) * Lloyd Moseby (1980-1989) * Alex Rios (2004-2009) * Pat Tabler (1991-1992) * Tom Wilson (2002)
  • #15 is the fifteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 15 is the third of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, by episode chronology. 15 is a fairly common number, and many of the occurrences could be coincidental. See article: apophenia.
  • El quince (15) es el número natural que sigue al catorce y precede al dieciséis. Categoría:Números
  • Unter großen Schmerzen und Aufbringung all ihrer Kräfte läuft Diana die Kür zu Ende und wird mit der Aufnahme in den Kader belohnt. Simone und Jenny können sich über Dianas Erfolg allerdings nicht freuen. Und Jenny hat noch ein ganz anderes Problem: Sie muss schnellstens Dianas Schlittschuhe verschwinden lassen, weil Richard ob des Diebstahls einen Detektiv engagieren will. Simone stellt Richard vor die Wahl: Entweder übergibt er ihr das Management der Eiskunstläufer oder die Entwicklung und Vermarktung des Powersnacks. Nach einem verpatzten Date lädt Tim Nina zu einer privaten Party im Steinkampzentrum ein. Das Date wird aber ein großer Reinfall, als Nina Ingo kennen lernt und von da an nur noch Augen für ihn hat.
  • 15 (fifteen) is a positive integer following 14 and preceding 16. Its ordinal form is written "15th" or "fifteenth".
  • El 15 es un número muy común, y muchos de los casos pueden ser coincidencia. Ver artículo: apofenia.
  • 15 ( API : /kɛ̃z/ ) 1. * Quinze. En représentation romaine « XV ». Le numéro gagnant est le 15. 2. * Habitant du département du Cantal. Les 15 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. 15 ( API : /kɛ̃z/ ) 1. * Numéro du département du Cantal. 2. * Désigne le département lui-même. J’habite dans le 15. * Auvergne * Cantal * Aurillac (chef-lieu du département) * quinze *
  • This is the 16th episode of the game, and the sixth episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • Категория:Незавершённые статьи 15 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • 15 is a number. It is half of 30. It is the product of 3 times 5.
  • The 1st full-length album released by Uehara Nami. It contains 6 new songs, 6 previously released songs, and 3 interludes.
  • The number 15 was not generally used the Football League until the number of substitutes permitted to be named in matches was increased from two to three in the mid-1990s. Even then it was only used when clubs didn't use the number 13 for superstitious reasons and it didn't become a regular fixture until the introduction of squad numbers by the Football League in 1999. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 15.
  • David Collins is sitting in the dark in the drawing room when his father, Roger Collins enters looking for his car keys. David asks him if he still wants to send him away. Roger says he's only interested in finding his keys. David says, "I won't let you do it." David tells Victoria that he hates his father, who is a very terrible man who lies all the time. He hopes his father dies.
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 15 (August 9, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, nuqneH! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: Once I saw a blind woman at the subway wearing a watch. How come she's wearing a watch if she can't see? Narrator: Is it actually possible to sweat Gatorade? Narrator: Are you gay? ThatGuy: No. I’m German. Narrator: What is the most effective way to kill a Furby? The End
  • 14.5
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Folgen Nummer
  • 15
  • 15
  • 15
  • 37
  • Trasa linii 15
  • 1.200000
  • co 20 minut
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 22092006
  • 16
  • 1966-07-01
  • 15
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  • Lostpp.JPG
  • Namaste488.jpg
  • Puzzle3UpperRight.jpg
  • Safetydeposit1516.jpg
  • 2
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  • Story
  • Episode 15
  • 1966-07-15
Character Name
  • 15
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  • 15
  • Linia 15 .svg
  • 13
  • right
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  • 14.0
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  • 2000
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  • Bawz_20060922_0015_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 15
  • '15th Annual Girls of Fiji Pictorial'
  • Image from the Jigsaw Puzzles.
  • The Safety deposit box is numbered Number1516
  • Sawyer's name is shown as 15 inside Jacob's cave wall.
  • tak
  • 15
  • Na piętnastce można było znaleźć głównie wagony SGP/Lohner E1 (wszystkie brygady w weekend i niektóre w dni powszednie) oraz Konstal 2x105Na. Jakiś czas w weekend kursowały dwie sztuki MAN GT6 (z zajezdni "Podgórze").
  • The Number 15 is one of the six "Numbers" (4 8 15 16 21 44). It is considered Sawyer's number, since Sawyer was assigned the number 15 by Jacob in his search for a successor. The number 15 has appeared in the following places.
  • [[Plik:15.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 15 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:PESA Jazz 15 Nowowiejska.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Piętnastka na przystanku Nowowiejska]] [[Plik:DSC09558.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Piętnastka na ul. Filtrowej]] [[Plik:Plac Politechniki (przystanek, tramwaj 15).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Piętnastka na przystanku Plac Politechniki]] 15 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Marymontu-Potok na pętlę P+R Aleja Krakowska na Okęciu. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Mokotów i Żoliborz.
  • 15 (linia tramwajowa) normalna, jeżdżąca co 15 minut z Tarnogaju na Marino i odwrotnie . Jej trasa zajmuje 37 minut czasu i liczy 25 przystanków. Jako jedyna linia jeździ ulicą Bałtycką .
  • Le nombre 15 apparaît de nombreuses fois dans la série, mais également en dehors de celle-ci (sites officiels sur la série, ...). Voici la liste non exhaustive de ses occurences :
  • 15 è uno dei numeri.
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 15 (August 9, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, nuqneH! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: Once I saw a blind woman at the subway wearing a watch. How come she's wearing a watch if she can't see? ThatGuy: That’s a very good question. The reason is that she can see. She is a liar. You must report her to authorities at once. It is a federal crime to pretend that you are blind when really you’re not. I should know I have tried it many, many times. Oh sure, people treat you better. You get to wear the cool shades. And your watch dog can bite people and everybody’s like who cares, he’s a watch dog. But it simply isn’t worth it. I tell a lie, it’s incredibly worth it. Just don’t get caught. If you’re going to have a digital watch make sure it’s just braille or something. And that way no one will question you. And you can get away with murder. I know because my watch dog murdered somebody. But nobody cared, he’s a watch dog. And I was blind. Either that or you can poke your eyes out. Extraordinary! Narrator: Is it actually possible to sweat Gatorade? ThatGuy: Only if it is possible to piss Gatorade. I drank so much Hawaiian Punch Gatorade once that my urine turned red. For a moment I thought I was pissing blood. But I wasn’t. It was Gatorade! Because of that I pissed all sorts of different colors; blue, purple, green. I’m a little concerned recently because my urine has recently turned plaid. But I don’t think that’s anything to worry about. [makes a worried face] Narrator: Are you gay? ThatGuy: No. I’m German. Narrator: What is the most effective way to kill a Furby? ThatGuy: I would say stop feeding it and slowly starve it to death. That way you can watch in indescribable delight as your Furby’s eye slowly start to close. The best ones actually start open the whole time. That way you can see them as they slowly fade away. For you see Furbies actually do have souls. And there’s nothing more fun then knowing you have the control over that soul. And the pleasure of watching something die! So I urge you, don’t feed your Furby. Watch it waste away into nothingness. Anyone can just give life but it takes a real man to destroy it. And you will know true power. That or you can just take out its batteries, either way works. Narrator: I think I do not exist and I think I came from my imagination. What should I do? ThatGuy: Well this is one of those deep philosophical questions that everybody likes to ask. Are you the dreamer or a figment of someone else’s dream? I personally think it’s a stupid argument and you should be ashamed for thinking about it. I mean, what kind of idiot actually thinks they’re just the figment of someone else’s dream. What are you, retarded? I don’t say this often but you’re wrong and I am right. I mean, suppose I was the figment of someone else’s dream and the dreamer out there was a actually a good, rational with [makes a sound of disgust] a conscience. I mean, wouldn’t he had gotten rid of me a long time ago. I mean, wouldn’t he actually have the decently to get rid of such concentrated evil like me. No! No! Because there is no dreamer and evil always wins. Thus showing that there is no good in the world and evil is always rewarded. That’s the way it is and that’s the way I always… [ThatGuy vanishes into thin air] The End
  • The year 15 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "15" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Marty Cordova (2000) * Shawn Green (1994-1999) * Lloyd Moseby (1980-1989) * Alex Rios (2004-2009) * Pat Tabler (1991-1992) * Tom Wilson (2002)
  • #15 is the fifteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 15 is the third of the Numbers. Below is a list of appearances on the show, by episode chronology. 15 is a fairly common number, and many of the occurrences could be coincidental. See article: apophenia.
  • El quince (15) es el número natural que sigue al catorce y precede al dieciséis. Categoría:Números
  • The number 15 was not generally used the Football League until the number of substitutes permitted to be named in matches was increased from two to three in the mid-1990s. Even then it was only used when clubs didn't use the number 13 for superstitious reasons and it didn't become a regular fixture until the introduction of squad numbers by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally.The only exception to this is Marcus Andreasson, who was born in Liberia, but who holds a Swedish passport a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 15. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and 23 April 2012: 596 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 15: 301 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 15: 50.5%
  • Unter großen Schmerzen und Aufbringung all ihrer Kräfte läuft Diana die Kür zu Ende und wird mit der Aufnahme in den Kader belohnt. Simone und Jenny können sich über Dianas Erfolg allerdings nicht freuen. Und Jenny hat noch ein ganz anderes Problem: Sie muss schnellstens Dianas Schlittschuhe verschwinden lassen, weil Richard ob des Diebstahls einen Detektiv engagieren will. Simone stellt Richard vor die Wahl: Entweder übergibt er ihr das Management der Eiskunstläufer oder die Entwicklung und Vermarktung des Powersnacks. Nach einem verpatzten Date lädt Tim Nina zu einer privaten Party im Steinkampzentrum ein. Das Date wird aber ein großer Reinfall, als Nina Ingo kennen lernt und von da an nur noch Augen für ihn hat.
  • David Collins is sitting in the dark in the drawing room when his father, Roger Collins enters looking for his car keys. David asks him if he still wants to send him away. Roger says he's only interested in finding his keys. David says, "I won't let you do it." Victoria tells Roger that she's made friends with David and she's convinced she can help the boy. She asks him to buy some magazines for her to give to David, but Roger says he won't have time, and that she can't buy David's love with magazines. When Victoria realizes Roger is looking for his car keys, she mentions that they are in his car...she was in the garage earlier looking for time tables. Elizabeth walks in and asks Roger to see her before he leaves. When Victoria and Elizabeth are alone, Victoria tells her that she saw Burke in the garage looking at Roger's car. Elizabeth thanks her for telling her. After getting his coat from upstairs, Roger meets with Elizabeth before leaving to meet Burke. Roger admits he's 'disquieted' by Burke, but that nothing dire has yet happened. He points out that her attitude prior to this point was the opposite of what it is now; she points out that Roger should be at least as suspicious of Burke as he is of David. David tells Victoria that he hates his father, who is a very terrible man who lies all the time. He hopes his father dies. Later, Victoria goes to David, who reiterates his position that his father hates him and wants to send him away. Victoria learns that David thinks everybody but his mother, and maybe Aunt Elizabeth, hates him; he thinks Victoria's offer of friendship is a lie. David says he's not a nice boy, not at all. Victoria relates the story of a girl at the Foundling Home, who thought nobody liked her but who really didn't like herself. David says that the girl should have shot and killed all the people who didn't like her. Victoria convinces David to give his father a chance. Elizabeth tells Roger she wishes he weren't going into town but doesn't tell him about Burke and the car. David asks Roger if he has to take his car into town tonight. Roger is typically cold and tells David to go to bed rather than answering the boy's question about sending him away. Elizabeth gets a call from Burke and confirms that Roger is on his way to the Blue Whale to meet with him. Elizabeth asks Victoria to sit with her. She tells her that the House speaks to her. She tells her that hatred is a strong word, but it is true that Roger is not terribly fond of David. Roger gets in his car and starts to drive to town. David sees him leave from his bedroom window and says, "He's going to die mother, he's going to die!" Roger finds his brakes are not working. The family learns that Roger was in an accident.
  • 15 (fifteen) is a positive integer following 14 and preceding 16. Its ordinal form is written "15th" or "fifteenth".
  • El 15 es un número muy común, y muchos de los casos pueden ser coincidencia. Ver artículo: apofenia.
  • 15 ( API : /kɛ̃z/ ) 1. * Quinze. En représentation romaine « XV ». Le numéro gagnant est le 15. 2. * Habitant du département du Cantal. Les 15 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. 15 ( API : /kɛ̃z/ ) 1. * Numéro du département du Cantal. 2. * Désigne le département lui-même. J’habite dans le 15. * Auvergne * Cantal * Aurillac (chef-lieu du département) * quinze *
  • This is the 16th episode of the game, and the sixth episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • Категория:Незавершённые статьи 15 — одно из Чисел. Ниже представлен список появлений данного числа в сериале в хронологическом порядке серий.
  • 15 is a number. It is half of 30. It is the product of 3 times 5.
  • The 1st full-length album released by Uehara Nami. It contains 6 new songs, 6 previously released songs, and 3 interludes.
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