  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 16
  • 14
  • This is the 15th episode of the game, and the fifth episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • The year 14 AD
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 14, Caesar Tiberius came to power as the leader of the Roman Empire. He succeeded Augustus. (PROSE: Byzantium!)
  • 14 (fourteen) is a positive integer following 13 and preceding 15. Its ordinal form is written "14th" or "fourteenth".
  • Són les set del matí. Tinc son. Estic assegut i no vull fer res. Però m'he d'aixecar tard o d'hora o em cruixiran. Sona el xiulet! Ve el metro per la via 1, passant llista. Saludeu amb rigidesa el general!
  • El catorce (14) es el número natural que sigue al trece y precede al quince. El catorce es la combinación de 1 y 4 y en sentido contrario seria 41 Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:14.png|right|thumb|250px|Historyczne trasy linii 14 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:1284+1285-14.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Czternastka na ul. Wołoskiej (2008)]] [[Plik:Woronicza_(tramwaj_14).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Czternastka na ul. Woronicza (2008)]] 14 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Banacha na Metro Wilanowska. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia tramwajowa WolaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Wola i zajezdnia tramwajowa MokotówKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Mokotów.
  • 14 je nečíslo, významné zejména tím že se rovná 42/3.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "14" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Butch Alberts (1978*) * Howard Battle (1995) * Derek Bell (1991-1992) * Tilson Brito (1996) * Kevin Brown (1998-1999) * Robinson Diaz (2008) * Rickey Henderson (1993*) * Tom Hutton (1978*) * Alexis Infante (1987-1989) * Darrin Jackson (1993*) * Dave Martinez (2000) * Geno Petralli (1982-1984) * Ruben Sierra (1997) * Carlos Tosca - as Manager (2002-2004) * Justin Smoak (2015)* * David Price (2015)*
  • #14 is the fourteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 14 (linia tramwajowa) kursująca z Osobowic na Ojca Beyzyma i wracająca na Osobowice inną trasą. Linią przeciwbieżną do "czternastki" jest linia 24.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses: Ep. 14. (August 6, 2008) (That Guy is reading a book with his pipe in his mouth. Suddenly, he snaps the book shut as he notices the audience) That Guy: Oh! Salwaysay! I didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to music of Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven Narrator: Whatever happened to the Taco Bell Chihuahua? Did Ted Turner rape him? Narrator: Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Narrator: Is Hillary Swank really a man in disguise?
  • David Collins is in his room, holding a small metal object. He sneaks over to Victoria's room, and is looking for a place to hide it, when Victoria walks in. She sees that David is holding something in his closed hand, but can't see what, and thinks that David has taken something. David runs out and back to his room. At the Blue Whale, Joe Haskell is paying his tab when Burke Devlin comes in and offers to buy Joe a beer. He tells Joe that he's made nice with the Collins Family.
  • Czternastka przez lata była linią wewnętrzną Nowej Huty. Kursowała zawsze z Bieńczyc (końcówka zmieniała swoją lokalizację na przestrzeni lat: 1954 - na wysokości obecnego Ronda Kocmyrzowskiego, 1964 - na wysokości obecnego przystanku "DH Wanda", 1966 - pętla przy os. Jagiellońskim) na Walcownię albo na Pleszów. Trasa wiele razy się zmieniała. Natomiast w 1976 roku była jedną z pierwszych linii która osiągnęła nowowybudowaną pętlę na Os. Piastów. W swoim nowohuckim wcieleniu została zlikwidowana 1991 roku. 4 lata później linia 14 wróciła na tory na zupełnie innej trasie z Bronowic przez ulice Basztową, Powstania Warszawskiego, Al. Pokoju, Al. Jana Pawła II na Plac Centralny. Cztery lata później, w 1999 roku, podczas reformy komunikacyjnej linię skierowano ul. Bieńczycką i Al. Andersa na Mi
  • Diana muss die Zähne zusammenbeißen: Sie will die anstehende Kaderprüfung um jeden Preis bestehen - trotz ihrer schmerzenden Füße und der Aufregung, die der fingierte Zeitungsartikel ausgelöst hat. In diesem wird sie nicht nur als mittelprächtige Eisläuferin dargestellt, sondern ihr wird zudem eine Affäre mit Richard Steinkamp nachgesagt. Langsam gewinnt Diana wieder Boden unter den Füßen, doch ausgerechnet am Tag der Entscheidung kommt es erneut zu schrecklichen einem Zwischenfall: Ihre Schlittschuhe wurden gestohlen. Richard gerät im Job in Bedrängnis, und zwar nicht nur wegen der angeblichen Affäre mit Diana, sondern auch weil er sich in einem Kompetenz-Streit mit seiner Frau Simone zu weit aus dem Fenster gelehnt hat. Simone nimmt die Auseinandersetzung zum Anlass, sich wieder mehr um
  • This song was made for the Kagamines' second anniversary. Nata-P mentioned on his description saying "forever 14, I wanted to make a feeling that it's sung by someone of the age of 14." The number 14 is chosen because it's Len and Rin's "age". 14 was one of the tracks chosen to be in one of KarenT's "Kagamine Anniversary 2009" albums. This song is released as a singles album consisting of three tracks; the original, a Rin version, and the instrumental as well.
  • 14 was a runaway that was taken in by the Adrenamix Corporation. Adrenamix used their prisoners for psionic experiments. The test subjects usually got superhuman abilities as a result of these experiments. 14 could create a sticky substance which she could project as streams or tendrils to wrap or bind others.
  • 14.3
  • Wrocławski Tramwaj 14.jpg
  • 33
  • 13
  • 472.175000
Folgen Nummer
  • 14
  • 14
  • 46000
  • Ojca Beyzyma
  • 14.0
  • 14
  • 54
  • Trasa czternastki
  • 1.200000
  • co 20 minut
original upload date
  • Dec.27.2009
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 21092006
  • 46000
  • 2009-12-27
yt id
  • yyzCzPtK51o
  • 15
  • 1966-06-30
nnd id
  • sm9207558
  • 14
  • 1967
  • 1
  • Episode 14
  • 1966-07-14
  • 14
Character Name
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast ( )
  • Linia 14 .svg
  • 13
  • Commemorates the 2nd anniversary of the Kagamine release and is dedicated to the eternally 14-year old Len.
  • #736C50; color:#B2C8D1
  • 13
  • 13.0
  • 14
  • 15
  • 15.0
  • Bawz_20060921_0014_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 16
  • 14
  • This song was made for the Kagamines' second anniversary. Nata-P mentioned on his description saying "forever 14, I wanted to make a feeling that it's sung by someone of the age of 14." The number 14 is chosen because it's Len and Rin's "age". 14 was one of the tracks chosen to be in one of KarenT's "Kagamine Anniversary 2009" albums. This song is released as a singles album consisting of three tracks; the original, a Rin version, and the instrumental as well. It tells a story of how Len wonders the meaning of birth, the meaning to why they start to change from their birth to the point where they're 14. Songs were made as "you" (presumably Rin, who was also in the video) were born as so did he. In the end he sang a song, "your song" so that Rin won't be lost and forget the wonderful memories. He hoped that she'll find that "one thing" she was looking for.
  • This is the 15th episode of the game, and the fifth episode of the 10s column. It is in all versions except 1.0, the first release.
  • The year 14 AD
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 14, Caesar Tiberius came to power as the leader of the Roman Empire. He succeeded Augustus. (PROSE: Byzantium!)
  • 14 (fourteen) is a positive integer following 13 and preceding 15. Its ordinal form is written "14th" or "fourteenth".
  • David Collins is in his room, holding a small metal object. He sneaks over to Victoria's room, and is looking for a place to hide it, when Victoria walks in. She sees that David is holding something in his closed hand, but can't see what, and thinks that David has taken something. David runs out and back to his room. Victoria goes through her drawers but can't find anything missing. She knocks on David's door and demands to be let in. When she says she will get his father, David reluctantly lets her in. Victoria tries to reason with David. She tells him that she doesn't care if he took something, and that she needs friends. David pays half his attention to her, and the other half to a magazine on mechanics called Mechano. She tells David she has no interest in taking his mother's place. In order to explain why he was in Victoria's room, David tells her he was going to give her a present on his Aunt Elizabeth's "be-nice" orders. It's a shell which he had planned to put in her dresser drawer. Satisfied, Victoria leaves. Victoria meets Carolyn in the hallway. Carolyn tells her not to believe David's friendship extension since David is a kook. Victoria suggests Carolyn should be equally suspicious of Burke. Carolyn mentions she has a date, with Joe, but she wishes she were going out with Burke instead. At the Blue Whale, Joe Haskell is paying his tab when Burke Devlin comes in and offers to buy Joe a beer. He tells Joe that he's made nice with the Collins Family. Carolyn tells Victoria that Burke is unlike anyone she's likely to meet in Collinsport. Victoria again gives advice, saying Joe loves her, and that is more important than charm. Victoria mentions to Carolyn that Roger and Burke are having a drink at the Blue Whale. Carolyn decides to change again before her date with Joe; what she is wearing is a little too school-girlish. Victoria and Joe meet for the first time when she answers the front door. Carolyn comes downstairs and suggests they go to the Blue Whale instead of a movie. Joe says her mother would shoot him if he took her there again. Victoria has an odd encounter in the upstairs hallway when she sees the door at the end of the hall briefly open and then close. She first suspects it is David playing a trick on her, but David comes out of his room behind her. He tells Victoria that the door leads to 'the rest of the house' that has been closed off for 50 years, and the door is always locked. David suggests that maybe it was a ghost that opened the door. Victoria tells him there are no such things as ghosts. David offers Victoria another present, a magazine. David asks if Victoria likes Roger and what her father was like. He also asks her if she likes Burke. David suspects he could be 'real good friends' with Mr Devlin. Carolyn has talked Joe into taking her to the Blue Whale. When they see Burke there, Carolyn waves and invites him to join them, which he does. Victoria mentions to David that his father is going into town later, and she'll ask him to buy him more magazines. David wonders if his father is going to take the car into town.
  • Són les set del matí. Tinc son. Estic assegut i no vull fer res. Però m'he d'aixecar tard o d'hora o em cruixiran. Sona el xiulet! Ve el metro per la via 1, passant llista. Saludeu amb rigidesa el general!
  • Czternastka przez lata była linią wewnętrzną Nowej Huty. Kursowała zawsze z Bieńczyc (końcówka zmieniała swoją lokalizację na przestrzeni lat: 1954 - na wysokości obecnego Ronda Kocmyrzowskiego, 1964 - na wysokości obecnego przystanku "DH Wanda", 1966 - pętla przy os. Jagiellońskim) na Walcownię albo na Pleszów. Trasa wiele razy się zmieniała. Natomiast w 1976 roku była jedną z pierwszych linii która osiągnęła nowowybudowaną pętlę na Os. Piastów. W swoim nowohuckim wcieleniu została zlikwidowana 1991 roku. 4 lata później linia 14 wróciła na tory na zupełnie innej trasie z Bronowic przez ulice Basztową, Powstania Warszawskiego, Al. Pokoju, Al. Jana Pawła II na Plac Centralny. Cztery lata później, w 1999 roku, podczas reformy komunikacyjnej linię skierowano ul. Bieńczycką i Al. Andersa na Mistrzejowice, gdzie kursuje do dziś.
  • El catorce (14) es el número natural que sigue al trece y precede al quince. El catorce es la combinación de 1 y 4 y en sentido contrario seria 41 Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:14.png|right|thumb|250px|Historyczne trasy linii 14 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:1284+1285-14.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Czternastka na ul. Wołoskiej (2008)]] [[Plik:Woronicza_(tramwaj_14).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Czternastka na ul. Woronicza (2008)]] 14 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Banacha na Metro Wilanowska. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia tramwajowa WolaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Wola i zajezdnia tramwajowa MokotówKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Mokotów.
  • 14 was a runaway that was taken in by the Adrenamix Corporation. Adrenamix used their prisoners for psionic experiments. The test subjects usually got superhuman abilities as a result of these experiments. 14 could create a sticky substance which she could project as streams or tendrils to wrap or bind others. President Anderson Gaulthing called the experiments the "Psigns of the Times". His own daughter was also one of the Psigns. Alison Gaulthing managed to escape from the Adrenamic facility and the other Psigns were sent to take her back. They chased her across a rooftop and Alison died while trying to evade capture. 14 and the other Psigns feared they would be blamed for her death.
  • 14 je nečíslo, významné zejména tím že se rovná 42/3.
  • Diana muss die Zähne zusammenbeißen: Sie will die anstehende Kaderprüfung um jeden Preis bestehen - trotz ihrer schmerzenden Füße und der Aufregung, die der fingierte Zeitungsartikel ausgelöst hat. In diesem wird sie nicht nur als mittelprächtige Eisläuferin dargestellt, sondern ihr wird zudem eine Affäre mit Richard Steinkamp nachgesagt. Langsam gewinnt Diana wieder Boden unter den Füßen, doch ausgerechnet am Tag der Entscheidung kommt es erneut zu schrecklichen einem Zwischenfall: Ihre Schlittschuhe wurden gestohlen. Richard gerät im Job in Bedrängnis, und zwar nicht nur wegen der angeblichen Affäre mit Diana, sondern auch weil er sich in einem Kompetenz-Streit mit seiner Frau Simone zu weit aus dem Fenster gelehnt hat. Simone nimmt die Auseinandersetzung zum Anlass, sich wieder mehr um das tägliche Geschäft ihrer Firma zu kümmern. Vanessa befürchtet, dass sie für Tim nichts weiter als ein guter Kumpel ist, denn der hat nur noch Augen für Nina. Ausgerechnet bei Ben will sich Vanessa ihren Liebeskummer von der Seele heulen.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses: Ep. 14. (August 6, 2008) (That Guy is reading a book with his pipe in his mouth. Suddenly, he snaps the book shut as he notices the audience) That Guy: Oh! Salwaysay! I didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to music of Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven Narrator: Whatever happened to the Taco Bell Chihuahua? Did Ted Turner rape him? That Guy: That’s a very good question. The Taco Bell Chihuahua went through a very long.. (double takes) Rape?... did you say Rape?.... Why would Ted Turner rape a dog? (looks disgusted and confused) Is.. that something Ted Turner does?...Am I been kept out of the loop on that?.. I’m sorry, that question really, really threw me off!.... Is that something Ted Turner is known for.. raping dogs? Specifically Chihuahuas? And why would Ted Turner rape a Chihuahua? I mean, that makes no sense! True, he kind of LOOKS like a Chihuahua, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he should RAPE them-no wait, I remember seeing on the E true Hollywood story-The Taco Bell Chihuahua! They said that he got together with a pussy named Ted. I JUST THOUGHT THAT WAS THE NAME OF THE CAT, THOUGH! (shakes head) Ted Turner rapes Chihuahuas...I guess that makes sense-I mean, I make out with Dobermans.... I shouldn’t have said that...nor should I have ever answered this question..... which I don’t think I did.... Ted Turner, if you’re watching... leave the Taco Bell dog alone. I mean, what would the children look like? (Photo of Ted Turner’s head on a Chihuahua dog’s body is shown) (That Guy looks on in horrified anguish) Narrator: Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? That Guy: I believe it’s because of it’s unique diamond shape. No other cereal in the world has a diamond shape to it. Nahhh I’m just kidding. It’s because there’s Cinnamon and Sugar ALL OVER IN EVERY BITE!.... I think the real question is: Whatever happened to the 3 chefs who made Cinnamon Toast Crunch? My guess is that Wendell ate them! And then, after seeing himself on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch box, he decided to eat himself! Because when he thought of himself, he immediately thought of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and how great it tasted. And thus, he thought he would taste great as well! How tragic. (smiles, then frowns and looks down) Narrator: Is Hillary Swank really a man in disguise? That Guy: No more than I’m really a woman in disguise. (leans closer to the screen and whispers) yes..(steps back and mimes breasts while smirking) Narrator: If the person who controls time is “Father Time” and the person who controls nature is “Mother Earth”, then what does that make “Aunt Jemima” and “Uncle Ben”? That Guy: Brother and Sister. See.. before Father Time and Mother Earth, there was always Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. They say the Earth was made in 7 days, but really it was made in 10 minutes! In a rice cooker! Then it was covered in a maple syrupy ooze known as life! And then, they gave their images to the world! Which some call racially insensitive, but I think it’s racially charming!... and insensitive. Narrator: In the last episode, you said everybody lived 'happily never after'. Did you mean 'happily ever after'? That Guy: You know what?... FUCK YOU!... FUCK YOU! and your children! I try so hard to answer these questions, and all you do is ASK MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE QUESTIONS I ALREADY ANSWERED! WHHHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!?!? You know what? Let’s see YOU try it! (starts taking off outfit) Yeah, you think you’re so bright! (wraps ascot around behind the cameraman as if putting it on the viewer) Yeah, you think you’re the guy who know all the answers? Here! put this on! (shoves bathrobe at the cameraman) Here’s your pipe! (shoves it in the cameraman's mouth) NOW YOU ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS! (That Guy affects an annoyingly whiny voice and mimes puppets with his hands) Hi That Guy With The Glasses!... What’s this?... What’s that?..YADABADABA! (glares at the screen) NOT SO EASY, IS IT? It get’s lonely, doesn’t it?.. answering all those questions....It’s hard knowing everything. But that’s the price you have to pay for being such a genius. You don’t ever want to be a haunts you.... (whispers) haunts. And you will die alone, and forgotten...knowing every single damn thing this world has to offer. (breathes heavily and runs his hands through his hair) but what does it all add up to?...squat....LESS THAN SQUAT! DIDDLEY SHIT! And I wouldn’t ask that of anybody. So, please... (leans forward) let me wear the coat... let me take the pipe (takes back articles) and let me wear.... (holds up the ascot) whatever the hell this thing is. I will take this responsibility. Me. Why? Because I am greater than you. (dons Bathrobe) And a billion times more attractive (puts on ascot) It’s a tough burden but somebody has to do it. And that someone..... is me (grabs pipe) That Guy With The Glasses. Answering your questions, because you will never stop asking. That Guy: NAH! I’m just kidding, I said 'happily never after' just to be funny! That Guy: This is That Guy With The Glasses saying there’s no such thing as a stupid question, until YOU ask it! (Winks at camera, puts pipe in mouth and resumes reading book) End card is shown which has the comment Ask you stupid questions today!
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "14" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Butch Alberts (1978*) * Howard Battle (1995) * Derek Bell (1991-1992) * Tilson Brito (1996) * Kevin Brown (1998-1999) * Robinson Diaz (2008) * Rickey Henderson (1993*) * Tom Hutton (1978*) * Alexis Infante (1987-1989) * Darrin Jackson (1993*) * Dave Martinez (2000) * Geno Petralli (1982-1984) * Ruben Sierra (1997) * Carlos Tosca - as Manager (2002-2004) * Justin Smoak (2015)* * David Price (2015)*
  • #14 is the fourteenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 14 (linia tramwajowa) kursująca z Osobowic na Ojca Beyzyma i wracająca na Osobowice inną trasą. Linią przeciwbieżną do "czternastki" jest linia 24.
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