  • Catseye of Doom
  • The Catseye of Doom was a legendary jewel which had been sought after by treasure seekers for centuries. It was known to be located on Planet Doom, because the jewel had originally been part of a statue of the Cat Goddess of Doom. However, the Caves of Doom in which both the statue and the lost jewel were hidden, were so filled with traps and Ghosts, that it was nearly impossible to complete the quest for the Catseye.
  • to rule the universe
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  • Catseye of Doom
  • The Catseye of Doom was a legendary jewel which had been sought after by treasure seekers for centuries. It was known to be located on Planet Doom, because the jewel had originally been part of a statue of the Cat Goddess of Doom. However, the Caves of Doom in which both the statue and the lost jewel were hidden, were so filled with traps and Ghosts, that it was nearly impossible to complete the quest for the Catseye. Prime Evil had become convinced that the Catseye did not really exist, although Long John Scarechrome still believed in the legend. But when Prime Evil decided to send the Ghostbusters on a whild goose chase into the Caves of Doom, not only did they manage to find the Catseye, they also put it back in it's rightful place, on the forehad of the Cat Goddess statue.