  • 1119
  • 1119
  • Bens Bemühungen, wieder eine echte Liebesbeziehung zu Isabelle aufzubauen, scheinen erste Früchte zu tragen. Und so lässt er sich trotz leisen Unbehagens auf Isabelles Verführungsversuch ein. Doch im Bett funktioniert es nicht so, wie erwartet und Isabelle ist sich sicher, dass Ben sie nicht mehr attraktiv findet. Als es darum geht, Maximilian zum Finanzchef zu ernennen, verweigert Richard seine Zustimmung, was Simone ärgert und Maximilian kränkt. Derweil ist Frau Landmann-Schulze zu Besuch, um das Leistungszentrum unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Doch Richard läuft Gefahr, von ihr bei einem Schäferstündchen mit Claudia überrascht zu werden. Claudia befürchtet, dass Katja ihren Traum vom Eislaufen begräbt, doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Nach ihrem Gefühlsausbruch fühlt sich Katja befreit und wi
  • Ben arrives at Rose Cottage looking for Desmond, but the house is apparently empty. He goes into the drawing room and sees the box containing the head. He sits down at a table and begins writing a letter. As he writes, the head opens its eyes and stares at Ben. Ben speaks to the head, saying he knows all about it and will destroy it. He rushes out of the house. In the woods, Ben sees the head approaching and he screams. Gerard goes to the playroom and finds a saddened Samantha. He tells Samantha it is time to move on from Quentin and Tad, and he will help her every step of the way.
  • 1119
  • 1970-10-01
  • 1104
  • 1840
  • 1970-10-08
  • 1119
  • Bens Bemühungen, wieder eine echte Liebesbeziehung zu Isabelle aufzubauen, scheinen erste Früchte zu tragen. Und so lässt er sich trotz leisen Unbehagens auf Isabelles Verführungsversuch ein. Doch im Bett funktioniert es nicht so, wie erwartet und Isabelle ist sich sicher, dass Ben sie nicht mehr attraktiv findet. Als es darum geht, Maximilian zum Finanzchef zu ernennen, verweigert Richard seine Zustimmung, was Simone ärgert und Maximilian kränkt. Derweil ist Frau Landmann-Schulze zu Besuch, um das Leistungszentrum unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Doch Richard läuft Gefahr, von ihr bei einem Schäferstündchen mit Claudia überrascht zu werden. Claudia befürchtet, dass Katja ihren Traum vom Eislaufen begräbt, doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Nach ihrem Gefühlsausbruch fühlt sich Katja befreit und will nun mit neuer Stärke ihren Traum vom Eislaufen verfolgen. Um Katja bestmöglich unterstützen zu können, setzt Claudia alles daran, ihren Job als Choreografin zurückzubekommen.
  • Ben arrives at Rose Cottage looking for Desmond, but the house is apparently empty. He goes into the drawing room and sees the box containing the head. He sits down at a table and begins writing a letter. As he writes, the head opens its eyes and stares at Ben. Ben speaks to the head, saying he knows all about it and will destroy it. He rushes out of the house. In the woods, Ben sees the head approaching and he screams. In the drawing room at Collinwood, Gerard examines a pouch and smiles before Samantha enters. Gerard asks Samantha how Roxanne is doing; she says she is hopeful she will recover and thanks Gerard for all of his help. Samantha prepares to go to her room, but Gerard stops her and gives her the pouch. Inside is a piece of jewelry, and Samantha realizes that today is her birthday and she completely forgot about it. She embraces Gerard as Gabriel wheels himself in. Gabriel mocks the two for being so close, which upsets Samantha and she slaps Gabriel across the face and leaves. Gerard closes the door and Gabriel is angry that Gerard hasn't poisoned Samantha yet. Gerard tells him that he is merely being careful with the way he goes about their plan, and has acquired a new type of poison to disguise the death as a stroke. He promises Gabriel that by this time tomorrow, Samantha will be dead. Samantha goes upstairs and walks past the playroom. She pauses and decides to go in, where she finds Edith Collins. Samantha gets upset that Edith is disturbing the playroom. Edith says they should clean out the playroom and move on with their lives, but Samantha won't have any of it and kicks her out. Edith goes to the drawing room to meet her husband, Gabriel, and says they need to leave Collinwood at once. Gabriel says she knows they can't leave, but Edith is tired of hearing Gabriel say they can't leave because of his confinement to a wheelchair. Edith knows Samantha hates her and says they have no place at Collinwood since Samantha will soon be the new Mistress of Collinwood, but Gabriel promises her she will just have to wait until tomorrow to see what he has planned. Gerard goes to the playroom and finds a saddened Samantha. He tells Samantha it is time to move on from Quentin and Tad, and he will help her every step of the way. The next morning, Edith is already drinking in the drawing room when Gerard sees her. Edith flirts with him and invites him in for a drink, but Gerard turns down her advances and leaves for Rose Cottage. Meanwhile, Gabriel is upstairs and finds Samantha in the playroom. The playroom has been cleaned out and Samantha says she has decided to redo the room, and assures Gabriel it had nothing to do with anything Edith said. On his way to Rose Cottage, Gerard finds Ben dead in the woods holding a knife with blood on it. Later that day, Gerard returns to Collinwood and informs Gabriel and Edith that Ben is dead, and it appeared that he tried to cut his own head off. Gabriel tells Edith that she must tell Carrie, while Gabriel will tell Daniel and Gerard will tell Samantha. Edith leaves and Gerard tells Gabriel that he will take Samantha into town and give her the poison so her death is less suspicious. Samantha walks into the drawing room and Gabriel tells her that Ben is dead, much to the anger of Gerard. Gabriel suggests that Samantha could use a drink, and winks at Gerard. Gerard prepares a drink for Samantha and she prepares to drink it. Samantha takes the drink and leaves with Gerard to make funeral arrangements for Ben. Later that night, Gerard returns to Collinwood alone and sees Gabriel in the foyer. He tells Gabriel that their plan has worked. The two go into the drawing room and Gerard begins to explain all of the details. Before he can finish, Samantha walks in, much to the astonishment of Gabriel. Gerard finally tells him that he and Samantha have been married.
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