  • SoS
  • SOS
  • SOS
  • SOS
  • SOS
  • Sos
  • SOS
  • SOS
  • SOS
  • Sos
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Main card page: "[[]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]] * [[Media:|ja color]] * [[Media:|en]] * [[Media:|fr]] * [[Media:|de]] * [[Media:|it]] * [[Media:|es]] * [[Media:|ja]] * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] * [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] * [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] * [[Card Names : #|Names]] ==Other languages== ==Images== == Decks == ==Search categories==
  • Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:51, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
  • SOS ist verwandt mit folgenden Artikeln: * Episode „“ * Das SOS-Zeichen, das Bernard in den Sand schreiben will
  • [sus] Catégorie:Flexion manquante 1. * pluriel de son références * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, , Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION
  • An SOS is an old Earth distress signal. Morse code for SOS "···­­­ −−− ···". The system continued to be used in some form into the 24th century, in 2370 Captain Dawson of the USS Puyallup instructed his crew to send an SOS to Deep Space 9 when his ship came under attack. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky) It is quite possible SOS was being used as a generic term for a more contemporary distress call system used in the 24th century.
  • Sos (regard that it's known under many names) is a highly addictive substance, especially manufactured in the Mushroom Kingdom and out of Mammoths. The exact properties are unknown, but some of the affects are known.
  • You may call them Senators, or Senate of Sysops (SOS) (informally) or sysops/administrators, (former name).
  • An SOS was a form of distress signal. Days after the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic received such a distress message from Wilek Nereus, the Imperial governor of the planet Bakura, pleading for assistance from Emperor Palpatine to repel an invasion from the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.
  • D.T. Room or Art Room 6J Classroom 6B Classroom 7W Classroom 7K Classroom Lab 2 8H Classroom ICT Suite 7L Classroom Music Room 1 Science Block Changing Room Gym Changing Room Break or Lunch Time
  • After picking up a distress call near Jamaica, Chandler and a small team stage a rescue attempt. But a surprise attack leave Chandler and Tex stranded at sea. Slattery and the crew search desperately to find their lost at sea Captain and his comrade, hoping to do so before their enemies beat them to it.
  • SOS, also known as mortal peril, is a character condition that occurs when that character has 0 HP in his or her portion of the HP bar. Any damage taken while in SOS will deplete the HP of the other character.
  • 『SOS』(Pilot Part2)は日本においての『LOST』シーズン1のエピソード2の題名である。監督はドラマJ・J・エイブラムス。 本国アメリカでは2004年9月22日に放送され、日本では2005年10月2日(字幕版)と2005年XX月XX日(吹替版)に放送された。 メインキャラはケイト、チャーリー。
  • An SOS is a distress signal. King Graham was friendly with several foreign kingdoms whom he could send diplomatic SOS to in case Daventry was under an emergency. Only Graham had the diplomatic clout to request help from other nations. They would probably not answer if the request had come from the Seneschel or Rosella Following the destruction of the Three-headed Dragon most nearby nations had put up walls around the kingdom to keep the dragon in, refusing to help the kingdom.
  • Le SOS était un ancien terme terrien pour un type d'appel de détresse. Il était basé sur le code morse et constituait en 3 impulsions brèves (ou points) suivies de 3 impulsions longues (ou tirets) et encore 3 impulsions brèves, correspondant aux 3 lettres "S·O·S" du code (···­­­ −−− ···). (ENT: "Vanishing Point") En 2266, l'USS Enterprise découvrit un SOS émis de manière automatique depuis la planète de Miri. (TOS: "Miri") En 2365, l'USS Enterprise-D enquêta sur un SOS. Il était envoyé par les Mariposien à cause d'une grave activité solaire. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")
  • SOS ist ein alter Notruf, welcher im Morsecode (···−−−···) gesendet wird. Dieser Notruf wird auf der Erde während der Zeit der Funkkommunikation eingesetzt. (ENT: ) 2152 leidet Hoshi Sato unter einer Transporterhalluzination. Sie glaubt, dass sie sich beim Beamen auflöst und verschwindet. Als sie verschwunden ist, versucht sie auf sich aufmerksam zu machen und schickt Captain Jonathan Archer eine Botschaft. Sie unterbricht eine Leitung und durch die Lichtunterbrechung sendet sie ein SOS. Archer bemerkt dies, aber T'Pol hält dies nur für einen Zufall und Archer stimmt ihr schließlich zu. (ENT: )
  • SOS (рус.__NOINDEX__СОС, алб. Ахтунг!) — международный сигнал бедствия с использованием азбуки Морзе. Сигнал представляет собой последовательность из трёх точек, трёх тире, трёх точек, передаваемых без пауз между буквами. В настоящее время признан устаревшим, и отменён за ненадобностью. Вместо подачи сигнала SOS бедствующим на море предлагается использовать следующие средства :
  • An SOS was an ancient Earth term for a type of distress call. Simply Morse code for "S·O·S", this signal was displayed with the sound of three dots followed by three dashes followed by three more dots (···­­­ −−− ···). (ENT: "Vanishing Point") In 2152, Hoshi Sato tried to get Jonathan Archer's attention by sending an SOS signal by manipulating a plasma circuit in his ready room while experiencing a hallucination during her first experience aboard a transporter. (ENT: "Vanishing Point")
  • other uses SOS is the commonly used description for the International Morse code distress signal (· · · — — — · · ·). This distress signal was first adopted by the German government in radio regulations effective April 1, 1905, and became the worldwide standard when it was included in the second International Radiotelegraphic Convention, which was signed on November 3, 1906, and became effective on July 1, 1908.
  • SOS is the commonly used description for the international Morse code distress signal. When captured by the Travelers, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard modified a damaged Subspace communication array to send a SOS message through subspace using morse code. (SGA: "Travelers")
  • SOS är den vanligaste beskrivningen av internationella morsekod nödsignal. Då fångas av Traveler, Överstelöjtnant John Sheppard modifieras en skadad subrymd kommunikation array för att skicka ett SOS meddelande via underrum med morse-kod. (ATL: "Travelers")
  • 1
supports archetypes
  • Masked HERO
el name
  • Επείγων Σχοινί
Romaji Name
  • Ājanto Rain
hr name
  • Hitna Linija
appears in gx
  • 55
ja lore
  • 戦闘で・が破壊された時、デッキから★4以下の・1体を特殊召喚する
image ca
  • SOS-JP-Manga-GX-CA.png
  • When a Masked Hero has been destroyed in battle, Special Summon one Masked Hero of Level 4 or below from your deck.
ja image
  • SOS-JP-Manga-GX.jpg
trans name
  • Urgent Line
  • SOS
card type
  • Trap
  • Special Summons from your Deck
  • 7
  • Jaden Yuki
  • Low Quality Article
  • SOS
  • 2014-08-03
  • Normal
  • (Jill Blankenship)
  • Jessica Butler
  • Mectrixctic
  • Lockdown
Ja Name
  • アージャント・ライン
  • Two Sailors Walk into a Bar
  • 1
  • 4.150000
  • 18
  • Viewers :
  • Michael Katleman
wikipage disambiguates
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Main card page: "[[]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]] * [[Media:|ja color]] * [[Media:|en]] * [[Media:|fr]] * [[Media:|de]] * [[Media:|it]] * [[Media:|es]] * [[Media:|ja]] * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] * [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] * [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] * [[Card Names : #|Names]] ==Other languages== ==Images== == Decks == ==Search categories==
  • Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:51, December 14, 2013 (UTC)
  • SOS ist verwandt mit folgenden Artikeln: * Episode „“ * Das SOS-Zeichen, das Bernard in den Sand schreiben will
  • [sus] Catégorie:Flexion manquante 1. * pluriel de son références * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, , Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION
  • An SOS is an old Earth distress signal. Morse code for SOS "···­­­ −−− ···". The system continued to be used in some form into the 24th century, in 2370 Captain Dawson of the USS Puyallup instructed his crew to send an SOS to Deep Space 9 when his ship came under attack. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky) It is quite possible SOS was being used as a generic term for a more contemporary distress call system used in the 24th century.
  • SOS is the commonly used description for the international Morse code distress signal. When captured by the Travelers, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard modified a damaged Subspace communication array to send a SOS message through subspace using morse code. (SGA: "Travelers") Following the Drone attack on Destiny and on the Novan colony during which the gate was destroyed, Eli Wallace attempted to use the Stargate's subspace connection to send a message to the Destiny. Lt. Matthew Scott figured out the simple action of turning the connection on and off acts as an SOS, though not the actual SOS itself. (SGU: "Common Descent")
  • Sos (regard that it's known under many names) is a highly addictive substance, especially manufactured in the Mushroom Kingdom and out of Mammoths. The exact properties are unknown, but some of the affects are known.
  • You may call them Senators, or Senate of Sysops (SOS) (informally) or sysops/administrators, (former name).
  • An SOS was a form of distress signal. Days after the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic received such a distress message from Wilek Nereus, the Imperial governor of the planet Bakura, pleading for assistance from Emperor Palpatine to repel an invasion from the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.
  • D.T. Room or Art Room 6J Classroom 6B Classroom 7W Classroom 7K Classroom Lab 2 8H Classroom ICT Suite 7L Classroom Music Room 1 Science Block Changing Room Gym Changing Room Break or Lunch Time
  • After picking up a distress call near Jamaica, Chandler and a small team stage a rescue attempt. But a surprise attack leave Chandler and Tex stranded at sea. Slattery and the crew search desperately to find their lost at sea Captain and his comrade, hoping to do so before their enemies beat them to it.
  • An SOS was an ancient Earth term for a type of distress call. Simply Morse code for "S·O·S", this signal was displayed with the sound of three dots followed by three dashes followed by three more dots (···­­­ −−− ···). (ENT: "Vanishing Point") In 2152, Hoshi Sato tried to get Jonathan Archer's attention by sending an SOS signal by manipulating a plasma circuit in his ready room while experiencing a hallucination during her first experience aboard a transporter. (ENT: "Vanishing Point") In 2266, the USS Enterprise discovered an Earth-style SOS emanating from Earth Two. The signal turned out to be automated. (TOS: "Miri" ) In 2365, the USS Enterprise-D investigated an SOS distress call. This was sent out by the Mariposans due to severe flare activity. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" ) In 2371, the USS Voyager discovered an SOS signal emanating from a planet in the Delta Quadrant. It turned out to be from an ancient airplane, from Earth, that belonged to Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan. (VOY: "The 37's") When Chief Miles O'Brien's engineering team were stranded on Empok Nor in 2373, Pechetti suggested using the space station's communication array to tap out an SOS to Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Empok Nor") This call dates back to the early 20th century, when broadcast signaling was still a new science. An international convention met to debate and select a "universal" distress call, and "SOS" was selected by most. It became a universal call for assistance in 1912, after the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The script to "We'll Always Have Paris" describes the distress call made by Paul Manheim as an "SOS," however, this line was cut from the episode.
  • SOS är den vanligaste beskrivningen av internationella morsekod nödsignal. Då fångas av Traveler, Överstelöjtnant John Sheppard modifieras en skadad subrymd kommunikation array för att skicka ett SOS meddelande via underrum med morse-kod. (ATL: "Travelers") Efter drönare angrepp på Destiny och på Novus kolonin under vilken gate förstördes försökte Eli att använda gate är subrymd uppkoppling för att skicka ett meddelande till Destiny. Lt Matthew Scott räknat ut den enkla åtgärden att vända anslutningen på och stänga fungerar som en SOS, men inte den verkliga SOS själva. (SGU: "Common Descent") kategori:Tau'ri teknologi
  • SOS, also known as mortal peril, is a character condition that occurs when that character has 0 HP in his or her portion of the HP bar. Any damage taken while in SOS will deplete the HP of the other character.
  • 『SOS』(Pilot Part2)は日本においての『LOST』シーズン1のエピソード2の題名である。監督はドラマJ・J・エイブラムス。 本国アメリカでは2004年9月22日に放送され、日本では2005年10月2日(字幕版)と2005年XX月XX日(吹替版)に放送された。 メインキャラはケイト、チャーリー。
  • SOS (рус.__NOINDEX__СОС, алб. Ахтунг!) — международный сигнал бедствия с использованием азбуки Морзе. Сигнал представляет собой последовательность из трёх точек, трёх тире, трёх точек, передаваемых без пауз между буквами. В настоящее время признан устаревшим, и отменён за ненадобностью. Вместо подачи сигнала SOS бедствующим на море предлагается использовать следующие средства : * Запостить сообщение в ЖЖ Этот метод признан международной радиотелеграфной конференцией наиболее действенным. Практическая его эффективность превышает 93 %. * Поместить сообщение в специально созданный раздел ЖЖ — Считается менее действенным, поскольку этот раздел никто не читает. * Разместить просьбу о помощи в одном или нескольких форумах. В принципе может помочь, если вы способны отремонтировать свой корабль самостоятельно, руководствуясь советами форумчан. * Отправить сообщение в Фидо — весьма эффективный метод, но только при условии, что вы можете ждать несколько дней, пока фидошники закончат переругиваться и вынесут окончательный вердикт. * Разослать сообщение по контакт-листу ICQ — крайняя мера, не рекомендуемая для применения. Вас могут принять за спамера и отправить в игнор. Международная комиссия по электросвязи непрерывно работает над разработкой новых рекомендаций для терпящих бедствие. Всем терпящим бедствие на море, на суше и в воздухе настоятельно рекомендуется перед подачей сообщения о бедствии внимательно ознакомиться с последней версией этих рекомендаций. Помните: от этого может зависеть ваша жизнь.
  • SOS ist ein alter Notruf, welcher im Morsecode (···−−−···) gesendet wird. Dieser Notruf wird auf der Erde während der Zeit der Funkkommunikation eingesetzt. (ENT: ) 2152 leidet Hoshi Sato unter einer Transporterhalluzination. Sie glaubt, dass sie sich beim Beamen auflöst und verschwindet. Als sie verschwunden ist, versucht sie auf sich aufmerksam zu machen und schickt Captain Jonathan Archer eine Botschaft. Sie unterbricht eine Leitung und durch die Lichtunterbrechung sendet sie ein SOS. Archer bemerkt dies, aber T'Pol hält dies nur für einen Zufall und Archer stimmt ihr schließlich zu. (ENT: ) 2266 empfängt Lieutenant John Farrell, Kommunikationsoffizier der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), ein SOS-Radiosignal. Wie sich herausstellt stammt er von einer Bodenstation auf einem erdähnlichen Planeten, auf dem die Bevölkerung nach einem fehlgeschlagenen Lebensverlängerungsprojekt fast vollständig einer Seuche erlegen ist. Ein Landetrupp findet später die Radiostation, die das SOS-Signal automatisch aussendet. (TOS: ) Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) empfängt 2365 ein SOS aus dem Ficus-Sektor. Captain Jean-Luc Picard geht diesen Notruf nach und trifft so auf menschliche Kolonisten auf Bringloid V und auf der Mariposa-Kolonie. (TNG: ) Während sich die USS Voyager im Delta-Quadrant befindet, empfängt die Crew 2371 unerwartet ein SOS-Signal. Es stellt sich heraus, dass das Signal von Menschen stammt, welche 1937 von den Briori in den Delta-Quadrant entführt worden sind. (VOY: ) Als 2373 Chief Miles Edward O'Brien und einige weitere Crewmitglieder auf Empok Nor festsitzen, beauftragt O'Brien Crewman Pechetti, ein SOS nach Deep Space 9 zu schicken, damit sie von der verlassenen Station gerettet werden. (DS9: )
  • Le SOS était un ancien terme terrien pour un type d'appel de détresse. Il était basé sur le code morse et constituait en 3 impulsions brèves (ou points) suivies de 3 impulsions longues (ou tirets) et encore 3 impulsions brèves, correspondant aux 3 lettres "S·O·S" du code (···­­­ −−− ···). (ENT: "Vanishing Point") En 2152, Hoshi Sato essaya d'attirer l'attention de Jonathan Archer par un SOS sonore en manipulant un circuit de plasma passant dans le bureau de celui-ci. Hoshi se croyait dématérialisée mais en fait elle hallucinait au cours de sa première expérience via un téléporteur. (ENT: "Vanishing Point") En 2266, l'USS Enterprise découvrit un SOS émis de manière automatique depuis la planète de Miri. (TOS: "Miri") En 2365, l'USS Enterprise-D enquêta sur un SOS. Il était envoyé par les Mariposien à cause d'une grave activité solaire. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder") En 2371, l'USS Voyager découvrit un signal SOS émanant d'une planète dans le Quadrant Delta. Il s'avéra provenir d'un ancien avion terrien, celui du dernier voyage de Amelia Earhart et Fred Noonan. (VOY: "The 37's") Lorsque l'équipe d'ingénierie du chef Miles O'Brien échoua sur Empok Nor, Pechetti suggéra d'utiliser le réseau de communication de la station spatiale pour envoyer un SOS à Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
  • other uses SOS is the commonly used description for the International Morse code distress signal (· · · — — — · · ·). This distress signal was first adopted by the German government in radio regulations effective April 1, 1905, and became the worldwide standard when it was included in the second International Radiotelegraphic Convention, which was signed on November 3, 1906, and became effective on July 1, 1908. From the beginning, the SOS distress signal has actually consisted of a continuous sequence of three-dits/three-dahs/three-dits, all run together without letter spacing. In International Morse Code, three dits form the letter S, and three dahs make the letter O, so "SOS" became an easy way to remember the correct order of the dits and dahs. In modern terminology, SOS is a "procedural signal" or "prosign", and the formal way to write it is with a bar above the letters, i.e. SOS. In popular usage, SOS became associated with phrases such as "Save Our Ship", "Save Our Souls", "Save Our Skins", "Save Our Stuff", "Shoot Our Ship", "Shoot On Sight", "Sinking Our Ship", "Survivors On Shore", "Save Our Seamen", and "Signal On Sand". It is mostly known by "Save Our Ship" and/or "Save Our Souls". However, these phrases were a later development, most likely used to help remember the correct letters—something known as a backronym.
  • An SOS is a distress signal. King Graham was friendly with several foreign kingdoms whom he could send diplomatic SOS to in case Daventry was under an emergency. Only Graham had the diplomatic clout to request help from other nations. They would probably not answer if the request had come from the Seneschel or Rosella Following the destruction of the Three-headed Dragon most nearby nations had put up walls around the kingdom to keep the dragon in, refusing to help the kingdom.
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