  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion is a number of the Organization XIII and one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts series. She resembles Kairi due to the fact she is Sora's most precious and powerful memory.
  • thumb|200px|Xion. Xion es un personaje de la saga de videojuegos de Kingdom Hearts, en el videojuego Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.
  • Xion is the Rank XIV member of the original Organization XIII, a character originating from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and the tritagonist of the game. Xion is only a nominal member of the Organization, for she is not a normal Nobody; she is an imperfect Replica of Roxas created from Sora's leaked memories as a fail-safe in case both Sora and Roxas proved to be useless to Organization XIII's plans.
  • Xion, the Nobody, is the number XIV of Organization XIII. It is actually a copy of Roxas created by the memories of Sora, therefore does not have a throne in the Organization, and it is not even considered a real member from the others in the group. It had simply been created by Xemnas if Roxas had not proved useful for his plan.
  • Xion is the Muerta of Ino. Even before the birth of the Muerta, her Vida went by the name Xion instead of Vino. Xion "officially" came to be when Vino was killed by L'rac Aledan.
  • Xion est le numéro XIV de l'Organisation XIII et est l'un des personnages principaux du jeu . Amie de Roxas et Axel, Xion n'est pas réellement un Simili, mais une marionnette créée par l'Organisation à partir de Roxas, et est donc une copie indirecte de Sora. Faisant partie du Programme de reproduction, à l'instar de Néo Riku, elle n'est pas considérée par la majorité des membres de l'Organisation comme l'une des leurs, d'où le fait qu'il n'y ait pas "d'Organisation XIV" et qu'il n'y a toujours eu que treize sièges dans la Salle du Conseil.
  • Xion (xion, Shion) is an unknown ranked ninja from Amegakure. She hails from the Hayashi Clan.
  • Xion è in assoluto e per antonomasia il personaggio più inutile della saga di Kingdom Hearts, apparso per la prima volta su 358/2 Days e mai più visto, probabilmente perché la gente s'era rotta le scatole dei suoi strani discorsi insensati e dei suoi vuoti di memoria. E' stata creata da Vexen- ogni tanto anche i vecchi scienziati decrepiti hanno bisogno di un po' di compagnia.
  • Xion (シオン Shion) is a half-breed that Exa and Sheila met early in their journey.
  • She is the queen of thieves with a queen-size attitude and queen-sized breast.She was an child prodigy at the I.I.A but when her Father died she toke over the family business.This twenty-one year old is ruthless and keen she isn't fooled by many like when Gonzo Bravo tried to manipulate her she fought back with her psychic pins that grant her powers.
  • Xion is the fourteenth member of Organization XIII, first appearing in the game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, in which she could be viewed as both a main protagonist and antagonist. She is not a normal Nobody and is only a nominal member of the Organization. Because of this, she does not have a throne in Where Nothing Gathers, nor does she have a title or a breed of Nobody to control. Instead, she is an imperfect Replica of Roxas created from his leaked memories as a fail-safe in case both Sora and Roxas proved to be useless to Organization XIII's plans. While this enables her to use the Keyblade, Xion's existence also halts Sora's progression of regaining his memories to fully awaken while in his pod, something which Naminé, DiZ, and Riku recognize.
  • Xion ist ein nichtspielbarer Charakter aus der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe und taucht darin wiederholt auf. Ihren ersten und längsten Auftritt hat sie in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, wo sie zunächst mit Roxas und Axel im Dienste der Organisation XIII steht. Ihre Nummer ist die XIV. Jedoch ist zu erwähnen, dass sie kein Niemand ist, da sie künstlich von Xemnas geschaffen wurde und somit nicht durch den Verlust des eigenen Herzens entstanden ist. Ebenso ist sie in der Lage ehrliche Gefühle zu zeigen, obgleich sie das nicht immer tut. Letzteres könnte jedoch daran liegen, dass es ihr niemand konkret vorlebt.
  • As Sora's memories are the basis of her being, Xion initially resembles Kairi, who was Sora's strongest memory at the time of her birth, though her physical appearance eventually changes depending on who is viewing her and who they have connections with. Roxas, Axel, and Riku see her as Xion (and later as Sora), while Xemnas and Xigbar see her as Ventus, and Saïx sees her only the hooded doll she started out as.
  • Shy, quiet, insecure, reserved, touchy, curious, confused... Those are a lot of words that can describe Xion. It would never quite illustrate the full picture of this tiny, but determined girl as she's also a benevolent and hardworking type that is loyal to her friends to the bitter end. Xion's just...well, she doesn't even quite understand who she is entirely. Not yet. But she knows she's got several years ahead of her to shape her identity as she's still rather young.
  • Xion é o décimo quarto membro da Organização XIII, aparecendo pela primeira vez no jogo Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, em que ela poderia ser vista tanto como uma protagonista como antagonista. Ela não é um Nobody normal, é apenas um membro nominal da Organização. Devido a isso, ela não tem um trono em Where Nothing Gathers, nem tem um título ou uma raça de Nobodies para comandar. Em vez disso, ela é uma Replica imperfeita de Roxas criado a partir das memórias de Sora no intuito de uma tentativa falha, caso Sora e Roxas se provassem ser inúteis para os planos da Organização XIII. Enquanto isso lhe permite usar a Keyblade, a existência Xion também progride na recuperação total das memórias de Sora antes de despertar totalmente, enquanto dorme, algo que Naminé, DiZ, e Riku reconhecem.
  • Keyblade
  • Organization XIII - Rank XIV
  • Good
  • To find out who she is and join with Sora, becoming whole
  • N/D
  • Risa Uchida
  • シオン
  • Xion
Row 4 info
  • 1995-02-26
Erster Auftritt
  • Xion's_theme.ogg
Row 1 info
  • Hufflepuff
  • having her existence questioned, Villains, chaos, any threat to Kingdom Hearts or the Worlds
Row 4 title
  • Date of birth
  • Oui
Row 2 info
  • Fifth
  • Musique pour la tristesse de Xion
Row 6 info
  • *Moira **Mother *Gordon **Father
Row 1 title
  • House
  • Risa Uchida
Row 5 info
  • 16
Row 2 title
  • Year
Row 6 title
  • Family
  • Königsanhänger
Row 5 title
  • Age
Row 3 info
  • Muggle-born
Row 3 title
  • Blood status
  • xion.ogg
  • XIV
  • XIV
  • N/D
Box Title
  • Xion
  • English: *Alyson Stoner *Hayden Panettiere Japanese: *Risa Uchida
  • Lumière
  • No.i
  • No.i
  • XIV
  • Superior, Chapter 18
  • Being with Axel and Roxas, Sea-salt ice cream
  • Keyblade
  • Keyblade
  • Short, black hair, blue eyes and signature black Organization cloak
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • Xion
  • friendly, complicated, strong-willed, easily short-tempered
  • Shion
  • Shion
  • Shion
  • Never forget, that's the truth.
  • ''Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • ''Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Superior, Chapter 2
  • Alyson Stoner
  • Aucun
  • Destroyed by Roxas, returning Sora's memories at the cost of fading from everyone else's
  • Organization XIII - Rank XIV, Poppet , Puppet
  • None
  • Nenhum
  • Keyblade
  • "Best New Character"
  • Wielding the Keyblade, light/elemental magic, character summoning
  • Xion
  • Event Horizon
  • Event Horizon
  • Event Horizon
  • Alyson Stoner
  • Hayden Panetierre
  • N°i
  • Secondary Heart collector for Organization XIII
  • Male
  • Half-breed
  • シオン
  • シオン
  • "Who am I? What am I... here for?"
  • Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
  • 200
  • KH358-2a
  • KH358-2b
  • Xion is a number of the Organization XIII and one of the main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts series. She resembles Kairi due to the fact she is Sora's most precious and powerful memory.
  • Xion é o décimo quarto membro da Organização XIII, aparecendo pela primeira vez no jogo Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, em que ela poderia ser vista tanto como uma protagonista como antagonista. Ela não é um Nobody normal, é apenas um membro nominal da Organização. Devido a isso, ela não tem um trono em Where Nothing Gathers, nem tem um título ou uma raça de Nobodies para comandar. Em vez disso, ela é uma Replica imperfeita de Roxas criado a partir das memórias de Sora no intuito de uma tentativa falha, caso Sora e Roxas se provassem ser inúteis para os planos da Organização XIII. Enquanto isso lhe permite usar a Keyblade, a existência Xion também progride na recuperação total das memórias de Sora antes de despertar totalmente, enquanto dorme, algo que Naminé, DiZ, e Riku reconhecem. Como as memórias de Sora são a base de seu ser, Xion, inicialmente se assemelha Kairi, que é a mais forte memória de Sora no momento de seu nascimento, apesar de sua aparência física, eventualmente, mudar dependendo de quem está vendo ela e que como eles têm ligações. Roxas, Axel e Riku (e, presumivelmente, o resto da Organização) vê-la como Xion. Roxas também vê-la como Sora antes de sua batalha final, Xigbar a vê como Ventus, Xemnas a vê como Sora, enquanto Saïx vê-la apenas como uma boneca com capuz. Como Naminé afirmou ao falar com Riku, que a face Xion era originalmente branca, até que as memórias de Sora a encontraram em seu caminho e ela finalmente ganhou uma identidade. O nome de Xion foi criado por Tomoco Kanemaki, um dos desenhistas de cenário de Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days e escritor dos romances de Kingdom Hearts. Tetsuya Nomura tomou gosto pela coisa e nota que ele tem muitos significados. o nome Xion contém as palavras em japonês "onda" (潮 shio?) , se encaixando com os temas de nomeação marinha de Kairi e Naminé, e Aster tataricus (紫苑 shion?) , que, de acordo com Japanese floriography, significa "eu não vou esquecer de você" ou "lembrança". Também é revelado dentro dos Relatórios Secretos que o seu "nome original" era "Nºi", sua identidade como uma experiência do Programa de Réplica. O "i" usado aqui é de fato o número imaginário. Xion foi eleita "Melhor dos Novos Personagens" pela Nintendo Power Awards 2009.
  • thumb|200px|Xion. Xion es un personaje de la saga de videojuegos de Kingdom Hearts, en el videojuego Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.
  • Xion is the Rank XIV member of the original Organization XIII, a character originating from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and the tritagonist of the game. Xion is only a nominal member of the Organization, for she is not a normal Nobody; she is an imperfect Replica of Roxas created from Sora's leaked memories as a fail-safe in case both Sora and Roxas proved to be useless to Organization XIII's plans.
  • Xion, the Nobody, is the number XIV of Organization XIII. It is actually a copy of Roxas created by the memories of Sora, therefore does not have a throne in the Organization, and it is not even considered a real member from the others in the group. It had simply been created by Xemnas if Roxas had not proved useful for his plan.
  • Xion is the Muerta of Ino. Even before the birth of the Muerta, her Vida went by the name Xion instead of Vino. Xion "officially" came to be when Vino was killed by L'rac Aledan.
  • Xion est le numéro XIV de l'Organisation XIII et est l'un des personnages principaux du jeu . Amie de Roxas et Axel, Xion n'est pas réellement un Simili, mais une marionnette créée par l'Organisation à partir de Roxas, et est donc une copie indirecte de Sora. Faisant partie du Programme de reproduction, à l'instar de Néo Riku, elle n'est pas considérée par la majorité des membres de l'Organisation comme l'une des leurs, d'où le fait qu'il n'y ait pas "d'Organisation XIV" et qu'il n'y a toujours eu que treize sièges dans la Salle du Conseil.
  • Xion (xion, Shion) is an unknown ranked ninja from Amegakure. She hails from the Hayashi Clan.
  • Xion ist ein nichtspielbarer Charakter aus der Kingdom Hearts-Reihe und taucht darin wiederholt auf. Ihren ersten und längsten Auftritt hat sie in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, wo sie zunächst mit Roxas und Axel im Dienste der Organisation XIII steht. Ihre Nummer ist die XIV. Jedoch ist zu erwähnen, dass sie kein Niemand ist, da sie künstlich von Xemnas geschaffen wurde und somit nicht durch den Verlust des eigenen Herzens entstanden ist. Ebenso ist sie in der Lage ehrliche Gefühle zu zeigen, obgleich sie das nicht immer tut. Letzteres könnte jedoch daran liegen, dass es ihr niemand konkret vorlebt. Da sie aus Soras Erinnerungen geschaffen wurde, ähnelt sie Kairi sehr, welche die stärkste Erinnerung in Sora darstellt. Andere Personen, wie beispielsweise Xigbar, sehen in ihr jedoch eher Ventus und erkennen somit keine Ähnlichkeiten zu Kairi.
  • As Sora's memories are the basis of her being, Xion initially resembles Kairi, who was Sora's strongest memory at the time of her birth, though her physical appearance eventually changes depending on who is viewing her and who they have connections with. Roxas, Axel, and Riku see her as Xion (and later as Sora), while Xemnas and Xigbar see her as Ventus, and Saïx sees her only the hooded doll she started out as. Xion's name contains the Japanese words for "tide" (潮, shio?), fitting the oceanic naming theme of Kairi and Naminé, and Aster tataricus (紫苑, shion). According to Japanese floriography, Aster tataricus is used to mean "I won't forget you" or "remembrance". It is also revealed within the Secret Reports that her "original name" was "No.i", her ID as an experiment of the Replica Program. The "i" used here is in fact the imaginary number.
  • Xion è in assoluto e per antonomasia il personaggio più inutile della saga di Kingdom Hearts, apparso per la prima volta su 358/2 Days e mai più visto, probabilmente perché la gente s'era rotta le scatole dei suoi strani discorsi insensati e dei suoi vuoti di memoria. E' stata creata da Vexen- ogni tanto anche i vecchi scienziati decrepiti hanno bisogno di un po' di compagnia.
  • Xion (シオン Shion) is a half-breed that Exa and Sheila met early in their journey.
  • Shy, quiet, insecure, reserved, touchy, curious, confused... Those are a lot of words that can describe Xion. It would never quite illustrate the full picture of this tiny, but determined girl as she's also a benevolent and hardworking type that is loyal to her friends to the bitter end. Xion's just...well, she doesn't even quite understand who she is entirely. Not yet. But she knows she's got several years ahead of her to shape her identity as she's still rather young. First and most importantly, though, is that she would like to stop being so relentlessly nervous and shy around people she doesn't know. And maybe not have mood swings as well, but that can come after she stops pulling her hood up around unfamiliar people all the time. She'll give it her all, though! A little hard work never hurt anyone and Xion certainly doesn't mind working hard at all as her sense of curiosity has to be satisfied somehow.
  • Xion is the fourteenth member of Organization XIII, first appearing in the game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, in which she could be viewed as both a main protagonist and antagonist. She is not a normal Nobody and is only a nominal member of the Organization. Because of this, she does not have a throne in Where Nothing Gathers, nor does she have a title or a breed of Nobody to control. Instead, she is an imperfect Replica of Roxas created from his leaked memories as a fail-safe in case both Sora and Roxas proved to be useless to Organization XIII's plans. While this enables her to use the Keyblade, Xion's existence also halts Sora's progression of regaining his memories to fully awaken while in his pod, something which Naminé, DiZ, and Riku recognize. As Sora's memories are the basis of her being, Xion initially resembles Kairi, who was Sora's strongest memory at the time of her birth, though her physical appearance eventually changes depending on who is viewing her and who they have connections with. Roxas, Axel, and Riku (and presumably the rest of the Organization, except Xigbar, Xemnas, and Saix) see her as Xion. Roxas also sees her as Sora before their battle with each other, Xigbar sees her as Ventus, Xemnas sees her as Sora, while Saïx sees her only as a hooded puppet. As Naminé stated while talking with Riku, Xion's face was originally blank, until Sora's memories found their way into Xion and she gained an identity. Xion's name was coined by Tomoco Kanemaki, one of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days's scenario writers and the writer of the Kingdom Hearts Novels. Tetsuya Nomura took a liking to it and notes that it has many meanings. Xion's name contains the Japanese words for "tide" (潮 shio?), fitting the oceanic naming theme of Kairi and Naminé, and Aster tataricus (紫苑 shion?), which, according to Japanese floriography, means "I won't forget you" or "remembrance". It is also revealed within the Secret Reports that her "original name" was "No.i", her ID as an experiment of the Replica Program. The "i" used here may have been in reference to imaginary numbers. It is also possible that this is a word play on the word ion since this is no.i backwards. This would make sense since an ion is an incomplete particle, much like Xion. Xion was voted "Best New Character" in the 2009 Nintendo Power Awards.
  • She is the queen of thieves with a queen-size attitude and queen-sized breast.She was an child prodigy at the I.I.A but when her Father died she toke over the family business.This twenty-one year old is ruthless and keen she isn't fooled by many like when Gonzo Bravo tried to manipulate her she fought back with her psychic pins that grant her powers.
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