  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson ist ein Brite, der nur in "Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All" genannt wird. Er gehört zu den Männern und Frauen, die von den Kilaaks unter ihre Kontrolle genommen wurden. Man sieht ihn aber nie und neben seiner Herkunft erfährt man auch nur sein Alter von 32 Jahren.
  • Michael Dawson is a visual effects supervisor with over 50 films to his credit.
  • Michael Dawson is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 and the father of Walt Lloyd.
  • Michael Dawson is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. He had parental issues with his son, Walt, but the two have bonded with their time on the island. Michael shot dead Ana-Lucia and Libby in order to release Ben from captivity; and ultimately caused the capture of Jack, Sawyer and Kate, when he made a deal with the Others. His whereabouts are currently unknown after he left the Island with his son Walt on a motor boat.
  • Because of his actions, Michael did not "move on" and his spirit remained on the Island. Michael would use Hurley's ability to see the deceased to try and aid his friends, and could be heard among the whispers.
  • Michael Dawson is a Marine Sergeant in the Marine Corps and also the murder victim in Better Angels (episode). He had been on leave for a few months, although he led his wife to believe that he was on an assignment, which was later confirmed to be a codebreaker for a nearly-extinct African dialect for use against terrorist cells like al Qaeda. He also spent some time trying to help a friend overcome addiction to marijuana, and confronted a store owner who was running a drug dealing business, although he ended up shot and killed, with his death being covered up by the store owner as an attempted robbery.
  • Michael Richard Dawson (born 18 November 1983) is an English footballer who plays for Tottenham Hotspur and the England national football team. After the retirement of Ledley King. Midway through the 2009–10 season, Dawson became the team captain of Tottenham Hotspur as Robbie Keane left for Celtic on loan in January. His form that season saw him included in England's preliminary World Cup squad. Although he initially failed to make the final 23-man squad, an injury to captain Rio Ferdinand saw him drafted in as replacement.
  • Michael Dawson is the Blue Fairy Ranger. His element is Ice.
  • Michael was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after he had traveled to Sydney, Australia to pick up his son, who was not legally under his care. Michael was previously an artist, but a car accident sidetracked his talent, and Michael worked in construction for 8 years.
  • Dopo lo schianto Michael riscontra molti problemi nell'approccio con Walt, ma i due alla fine riescono a creare un legame durante la loro permanenza sull'Isola. Michael era il responsabile della costruzione della zattera con cui ha provato a lasciare l'Isola insieme a Walt, Jin, e Sawyer per cercare soccorso. Tuttavia, mentre si trovavano per mare con la zattera vennero attaccati dagli Altri, Walt venne rapito e la zattera distrutta. Michael, Jin e Sawyer riuscirono a raggiungere la riva, scoprirono i superstiti della Sezione di Coda dell'aereo e fecero ritorno al campo. Dopo aver comunicato con Walt utilizzando il computer nella stazione del Cigno, Michael decise di andare da solo in cerca di Walt, facendosi però catturare. Al suo ritorno sparò ad Ana Lucia e Libby uccidendole allo scopo
  • Michael Dawson fue uno de los supervivientes de la sección central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Tuvo problemas con la paternidad de su hijo, Walt, pero ambos se unieron durante el tiempo en la Isla, de la cual intentaron escapar construyendo balsas. Cuando Walt fue secuestrado por los Otros, Michael llevó a cabo un intento de rescate, pero acabó también siendo capturado. Disparó fatalmente a Ana Lucía y a Libby para liberar a Benjamin Linus del cautiverio, y organizó la captura de Jack, Sawyer y Kate, cuando hizo un pacto por los Otros. Tras abandonar la Isla en un bote a motor con Walt, Michael volvió a Manhattan. Allí le contó la verdad a su hijo, y éste no le perdonó, lo que hizo que tomara una decisión suicida. Tom lo ayudó, y lo reclutó en el Carguero. Allí volvió a ver a Desmond, Sayid,
  • Michael Dawson é um dos sobreviventes da parte intermediária do voo 815. É o terceiro membro original do Time B. Ele teve problemas paternos com seu filho, Walt, mas os dois se acertaram com a convivência na ilha. Após o seqüestro de Walt pelos Outros, Michael se arriscou em uma tentativa de resgate, mas foi capturado também. Ele matou Ana Lucia e Libby para conseguir libertar Ben Linus do cativeiro e causou a captura de Jack, Sawyer e Kate quando ele fez um acordo com os Outros. Após deixar a Ilha em um barco a motor com Walt, Michael voltou para Manhattan, mas consumido pela culpa, ele acaba por se afastar de Walt e se torna suicida. Ben e Tom conseguiram que Michael integrasse secretamente a tripulação do Kahana para sabotá-lo, finjindo ser um faxineiro chamado Kevin Johnson. Ele morreu
  • Voor de crash was Michael Dawson een bouwvakarbeider en een would-be tekenaar/kunstenaar. Hij woonde samen met zijn vriendin Susan, een advocate in opleiding, en zij verwachtten een kind. Dit was Walt, genoemd naar de vader van Michael. Niet lang daarna sprong hun relatie echter af, en kreeg zij een belangrijke job in het buitenland. Susan nam Walt mee, en Michael zag zijn zoon niet meer. In Australië ziet Michael Walt terug, en zegt dat hij vanaf nu voor hem zal zorgen. Walt vraagt naar Vincent, de hond van Brian, en Michael zegt dat hij Vincent mag houden.
  • After leaving the show for a year, Michael returned as a deckhand on the freighter, in a plot twist that was called "completely unpredictable" and "a more shocking twist than the end of season three," by many fans. Michael was, unfortunately, written off the show at the end of season four. This choice was obviously made by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, who killed off the character as a way of executing their racist tendencies. A fact made explicit when Christian Shephard appeared in a white Klu Klux Klan robe and told Michael, he could "go now" (whatever the hell that means). Thankfully, their foul was called by actor Harold Perrineau, who revealed the truth about the two producers and their racism, which they obviously intricately planned out through their casting of diverse races on L
  • Michael Dawson était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du vol Oceanic 815. Avant le crash, Michael avait perdu la garde de son fils Walt pour le laisser à son ancienne compagne, Susan Lloyd. Peu après le décès de celle-ci, Michael récupère son fils en Australie et entreprend de le ramener chez lui, à New York. Tous deux empruntent le vol 815 à destination de Los Angeles et survivent au crash. Sur l'île, Michael et Walt entretiennent des rapports tendus, qui seront finalement résolus après environ un mois de survie. Michael dirige la construction d'un radeau pour chercher des secours mais la mission tourne au drame lorsque l'embarcation est interceptée en mer par les Autres qui enlèvent Walt. Bouleversé, Michael tente par tous les moyens de le récupérer et finit par conclure un ma
  • England
  • Power Rangers Fairy Magic
  • exp
  • Character appearances#MichaelS6
  • *United Earth Government **United States Navy
  • N/A
  • New York, NY, USA
  • Michael Dawson
  • Mężczyzna
  • Michael-mini.jpg
  • Artysta,inżynier budowlany,Szpieg innych,marynarz pokładowy
  • Cedric Nicolas-Troyan, Philip Brennan and Neil Corbould
  • Michael Dawson
  • Construction
  • Artist
  • Michael
  • 2007
  • Dawson
  • Décédé
  • 2004-12-30
  • Harold Perrineau Jr.
  • 5
  • 48
  • Michael/Galerie photos
  • Matka Michaela - matka
  • Susan Lloyd - była żona
  • Walt Lloyd - syn
  • Walter Dawson - ojciec
  • 3.0
  • 85
  • Harold Perrineau Jr
  • London, England, UK
  • New York, Stati Uniti
  • 30
  • The Future of Fairy Land, Part 2
  • Fairy Time
  • Bauarbeiter
  • vorher Künstler & Zeichner
  • Kevin Johnson
  • blue
  • New York City, USA
  • USA
  • Michaels Mutter - Mutter
  • Walter Dawson - Vater
  • Walter Lloyd - Sohn
  • Kahana C-4 Explosion
  • New-York, États-Unis
  • 30
  • Michael Dawson
  • 2010
  • Brown
  • Blue Fairy Ranger
  • Michael Dawson
  • 38
  • Michael Dawson
  • Madre de Michael - Madre
  • Susan Lloyd - Madre de Walt
  • Walter Dawson - Padre
  • Walter Lloyd - Hijo
  • 23
  • 30
  • 37
  • white
  • *M97A2 Officer's magnum
  • Deceased.
  • Morto
  • Nie żyje
  • vermutlich verstorben
  • Unknown - has presumably left the Island
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • MichaelSusan1x14.jpg
  • Psalm-cap-07.JPG
  • Michael-Locke-Walt.jpg
  • Mipilot.jpg
  • 20
  • Best Visual Effects
  • Visual Effects
  • Ciudad de New York, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • Hull City
  • Brown
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • 250
  • True
  • Luiz Laffey
  • Michael
  • 1958-09-15
  • 1991-09-30
  • 20
  • Tottenham Hotspur
  • Hull City
  • Nottingham Forest
Miejsce śmierci
  • 4
  • 150
  • 200
Data śmierci
  • 2004-12-30
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Nottingham Forest
  • Michael Dawson
  • 6.0
  • Human
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • Michael Dawson
  • show
  • MichaelS4b.jpg‎
  • left
  • right
  • 1997
  • Northallerton
  • Blue
  • blue
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Snow White and the Huntsman
  • 2013
  • Michael Dawson
  • 2001
  • 2005
  • 2014
  • Construction worker
  • Aspiring artist
  • A travaillé dans le bâtiment
  • Ancien artiste
  • Arquiteto
  • Aspirante a Artista
  • Construction worker
  • Deckhand, Kahana
  • Faxineiro, Kahana
  • Former aspiring artist
  • Matelot du Kahana
  • *Petty Officer, First Class *Command Master Chief Petty Officer *Chief Warrant Officer *Lieutenant Junior Grade *Commander *Captain *High Captain
  • MichaelS4b.jpg‎
  • Earth
  • Muerto
Miejsce urodzenia
  • Nowy Jork, Nowy Jork
  • 30449
  • 1
  • Walt Lloyd - Filho
  • Ex-Girlfriend - Susan Lloyd-Porter
  • Father - Walter Dawson
  • Michael's mother - Mother
  • Michael's mother - Mother
  • Mother - Mrs. Dawson
  • Son - Walt Lloyd
  • Sra. Dawson - Mãe
  • Susan Lloyd - Ex-esposa
  • Susan Lloyd - Ex-girlfriend
  • Walter Dawson - Father
  • Walter Dawson - Father
  • Walter Lloyd - Son
  • Walter Lloyd - Son
  • 1983-11-18
  • Michael Richard Dawson
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • New York City, USA
  • Nova York City, Nova York, EUA
  • *USN Meriwether Lewis *USN Archer *USN Arcturus *USN Harbinger
  • Male
  • Defender
  • * Commanding officer of cruiser USN Harbinger, CA-152
  • Images of Michael Dawson
  • 【Michael Dawson】圖片頁面
  • 16
  • 83
  • 236
  • England
  • n/a
  • 2004-12-30
  • Trabajador de la construcción :Aspirante a pintor :Limpiador en el carguero
  • 2012
  • 48
  • 1970
  • 2361-06-05
  • MastahCheef117
  • Michael and Sawyer find that the current has brought them "home."
  • Michael sees Christian before he dies.
  • Michael meeting Kevin Johnson.
  • Michael explains the nature of the Whispers.
  • Michael and Walt leaving the Island at the end of Season 2.
  • Sayid demands to know how Michael started working for Ben Linus.
  • Michael communicates with his son with the Swan's computer.
  • Sayid forces Michael to Gault's office, in order to expose him.
  • Frank lets Michael out from his cell, only to see Keamy and his device.
  • Eko helps Michael out of the pit.
  • A reunited Michael and Walt prepare to board Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Jack exposes Michael to the rescue party.
  • Michael appears to Hurley.
  • Michael argues with Locke about his son.
  • Michael meets Libby.
  • Michael on the raft.
  • Michael receives a message from "Walt".
  • Michael searches for Walt at the crash site.
  • Michael shoots Ana Lucia.
  • Michael with Vincent on the beach.
  • Michael's first seperation from his son.
  • Ms. Klugh talks to Michael at the decoy village.
  • Michael re-introduces himself to Sayid and Desmond as Kevin Johnson.
  • Michael and Susan happily look forward to the birth of their child.
  • Michael meets Minkowski before boarding the Kahana.
  • Michael in the hospital, after failing to commit suicide.
  • Architetto
  • Aspirante artista
  • Marinaio sulla Kahana
  • Harold Perrineau
  • --12-30
Powód śmierci
  • Zginął podczas wybuchu na frachtowcu
  • Fabrizio Vidale
  • Daniel Lobé
  • Ritornare in America con Walt
  • reunite with Walt
  • reunite with Walt
  • Buscar Walt
  • para reunirse con Walt.
  • Pour ramener Walt à New York
  • Mit Walt in die USA zurückkehren
Powód samolot
  • By wrócić z Waltem do domu
  • return home
  • return home
  • Retorno pra casa com a custódia de Walt
  • para regresar a casa.
  • Walt abholen
  • Pour récupérer Walt
  • Murió al explotar el Kahana.
  • Riunirsi a Walt
Powód Australia
  • By zabrać Walta od Briana po śmierci matki chłopca.
  • Michael Dawson ist ein Brite, der nur in "Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All" genannt wird. Er gehört zu den Männern und Frauen, die von den Kilaaks unter ihre Kontrolle genommen wurden. Man sieht ihn aber nie und neben seiner Herkunft erfährt man auch nur sein Alter von 32 Jahren.
  • Michael Dawson is a visual effects supervisor with over 50 films to his credit.
  • Michael Dawson is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 and the father of Walt Lloyd.
  • Michael Dawson é um dos sobreviventes da parte intermediária do voo 815. É o terceiro membro original do Time B. Ele teve problemas paternos com seu filho, Walt, mas os dois se acertaram com a convivência na ilha. Após o seqüestro de Walt pelos Outros, Michael se arriscou em uma tentativa de resgate, mas foi capturado também. Ele matou Ana Lucia e Libby para conseguir libertar Ben Linus do cativeiro e causou a captura de Jack, Sawyer e Kate quando ele fez um acordo com os Outros. Após deixar a Ilha em um barco a motor com Walt, Michael voltou para Manhattan, mas consumido pela culpa, ele acaba por se afastar de Walt e se torna suicida. Ben e Tom conseguiram que Michael integrasse secretamente a tripulação do Kahana para sabotá-lo, finjindo ser um faxineiro chamado Kevin Johnson. Ele morreu quando explosivos C4 foram detonados no Kahana, junto com todos os outros a bordo.
  • After leaving the show for a year, Michael returned as a deckhand on the freighter, in a plot twist that was called "completely unpredictable" and "a more shocking twist than the end of season three," by many fans. Michael was, unfortunately, written off the show at the end of season four. This choice was obviously made by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, who killed off the character as a way of executing their racist tendencies. A fact made explicit when Christian Shephard appeared in a white Klu Klux Klan robe and told Michael, he could "go now" (whatever the hell that means). Thankfully, their foul was called by actor Harold Perrineau, who revealed the truth about the two producers and their racism, which they obviously intricately planned out through their casting of diverse races on Lost. This article is than Nikki and Paulo's lifespan. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Michael Dawson était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du vol Oceanic 815. Avant le crash, Michael avait perdu la garde de son fils Walt pour le laisser à son ancienne compagne, Susan Lloyd. Peu après le décès de celle-ci, Michael récupère son fils en Australie et entreprend de le ramener chez lui, à New York. Tous deux empruntent le vol 815 à destination de Los Angeles et survivent au crash. Sur l'île, Michael et Walt entretiennent des rapports tendus, qui seront finalement résolus après environ un mois de survie. Michael dirige la construction d'un radeau pour chercher des secours mais la mission tourne au drame lorsque l'embarcation est interceptée en mer par les Autres qui enlèvent Walt. Bouleversé, Michael tente par tous les moyens de le récupérer et finit par conclure un marché avec les Autres : leur livrer quatre de ses amis et libérer leur chef emprisonné par les survivants. Pour se faire, il tue Ana-Lucia et Libby puis conduit Jack, Kate, Sawyer et Hurley dans un piège. Ayant respecté le marché, Michael est autorisé à quitter l'île avec Walt. Mais de retour à Manhattan, Michael raconte ce qu'il a fait à son fils, ce qui détruit leur relation. Déchiré par le double meurtre qu'il a commis, il tente de se suicider à plusieurs reprises avant que Tom l'approche en lui proposant de se racheter. Michael accepte finalement de devenir l'espion de Ben à bord du cargo Kahana pour sauver la vie de ses amis restés sur l'île. À bord, il se fait passer pour un matelot du nom de Kevin Johnson et détruit tout le matériel dans le but d'empêcher les mercenaires à bord d'atteindre l'île et de tuer tous ses habitants. Le 30 décembre 2004, alors que des survivants sont rapatriés sur le cargo pour une mission de sauvetage, Michael réalise qu'une cabine est piégée par du C4. Il se sacrifie en refroidissant momentanément les explosifs, permettant aux Six du vol Oceanic, à Frank Lapidus et à Desmond Hume de fuir à bord d'un hélicoptère juste avant l'explosion du navire. Trois ans après sa mort, Michael apparaît à Hurley sur l'île. Il le prévient qu'il devra s'opposer à la décision de détruire l'avion du vol Ajira Air 316 avec de la dynamite pour empêcher la mort de plusieurs personnes. Il lui révèle également qu'il n'a pas pu « s'en aller » à cause de ses actes et que son esprit est resté coincé sur l'île. Il peut probablement être entendu parmi les murmures provoqués par les morts.
  • Voor de crash was Michael Dawson een bouwvakarbeider en een would-be tekenaar/kunstenaar. Hij woonde samen met zijn vriendin Susan, een advocate in opleiding, en zij verwachtten een kind. Dit was Walt, genoemd naar de vader van Michael. Niet lang daarna sprong hun relatie echter af, en kreeg zij een belangrijke job in het buitenland. Susan nam Walt mee, en Michael zag zijn zoon niet meer. Om toch Walt terug te kunnen zien werd Michael beperkt door zijn laag inkomen, waardoor Susan met haar hoge levensstandaard automatisch het juridische hoederecht kreeg. Na een verhit gesprek aan een telefooncabine stapt Michael de straat op zonder te kijken, en wordt door een auto omvergereden. In het ziekenhuis maakte Michael voor Walt een tekening, zoals hij regelmatig scheen te doen. Hij kreeg bezoek van Susan, die hem vertelde dat ze alle rekeningen voor hem betaald had. Michael vroeg haar waarom, en ze gaf toe dat ze wou dat hij zijn voogdij over Walt zou opgeven, en dat in de plaats Brian Porter, haar nieuwe man, de volledige voogdij zou krijgen samen met haar. Michael begint hierover vervolgens een rechtzaak. Gedurende een vergadering zegt de advocaat van Susan: "voor iemand die zijn zoon zo erg bij zich wil, schijn je hem toch heel slecht te kennen." Dit idee komt later terug in verband met zijn relatie met Walt, omdat hij hem nooit zag opgroeien. Michael verliest de zaak, en blijft in Amerika. Hij wordt later opgezocht door Brian, nadat Susan gestorven is aan een zeldzame bloedziekte. Brian dringt aan dat Michael opnieuw de voogdij over Walt overneemt. Michael denkt eerst dat Brian niets om Walt geeft, maar Brian geeft te kennen dat Walt vreemd en anders is. In Australië ziet Michael Walt terug, en zegt dat hij vanaf nu voor hem zal zorgen. Walt vraagt naar Vincent, de hond van Brian, en Michael zegt dat hij Vincent mag houden.
  • Michael Dawson is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. He had parental issues with his son, Walt, but the two have bonded with their time on the island. Michael shot dead Ana-Lucia and Libby in order to release Ben from captivity; and ultimately caused the capture of Jack, Sawyer and Kate, when he made a deal with the Others. His whereabouts are currently unknown after he left the Island with his son Walt on a motor boat.
  • Michael Dawson fue uno de los supervivientes de la sección central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Tuvo problemas con la paternidad de su hijo, Walt, pero ambos se unieron durante el tiempo en la Isla, de la cual intentaron escapar construyendo balsas. Cuando Walt fue secuestrado por los Otros, Michael llevó a cabo un intento de rescate, pero acabó también siendo capturado. Disparó fatalmente a Ana Lucía y a Libby para liberar a Benjamin Linus del cautiverio, y organizó la captura de Jack, Sawyer y Kate, cuando hizo un pacto por los Otros. Tras abandonar la Isla en un bote a motor con Walt, Michael volvió a Manhattan. Allí le contó la verdad a su hijo, y éste no le perdonó, lo que hizo que tomara una decisión suicida. Tom lo ayudó, y lo reclutó en el Carguero. Allí volvió a ver a Desmond, Sayid, Sun y Jin. Cuando los C4 se activaron para explotar, Michael atrasó la bomba con nitrógeno, hasta que éste se acabó. Finalmente el Carguero explotó, terminando con la vida de Michael, quién por fin había obtenido su redención al salvar a los Seis de Oceanic
  • Because of his actions, Michael did not "move on" and his spirit remained on the Island. Michael would use Hurley's ability to see the deceased to try and aid his friends, and could be heard among the whispers.
  • Michael Dawson is a Marine Sergeant in the Marine Corps and also the murder victim in Better Angels (episode). He had been on leave for a few months, although he led his wife to believe that he was on an assignment, which was later confirmed to be a codebreaker for a nearly-extinct African dialect for use against terrorist cells like al Qaeda. He also spent some time trying to help a friend overcome addiction to marijuana, and confronted a store owner who was running a drug dealing business, although he ended up shot and killed, with his death being covered up by the store owner as an attempted robbery.
  • Michael Richard Dawson (born 18 November 1983) is an English footballer who plays for Tottenham Hotspur and the England national football team. After the retirement of Ledley King. Midway through the 2009–10 season, Dawson became the team captain of Tottenham Hotspur as Robbie Keane left for Celtic on loan in January. His form that season saw him included in England's preliminary World Cup squad. Although he initially failed to make the final 23-man squad, an injury to captain Rio Ferdinand saw him drafted in as replacement.
  • Dopo lo schianto Michael riscontra molti problemi nell'approccio con Walt, ma i due alla fine riescono a creare un legame durante la loro permanenza sull'Isola. Michael era il responsabile della costruzione della zattera con cui ha provato a lasciare l'Isola insieme a Walt, Jin, e Sawyer per cercare soccorso. Tuttavia, mentre si trovavano per mare con la zattera vennero attaccati dagli Altri, Walt venne rapito e la zattera distrutta. Michael, Jin e Sawyer riuscirono a raggiungere la riva, scoprirono i superstiti della Sezione di Coda dell'aereo e fecero ritorno al campo. Dopo aver comunicato con Walt utilizzando il computer nella stazione del Cigno, Michael decise di andare da solo in cerca di Walt, facendosi però catturare. Al suo ritorno sparò ad Ana Lucia e Libby uccidendole allo scopo di liberare Benjamin Linus, tenuto prigioniero nel bunker, e di causare la cattura di Jack, Sawyer e Kate, in base all'accordo fatto con gli Altri per liberare Walt. Dopo aver lasciato l'Isola a bordo della barca degli Altri con Walt, Michael tornò a Manhattan, ma, torturato dal senso di colpa, si estrania da Walt e tenta il suicidio. Per redimersi si imbarcò come mozzo, con il nome di Kevin Johnson, sotto copertura per conto di Ben sulla nave da carico Kahana per sabotarla. Si trovava a bordo della nave da carico quando la bomba al C-4 fu trovata, e congelò la sua batteria con azoto liquido per rimandare la sua detonazione abbastanza a lungo per permettere ai 6 della Oceanic di fuggire, ma la bomba alla fine esplose distruggendo la nave da carico e uccidendo Michael. A causa dei peccati commessi, Michael non può "morire" e il suo spirito rimane sull'Isola. E' probabile che Michael abbia usato la capacità di Hurley di vedere i morti, per provare ad aiutare i suoi amici, e potrebbe essere tra i morti che sussurrano.
  • Michael Dawson is the Blue Fairy Ranger. His element is Ice.
  • Michael was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after he had traveled to Sydney, Australia to pick up his son, who was not legally under his care. Michael was previously an artist, but a car accident sidetracked his talent, and Michael worked in construction for 8 years.
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is Dueño of
is Acteurs of
is Cast of
is Characters of
is Guests of
is Role of
is Name of
is Propriétaires of
is saidby of
is zentriert of
is Child of
is owned of
is Character of
is Profession of
is Variant of
is Family of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is flashback of
is Rola of
is principaux of
is 中心角色 of
is 閃回角色 of
is specialguest of
is Détenu of
is foundby of
is Said By of
is Rückblende of
is personagensdaserie of