  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Engineering is a researchable technology in Age of Empires that increases the range of all Siege Units and Siege Ships by 2 points. It is researched in the Government Center and is needed to research and build the Juggernaut. It can only be researched once the player reaches the Iron Age. Researching this technology is important if the player's civilization specializes in siege weapons since it is the only way for Helepoli to outrange Iron Age towers with the exception of the ones built by the Choson and the Mirror Tower.
  • Engineering (Intelligence) Engineering is the ability to design, build and repair large structures. A character skilled in engineering knows how to survey land for the best building sites, find the best places to cross a stream. He can also warn others not to smash load bearing walls. Engineering is also classed as a Merchant and Craft Skill.
  • Engineering is a book in Dead Rising. It increases the durability of most weapons found in the hardware stores by 300%, it will last 3 times as long as before. If combined with the Entertainment Book and the Criminal Biography Book, these three books can make the Small Chainsaw last for over 2,000 hits. The Engineering Book can be found in Bachman's Bookporium on the ground floor of Paradise Plaza near the bathroom and SporTrance.
  • Engineering — неактивный участник русскоязычного портала Фэндома. Бывший администратор The Elder Scrolls Wiki.
  • The Engineering skill is the basic skill for the power systems in a ship. It increases the amount of powergrid available for modules.
  • Engineering applies scientific and technical knowledge to solve human problems. Engineers use imagination, judgment, reasoning and experience to apply science, technology, mathematics, and practical experience. The result is the design, production, and operation of useful objects or processes.
  • In the late 20th century, nuclear vessels of the United States Navy designated their engine room as the main machine room, or MMR. A ship, like the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, had at least four main machine rooms. Each of these rooms had a nuclear fission reactor. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • Engineering (pol. Inżynieria)jest profesją która pozwala jej użytkownikowi tworzyć różne wysoko technologiczne przedmioty i materiały wybuchowe. Większość komponentów inżynier czerpie z górnictwa, więc połączenie tych dwóch profesji jest bardzo korzystne. Niestety, nie licząc petów i pomocników których źródłem może być jedynie engineering, nie jest to profesja przynosząca jakieś szczególne dochody. Tym bardziej, że niemal wszystko co zrobi inżynier jest do jego własnego użytku. Przy zwiększeniu się umiejętności do pewnego poziomu, gracz ma do wyboru nauczenie się gnomiej inżynierii lub gobliniej.
  • World University & School would like to produce more more great (MIT caliber) engineers for SOLAR engineering innovations, for example, ... degree granting ahead ...
  • Engineering is a fairly early technology in Civilization games.
  • Engineering is
  • The Engineering Officer can withstand the most damage by improving the performance of their personal shields, while supporting their away team with power generators or by bottlenecking the enemies' advance with defensive mine fields. The Engineer's own combat effectiveness can be improved through modifications to their firearms or support fire from fabricated turrets and drones.
  • Engineering is an Occupation normally listed under Visual Effects. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Special Effects or Sound Department.
  • Trained engineers have a good understanding of mechanical principles and methods of construction. Although they are used to working with others, they are quite capable of completing most jobs individually, with a +20% modifier on Construct tests. Engineers are conversant with metal/woodworking tools and terminology. They are able to draw up plans and can interpret technical drawings no matter how obscure or involved.
  • Engineering is een primary crafting profession dat zowel veel nuttige en verrassende items kan maken als dat het troep kan creëren. Engineers kunnen handige items creëren voor in het algemeen alle classes om te worden gebruikt in PvE of PvP. Om tegenwicht dit nut, de meeste items gemaakt door techniek vereisen engineeringvaardigheden te gebruiken, en veel van deze items worden geleverd met een kans op onverwachte backfires met vaak hilarische resultaten. Jagers in het bijzonder zie veel gebruik voor ontworpen pistolen Bullets pijlen en reikwijdtes. Categorie:Engineering Categorie:RPG professions Categorie:WoW professions Categorie:WoW primairy professions
  • It is a Skill that has 5 levels and is not often upgraded early. Unlike a lot of skills this skill is all learned in one go. Engineering is the second skill available on track 1.
  • Engineering is not just for upgrades. Skilled engineers can use their knowledge to create new ships, weapons, armor, or improve existing goods. As, currently, no guide exists, this is a placeholder for information, taken from channel discussion on the topic. Once the process is finalized, this data will be digested into a convenient guide form.
  • One of the most brilliant engineers in the world is Professor Hillbrand, who engineered his own submarine, and it's computer was capable of many incredible feats.
  • Engineering was a division of Path-E-Tech Management under the control of the Pointy-Haired Boss. It created products, with direction from Marketing.
  • エンジニアリングは非常に楽しく創造的なProfessionです。 爆弾、銃、スコープ、弾丸、メカドラゴン、水中ヘルメットなどを作ることができ、使って楽しく、他のプレーヤーも驚かせることでしょう。 エンジニアリングのアイテムは金属や石を多く使用し、他のProfession以上に複雑な工程を必要とします。 またエンジニアによって作成されたアイテムを使用する為には、ほとんどの場合エンジニア技術を要求するでしょう。
  • Women form a minority in the engineering profession.
  • "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupry
  • Engineering is a recurring Item Creation discipline in the Star Ocean. It a technique that consists on creating a myriad of mechanical devices, such as weapons and bombs.
  • Engineering, or main engineering, was the location on a starship that usually housed the warp drive and the impulse drive, or, on a space station, the power plant. It usually featured computer displays on which a facility's systems were displayed for diagnosis checks. On Starfleet starships, main engineering was often located on the secondary hull. In the Lyran Starfleet, the engineering division was also the division of a ship's crew responsible for damage control and maintenance of all systems on the ship. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files)
  • Gli ingegneri sono professionisti molto ricercati in tutta Azeroth ( anche Outland e Northrend, s'intende ). Questa professione richiede, prima di tutto, estrazione ("mining"), la quale vi permettarà di procurarvi i materiali necessari per costruire miscugli eclettici di pistole, esplosivi, mirini, occhiali e molti ninnoli ("trinket"), i quali però arriveranno a frotte dopo che avrete superato il 250 di skill ingegneristica. In più potrebbe risultare molto utile un portafoglio ben fornito, a causa degli esorbitanti prezzi esibiti dalle case d'aste di tutto il mondo: se proprio non volete spendere, andatevi a cercare da soli ciò che vi serve ( vi avverto però che la ricerca potrebbe protrarsi per svariate giornate, prima di essersi concluse felicemente). Arriveti ad uno skill di circa 225,
  • A Mérnökség (Engineering) az egyik legkeresettebb alkotó foglalkozás, mivel a legtöbb kaszt (főként a hunterek az erős távolsági fegyverek, és a még ezeket erősebbé tevő távcsövek miatt) képes hasznot húzni belőle, de a bombák és gránátok az összes kasztnak segítenek ha gyorsan kell (nem nagy) sebzést TERÜLETRE bevinni.Illetve a szemüvegek és szerszámok(kombinált fogó, franciakulcs) szintfüggetlenül használhatóak, bár nagy részük csak poén a játékban. Legajánlottabb szakma Alliance oldalon a gnómoknak (ők kapnak +15 pontot rá ha kitanulják) illetve a törpéknek éri még meg, akik közül a legtöbb hunter kerül ki, így nem kell se lőszerre se puskára kiadni. Horde oldalon egyik fajnak sincs bónusza rá, de a hunterség miatt a trolloknak megéri, bár általában vérelfeknél és taureneknél figyelhető
  • While the bridge controls navigation and steering, the engine room receives orders regarding engine power and speed. When the Enterprise attempted to leave orbit of Talos IV, Spock ordered the engine room to prepare for the effort, and, when ship's controls failed, Spock requested a use of rockets to force the vessel away from the planet. (TOS episode: "The Cage") This modular hull arrangement is shared also by Klingon vessels, which were referred to as the Drell, or D-7 design. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
  • Engineering is a primary crafting profession that can create as many useful and amazing items as it can create junk. Engineers can create helpful items for generally all classes to be used in PVE or PVP. To counterbalance this usefulness, most items crafted by engineering require engineering skill to use, and many of these items come with a chance for unexpected backfires with often hilarious results. Hunters in particular see much use for engineered guns, bullets, arrows, and scopes.
  • Engineering profession recipes are known as Schematics. Two of the more notable of these are: * [Jeeves], providing repair services to everyone and bank access to the engineer. * [Gnomish Army Knife], allowing a chance of resurrecting a player after a long cooldown. There are also several engineer-only enhancers to boots, gloves, belts, cloaks, and a well known parachute cloak enhancement. For the Alliance faction, Gnomes benefit from a +15 racial bonus to their Engineering skill.
  • Engineering on WoWin monipuolisin ammatti. Taitava engineer voi niin parantaa, herättää henkiin, pommittaa, lentää, manipuloida mieliä, muuttua näkymättömäksi kuin muuttaa vihollisia kanoiksi. Engineeringin kanssa on parasta ottaa mining, koska se käyttää metalleja. Engineering jakautuu kahteen veljeskuntaan. Gobliniinsinööreihin ja tonttuinsinööreihin. Goblinit keskittyvät lähinn pommeihin, ja tontut kaikenlaisiin värkkeihin. Esimerkkeinä goblineiden Global Thermal Sapper Charge, joka tekee erittäin paljon vahinkoa, ja tonttujen World Enlarger, joka kasvattaa muuta maailmaa 50%. Engineeringin halutuin tavara on mechano hog/mekgineers chopper(100% maa mount) näitä myydään ah 3000-14000g kappale. engineering on hyödyllinen koska voi korjata tavaroita raidissa, tehdä postilaatikon ja kaikkea
  • In an emergency where the bridge is disabled or made uninhabitable, Engineering can also be used as a command and control center, overriding primary centers such as the bridge or auxiliary control. Main Engineering on Deck 7 of a Nova Class starship is the “heart” of the vessel, which generates all power and maintains every system aboard. Staffed by highly-trained engineers and technicians, Main Engineering is the second most essential area of a Nova Class Starship. These compartments are centralized, and extend across three decks, to provide easy access to most of the ship’s critical systems. Nearly a hundred control consoles and access panels for vital equipment is located in this one large compartment. Blast doors can come down into position from three points to seal off the warp cor
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Engineering article. Take me to the [ Engineering] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • A standard Halcyon-class light cruiser has it's Engineering section in the middle of the ship. The section covers nearly the entire width of the ship and is the largest single room on board, excluding the hangar bay. It has four nuclear generators that power the ship. In dire consequences, a standard Halcyon can still move with only one generator working. The engine's fusion drives are located on the third floor of Engineering and can be accessed by removing the coverings using control panels.
  • no
  • Нет
  • 7
  • by perculia 2012/06/18 1:46 PM
  • 100
Владение языками
  • ru-?
Участие на вики
  • Crafter's Tome
  • Passive
  • *Pointy-Haired Boss *Alice
  • 22
  • right
  • E
  • 1743.0
  • Engineering
  • Avenger WIP
  • Bengal Carrier WIP
  • Cutlass WIP
  • Freelancer WIP
  • Hangars WIP
  • Hornet WIP
  • Idris WIP
  • Idris update
  • Scythe WIP
  • Scythe update
  • bnetwowus
  • bnetwoweu
  • wowhead
  • wowheadnews
  • AHseller
  • *Engineering Group
  • 21
  • The Engineering employees counterclockwise from top: the Pointy-Haired Boss, Dilbert, Alice, Ted the Generic Guy, Asok, Wally, and Carol.
  • Primary Profession. Allows an engineer to make basic contraptions, more powerful devices and explosives, or bombs and gizmos that are a wonder to behold, truly amazing, and very often work as intended up to a maximum potential skill of X. Requires stone and metal found with the mining skill.
  • 1
  • 200
  •||desc=Discover most profitable Engineering recipes. Online database for making gold.
  •|desc=Mists of Pandaria: Engineering Preview
  •|desc=Engineering recipes
  •|desc=Spells ► Professions ► Engineering
  •|desc=Professions & Skills ► Engineering
  •|desc=Engineering Info
  •|desc=Archive of old official Engineering page
  • no
  • crafterstome
  • trade_engineering
  • Alan Davies: 4
  • Bill Bailey: -18
  • Jimmy Carr: -2
  • Rob Brydon: 11
  • Siege Units and Siege Ships have +2 range
  • 1
  • comm-link/transmission/13780-Idris-Revamp
  • comm-link/engineering/13452-WIP-Star-Citizen-Hangars
  • comm-link/engineering/13058-Vanduul-Scythe-WIP
  • comm-link/engineering/13059-Hornet-WIP
  • comm-link/engineering/13060-Bengal-Carrier-WIP
  • comm-link/engineering/13453-WIP-Freelancer
  • comm-link/engineering/13454-WIP-Cutlass
  • comm-link/engineering/13772-WIP-Scythe-Update
  • comm-link/engineering/13881-WIP-Idris
  • comm-link/transmission/13632-WIP-Avenger
  • Electricity
  • Engineering
  • Engineering is a researchable technology in Age of Empires that increases the range of all Siege Units and Siege Ships by 2 points. It is researched in the Government Center and is needed to research and build the Juggernaut. It can only be researched once the player reaches the Iron Age. Researching this technology is important if the player's civilization specializes in siege weapons since it is the only way for Helepoli to outrange Iron Age towers with the exception of the ones built by the Choson and the Mirror Tower.
  • Engineering (Intelligence) Engineering is the ability to design, build and repair large structures. A character skilled in engineering knows how to survey land for the best building sites, find the best places to cross a stream. He can also warn others not to smash load bearing walls. Engineering is also classed as a Merchant and Craft Skill.
  • Engineering is a book in Dead Rising. It increases the durability of most weapons found in the hardware stores by 300%, it will last 3 times as long as before. If combined with the Entertainment Book and the Criminal Biography Book, these three books can make the Small Chainsaw last for over 2,000 hits. The Engineering Book can be found in Bachman's Bookporium on the ground floor of Paradise Plaza near the bathroom and SporTrance.
  • Engineering — неактивный участник русскоязычного портала Фэндома. Бывший администратор The Elder Scrolls Wiki.
  • The Engineering skill is the basic skill for the power systems in a ship. It increases the amount of powergrid available for modules.
  • Engineering applies scientific and technical knowledge to solve human problems. Engineers use imagination, judgment, reasoning and experience to apply science, technology, mathematics, and practical experience. The result is the design, production, and operation of useful objects or processes.
  • In the late 20th century, nuclear vessels of the United States Navy designated their engine room as the main machine room, or MMR. A ship, like the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, had at least four main machine rooms. Each of these rooms had a nuclear fission reactor. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Engineering article. Take me to the [ Engineering] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Engineering link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Engineering (pol. Inżynieria)jest profesją która pozwala jej użytkownikowi tworzyć różne wysoko technologiczne przedmioty i materiały wybuchowe. Większość komponentów inżynier czerpie z górnictwa, więc połączenie tych dwóch profesji jest bardzo korzystne. Niestety, nie licząc petów i pomocników których źródłem może być jedynie engineering, nie jest to profesja przynosząca jakieś szczególne dochody. Tym bardziej, że niemal wszystko co zrobi inżynier jest do jego własnego użytku. Przy zwiększeniu się umiejętności do pewnego poziomu, gracz ma do wyboru nauczenie się gnomiej inżynierii lub gobliniej.
  • World University & School would like to produce more more great (MIT caliber) engineers for SOLAR engineering innovations, for example, ... degree granting ahead ...
  • Engineering is a fairly early technology in Civilization games.
  • Engineering is
  • The Engineering Officer can withstand the most damage by improving the performance of their personal shields, while supporting their away team with power generators or by bottlenecking the enemies' advance with defensive mine fields. The Engineer's own combat effectiveness can be improved through modifications to their firearms or support fire from fabricated turrets and drones.
  • Engineering is an Occupation normally listed under Visual Effects. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Special Effects or Sound Department.
  • Trained engineers have a good understanding of mechanical principles and methods of construction. Although they are used to working with others, they are quite capable of completing most jobs individually, with a +20% modifier on Construct tests. Engineers are conversant with metal/woodworking tools and terminology. They are able to draw up plans and can interpret technical drawings no matter how obscure or involved.
  • Gli ingegneri sono professionisti molto ricercati in tutta Azeroth ( anche Outland e Northrend, s'intende ). Questa professione richiede, prima di tutto, estrazione ("mining"), la quale vi permettarà di procurarvi i materiali necessari per costruire miscugli eclettici di pistole, esplosivi, mirini, occhiali e molti ninnoli ("trinket"), i quali però arriveranno a frotte dopo che avrete superato il 250 di skill ingegneristica. In più potrebbe risultare molto utile un portafoglio ben fornito, a causa degli esorbitanti prezzi esibiti dalle case d'aste di tutto il mondo: se proprio non volete spendere, andatevi a cercare da soli ciò che vi serve ( vi avverto però che la ricerca potrebbe protrarsi per svariate giornate, prima di essersi concluse felicemente). Arriveti ad uno skill di circa 225, vi verrà affidata una missione dal vostro trainer: dovrete scegliere se rivolgervi al Goblin Engineering Master di Gadgetzan, oppure se parlare con lo Gnomish engineering Master di Booty Bay... Ciò influenzerà molto sulle vostre prestazioni: mentre i Goblin sono fanatici di esplosivi e pistole, gli Gnomi preferiscono invece creazioni a scopo difensivo o rigenerativo...A voi la scelta... Quindi, superato il livello di skill 310 circa, vi verrà detto di rivolgervi al vostro trainer dapprima ad Outland, quindi a Northrend. Categoria:Professioni Categoria:Engineering
  • A standard Halcyon-class light cruiser has it's Engineering section in the middle of the ship. The section covers nearly the entire width of the ship and is the largest single room on board, excluding the hangar bay. It has four nuclear generators that power the ship. In dire consequences, a standard Halcyon can still move with only one generator working. The engine's fusion drives are located on the third floor of Engineering and can be accessed by removing the coverings using control panels. At the end of the Battle of Installation 04, John-117 overloaded the UNSC Pillar of Autumn's engines by using an explosive on each of the engine's casings, thus destroying Installation 04. There was a corridor leading directly to an elevator on the third floor of the Pillar of Autumn. It is currently unknown where or what type of engines are on other ships, such as frigates or cruisers.
  • A Mérnökség (Engineering) az egyik legkeresettebb alkotó foglalkozás, mivel a legtöbb kaszt (főként a hunterek az erős távolsági fegyverek, és a még ezeket erősebbé tevő távcsövek miatt) képes hasznot húzni belőle, de a bombák és gránátok az összes kasztnak segítenek ha gyorsan kell (nem nagy) sebzést TERÜLETRE bevinni.Illetve a szemüvegek és szerszámok(kombinált fogó, franciakulcs) szintfüggetlenül használhatóak, bár nagy részük csak poén a játékban. Legajánlottabb szakma Alliance oldalon a gnómoknak (ők kapnak +15 pontot rá ha kitanulják) illetve a törpéknek éri még meg, akik közül a legtöbb hunter kerül ki, így nem kell se lőszerre se puskára kiadni. Horde oldalon egyik fajnak sincs bónusza rá, de a hunterség miatt a trolloknak megéri, bár általában vérelfeknél és taureneknél figyelhető meg, mivel ők vannak a legtöbben.Hordában ha jól tudom csak Orglimmarban tanulható ki, a Szövetségben Ironforge (Tinker Town) és talán Stormwindben is kitanulható. 2 fajtája a Gnomish (gnóm) és a Goblin (goblin) mérnökök. Ez a fajta képzettség a 200+-os tárgyak készítésére vonatkozik. Gnomish engineer tréner található Ironforge-ban szintén a Tinker Town-ban, illetve Booty Bay-ben, Hordának pedig Ratchetben található Goblin. BŐVÍTÉS ALATT
  • Engineering is een primary crafting profession dat zowel veel nuttige en verrassende items kan maken als dat het troep kan creëren. Engineers kunnen handige items creëren voor in het algemeen alle classes om te worden gebruikt in PvE of PvP. Om tegenwicht dit nut, de meeste items gemaakt door techniek vereisen engineeringvaardigheden te gebruiken, en veel van deze items worden geleverd met een kans op onverwachte backfires met vaak hilarische resultaten. Jagers in het bijzonder zie veel gebruik voor ontworpen pistolen Bullets pijlen en reikwijdtes. Categorie:Engineering Categorie:RPG professions Categorie:WoW professions Categorie:WoW primairy professions
  • While the bridge controls navigation and steering, the engine room receives orders regarding engine power and speed. When the Enterprise attempted to leave orbit of Talos IV, Spock ordered the engine room to prepare for the effort, and, when ship's controls failed, Spock requested a use of rockets to force the vessel away from the planet. (TOS episode: "The Cage") On Federation starships, a division is usually designated between the secondary hull where Warp Engineering is, and a primary hull where the bridge and crew quarters are located. In the days of the original Constitution-class starships, the Main Engineering section (or Impulse Engineering) was located at the aft end of the Primary Hull, or saucer section. Warp Engineering was located in the Secondary hull section. Main Engineering was considered to be the Impulse Engineering section, right next to the Impulse Power units. In case of a hull separation emergency, the crew would be able to operate the ship from either Engineering location. (TOS reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual) This modular hull arrangement is shared also by Klingon vessels, which were referred to as the Drell, or D-7 design. (TOS novel: The Final Reflection)
  • It is a Skill that has 5 levels and is not often upgraded early. Unlike a lot of skills this skill is all learned in one go. Engineering is the second skill available on track 1.
  • Engineering is not just for upgrades. Skilled engineers can use their knowledge to create new ships, weapons, armor, or improve existing goods. As, currently, no guide exists, this is a placeholder for information, taken from channel discussion on the topic. Once the process is finalized, this data will be digested into a convenient guide form.
  • Engineering on WoWin monipuolisin ammatti. Taitava engineer voi niin parantaa, herättää henkiin, pommittaa, lentää, manipuloida mieliä, muuttua näkymättömäksi kuin muuttaa vihollisia kanoiksi. Engineeringin kanssa on parasta ottaa mining, koska se käyttää metalleja. Engineering jakautuu kahteen veljeskuntaan. Gobliniinsinööreihin ja tonttuinsinööreihin. Goblinit keskittyvät lähinn pommeihin, ja tontut kaikenlaisiin värkkeihin. Esimerkkeinä goblineiden Global Thermal Sapper Charge, joka tekee erittäin paljon vahinkoa, ja tonttujen World Enlarger, joka kasvattaa muuta maailmaa 50%. Engineeringin halutuin tavara on mechano hog/mekgineers chopper(100% maa mount) näitä myydään ah 3000-14000g kappale. engineering on hyödyllinen koska voi korjata tavaroita raidissa, tehdä postilaatikon ja kaikkea pikku mukavaa.
  • Engineering is a primary crafting profession that can create as many useful and amazing items as it can create junk. Engineers can create helpful items for generally all classes to be used in PVE or PVP. To counterbalance this usefulness, most items crafted by engineering require engineering skill to use, and many of these items come with a chance for unexpected backfires with often hilarious results. Hunters in particular see much use for engineered guns, bullets, arrows, and scopes. The most notable of the Engineering Profession Recipes, known from now on as Schematics, are the [Field Repair Bot 74A], the [Goblin Jumper Cables], and the [Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer]. The latter of which can be sold for quite a large sum of money, and the former two are a must for longer raids.
  • One of the most brilliant engineers in the world is Professor Hillbrand, who engineered his own submarine, and it's computer was capable of many incredible feats.
  • Engineering was a division of Path-E-Tech Management under the control of the Pointy-Haired Boss. It created products, with direction from Marketing.
  • In an emergency where the bridge is disabled or made uninhabitable, Engineering can also be used as a command and control center, overriding primary centers such as the bridge or auxiliary control. Main Engineering on Deck 7 of a Nova Class starship is the “heart” of the vessel, which generates all power and maintains every system aboard. Staffed by highly-trained engineers and technicians, Main Engineering is the second most essential area of a Nova Class Starship. These compartments are centralized, and extend across three decks, to provide easy access to most of the ship’s critical systems. Nearly a hundred control consoles and access panels for vital equipment is located in this one large compartment. Blast doors can come down into position from three points to seal off the warp core and primary control room from each other and the rest of the vessel. Its main entrance, on Deck 7, opens into a small master control room with vital control consoles on either side for technicians to keep tabs on anything from environmental controls to replicator repairs. This control room opens into a much larger, rectangular compartment filled with more consoles, ladders, and two small lifts to reach sensitive equipment on Decks 6 and 5, above. Directly below on Deck 8 is the antimatter injector system, plasma relay control, and emergency jettison hatch for the warp core. Directly above on Deck 4 is the cold fusion battery compartment, whose units are constantly charged by the warp core. In the center of this cavernous rectangular compartment is the ship’s warp core. The massive Warp Core, technically an APD-01 dilithium swirl chamber Matter/Antimatter Reactor Assembly (M/ARA) extends for three decks in height with emergency ejection systems located at the top to loosen the unit, which is then ejected from the ventral engineering section of the ship on Deck 8, in case of a warp core breach. Like all modern engineering rooms, the Twilight's is equipped with breathing masks, fire suppression equipment, and medkits in case of accidents. Additional measures include a 24-centimeter-thick blast door that can be extended from the ceiling to the floor in case of a coolant leak inside Main Engineering. Due to the caustic nature of plasma coolant upon living tissue, this compartment must be fully vented before the computer will allow the doors to be opened. Access to the top of the M/ARA is provided by a set of catwalks and doors that open onto Deck 6 where additional engineering systems are housed, including Deflector Control. Other entrances include access ladders and Jeffries tubes spread around Main Engineering, and additional corridors that extend further into the ship. On Deck 6 are also located the Chief Engineer’s Cabin and Office, so he is just steps away from his command center. In an emergency, these main engineering consoles can be reconfigured to serve as an auxiliary bridge; however, on the Twilight, there is an auxiliary control room on Deck Three that serves this function. Aboard a Nova Class starship, Main Engineering is under the supervision of the vessel’s Chief Engineer, who has an office on Deck 6; this office has command override consoles that duplicate most functions in Main Engineering, as well as access to the Jefferies Tubes. The Engineering Office is conveniently located directly above the Damage Control Compartment on Deck 5; a hatch and ladder connect the two compartments. As this office is located starboard, through more engineering compartments such as the defense field generator bay, additional override consoles are located on the desk in the chief engineer’s more accessible cabin on Deck 6. During a normal duty shift, the typical crew complement in Main Engineering is two engineers and seven technicians of various grades, manning all primary consoles in Main Engineering, the impulse engine control room, and on the Bridge. During Red or Yellow Alert, that number is increased. Fully one-third of the crew is cross-trained to some degree in engineering science, and can generally make simple repairs to most systems; these individuals are assigned to damage repair crews in a combat situation or other dire emergency.
  • エンジニアリングは非常に楽しく創造的なProfessionです。 爆弾、銃、スコープ、弾丸、メカドラゴン、水中ヘルメットなどを作ることができ、使って楽しく、他のプレーヤーも驚かせることでしょう。 エンジニアリングのアイテムは金属や石を多く使用し、他のProfession以上に複雑な工程を必要とします。 またエンジニアによって作成されたアイテムを使用する為には、ほとんどの場合エンジニア技術を要求するでしょう。
  • Women form a minority in the engineering profession.
  • "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupry
  • Engineering is a recurring Item Creation discipline in the Star Ocean. It a technique that consists on creating a myriad of mechanical devices, such as weapons and bombs.
  • Engineering, or main engineering, was the location on a starship that usually housed the warp drive and the impulse drive, or, on a space station, the power plant. It usually featured computer displays on which a facility's systems were displayed for diagnosis checks. On Starfleet starships, main engineering was often located on the secondary hull. In the Lyran Starfleet, the engineering division was also the division of a ship's crew responsible for damage control and maintenance of all systems on the ship. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files)
  • Engineering profession recipes are known as Schematics. Two of the more notable of these are: * [Jeeves], providing repair services to everyone and bank access to the engineer. * [Gnomish Army Knife], allowing a chance of resurrecting a player after a long cooldown. There are also several engineer-only enhancers to boots, gloves, belts, cloaks, and a well known parachute cloak enhancement. For the Alliance faction, Gnomes benefit from a +15 racial bonus to their Engineering skill. Note that, unlike most professions, engineering is not exactly what you would call a money maker even when maxed, since most of the useful items that engineers create have an engineering requirement and thus there exists little to no market demand for them. Usually you will want to take engineering mostly for personal use with occasional sales to other players. Items like Mekgineer's Chopper give a very decent profit but feel lucky if you manage to sell one every week or two, other items with potential to be sold are the scopes for guns or bows and the engineering crafted pets like Lil' Smoky and Lifelike Mechanical Toad. Before patch 4.0.1 removed them, craftable arrows and bullets were a decent source of income for engineers.
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