  • Episode 8725 (4th September 2015)
  • Simon apologises to Leanne in the hope that she'll still be willing to buy him a new phone. Fiz tells Chesney, Kirk, Beth and Sinead about Hope's cancer. Sally and Tim book the wedding on 5th October at the bistro, which now has a marriage licence. Tim is alarmed by Sally's lavish - and expensive - plans for the big day. Carla promises to pay Nick the money she spent on his account. Nick tells her it isn't about the money and the important thing is getting herself sorted. His kindness annoys her and she throws him out, telling him to return to Erica for his own good. Simon is sent home from school for fighting. He tells Leanne the boys were picking on him for having a rubbish phone. Sally and Beth antagonise each other at the factory when Sally tells Aidan that Fiz is perfectly fine despit
  • 8725
  • 2015-09-03
Executive Producer
  • 2015-09-04
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2015-09-04
  • Simon apologises to Leanne in the hope that she'll still be willing to buy him a new phone. Fiz tells Chesney, Kirk, Beth and Sinead about Hope's cancer. Sally and Tim book the wedding on 5th October at the bistro, which now has a marriage licence. Tim is alarmed by Sally's lavish - and expensive - plans for the big day. Carla promises to pay Nick the money she spent on his account. Nick tells her it isn't about the money and the important thing is getting herself sorted. His kindness annoys her and she throws him out, telling him to return to Erica for his own good. Simon is sent home from school for fighting. He tells Leanne the boys were picking on him for having a rubbish phone. Sally and Beth antagonise each other at the factory when Sally tells Aidan that Fiz is perfectly fine despite being off sick. Leanne runs herself a bath and orders Simon to do the dishes but he shoves her and goes to a mate's instead. Unseen by Simon, Leanne falls against a table and is knocked out cold. Cathy wants to help Roy deal with his grief and gets advice from Yasmeen. Tim's fears are exacerbated when Dev tells him that a mate ended up £50,000 in debt after getting married. Leanne's bath overflows and causes a damp patch on the ceiling of the kebab shop. Dev ignores it at first as he's too embarrassed to disturb Leanne. Nick tells Michelle about Carla's latest stunt. She immediately marches over to her flat and gives her the number for Steve's therapist, telling her to call him or they're done. Tim wants to postpone the wedding because of the cost. Sally admits she was teasing him and they'll work within their budget. Dev and Mary enter the flat when water starts dripping downstairs. Aidan tells Fiz she's sacked if she doesn't provide a doctor's note. Tyrone steps in and tells him their daughter has cancer. Aidan and an onlooking Sally feel ashamed. Dev and Mary find Leanne unconscious on the floor and call an ambulance.