  • Mystara
  • Mystara
  • Mystara
  • Mystara (рус. Мистара) — сеттинг для Dungeons & Dragons, издававшийся TSR, Inc. в 1980—1995 годах. В настоящее время официально не поддерживается. Авторы сеттинга — Дэвид Кук, Франк Менцер, Брюс Хард, Аарон Оллстон и другие. Название «Мистара» происходит, вероятно, от английского «Mystery» — «тайна».
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiMystara - prawie nieznana bogini, czasem przyzywana tylko przez żebraków z Cyrodiil błogosławiących jej imieniem darczyńcę, podobnie jak to robią z innymi bogami. Ani oni ani nikt nie ma o niej najmniejszego pojęcia, znając tylko jej imię.
  • [[Plik:Mystara_Outer_World.jpg|thumb|350px|Zewnętrzny świat Mystary w czasie 1000 PK.]] thumb|300px|right|Multimedialny wstęp do Znanego Świata Mystary. [http:// (lepsza jakość na youtube)] Mystara to świat znajdujący się w Przestrzeni Mystary. Na zewnętrznej powierzchni Mystary znajdują się trzy główne masy lądowe: * Kontynent Brun * Kontynent Skothar * Kontynent Davania * Wyspiarski kontynent Alphati (do 1010 PK). Kontynenty Mystary przypominają ziemskie sprzed 135 milionów lat.
  • Mystara is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. It originated as the Known World, a semi-generic setting used in early adventure modules, first mentioned in the Module X1, Isle of Dread, which was expanded upon in various D&D modules and sources, particularly a series of Gazeteers.
  • Mystara, also known as the Known World, is the default setting for the Frank Mentzer version of Classic Dungeons and Dragons (the Basic, Expert, Companion, Master and Immortal sets, and the Rules Cyclopedia by Aaron Allston, which compiled the rules from the first four sets into one volume). It was also the setting of the Capcom D&D games and the Red Steel sub-setting.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Mystara/preload editintro=Mystara/editintro width=25 Welcome to the Mystara Wiki! This site acts as a central resource to collect new fan-made content and work in progress for the campaign setting featured in the classic D&D game. Places to go for more information: WotC Forums - Mystara - The official discussion forum for both existing Mystara canon and new fan expansions. The Vaults of Pandius - The official Mystara website, where completed articles can be archived for posterity.
  • [[Plik:Mystara_Outer_World.jpg|thumb|350px|Zewnętrzny świat Mystary w czasie 1000 PK.]] thumb|300px|right|Multimedialny wstęp do Znanego Świata Mystary. [http:// (lepsza jakość na youtube)] Mystara to świat znajdujący się w Przestrzeni Mystary. Na zewnętrznej powierzchni Mystary znajdują się trzy główne masy lądowe: * Kontynent Brun * Kontynent Skothar * Kontynent Davania * Wyspiarski kontynent Alphati (do 1010 PK). Kontynenty Mystary przypominają ziemskie sprzed 135 milionów lat. Mystara jest także Pustym Światem, którego wewnętrzna powłoka oświetlana przez wewnętrzne słońce Mieszkańcy Mystary są zróżnicowani: można tu spotkać ludzi wszelkich ras, wraz z elfami, krasnoludami, niziołkami, orkami i smokami.
  • Mystara is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role playing game. It originated as the Known World, a semi-generic setting used in early adventure modules, first mentioned in the Module X1, Isle of Dread, which was expanded upon in various D&D modules and sources, particularly a series of Gazeteers. Mystara began as several semi-independent projects by different teams of writers who were each assigned to the task of developing different cultures and nation or nations that would exist in the fantasy world that was supported by Dungeons & Dragons at the time. Their work was gathered and compiled, blended, and combined to form a fantasy world, Mystara. Although it has officially been dropped from production by its creators, many fans continue to develop and evolve this fantasy setting jointly, continuing its original theme of group development.
  • Mystara, also known as the Known World, is the default setting for the Frank Mentzer version of Classic Dungeons and Dragons (the Basic, Expert, Companion, Master and Immortal sets, and the Rules Cyclopedia by Aaron Allston, which compiled the rules from the first four sets into one volume). It was also the setting of the Capcom D&D games and the Red Steel sub-setting. This setting comprises both the "Known World," the regular world that adventurers start out in, and the "Hollow World," a mysterious, gigantic subterranean world that the characters can explore later on in their careers. Probably the biggest difference between this setting and other D&D settings (apart from its cosmology) is where the clerics of the setting get their spells. Clerics serve one of the Immortals, mysterious and powerful beings that serve the five Spheres of Power, hoping to either expand the influence of one of the spheres or maintain the balance between them. When Immortals meddle in mortal affairs, it is indirectly, and often through some kind of avatar. As characters in the setting reach the pinnacle of power, they have the chance to become Immortals themselves. Mystara was the setting that most people of the 80s who got into Dungeons and Dragons were familiar with, with such familiar faces as Morgan Ironwolf the fighter, Sister Rebecca the cleric, Silverleaf the elf, Frederik the dwarf, Black Dougal the thief, Larry Elmore's beautiful cleric Aleena, and Bargle the Infamous, the bastard of a magic user who murdered her and who every player of that day wanted to take down.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Mystara/preload editintro=Mystara/editintro width=25 Welcome to the Mystara Wiki! This site acts as a central resource to collect new fan-made content and work in progress for the campaign setting featured in the classic D&D game. Places to go for more information: WotC Forums - Mystara - The official discussion forum for both existing Mystara canon and new fan expansions. The Vaults of Pandius - The official Mystara website, where completed articles can be archived for posterity. The Mystara Mailing List Archives - home to the Mystara Mailing List, e-mail discussion of the world of Mystara. Mystara Wiki - built by the community of Mystara fans from the MML and Piazza. Come join us! General note: Wikis are versatile and evolving things, admittedly, but this space has been created not as an independent space for creating and talking about Mystara material, but as a tool for collecting work-in-progress and file hosting. Discussion and editing suggestions are already going strong on the Mystara discussion forum and mailing list - it's suggested you post work here, ask for comments on the message board or mailing list, and update the Wiki content as needed.
  • Mystara (рус. Мистара) — сеттинг для Dungeons & Dragons, издававшийся TSR, Inc. в 1980—1995 годах. В настоящее время официально не поддерживается. Авторы сеттинга — Дэвид Кук, Франк Менцер, Брюс Хард, Аарон Оллстон и другие. Название «Мистара» происходит, вероятно, от английского «Mystery» — «тайна».
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiMystara - prawie nieznana bogini, czasem przyzywana tylko przez żebraków z Cyrodiil błogosławiących jej imieniem darczyńcę, podobnie jak to robią z innymi bogami. Ani oni ani nikt nie ma o niej najmniejszego pojęcia, znając tylko jej imię.
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