  • Curve
  • Curve
  • Curve
  • Curve
  • Curve
  • Curve es una tienda y empresa de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories y Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En GTA: VCS, cumple un papel secundario en la historia, ya que sólo cobra importancia en las misiones de Extorsión y protección, del imperio Vance. Es una de las nueve tiendas para robar de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En el resto del juego no tiene importancia alguna. En GTA: LCS, no tiene importancia y es un simple decorado más. Se dedica a vender artículos electrónicos.
  • Curve is a ranged Osamodas spell that when used on the Osamodas summon, the summon attracts enemies attacks and gains decent resistance. However the attract enemies does not work.
  • Between 1991 and 1993, Curve's music was regularly played by Peel, where the band did three sessions and had two 1991 Festive Fifty entries, which were broadcast in 1993.
  • Curve è un marine.
  • In mathematics, the term curve is, generally speaking, an object similar to a straight line but which is not required to be straight or required to be a line. More precisely, a curve is a compact open unbounded pseudo-oriented mostly-connected probably-squiggly extra-homotopic inter-diffeomorphic exact-but-not-closed 1.1-dimensional submanifold of a vector space. All these terms have well defined meanings in topology and they work in perfect harmony to bring you the amazing mathematical achievement of an object similar to a straight line but which is not straight and is not a line.
  • Ashe pursued Curve in a motorcycle chase. When Curve charged at his foe, Ashe blasted Curve's motorcycle, causing it to explode and severely injuring Curve. Ashe knelt down by Curve and explained about people putting coins in the mouths of the dead to pay Charon to ferry them across the river Styx. Ashe finds a coin lying on the ground, puts it in Curve's mouth, and kisses Curve on the forehead. Ashe then drags Curve into the nearby river, leaving him to die as local parishioners cast down flower petals in the shape of a crow.
  • In math, a curve in a space X is a mapping from an interval to the space X. In symbols One -to be more acute- must add that the map gotta be injective and a derivative non-zero For example if and is a parabola in the 2D euclidean space. A curve -whether it lives- is as slim as the real line at least locally. That is why a mathematician says that a curve is localy homeomorphic to a 1D euclidean space.
  • Evidently, Curve has left Vice City by 1986, as there are no Curve stores in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The logo of Curve bears much resemblance to the computer manufacturing company Electronicses:Curvepl:Curveid:Curve
  • Curve is the secondary antagonist in The Crow: City of Angels and the right-hand man of Judah Earl. Curve was the first person to spot Ashe and Danny Corven witnessing the beating and murder of an unnamed man and was responsible for the death of Ashe.
  • Curve ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Pongola Game Reserve in der südafrikanischen Provinz KwaZulu-Natal. Das privat geführte Reservat liegt im Norden der Provinz an der Grenze zu Swasiland. Ihren Namen erhielt sie nach der Krümmung ("curve") eines ihrer Stoßzähne.
  • thumb|300px|Curve w Downtown, 1984 right|200px Curve – sieć sklepów elektrycznych, mająca swe oddziały w Liberty City i Vice City. Po logo można wywnioskować, że parodiuje ona IBM. W Vice City sieć ma 3 swoje oddziały: w Downtown (na południe od King Knuts), w Małej Hawanie (na wschód od El Peluquero Feliz) i w Ocean Beach (naprzeciwko tamtejszej kawiarni). Gracz Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories ma możliwość wejścia do środka sklepu. W tej samej grze, firma ta korzysta z ciężarówek Yankee. Do 1986 roku Curve znika z ulic Vice City. Lokal w Małej Hawanie zajmuje La Tradicion Cubana Cigar Factory, a miejsca po pozostałych dwóch oddziałach pozostały niezagospodarowane.
  • A curve is the result of regular blood glucose readings taken over the space of 12 or 24 hours, on the same animal, with notes on timing and amounts of insulin and food. (For how to take a reading, see hometesting.) The curve shows the action of the insulin on the animal's system, and can be used to adjust dosage. It's useful to find the highest and lowest blood-glucose readings of the day, the peak action time of the insulin, the onset time and duration of the insulin. See also Insulin for more information on how long your particular brand of insulin is expected to last.
  • English alternative group comprised of singer-songwriter Toni Halliday and guitarist/producer/everything else Dean Garcia. Their music is best categorized as Shoegazing; their best-known song is likely "Chinese Burn" from their 1998 album Come Clean, which was prominently featured in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Bad Girls" and used as the intro music for the Season 3 DVD menus. Active from 1991 to 1994, and again from 1996 to 2005. Partial discography:
  • M
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories y Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
  • Marine
  • カーブ
  • Película 13
  • カーブ
  • MarinesColores
  • Marina
  • Kābu
  • 7
  • 200
  • Kābu
  • *- HP *On summon : Enters Bellingent mode: **attracts the Osamodians's enemies **+% Resist
  • 2
  • Curve
  • earth
  • Blue
  • Vital Command
  • Deceased
  • Blonde
  • Curve
  • Attack/Summon support
  • Artículos electrónicos
  • Mortally wounded after an explosion caused by Ashe Corven.
  • Curve.png
  • Osamodas Spell Curve.png
  • osamodas
  • Curve inflicts heavy Earth-type damage or gives a Summons the Belligerent order, which makes it provoke enemy attacks and gain resistance.
  • 4
  • Liberty City y Vice City
  • VCS=250px
  • anime
  • 1.210000
  • Male
  • Nothing personal, sport.
  • *- HP *On summon : Enters Bellingent mode: **attracts the Osamodians's enemies **+% Resist
  • Single Cell
  • Curve es una tienda y empresa de la saga Grand Theft Auto que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories y Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En GTA: VCS, cumple un papel secundario en la historia, ya que sólo cobra importancia en las misiones de Extorsión y protección, del imperio Vance. Es una de las nueve tiendas para robar de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En el resto del juego no tiene importancia alguna. En GTA: LCS, no tiene importancia y es un simple decorado más. Se dedica a vender artículos electrónicos.
  • A curve is the result of regular blood glucose readings taken over the space of 12 or 24 hours, on the same animal, with notes on timing and amounts of insulin and food. (For how to take a reading, see hometesting.) The curve shows the action of the insulin on the animal's system, and can be used to adjust dosage. It's useful to find the highest and lowest blood-glucose readings of the day, the peak action time of the insulin, the onset time and duration of the insulin. See also Insulin for more information on how long your particular brand of insulin is expected to last. Some people and even vets mistakenly try to base an insulin dosage on one or two readings. This is dangerously mistaken -- there's no way to know if that reading was at a high or low point in the day, or if the reading was skewed due to stress or even from being at the vet's. Any change in dose should be based on at least the information of a good mini-curve.
  • Curve ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Pongola Game Reserve in der südafrikanischen Provinz KwaZulu-Natal. Das privat geführte Reservat liegt im Norden der Provinz an der Grenze zu Swasiland. Ihren Namen erhielt sie nach der Krümmung ("curve") eines ihrer Stoßzähne. Curve hatte bis 2014 bereits drei Kälber geboren, die allesamt Bullen waren. Im Alter von 31 Jahren brachte sie im Pongola Game Reserve vermutlich im Herbst 2014 Zwillinge zur Welt. Vater der Kälber ist der etwa ein Jahr vor der Geburt seines doppelten Nachwuchses gestorbene, bei seinem Tod 44 Jahre alte Bulle Ingani. Das Geschlecht von Curve Zwillingen ist noch nicht bekannt, auch haben sie dementsprechend noch keine Namen erhalten. Obwohl beide Kälber die Geburt gut überstanden haben und mit der Mutter das Schutzgebiet, das durch tägliche Patrouillen an den Grenzen und in der Luft vor Wilderern geschützt wird, werden die Chancen, dass beide Zwilling langfristig überleben, als niedrig angesehen, da beide von der Mutter Muttermilch brauchen und sich häufig das dominantere Kalb gegenüber seinem Zwilling durchsetzt.
  • Curve is a ranged Osamodas spell that when used on the Osamodas summon, the summon attracts enemies attacks and gains decent resistance. However the attract enemies does not work.
  • Between 1991 and 1993, Curve's music was regularly played by Peel, where the band did three sessions and had two 1991 Festive Fifty entries, which were broadcast in 1993.
  • Curve è un marine.
  • In mathematics, the term curve is, generally speaking, an object similar to a straight line but which is not required to be straight or required to be a line. More precisely, a curve is a compact open unbounded pseudo-oriented mostly-connected probably-squiggly extra-homotopic inter-diffeomorphic exact-but-not-closed 1.1-dimensional submanifold of a vector space. All these terms have well defined meanings in topology and they work in perfect harmony to bring you the amazing mathematical achievement of an object similar to a straight line but which is not straight and is not a line.
  • Ashe pursued Curve in a motorcycle chase. When Curve charged at his foe, Ashe blasted Curve's motorcycle, causing it to explode and severely injuring Curve. Ashe knelt down by Curve and explained about people putting coins in the mouths of the dead to pay Charon to ferry them across the river Styx. Ashe finds a coin lying on the ground, puts it in Curve's mouth, and kisses Curve on the forehead. Ashe then drags Curve into the nearby river, leaving him to die as local parishioners cast down flower petals in the shape of a crow.
  • Curve is the secondary antagonist in The Crow: City of Angels and the right-hand man of Judah Earl. Curve was the first person to spot Ashe and Danny Corven witnessing the beating and murder of an unnamed man and was responsible for the death of Ashe. After tracking Curve down to a bar, Ashe chases him down on his motorcycle and traps him at a river. Curve yells that he isn't afraid of Ashe and charges at him on his motorcycle, only for Ashe to shoot it with a shotgun, causing it to explode and leave Curve mortally wounded. Ashe drags him down to the river and places a coin in his mouth before dragging him out to the river to float to his death as parishoners form a crow-shaped border around his body with flower petals.
  • thumb|300px|Curve w Downtown, 1984 right|200px Curve – sieć sklepów elektrycznych, mająca swe oddziały w Liberty City i Vice City. Po logo można wywnioskować, że parodiuje ona IBM. W Vice City sieć ma 3 swoje oddziały: w Downtown (na południe od King Knuts), w Małej Hawanie (na wschód od El Peluquero Feliz) i w Ocean Beach (naprzeciwko tamtejszej kawiarni). Gracz Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories ma możliwość wejścia do środka sklepu. W tej samej grze, firma ta korzysta z ciężarówek Yankee. Do 1986 roku Curve znika z ulic Vice City. Lokal w Małej Hawanie zajmuje La Tradicion Cubana Cigar Factory, a miejsca po pozostałych dwóch oddziałach pozostały niezagospodarowane. W Liberty City sieć ma tylko jeden sklep — w Parku Belleville. Zostaje on zamknięty do 2001 roku.
  • In math, a curve in a space X is a mapping from an interval to the space X. In symbols One -to be more acute- must add that the map gotta be injective and a derivative non-zero For example if and is a parabola in the 2D euclidean space. A curve -whether it lives- is as slim as the real line at least locally. That is why a mathematician says that a curve is localy homeomorphic to a 1D euclidean space.
  • Evidently, Curve has left Vice City by 1986, as there are no Curve stores in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The logo of Curve bears much resemblance to the computer manufacturing company Electronicses:Curvepl:Curveid:Curve
  • English alternative group comprised of singer-songwriter Toni Halliday and guitarist/producer/everything else Dean Garcia. Their music is best categorized as Shoegazing; their best-known song is likely "Chinese Burn" from their 1998 album Come Clean, which was prominently featured in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Bad Girls" and used as the intro music for the Season 3 DVD menus. Active from 1991 to 1994, and again from 1996 to 2005. Partial discography: * Doppelganger (1992) * Pubic Fruit (1992, EP compilation) * Cuckoo (1993) * Come Clean (1998) * Open Day at the Hate Fest (2001, album-length compilation of new music, online only) * Gift (2001) * The New Adventures of Curve (2002, online only) * The Way of Curve (2004, Greatest Hits Album)