  • Min
  • Min
  • Min
  • MIN
  • Min
  • Min
  • Min
  • Kids
  • Min is a fanmade character for Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
  • thumb|Min dando patadasthumb|Min vestido para luchar en el equipo Rosas Min es el hermano de Mimí. Es un pelín diferente de Mimí. Es tímido y un poco negativo. Además, tiene 5 niveles menos que Mimí. Pin esta enamorada de él. Aunque ella, siempre lo niega. Cuando se enfada, echa chispas.
  • Le système Min, unique parmi les systèmes humains, a la particularité de ne pas avoir d'étoile, mais à la place une géante gazeuse vagabonde autour de laquelle orbitent quatre lunes. Le système manque de ressources intéressantes. Malgré tout, la vie s'est trouvé des moyens d'y habiter. Des bactéries bioluminescentes existent sur Min IB et un petit groupe de colons y a établi un campement.
  • An option used with certain properties
  • Er steht für das Jahr 383 n.P.
  • Min, Minu - bóg urodzaju i płodności, wywodzący się z pierwotnych, fallicznych kultów górnoegipskich (Achmim). Przedstawiany jako mumiformiczny mężczyzna z jedną ręką wzniesioną w górę (często z biczem nechacha), drugą obejmującą wzwiedzionego członka. Wiele atrybutów Mina (z wyjątkiem ikonograficznej ityfalliczności) przejął Amon. Kategoria:Bogowie egipscy
  • Min is 1 of 4 members from famous band Miss A.
  • Min is a character who appeared in the first 3 seasons of Barney & Friends. She was played by Pia Hamilton. She appeared in a total of 50 episodes, making her the kid with the most number of appearances on Barney & Friends.
  • Templar Min was an Aeon Templar who attacked the planet Luthian and Theban 2.
  • Min had helped to raise Prince Endon and his companion, Jarred, since they were young boys. She was one of their two primary teachers, along with Prandine, and served primarily under King Alton. Min was partly responsible for Endon and Jarred devising a series of codes and hiding places, as the two boys generally wanted to avoid her. Min had a son, Barda, some number of years before Jarred was forced to flee from the palace, though Barda's exact age is unclear. Before the end of King Endon's reign, Barda joined the royal guards.
  • Not wanting to attract attention to himself, Min has cultivated a look that allows him to blend easily into a crowd, prefering dark clothing and armor. In keeping with his penchant for anonymity, he has no identifying marks, and hides his scars under clothing.
  • Min was a female Human living on Balmorra during the Cold War. She asked an Imperial not to destroy a power generator on which she and other Balmorran refugees depended.
  • Councillor Min is the head of government on the planet Arazia. He and his people experienced harsh times throughout the Long Night, which they blame on the Commonwealth. When Rommie and Captain Hunt visited the planet to try and talk Min into signing the new Systems Commonwealth charter, he became angry and sentenced them to life in prison without a trial. He requires an appointment to be seen, scheduled through his secretary.
  • Для уменьшения большого объема двойного дублирования темы - ссылка на англорусскую Википедию: * english: Min * русский: Мин
  • Min is a up-coming fanime that`ll come out in a few years from now,The Fanime revolves around a supermodel named Min Suzushina,and her life,she blossoms with her ups and downs,She is not a human being,she is a DokiDoki Maiden,Humans that are from the second demension
  • Min, nicknamed, Minnie, is the grand-daughter of a Chinese Communist Party offficial.
  • Min is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Despotic Monarchy.
  • Min is an Ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BC). He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men". As a god of fertility, he was shown as having black skin to reflect the fertile black mud of the Nile's inundation. His cult was strongest in Coptos and Akhmim (Panopolis), where in his honour great festivals were held celebrating his “coming forth” with a public procession and presentation of offerings. His other associations include the eastern desert and links to the god Horus. Flinders Pe
  • Min Bean is Zoë's younger sister, now entering college. Min lives in Nebraska with Zoë's mother and father, but is interested in going to the same university Zoe did. She is eager to get to know Zoë's friends — especially Riff, who she has a crush on. Zoë wants to protect Min from the crazy events in her life, and so does not tell her about things like the curse put on her by the Camel Necklace. When Oasis attacks Zoë at college, Zoë tries to protect Min by telling her to run away. However, Min disobeys and in turn tries to protect Zoë by swinging a shovel at Oasis's head.
  • Min cuenta con una increíble habilidad para el Hip Hop, Jazz, Poppin y el Tap. Desde muy niña era considerada una prodigio por su gran talento. Luego ella debutó a la edad de 13 años junto a Hyo Yeon (Girls' Generation) formando el grupo de baile “Little Winners”, del que por el talento que demostraron, recibieron muy buenas críticas. En Diciembre del 2003, ella ganó en una competencia de baile en television, además compartió escenario con Bi Rain.
  • Min is an elf from Danmiel in Gheldaron working as slime merchant within the Danmiel barterhouse. Due to her status as a child born out of wedlock, she was ineligable for clan status and subsequently put in the Boughs of Protection which basically functions as an orphanage. Because residents of the boughs must perform chores to earn their keep, she utilized this to start a fledgling slime business that despite low sales was maintained with low risk an cost.
harem member
  • No
Party Member
  • No
  • hide
  • 6
  • 1
  • hide
  • The Great Zoo of China
  • Head of government
  • Code-breaker
  • MIN
  • Blue
  • 21
  • Unknown
  • ??
  • Alive
First Appearance
  • Brown
  • Min
  • Main Character -
  • Guest Appearance -
Hair Color
  • Dark Grey
Type de système
  • Système vagabond
Points de saut
  • Minnie
  • Chinese
  • None
  • Non Revendiqué
  • topaz
  • Confucian
  • Arazian Government
Last Appearance
  • Tan
  • N/A
  • 1991
Eye Color
  • Red
  • Councillor
  • 123
  • Del
  • Min
  • Aucune
  • Kids
  • Min is a fanmade character for Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
  • thumb|Min dando patadasthumb|Min vestido para luchar en el equipo Rosas Min es el hermano de Mimí. Es un pelín diferente de Mimí. Es tímido y un poco negativo. Además, tiene 5 niveles menos que Mimí. Pin esta enamorada de él. Aunque ella, siempre lo niega. Cuando se enfada, echa chispas.
  • Le système Min, unique parmi les systèmes humains, a la particularité de ne pas avoir d'étoile, mais à la place une géante gazeuse vagabonde autour de laquelle orbitent quatre lunes. Le système manque de ressources intéressantes. Malgré tout, la vie s'est trouvé des moyens d'y habiter. Des bactéries bioluminescentes existent sur Min IB et un petit groupe de colons y a établi un campement.
  • Min cuenta con una increíble habilidad para el Hip Hop, Jazz, Poppin y el Tap. Desde muy niña era considerada una prodigio por su gran talento. Luego ella debutó a la edad de 13 años junto a Hyo Yeon (Girls' Generation) formando el grupo de baile “Little Winners”, del que por el talento que demostraron, recibieron muy buenas críticas. En Diciembre del 2003, ella ganó en una competencia de baile en television, además compartió escenario con Bi Rain. Este concurso le dió la oportunidad de mostrar aun más su talento, recordemos que en ese entonces ya había trabajado 2 años con JYP Entertainment y es así como en el año 2005, viaja a EE.UU, donde recibe entrenamiento de famosos músicos y bailarines. Se supone que debutaría en EE.UU en el año 2007 con la canción “Go Ahead” acompañada de Lil’Jon (quien produjo sus canciones), pero debido a la crisis de Lehman Brothers su debut no se llevó a cabo.
  • An option used with certain properties
  • Er steht für das Jahr 383 n.P.
  • Min, Minu - bóg urodzaju i płodności, wywodzący się z pierwotnych, fallicznych kultów górnoegipskich (Achmim). Przedstawiany jako mumiformiczny mężczyzna z jedną ręką wzniesioną w górę (często z biczem nechacha), drugą obejmującą wzwiedzionego członka. Wiele atrybutów Mina (z wyjątkiem ikonograficznej ityfalliczności) przejął Amon. Kategoria:Bogowie egipscy
  • Min is 1 of 4 members from famous band Miss A.
  • Min is an Ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BC). He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men". As a god of fertility, he was shown as having black skin to reflect the fertile black mud of the Nile's inundation. His cult was strongest in Coptos and Akhmim (Panopolis), where in his honour great festivals were held celebrating his “coming forth” with a public procession and presentation of offerings. His other associations include the eastern desert and links to the god Horus. Flinders Petrie excavated two large statues of Min at Qift which are now in the Ashmolean Museum and it is thought by some that they are pre-dynastic. Although not mentioned by name a reference to 'he whose arm is raised in the East' in the Pyramid Texts is thought to refer to Min. His importance grew in the Middle Kingdom when he became even more closely linked with Horus as the deity Min-Horus. By the New Kingdom he was also fused with Amen in the deity Min-Amen-kamutef (Min-Amen - bull of his mother). Min's shrine was crowned with a pair of bull horns. As the central deity of fertility and possibly orgiastic rites Min became identified by the Greeks with the god Pan. One feature of Min worship was the wild prickly lettuce Lactuca virosa and Lactuca serriola of which is the domestic version Lactuca sativa which has aphrodisiac and opiate qualities. He also had connections with Nubia. However, his main centres of worship were Qift (Coptos) and Akhmim (Khemmis). As a god of male sexual potency, he was honoured during the coronation rites of the New Kingdom, when the Pharaoh was expected to sow his seed — generally thought to have been plant seeds, although there have been controversial suggestions that the Pharaoh was expected to demonstrate that he could ejaculate — and thus ensure the annual flooding of the Nile. At the beginning of the harvest season, his image was taken out of the temple and brought to the fields in the festival of the departure of Min, when they blessed the harvest, and played games naked in his honour, the most important of these being the climbing of a huge (tent) pole. In Egyptian art, Min was depicted as wearing a crown with feathers, and often holding his penis erect in his left hand and a flail (referring to his authority, or rather that of the Pharaohs) in his upward facing right hand. Around his forehead, Min wears a red ribbon that trails to the ground, claimed by some to represent sexual energy. The symbols of Min were the white bull, a barbed arrow, and a bed of lettuce, that the Egyptians believed to be an aphrodisiac, as Egyptian lettuce was tall, straight, and released a milk-like substance when rubbed, characteristics superficially similar to the penis. Even some war goddesses were depicted with the body of Min (including the phallus), and this also led to depictions, ostensibly of Min, with the head of a lioness. Min usually was depicted in an ithyphallic (with an erect and uncovered phallus) style. Christians routinely defaced his monuments in temples they co-opted and Victorian Egyptologists would take only waist-up photographs of Min, or otherwise find ways to cover his protruding penis. However, to the ancient Egyptians, Min was not a matter of scandal - they had very relaxed standards of nudity: in their warm climate, farmers, servants, and entertainers often worked partially or completely naked, and children did not wear any clothes until they came of age. In the 19th century, there was an alleged erroneous transcription of the Egyptian for Min as ḫm ("khem"). Since Khem was worshipped most significantly in Akhmim, the separate identity of Khem was reinforced, Akhmim being understood as simply a corruption of Khem. However, Akhmim is an alleged corruption of ḫm-mnw, meaning Shrine of Min, via the demotic form šmn. The existence of a god named Khem has been understood as a faulty reading only by Egyptologists who have contained their learning to the traditional Greek and Roman languages taught in American and British universities.
  • Min Bean is Zoë's younger sister, now entering college. Min lives in Nebraska with Zoë's mother and father, but is interested in going to the same university Zoe did. She is eager to get to know Zoë's friends — especially Riff, who she has a crush on. Zoë wants to protect Min from the crazy events in her life, and so does not tell her about things like the curse put on her by the Camel Necklace. When Oasis attacks Zoë at college, Zoë tries to protect Min by telling her to run away. However, Min disobeys and in turn tries to protect Zoë by swinging a shovel at Oasis's head. When Zoë returns from the Dimension of Rain after having been presumed dead, she has a tearful reunion with Min and her parents.
  • Min is a character who appeared in the first 3 seasons of Barney & Friends. She was played by Pia Hamilton. She appeared in a total of 50 episodes, making her the kid with the most number of appearances on Barney & Friends.
  • Templar Min was an Aeon Templar who attacked the planet Luthian and Theban 2.
  • Min had helped to raise Prince Endon and his companion, Jarred, since they were young boys. She was one of their two primary teachers, along with Prandine, and served primarily under King Alton. Min was partly responsible for Endon and Jarred devising a series of codes and hiding places, as the two boys generally wanted to avoid her. Min had a son, Barda, some number of years before Jarred was forced to flee from the palace, though Barda's exact age is unclear. Before the end of King Endon's reign, Barda joined the royal guards.
  • Not wanting to attract attention to himself, Min has cultivated a look that allows him to blend easily into a crowd, prefering dark clothing and armor. In keeping with his penchant for anonymity, he has no identifying marks, and hides his scars under clothing.
  • Min was a female Human living on Balmorra during the Cold War. She asked an Imperial not to destroy a power generator on which she and other Balmorran refugees depended.
  • Councillor Min is the head of government on the planet Arazia. He and his people experienced harsh times throughout the Long Night, which they blame on the Commonwealth. When Rommie and Captain Hunt visited the planet to try and talk Min into signing the new Systems Commonwealth charter, he became angry and sentenced them to life in prison without a trial. He requires an appointment to be seen, scheduled through his secretary.
  • Для уменьшения большого объема двойного дублирования темы - ссылка на англорусскую Википедию: * english: Min * русский: Мин
  • Min is a up-coming fanime that`ll come out in a few years from now,The Fanime revolves around a supermodel named Min Suzushina,and her life,she blossoms with her ups and downs,She is not a human being,she is a DokiDoki Maiden,Humans that are from the second demension
  • Min, nicknamed, Minnie, is the grand-daughter of a Chinese Communist Party offficial.
  • Min is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Despotic Monarchy.
  • Min is an elf from Danmiel in Gheldaron working as slime merchant within the Danmiel barterhouse. Due to her status as a child born out of wedlock, she was ineligable for clan status and subsequently put in the Boughs of Protection which basically functions as an orphanage. Because residents of the boughs must perform chores to earn their keep, she utilized this to start a fledgling slime business that despite low sales was maintained with low risk an cost. Her desire to be a merchant grew from an unrelenting desire to leave the bough and Gheldaron all together is because of her treatment as a Clanless elf, and with being an herbalist and adventurer being to much of a risk for too little reward she turned to slime trading. This makes Megail recall her own past and states that after Simon's group is finished within the elven lands, She is to come with her to Yhilin as a potential apprentice but warns her of the demanding nature of the position.
is educationaltheme of
is Characters of
is Localisation of
is Points de saut of
is Character of
is PREV of
is Family of
is NEXT of