  • Lycanthrope
  • Lycanthrope
  • There is no music video for this song.
  • 3DS files player sources
  • Lycanthrope is an enemy in Final Fantasy Dimensions.
  • Lycanthropes, also known as werewolves, are humans that were cursed and have the ability to shapeshift into wolf-like creatures. The first Lycanthrope is Lycaon, their leader.
  • __TOC__ While the term Lycanthrope usually refers to a person or creature who changes inadvertantly into another creature without control over their form, this is not always the case. The term, Lycanthrope, used here actually refers to a subspecies of humans that have evolved to survive specifically in another climate. They are typically found in the vast northern reaches of Brachland, just on the northern end of Esus.
  • Re-doing, will add more info in a bit.
  • In the Witcher saga, lycanthropes (also known as therianthropes) refer not only to werewolves as the term is traditionally used, but to any human who is cursed during the full moon to transform either completely into an animal, or into a half-man/half-animal. Silver is also lethal to these individuals.
  • lycanthrope page
  • An extremely rare race of individuals who possess two independent bodily cell structures: ordinary human cells and special beast cells that have been mutated by an internal virus. When a Lycanthrope's heart rate exceeds a certain threshold, their human cells and beast cells contract and expand respectively, and this distributed change transforms their external appearance. Many types of Lycanthrope exist, including wolves, bears, tigers, dogs, rats, and pigs.
  • Lycanthropes, commonly known as werewolves, are humans who have the ability to transform into wolves. Dr. Drake regarded them as "diseases" in Monsterology and their transformations triggered by the full moon, though Archibald Brooks claimed otherwise.
  • A fierce wolfish creature the size of a bear. Commonly termed "werewolf," it has the ability to turn into a man. It has been spotted at Fablehaven at least twice during Midsummer's Eve.
  • A lycanthrope is a person affected by a magical condition. First mentioned in Fool Moon.
  • Lycanthrope (ライカンスロープ Raikansurōpu) are one of the four tribes from the Green World.
  • The Lycanthropes are an ancient race of beings that are capable to transform from humans to wolves and vice versa. The lycanthropes were not created by the laws of nature, but by mankind, with the use of sorcery, which means that every single member of this race exists outside of logic. The lycanthropes are considered to be demi-humans, despite the differences between these two species. According to Clavis Alucard, it is very rare to encounter a lycanthrope. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing is the only lycanthrope seen in the series. ru:Ликантропы
  • Lycanthropes are humans with the ability to turn into animals. There are many different types of lycanthropes, each with their own demeanors, but all lycanthropes share certain traits.
  • Lycanthropes are currently very rare in Eberron. However, they can change under any of twelve full moons, and can potentially transform around a dozen times/month.
  • Lycanthropes are natives of planet Roak. They are humanoids that are able to transform into were-animals when they get get excited. T’nique Arcana, a lycanthrope, states that there are werewolves, tigers, bears and even pigs. When transformed, some lycantropes lose thought and enter a berserk state, but they compensate for this by training their minds. It is said that this transformation is caused by a curse on the lycanthropes' ancestors, and due to it, lycanthropes live isolated from other races. However, Ilia Silvestri states that this transformation might be the result of a virus.
  • Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence.
  • No meat, no chew, no sustenance. I haven't written in months... when last was it? Here I am, this weak 1|1. All I'd do to be 6|6, have a heart of darkness, a tooth to scare when I grin some toothy grin. For now I coil my fists, but without punch, only shaking them in anger. I AM NIGHTMARE. Image:Darkness18x18.png Image:Darkness18x18.png. Or I could've been, but some phase made my existence unimportant, only something to steal away. Now I'm not here, or am I? I am the seed of chaos, some droplet of pandemonium. While I'm weak, I create a butterfly effect of destruction in your midst. There are demons, but they can't see me. My face is an abomination to my spirit of a dragon. Fear my determinism, you're without chance. My matter annihilates your antimatter. There is no question of whether I'
  • Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can transform themselves into animals. In their natural form, lycanthropes are indistinguishable from other members of its' kind, although those who are afflicted with lycanthropy may exhibit features of their animal forms - this includes things such as thick, shaggy hair or pointed teeth. When transformed, the animal form resembles a more powerful version of the normal animal. They are only distinguishable by their eyes (which often glow red in the dark) or that they show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence. Evil lycanthropes lurk amongst the general population, emerging in animal form at night under a full moon to spread chaos and terror. Good lycanthropes, however, tend to be reclusive individuals. They often live far from civilisation, deep
  • 6
  • 112
  • 123
  • 172
  • Werewolf
Upload date
  • 2006-11-16
kr sets
  • '
fr name
  • Lycanthrope
  • 0
  • 2
es lore
  • Esta carta sólo puede ser Invocada por Ritual usando la Carta Mágica de Ritual "Conjuro de Síntesis". Cuando esta carta inflige daño de batalla a tu adversario, inflige 200 de daño a tu adversario por cada Monstruo Normal en tu Cementerio.
ygo sets
  • Pack 43
el name
  • Λυκάνθρωπος
Romaji Name
  • Raikan Surōpu
hr name
  • Likantrop
ja lore
  • 「合成魔術」により降臨。このカードが相手ライフに戦闘ダメージを与えた時、自分の墓地に存在する通常モンスターの数×200ポイントダメージを相手ライフに与える。
it lore
  • Questa carta può essere Evocata solo tramite Evocazione Rituale con la Carta magia Rituale, "Magia della Sintesi". Quando questa carta infligge danno da combattimento al tuo avversario, infliggi 200 danni al tuo avversario per ogni Mostro Normale nel tuo Cimitero.
pt name
  • Licantropo
  • This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Synthesis Spell". When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, inflict 200 damage to your opponent for each Normal Monster in your Graveyard.
  • 10
  • 20
pt lore
  • Esta carta só pode ser "Invocada Ritualmente" com a carta magica de ritual "Synthesis Spell". Quando esta carta inflige dano de batalha ao oponente, inflija 200 pontos de vida de dano para o oponente por cada carta de monstro normal em seu Cemiterio.
  • 0
  • 130
  • 1500
  • 1800
  • 6000
it name
  • Licantropo
  • 84385264
  • 0
gx04 sets
  • Starter Deck: Side Deck
de lore
  • Diese Karte kann nur mit der Ritualzauberkarte „Synthesezauber“ als Ritualbeschwörung beschworen werden. Wenn diese Karte deinem Gegner Kampfschaden zufügt, füge deinem Gegner 200 Schaden für jedes Normale Monster in deinem Friedhof zu.
ko name
  • 라이컨 슬로프
  • 0
  • Lykanthrop
es name
  • Licántropo
  • 0
fr lore
  • Cette carte peut uniquement être Invoquée par Invocation Rituelle avec la Carte Magie Rituelle "Magie de Synthèse". Lorsque cette carte inflige des dommages de combat à votre adversaire, infligez 200 points de dommages à votre adversaire pour chaque Monstre Normal dans votre Cimetière.
  • 1832
  • 1979
  • 6922
Life points
  • Damages your opponent
  • 2400
  • 520
  • 565
  • 10
  • 20
effect types
  • Summoning condition, Trigger
database id
  • 6991
  • 650
  • 700
  • Enemy
  • -30
  • 1
  • 0
  • 3
  • Normal Monster
  • Lycanthrope
  • 4000
  • 9000
  • 400000
  • 4
  • Raikansurōpu
number of skins
  • 1
  • 3038
  • Synthesis Spell
  • 2200
  • 3910
  • 15380
  • 250875
Notable Members
  • Raikansurōpu
  • 1800
  • 0
  • ライカンスロープ
  • Lycanthrope
  • 1710
  • 504495
  • 2670000
  • 6750000
ar name
  • المذؤوب
Ja Name
  • ライカン・スロープ
  • Nexuiz link
  • 1844
  • 2030
  • 6750
  • Lycanthrope
  • Dark Lycanthrope
  • There is no music video for this song.
  • 3DS files player sources
  • Lycanthrope is an enemy in Final Fantasy Dimensions.
  • Lycanthropes, also known as werewolves, are humans that were cursed and have the ability to shapeshift into wolf-like creatures. The first Lycanthrope is Lycaon, their leader.
  • __TOC__ While the term Lycanthrope usually refers to a person or creature who changes inadvertantly into another creature without control over their form, this is not always the case. The term, Lycanthrope, used here actually refers to a subspecies of humans that have evolved to survive specifically in another climate. They are typically found in the vast northern reaches of Brachland, just on the northern end of Esus.
  • Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can transform themselves into animals. In their natural form, lycanthropes are indistinguishable from other members of its' kind, although those who are afflicted with lycanthropy may exhibit features of their animal forms - this includes things such as thick, shaggy hair or pointed teeth. When transformed, the animal form resembles a more powerful version of the normal animal. They are only distinguishable by their eyes (which often glow red in the dark) or that they show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence. Evil lycanthropes lurk amongst the general population, emerging in animal form at night under a full moon to spread chaos and terror. Good lycanthropes, however, tend to be reclusive individuals. They often live far from civilisation, deep in the rural lands. Lycanthropes will fight as normal in their natural form, using whatever tactics or weapons are favoured, although they tend to be more aggressive. A lycanthrope will also possess the senses of its' animal form in its' natural state, so will have improved vision, hearing and smell. An afflicted lycanthrope damaged in combat may transform involuntarily, overwhelmed by rage. The animal form fights like the animal it resembles, although their bite carries the lycanthropy disease. They are cunning and strong, possessing an armour almost impervious to all weapons besides silver.
  • Re-doing, will add more info in a bit.
  • In the Witcher saga, lycanthropes (also known as therianthropes) refer not only to werewolves as the term is traditionally used, but to any human who is cursed during the full moon to transform either completely into an animal, or into a half-man/half-animal. Silver is also lethal to these individuals.
  • lycanthrope page
  • An extremely rare race of individuals who possess two independent bodily cell structures: ordinary human cells and special beast cells that have been mutated by an internal virus. When a Lycanthrope's heart rate exceeds a certain threshold, their human cells and beast cells contract and expand respectively, and this distributed change transforms their external appearance. Many types of Lycanthrope exist, including wolves, bears, tigers, dogs, rats, and pigs.
  • Lycanthropes, commonly known as werewolves, are humans who have the ability to transform into wolves. Dr. Drake regarded them as "diseases" in Monsterology and their transformations triggered by the full moon, though Archibald Brooks claimed otherwise.
  • A fierce wolfish creature the size of a bear. Commonly termed "werewolf," it has the ability to turn into a man. It has been spotted at Fablehaven at least twice during Midsummer's Eve.
  • A lycanthrope is a person affected by a magical condition. First mentioned in Fool Moon.
  • Lycanthrope (ライカンスロープ Raikansurōpu) are one of the four tribes from the Green World.
  • The Lycanthropes are an ancient race of beings that are capable to transform from humans to wolves and vice versa. The lycanthropes were not created by the laws of nature, but by mankind, with the use of sorcery, which means that every single member of this race exists outside of logic. The lycanthropes are considered to be demi-humans, despite the differences between these two species. According to Clavis Alucard, it is very rare to encounter a lycanthrope. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing is the only lycanthrope seen in the series. ru:Ликантропы
  • No meat, no chew, no sustenance. I haven't written in months... when last was it? Here I am, this weak 1|1. All I'd do to be 6|6, have a heart of darkness, a tooth to scare when I grin some toothy grin. For now I coil my fists, but without punch, only shaking them in anger. I AM NIGHTMARE. Image:Darkness18x18.png Image:Darkness18x18.png. Or I could've been, but some phase made my existence unimportant, only something to steal away. Now I'm not here, or am I? I am the seed of chaos, some droplet of pandemonium. While I'm weak, I create a butterfly effect of destruction in your midst. There are demons, but they can't see me. My face is an abomination to my spirit of a dragon. Fear my determinism, you're without chance. My matter annihilates your antimatter. There is no question of whether I'm dead or alive, I am alive. I'll supernova your blackhole for kicks, mutate singularities for show I AM NIGHTMARE. or... an abomination? fking elves PS I like kitties But as I've said, I haven't written for awhile. & I've never been wordy. Only repetitious: Lycanthrope lycanthropy, one one, six six. Monotony is charm. A century more this will all be old. Then my disgrace won't matter -5|5. 5|5. -5|5. 5|5. Damn nymphs do nothing but waste everyone's money. Torn between the powers that be, a pawn to their toil, my only function: hatred. No paradox to escape, this strange loop is merely that, is this strange? I am stranger danger, waiting in the night, growing before I strike Reverse time. Pay the rent & other bills. Return again: I AM NIGHTMARE
  • Lycanthropes are humans with the ability to turn into animals. There are many different types of lycanthropes, each with their own demeanors, but all lycanthropes share certain traits.
  • Lycanthropes are currently very rare in Eberron. However, they can change under any of twelve full moons, and can potentially transform around a dozen times/month.
  • Lycanthropes are natives of planet Roak. They are humanoids that are able to transform into were-animals when they get get excited. T’nique Arcana, a lycanthrope, states that there are werewolves, tigers, bears and even pigs. When transformed, some lycantropes lose thought and enter a berserk state, but they compensate for this by training their minds. It is said that this transformation is caused by a curse on the lycanthropes' ancestors, and due to it, lycanthropes live isolated from other races. However, Ilia Silvestri states that this transformation might be the result of a virus.
  • Lycanthropes are humanoids or giants who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glow red in the dark) show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence. Lycanthropy can be spread like a disease. Sometimes a lycanthrope begins life as a normal humanoid or giant who subsequently contracts lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope. Such a creature is called an afflicted lycanthrope. Other lycanthropes are born as lycanthropes, and are known as natural lycanthropes.
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is Title of
is mob of
is Class of
is Race of
is Tribe of