  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • The three organizations and many exiles give you missions to accomplish. The missions from each of these contacts usually tells a small story or gives you insight into what is happening in the world.
  • Mission ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Die Karte ist mittelgroß und spielt in einem thumb|MissionGebiet um eine ausgebombte Kirche in Sierra Leone, Afrika. Die antretenden Fraktionen sind die PMC und die afrikanische Miliz.
  • Missions (sometimes refered to as Quests) are the various tasks that are requested from NPCs. Missions can only be completed once, with the exception of repeatable Daily Missions. A list of missions can be found in either the subcategories or the alphabetical mission list below. Show Missions Category:In-game Missions
  • Peel wasn't a fan of The Mission and was one of the three entries in the 1986 Festive Fifty that wasn't played on his shows previously. However he did mention that their music was the kind that Janice Long would play.
  • Une Mission est une tâche assignée à une flotte. Elles sont définies par l'intermédiare de la vue des flottes. Les différents types de missions : * Attaquer : raider un autre joueur ou crasher une flotte sur une cible. * Stationner : stationner une flotte sur une autre planète. * Espionner : sonder une planète d'un autre joueur. Seules les sondes espionnage peuvent effectuer ce type de mission. * Transporter : envoyer des ressources d'une planète à une autre. * Coloniser : envoyer un vaisseau de colonisation vers une planète vide pour y établire une colonie * Exploiter : recycler les ressources d'un champ de débris en utilisant des recycleurs. * Détruire : envoyer des étoiles de la mort pour tenter de détruire une lune.
  • Any discussion of Nova gameplay must begin with the mission, which is a single task usually involving travel to one or two star systems with a specific objective. This task varies widely, but often involves pickup or delivery of specific cargo or passengers, usually on a deadline and facing the threat of interference by hostile parties. Missions are generally (but not always) part of a larger storyline called a mission string, which is a sequence of linked missions orchestrated by one of the larger entities in the galaxy, such as a government or a corporation.
  • MISSION es el décimo séptimo tema del OST. Categoría:Resident Evil Zero OST Categoría:Soundtrack
  • Mission is the 5th episode of S4 of The End of My Soul, this episode was directed by TheInfection5. First episode to feature Alex Kyreck's brother Joel Kyreck.
  • A mission is the "[s]pecific purpose that all or part of the organization is dedicated to achieving." A mission is
  • See Missions.
  • Missions are given out by Agents. These missions are subjective to the Agent's level and quality.
  • Missions are a game mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles X. Similar to quests in Xenoblade Chronicles, missions are an easy and efficient way for the party to gain EXP, BP, credits, and items such as armor and weapons.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] mission (“‘a sending, a mission’”), [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] mission (“‘expense’”), from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] missiō (“‘a sending, sending away, dispatching, discharging, release, remission, cessation’”), from mittō (“‘to send’”).
  • Mission is a medium-sized multiplayer and Survival Mode map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. It takes place around a bombed out church and surrounding areas in Sierra Leone, Africa.
  • "Mission" is an original Korean and Japanese song featuring SeeU. It is one of the final demo songs written to promote the voicebank prior to its release, and is the only demo that has a Korean and Japanese version.
  • Missions (sometimes refered to as Quests) are the various tasks that are requested from NPCs. Missions can only be completed once. A list of missions can be found in either the subcategories or the primary/secondary mission list below. There are also a few missions related to leveling up. These missions can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • A Mission (ミッション Misshon?) is a task given to the player's character. With the exception of Mega Man Zero and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, all missions available must be cleared to progress and finish the game. The Mega Man ZX series has optional mission requests that can be done to obtain items or other rewards.
  • Missions are short tasks that can be taken by pirates from the Notice Board. The missions available depend on a pirate's experience and whether the pirate is carrying PoE.
  • In the organized society of the villages, ninja are given missions depending on their rank. The missions are categorised in five ranks, based on how dangerous the mission is and how important it is. Any mission, regardless of rank, can involve being sent off to war, though.
  • Mission – mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Mission es el sexto soundtrack de Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack. Lo compuso Takanashi Yasuharu y tiene una duración de 1:43 minutos. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • MISSION is a Dynasty Warriors character duet which first appeared on the vocal CD set Duet Songs. It is performed by Masaya Onosaka and Hisayoshi Suganuma for two of their characters in the series: Zhao Yun and Jiang Wei.
  • NetStorm comes with the following single player games:- Warning : Linked articles contain spoiler information. WalkThroughs :- 1. The War Begins. 2. The Master Of WhirliGigs. 3. Save the Island. 4. Fragile Fortune. 5. Thundering Alliance. 6. Dissolved Alliance. 1. The Noose. 2. Rain V's Rain. 3. Run For it. 4. Guard My Back. 5. Surrounded. 1. Breaking Through. 2. To the Rescue. 3. Vicious. 4. Enemy Territory. 5. The Final Confrontation.
  • Mission è un thriller del 1986 basato sulla storia vera di un gruppo di agenti segreti inviati dal Papato per sventare le azioni criminose di una tribù di indios del Nuovo Mondo, i quali volevano ribellarsi alla giusta invasione dell'uomo bianco. Nel film sono presenti attori di rilievo, come Robert De Niro, la barba di de Niro (che ha una parte tutta sua), Jeremy Irons e Tom Cruise, il quale non ha ancora capito che non è necessaria la sua presenza in ogni film che contiene la parola "Mission".
  • Usual and weekly missions was replaced 'Daily mission' with big update 'Season 8:Neo NetSphere'
  • NPC die ein Funkgerät über den Kopf haben das Gelb ist haben eine Mission für euch. Haben sie aber ein Funkgerät das zwei striche durch das Funkgerät haben, haben zwar eine Mission für euch, die man aber erst Später annehmen kann. Grund? = das nötige Level oder eine andere Quest die dazu gehört wurde noch nicht gemacht bzw. erreicht. Wernd ein graues Funkgerät nichts weiteres bedeutet als das man diese Mission angenommen hat. Das Missionslogbuch und der richtige Umgang damit.
  • The length of mission depends on the type of mission chosen, ranging from less than an hour to a week, but most are less than 12 hours. Missions can also be run while the player is offline. Each follower, depending on race, class and spec, has different abilities and scenarios that are best suited for them, such as a character who can taunt or a character who works better in a group.
  • Mission is a track in the Biohazard 0 Best Track Collection, an album only sold as part of the biohazard SOUND CHRONICLE.
  • The Mission is the overarching statement of what Meet the Geeks does.
  • "Mission" (aka. "Entry to the Lair: An Adventure") was sung to Perry the Platypus on his way to his lair from Lake Nose. ("The Lake Nose Monster").
  • Mission — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживания в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Missions first appeared in Carmageddon II, as the final level in each tier. They mainly involve destroying a number of targets, such as certain pedestrians, radar dishes and generators. Extra time is normally not awarded.
  • The task assigned to the fleet. The number of missions that can be run at one time can be increased with Computer Technology research Missions are assigned via the fleet view. Possible mission types: * Attacking : to raid another player or to crash any fleet stationed at the target. * Deployment: to station the fleet at another planet. * Espionage: to spy another player's planet, only Espionage Probes can go on this mission. * Transport: to send resources from one planet to another. * Colonization: to send a colony ship to an empty planet and establish a colony. * Harvesting: to collect resources from a debris field using recyclers. * Destroy: to send Death Stars to destroy a moon. * Expedition: to send a fleet to explore Outer Space.
  • The Dead Zone is divided into several with their own separate levels. They will only be unlocked once the Leader has reached the same level as that region. Each region contains a number of locations divided into several types.
  • Missions are playable nations in the Democracy series.
  • When you complete a mission, you gain experience and silver. The missions you can do depend on your level.
  • There are many types of missions, ranging from simple delivery to hunting pirates and to advance the storyline. In Galaxy on Fire 2, freelance missions can be picked up in space lounges, while in Galaxy on Fire 3D, there is a specific list of available missions on each station under the mission tab.
  • Mission has two primary meanings in Scientology: * An organized group of CofS Scientologists delivering Scientology services to the public. Such an operation used to be called a Franchise before someone decided the name detracted from the religious image. * A small group of SO members, sent out by a Sea Org management unit to an area under strict supervision to accomplish a specific task. This second one is covered by an article entitled Action mission.
  • In Super Monkey Ball Adventure, missions are various tasks in story mode which need to be preformed to complete the game. Completing missions is one way to fill up the Joy meter, the other being defeating Naysayers. The missions are initiated by various NPCs and last until the player falls out of bounds or misses the time limit (this is only on some missions). There are some missions, like Organet Eggs, which require the use of the Wing Ring. Others require the use of chants, such as Invisiball. The Charity Missions also require the use of several hundred Bananas.
  • Eine Mission ist ein Auftrag, zu dessen Erfüllung jemand oder etwas auf eine Reise geschickt wird. Die Missionen, beispielsweise der Raumschiffe der Sternenflotte, ergeben sich entweder aus Hilferufen, die sie auf ihren regulären Reisen empfangen, oder aus Aufträgen, die ihnen vom Sternenflottenkommando und der Einsatzplanung und den Einsatzzentralen erteilt werden. Dazu erstellt das Sternenflottenkommando Missionspläne.
  • "Missionen" sind Aufgaben die Feudalherren,Privatpersonen, Kage oder dergleichen in einem Ninja-Dorf übertragen um diesen mit seinen ausgebildeten Ninja's zu erfüllen. Unterteilt werden Missionen hierbei in ein Rang-System: S ... ist die höchste Klassifizierung einer Mission und wird von Shinobis des S-Ranges oder einem Kage ausgeführt.Da jener Rang recht selten vertreten ist,gibt es auch kaum konkrete Beispiele, doch da man solch hochrangige Ninja's dafür benötigt,kann man deren Schwierigkeit erahnen.
  • Terminatoren werden Missionen als Aufgaben zugeteilt um ihren Handlungsspielraum festzulegen. Typische Missionen sind die Terminierung oder der Schutz von Subjekten. Einige Terminatoren wurden ausgesandt um auf bestimmte Ziele hinzuarbeiten z.B. um sicherzustellen, dass Skynet gebaut wird. Einige Terminatoren können sich nicht selbst terminieren, solange die Selbstterminierung keinen Missionserfolg verspricht.
  • A mission is the task of an agent or team of agents to spork a particular badfic. It is also the story written by a PPCer about a particular agent/team and a particular badfic; in this context missions are also known as PPC stories. Due to the prevalence of this type of PPC story, though, "mission" is also sometimes used generically to refer to any PPC story, whether there's a badfic involved or not. Context may be useful in determining which is meant.
  • left|thumb|150px|Mehrere Missionsanfragen [[Datei:Mission01.PNG|right|thumb|150px|Eine Schriftrolle mit D-Rang-Missionen]] Als Mission wird ein Auftrag bezeichnet, der einem Shinobi-Dorf gestellt wird und den es mithilfe seiner Shinobi ausführt. Da Missionen die Haupteinnahmequelle der Shinobi-Dörfer sind, besteht der Alltag der Shinobi daraus, verschiedenste Missionsanfragen mit ihren Teams auszuführen. Eine Mission kann von einem externen Klienten vergeben werden, der dann das Dorf für die Erfüllung bezahlt, sie kann jedoch auch vom Dorf selbst in Auftrag gestellt werden, um dessen wirtschaftliche oder politische Macht zu erhalten, beziehungsweise zu stärken. In Kriegszeiten können auch Missionen vergeben werden, die darauf abzielen, die Positionen gegnerischer Parteien zu schwächen, bez
  • Terminators are assigned with missions that guide their priorities. These missions can range from terminating certain subjects, to protecting others. Some advanced model Terminators have been assigned more nebulous missions in addition to terminate a subject, such as ensuring the creation of Skynet. Secondary missions can be assigned to Terminators by authority figures. For example, Sarah Connor has given Cameron several missions, even though Cameron's original mission was to protect John Connor.
  • Each mission has a specific pre-assigned objective, although secondary objectives or objective changes can occur during the mission (except in Assassination, Defense, Mobile Defense and Interception). The playable area in missions are randomly generated using pre-designed rooms and halls commonly referred to as "tiles"; missions also have a chance to include environmental hazards.
  • A mission in Guild Wars, is an expedition to perform a specific task within a closed mission area. Missions are accessed through mission outposts and are played in an enclosed explorable area. There are two ways to enter a mission. In Prophecies and Factions you have an Enter-Button in the Party-Window. In Nightfall and Eye of the North you enter the Missions through speaking with a NPC in the Mission-Outpost. There are five different types of missions in the game: Some cooperative missions prohibit actual cooperation in that they allow only single players to enter (→solo mission).
  • A mission is a task which yields rewards when completed, which can include Experience Points (XP), money, and other loot (some unique to mission rewards). Missions can be found all over the world of Pandora. There are 126 missions in the Borderlands. 46 of these are part of the main story of the game, while the other 80 missions are side missions that will not directly further progress through the storyline, although will provide enough experience and loot to assist with progress indirectly. With the added 4 DLCs there is a total of 216 missions. This is excluding "Talk to Tannis" and "Keep Your Insides Inside", two glitched missions cut from the game that are sometimes bugged to appear.
  • The Groep fan Auwerk is a movement which strives for an independent state with the name Frisia (Friesland) in Europe. By political and (as an result) economic power concentration the Frisian lands don't have the chance to develope itself, our objective is that the political power returns to Friesland! For the inhabitants of West Frisia, Groningen, East Frisia and North Frisia these dominant politics, socio-economic and the cultural dominance from the Netherlands and Germany took long enough and to our opinion is that now it is time that the Frisian regions will choose their own path as a new Friesland in a new Europe. The Groep fan Auwerk strives by means of a confederative of the four Frieslands, (by means of cooperation to more self-management) for an independent state.
  • Each day, players are presented with three randomly generated missions that they can complete, ranging from scoring kills, playing games, winning matches, etc... The difficulty is set based on players' ranking, meaning high-ranking players will have to undertake harder to clear off missions. Mission will automatically reset everyday (Often at 00:00). If players are online around that time, a messenger will tell them the daily mission will be reseted in the next 10 minutes, and then tell them when the mission has been reseted and they should check the mission report page for details.
  • A Mission is a task in which a player is assigned to complete from a Contact. By completing the mission, the player will be rewarded with experience and Influence/Infamy. Some missions also have other rewards, such as Enhancements, Badges, and/or Temporary Powers.
  • Our mission is to assist all who aspire to organize, operate, and assume the risk of business ventures (entrepreneurs) and to promote entrepreneurism. We are here to help experienced entrepreneurs run their businesses more effectively and to provide those who are interested in starting a business with resources and guidance they may find useful. __NOWYSIWYG__
  • Gravity Wikia Mission The Gravity Wikia encyclopedia was initiated in 2006 (original mission) to create the high performance data base needed to advance scientific discovery using unified field theory ( capable of performing electro gravity double integration). During the past 20 years, electrogravty have become essential to addressing scientific problems of national interest, including climate change, fusion energy, and astrophysics. More powerful theory enable scientists to study such problems in greater detail and create simulations with greater accuracy.
  • 4
  • 16.0
  • 26.0
  • 300
  • Mission
  • 300
  • Clancy Brown
  • Сьерра-Леоне
  • Misión
  • Misión
  • 300
nnd comment
  • official, Japanese ver.
  • --02-23
  • 2002
  • "Mission"
  • 17000
  • 2011-12-26
  • Close quarters-Long range
yt id
  • 2
  • 103.0
nnd id
  • sm16530271
  • 26.0
  • mp_bravo
  • Wowhead
  • SeeU
  • Animatronic Animals
  • TheInfection5 & Tom Kenny
  • August 2015
  • Ninmu
  • Ninmu
  • TheInfection5
  • Komine
  • Wataame
  • yaichi
  • U-sy
  • Mission
  • Mission
  • wowhead
  • wowdb
  • Африканское колониальное поселение
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • William B. Davis, Richard Dean Anderson,Michael Shanks, Gillian Anderson, TheInfection5
Preceded By
  • Urban
  • Miejski
  • 任務
  • 任務
  • seeu
  • 280
  • 5
  • Wszystkie, Tryb Przetrwania
  • All, Survival
  • Sierra Leone
  • Sierra Leone , Afryka
  • 45
  • Afrykańska milicja vs. PMC
  • Nicholas Lea
Followed By
wikipage disambiguates
  • Средние
yt2 comment
  • reprint, Korean ver.
  • The three organizations and many exiles give you missions to accomplish. The missions from each of these contacts usually tells a small story or gives you insight into what is happening in the world.
  • A mission in Guild Wars, is an expedition to perform a specific task within a closed mission area. Missions are accessed through mission outposts and are played in an enclosed explorable area. There are two ways to enter a mission. In Prophecies and Factions you have an Enter-Button in the Party-Window. In Nightfall and Eye of the North you enter the Missions through speaking with a NPC in the Mission-Outpost. There are five different types of missions in the game: 1. * Cooperative Missions 2. * Competitive Missions 3. * Challenge Missions 4. * Elite Missions 5. * The Zaishen Challenges Most people exclusively mean cooperative missions when they say "mission". Also, note that some players mistakenly call quests missions and vice versa. Some cooperative missions prohibit actual cooperation in that they allow only single players to enter (→solo mission). Mission outposts are identified on the world map by various styles of shield icons. Mission completion is indicated with dots. When zoomed out, missions display as gray dots, with incomplete missions and challenge missions displaying as flashing dots.
  • Mission ist eine Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Die Karte ist mittelgroß und spielt in einem thumb|MissionGebiet um eine ausgebombte Kirche in Sierra Leone, Afrika. Die antretenden Fraktionen sind die PMC und die afrikanische Miliz.
  • Missions (sometimes refered to as Quests) are the various tasks that are requested from NPCs. Missions can only be completed once, with the exception of repeatable Daily Missions. A list of missions can be found in either the subcategories or the alphabetical mission list below. Show Missions Category:In-game Missions
  • Terminators are assigned with missions that guide their priorities. These missions can range from terminating certain subjects, to protecting others. Some advanced model Terminators have been assigned more nebulous missions in addition to terminate a subject, such as ensuring the creation of Skynet. Terminators will often narrowly restrict their actions to the parameters of a mission. They can, however, use discretion in determining whether or not to terminate witnesses or immediate obstacles. For example, Cromartie did not kill FBI agent James Ellison because it intends to follow him to John Connor. Secondary missions can be assigned to Terminators by authority figures. For example, Sarah Connor has given Cameron several missions, even though Cameron's original mission was to protect John Connor. Despite the fact that Terminators can not self-terminate as an act in and of itself, they can engage in any degree of self-destructive acts if they have calculated that doing so will achieve their primary mission.
  • Our mission is to assist all who aspire to organize, operate, and assume the risk of business ventures (entrepreneurs) and to promote entrepreneurism. We are here to help experienced entrepreneurs run their businesses more effectively and to provide those who are interested in starting a business with resources and guidance they may find useful. We support our mission through routine meetings that provide both aspiring and established entrepreneurs with motivation, education, and connection. Meetings are structured to provide the knowledge entrepreneurs may need to succeed. Within each meeting, members can have the opportunity to receive specialized knowledge via our scheduled speaker focusing on entrepreneurial principles, practices, resources, and case studies. Our meetings are also a place for sharing knowledge, enthusiasm, ideas, and guidance among our fellow members for whatever business concerns and difficulties they have. It is our aim to see each member succeed and reach their goals. So we also encourage members to meet with each other outside of regularly scheduled meetings when necessary. We are not a business referral, lead, contact, or prospect organization. We strive to provide an educational environment free from hype and pressure. Our meetings are not forums for the sale or promotion of any particular product, service, or business opportunity. Of course, this does not preclude individuals from doing business before or after a meeting. This also does not preclude businesses from making educational presentations provided that the promotion of their specific products is a negligible portion of the content or is limited to distribution of sales literature at the end of the presentation. We do not as a group provide specific or individualized advice or consultation of any kind, nor do we evaluate, review, or critique the products or activities of any other organization or individual. Any statements by individuals are not necessarily representative of the opinion or position of the group. __NOWYSIWYG__
  • Peel wasn't a fan of The Mission and was one of the three entries in the 1986 Festive Fifty that wasn't played on his shows previously. However he did mention that their music was the kind that Janice Long would play.
  • Une Mission est une tâche assignée à une flotte. Elles sont définies par l'intermédiare de la vue des flottes. Les différents types de missions : * Attaquer : raider un autre joueur ou crasher une flotte sur une cible. * Stationner : stationner une flotte sur une autre planète. * Espionner : sonder une planète d'un autre joueur. Seules les sondes espionnage peuvent effectuer ce type de mission. * Transporter : envoyer des ressources d'une planète à une autre. * Coloniser : envoyer un vaisseau de colonisation vers une planète vide pour y établire une colonie * Exploiter : recycler les ressources d'un champ de débris en utilisant des recycleurs. * Détruire : envoyer des étoiles de la mort pour tenter de détruire une lune.
  • Any discussion of Nova gameplay must begin with the mission, which is a single task usually involving travel to one or two star systems with a specific objective. This task varies widely, but often involves pickup or delivery of specific cargo or passengers, usually on a deadline and facing the threat of interference by hostile parties. Missions are generally (but not always) part of a larger storyline called a mission string, which is a sequence of linked missions orchestrated by one of the larger entities in the galaxy, such as a government or a corporation.
  • MISSION es el décimo séptimo tema del OST. Categoría:Resident Evil Zero OST Categoría:Soundtrack
  • Mission is the 5th episode of S4 of The End of My Soul, this episode was directed by TheInfection5. First episode to feature Alex Kyreck's brother Joel Kyreck.
  • A mission is the "[s]pecific purpose that all or part of the organization is dedicated to achieving." A mission is
  • See Missions.
  • Missions are given out by Agents. These missions are subjective to the Agent's level and quality.
  • Missions are a game mechanic in Xenoblade Chronicles X. Similar to quests in Xenoblade Chronicles, missions are an easy and efficient way for the party to gain EXP, BP, credits, and items such as armor and weapons.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] mission (“‘a sending, a mission’”), [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] mission (“‘expense’”), from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mission]] missiō (“‘a sending, sending away, dispatching, discharging, release, remission, cessation’”), from mittō (“‘to send’”).
  • Mission is a medium-sized multiplayer and Survival Mode map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. It takes place around a bombed out church and surrounding areas in Sierra Leone, Africa.
  • "Mission" is an original Korean and Japanese song featuring SeeU. It is one of the final demo songs written to promote the voicebank prior to its release, and is the only demo that has a Korean and Japanese version.
  • Missions (sometimes refered to as Quests) are the various tasks that are requested from NPCs. Missions can only be completed once. A list of missions can be found in either the subcategories or the primary/secondary mission list below. There are also a few missions related to leveling up. These missions can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • A Mission (ミッション Misshon?) is a task given to the player's character. With the exception of Mega Man Zero and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, all missions available must be cleared to progress and finish the game. The Mega Man ZX series has optional mission requests that can be done to obtain items or other rewards.
  • Missions are short tasks that can be taken by pirates from the Notice Board. The missions available depend on a pirate's experience and whether the pirate is carrying PoE.
  • In the organized society of the villages, ninja are given missions depending on their rank. The missions are categorised in five ranks, based on how dangerous the mission is and how important it is. Any mission, regardless of rank, can involve being sent off to war, though.
  • Mission – mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Mission es el sexto soundtrack de Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack. Lo compuso Takanashi Yasuharu y tiene una duración de 1:43 minutos. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • A mission is a task which yields rewards when completed, which can include Experience Points (XP), money, and other loot (some unique to mission rewards). Missions can be found all over the world of Pandora. There are 126 missions in the Borderlands. 46 of these are part of the main story of the game, while the other 80 missions are side missions that will not directly further progress through the storyline, although will provide enough experience and loot to assist with progress indirectly. With the added 4 DLCs there is a total of 216 missions. This is excluding "Talk to Tannis" and "Keep Your Insides Inside", two glitched missions cut from the game that are sometimes bugged to appear. There are 109 missions in Borderlands 2, excluding DLC and the Geary mini mission. The "Did It All" achievement/PS3 trophy pertains only to missions and side missions in the main story; this means that players may amass any number of (uncompleted) side missions in the DLCs without worrying that they will be forced to complete them all to receive the award.
  • A Mission is a task in which a player is assigned to complete from a Contact. By completing the mission, the player will be rewarded with experience and Influence/Infamy. Some missions also have other rewards, such as Enhancements, Badges, and/or Temporary Powers. Sometimes, a series of missions will be grouped together to form a Story Arc. These will reveal a single plot-line in stages, as the player progresses through the mission. A player will gain experience and Influence/Infamy for the completion of Story Arc (i.e. completing all missions in the Story Arc). This is on top of, and generally more than, the regular XP and Influence/Infamy gained from completing the individual missions that make up the story arc. Completing a Story Arc will also grant you a Souvenir, and will sometimes allow you to choose an equal-level DO or SO Enhancement. There are also special groups of missions in the game. These include Task/Strike Forces, Trials (including the Hamidon Raid). These must be attempted in teams (although the required team varies). There are generally substantial rewards associated with completing any of these. Examples include special Enhancements, rare Recipes, Power Respecifications, and Badges.
  • MISSION is a Dynasty Warriors character duet which first appeared on the vocal CD set Duet Songs. It is performed by Masaya Onosaka and Hisayoshi Suganuma for two of their characters in the series: Zhao Yun and Jiang Wei.
  • NetStorm comes with the following single player games:- Warning : Linked articles contain spoiler information. WalkThroughs :- 1. The War Begins. 2. The Master Of WhirliGigs. 3. Save the Island. 4. Fragile Fortune. 5. Thundering Alliance. 6. Dissolved Alliance. 1. The Noose. 2. Rain V's Rain. 3. Run For it. 4. Guard My Back. 5. Surrounded. 1. Breaking Through. 2. To the Rescue. 3. Vicious. 4. Enemy Territory. 5. The Final Confrontation.
  • Mission è un thriller del 1986 basato sulla storia vera di un gruppo di agenti segreti inviati dal Papato per sventare le azioni criminose di una tribù di indios del Nuovo Mondo, i quali volevano ribellarsi alla giusta invasione dell'uomo bianco. Nel film sono presenti attori di rilievo, come Robert De Niro, la barba di de Niro (che ha una parte tutta sua), Jeremy Irons e Tom Cruise, il quale non ha ancora capito che non è necessaria la sua presenza in ogni film che contiene la parola "Mission".
  • Usual and weekly missions was replaced 'Daily mission' with big update 'Season 8:Neo NetSphere'
  • NPC die ein Funkgerät über den Kopf haben das Gelb ist haben eine Mission für euch. Haben sie aber ein Funkgerät das zwei striche durch das Funkgerät haben, haben zwar eine Mission für euch, die man aber erst Später annehmen kann. Grund? = das nötige Level oder eine andere Quest die dazu gehört wurde noch nicht gemacht bzw. erreicht. Wernd ein graues Funkgerät nichts weiteres bedeutet als das man diese Mission angenommen hat. Das Missionslogbuch und der richtige Umgang damit.
  • The length of mission depends on the type of mission chosen, ranging from less than an hour to a week, but most are less than 12 hours. Missions can also be run while the player is offline. Each follower, depending on race, class and spec, has different abilities and scenarios that are best suited for them, such as a character who can taunt or a character who works better in a group.
  • Mission is a track in the Biohazard 0 Best Track Collection, an album only sold as part of the biohazard SOUND CHRONICLE.
  • The Mission is the overarching statement of what Meet the Geeks does.
  • "Mission" (aka. "Entry to the Lair: An Adventure") was sung to Perry the Platypus on his way to his lair from Lake Nose. ("The Lake Nose Monster").
  • left|thumb|150px|Mehrere Missionsanfragen [[Datei:Mission01.PNG|right|thumb|150px|Eine Schriftrolle mit D-Rang-Missionen]] Als Mission wird ein Auftrag bezeichnet, der einem Shinobi-Dorf gestellt wird und den es mithilfe seiner Shinobi ausführt. Da Missionen die Haupteinnahmequelle der Shinobi-Dörfer sind, besteht der Alltag der Shinobi daraus, verschiedenste Missionsanfragen mit ihren Teams auszuführen. Eine Mission kann von einem externen Klienten vergeben werden, der dann das Dorf für die Erfüllung bezahlt, sie kann jedoch auch vom Dorf selbst in Auftrag gestellt werden, um dessen wirtschaftliche oder politische Macht zu erhalten, beziehungsweise zu stärken. In Kriegszeiten können auch Missionen vergeben werden, die darauf abzielen, die Positionen gegnerischer Parteien zu schwächen, beziehungsweise verbündeter Parteien zu stärken.
  • Mission — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживания в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • The Groep fan Auwerk is a movement which strives for an independent state with the name Frisia (Friesland) in Europe. By political and (as an result) economic power concentration the Frisian lands don't have the chance to develope itself, our objective is that the political power returns to Friesland! For the inhabitants of West Frisia, Groningen, East Frisia and North Frisia these dominant politics, socio-economic and the cultural dominance from the Netherlands and Germany took long enough and to our opinion is that now it is time that the Frisian regions will choose their own path as a new Friesland in a new Europe. The Groep fan Auwerk strives by means of a confederative of the four Frieslands, (by means of cooperation to more self-management) for an independent state. An ' independent state ' new Friesland in Europe must be possible in the coming 25 years. An state, because the European Union himself is more and more considered as a political entity (the United States of Europe), and the individual states as a result more and more look like the U.S.A. political map. As a matter of fact, 70% of the legislation is already made in ' Brussels '. On the one hand the EU has more power, on the other hand you see the development that Europe also depends and interacts with those regions. The Frieslands, with their common history, culture, language, landscape and similar socio-economic situation, could form one of those European regions, then Friesland would be able to act as a state with its own voice in the same Europe. For a growing group people the bad economic position and diluting the Frisan culture are a thorn in the eye. They believe that the Frisan areas only supply The Hague its budgets of earthgas, salt and oil, which is the biggest motivation for young people to go to places outside Friesland. As a result knowledge and potentials for the region are lost. More self-management and eventually an independent state new Friesland in Europe would be a solution for the Frisians. Financial and socio-economic developments for a new Friesland operating as an independent (independent) state. The profits of soil-treasures remain in its own area, income of recreation and tourism helps the region, and the taxes will invested for creating more jobs in the Frieslands. To continue: if you only think about infrastructure: the contemporary inhabitants of West Frisia and Groningen are paying billions which the Dutch government uses for projects elsewhere in the country, when it comes to roads, railways and tunnels, the north is overlooked outrageously. Waiting for the doubling of the Wâldwei (an important road in the province Fryslân in the Netherlands) is a clear example. Another clear example are the profits of natural gas reserves which has disappeared in the bear well of the Betuwe line and Dutch-language education intented for projects for immigrants in the west of the Netherlands and projects for Frisian children are left behind. In that manner the Dutch state is creating its own poor regions. We also have our concerns about the unlimited digging for salt, as a result the country and the houses subsiding. Under no condition we agree with the plan of dumping nuclear waste in those salt layers; we do not allow them to deprave our country. We as the ' Groep fan Auwerk ' are very happy with the positive and kind responses we got from the community, with sending e-mails and writing positive articles in newspapers. Lots of people of the Frieslands are feeling more and more committed to the other Frisian regions, the province Fryslân, the province Groningen and city, Ost-Friesland and Nord-Friesland. The struggle for an equal position and more self-management for Friesland must be possible in Europe without violence. The advantages of a independent new Friesland are very clear. tax money arrives there where it is intended for, development of a new Friesland instead of something else. People will pay more attention to their own culture and the language in this new Friesland. The developments in the regions as Flanders, Catalonia and Scotland with own parliaments and governments are inspiring examples for the Groep fan Auwerk, and show us that our ideas are not unrealistic. The city Groningen then no longer lies in a recess, and will get new possibilities. A new state Friesland with its own view: water, bunch, sand and clay will build the landscape. Historical villages and cities, medieval churches, elegant town houses, and anciount towns are a part of this rich cultural heritage. On the country the dike seems the end of the Frisian country, but from the dike the boat sets off to one of the Frisian islands, the pearls of the Mare Frisicum (north-sea).
  • Terminatoren werden Missionen als Aufgaben zugeteilt um ihren Handlungsspielraum festzulegen. Typische Missionen sind die Terminierung oder der Schutz von Subjekten. Einige Terminatoren wurden ausgesandt um auf bestimmte Ziele hinzuarbeiten z.B. um sicherzustellen, dass Skynet gebaut wird. Terminatoren, können ihre Vorgehensweise die Mission zu erfüllen gemäß ihrer Missionsparameter frei wählen. Sie können beispielsweise Gewalt nutzen oder diskreter vorgehen, um an ihr Ziel zu gelangen. Beispielsweise tötet der Terminator Cromartie den FBI-Agenten James Ellison nicht, damit dieser ihn zu John Connor führen kann. Im Comic Terminator - Die Erlösung: Die letzte Schlacht werden drei Terminatoren mit der selben Mission in die Vergangenheit geschickt. Alle drei kommunizieren über ein Funknetz miteinander und legen ihre Vorgehensweise über Vorschläge und Abstimmungen fest. Als ihre Mission erfüllt wurde, gehen sie ins Meer und schalten sich ab. Einige Terminatoren können sich nicht selbst terminieren, solange die Selbstterminierung keinen Missionserfolg verspricht.
  • Gravity Wikia Mission The Gravity Wikia encyclopedia was initiated in 2006 (original mission) to create the high performance data base needed to advance scientific discovery using unified field theory ( capable of performing electro gravity double integration). During the past 20 years, electrogravty have become essential to addressing scientific problems of national interest, including climate change, fusion energy, and astrophysics. More powerful theory enable scientists to study such problems in greater detail and create simulations with greater accuracy. However, as unifed field theory become ever more powerful, scientific applications developed over the years may not be well-suited to taking full advantage of these new theorys. The Gravity wikia encyclopedia was launched to yield additional scientific discoveries.
  • Each mission has a specific pre-assigned objective, although secondary objectives or objective changes can occur during the mission (except in Assassination, Defense, Mobile Defense and Interception). The playable area in missions are randomly generated using pre-designed rooms and halls commonly referred to as "tiles"; missions also have a chance to include environmental hazards. Each mission is also populated by one specific enemy Faction, but it is possible for two different factions to appear in a mission and fight among themselves. Upon starting a mission, each player will be given Challenge Reward. When attempting to join a mission online, players' total equipment rank (Weapons, Warframes, Companions etc.) will be calculated while finding a match, placing players in squads with similar rank points first, to reduce the chances of joining squads of new players/experienced players. This can be problematic for users with new or recently polarized equipment, as the game will consider you a slightly lower overall rank and may place you with similar players, possibly increasing difficulty.
  • Each day, players are presented with three randomly generated missions that they can complete, ranging from scoring kills, playing games, winning matches, etc... The difficulty is set based on players' ranking, meaning high-ranking players will have to undertake harder to clear off missions. Mission is registered when a player completes the challenge in a room with more than 8 players and more than 100 kills (Team Deathmatch), 25 kills (Free mode) or 10 minutes (Free mode / Team Deathmatch). Players do not need to play a full match to complete challenges, and they are free to play as many match as they like as long as the challenge conditions are fulfilled. Mission will automatically reset everyday (Often at 00:00). If players are online around that time, a messenger will tell them the daily mission will be reseted in the next 10 minutes, and then tell them when the mission has been reseted and they should check the mission report page for details. There are three types of challenges may be offered: * Wins: Players must be in the winning team at the end of the match. * Kills: Players must achieve specified number of kills * Matches: Players must complete specified number of matches * Points: Players must finish a PvE game (ZM/DM/ZM3) with specific amount of points. * Rounds: Players must clear specific amount of round / wave in PvE game. There is also a mission for New Map (Wins, kills, maps) when new maps (Marked with "N" icons) are added. Each of the above challenges require player to play in a specified game mode or specified map, chosen randomly by system.
  • Missions first appeared in Carmageddon II, as the final level in each tier. They mainly involve destroying a number of targets, such as certain pedestrians, radar dishes and generators. Extra time is normally not awarded.
  • The task assigned to the fleet. The number of missions that can be run at one time can be increased with Computer Technology research Missions are assigned via the fleet view. Possible mission types: * Attacking : to raid another player or to crash any fleet stationed at the target. * Deployment: to station the fleet at another planet. * Espionage: to spy another player's planet, only Espionage Probes can go on this mission. * Transport: to send resources from one planet to another. * Colonization: to send a colony ship to an empty planet and establish a colony. * Harvesting: to collect resources from a debris field using recyclers. * Destroy: to send Death Stars to destroy a moon. * Expedition: to send a fleet to explore Outer Space.
  • The Dead Zone is divided into several with their own separate levels. They will only be unlocked once the Leader has reached the same level as that region. Each region contains a number of locations divided into several types.
  • Missions are playable nations in the Democracy series.
  • When you complete a mission, you gain experience and silver. The missions you can do depend on your level.
  • A mission is the task of an agent or team of agents to spork a particular badfic. It is also the story written by a PPCer about a particular agent/team and a particular badfic; in this context missions are also known as PPC stories. Due to the prevalence of this type of PPC story, though, "mission" is also sometimes used generically to refer to any PPC story, whether there's a badfic involved or not. Context may be useful in determining which is meant. Most missions are one-parters, operated on by a single team; however, due to badfics like "Subjugation" and "Rose Potter," there are also some multi-chaptered, multi-team operations. Most missions result in mad (well, more than they were before) agents and a mission report. Other typical occurrences in missions include creative language, one agent restraining the other, and at least one burnt-out CAD. As alluded to above, not all PPC stories are missions. Some are the adventures of agents in non-action departments such as DoSAT or FicPsych; others can be agent backstories, interludes between missions, or speculative future or alternate universe stories.
  • "Missionen" sind Aufgaben die Feudalherren,Privatpersonen, Kage oder dergleichen in einem Ninja-Dorf übertragen um diesen mit seinen ausgebildeten Ninja's zu erfüllen. Unterteilt werden Missionen hierbei in ein Rang-System: S ... ist die höchste Klassifizierung einer Mission und wird von Shinobis des S-Ranges oder einem Kage ausgeführt.Da jener Rang recht selten vertreten ist,gibt es auch kaum konkrete Beispiele, doch da man solch hochrangige Ninja's dafür benötigt,kann man deren Schwierigkeit erahnen. A ... sind der höchste,für gewöhnliche Ninjas,zu absolvierende Rang einer Mission, welcher von Jounin's ausgeführt wird. Hierbei ist mit Jounin's als Feind zu rechnen.Missionen welche einen Angriff,einen Sabotageakt oder Aufgaben, die in einem feindlichen Gebiet absolviert werden müssen, werden in der Regel hierbei eingestuft. B ... sind bereits anspruchsvolle Aufgaben für Chuunin's oder Jounin's und beinhalten in der Regel Missionen wie Eskorten, das Beschützen von einem Zielobjekt und dergleichen, mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Ninja's als Feinde zu treffen,im Normalfall im Bereich der Chuunin-Level. C ... sind schon anspruchsvollere Aufgaben für Genin's oder Chuunin's und beinhalten Aufgaben, wie das Eskortieren von Gegenständen oder Personen,wobei höchstens gewöhnliche Menschen aber keine Ninja's als Feine auftreten. D ... sind die rangniedrigsten und beinhalten Aufgaben wie Babysitten, Rasen mähen oder Katzen einfangen. Das sind die ersten Aufgaben von Genin's. Anmerkung: Ab Missionen des Ranges B besteht die Gefahr auf schwere Körperverletzungen, ab dem Rang A besteht sogar Gefahr auf ein frühzeitiges, unnatürliches Ableben.
  • There are many types of missions, ranging from simple delivery to hunting pirates and to advance the storyline. In Galaxy on Fire 2, freelance missions can be picked up in space lounges, while in Galaxy on Fire 3D, there is a specific list of available missions on each station under the mission tab.
  • Mission has two primary meanings in Scientology: * An organized group of CofS Scientologists delivering Scientology services to the public. Such an operation used to be called a Franchise before someone decided the name detracted from the religious image. * A small group of SO members, sent out by a Sea Org management unit to an area under strict supervision to accomplish a specific task. This second one is covered by an article entitled Action mission.
  • In Super Monkey Ball Adventure, missions are various tasks in story mode which need to be preformed to complete the game. Completing missions is one way to fill up the Joy meter, the other being defeating Naysayers. The missions are initiated by various NPCs and last until the player falls out of bounds or misses the time limit (this is only on some missions). There are some missions, like Organet Eggs, which require the use of the Wing Ring. Others require the use of chants, such as Invisiball. The Charity Missions also require the use of several hundred Bananas.
  • Eine Mission ist ein Auftrag, zu dessen Erfüllung jemand oder etwas auf eine Reise geschickt wird. Die Missionen, beispielsweise der Raumschiffe der Sternenflotte, ergeben sich entweder aus Hilferufen, die sie auf ihren regulären Reisen empfangen, oder aus Aufträgen, die ihnen vom Sternenflottenkommando und der Einsatzplanung und den Einsatzzentralen erteilt werden. Dazu erstellt das Sternenflottenkommando Missionspläne.
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