  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp on entinen Merivoimien lippueamiraali sekä Luffyn isoisä. Garp käytti aina ennen noloa koirahattua, mutta ei käytä sitä nykyisin, joko unohdettuaan tai hukattuaan sen. Garp pitää myös kovasti teekekseistä, ja saattaa alkaa puhumaan teekekseistä kesken tärkeidenkin kokousten.
  • Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ中将 - Monkī Dī Gāpu Chūjō) surnommé "Le Héros de la Marine" (海軍の英雄, Kaigun no Eiyū) ou "Garp le Héros" est un ex-Vice-Amiral de la Marine et est maintenant instructeur. Il est l'homme qui s'occupe de l'entraînement de Kobby et d'Hermep. Il fut l'une des figures majeures au même titre que Sengoku et Barbe Blanche lors de l'ère de " Gol D. Roger ". Il est le père de Monkey D. Dragon, le grand-père de Monkey D. Luffy et le grand-père adoptif de Portgas D. Ace.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace. He takes charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to new recruits.
  • Monkey D. Garp ist ein ehemaliger ranghoher Marineoffizier, Dragons Vater und Großvater von dessen Sohn Luffy. Auch für Gol D. Rogers Sohn Ace sorgte er für einige Zeit. Er gilt als der große Held der Marine, der den Piratenkönig Gold Roger immer wieder in die Enge trieb. Nach Aces und Shirohiges Tod in der Schlacht von Marineford tritt er endgültig aus dem aktiven Dienst zurück.
  • thumbMonkey D. Garp este un vice amiral al marinei. El este tatal lui Monkey D. Dragon, bunicul lui Monkey D. Luffy, si tatal adoptiv al lui Portgas D. Ace. El ii ia pe Coby si Helmeppo sa-i antreneze pentru marina. Dupa cei doi ani, el a devenit un Instructor Marin pentru noi recruti. Garp este una dintre figurile majore, impreuna cu Sengoku, Shiki si Barba-Alba, din timpurile in care Gol D. Roger a fost inca viu.
  • Monkey D. Garp è un istruttore della Marina che in passato ricopriva il ruolo di viceammiraglio. Inoltre è il padre di Dragon e il nonno di Rufy.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a Marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace. He took charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to train new recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral.
  • Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ, Monkī D. Gāpu) is a Marine vice admiral in the One Piece series. He is Dragon's father, Luffy's paternal grandfather, and Ace's adoptive grandfather. He took charge of Coby's training. After the war, he became the a Marine Instructor who trains new Marine recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral. Garp is one of the major active figures, along with Sengoku, Shiki, and Whitebeard, who saw the "King of the Pirates" when he was alive. In the third game, he can be unlocked by defeating him in Dream Log mode.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a Marine vice admiral. He is the father of the infamous Revolutionary Army leader Monkey D. Dragon, the paternal grandfather of Straw Hat Pirates Captain Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Whitebeard Pirates 2nd Division Commander Portgas D. Ace. He took charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to train new recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral. Garp is one of the major figures, along with Sengoku, Shiki, and Whitebeard, from the times when the "Pirate King" was still alive.
  • Fue originalmente presentado como un marine que ostentaba el cargo de Vicealmirante. Era el oficial en jefe de la División 153 de la Marine hasta su renuncia, junto con Sengoku tras la Guerra de Marineford, teniendo a su cargo a Coby y Helmeppo. Es el padre de Monkey D. Dragon, abuelo de Monkey D. Luffy y abuelo adoptivo de Portgas D. Ace y de Sabo. Fue una de las figuras más importantes junto con Sengoku y Barbablanca mientras Gol D. Roger estaba vivo.
  • GARP itu tinggi, kulit kecokelatan, dada luas, orang tua berotot tinggi yang berjenggot dan memiliki bekas luka di mata kirinya. Dalam anime, warna matanya yang diungkapkan menjadi biru dan rambutnya abu-abu, tidak seperti manga, di mana itu adalah putih. Kenyataannya ia telah muncul di Romance Dawn, Versi 2 dan wajahnya terekspos, dia mengenakan topeng anjing ketika ia pertama kali diperkenalkan (jadi fans tidak akan menyadari bahwa ia adalah kakek Luffy).
  • M
Row 8 info
  • Legendary Heroes, Old Heroes
Row 4 info
  • Marines, Vice Admiral, Instructor
Row 7 title
  • Goals
  • Marine
  • モンキー・D・ガープ
  • männlich
Row 1 info
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • 78
  • モンキー・D・ガープ
  • Ausbilder
  • モンキー・D・ガープ
Row 8 title
  • Type of hero
  • MarinesColores
  • MarinesColors
Row 4 title
  • Occupation
  • Marina
  • モンキー・D・ガープ
  • Monkī D. Gāpu
  • * istruttore; * viceammiraglio
  • --05-02
  • ;
Row 2 info
  • Garp the fist, Hero of the Marines, Garp the devil
  • Genkotsu
Row 6 info
  • Eating
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
  • 76
  • 78
Row 5 info
  • Enhanced Punches, Enhanced Strenght, Haki
  • Monkī D. Gāpu
Row 2 title
  • Alias
  • モンキー・D・ガープ
Row 6 title
  • Hobby
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D.
  • 431
  • 498
  • 551
  • 567
  • 719
  • Monkī D. Gāpu
Row 5 title
  • Powers/Skills
Row 3 info
  • One Piece
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • Mensch
  • Monkī D Gāpu
Row 7 info
  • Capture Pirates
  • #0000FF
Box Title
  • Hero
  • World Government Marines
  • Monkī Dī Gāpu
  • 0
  • 313
  • 314
  • 323
  • 392
  • 460
  • 476
  • 649
  • 2
  • 76
  • 78
  • 5
  • 8
  • 11
  • 16
  • His fists and cannonballs
  • lebendig
  • * ; *
  • Playable starting in the second title.
  • Roger
  • Z
  • Shakuyaku
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • adoption & rivalry
  • vs Chinjao
  • vs Marco
  • Hiroshi Naka
  • keine
  • - "Garp La Poigne" , - "Héros de la Marine"
  • ゲンコツ
  • Genkotsu
  • Wiederspricht den Richtlinien für Inhalte.
  • 0
  • 438
  • F0F8FF
  • #F0F8FF
  • #F0F8FF
  • --05-02
  • Garp.png
  • 5
  • 0
  • 431
  • 432
  • 438
  • 551
  • 567
  • 719
  • TRon69-SAO
Image size
  • 300
  • --05-02
  • Monkey D. Garp
  • 0
  • 323
  • intro
  • Roger
Image File
  • 6.31152E8
  • 2
  • #2A52BE
  • #2A52BE
  • Monkey D Garp.jpg
  • --05-02
Funi eva
  • Brian Mathis
  • 12
  • *Monkey D. Garp vs. un Tigre = Victoire * Monkey D. Garp vs. Gol D. Roger = Multiples fois mais trop peu d'informations sur leurs combats. * Monkey D. Garp vs. Chinjao = Victoire en un seul échange de coup de Garp. * Monkey D. Garp et Sengoku vs. Shiki = Victoire * Monkey D. Garp vs. L'Équipage du Chapeau de Paille = Fuite * Monkey D. Garp vs. Monkey D. Luffy = Défaite
  • grau
  • Knochenfaust
  • grau
  • Ja
  • Geballte Faust
  • Fue originalmente presentado como un marine que ostentaba el cargo de Vicealmirante. Era el oficial en jefe de la División 153 de la Marine hasta su renuncia, junto con Sengoku tras la Guerra de Marineford, teniendo a su cargo a Coby y Helmeppo. Es el padre de Monkey D. Dragon, abuelo de Monkey D. Luffy y abuelo adoptivo de Portgas D. Ace y de Sabo. Fue una de las figuras más importantes junto con Sengoku y Barbablanca mientras Gol D. Roger estaba vivo. Hizo su primera aparición en la mini-historia de Coby y Helmeppo aunque en ese entonces su verdadera identidad era desconocida, antes de One Piece apareció en Romance Dawn.
  • Monkey D. Garp on entinen Merivoimien lippueamiraali sekä Luffyn isoisä. Garp käytti aina ennen noloa koirahattua, mutta ei käytä sitä nykyisin, joko unohdettuaan tai hukattuaan sen. Garp pitää myös kovasti teekekseistä, ja saattaa alkaa puhumaan teekekseistä kesken tärkeidenkin kokousten.
  • Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ中将 - Monkī Dī Gāpu Chūjō) surnommé "Le Héros de la Marine" (海軍の英雄, Kaigun no Eiyū) ou "Garp le Héros" est un ex-Vice-Amiral de la Marine et est maintenant instructeur. Il est l'homme qui s'occupe de l'entraînement de Kobby et d'Hermep. Il fut l'une des figures majeures au même titre que Sengoku et Barbe Blanche lors de l'ère de " Gol D. Roger ". Il est le père de Monkey D. Dragon, le grand-père de Monkey D. Luffy et le grand-père adoptif de Portgas D. Ace.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace. He takes charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to new recruits.
  • Monkey D. Garp ist ein ehemaliger ranghoher Marineoffizier, Dragons Vater und Großvater von dessen Sohn Luffy. Auch für Gol D. Rogers Sohn Ace sorgte er für einige Zeit. Er gilt als der große Held der Marine, der den Piratenkönig Gold Roger immer wieder in die Enge trieb. Nach Aces und Shirohiges Tod in der Schlacht von Marineford tritt er endgültig aus dem aktiven Dienst zurück.
  • GARP itu tinggi, kulit kecokelatan, dada luas, orang tua berotot tinggi yang berjenggot dan memiliki bekas luka di mata kirinya. Dalam anime, warna matanya yang diungkapkan menjadi biru dan rambutnya abu-abu, tidak seperti manga, di mana itu adalah putih. Kenyataannya ia telah muncul di Romance Dawn, Versi 2 dan wajahnya terekspos, dia mengenakan topeng anjing ketika ia pertama kali diperkenalkan (jadi fans tidak akan menyadari bahwa ia adalah kakek Luffy). Ketika fakta ini terungkap, ia membuang topeng. Sejak saat itu ia hanya mengenakan masker setelah menerobos pintu masuk. GARP juga terlihat merokok cerutu. GARP dan Tsuru adalah dua wakil laksamana memiliki bahu-bantalan khusus; milik mereka adalah hitam dan merah sedangkan warna standar biru. Ketika ia masih muda, dua puluh empat tahun yang lalu, rambut GARP dan jenggot masih hitam, dengan brewok nya mulai memutih. Dia juga mengenakan setelan breasted ganda lebih gelap dengan kemeja putih dan dasi merah, tapi dia sudah memiliki bekas luka di sekitar mata kirinya. Ketika ia masih kecil dan seorang marinir muda, GARP sangat mirip Luffy, meskipun ia tampaknya lebih berotot dibandingkan cucunya. Sebagai anak kecil, ia mengenakan kemeja tropis berkancing mirip dengan celana pendek. Dia terlihat memegang staf pipa dan membawa sebuah peti harta karun saat mengendarai harimau yang dijinakkan. Hal ini diketahui saat GARP punya bekas lukanya di mata kirinya, tapi ia telah memiliki dalam masa-masa kecilnya. Dalam waktu luangnya, seperti ketika mengunjungi Ace atau Luffy pada hari libur, GARP lebih menyukai memakai sandal, satu dari berbagai macam kemeja tropis dan celana pendek berwarna terang. Dia juga terlihat dengan kaos, celana panjang hitam dan sepatu bot.
  • thumbMonkey D. Garp este un vice amiral al marinei. El este tatal lui Monkey D. Dragon, bunicul lui Monkey D. Luffy, si tatal adoptiv al lui Portgas D. Ace. El ii ia pe Coby si Helmeppo sa-i antreneze pentru marina. Dupa cei doi ani, el a devenit un Instructor Marin pentru noi recruti. Garp este una dintre figurile majore, impreuna cu Sengoku, Shiki si Barba-Alba, din timpurile in care Gol D. Roger a fost inca viu.
  • Monkey D. Garp è un istruttore della Marina che in passato ricopriva il ruolo di viceammiraglio. Inoltre è il padre di Dragon e il nonno di Rufy.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a Marine vice admiral. He is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace. He took charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to train new recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral.
  • Monkey D. Garp (モンキー・D・ガープ, Monkī D. Gāpu) is a Marine vice admiral in the One Piece series. He is Dragon's father, Luffy's paternal grandfather, and Ace's adoptive grandfather. He took charge of Coby's training. After the war, he became the a Marine Instructor who trains new Marine recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral. Garp is one of the major active figures, along with Sengoku, Shiki, and Whitebeard, who saw the "King of the Pirates" when he was alive. In the third game, he can be unlocked by defeating him in Dream Log mode.
  • Monkey D. Garp is a Marine vice admiral. He is the father of the infamous Revolutionary Army leader Monkey D. Dragon, the paternal grandfather of Straw Hat Pirates Captain Monkey D. Luffy, and the adoptive grandfather of Whitebeard Pirates 2nd Division Commander Portgas D. Ace. He took charge of both Coby and Helmeppo's training. After the war, he became a Marine Instructor to train new recruits, though still retaining the rank of vice admiral. Garp is one of the major figures, along with Sengoku, Shiki, and Whitebeard, from the times when the "Pirate King" was still alive.
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