  • Kitah
  • Kitah
  • Kitah is a Canthan hero of legend. Her spirit still resides in Tahnnakai Temple. She defended a Canthan port from an organized pirate invasion three hundred years earlier. As her pedestal in Tahnnakai Temple says:
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  • Kitah is a Canthan hero of legend. Her spirit still resides in Tahnnakai Temple. She defended a Canthan port from an organized pirate invasion three hundred years earlier. As her pedestal in Tahnnakai Temple says: 300 years ago, when the thriving Canthan port of Dinfang was invaded by the people then known only as "naitahlen" or "pirates," the Canthan army sent a small force stationed at nearby Fort Fu to put down what they saw as nothing more than a pack of rabid dogs. When young Kitah arrived with her troops, she discovered that an organized invasion was underway, led by the naitahlen admiral, Appollonia. Severely outnumbered and out-gunned, the Mesmer created a cloud of illusion that made her squadron appear to double in size, then redouble, then redouble again until her force appeared a great army. As she ordered the charge, the naitahlen scattered in terror, many running into the sea and drowning themselves. In the midst of the chaos, Kitah found Appollonia, a Warrior, and the two fought until both fell down dead on the battlefield. Dinfang was ultimately saved, and Kitah inducted into Tahnnakai Temple.