  • 1167
  • 1167
  • Annette fürchtet, von Tom schwanger zu sein und Ingo für immer verloren zu haben. Doch er verzeiht ihr - allerdings ohne etwas von Annettes Befürchtung zu wissen. Nur ihr merkwürdiges Verhalten gibt Ingo Rätsel auf, und schließlich beschleicht ihn ein Verdacht: Annette hat echte Gefühle für Tom. Während Ben nervös dem Prozess entgegenfiebert, befürchtet Isabelle, dass sie Katja in ernste Gefahr gebracht hat. Um sich von dem schlechten Gewissen zu befreien, schreibt sie einen anonymen Brief, damit Katja befreit wird. Doch als sie mitbekommt, wie sehr Ben sich auf seine Zukunft mit Katja freut, schwinden Isabelles Skrupel. Richard ist von Claudias Einzug völlig überrumpelt, versucht aber, sich dies nicht anmerken zu lassen. Simone sitzt indes alleine in der Villa und ihr wird bewusst, wie ei
  • Daphne wakes up and finds the wedding dress that she saw in her dream. Daphne struggles to remember why she came to this room and where she has seen the dress, and her thoughts are interrupted by Carrie, who is exploring the house. Carrie excitedly looks at the dress, but she realizes that Daphne is upset and calms herself down. Daphne decides to take her back downstairs, but Carrie has a premonition that something important is going to happen in this room very soon. The two leave the room, and Gerard steps out of the shadows, smiling.
  • 1167
  • 1970-12-07
  • 1150
  • 1840
  • 1970-12-15
  • 1167
  • Annette fürchtet, von Tom schwanger zu sein und Ingo für immer verloren zu haben. Doch er verzeiht ihr - allerdings ohne etwas von Annettes Befürchtung zu wissen. Nur ihr merkwürdiges Verhalten gibt Ingo Rätsel auf, und schließlich beschleicht ihn ein Verdacht: Annette hat echte Gefühle für Tom. Während Ben nervös dem Prozess entgegenfiebert, befürchtet Isabelle, dass sie Katja in ernste Gefahr gebracht hat. Um sich von dem schlechten Gewissen zu befreien, schreibt sie einen anonymen Brief, damit Katja befreit wird. Doch als sie mitbekommt, wie sehr Ben sich auf seine Zukunft mit Katja freut, schwinden Isabelles Skrupel. Richard ist von Claudias Einzug völlig überrumpelt, versucht aber, sich dies nicht anmerken zu lassen. Simone sitzt indes alleine in der Villa und ihr wird bewusst, wie einsam sie ist. Sie entschließt sich, mithilfe ihres Jugendfreundes Ferdinand von Wahle dagegen anzukämpfen. In Richard kocht die Eifersucht hoch, was Simone zufrieden zur Kenntnis nimmt.
  • Daphne wakes up and finds the wedding dress that she saw in her dream. Daphne struggles to remember why she came to this room and where she has seen the dress, and her thoughts are interrupted by Carrie, who is exploring the house. Carrie excitedly looks at the dress, but she realizes that Daphne is upset and calms herself down. Daphne decides to take her back downstairs, but Carrie has a premonition that something important is going to happen in this room very soon. The two leave the room, and Gerard steps out of the shadows, smiling. In the drawing room, Lamar wants Gerard to expedite Quentin's trial, because the townspeople are getting more nervous by the day. Lamar thinks they should try to get Barnabas involved in the trial to further incriminate Quentin, and potentially have him beheaded, as well. Gerard realizes that they have no case whatsoever against Barnabas, but Lamar is convinced he has some strange powers and that he played a role in Roxanne's death. Lamar thinks that perhaps they should start checking in on Julia. The two discuss the possibility of if there is a vampire at Collinwood, and they agree to meet at Rose Cottage the next day to talk to Flora about her new book on vampirism. Lamar leaves and Daphne enters, but doesn't want to be around Gerard. Gerard convinces her to stay, and claims that Charles is no longer his friend after he agreed to be the prosecutor in the trial. He tries to get her to trust him, but she is skeptical. Gerard again tells Daphne that she will end up loving him, and kisses her. The next morning at Rose Cottage, Flora hires Jeremy as a part-time accountant. He plans to keep his job a secret from his father, Mordecai. Jeremy says he doesn't believe in witchcraft and is happy that he is nothing like his father. He starts asking many questions about Carrie, such as if she is old enough to be courted. Flora happily sends him on an errand to Collinwood so he has an excuse to see Carrie. That afternoon, Lamar and Gerard visit Flora at Rose Cottage to discuss her research. Flora reveals that there was a vampire at Collinwood in the winter of 1796. Lamar remarks that was the time his father was at Collinwood, and later disappeared. Flora makes it clear that she doesn't want to discuss witchcraft with Lamar, and she strongly feels that Quentin is innocent. Gerard says it's a shame that Daniel and Ben aren't alive to help them in their search. At Collinwood, Carrie walks into the drawing room and someone puts their hands over her eyes. Jeremy reveals himself to Carrie and the two begin chatting, but are nearly caught by Gerard and Lamar. Jeremy hides behind the curtains while Gerard asks Carrie where he can find some of Ben's belongings, and Carrie says everything should still be in his room in the west wing. Gerard and Lamar leave and Jeremy comes out of hiding. He asks her to meet him later tonight to discuss his future plans. Later, Gerard and Lamar read through Ben's diary and learn that Lamar's father disappeared when he discovered "a secret in the Old House basement," and remembers that's where he heard strange noises the day Roxanne was destroyed. Gerard wonders if the Barnabas who lives at Collinwood now is the same as the one who lived in the late 18th century. Lamar becomes convinced that there is something behind the wall in the Old House basement. Gerard and Lamar go to the Old House and tear down the brick wall, where they find the skeleton of Reverend Trask. Gerard retrieves a note from Reverend Trask's coat and hands it to Lamar, who is certain Barnabas killed his father and vows his revenge.
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