  • 1168
  • 1168
  • In the basement of the Old House, Gerard and Lamar find the skeleton of Reverend Trask. Gerard finds a note in the coat pocket of the skeleton, and Lamar is convinced that Barnabas killed his father. Lamar reads the note to Gerard. It is addressed to Reverend Trask, and says that if he wants to know who killed Abigail Collins and is responsible for all of the recent attacks, he needs to go to the Old House basement after dusk, and not to let Ben stop him. The letter is signed by "A". After discussing the letter, Lamar correctly guesses that Barnabas is a vampire and Angelique was the real witch in 1796, and was his wife, not his mother. Gerard wonders why Angelique would betray Barnabas like that, but Lamar passes that off as being irrelevant. Lamar points out that Barnabas has never shown
  • Ingo verlangt von Annette eine Erklärung für ihr Verhalten, und Annette gesteht Ingo, dass sie schwanger ist und glaubt, dass Tom der Vater sein könnte. Ingo ertränkt überfordert seinen Frust im Alkohol und lässt tief verletzt seine Wut über die gesamte Situation an Toms Bulli aus. Während Katja im Container zunehmend verzweifelt, da ihre Hilferufe nach wie vor nicht gehört werden, wächst in Ben die Sorge um Katja. Obwohl sie angeblich im Urlaub ist, wundert es Ben, dass sich Katja weder bei ihm noch bei ihrer Familie gemeldet hat. Doch Ben lässt sich zunächst von Claudia beruhigen, die sicher ist, dass es Katja gut geht. Deniz und Roman planen, nach ihrer Versöhnung gemeinsam in den Urlaub zu fahren, und Florian freut sich auf die sturmfreie Bude und die Zweisamkeit mit Franziska. Als Flo
  • 1168
  • 1970-12-08
  • 1151
  • 1840
  • 1970-12-16
  • 1168
  • Ingo verlangt von Annette eine Erklärung für ihr Verhalten, und Annette gesteht Ingo, dass sie schwanger ist und glaubt, dass Tom der Vater sein könnte. Ingo ertränkt überfordert seinen Frust im Alkohol und lässt tief verletzt seine Wut über die gesamte Situation an Toms Bulli aus. Während Katja im Container zunehmend verzweifelt, da ihre Hilferufe nach wie vor nicht gehört werden, wächst in Ben die Sorge um Katja. Obwohl sie angeblich im Urlaub ist, wundert es Ben, dass sich Katja weder bei ihm noch bei ihrer Familie gemeldet hat. Doch Ben lässt sich zunächst von Claudia beruhigen, die sicher ist, dass es Katja gut geht. Deniz und Roman planen, nach ihrer Versöhnung gemeinsam in den Urlaub zu fahren, und Florian freut sich auf die sturmfreie Bude und die Zweisamkeit mit Franziska. Als Florian jedoch seinen Aushilfsjob als Fassadenstreicher verliert, kündigt Florians Vater den Deal und zitiert seinen Sohn zurück nach Gunzenhausen.
  • In the basement of the Old House, Gerard and Lamar find the skeleton of Reverend Trask. Gerard finds a note in the coat pocket of the skeleton, and Lamar is convinced that Barnabas killed his father. Lamar reads the note to Gerard. It is addressed to Reverend Trask, and says that if he wants to know who killed Abigail Collins and is responsible for all of the recent attacks, he needs to go to the Old House basement after dusk, and not to let Ben stop him. The letter is signed by "A". After discussing the letter, Lamar correctly guesses that Barnabas is a vampire and Angelique was the real witch in 1796, and was his wife, not his mother. Gerard wonders why Angelique would betray Barnabas like that, but Lamar passes that off as being irrelevant. Lamar points out that Barnabas has never shown up during the day, and recalls his absence at Daniel and Roxanne's funerals. The two realize the Barnabas in 1840 is the same one who lived at Collinwood in 1796 and he must be destroyed. That night, Barnabas rises from his coffin as Gerard and Lamar conceal Reverend Trask's burial site. However, they hear Barnabas and Julia talking near the door. Gerard and Lamar eavesdrop on the conversation between Barnabas and Julia. They discuss Quentin's trial, which seems to be going in favor of Quentin. The conversation then turns toward Gerard. Julia points out things at Collinwood have been going rather smoothly since Gerard took over, and she wonders if Gerard will still become what they expect him to. She hopes that they will be wrong about Gerard. Barnabas decides to head to the jail to see Quentin and Julia heads to Collinwood. Once they're gone, Lamar becomes suspicious toward Gerard and asks if there is something he is up to that he doesn't know about. Gerard lies and says he has no idea what they were talking about, but secretly wonders if they know he is really Judah. He decides to focus on destroying Barnabas. Later at Collinwood, Carrie confronts Gerard and the foyer and angrily demands why he took her grandfather's diary without asking. Gerard lies and says he gave the diary to Flora to help her with her new book. Carrie starts to leave to go retrieve it, but Gerard uncontrollably yells at her and tells her to get over it. She nearly starts crying, and Gerard collects himself at apologizes. Carrie declares there is something different about Gerard and wishes he would go back to normal. A few hours later, Julia returns and finds Carrie in the drawing room in tears. Carrie tries to hide her emotions, but Julia is able to get her to reveal her beliefs that Gerard has been acting very strange lately, and he seems more angry and sinister. Julia also learns that he and Lamar took Ben's diary without asking, and becomes very concerned about what might be in the diary about Barnabas. Julia quickly excuses herself, much to Carrie's confusion. Julia heads to the Old House and reports to Barnabas that Gerard and Lamar have possession of Ben's diary. Barnabas wonders if they know his secret, while Julia is worried that Ben may have revealed the location of Barnabas' coffin in his writings. Barnabas refuses to believe that Ben revealed his secret in his diary. Julia thinks he should leave Collinsport for a while, but he is determined to stay and accomplish their mission. In the middle of the night, Lamar sneaks into Collinwood and meets Gerard in the drawing room. He gives Gerard a gun with silver bullets, and tells him he will have to destroy Barnabas because he has been scheduled to testify against Quentin in the trial tomorrow. Lamar says there is another problem, however: the location of Barnabas' coffin. Gerard says he has looked at the architectural renderings of the Old House and knows there is a secret room behind the bookcase in the parlor. The next afternoon, Gerard goes to Old House with the pistol and the intentions of killing Barnabas. He approaches the bookcase and Julia tries to stop him, but to everyone's surprise, Barnabas shows up and asks Gerard if he needs help finding a book.
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