  • Ki-rin
  • Ki-Rin
  • Ki-rin
  • The Ki-rin, or the Unicorn, was a mystical creature, incomprehensible to the mortal mind. Its rare appearances in the Empire had always foreshadowed monumental events, such as the Return of the Unicorn and the Rain of Blood. It was also the namesake of the Ki-Rin Clan, and the true form of its founder Shinjo. It was said that the Ki-rin and the Phoenix, the two fabled creatures, were brothers. It also had been linked to the Elemental Dragons.
  • Ki-rin have horse-like bodies, with long, flowing manes spun with sparks of silver lightning. In the centre of the creature's forehead sprouts a long silver horn, used to impale its foes. They are occasionally ridden by powerful heroes.[1a]
  • Ki-rins were noble creatures native to the celestial planes who either worked for good-aligned deities in direct opposition to the forces of evil or served as protectors of large areas of the mortal world. They were regarded as harbingers of good fortune, and days when a ki-rin was sighted were considered blessed.
  • Ki-Rin is a servitor of the gods and creature of wisdom, law and goodness. It's appearance is with a Horse body, feathered wings, and a Lion-like head.
  • Ki-Rin was a planet settled by humans where Chinese was spoken. (HH8)
  • A ki-rin was an oriental unicorn. The sword Yashaken featured a ki-rin carved into its hilt-guard.
  • The ki-rin, A, is an angelic being in NetHack. It is often a candidate for a player's steed (if they manage to tame one - difficult due to its high magic resistance) due to its high speed, power, and ability to fly. They also will wear amulets of reflection (though they are not generated with them), preventing any nasty disintegration accidents. A ki-rin steed will never buck you despite a worn ring of conflict due to the way monster level enters the workings of monster magic resistance (unless you level drain it below 15).
  • thumb|250px|Ki-rin w Volo Guide to Monsters thumb|250px|Ki-rin Ki-riny to szlachetne stworzenia przemierzające nieboskłon w poszukiwaniu istot, które warto by wynagrodzić za dobre, a ukarać za złe uczynki. Ki-riny przypominają jednorożce pokryte lśniącą, złotą łuską, o ciemnozłotych grzywach i ogonach. Ich oczy mają barwę głębokiego fioletu a róg i kopyta - złota nakrapianego różem. Istoty te mają głęboki, melodyjny głos. Dzięki wrodzonej zdolności telepatii są w stanie porozumieć się z każdą żyjącą istotą. W walce ki-riny są potężnymi przeciwnikami, zdolnymi zadawać straszliwe obrażenia swymi kopytami i rogiem. Ponadto posiadają zdolności rzucania czarów porównywalne do najpotężniejszych magów. Zdolność telepatii pozwala im na czytanie myśli innych i praktycznie wyklucza możliwość zaskocz
  • The Ki-Rin, also known as Kirin and Kyrin are very rare Spiritual Creatures living in Spiritual Realms who have a large degree of untouched wilderness - they're very powerful and are born when a sentient Spiritual Creature, such as a Shinigami dies while harboring intense wishes of a pure and selfless nature. These emotions take form in a manner very similar to the creation of a Diabolus, only that these creatures absorb only positive emotions and not negative ones, although they do absorb neutral emotions as well.
  • Ki-rin are among the rarest randomly generated monsters in ADOM. Estimates for their likelihood vary, but even conservative estimates would put their frequency at significantly less than 1 per complete game — 1 per 10 or 20 complete games is probably more accurate. Ki-rin have a fairly high danger level, which contributes in part to their scarcity — they are generally only seen on levels of the CoC around or below the Casino. They also may be found by very unlucky heroes in the Dwarven Halls. The monster memory also indicates that they may be found in the Library; in practice, however, they do not seem any more likely to spawn in the Rift or Library than anywhere else. Ki-rin are formidable opponents, capable of casting death rays which can cause hundreds of points of damage to resistant P
  • 16
  • Lawful
  • 13'
  • No
  • It is unknown if ki-rin drop corpses.
  • Very high
  • Only to non-Lawfuls
patron deity
  • Huge
Monster Memory
  • A mighty being with golden scales, fiery eyes and cork-screw horns. The ki-rin is the embodiment of law, truth, righteousness and purity. It is a grave offense to attack this sacred creature. Its penetrating gaze reaches the recesses of your soul which is why it has no illusions about the morals of most intelligent races in Ancardia. The ki-rins are resigned to fight a solitary battle to right the unrightable wrong and free the world from the forces of Chaos. In this, they are supported by all Ancardian deities. Ki-rins also see themselves as the guardians of tradition and learning. You will usually find some of their more bookish representatives in the sinister library of Niltrias. Be warned that they don't take kindly to plundering adventurers.
  • 5
  • No
  • No
  • Always lawful good
  • None
  • *Immune to acid, cold, fire, and shock *Very often shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic *Casts Death ray *Rapidly regenerates
  • 18
  • 21
  • Ki-rin
  • Golden
  • 15
  • Very rare, appears only outside of Gehennom
  • Various depictions of ki-rins.
  • Huge
  • 18
  • All, telepathy
  • 1450
  • Any
  • 90
  • Purple
  • -5
  • Ki-rin are among the rarest randomly generated monsters in ADOM. Estimates for their likelihood vary, but even conservative estimates would put their frequency at significantly less than 1 per complete game — 1 per 10 or 20 complete games is probably more accurate. Ki-rin have a fairly high danger level, which contributes in part to their scarcity — they are generally only seen on levels of the CoC around or below the Casino. They also may be found by very unlucky heroes in the Dwarven Halls. The monster memory also indicates that they may be found in the Library; in practice, however, they do not seem any more likely to spawn in the Rift or Library than anywhere else. Ki-rin are formidable opponents, capable of casting death rays which can cause hundreds of points of damage to resistant PCs, or kill unprepared ones outright. They are immune to all four elements, able to regenerate, and shrug off bolts with frustrating frequency. Ki-rin are lawfully aligned and will be generated non-hostile to lawful PCs. Like most lawful creatures, attacking or killing them will result in a significant shift in alignment toward chaotic .
  • F
  • Level 1 DV: 40 PV: 25 Hits: 165 Attacks: 3 Damage: 10-31 Speed: 100
  • 259200.0
  • Golden
  • Any
  • Herbivore
  • Unknown
  • 532
  • Random
  • Large
  • No
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 400
  • 12
  • Huge
  • Any
  • 250
  • The Ki-rin, or the Unicorn, was a mystical creature, incomprehensible to the mortal mind. Its rare appearances in the Empire had always foreshadowed monumental events, such as the Return of the Unicorn and the Rain of Blood. It was also the namesake of the Ki-Rin Clan, and the true form of its founder Shinjo. It was said that the Ki-rin and the Phoenix, the two fabled creatures, were brothers. It also had been linked to the Elemental Dragons.
  • Ki-rin have horse-like bodies, with long, flowing manes spun with sparks of silver lightning. In the centre of the creature's forehead sprouts a long silver horn, used to impale its foes. They are occasionally ridden by powerful heroes.[1a]
  • Ki-rins were noble creatures native to the celestial planes who either worked for good-aligned deities in direct opposition to the forces of evil or served as protectors of large areas of the mortal world. They were regarded as harbingers of good fortune, and days when a ki-rin was sighted were considered blessed.
  • thumb|250px|Ki-rin w Volo Guide to Monsters thumb|250px|Ki-rin Ki-riny to szlachetne stworzenia przemierzające nieboskłon w poszukiwaniu istot, które warto by wynagrodzić za dobre, a ukarać za złe uczynki. Ki-riny przypominają jednorożce pokryte lśniącą, złotą łuską, o ciemnozłotych grzywach i ogonach. Ich oczy mają barwę głębokiego fioletu a róg i kopyta - złota nakrapianego różem. Istoty te mają głęboki, melodyjny głos. Dzięki wrodzonej zdolności telepatii są w stanie porozumieć się z każdą żyjącą istotą. W walce ki-riny są potężnymi przeciwnikami, zdolnymi zadawać straszliwe obrażenia swymi kopytami i rogiem. Ponadto posiadają zdolności rzucania czarów porównywalne do najpotężniejszych magów. Zdolność telepatii pozwala im na czytanie myśli innych i praktycznie wyklucza możliwość zaskoczenia. Ponadto mają wrodzone magiczne moce tworzenia jedzenia i wody oraz rozmaitych przedmiotów z tkaniny i drewna i nietrwałych wyrobów z metalu. Tworzone przez nie iluzje, zawierające komponenty wizualne, dźwiękowe i zapachowe trwają do momentu rozproszenia przy pomocy magii lub niewiary. Ki-riny mogą przybierać gazową postać, kroczyć w powietrzu i wpływać na pogodę. Ponadto mają swobodny dostęp do planów Astralnego i Eterycznego. Ki-riny są istotami powietrzolubnymi i niechętnie stąpają po ziemi. Jedynie samce wchodzą w kontakty z innymi istotami, natomiast miejsce przebywania samic i młodych ki-rinów pozostaje nieznane. Ki-riny chętnie pomagają dobrym istotom w potrzebie jeśli zostają o to poproszone, lub jeśli maluczcy stają w obliczu potężnych sił zła. Z powodu swej wiary w samodoskonalenie, rzadko poświęcają uwagę problemom, które śmiertelnicy są w stanie rozwiązać samodzielnie. Ki-riny posilają się wiktuałami, które same wytwarzają. Są to często wymyślne i wykwintne potrawy, wyczarowane z dużą pomysłowością. Czasami zakładają siedziby na niedostępnych szczytach górskich lub płaskowyżach. Są to zazwyczaj wykute w skale jaskinie udekorowane magicznie wytworzonymi przedmiotami z drewna i sukna. Wystrój jest zawsze wykwintny i luksusowy. Nie brakuje bogatych szat, dekoracji, poduszek i innych wygód. Porządek utrzymywany jest poprzez kontrolowany magicznie wiatr, który wywiewa śmieci i nieczystości. Choć są hojne i pozbawione chciwości, ki-riny gromadzą nieco bogactw - ich własne wytwory sztuki, podarunki od przyjaciół i sojuszników, pamiątki z podróży, trofea wojenne a nawet okup zebrany od ukaranych złoczyńców. Ki-riny spędzają większość czasu zajęte własnymi sprawami. Regularnie śledzą poczynania potężnych istot i ugrupowań o złych tendencjach, interweniując jeśli sytuacja tego wymaga. Swych sojuszników hojnie wynagradzają, same natomiast są znienawidzone przez siewców zła, jednak niewiele istot jest na tyle potężnych, by stawić im czoła.
  • Ki-rin are among the rarest randomly generated monsters in ADOM. Estimates for their likelihood vary, but even conservative estimates would put their frequency at significantly less than 1 per complete game — 1 per 10 or 20 complete games is probably more accurate. Ki-rin have a fairly high danger level, which contributes in part to their scarcity — they are generally only seen on levels of the CoC around or below the Casino. They also may be found by very unlucky heroes in the Dwarven Halls. The monster memory also indicates that they may be found in the Library; in practice, however, they do not seem any more likely to spawn in the Rift or Library than anywhere else. Ki-rin are formidable opponents, capable of casting death rays which can cause hundreds of points of damage to resistant PCs, or kill unprepared ones outright. They are immune to all four elements, able to regenerate, and shrug off bolts with frustrating frequency. Ki-rin are lawfully aligned and will be generated non-hostile to lawful PCs. Like most lawful creatures, attacking or killing them will result in a significant shift in alignment toward chaotic (although not as much as, for example white unicorns).
  • The ki-rin, A, is an angelic being in NetHack. It is often a candidate for a player's steed (if they manage to tame one - difficult due to its high magic resistance) due to its high speed, power, and ability to fly. They also will wear amulets of reflection (though they are not generated with them), preventing any nasty disintegration accidents. A ki-rin steed will never buck you despite a worn ring of conflict due to the way monster level enters the workings of monster magic resistance (unless you level drain it below 15). Any non-knight should count on a charmed ki-rin going wild (peaceful) after mounting, kicking or whipping it five times.
  • The Ki-Rin, also known as Kirin and Kyrin are very rare Spiritual Creatures living in Spiritual Realms who have a large degree of untouched wilderness - they're very powerful and are born when a sentient Spiritual Creature, such as a Shinigami dies while harboring intense wishes of a pure and selfless nature. These emotions take form in a manner very similar to the creation of a Diabolus, only that these creatures absorb only positive emotions and not negative ones, although they do absorb neutral emotions as well. Ki-Rin are usually only seen at certain times and commonly only show themselves under exceptional circumstances; the most well-known example being shortly before the appearance of a future prodigy; and one appeared shortly before the first appearances of Izanagi, Shinrei, Toshiro and Gin.
  • Ki-Rin is a servitor of the gods and creature of wisdom, law and goodness. It's appearance is with a Horse body, feathered wings, and a Lion-like head.
  • Ki-Rin was a planet settled by humans where Chinese was spoken. (HH8)
  • A ki-rin was an oriental unicorn. The sword Yashaken featured a ki-rin carved into its hilt-guard.