  • 21
  • 21
  • 21
  • 21
  • 21
  • 21
  • 21
  • In the Collinwood Kitchen, Victoria and Carolyn eat and talk about recent events. Victoria believes Burke; Bill accuses Burke and says he's filled with hate. Carolyn hopes Victoria's right, or she'll feel guilty for bringing Burke to Collinwood. Victoria relates a story from the Foundling Home to assuage Carolyn's opinion. Victoria learns that Wilbur Strake investigated her. Victoria accuses Elizabeth (who becomes quite agitated over the fact that Victoria's past is being looked into) of knowing something about her past; Burke learns of the chain of gossip.
  • 21 (twenty-one) is a positive integer following 20 and preceding 23. It is an odd composite number, and the 6th triangular number.
  • 21 is an arc number which appears often in That Cool Show That Makes No Sense Whatsoever. It has appeared in many episodes, and is often unnoticed by the characters and viewers. It has currently appeared in every episode except A Tale Of Two... Well, Something and Chocolate Milk Just Chocolate.
  • 21 ( API : /vɛ̃.t‿e.œ̃/ ) 1. * Vingt-et-un. Le numéro gagnant est le 21. 2. * Habitant du département de la Côte-d’Or. Les 21 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 21ième 21 ( API : /vɛ̃.t‿e.œ̃/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Côte-d’Or. J’habite dans le 21. * Deux un * * Bourgogne * Dijon * *
  • 21 is a number. It is half of 42.
  • Episode 21, unlocked after completing episode 20.
  • This port is the default port for FTP protocols (in game). You can use FTPBounce.exe or FTPSprint.exe (requires the Hacknet Labyrinths DLC) to hack it. WARNING : In some servers if you try to hack this port, it may start the tracing app.
  • Men are shown standing at urinals in a bathroom.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "21" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Juan Beniquez (1988*) * Tom Bruno (1977) * Francisco Cabrera (1989*) * Willie Canate (1993) * Rico Carty (1978*-1979) * Roger Clemens (1997-1998) * Buck Coats (2008) * Carlos Delgado (1996) * Charlie Greene (2000*) * Gabe Gross (2004) * Cory Lidle (2003) * Esteban Loaiza (2000*-2002) * Charlie Moore (1987) * Chad Mottola (2006) * Greg Myers (1990-1992) * Willis Otanez (1999) * Mark Ross (1988*) * Ken Schrom (1980, 1982) * Ron Shepherd (1984-1986) * Ozzie Virgil (1989*) * Mark Wiley (1978*)
  • 21, (linia tramwajowa) normalna , tymczasowo zawieszona z powodu remontu Placu Bema. Kursująca z Wrocławskiego Parku Przemysłowego na pętle Stadion Olimpijski
  • El veintiuno (apocopado veintiún) (21) es el número natural que sigue al veinte y precede al veintidós. Categoría:Números
  • 21 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Côte-d’Or. 2. * J’habite dans le 21. * deux un * Bourgogne * Dijon * *
  • #21 is the twenty-first figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 21 is a internet meme which spawned from the Vine What's 9 + 10. In the vine a black kid answers the question with "21“. The Vine was the created into a internet senstation and has gotten many remixes and remakes.
  • The player resumes control of Clancy Jarvis after being captured by Lucas. The game centers around the same rules as Blackjack: first to 21 without going over wins. The loser either has a finger chopped off or is electrocuted, depending on the game mode.
  • 21 is the 20th studio album by German heavy metal band Rage released on February 24, 2012 through Nuclear Blast Records. The production were once again helmed by Charlie Bauerfeind.
  • The Number 21 is one of the six "Numbers" (4 8 15 16 21 44).
  • 21 is a Grammy-nominated album by the British pop singer Adele.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 21.
  • [[Plik:21.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 21 (powiększ)]] 21 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, kursowała z Żerania FSO na Plac Narutowicza. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej od 34 do 43 minut, a kursowała co 10 minut w godzinach szczytu oraz co 15 minut poza szczytem i w dni wolne.
  • I first started asking questions when I was 13 years old. Unlike the majority of the people I knew at this age, I had never met my father nor did I ever quiz my mother on his name, features, history or current location - until now. My mother was holding a glass in one hand, a carton of orange juice in the other as I allowed myself to finally inquire about my dad - at the mention of said person the glass slipped out my mother's hand and smashed against the floor. Her eyes went narrow, her face twisting into a look of anger and prosecution. Then she hit me. Again and again.
  • Geschockt von Jennys Verlobungsbekanntgabe flüchtet Diana zu Annette und sucht Trost im Alkohol. In stark angetrunkenem Zustand beschließt Diana, Julian zur Rede zu stellen. Bevor sie ihrer Enttäuschung Luft machen kann, rettet Julian sie davor überfahren zu werden. Außerdem eröffnet er ihr, nichts von Jennys Verlobungsplänen gewusst zu haben. Diana ist erleichtert, doch Jenny hat Diana längst durchschaut und sagt ihr auf den Kopf zu, in Julian verliebt zu sein. Simone ist erbost. Sie hat an Richards Hemd verräterische Make-up-Spuren entdeckt. In ihr keimt erneut der Verdacht auf, dass ihr Mann sie betrügt. Wütend macht sich Simone Richtung Zentrum auf, um Richard zur Rede zu stellen. Tim legt sich mit Simone an und sammelt damit wieder Punkte bei Vanessa, die über das Desinteresse ihrer M
  • Medizin in Harvard zu studieren, das ist der große Traum vom Mathematikstudenten Ben Campbell. Er kann es sich jedoch finanziell nicht leisten. Zwei Optionen bleiben über: Eines der raren Stipendien ergattern oder das schnelle Geld machen. Letzteres wird tatsächlich möglich. Bens Mathematikprofessor Mickey Rosa holt ihn in sein geheimes "Blackjack Team", eine Gruppe junger hochbegabter M.I.T.-Studenten, die von Rosa zu professionellen Kartenzählern ausgebildet werden – darunter auch Bens Schwarm Jill.
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 21 (August 29, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, Merhaba! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: Whenever I go to the bathroom, I have to take a dump before I can take a piss. However in situations where I do not need to take a dump, I still cannot take a piss. What can I do to solve this problem? Narrator: Why are finished structures called buildings? Shouldn't they be called builts? The End
  • ejs
  • 12.0
  • 19
  • 20
  • 435.775000
Folgen Nummer
  • 21
  • 21
  • 2008
Kinostart DE
  • 2008-04-10
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  • Englisch
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  • 123.0
  • 22
  • 1966-07-11
  • FSK 12
  • 21
  • 21
  • ls
  • 1967
  • 1
  • Episode 21
  • wAv
  • 1966-07-25
Character Name
  • Linia 21 .svg
  • 2
  • 20
  • 20.0
  • 21
  • 21
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  • 40
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  • 3.5E7
  • Bawz_20061002_0021_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 21
  • In the Collinwood Kitchen, Victoria and Carolyn eat and talk about recent events. Victoria believes Burke; Bill accuses Burke and says he's filled with hate. Carolyn hopes Victoria's right, or she'll feel guilty for bringing Burke to Collinwood. Victoria relates a story from the Foundling Home to assuage Carolyn's opinion. Victoria learns that Wilbur Strake investigated her. Victoria accuses Elizabeth (who becomes quite agitated over the fact that Victoria's past is being looked into) of knowing something about her past; Burke learns of the chain of gossip.
  • Geschockt von Jennys Verlobungsbekanntgabe flüchtet Diana zu Annette und sucht Trost im Alkohol. In stark angetrunkenem Zustand beschließt Diana, Julian zur Rede zu stellen. Bevor sie ihrer Enttäuschung Luft machen kann, rettet Julian sie davor überfahren zu werden. Außerdem eröffnet er ihr, nichts von Jennys Verlobungsplänen gewusst zu haben. Diana ist erleichtert, doch Jenny hat Diana längst durchschaut und sagt ihr auf den Kopf zu, in Julian verliebt zu sein. Simone ist erbost. Sie hat an Richards Hemd verräterische Make-up-Spuren entdeckt. In ihr keimt erneut der Verdacht auf, dass ihr Mann sie betrügt. Wütend macht sich Simone Richtung Zentrum auf, um Richard zur Rede zu stellen. Tim legt sich mit Simone an und sammelt damit wieder Punkte bei Vanessa, die über das Desinteresse ihrer Mutter tief verletzt ist.
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 21 (August 29, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, Merhaba! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: Whenever I go to the bathroom, I have to take a dump before I can take a piss. However in situations where I do not need to take a dump, I still cannot take a piss. What can I do to solve this problem? ThatGuy: That’s a very good question. My recommendation would be stop eating and drinking. That way you would never have to worry about dumping or pissing again. Of course you will die, but if you’re dump enough to ask that question in the first place, you probably belong dead. Yes. Narrator: I am seeking a transfer to a new college, but I cannot make up my mind. What college did you go to? Maybe I can go there? ThatGuy: I went to Glasses University. There everybody wears glasses and therefore everybody is smart. People think its all good education, studying, and trying hard, but no, it’s wearing glasses. And if you don’t believe me just watch what happens when I take them off. [Takes off glasses and starts yelling with a voice that implies idiocy] Boobies! Boobies! [Runs off screen. A woman starts screaming and the sound of objects breaking is heard] Boobies! Boobies! [Breaking sounds and screaming sounds continue and blend in with various other sounds, possibly a man screaming, and a gun shot, and other noises, before all sound off screen dies out quickly] Boobies! [His voice goes back to normal as he puts his glasses back on, laughing] Hilarious! And quite tragic. Narrator: Why are finished structures called buildings? Shouldn't they be called builts? ThatGuy: No. They are called building for the same reason that we drive in a park way and park in a drive way. The reason women have a pair of panties but only one bra. And the same reason my pinkie is not pink and Greenland not green. Because people are idiots! But at least the smart idiots keep on their glasses. [Takes off glasses again and speaks in the idiotic voice once more] I want another Star Wars movie! [Puts them back on, laughing] I ask you! Narrator: If a Spoon and a Fork is a Spork, what do you call a Spoon and a Knife? ThatGuy: Spnife. [He hits forehead and makes a face as if the answer to the question was obvious] Narrator: You seem to wear the same clothes every episode. Why is that? ThatGuy: Actually I don’t wear the exact same clothes. I have a whole closest of blue robes. I also have an entire drawer of red scarves. I also have an entire room of glasses. An entire mansion of beards. And I even have an entire museum of butt checks. I just love my but cheeks. And there’s a set of cheeks for every occasion. Happy cheeks. [He shows with his hands what “happy cheeks” look like] Sad cheeks. [Shows with his hands what “sad cheeks” look like] Indifference cheeks. [Shows with hands what “indifference cheeks” look like] And my personally favorite, the diarrhea monster. But I don’t think you want to see one reenacted. If you do, call this number for a real good time. [A phone number, 555-6394, appears on bottom of screen. ThatGuy points to it] This is That Guy With The Glasses saying: There’s no such thing as a stupid question, until YOU ask it. [ThatGuy goes back to reading books] The End
  • 21 (twenty-one) is a positive integer following 20 and preceding 23. It is an odd composite number, and the 6th triangular number.
  • 21 is an arc number which appears often in That Cool Show That Makes No Sense Whatsoever. It has appeared in many episodes, and is often unnoticed by the characters and viewers. It has currently appeared in every episode except A Tale Of Two... Well, Something and Chocolate Milk Just Chocolate.
  • 21 ( API : /vɛ̃.t‿e.œ̃/ ) 1. * Vingt-et-un. Le numéro gagnant est le 21. 2. * Habitant du département de la Côte-d’Or. Les 21 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 21ième 21 ( API : /vɛ̃.t‿e.œ̃/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Côte-d’Or. J’habite dans le 21. * Deux un * * Bourgogne * Dijon * *
  • 21 is a number. It is half of 42.
  • Episode 21, unlocked after completing episode 20.
  • This port is the default port for FTP protocols (in game). You can use FTPBounce.exe or FTPSprint.exe (requires the Hacknet Labyrinths DLC) to hack it. WARNING : In some servers if you try to hack this port, it may start the tracing app.
  • Men are shown standing at urinals in a bathroom.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "21" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Juan Beniquez (1988*) * Tom Bruno (1977) * Francisco Cabrera (1989*) * Willie Canate (1993) * Rico Carty (1978*-1979) * Roger Clemens (1997-1998) * Buck Coats (2008) * Carlos Delgado (1996) * Charlie Greene (2000*) * Gabe Gross (2004) * Cory Lidle (2003) * Esteban Loaiza (2000*-2002) * Charlie Moore (1987) * Chad Mottola (2006) * Greg Myers (1990-1992) * Willis Otanez (1999) * Mark Ross (1988*) * Ken Schrom (1980, 1982) * Ron Shepherd (1984-1986) * Ozzie Virgil (1989*) * Mark Wiley (1978*)
  • 21, (linia tramwajowa) normalna , tymczasowo zawieszona z powodu remontu Placu Bema. Kursująca z Wrocławskiego Parku Przemysłowego na pętle Stadion Olimpijski
  • El veintiuno (apocopado veintiún) (21) es el número natural que sigue al veinte y precede al veintidós. Categoría:Números
  • I first started asking questions when I was 13 years old. Unlike the majority of the people I knew at this age, I had never met my father nor did I ever quiz my mother on his name, features, history or current location - until now. My mother was holding a glass in one hand, a carton of orange juice in the other as I allowed myself to finally inquire about my dad - at the mention of said person the glass slipped out my mother's hand and smashed against the floor. Her eyes went narrow, her face twisting into a look of anger and prosecution. Then she hit me. Again and again. And again. Screaming to the point where blood spotted my face as the inside of her throat slit open through strain. Whilst I cowered, my arms covering my face I managed to hear the word "Ördög". After what felt like an eternity of abuse she stopped. Cowering, she left. I never saw her again. Years went on. How I survived is of no importance - the family I now shelter with is of little relevance to this. However, after six years of searching the name Ördög in all kept records I could locate the area where I grew up with my mother - I came across this. 1991 - The year I was born. Twenty murders were committed. Each to a woman who on the day of their murder were celebrating their 21st birthday. Each body was discovered intact, except that their eyes were hollowed out and their mouths were extended to the point where their jaws were completely broken. The intriguing thing was how their mouths couldn't be shut, as though an invisible force was forcing them to stay open. These murders happened over the space of twenty days. One each day at exactly 9:00pm, from the 1st of December to the 20th of December. Exactly 9:00pm. Then they stopped - nobody knew why, and nobody questioned it. They just carried on with their lives. I was born on the 21st December. Time of birth - 9:00pm. My mother was meant to be the 21st victim, however she became the bearer of his child. On your 21st birthday I will approach you. You will not see me until it's too late. The last thing you'll see is my hollow eyes as your own burn out your skull. Your soul will be mine for my father to feast on - if you're lucky. If you're unlucky... If you were born on the 21st of any given month... Well let's just say that a sibling is something I've always liked the sound of.
  • 21 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Côte-d’Or. 2. * J’habite dans le 21. * deux un * Bourgogne * Dijon * *
  • #21 is the twenty-first figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 21 is a internet meme which spawned from the Vine What's 9 + 10. In the vine a black kid answers the question with "21“. The Vine was the created into a internet senstation and has gotten many remixes and remakes.
  • The player resumes control of Clancy Jarvis after being captured by Lucas. The game centers around the same rules as Blackjack: first to 21 without going over wins. The loser either has a finger chopped off or is electrocuted, depending on the game mode.
  • 21 is the 20th studio album by German heavy metal band Rage released on February 24, 2012 through Nuclear Blast Records. The production were once again helmed by Charlie Bauerfeind.
  • Medizin in Harvard zu studieren, das ist der große Traum vom Mathematikstudenten Ben Campbell. Er kann es sich jedoch finanziell nicht leisten. Zwei Optionen bleiben über: Eines der raren Stipendien ergattern oder das schnelle Geld machen. Letzteres wird tatsächlich möglich. Bens Mathematikprofessor Mickey Rosa holt ihn in sein geheimes "Blackjack Team", eine Gruppe junger hochbegabter M.I.T.-Studenten, die von Rosa zu professionellen Kartenzählern ausgebildet werden – darunter auch Bens Schwarm Jill. Geschickte Berechnungen ermöglichen es den jungen Mathefreaks, Blackjack-Spiele zu analysieren und die Gewinnchancen zu vergrößern. Jedes Wochenende fliegen die Profispieler nun mit ihrem Mentor nach Las Vegas, leben ein Leben in Reichtum und Luxus und nehmen nebenbei die Casinobosse ordentlich aus. Doch die ständigen großen Gewinnsummen alarmieren den Chef der Casino-Security, Cole Williams. Bald geraten die Trickser in arge Bedrängnis...
  • The Number 21 is one of the six "Numbers" (4 8 15 16 21 44).
  • 21 is a Grammy-nominated album by the British pop singer Adele.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 21.
  • [[Plik:21.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 21 (powiększ)]] 21 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, kursowała z Żerania FSO na Plac Narutowicza. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej od 34 do 43 minut, a kursowała co 10 minut w godzinach szczytu oraz co 15 minut poza szczytem i w dni wolne.
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