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  • Šalinová linka 22 je velmi oblíbená mezi linkami města Prágl, která je proslulá svými historickými vozy T3 a oplývající vysokým přepravním komfortem, prověřeným i samotnou primátorkou spojených měst Práglu a Bratislavy, Adrianou Krtečkovou. Dvacetdvojku využívají hlavně důchodci jezdící z nudy z Bělohorsku do Hostivaře, cizinci, kteří si pletou 22 s pražskou podzemkou, nemajetní a nepřizpůsobiví. thumb|Jedna z historických šalin linky 22
  • El veintidós (22) es el número natural que sigue al veintiuno y precede al veintitrés (únicamente en el conjunto de los enteros). Categoría:Números
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 22.
  • 22 (twenty-two) is a positive integer following 21 and preceding 23. It is an even composite number and a repdigit number.
  • 21312312EWQ2ASDAW
  • 22 is a number. It is half of 44 and double of 11.
  • Episode 22, unlocked after completing episode 21.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "22" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Rick Bosetti (1978-1981) * Brad Cornett (1995) * Dennis DeBarr (1977) * Rob Ducey (2000*) * Jimmy Key (1985-1992) * Brandon League (2005-2009) * Mike Matheny (1999) * Chad Mottola (2000*) * Charlie O'Brien (1996-1997) * Hosken Powell (1982-1983) * Dick Schofield (1993) * Brian Simmons (2001)
  • "22"(Connor McCue) is fifteen years old and lives right outside Philadelphia PA, close to the Villanova campus. He is a huge Villanova Wildcats, Phillies, and Eagles fan. He plays baseball, basketball, and runs. He is good friends with RandomSauce, who he hosts Halo Community Live with.
  • [[Plik:22.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 22 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:2050+2051-22.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Dwudziestka dwójka na przystanku Cmentarz Żydowski]] 22 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Piasków na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Praga i Żoliborz.
  • All three of the Ugress studio albums feature a track with the number 22 in the title. The tracks are: * Trigger 22 on Resound * Battle 22 on Cinematronics * Regression 22 on Unicorn
  • The number 22 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 22.
  • Bug Fixes: - Fixed auto-routing bug in Shenzu Quest "Test of Endurance". Players will now be directed to the correct location. - Fixed skill description for Level 35 Dragoon Ethyr Skill "Ghostwisper". This skill is a taunt for Dragoons. - Fixed Petcraft vocation text. Changed 1 E-Buck to 1 Gold. Improvements: - Updated "Open Beta" Announcement. - Added text to the three 'Capture' quests to help players understand why they cannot accept the quest. These are given by Ziola and the Dawn Dragonkin & Dusk Dragonkin. Read the known bugs for further information. - Numerous Localization improvements.
  • Diana bemüht sich, ihre Gefühle für Julian zu überspielen. Julian hat zu Jennys Entsetzen die Verlobung vorerst abgesagt. Jenny will sich sogar mit Tim versöhnen, um Julian umzustimmen. Statt auf Jennys Friedensbemühungen einzugehen, heckt Tim zusammen mit Annette einen Plan aus, mit dem Jennys Ansehen bei Julian nachhaltig geschädigt werden würde. Als Diana allerdings merkt, was für drastische Konsequenzen Tims kleiner Streich hätte, gerät Diana in einen Gewissenskonflikt. Nina erhält Tims alten Job im Zentrum und sieht darin eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, sich an Ingo heranzuschmeißen. Ein erneuter Fauxpas von ihr bringt sie aber auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück. Simone konfrontiert Richard mit ihrem Verdacht, dass er eine Affäre hat. Richard redet mit Engelszungen auf Simone ein. Zum
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 22 (September 5, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, G’Day mate! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: I am in a tight and enclosed room at the moment and I have severe claustrophobia. What should I do? Narrator: Do you have any world records? Narrator: If what goes up must come down, where the fuck do my balloons go? Narrator: The police said that I can't drive at 200 mph. Why? The End
  • Burke is looking for Sam, who is painting somewhere, and Maggie is defensive of her father. Roger has settled the insurance on the car, and tries to avoid Sam. Sam implies that he is somehow mixed up in a 'lie' involving the original accident; Roger believes Burke is responsible for his recent accident. The police are becoming involved. Roger flat-out states that only he and Sam know what really happened 10 years ago. Burke and Maggie talk about why he's back in town, and whether or not he has anything against Sam. Sam is angry when he learns Maggie divulged deep, dark Evans secrets to Burke. Sam refuses Burke's help out of his 'jam.' Burke offers Sam $1.000 to paint his portrait; Sam hasn't done one in a while and is extremely reluctant to accept. Burke wants a portrait that's similar to
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  • 1966-07-12
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  • Episode 22
  • 1966-07-26
  • Linia 22 .svg
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  • Bawz_20061004_0022_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 22
  • Šalinová linka 22 je velmi oblíbená mezi linkami města Prágl, která je proslulá svými historickými vozy T3 a oplývající vysokým přepravním komfortem, prověřeným i samotnou primátorkou spojených měst Práglu a Bratislavy, Adrianou Krtečkovou. Dvacetdvojku využívají hlavně důchodci jezdící z nudy z Bělohorsku do Hostivaře, cizinci, kteří si pletou 22 s pražskou podzemkou, nemajetní a nepřizpůsobiví. thumb|Jedna z historických šalin linky 22
  • El veintidós (22) es el número natural que sigue al veintiuno y precede al veintitrés (únicamente en el conjunto de los enteros). Categoría:Números
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 22.
  • 22 (twenty-two) is a positive integer following 21 and preceding 23. It is an even composite number and a repdigit number.
  • 21312312EWQ2ASDAW
  • 22 is a number. It is half of 44 and double of 11.
  • Episode 22, unlocked after completing episode 21.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "22" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Rick Bosetti (1978-1981) * Brad Cornett (1995) * Dennis DeBarr (1977) * Rob Ducey (2000*) * Jimmy Key (1985-1992) * Brandon League (2005-2009) * Mike Matheny (1999) * Chad Mottola (2000*) * Charlie O'Brien (1996-1997) * Hosken Powell (1982-1983) * Dick Schofield (1993) * Brian Simmons (2001)
  • "22"(Connor McCue) is fifteen years old and lives right outside Philadelphia PA, close to the Villanova campus. He is a huge Villanova Wildcats, Phillies, and Eagles fan. He plays baseball, basketball, and runs. He is good friends with RandomSauce, who he hosts Halo Community Live with.
  • Ask ThatGuy Episode 22 (September 5, 2008) [ThatGuy is reading a book and smoking a pipe, after a second he notices the camera] ThatGuy: Oh, G’Day mate! Didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy with the Glasses. [Piano music starts playing, title card appears] Narrator: I am in a tight and enclosed room at the moment and I have severe claustrophobia. What should I do? ThatGuy: That’s a very good question. The answer is get out of that room. What are you, stupid? If you’re afraid of enclosed spaces then don’t be in enclosed. Now let’s say you’re in a situation where you can’t out of that enclosed space.That means you were stupid enough to get in that enclosed space to begin with. In which case means you deserve to be there. God doesn’t reward stupid people. Only those who make fun of stupid people. Like me. Yes. Narrator: Do you have any world records? ThatGuy: Yes. I hold the world record for the amount of times I have been asked that question. I hold this record because I actually pay someone to ask me that question over and over again. Here’s a picture of what he looks like. [Shows a picture of someone screaming] Extraordinary! Narrator: If what goes up must come down, where the fuck do my balloons go? ThatGuy: They go to balloony heaven. A magical word where all balloons go to die. In balloony heaven there are no clowns or carnival folk. Nor are there little children who tug at their strings and pop them. There is only helium, lots and lots of helium. Which the balloons use to get high. Hence the phrase ‘high as a balloon’. I’m not wearing any pants. Narrator: I very recently fell out of my bed and landed headfirst. I am now suffering from immense and epic amnesia. What is my name? ThatGuy: Your name is Adam and you are my personal slave. You fell out of someone else’s bed because you where looking for other slaves and obviously got amnesia. But now you must return back to me and do all my evil biddings. Such as cooking and cleaning. Fixing my car. And of course giving me all of your money and credit cards. We use to do this all the time and you’d laugh and laugh. So please, come on back to my home so I can mentally and emotionally break you again. And for any of you who think I might be lying. Shut up. I have a good thing going here. Narrator: The police said that I can't drive at 200 mph. Why? ThatGuy: Because traffic cops are fucking dicks! This is That Guy With The Glasses saying: There’s no such thing as a stupid question, until YOU ask it. [ThatGuy goes back to reading books] The End
  • Diana bemüht sich, ihre Gefühle für Julian zu überspielen. Julian hat zu Jennys Entsetzen die Verlobung vorerst abgesagt. Jenny will sich sogar mit Tim versöhnen, um Julian umzustimmen. Statt auf Jennys Friedensbemühungen einzugehen, heckt Tim zusammen mit Annette einen Plan aus, mit dem Jennys Ansehen bei Julian nachhaltig geschädigt werden würde. Als Diana allerdings merkt, was für drastische Konsequenzen Tims kleiner Streich hätte, gerät Diana in einen Gewissenskonflikt. Nina erhält Tims alten Job im Zentrum und sieht darin eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, sich an Ingo heranzuschmeißen. Ein erneuter Fauxpas von ihr bringt sie aber auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück. Simone konfrontiert Richard mit ihrem Verdacht, dass er eine Affäre hat. Richard redet mit Engelszungen auf Simone ein. Zum Schein geht Simone auf Richards Unschuldsbekundungen ein. Längst weiß sie jedoch, wie sie die Wahrheit herausfinden wird.
  • The number 22 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 22. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and 25 April 2012: 596 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 22: 67 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 22: 11.2%
  • [[Plik:22.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 22 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:2050+2051-22.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Dwudziestka dwójka na przystanku Cmentarz Żydowski]] 22 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Piasków na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Praga i Żoliborz.
  • All three of the Ugress studio albums feature a track with the number 22 in the title. The tracks are: * Trigger 22 on Resound * Battle 22 on Cinematronics * Regression 22 on Unicorn
  • Bug Fixes: - Fixed auto-routing bug in Shenzu Quest "Test of Endurance". Players will now be directed to the correct location. - Fixed skill description for Level 35 Dragoon Ethyr Skill "Ghostwisper". This skill is a taunt for Dragoons. - Fixed Petcraft vocation text. Changed 1 E-Buck to 1 Gold. Improvements: - Updated "Open Beta" Announcement. - Added text to the three 'Capture' quests to help players understand why they cannot accept the quest. These are given by Ziola and the Dawn Dragonkin & Dusk Dragonkin. Read the known bugs for further information. - Numerous Localization improvements. Gameworld Changes: - Removed Warcry PVP Adventure. Thank you everyone who helped test the instance. We will be adding this back into the game at a later date. New Known Bugs: - In order to accept the three 'Capture' quests, you must have 11 bag slots free (the quest text says 10). The expected number of slots free should be 1. Developers are looking into the issue. - GMs still appear in the rankings list.
  • Burke is looking for Sam, who is painting somewhere, and Maggie is defensive of her father. Roger has settled the insurance on the car, and tries to avoid Sam. Sam implies that he is somehow mixed up in a 'lie' involving the original accident; Roger believes Burke is responsible for his recent accident. The police are becoming involved. Roger flat-out states that only he and Sam know what really happened 10 years ago. Burke and Maggie talk about why he's back in town, and whether or not he has anything against Sam. Sam is angry when he learns Maggie divulged deep, dark Evans secrets to Burke. Sam refuses Burke's help out of his 'jam.' Burke offers Sam $1.000 to paint his portrait; Sam hasn't done one in a while and is extremely reluctant to accept. Burke wants a portrait that's similar to the portraits at the Collins house. Roger takes his sling off while waiting for the Constable. Carolyn feels that if Burke is guilty, so is she. Roger thinks nobody else hates him enough to kill him, and is already planning to railroad Devlin. Burke tells Sam he's changed his plans and is going to stay in town long enough to have his portrait finished.
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