  • TIE lander
  • TIE Lander
  • TIE lander
  • This craft was a scaled-up version of the TIE/br boarding shuttle.[3] The lander had a triple hull,[2][1] and could carry a stormtrooper company.[1] This design was reminiscent of the Imperial troop transport.
  • The TIE lander was a triple-hulled TIE model with bent solar collector wings that could transport and deploy an entire company of Imperial stormtroopers. Such ships were notably used at the temporary Imperial garrison base of Mos Eisley, Tatooine, during the search for the Rebel droids C-3PO and R2-D2.
  • [Source] Les TIE lander sont des transports de troupes utilisés par l'Empire Galactique pour le transport des Stormtroopers. La garnison Impériale de Mos Eisley sur Tatooine en possédait au moins un.
  • The lander was one of many variants to the TIE bomber, but it had more in common with the TIE/sh shuttle than the bomber. It was only minimally armed with two laser cannons, but had a triple-cylinder hull that could carry 180 passengers. When flying, it was surprisingly fast, but not exactly agile. The reason was that it was usually fitted with a booster engine similar to those on certain experimental TIE ships. That, plus a large fighter escort, prevented enemy units from getting anywhere near the ship.
  • TIE lander
Capacité de transport
  • Importante
  • 1
Ligne de production
  • This craft was a scaled-up version of the TIE/br boarding shuttle.[3] The lander had a triple hull,[2][1] and could carry a stormtrooper company.[1] This design was reminiscent of the Imperial troop transport.
  • The TIE lander was a triple-hulled TIE model with bent solar collector wings that could transport and deploy an entire company of Imperial stormtroopers. Such ships were notably used at the temporary Imperial garrison base of Mos Eisley, Tatooine, during the search for the Rebel droids C-3PO and R2-D2.
  • [Source] Les TIE lander sont des transports de troupes utilisés par l'Empire Galactique pour le transport des Stormtroopers. La garnison Impériale de Mos Eisley sur Tatooine en possédait au moins un.
  • The lander was one of many variants to the TIE bomber, but it had more in common with the TIE/sh shuttle than the bomber. It was only minimally armed with two laser cannons, but had a triple-cylinder hull that could carry 180 passengers. When flying, it was surprisingly fast, but not exactly agile. The reason was that it was usually fitted with a booster engine similar to those on certain experimental TIE ships. That, plus a large fighter escort, prevented enemy units from getting anywhere near the ship. In spite of all its strengths, it could be destroyed with two shots from a shoulder-fired proton torpedo launcher when it dropped its shields so the troops could disembark.