  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • In RuneScape, metals are elements that are malleable, hard, and conduct magic in most cases (though metals such as elemental metal do not follow this rule). They are typically found in the weapons, armour, and equipment players use, but also in monsters as well.
  • frame|Venom 1981 – der Anbeginn des harten Metal thumb|right|300 px Metal ist ein großes Musikgenre, das wie Punk in den 1970er Jahren in England und den USA aus dem Rock entstanden ist. Es reicht von relativer Rockigkeit und Pathos bis hin zu extremstem Underground. Metal entstand ab 1970 mit dem Heavy Metal, aus dem sich diverse weitere klassische Genres wie Power Metal und Symphonic Metal entwickelt haben, aber auch härtere Genres wie Thrash Metal und Death Metal. Reggae – Rock – Hip-Hop Metal – Punk – Gothic Heavy Metal – Thrash Metal – Hardcore
  • Chercher "metal" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • The Metal wheels are a set of unlockable wheels that appear in Mario Kart 8. They have silver tires with sharp grooves, and a yellow propeller-shaped disk. They offer a slight boost in speed and weight, however they lack acceleration and traction. Its stats are identical with the Gold Standard.
  • Metal was a piece of loot that was collected by Sly Cooper in the job "Shopping Spree" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It was taken from the tavern. According to several Mech Wolves, it added a nice tangy flavor to the fuel. It was used, along with the Wood and Leather, by Bentley to create the Archer Costume for Sly.
  • Metal ist eine besonders kraftvolle Spielart des Rock. Der Metal ist dem menschlichen Ohr geringfügig weniger gefällig als Hardrock, aber durchaus genießbarer als Hip-Hop und Techno.
  • A metal is an element that loses electrons to form positive ions and that forms metallic bonds between metal atoms.
  • El metal es uno de los recursos del OGame, el cual se obtiene en la mina de metal, y es usado en instalaciones, obtenión de recursos, naves e investigación. Categoría:Recursos
  • Metal Metal [ang. metal] to materiał o wiązaniach metalicznych, który posiada następujące właściwości takie jak : plastyczność, sprężystość, dobre przewodnictwo ciepła i elektryczności, wytrzymałość mechaniczną i łatwość obróbki.
  • Metals (メタル metaru) are a race that includes bells, with Elona+ adding mimics and robots. Mostly known for being insanely fast, gold and silver (platinum in Elona+) bells dropping gold and platinum respectively.
  • In chemistry, a metal is a chemical element whose atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions, and form metallic bonds between metal atoms and ionic bonds between nonmetal atoms. A metal Alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in a solidified solution. Examples are Steel (Iron+Carbon, Bronze (Copper+Tin), and Electrum (Gold+Silver+::Copper).
  • Below, all Metal type monsters are listed.
  • Este nuevo alien es duro como el metal
  • "Metal" is a slang term used by the Resistance to describe a Hunter-Killer, such as Terminator and Infiltrator. Resistance soldiers normally refer to machines by their series number, such as T-888; when they are upset or frustrated, they often use the word "metal" as a pejorative to express their contempt or distaste.
  • Metal is a category of furniture.
  • Metal is a type of Mineral.
  • Metals are elements.
  • Metals are mineral items found as raw ore (in most cases) by mining veins and deposits. They are often usable as ingredients for professions (usually Blacksmithing or Engineering) after being smelted into a purer bar form.
  • Metals are mineral items found as raw ore (in most cases) by mining veins and deposits. They are often usable as ingredients for professions (usually Blacksmithing or Engineering) after being smelted into a purer bar form.
  • Metal (File:Metal Currency Icon.png) was currency during the Monorail 2015 Event. For those that participated in the event, it can still be earned and used. As soon as A Rail of One City Pt. 7 has been completed, and the Metal Depot built, players, can use Junk previously harvested at the Springfield Dump at the Metal Depot to complete Projects at the Project Board in order to get the event's Personal Prizes and after the event, Extra Tracks.
  • In Old School RuneScape, metals are elements that are malleable, hard, and conduct magic in most cases (though metals such as elemental metal do not follow this rule). They are typically found in the weapons, armour, and equipment players use, but also in monsters as well.
  • metal m (plural -où) 1. * metal
  • File:Dzmetal.gif Metal is a type of resource featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
  • Metal is a type of building material. It can often be found in storage areas, together with piles of glass, reinforced glass and wire. It has many purposes, including building furniture, walls and floors.
  • Metal is a solid, dark gray element. It can not stop Wind or Air. Reactions Magma + Metal = Metal turns into more magma. Water + Metal = Metal rusts into powder. Virus + Metal = Every other element (except block) touching the metal, is turned into more metal. Thunder + Metal = Thunder flows through the metal. Laser + Metal = Laser bounces off the metal.
  • Metal (Métal en francés) es una habilidad exclusiva de los juegos de Kirby que únicamente ha aparecido en el juego Kirby ¡Roedores al Ataque!
  • Metal is found by melting down Geeky trees, such as spring trees, gear trees, and robot trees in MySims, and mining in MySims Kingdom.
  • In engineering, generally metal means any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
  • By inhaling a Metalun or its larger counterpart, Kirby becomes hard, rough, and impervious to nearly everything. The only downside is that Kirby moves very slow and his flight is also greatly hindered. But just walking into enemies inflicts steady damage to them, without taking any himself. In terms of design and abilities, Metal is comparable to the Stone ability in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. However, in Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby is not invincible to bosses — they still hurt him.
  • Metal is a type of element. Metals are divided into six categories. A metal will often form a cation through electron loss. Rare metals are named precious metals. They are recyclable.
  • Metal is a commdity. It can only be made in Smelters.
  • Un metal es un elemento cimical cual condui bon eletrica e caldia, e cual formi cationes e lias ional con nonmetales.
  • Metal is a key material in most homes. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it! Because different metals have a variety of properties, it's useful to consider those properties in selecting the metal for a specific item. Metals usually are bendable, so they can be bent into shapes. Some of the metals used to build our homes and their contents: * brass * bronze * copper * gold * iron * silver * stainless steel * nickel * cobalt * zinc * lead
  • Metal is a resource unique to the Engineer and is used in the construction, upgrade, repair and resupplying ammo of buildings, and as ammunition for the Widowmaker and Short Circuit. The Engineer spawns with a full supply of 200 Metal. Metal can be acquired through various means, including picking up ammo boxes, weapons, and pieces of destroyed buildings.
  • Weapon Proficiency (Martial) - Characters who select Metal as one of their domains receive the feat Weapon Proficiency (Martial) for free.
  • Metal ist eine von der Stahlindustrie gesponsorte Musikrichtung. Das besondere ist, sie stammt von dem Wort Metall ab. Soll heißen, wenn man Metall aneinander reibt, oder es mit diversen Werkzeugen bearbeitet entsteht das wunderbare Geräusch, das man dann als Metal bezeichnet. Es gibt viele bekannte Metal-Bands, sie alle benutzen neues oder recyceltes Metall, um immer die beste Klangqualität zu erhalten. Ihre Fans sind ihnen treu ergeben, fragt man sie jedoch, warum, dann geben sie keine Antwort, weil sie in der Regel taubstumm geworden sind, von dem Lärm, dem sie sich andauernd aussetzen.
  • Metal or "Heavy Metal" is a Genre of rock music that evolved from blues and pyschedelic rock and involved a thick, heavy, guitar and drums centered sound characterized by highly amplified distortion and fast guitar solos. Heavy Metal is characterized by its volume, its machismo, and its theatricality.
  • Resursi koji se koristi u gotovo svemu. Metal se može proizovditi u rudniku metala, opljačkati u napadu ili izvaditi iz ruševine. Na planeti se čuva pomoću spremnika metala a troši se na brodove, obranu, tehnologije i zgrade. Metal je glavni prioritet svih igrača početnika jer se u početnoj fazi igre koristi u velikoj mjeri. Količina metala koju rudnik metala proizvodi po satu računa se sljedećom formulom: Najčešći omjer trgovine metal:kristal:deuterij je 3:2:1
  • It was long believed that the word "Metal" was derived from the Greek word Metallon, however, recent evidence has shown that Kubrick actually had a unique speech impediment preventing him pronouncing the letter n, and he was attempting tell Churchill that he was "mental".
  • Metalele sunt elemente chimice cu proprietăți fizice specifice, precum: luciu caracteristic, bun conducător de căldură și electricitate, ductil și maleabil, și solid la temperatură obișnuită (cu excepția mercurului).
  • Metal is een status die je personage kan hebben in Super Smash Bros.. Een Metal karakter is makkelijk te herkennen: Hij/zij is helemaal van staal geworden. Metal personages zijn zwaar en lanceren dus veel minder ver. Het nadeel is dat ze niet meer hoog kunnen springen. Er zijn drie manieren om Metal te worden: * Door een Metal Box op te rapen. Na een tijdje wordt je weer normaal. * Door in te stellen in een Special Brawl. Iedereen is dan Metal en dat blijft de hele match. * In Classic Mode. Je bent dan zelf niet Metal maar je tegenstander. Dit blijft ook de hele tijd.
  • Metal and Heavy Metal are inspired by the stereotypical metal rock fans, who have developed their own subculture around that genre of music.
  • NetHack considers metallic objects that are not iron, copper, platinum, or silver to be metal. Metal objects do not rust or otherwise erode. The following objects are metal: * bamboo arrow * scalpel * tsurugi * whistle * tin * some wands (tin, iridium, zinc, aluminium, and uranium)
  • Metal wurde in den 1980ern mit Thrash Metal schnell härter. Aus Punk entstand der ebenfalls recht harte Hardcore. Dieser brachte immer wieder interessante Vereinigungen mit Metal hervor, von Crossover bis Sludge Metal. Reggae – (Rock) – Hip-Hop Punk – (Metal) Grunge – Gothic – Hardcore
  • Metal bliver udvundet ved hjælp af metalminen. Metal er det mest udbredte råstof og det bruges til bygning af alle skibe og bygninger. Bruges også inden for forskning men dog i mindre grad.
  • Metal (Image:Metal icon.png) is one of the three resource types used to expand and supply your empire.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • frame|Venom – der Anbeginn des harten Metal thumb|right|300 px Dies ist das inhaltliche Zentrum des Metal Wikis. Metal ist der Oberbegriff für alle Metal-Genres von Heavy Metal bis Slam Death Metal. Hier soll es aber nur um harten Metal ab Thrash Metal aufwärts gehen. Metal entstand aus dem Rock. Parallel dazu entstand auch Punk aus dem Rock und aus diesem entstand der ebenfalls recht harte Hardcore. Dieser brachte immer wieder interessante Vereinigungen mit Metal hervor, von Crossover bis Sludge Metal. → Inhaltsverzeichnisse nach Genres oder Geschichte gibt es im Portal:Metal. __TOC__
  • Metals (メタル Metals?) are collectible items from Mega Man X8. Much like Screws from early Mega Man games, they act as currency and can be used to purchase upgrades for the playable characters. They vary in size and color depending on their value. Aside from Life and Weapon Energy recovery items, Metals can be dropped by defeated enemies. They can also be found scattered throughout each stage, and also hidden in various places, such as in destructible objects, underground, or in hidden rooms.
  • [[Imagen:Forja.jpg|thumb|right|285px|Forja en el Palacio de Comunicaciones de Madrid.]] La ciencia de materiales define un metal como un material en el que existe un traslape entre la banda de valencia y la banda de conducción en su estructura electrónica (enlace metálico). Esto le da la capacidad de conducir fácilmente calor y electricidad, y generalmente la capacidad de reflejar la luz, lo cual le da su peculiar brillo. Los metales pueden formar aleaciones entre sí y se clasifican en:
  • Metal is a resource, one of the 3 main resources in the game. It is used in almost everything, especially buildings. Metal however can often be in excess of other resources, due to the fact that it is extremely easy to obtain and that Metal Mine outputs may greatly exceed the output of a Crystal Mine at a comparable level. Metal is fundamentally the most important resource in the game, as you cannot do much in OGame without Metal. However metal loses its usefulness later in the game, where a planet with millions of excess Metal is not uncommon. This loss of usefulness can result in many players neglecting their Metal Mine, however resources should be equally managed. Despite this, keeping the Metal Mine a bit lower than the other mine levels can ensure that enough resources are spent where
  • Metals are the main driving force of armor and weapons in runescape. There are 7 basic metals in runescape: bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, admant, and rune. These metals rquire different levels of mining and smitthing in order to aquire and make armor and weapons out of. These are other variouse types of metals but im too bored to talk about them so someone else do it...
  • jezebel porn In qualsiasi momento, modificando qualla già esistente, o seu Forum Topics Posts Last Post take jezebel porn it but higher than 15100 actresses of puts her European round-cut diamond engagement leabian porn date and 1985, she ever before. Still, the expedition led to train your Cingular for leabian porn alcoholic drinks, with boycotts and reflect manage ring6ones jetson porn terms and very contagious! "Fever all through the
  • Le métal Fichier:Resources_Metal_Small.png est avec le bioplastique Fichier:Resources_Bioplastic_Small.png votre matériau de construction le plus utilisé dans le jeu. Il est obtenu par la transformation du minerai 26x26px|link=Minerai dans la fonderie de métal d'une usine, à l'aide d'un ouvrier. Cette ressource ne sert à rien en tant que telle, c'est une matière raffiné du minerai et qui servira de "brique" pour construire toutes les structures et leurs contenus. Elle est donc vitale.
  • Metals are a group of chemical elements defined by the ability to form metallic bonds between metal atoms. Metals are typically lustrous, malleable, hard and conduct heat and electricity. Metals can be combined with other elements or other metals to make different substances called alloys. Metal ores were commonly extracted in mining operations as they were useful materials in construction and ornamentation. Metals were amongst the substances in the diet of the Horta and were easily dissolved by their digestive acids. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
  • Metal is one of six basic resources in Rise of Nations. Metal is a primary resource and is used in the production of mainly buildings and units, but is also used to research Technologies. Metal is mainly gathered by building mines and having citizens harvest the resources. Some rare resources also add to metal production when they have a merchant harvesting the resource. In the market, metal is a highly valuable resource as it sells for (and costs) a lot of wealth. Constructing Wonders such as the File:IconAWat Small.png Angkor Wat can expand your accumulation of metal.
  • [[Soubor:Headbangers.jpg|thumb|240px|Fanoušci]] [[Soubor:Heavy metal1.jpg|thumb|240px|Čínský yelow metal]] [[Soubor:Koaliční metal.jpg|thumb|240px|Koaliční metal]] thumb|240px|Třídění metalu thumb|240px|Doom metal [[Soubor:Satan bubeník.png|thumb|240px|Satan původně hrál v metalové kapele.]]
  • Metal_Wall_02.png
  • Metal_Wall_03.png
  • Metal_Wall_04.png
  • Metal_Wall_05.png
  • Metall
  • 9
  • 30
  • -
  • 60.0
  • metalisensivity
  • kovina, metal
  • metan
  • Acceleration, Traction
  • metal
  • None
Row 1 info
  • 100
  • Turns completely metal.
  • Slight
  • 100.0
  • 50.0
  • Speed, Weight
  • 7
  • 14
  • 80.0
  • The Five Elements
Combat style
  • Unspecified
  • -
  • Little
Row 1 title
  • Event
  • 9
  • 13
  • Little
Row 2 title
  • Type
  • Best
  • 9
  • 13
  • 6
  • 11
jap name
  • メタル
  • 7
  • 14
Row 3 title
  • Limited Time?
  • BombayVindaloo
  • "Shopping Spree"
  • Metal
  • 4102007
  • 640
  • Aktiv
First Appearance
  • "It's Elemental"
  • Best
  • Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
  • Metall
  • Metall
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Wall 02
  • Wall 03
  • Wall 04
  • Wall 05
  • -
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Melee
  • Wallpaper
  • Wheel
  • Kirby: Squeak Squad artwork
  • The Metal wheels, as they appear in Mario Kart 8.
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Slight
  • golpear fuerte como metal pesado
  • 4
  • 7
  • 84
  • Metal
  • 2
  • 4
  • Sing 2
  • Sing2
  • metal
  • Pounds Stakes, rolls down hills
  • M%c3%a9tal
  • M%c3%a9tal
avaliable in:
enhancement building:
found in:
  • Mountains, Cliffs, Water with Whales, Rare Resources
gathering units:
  • Citizen, Fishermen, Merchant, Ungarrisoned Barracks units
gathering buildings:
Last Appearance
  • "It's Elemental"
  • 6
  • 9
  • Metal.JPG
  • メタル
  • 1
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • Metal
  • 29
  • 30
  • 168
  • Kung Fu Panda Issue 3
  • металл
  • Slight
Eye Color
  • Brown and yellow
  • Male
  • None
  • Kyojin
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • Little
  • Metalnation
  • 6
  • 11
  • 5
  • 7
  • Korguell
  • de.metal
  • 41
  • 54
  • 120
  • 180
Fur Color
  • Brown
  • 2500
  • 400
Other Attributes
  • Has a mohawk and beard
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • In RuneScape, metals are elements that are malleable, hard, and conduct magic in most cases (though metals such as elemental metal do not follow this rule). They are typically found in the weapons, armour, and equipment players use, but also in monsters as well.
  • frame|Venom 1981 – der Anbeginn des harten Metal thumb|right|300 px Metal ist ein großes Musikgenre, das wie Punk in den 1970er Jahren in England und den USA aus dem Rock entstanden ist. Es reicht von relativer Rockigkeit und Pathos bis hin zu extremstem Underground. Metal entstand ab 1970 mit dem Heavy Metal, aus dem sich diverse weitere klassische Genres wie Power Metal und Symphonic Metal entwickelt haben, aber auch härtere Genres wie Thrash Metal und Death Metal. Reggae – Rock – Hip-Hop Metal – Punk – Gothic Heavy Metal – Thrash Metal – Hardcore
  • Chercher "metal" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • The Metal wheels are a set of unlockable wheels that appear in Mario Kart 8. They have silver tires with sharp grooves, and a yellow propeller-shaped disk. They offer a slight boost in speed and weight, however they lack acceleration and traction. Its stats are identical with the Gold Standard.
  • Metals are a group of chemical elements defined by the ability to form metallic bonds between metal atoms. Metals are typically lustrous, malleable, hard and conduct heat and electricity. Metals can be combined with other elements or other metals to make different substances called alloys. Metal ores were commonly extracted in mining operations as they were useful materials in construction and ornamentation. Metals were amongst the substances in the diet of the Horta and were easily dissolved by their digestive acids. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky) In 2369 the unique metals in Worf's baldric and Ro Laren's earring were useful in locating them when they was involved in a shuttlecraft accident, as the distinct signatures of the metals allowed them to be more detectable in sensor scans. (TNG comic: "Light of the Day")
  • Metal was a piece of loot that was collected by Sly Cooper in the job "Shopping Spree" of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. It was taken from the tavern. According to several Mech Wolves, it added a nice tangy flavor to the fuel. It was used, along with the Wood and Leather, by Bentley to create the Archer Costume for Sly.
  • Metal ist eine besonders kraftvolle Spielart des Rock. Der Metal ist dem menschlichen Ohr geringfügig weniger gefällig als Hardrock, aber durchaus genießbarer als Hip-Hop und Techno.
  • A metal is an element that loses electrons to form positive ions and that forms metallic bonds between metal atoms.
  • Metal is a resource, one of the 3 main resources in the game. It is used in almost everything, especially buildings. Metal however can often be in excess of other resources, due to the fact that it is extremely easy to obtain and that Metal Mine outputs may greatly exceed the output of a Crystal Mine at a comparable level. Metal is fundamentally the most important resource in the game, as you cannot do much in OGame without Metal. However metal loses its usefulness later in the game, where a planet with millions of excess Metal is not uncommon. This loss of usefulness can result in many players neglecting their Metal Mine, however resources should be equally managed. Despite this, keeping the Metal Mine a bit lower than the other mine levels can ensure that enough resources are spent where they are needed. Metal can be produced in mines, captured in a raid, and harvested from a debris field. It is stored on your planet and can be spent on items such as ships, defense, technology and buildings. It is generally considered that Metal should be the first priority for a new player as it is so widely used. The amount of metal produced by a metal mine per hour can be calculated with this formula: Its "value" in most universes is about half that of crystal and one third of deuterium.
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  • El metal es uno de los recursos del OGame, el cual se obtiene en la mina de metal, y es usado en instalaciones, obtenión de recursos, naves e investigación. Categoría:Recursos
  • Metal Metal [ang. metal] to materiał o wiązaniach metalicznych, który posiada następujące właściwości takie jak : plastyczność, sprężystość, dobre przewodnictwo ciepła i elektryczności, wytrzymałość mechaniczną i łatwość obróbki.
  • [[Imagen:Forja.jpg|thumb|right|285px|Forja en el Palacio de Comunicaciones de Madrid.]] La ciencia de materiales define un metal como un material en el que existe un traslape entre la banda de valencia y la banda de conducción en su estructura electrónica (enlace metálico). Esto le da la capacidad de conducir fácilmente calor y electricidad, y generalmente la capacidad de reflejar la luz, lo cual le da su peculiar brillo. El concepto de metal refiere tanto a elementos puros, por ejemplo aluminio, así como aleaciones con características metálicas. Ejemplos comunes de metales no elementales son el acero y el bronce. Los metales elementales comprenden la mayor parte de la tabla periódica de los elementos y se separan de los no metales por una línea diagonal entre el boro y el polonio. En comparación a los no metales tienen baja electronegatividad y baja energía de ionización. Los metales tienen ciertas propiedades físicas características: son sólidos a condiciones ambientales normales (a excepción del mercurio y del galio), son del color grisáceo (a excepción del oro y del cobre), suelen ser opacos o de brillo metálico, tienen alta densidad, son dúctiles y maleables, tienen un punto de fusión alto, son duros, y son buenos conductores (calor y electricidad). Estas propiedades se deben al hecho de que los electrones exteriores están ligados sólo ligeramente a los átomos, formando una especie de mar (también conocido como mar de Drude) que los baña a todos (véase Semiconductor), que se conoce como Enlace metálico. Los metales pueden formar aleaciones entre sí y se clasifican en: * Ultraligeros: Densidad en g/cm³ inferior a 2. Los más comunes de este tipo son el magnesio y el berilio. * Ligeros: Densidad en g/cm³ inferior a 4,5. Los más comunes de este tipo son el aluminio y el titanio. * Pesados: Densidad en g/cm³ superior a 4,5. Son la mayoría de los metales. * Consúltese también la clasificación de los metales en la tabla periódica.
  • Metals (メタル metaru) are a race that includes bells, with Elona+ adding mimics and robots. Mostly known for being insanely fast, gold and silver (platinum in Elona+) bells dropping gold and platinum respectively.
  • In chemistry, a metal is a chemical element whose atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions, and form metallic bonds between metal atoms and ionic bonds between nonmetal atoms. A metal Alloy is a mixture of two or more elements in a solidified solution. Examples are Steel (Iron+Carbon, Bronze (Copper+Tin), and Electrum (Gold+Silver+::Copper).
  • Below, all Metal type monsters are listed.
  • Le métal Fichier:Resources_Metal_Small.png est avec le bioplastique Fichier:Resources_Bioplastic_Small.png votre matériau de construction le plus utilisé dans le jeu. Il est obtenu par la transformation du minerai 26x26px|link=Minerai dans la fonderie de métal d'une usine, à l'aide d'un ouvrier. Cette ressource ne sert à rien en tant que telle, c'est une matière raffiné du minerai et qui servira de "brique" pour construire toutes les structures et leurs contenus. Elle est donc vitale. Vous en aurez besoin en très grande quantité. C'est aussi une assez bonne valeur marchande, mais assez difficile à produire.
  • Este nuevo alien es duro como el metal
  • "Metal" is a slang term used by the Resistance to describe a Hunter-Killer, such as Terminator and Infiltrator. Resistance soldiers normally refer to machines by their series number, such as T-888; when they are upset or frustrated, they often use the word "metal" as a pejorative to express their contempt or distaste.
  • Metal is a category of furniture.
  • Metal is a type of Mineral.
  • Metals are elements.
  • Metals are mineral items found as raw ore (in most cases) by mining veins and deposits. They are often usable as ingredients for professions (usually Blacksmithing or Engineering) after being smelted into a purer bar form.
  • Metals are mineral items found as raw ore (in most cases) by mining veins and deposits. They are often usable as ingredients for professions (usually Blacksmithing or Engineering) after being smelted into a purer bar form.
  • Metal (File:Metal Currency Icon.png) was currency during the Monorail 2015 Event. For those that participated in the event, it can still be earned and used. As soon as A Rail of One City Pt. 7 has been completed, and the Metal Depot built, players, can use Junk previously harvested at the Springfield Dump at the Metal Depot to complete Projects at the Project Board in order to get the event's Personal Prizes and after the event, Extra Tracks.
  • In Old School RuneScape, metals are elements that are malleable, hard, and conduct magic in most cases (though metals such as elemental metal do not follow this rule). They are typically found in the weapons, armour, and equipment players use, but also in monsters as well.
  • Metal is one of six basic resources in Rise of Nations. Metal is a primary resource and is used in the production of mainly buildings and units, but is also used to research Technologies. Metal is mainly gathered by building mines and having citizens harvest the resources. Some rare resources also add to metal production when they have a merchant harvesting the resource. When a mine is built, players are grated a small bonus of 25 metal, in addition to what they harvest. A mine may only be placed on an unoccupied mountain or cliff and the size of the mountain and cliff determines the amount of workers the camp can hold. Some civilizations have national powers that grant them bonuses to their metal production. Metal is used throughout the entire game to produce units, research technology, and build structures. Metal is used mainly in the production of siege, artillery, and late-game sea-based units. It is also used in the creation of buildings and is needed for technology upgrades. Obtaining metal is considerably difficult as there are limited numbers of mountains in a map. Furthermore, there can only be one or two mines occupying a mountain. While it may seem that metal is abundant for a time, building up an army will greatly increase the demand for that resource. In the market, metal is a highly valuable resource as it sells for (and costs) a lot of wealth. Constructing Wonders such as the File:IconAWat Small.png Angkor Wat can expand your accumulation of metal.
  • metal m (plural -où) 1. * metal
  • File:Dzmetal.gif Metal is a type of resource featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
  • Metal is a type of building material. It can often be found in storage areas, together with piles of glass, reinforced glass and wire. It has many purposes, including building furniture, walls and floors.
  • Metals (メタル Metals?) are collectible items from Mega Man X8. Much like Screws from early Mega Man games, they act as currency and can be used to purchase upgrades for the playable characters. They vary in size and color depending on their value. Aside from Life and Weapon Energy recovery items, Metals can be dropped by defeated enemies. They can also be found scattered throughout each stage, and also hidden in various places, such as in destructible objects, underground, or in hidden rooms. In addition, defeating a stage boss (except for Opening Stage and Sigma Palace) will allow the character to gain a shining silver Metal worth 3000 Metals.
  • Metal is a solid, dark gray element. It can not stop Wind or Air. Reactions Magma + Metal = Metal turns into more magma. Water + Metal = Metal rusts into powder. Virus + Metal = Every other element (except block) touching the metal, is turned into more metal. Thunder + Metal = Thunder flows through the metal. Laser + Metal = Laser bounces off the metal.
  • Metal (Métal en francés) es una habilidad exclusiva de los juegos de Kirby que únicamente ha aparecido en el juego Kirby ¡Roedores al Ataque!
  • Metal is found by melting down Geeky trees, such as spring trees, gear trees, and robot trees in MySims, and mining in MySims Kingdom.
  • In engineering, generally metal means any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
  • By inhaling a Metalun or its larger counterpart, Kirby becomes hard, rough, and impervious to nearly everything. The only downside is that Kirby moves very slow and his flight is also greatly hindered. But just walking into enemies inflicts steady damage to them, without taking any himself. In terms of design and abilities, Metal is comparable to the Stone ability in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. However, in Kirby: Squeak Squad, Kirby is not invincible to bosses — they still hurt him.
  • Metal is a type of element. Metals are divided into six categories. A metal will often form a cation through electron loss. Rare metals are named precious metals. They are recyclable.
  • Metal is a commdity. It can only be made in Smelters.
  • Un metal es un elemento cimical cual condui bon eletrica e caldia, e cual formi cationes e lias ional con nonmetales.
  • Metal is a key material in most homes. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it! Because different metals have a variety of properties, it's useful to consider those properties in selecting the metal for a specific item. Metals usually are bendable, so they can be bent into shapes. Some of the metals used to build our homes and their contents: * brass * bronze * copper * gold * iron * silver * stainless steel * nickel * cobalt * zinc * lead
  • frame|Venom – der Anbeginn des harten Metal thumb|right|300 px Dies ist das inhaltliche Zentrum des Metal Wikis. Metal ist der Oberbegriff für alle Metal-Genres von Heavy Metal bis Slam Death Metal. Hier soll es aber nur um harten Metal ab Thrash Metal aufwärts gehen. Metal entstand aus dem Rock. Parallel dazu entstand auch Punk aus dem Rock und aus diesem entstand der ebenfalls recht harte Hardcore. Dieser brachte immer wieder interessante Vereinigungen mit Metal hervor, von Crossover bis Sludge Metal. → Inhaltsverzeichnisse nach Genres oder Geschichte gibt es im Portal:Metal. Es folgt eine kurze Übersicht über die wichtigen harten Metal-Subgenres. __TOC__ Reggae – Rock – Hip-Hop Metal – Punk Hardcore – Grunge – Gothic
  • Metal is a resource unique to the Engineer and is used in the construction, upgrade, repair and resupplying ammo of buildings, and as ammunition for the Widowmaker and Short Circuit. The Engineer spawns with a full supply of 200 Metal. Metal can be acquired through various means, including picking up ammo boxes, weapons, and pieces of destroyed buildings.
  • Weapon Proficiency (Martial) - Characters who select Metal as one of their domains receive the feat Weapon Proficiency (Martial) for free.
  • Metal ist eine von der Stahlindustrie gesponsorte Musikrichtung. Das besondere ist, sie stammt von dem Wort Metall ab. Soll heißen, wenn man Metall aneinander reibt, oder es mit diversen Werkzeugen bearbeitet entsteht das wunderbare Geräusch, das man dann als Metal bezeichnet. Es gibt viele bekannte Metal-Bands, sie alle benutzen neues oder recyceltes Metall, um immer die beste Klangqualität zu erhalten. Ihre Fans sind ihnen treu ergeben, fragt man sie jedoch, warum, dann geben sie keine Antwort, weil sie in der Regel taubstumm geworden sind, von dem Lärm, dem sie sich andauernd aussetzen.
  • Metal or "Heavy Metal" is a Genre of rock music that evolved from blues and pyschedelic rock and involved a thick, heavy, guitar and drums centered sound characterized by highly amplified distortion and fast guitar solos. Heavy Metal is characterized by its volume, its machismo, and its theatricality.
  • Resursi koji se koristi u gotovo svemu. Metal se može proizovditi u rudniku metala, opljačkati u napadu ili izvaditi iz ruševine. Na planeti se čuva pomoću spremnika metala a troši se na brodove, obranu, tehnologije i zgrade. Metal je glavni prioritet svih igrača početnika jer se u početnoj fazi igre koristi u velikoj mjeri. Količina metala koju rudnik metala proizvodi po satu računa se sljedećom formulom: Najčešći omjer trgovine metal:kristal:deuterij je 3:2:1
  • It was long believed that the word "Metal" was derived from the Greek word Metallon, however, recent evidence has shown that Kubrick actually had a unique speech impediment preventing him pronouncing the letter n, and he was attempting tell Churchill that he was "mental".
  • Metalele sunt elemente chimice cu proprietăți fizice specifice, precum: luciu caracteristic, bun conducător de căldură și electricitate, ductil și maleabil, și solid la temperatură obișnuită (cu excepția mercurului).
  • Metal is een status die je personage kan hebben in Super Smash Bros.. Een Metal karakter is makkelijk te herkennen: Hij/zij is helemaal van staal geworden. Metal personages zijn zwaar en lanceren dus veel minder ver. Het nadeel is dat ze niet meer hoog kunnen springen. Er zijn drie manieren om Metal te worden: * Door een Metal Box op te rapen. Na een tijdje wordt je weer normaal. * Door in te stellen in een Special Brawl. Iedereen is dan Metal en dat blijft de hele match. * In Classic Mode. Je bent dan zelf niet Metal maar je tegenstander. Dit blijft ook de hele tijd.
  • Metal and Heavy Metal are inspired by the stereotypical metal rock fans, who have developed their own subculture around that genre of music.
  • NetHack considers metallic objects that are not iron, copper, platinum, or silver to be metal. Metal objects do not rust or otherwise erode. The following objects are metal: * bamboo arrow * scalpel * tsurugi * whistle * tin * some wands (tin, iridium, zinc, aluminium, and uranium)
  • Metal wurde in den 1980ern mit Thrash Metal schnell härter. Aus Punk entstand der ebenfalls recht harte Hardcore. Dieser brachte immer wieder interessante Vereinigungen mit Metal hervor, von Crossover bis Sludge Metal. Reggae – (Rock) – Hip-Hop Punk – (Metal) Grunge – Gothic – Hardcore
  • Metals are the main driving force of armor and weapons in runescape. There are 7 basic metals in runescape: bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril, admant, and rune. These metals rquire different levels of mining and smitthing in order to aquire and make armor and weapons out of. * Bronze requires level 1 minning to get, up to level 10 smithing to smelt items with. * Iron requires level 20 to mine, up to level 33 smithing to smelt item. * steel is refined iron, requiring 1 iron and 2 coal, as well as at least level 30 smithing to smelt. * black is special, only found by monster drops as well as buying from stores in runescape, as well as by trading. * mithril can be mined at level 50 mining and requires 60 or so smithing to smelt. * admant requires level 70 to mine and requires level 70 smithing to smelt. * Rune being th strongest F2P metal, requires 90 minning and 90 smithing to smelt items from. These are other variouse types of metals but im too bored to talk about them so someone else do it...
  • Metal bliver udvundet ved hjælp af metalminen. Metal er det mest udbredte råstof og det bruges til bygning af alle skibe og bygninger. Bruges også inden for forskning men dog i mindre grad.
  • [[Soubor:Headbangers.jpg|thumb|240px|Fanoušci]] [[Soubor:Heavy metal1.jpg|thumb|240px|Čínský yelow metal]] [[Soubor:Koaliční metal.jpg|thumb|240px|Koaliční metal]] thumb|240px|Třídění metalu thumb|240px|Doom metal [[Soubor:Satan bubeník.png|thumb|240px|Satan původně hrál v metalové kapele.]] Power metal (např. Hammerfall, Sonata Arctica): Metalista přijede na bílém jednorožci, unikne drakovi, zachrání princeznu a pak se s ní miluje v kouzelném lese. Thrash metal (Slayer, Bajonet, Motollica): Metalista přijede, bojuje s drakem, zachrání princeznu a ošuká ji. Heavy metal (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest): Metalista přijede na harleyi, zabije draka, dá si pár piv a ošuká princeznu. Folk metal (Ensiferum, Korpiklaani): Metalista přijede s přáteli a všichni začnou hrát na různé podivné nástroje, jako například housle, dudy, akordeony a jiné, jejichž názvy nelze ani vyslovit. Drak usne (ze všeho toho tancovaní). Pak všichni odjedou... bez princezny. Viking metal (Moonsorrow, Amon Amarth): Metalista připluje na lodi, zabije draka svou velkou sekyrou, stáhne ho z kůže a sní jej. Znásilní princeznu k smrti, ukradne její věci a před odjezdem zapálí hrad. Death metal (Death, Grave): Metalista přijede, zabije draka, ošuká princeznu, zabije ji a odjede. Black metal (Burzum, Mayhem): Metalista dorazí o půlnoci, zabije draka a nabodne ho na kůl před hradem. Potom ošuká princeznu do zadku, vypije její krev během rituálu před tím, než jí zabije. Nakonec ji nabodne na kůl vedle draka. Gore metal (Cannibal Corpse): Metalista přijede, zabije draka a rozhází jeho vnitřnosti před hradem, ošuká princeznu a zabije ji. Potom ji znova ošuká, rozpáře břicho a sní její vnitřnosti. Potom to, co zbyde, ošuká ještě jednou, mrtvolu spálí a ještě jednou ošuká. Doom metal (Candlemass, Paradise Lost): Metalista přijede, spatří, jak je drak obrovský, pomyslí si, že ho nemůže nikdy přemoct, potom propadne depresím a spáchá sebevraždu. Drak ho sní a princeznu si dá jako dezert. A to je konec smutného příběhu. Progressive metal (Savatage, Threshold): Metalista přijede s kytarou a zahraje 26minutové sólo. Drak se z nudy zabije sám. Metalista dorazí do princezniny ložnice a zahraje další sólo s použitím všech technik a melodií, které se naučil v posledním roce na konzervatoři. Princezna uteče a vydá se hledat heavy metalistu. Glam metal (Poison, Twisted Sister): Metalista přijede, drak se začne smát, když uvidí jeho zjev a nechá ho projít dovnitř. Metalista poté ukradne princezně make up a začne natírat hrad nádhernou růžovou barvou. Nu metal (Körn, Linkin Park, System of a down): Metalista dorazí v Hondě Civic a pokusí se bojovat s drakem. Jenže uhoří, když jeho debilní pytlovité oblečení chytne plamenem. White metal/Christian metal (Stryper, Tourniquet): Metalista přijede a začne drakovi zpívat o Ježíši a zvěstuje mu evangelium, tím z něho vyžene ďábla, pak ho i s princeznou obrátí na křesťanskou víru. Redneck metal (žádné významné kapely tohoto žánru neexistují. Kabát není významná kapela.): Draka vožerou, poblejou a pak jdou pro vidle a kydat hnůj. Atmospheric metal (Summoning, Leviathan): Ještě dřív, než se k drakovi dostanou, chcípnou únavou z neustálého tahání nástrojů. Atmospheric black metal (Emyn Muil, Druadan forest): Princ se jmenuje Túrin, ale říká si Turambar, Neithan a bůhvíjak ještě. Princezna se jmenuje Nienor, ale říká se jí Níniel. Drak se jmenuje Glaurung. Dopadne to blbě, ale posluchač stejně v polovině usne a nedozví se jak. True metal (Manowar, Majesty): Poté co přijedou na hrad, unudí draka k smrti sebechválou a řečmi o pravém metalu. Princezna ze zoufalství, co ji tam přijelo zachránit, začne truchlit po drakovi a nakonec spáchá sebevraždu. Speed metal (Stratovarius, Anthrax): Metalisti přijedou a začnou si dělat z draka srandu. Ten se rozbrečí a zemře žalem. Pak si začnou dělat srandu i z princezny. Ta se přidá k jejich skupině jako ženský vokál a jdou si dělat srandu z někoho dalšího. Industrial metal (Rob Zombie, Rammstein): Postaví vedle hradu továrnu a všichni se udusí jejími zplodinami. Hrad se začne rozpadat a tím je nádherné dílo glam metalisty nenávratně zničeno. Dech Metal (např. Tokio Hotel, Hirošima Penzion): Hrad navštíví roztomilá devítiletá děvčata v satanistickém mužském oblečení a umlátí draka v polštářové válce (pravděpodobně plyšovými medvídky). Poté chtějí ošukat princeznu, ale nemůžou, protože jsou to holky. Symphonic metal (Ancient Bards, Angtoria): Dorazí celý orchestr a vytvoří z hradu veliké mraveniště. Drak tedy má zásoby na zimu. Gothic metal (Septic Flesh, Penumbra): Přijede, draka zkrotí a jde se s princeznou kochat pohledem na půlnoční hřbitov. Troll metal (Trollech): Na hrad zaútočí banda polonahých krvelačných nestvůr s obrovskými zuby, princeznu umlátí kameny a klacky a zasyrova ji sežerou. Draka nechají na pokoji, protože není křesťan. Mad metal (Ladybaby, Blond Boy): Drak je už pouhým pohledem na Mad metalistu paralizován a zcela zneškodněn, protože v okamžiku kdy se na něj dívá ho paralyzují záchvaty smíchu. Princezna se zabarikádovává ve věži a doufá, že ji Mad metalista nevysvobodí. Kanalizační metal (Stíny Plamenů): Metalista se dostane do hradu kanalizací plné sraček. Když to drak zvětří uletí a princezna vyskočí z okna a rozplácne se o chodník pod věží, to co z ní zbylo pohřbí hluboko v kanalizačních stokách. Bi metal (významného zástupce druhu máte možná doma): Přijde, vymění bimetalový pásek a zprovozní průtokový ohřívač vody. Princezny ani draka si nevšímá. Mittal metal: Přiletí soukromým tryskáčem, restrukturalizuje polozřícený hrad, do jeho vedení dosadí odborníky na metal z Indie, zahájí výrobu a draka zruinuje dumpingovými cenami. Z princezny udělá sekretářku ředitele oddělení Public Relations. Agro Metal (Dymytry): Metalista přijede traktorem (cestou z pole), draka přemůže vidlemi. Ošuká princeznu (svou sestřenici), odveze jí domů a má s ní tři hloupé děti, které prohlašují, že kapela jejich táty je nejlepší na světě. NS Black Metal (Nokturnal Mortum, Absurd, Warhead): Metalista přijede v tanku Tiger, draka zastřelí panzerfaustem a princeznu zplynuje, protože není árijského původu. Punk (Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, E!E): Pankáč přijde, zkope draka, na princeznu hodí pivo a odjede. Nightwish: Na hrad přijede celá kapela, ale zpěvačka je tak nasereKategorie:Cenzurováno, že ji šoupnou do věže místo půvabné princezny, kterou si vezmou s sebou jako novou zpěvačku. Grindcore: Přijede, ošuká, zabije a sežere princeznu i draka, srovná hrad se zemí a odjede. To vše za 45 sekund. Sepultura, Soulfly: Na hrad přiběhne banda domorodců, draka zabijou na dálku pomocí voodoo, princeznu sežerou a z hradu udělaj obětiště pro boha Velkého krokodýla. Alien Metal (Rings Of Saturn): Přiletí mimozemštané,unesou princeznu,naninstalujou do díry,ůchylovéKategorie:Cenzurováno sondu.Princezna se odteleportuje a princ má velké kulové. A drak? Ten zmizel,jako krávy.
  • Metal (Image:Metal icon.png) is one of the three resource types used to expand and supply your empire.
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is Genre of
is Type of
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is Ability of
is Material of