  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
  • Jonathan Christopher "Sebastian" Morgenstern ist der Sohn von Valentin Morgenstern und Jocelyn Fairchild und der ältere Bruder von Clarissa Fairchild. Während der Ereignisse von City of Glass in Alicante gibt er sich als Sebastian Verlac aus, dessen Vornamen er beibehält. Nach Valentin Morgensterns Tod, ist Sebastian der 'Hauptböse' der Buchreihe. Er wird mit Hilfe von der Dämonin Lillith nahezu unverwundbar, außer durch das Himmlische Feuer. Sebastian hätte den Krieg gewonnen, und die Menschheit unterdrückt und vernichtet, hätte Clary ihn nicht verraten und getötet.
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern era el hijo de Valentine Morgenstern y Jocelyn Fairchild. Mientras Jocelyn estaba embarazada de él, Valentine le daba sangre del demonio Lilith para experimentar con el bebé y ver si éste recibía poderes especiales. Jonathan es el hermano mayor de Clary Fray. Se hizo pasar por Sebastian Verlac durante los eventos en Ciudad de Cristal. Valentine utilizó a Jonathan igual que a Clary, y los aconvirtió a ambos en experimentos. Jonathan, nombrado en los libros como Sebastian, sentía una extraña atracción hacia su hermana, y un deseo incontrolable de destruír el mundo.
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern better known as Sebastian was the son of Valentine Morgenstern and Jocelyn Fairchild/Fray and the older brother of Clary Fray. He posed as Sebastian Verlac during the events of City of Glass in which he is the hidden secondary antagonist. He was the main antagonist for the second half of The Mortal Instruments series. Jonathan now deciding to keep the name Sebastian then later used the Infernal Cup to create Endarkend Shadowhunters to fight normal ones and Downworlders. He also wished to rule Hell with Clary by his side.
type of villain
  • Brother of Hero
  • Asesinado por Clary Fray
  • To create Endarkend and rule Hell
Full Name
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
  • The Mortal Instruments
  • Sword fighting, Strength
  • 18
  • Fallecido
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
Hair Color
  • Rubio platinado
Significant Other
  • Sebastian Verlac, Sebastian Morgenstern
  • Nefilim
  • Shadowhunter, Valentine and Jocelyn's son and Clary's brother
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern
Eye Color
  • Negros
  • Masculino
  • 250
  • Jonathan Christopher "Sebastian" Morgenstern ist der Sohn von Valentin Morgenstern und Jocelyn Fairchild und der ältere Bruder von Clarissa Fairchild. Während der Ereignisse von City of Glass in Alicante gibt er sich als Sebastian Verlac aus, dessen Vornamen er beibehält. Nach Valentin Morgensterns Tod, ist Sebastian der 'Hauptböse' der Buchreihe. Er wird mit Hilfe von der Dämonin Lillith nahezu unverwundbar, außer durch das Himmlische Feuer. Sebastian hätte den Krieg gewonnen, und die Menschheit unterdrückt und vernichtet, hätte Clary ihn nicht verraten und getötet.
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern better known as Sebastian was the son of Valentine Morgenstern and Jocelyn Fairchild/Fray and the older brother of Clary Fray. He posed as Sebastian Verlac during the events of City of Glass in which he is the hidden secondary antagonist. He was the main antagonist for the second half of The Mortal Instruments series. Before he was born his father Valentine fed Jocelyn demon blood which he got from Lilith this caused Jonathan to be born with dark eyes and have no good in him. Sometime later Valentine faked his and Jonathan's deaths and went into hiding and started training his son to become the ideal spy whilst also raising Jace Herondale. Years later Jonathan went to Idris under the name of Sebastian Verlac (the real one he killed) in order to put down the wards to let demons in. He succeeded this and ended up killing Jace's adoptive brother Max as he saw him do it. He is later killed by Jace. However Lilith found his body and was determined to revive him and forced Simon Lewis a Daylighter Vampire to bite him and give him blood but this process was only half complete as Simon was able to get rid of Lilith by using the Mark of Cane. But later Jace was tricked into applying a rune which bounds him to Sebastian. But Clary was able to server the bound by stabbing Jace with a sword called Glorious. Jonathan now deciding to keep the name Sebastian then later used the Infernal Cup to create Endarkend Shadowhunters to fight normal ones and Downworlders. He also wished to rule Hell with Clary by his side. In the final book City of Heavenly Fire he is fatally wounded by Clary who stabs him with one of the Morgenstern family swords Heosphoros (which was filled with heavenly fire) which destroys the demon blood in Sebastian's body and becomes good and asks to be called Jonathan. But there is not enough good in him for him to survive and dies in his mother's arms after apologising for his actions as Sebastian and is later cremated.
  • Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern era el hijo de Valentine Morgenstern y Jocelyn Fairchild. Mientras Jocelyn estaba embarazada de él, Valentine le daba sangre del demonio Lilith para experimentar con el bebé y ver si éste recibía poderes especiales. Jonathan es el hermano mayor de Clary Fray. Se hizo pasar por Sebastian Verlac durante los eventos en Ciudad de Cristal. Valentine utilizó a Jonathan igual que a Clary, y los aconvirtió a ambos en experimentos. Jonathan, nombrado en los libros como Sebastian, sentía una extraña atracción hacia su hermana, y un deseo incontrolable de destruír el mundo.
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is Geschwister of
is Verwandte of
is Kinder of
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is Descendants of
is Siblings of
is Allegiance of
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is Children of
is Family of