  • Muses
  • Muses
  • The Muses are nine immortal sisters who live on Mount Parnassus. The current muses are the daughters of Ebnez and Mnem. The previous muses retired to Mundania. The Simurgh told Clio is is difficult to find nine sisters whose names and interests match the positions. The current Muses contracted Mai-Den Industrial Park to build Com Pewter to help record reality. It was poorly designed and controlled reality in its vicinity instead.
  • The Muses are the storytellers from Disney's Hercules. They are presented as the five lovely Goddesses whose domain lies in the arts, and they sing the tales of ancient Greece in a 'gospel choir' style. They claim to be Hercules' biggest fans, narrating the movie and singing in four of the six songs.
  • In Greek mythology, the Muses were the many daughters of Zeus, nine in total. Each Muse represents a certain element of art, music, poetry, etc. The Muses are: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania.
  • The Muses are the immortal daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne. They inspired and presided over several creative arts.
  • The Muses are supporting characters in Hercules. They sing a majority of the songs involved in the film.
  • As Sheba and Mee-ho are in effect Lisa's only friends at school, they usually hang around together. One day, the three shoot a photo in a [// sticker booth] (Purikura), write down they want to be idols and stick it at the Purikura board. This sticker is noticed by music producer Ginji Sasaki. He scouts Sheba and Mee-ho to form the group Muses; the two happily accept to form a group with Lisa, without her agreement or involvement in the initial decision; she turned out to be less than interested in becoming an idol.
  • Les Muses sont des divinités liées aux arts et aux sciences. Leur nom est formé à partir de la racine Man ou Men, « penser », que l’on retrouve dans le latin mens, « esprit » (voir en français les mots de la famille de mental). La tradition leur attribuait plusieurs résidences : sur le mont Parnasse, près de Delphes, sur l'Hélicon, près d’Ascra (Béotie), en Piérie, région de la Macédoine près de l’Olympe. Les Romains identifièrent les Muses à des déesses locales italiennes appelées Camènes. Les neufs Muses de l’époque classique sont :
  • After the discovery of the SDF-1, the Muses were stationed onboard the Tirolian Motherships when they abandoned Tirol to recover Zor's Protoculture Matrix on Earth. As such, they were present during the Second Robotech War that was fought against the United Earth Forces. During this time, Musica met and fell in love with the Human Bowie Grant which led to her abandoning her people to be with him. This led to the remaining two Muses being imprisoned in a detention block for the crimes of their sister.
  • Any color
  • To inspire art and music in everyone and sing tales of ancient times
  • Greek
  • None
Greek/Roman form
  • None
  • The Muses from the original Greek myth
  • The Last Olympian
  • The Titan's Curse
  • The Lightning Thief
  • The Hidden Oracle
  • Any color
  • Thalia
  • Clio
  • Calliope
  • Melpomene
  • Terpsichore
  • Goddesses of Inspiration
  • Goddesses of Poetry and Literature
  • Goddesses of Science and the Arts
  • Any height
  • Unknown
  • Zeus
  • Mnemosyne
  • Hercules
  • Females
  • The Muses are nine immortal sisters who live on Mount Parnassus. The current muses are the daughters of Ebnez and Mnem. The previous muses retired to Mundania. The Simurgh told Clio is is difficult to find nine sisters whose names and interests match the positions. The current Muses contracted Mai-Den Industrial Park to build Com Pewter to help record reality. It was poorly designed and controlled reality in its vicinity instead.
  • The Muses are the storytellers from Disney's Hercules. They are presented as the five lovely Goddesses whose domain lies in the arts, and they sing the tales of ancient Greece in a 'gospel choir' style. They claim to be Hercules' biggest fans, narrating the movie and singing in four of the six songs.
  • In Greek mythology, the Muses were the many daughters of Zeus, nine in total. Each Muse represents a certain element of art, music, poetry, etc. The Muses are: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Urania.
  • Les Muses sont des divinités liées aux arts et aux sciences. Leur nom est formé à partir de la racine Man ou Men, « penser », que l’on retrouve dans le latin mens, « esprit » (voir en français les mots de la famille de mental). La tradition leur attribuait plusieurs résidences : sur le mont Parnasse, près de Delphes, sur l'Hélicon, près d’Ascra (Béotie), en Piérie, région de la Macédoine près de l’Olympe. Les Romains identifièrent les Muses à des déesses locales italiennes appelées Camènes. Au début, les Muses n’étaient qu’au nombre de trois. Pausanias affirme qu’elles se nommaient Mnémé (la mémoire), Mélété (l’entraînement, l’exercice, la pratique), et Aodè (le chant). Ensemble, elles représentent les prérequis de l'art poétique dans la pratique du culte. Toujours selon Pausanias, leurs premiers adorateurs furent les Aloades, les deux fils jumeaux de Poséidon et d’Iphimédie. A Delphes, les Muses, également au nombre de trois, portaient le nom des trois cordes des premières lyres : Nétè (aiguë), Mésè (moyenne) et Hypatè (grave). C’est à partir de l’époque classique que les Muses passèrent au nombre de neuf. Cette version reste la plus connue. Platon (dans Ion) vers 401 av.E.C. et les néo-platoniciens firent des neuf Muses les médiatrices entre le dieu et le poète ou tout créateur intellectuel. La version la plus répandue en fait les filles de Zeus et de Mnémosyne, déesse de la mémoire, qui d’après la Théogonie d’Hésiode les auraient conçu 9 nuits durant. Une autre version en fait des filles d’Ouranos et de Gaïa ; Pausanias concilie les deux versions en soutenant qu’il y a deux générations de Muses, la première issue de Gaïa et d’Ouranos, la deuxième de Zeus et Mnémosyne. Une troisième version en fait les filles d’Harmonie et de Cadmos. Les Muses sont associées à Apollon, dieu de la musique, dont elles constituent le cœur, c’est-à-dire un groupe qui chante et danse à la fois, et animèrent les banquets de plusieurs mariages mythiques : celui de Thétis et de Pélée, et celui de Cadmos et d’Harmonie (ce qui contredit la version selon laquelle elles seraient les filles de ces derniers). Jalouses de leurs talents et de leurs prérogatives, elles remettaient brutalement à leur place ceux qui les défiaient : elles plumèrent les Sirènes qui se croyaient meilleures chanteuses, aveuglèrent Thamyris et lui firent perdre la mémoire car il s’était vanté de leur être supérieur, et transformèrent en corneilles les Piérides, les neuf filles du roi Piéros, qui les avaient défié dans un concours musical devant un jury de nymphes (les Piérides perdirent le concours). Les Muses elles-mêmes sont parfois appelée Piérides, car résidant en Piérie. Les neufs Muses de l’époque classique sont : * Polymnie * Uranie * Calliope * Thalie * Terpsichore * Clio * Euterpe * Melpomène * Érato
  • After the discovery of the SDF-1, the Muses were stationed onboard the Tirolian Motherships when they abandoned Tirol to recover Zor's Protoculture Matrix on Earth. As such, they were present during the Second Robotech War that was fought against the United Earth Forces. During this time, Musica met and fell in love with the Human Bowie Grant which led to her abandoning her people to be with him. This led to the remaining two Muses being imprisoned in a detention block for the crimes of their sister. At the climax of the war, only Musica and Allegra survived as they along with the Tirolian civilian population escaped their Mothership before it was destroyed.
  • The Muses are the immortal daughters of Zeus and the Titaness Mnemosyne. They inspired and presided over several creative arts.
  • The Muses are supporting characters in Hercules. They sing a majority of the songs involved in the film.
  • As Sheba and Mee-ho are in effect Lisa's only friends at school, they usually hang around together. One day, the three shoot a photo in a [// sticker booth] (Purikura), write down they want to be idols and stick it at the Purikura board. This sticker is noticed by music producer Ginji Sasaki. He scouts Sheba and Mee-ho to form the group Muses; the two happily accept to form a group with Lisa, without her agreement or involvement in the initial decision; she turned out to be less than interested in becoming an idol. Lisa is further infuriated when confronting Sheba and Mee-ho at the Casino Mu Continent when she is asked to sing the English solo part of their debut song "Joker" which, actually, she is completely incapable of doing, as she was born in Japan to Western Japanophile parents who never taught her to speak English, and most of the school simply assumed by her appearance she did in fact know English. Although Lisa is very unwilling to join the Muses, Maya suggests the Muses is very likely orchestrated by the Masked Circle and persuades her to sneak into the group and extract as much information as possible. Right before the debut concert of Muses in Aoba Park. Sasaki urges her to call Joker to grant her the ability to speak English fluently. Then the player is given two choices; just watch or rush in to aid Lisa. If the player chooses to trust Lisa, the concert will begin without the English solo, but instead she unknowingly recites the full content of the Oracle of Maia. Eventually, Lisa will admit to the audience her inability to speak English. Sasaki will then appear as the Masked Circle executive, Prince Taurus, and reveal that his goal is to fulfill the 'foreign song' line of the oracle, allowing the prophecy to assert itself. The group of 5 will fight him on the stage. This option will grant Lisa's unique upgraded Persona, Eros Prime later. If the group rushes to Lisa's rescue, Prince Taurus will order another idol group under his manipulation, the Spade, to perform in place of the Muses. Lisa, Tatsuya and Eikichi will fight Prince Taurus in the dressing room. In any case, Sheba and Mee-ho will have their Ideal Energy absorbed and the concert hall will detonate as fulfillment of 'the flames of expiation light the heavens' line from the Oracle.
is Singer of
is Family of
is Friends of