  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • |}
  • No new messages this month.
  • (1) Las fechas y orden de emisión corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • In 2256, this book was stored on a bookshelf in the USS Shenzhou's ready room. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello") A photo of this bookshelf appeared in the Twitter account of Star Trek: Enterprise producer Aaron Baiers. The title of this book, and other books on the shelf, are Original Series episode titles, and were described as "Easter eggs for all Trek lovers". [1] However, the shelf as it appeared on screen counted fewer books, and since the titles were not obviously readable, it is unclear which were removed and which remained. This book's title refers to the episode "Mirror, Mirror" .
  • It's Red's 28th birthday in a row since the Festival of the Bells when she finds a magic mirror (named Mavis) that leads her to a very special birthday party.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the 92nd episode of Desperate Housewives.
  • Ah, the old switcheroo. Mirror, Mirror is a TOS episode that is awesome as it is silly. Another bit of proof that transporters can do fucking anything, this particular piece of television revealed to humanity one one of the most important lessons of the the 20th century - that anyone with a goatee is utterly evil. If you ever see someone with a goatee, stone them to death. You'll be saving lives that way.
  • Mirror, Mirror is a magazine story.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is a first season episode that premiered July 9, 2014 with "The Big Bash" on Disney XD.
  • Mirror, Mirror (Espejito, espejito) es el quinto episodio de la serie The 7D, fue estrenado el 9 de Julio de 2014.thumb
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the eleventh episode of the fifth season of Eureka.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the third part of the Barbaros' Castle area
  • Mirror, Mirror is the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of Baywatch.
  • Nick hits his head, and finds that Janette and Lacroix are acting a bit differently.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" was the 39th episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, and was novelized in Star Trek 3 by James Blish.
  • dilithium; Enterprise, ISS; Gorlans; Halkans; Halkan raad; Halkan thuiswereld; ionenstorm; Kenner; parallel universum; Pike, Christopher (spiegel); hoofdbeveiliging; Spiegel universum; Starfleet commando; tantalus veld; Terran rijk; transporter; Vega IX.
  • Mirror, Mirror is the eighty-eighth episode of Jackie Chan Adventures.
  • The mirror in this house reflects the room but shows one minor difference. The player must change something about the room to make the room match the reflection. The possible actions include: * Turning a picture right side up * Turning on a television * Opening a drawer * Closing a door * Lighting a candle * Turning on a lamp If it takes over a minute to make all of the changes, or after making repeated mistakes, a Screamer visible only in the mirror will attack.
  • thumb| ISS Enterprise w lustrzanym wszechświecie Delegacja z Enterprise pod dowództwem kapitana Kirka, w skład której wchodzą też Scotty, Dr. McCoy, i Uhura znajduje się na planecie Halkan, starając się wynegocjować dla Federacji pozwolenie na wydobycie kryształów dilithium. Halkański przywódca, mężczyzna imieniem Tharn, mówi Kirkowi, że choć wierzy w jego szczerość, nie zmienia to stanowiska Rady Halkanu , która nie może pozwolić Federacji na wydobycie kryształów na ich planecie. Kirk mówi, że ma dowody na to, że misje Federacji są pokojowe. Tharn odpowiada, że wierzy w obecne pokojowe zamiary Federacji, nie ma jednak gwarancji na to, ze zawsze takie będą. Tharn zna moc kryształów dilit a nawet jedno stracone przez nie życie pogwałciłoby pokojową historię Halkanów, Którzy w jej obronie go
  • I awoke this morning three minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Grumbling, I sat up in bed. There was no point in going back to sleep, so I decided to get going early. I turned my head to look at my wife, who was sleeping next to me. She was completely obscured under the covers. I lifted the sheets off of her head to give her a kiss good morning, and was surprised to discover that it was not my wife. It was nobody, really. It was a mannequin, of the type you'd find in department stores. It had a smooth featureless head, and was vaguely anatomically female. Its arms had been pulled off.
  • 90
  • 1
  • 5
  • Luto has recently discovered that another mirror bearing strange properties exists in the world. It is supposedly somewhere in San d'Oria and she wants you to go look for it.
story name
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • 1998-07-05
  • The Deadly Years
  • TOS
  • 1967-10-06
  • Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls
  • y
  • 2
  • *Sarlacc
  • The Apple
  • Tower of Frozen Shadow
  • TOS
  • 2267
  • 210
  • Yes
Level Name
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • y
  • 3823.700000
  • 6
  • Mirrors
  • Luto Mewrilah
  • 2267
  • *Roga Danar *Data *Boba Fett *Bossk *Geordi La Forge *IG-88 *Magh *Palpatine *Jean-Luc Picard *William T. Riker *Helena Rozhenko *Sergey Rozhenko *Wilhuff Tarkin *Darth Vader *Worf *Zon
  • Tower of Frozen Shadow
  • Season 4
  • TOS
  • anthology
  • David Hartman
  • *Blaster rifle *Transporter
  • 2015-02-12
  • 2014-09-15
  • episode
  • 1994-02-14
  • 2012-07-02
  • 2014-07-09
  • --10-06
  • June 4, 2005
  • Issue 45
  • Star Trek 3 by James Blish
  • 88
Preceded By
  • "The Honeymooners"
  • 6149
  • *Borg Ship *Galaxy-class starship **U.S.S. Enterprise-D *Imperial I-class Star Destroyer **Devastator *U.S.S. Enterprise-E
  • *Borg *Coalescent Organism *Human *Klingon *Romulan
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Destined Fellow
  • Mirror_Universe_Sulu_and_Uhura_2268.jpg
  • Douglas Schwartz
  • On entering the Umbral Halls on the 6th Floor , click on the empty mirror frame at .
  • Heroic
  • none
  • epair
  • epprod
  • 16
  • Hongdu, China
  • Star Trek: The Original Series
  • TOS
  • 2
Total Level #
  • 19
Level in Area
  • 3
  • Destiny of Velious
  • 2011
  • Mirror, Mirror
  • Deborah Schwartz
  • *Galactic Empire *Starfleet *United Federation of Planets
  • *Soong type-android
  • *Alpha Quadrant **Mars ***Utopia Planetia Shipyards **Starfleet Academy *Yavin 4
Followed By
  • "Double Take"
  • 3.0
junior block
  • 2014-12-27
half hour code
  • 104.0
  • |}
  • No new messages this month.
  • (1) Las fechas y orden de emisión corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • The mirror in this house reflects the room but shows one minor difference. The player must change something about the room to make the room match the reflection. The possible actions include: * Turning a picture right side up * Turning on a television * Opening a drawer * Closing a door * Lighting a candle * Turning on a lamp When the change is made, the mirror will undulate and something else in the reflection will change. After making all of the changes, the mirror will shatter and reveal a small room with two first aid kits, two boxes of pistol ammunition and will award the player with an achievement. If it takes over a minute to make all of the changes, or after making repeated mistakes, a Screamer visible only in the mirror will attack.
  • In 2256, this book was stored on a bookshelf in the USS Shenzhou's ready room. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello") A photo of this bookshelf appeared in the Twitter account of Star Trek: Enterprise producer Aaron Baiers. The title of this book, and other books on the shelf, are Original Series episode titles, and were described as "Easter eggs for all Trek lovers". [1] However, the shelf as it appeared on screen counted fewer books, and since the titles were not obviously readable, it is unclear which were removed and which remained. This book's title refers to the episode "Mirror, Mirror" .
  • It's Red's 28th birthday in a row since the Festival of the Bells when she finds a magic mirror (named Mavis) that leads her to a very special birthday party.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the 92nd episode of Desperate Housewives.
  • thumb| ISS Enterprise w lustrzanym wszechświecie Delegacja z Enterprise pod dowództwem kapitana Kirka, w skład której wchodzą też Scotty, Dr. McCoy, i Uhura znajduje się na planecie Halkan, starając się wynegocjować dla Federacji pozwolenie na wydobycie kryształów dilithium. Halkański przywódca, mężczyzna imieniem Tharn, mówi Kirkowi, że choć wierzy w jego szczerość, nie zmienia to stanowiska Rady Halkanu , która nie może pozwolić Federacji na wydobycie kryształów na ich planecie. Kirk mówi, że ma dowody na to, że misje Federacji są pokojowe. Tharn odpowiada, że wierzy w obecne pokojowe zamiary Federacji, nie ma jednak gwarancji na to, ze zawsze takie będą. Tharn zna moc kryształów dilit a nawet jedno stracone przez nie życie pogwałciłoby pokojową historię Halkanów, Którzy w jej obronie gotowi są oddać życie. Halkanie są totalnymi pacyfistami. Kirk mówi, że szanuje racje Halkanów, ma jednak nadzieję udowodnić im swoje. Gdy dyskusja dobiega końca, burza jonowa przechodzi przez system Halkan, objawiając się gromami i wyładowaniami świetlnymi. Kirk wywołuje Enterprise i prosi Spocka o raport. Spock mówi, ze to zwykła burza, ale raczej gwałtowna i nieprzewidywalna. Kirk mówi Spockowi, by przygotował się do ściągnięcia drużyny i zabrał Enterprise' z orbity. Pyta potem Tharna kiedy będą mogli dokończyć negocjacji. Tharn mówi, że Rada przemyśli propozycję Federacji, ale radzi nie oczekiwać zmian. Tuż przed przesyłem Tharn mówi, że wie o broni, jaką dysponuje Enterprise, i Kirk mógłby odebrać im kryształy siłą. Kirk odpowiada, że bez względu na okoliczności nie uczynią tego. Prosi o transport i drużyna zostaje ściągnięta. Niestety burza powoduje zakłócenia w działaniu transportera, co zauważa Kyle, gdy do hali wchodzi Spock. Spock próbuje pomóc w ściągnięciu drużyny, która jednak znika z platformy. W końcu następuje rematerializacja, a gdy Kirk schodzi z platformy, widzi Spocka z brodą, załogantów w dziwnych mundurach, którzy oddają mu rzymski salut, najpierw uderzając się zwiniętą pięścią w klatkę piersiową, a następnie wyciągając wyprostowane ramię w jego kierunku. Kirk i jego kompani są zaskoczeni tą zmianą, ale zaskoczenie zmienia się wkrótce w szok. Zmieniony Spock podchodzi do Kirka pytając go o rezultat misji. Niepewny, co powinien zrobić, Kirk odpowiada po prostu, ze nie ma zmian. Spock pyta, czy ma rozpocząć standardową procedurę, na co Kirk kiwa głową, że "tak," nie wiedząc, co dokładnie to znaczy, ale podejmując grę. Spock podchodzi do konsoli transportera i kontaktuje się z mostkiem, mówiąc Sulu by wymierzył fazery w główne miasta Halkanów. Potem pyta, czy Halkanowie mają jakieś instalacje wojskowe, na co Kirk odpowiada, że nie. Spock mówi, że żałuje, iż Halkanie wybrali samobójstwo. Potem zwraca się do Kylea i poucza go, że można było spodziewać się problemów podczas burzy a brak uwagi nie będzie tolerowany. Żąda, by dał mu swój agonizer. Kyle błaga Spocka, by go nie używał, mówiąc, że naprawdę starał się zapobiec kłopotom. Jeden z żołnierzy zabiera Kyle'owi agonizer i podaje go Spockowi, który umieszcza go pod obojczykiem Kyla', powodując nieznośny ból przez kilka chwil. Wreszcie przerywa torturę i pozwala Kyle'owi osunąć się na podłogę Kirk i reszta drużyny są przerażeni.
  • Ah, the old switcheroo. Mirror, Mirror is a TOS episode that is awesome as it is silly. Another bit of proof that transporters can do fucking anything, this particular piece of television revealed to humanity one one of the most important lessons of the the 20th century - that anyone with a goatee is utterly evil. If you ever see someone with a goatee, stone them to death. You'll be saving lives that way.
  • I awoke this morning three minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Grumbling, I sat up in bed. There was no point in going back to sleep, so I decided to get going early. I turned my head to look at my wife, who was sleeping next to me. She was completely obscured under the covers. I lifted the sheets off of her head to give her a kiss good morning, and was surprised to discover that it was not my wife. It was nobody, really. It was a mannequin, of the type you'd find in department stores. It had a smooth featureless head, and was vaguely anatomically female. Its arms had been pulled off. Shocked, I leapt out of bed. I called my wife's name a few times, my eyes locked on the mannequin that had taken her place in bed. There was no response. My alarm clock began going off. The alarm's tone was different than usual. It sounded lower. Confused, I managed to look away from the mannequin long enough to shut the alarm off. When I looked back, the sheets had been pulled over it again. I ran out of the bedroom, my frightened eyes still locked on the mannequin. I turned away only when I reached the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face from the sink, trying to clear my head. When I looked up into the mirror, my reflection looked off. Its eyes looked cold. Nervously, I ducked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. The mannequin was gone. The bed's sheets were perfectly flat. I laughed. I assumed that my wife or my son was playing some sort of prank on me. It seemed unlikely, but I couldn't think of any other explanation. Relieved, I grabbed my towel and headed into the shower. I stepped into the hot water and instantly felt relaxed. I faintly heard footsteps outside. I assumed it was my wife walking around. I heard a voice faintly say my name. It was incredibly quiet and yet incredibly close, like a quarter-inch-tall person was standing inside my ear. I jumped out of the shower and toweled off quickly. I exited the bathroom and looked down the hall. No one was there. My son's bedroom door was shut. I heard feet walking down the empty hall. The voice whispered my name again. I was terrified by this point, but I had to go to work. I went back into the bedroom and quickly put my clothes on. I cautiously went back into the hall. The footsteps were going down the stairs now. I opened my son's door a crack and looked inside. A mannequin was sleeping in his bed. Nervously, I quickly headed down the stairs. The footsteps had stopped by that point. In the kitchen, everything looked a little bit incorrect. The refrigerator looked crooked. The counter looked different than it did the day before - it looked like it had been replaced with a different counter that was meant to be identical, but had been assembled more hastily. The wallpaper and paint were peeling off of everything. This was no prank. I opened the fridge. The door swung open loosely. It didn't feel like a fridge door. The fridge was completely empty. That was impossible. It had been full just last night. I had talked with my wife about how we needed to clean it out. I headed into the living room. Everything looked shoddy in there as well. The couch looked like a sheet draped over a pile of cardboard boxes in a vaguely couch-like arrangement. I wondered again if someone was playing a prank on me. I decided that was impossible. This was far too elaborate for that. Out of curiosity, I picked up the TV remote. I would have turned the TV on, but the remote had no buttons. It was a block crudely painted to look like a TV remote. I dropped the false remote and quickly moved towards the door that led into the garage. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. The knob didn't move. I looked at the door more closely. It wasn't a door at all. It was a piece of wood nailed to the wall in front of me. I began panicking. I tried the backdoor nearby. It was also a slab on the wall. I wheeled around. A mannequin was now sitting on the couch. Filled with fear and rage, I dashed over and tried to shove the mannequin aside. It wouldn't budge, not even an inch. As I pushed, I glanced up at the window, once covered by brown curtains. Now covered by dozens of filthy-looking rags stitched together. I clambered up onto the couch beside the mannequin, parted the curtains, and looked out the window. The house across the street had been replaced with a giant grey block. So was the house to its left, and the house to its right, and all the other houses up and down the streets that I could see. The street was no longer asphalt. It had been replaced with a hastily-cobbled-together surface of wooded boards, sloppily painted black. My yard was no longer grass. It was a green tarp, nailed to the ground. The neighbor's car that had been parked across the street was no longer a car. It was a dull red block of wood, about the car's former size. My head began to hurt. Before I shut the drapes, I caught sight of my haggard, cold-eyed reflection, faintly visible in the living room window. It grinned at me. Credited to dodoman1
  • Mirror, Mirror is a magazine story.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is a first season episode that premiered July 9, 2014 with "The Big Bash" on Disney XD.
  • Mirror, Mirror (Espejito, espejito) es el quinto episodio de la serie The 7D, fue estrenado el 9 de Julio de 2014.thumb
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the eleventh episode of the fifth season of Eureka.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" is the third part of the Barbaros' Castle area
  • Mirror, Mirror is the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of Baywatch.
  • Nick hits his head, and finds that Janette and Lacroix are acting a bit differently.
  • "Mirror, Mirror" was the 39th episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, and was novelized in Star Trek 3 by James Blish.
  • dilithium; Enterprise, ISS; Gorlans; Halkans; Halkan raad; Halkan thuiswereld; ionenstorm; Kenner; parallel universum; Pike, Christopher (spiegel); hoofdbeveiliging; Spiegel universum; Starfleet commando; tantalus veld; Terran rijk; transporter; Vega IX.
  • Mirror, Mirror is the eighty-eighth episode of Jackie Chan Adventures.
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