  • Wan
  • Wan
  • wan
  • Wan
  • WAN
  • WAN
  • Wan is a human who became the very first Avatar. He is voiced by Steven Yeun and Stephen Stanton (old).
  • nimi "wan" li toki e ni: * nanpa wan * pali e wan tan tu anu mute * ijo li lon kulupu pi ijo mute
  • Wide Area Network Weitverkehrsnetz oder auch Weitbereichsnetz, ist ein Rechnernetz, das sich auf einen sehr großen geografischen Bereich bezieht. * unbestimmte Anzahl von Verbindungen zu Rechnern * kann sich sogar über ganze Kontinente überstrecken * Einzelne Rechner und LANs werden über das WAN vernetzt * Internetdienstanbieter stellen diesen Dienst zur Verfügung um ins Internet gehen zu können WANs werden in Zusammenhang mit den Schichten Bitübertragungsschicht und Sicherungsschicht des OSI-Referenzmodell in Verbindung gebracht.
  • Wan is the Rokugani word for Bays.
  • El Avatar Wan fue el primer Avatar que vivió diez mil años antes de la época del Avatar Korra. Desterrado de su casa, aprendió a convivir con los espíritus, trabajando para lograr el equilibrio entre ellos y el resto de la humanidad, una búsqueda que, finalmente, le llevó a convertirse en el primer Avatar.
  • WAN 은 wide area network (광역 네트워크) 의 약어입니다.
  • Living in poverty, Wan stole to survive and feed his friends. To achieve that goal, he regularly stole from the Chou family. However, one day, after snatching food from them, he was chased down the streets of the city by the three angry Chou brothers. He managed to outrun them at first by making his way across rooftops, though when he stopped to eat, the brothers caught up to him. Wan attempted to escape again, but was tripped by one of the Chou brothers and subsequently captured. His sack of food was taken away from him, and he was thrown into a muddy pen with hybrid pigs. Wan returned to his family's tree house, bringing Jaya and Yao what little food he had managed to salvage in his tunic. He gave away his own portion to several hungry animals, lamenting their impoverished lifestyle and
  • thumb|left|Wan kradnie jedzeniePrzyszły Awatar żył w ubóstwie. Wan musiał kraść, aby przeżyć. Pewnego razu ukradł jedzenie bogatym braciom Chou. Następnie próbował uciec trzem złym braciom po dachach i ulicami miasta. Z powodzeniem unikał prześladowców, ale kiedy przestał uciekać i zaczął jeść, bracia dogonili go. Wan próbował uciec ponownie, ale potknął się i został osaczony przez nich, a następnie wrzucony do błota. Wan ostatecznie powrócił do swojej rodziny w domku na drzewie, przynosząc ojcu i bratu trochę jedzenia, które udało mu się schować pod tuniką.
  • Wan is the first Avatar, and was first shown in Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Living 10,000 years before the events of Legend of Korra's second season, Wan was initially a poor man who stole to survive, regularly making the Chu family the targets of his thefts due to their being the rulers of his city. After getting firebending from a Lion Turtle, Wan attempted to steal from the Chu brothers yet again, using his firebending to assist him in his efforts. After being caught, he was banished to the Spirit Worlds, where he eventually came to befriend the Spirits who lived there after showing them his inherent kindness and nobility.
  • fire
Row 8 info
  • Legacy Hero / Remorseful / Tragic Hero
Inne nazwy
  • Mężczyzna
  • Wan.png
Row 4 info
  • Avatar
  • avatar
  • Jaya, Yao, Mula, espíritus, Aye-Aye, Raava, leones tortuga, todos los Avatares, Korra.
Row 7 title
  • Goals
  • "Comienzos, Parte 1"
  • Krystian Szymkowicz
  • nieznany Awatar powietrza
Row 1 info
  • Wan
  • Fuego Control, Aire Control, Agua Control y Tierra Control
  • ogień
  • 359
  • Wan
Row 8 title
  • Type of Hero
Row 4 title
  • Occupation
  • Elementos
  • Brązowe
  • Krystian Szymkowicz
  • Negro
  • Vaatu
Row 2 info
  • Avatar Wan
Row 6 info
  • Traveling, collecting food for people, helping
  • Początki
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
  • ciemny kremowy
  • 20
  • fuego
  • Rawa
Row 5 info
  • Firebending, later bending all four elements at will
  • awatarzy
  • wszystkie
Row 2 title
  • Alias
  • Pradawny Świat, Skorupa Lwiożółwia Ognia
  • Pradawny Świat
Row 6 title
  • Hobby
  • Brązowe
Row 5 title
  • Powers/weapons
Row 3 info
  • The Legend of Korra
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • 16
Row 7 info
  • To atone for his mistake in freeing Vaatu and guide the world toward peace.
Box Title
  • Do-Gooder
  • * Stephen Stanton
  • * Steven Yeun
  • Wan
  • Deep copper
  • 20
Voiced by
  • 1.0
  • Raava
  • Black
  • Wan
  • Pale
  • 1.0
  • "La Luz en la Oscuridad"
style walki
  • Stinky
  • Apestoso
ostatni występ
  • Ciemność upada
  • The Legend of Korra
  • Stinky
  • 260
  • Mula, lion turtle, Jaya, Yao, spirits, aye-aye spirit, Raava, all Avatars
  • 9.850000
  • Human
  • Primer Avatar
Image size
  • 240
  • "Light in the Dark"
  • Position established
  • Unknown; eventually unnamed fire Avatar
  • Avatar
  • Avatar
  • Bending, Peace, Love, Understanding
  • Avatar Wan
  • Raava, Aye-Aye Spirit, all Avatars
Image File
  • Wan.png
  • Male
  • First Avatar
  • Masculino
  • 9850
wikipage disambiguates
Voz Original
  • Ratowanie Świata
  • Rawa i Wan
voz de doblaje
  • blady
  • Wan is a human who became the very first Avatar. He is voiced by Steven Yeun and Stephen Stanton (old).
  • nimi "wan" li toki e ni: * nanpa wan * pali e wan tan tu anu mute * ijo li lon kulupu pi ijo mute
  • Wide Area Network Weitverkehrsnetz oder auch Weitbereichsnetz, ist ein Rechnernetz, das sich auf einen sehr großen geografischen Bereich bezieht. * unbestimmte Anzahl von Verbindungen zu Rechnern * kann sich sogar über ganze Kontinente überstrecken * Einzelne Rechner und LANs werden über das WAN vernetzt * Internetdienstanbieter stellen diesen Dienst zur Verfügung um ins Internet gehen zu können WANs werden in Zusammenhang mit den Schichten Bitübertragungsschicht und Sicherungsschicht des OSI-Referenzmodell in Verbindung gebracht.
  • Wan is the Rokugani word for Bays.
  • El Avatar Wan fue el primer Avatar que vivió diez mil años antes de la época del Avatar Korra. Desterrado de su casa, aprendió a convivir con los espíritus, trabajando para lograr el equilibrio entre ellos y el resto de la humanidad, una búsqueda que, finalmente, le llevó a convertirse en el primer Avatar.
  • Living in poverty, Wan stole to survive and feed his friends. To achieve that goal, he regularly stole from the Chou family. However, one day, after snatching food from them, he was chased down the streets of the city by the three angry Chou brothers. He managed to outrun them at first by making his way across rooftops, though when he stopped to eat, the brothers caught up to him. Wan attempted to escape again, but was tripped by one of the Chou brothers and subsequently captured. His sack of food was taken away from him, and he was thrown into a muddy pen with hybrid pigs. Wan returned to his family's tree house, bringing Jaya and Yao what little food he had managed to salvage in his tunic. He gave away his own portion to several hungry animals, lamenting their impoverished lifestyle and wishing they could live like the Chous. During that time, however, he devised a plan to gain more power so he could change his life. Wan joined the group of four hunters that were preparing to leave the city and venture into the Spirit Wilds to collect food for the city. Although the lead hunter was skeptical at first to let Wan join, Wan was allowed to accompany them since there were no other willing volunteers. As such, the young man traveled with the hunters to face the fire lion turtle, the guardian of their city, to receive the power of firebending, which enabled them to defend themselves against the hostile spirits living in the Spirit Wilds. Soon after the group set off, Wan pretended to chicken out and was subsequently ordered to go back to the lion turtle to return his newly acquired ability. However, Wan did not return to the lion turtle and instead returned to the city directly, keeping his fire. With it, he inspired several other poor people to disguisedly join him on a raid on the Chou palace. Although the raid was going smoothly at first, the Chou brothers called in reinforcements, and Wan was captured and unmasked. He was brought before the lion turtle, and although the creature permitted him to keep his fire at his request, Wan was banished to the Spirit Wilds for his crimes.
  • Wan is the first Avatar, and was first shown in Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Living 10,000 years before the events of Legend of Korra's second season, Wan was initially a poor man who stole to survive, regularly making the Chu family the targets of his thefts due to their being the rulers of his city. After getting firebending from a Lion Turtle, Wan attempted to steal from the Chu brothers yet again, using his firebending to assist him in his efforts. After being caught, he was banished to the Spirit Worlds, where he eventually came to befriend the Spirits who lived there after showing them his inherent kindness and nobility. After being tricked by Vaatu into freeing him, Wan aided Vaatu's good counterpart, Raava in her efforts to stop him during what was known as the Harmonic Convergence. Merging herself with Wan, Raava was able to allow the young man to learn how to harness the other three elements, making him the very first Avatar. Confronting Vaatu together, they were able to imprison him, and afterwards resolved to try and bring about peace between the humans and spirits, also recognizing that the two worlds needed to stay separate. Though Wan died trying to bring peace to his world, his essence would live on, beginning the cycle of reincarnation.
  • thumb|left|Wan kradnie jedzeniePrzyszły Awatar żył w ubóstwie. Wan musiał kraść, aby przeżyć. Pewnego razu ukradł jedzenie bogatym braciom Chou. Następnie próbował uciec trzem złym braciom po dachach i ulicami miasta. Z powodzeniem unikał prześladowców, ale kiedy przestał uciekać i zaczął jeść, bracia dogonili go. Wan próbował uciec ponownie, ale potknął się i został osaczony przez nich, a następnie wrzucony do błota. Wan ostatecznie powrócił do swojej rodziny w domku na drzewie, przynosząc ojcu i bratu trochę jedzenia, które udało mu się schować pod tuniką. Wan ubolewał nad ich biednym życiem, żałował, że nie powodzi im się jak rodzinie Chou. Jego brat ostrzegał go przed ponownymi wyprawami do Chou, obawiając się, że Wan zostanie zabity lub wygnany do dziczy zamieszkałej przez duchy. Zamiast uspokajać jego frustrację wydaje się tylko go inspirować. Wan później dołączył do grupy myśliwych, którzy przygotowywali się do podróży w dzicz, aby zbierać żywność, wiedząc, że lokalny Lwi Żółw da im moc magii ognia do ochrony przed duchami. Jednak po otrzymaniu swojej mocy, przyszły Awatar udawał, że stchórzył i wrócił do miasta. Wan zdecydował się na bardzo śmiały krok, postanowił zebrać grupę biedaków i napaść na pałac Chou. Jednak coś poszło nie tak i, choć jego towarzysze byli w stanie uciec, Wan został schwytany i zdemaskowany. Został postawiony przed Łwiożółwia i choć stworzenie pozwoliło mu zachować jego magię ognia na jego własność, Wan został wygnany do dziczy za swoje zbrodnie.
  • WAN 은 wide area network (광역 네트워크) 의 약어입니다.
is Aliados of
is Enemigos of
is Poseedor of
is Sojusznicy of
is Allies of
is Enemies of
is conflicta of