  • Bola
  • Bola
  • Bola
  • Bola
  • Bola
  • Bola is a minor villain from Megaman Legends 2. A retired sky pirate, he already made a fortune with his job. He comes out of retirement after Klaymoor hears about the keys to the Mother Lode, a legendary treasure. Although he is not very enthusiastic about this, he helps Klaymoor, as the two split up to look for the keys on different islands. He is fought on Manda Ruins twice, but he doesn't give his all on the fights. As Volnutt finds the Key Room, Bola appears and tells him that a large Reaverbot has eaten the key, but he doesn't want to bother retrieving it. He appears again on Nino Ruins to rescue Klaymoor as he is defeated by Volnutt. Later on, the duo finally give up on searching the keys.
  • Bola adalah kumpulan titik dalam bidang tiga dimensi yang berjarak sama terhadap suatu titik tetap
  • A bola is a light thrown weapon, so a character can throw it as a ranged attack. The Executioner has proficiency with the bola as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat. Martial classes may also gain proficiency with the Bola Training feat.
  • Three solid metal balls connected by strong cords tied together in the shape of a letter “Y” that is thrown as a weapon.
  • Sri Lankan curry beef balls with curry gravy
  • Una Bola es un sistema de puntos, , en un espacio euclidiano a una distancia de un punto dado , que llamaremos centro de la bola, menor que ( si la bola es una bola abierta, ) o igual que (si es una bola cerrada ), siendo R el radio de la bola. {} es un segmento, es un disco y para se suelle llamar hiperbola
  • Una bola centrada en un punt de radi són tots aquells punts d' tals que la seva distància a és menor que el radi . Es nota com Categoria:Axiomes Categoria:Topologia
  • Chercher "bola" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • A bola is a type of primitive weaponry, a melee weapon that was sometimes used by hunters to snare wild animals. During his time in Sarpeidon's past, Zar often used a bola to hunt for his food. (TOS novel: "Yesterday's Son")
  • Bola (ボーラ Bōra?) is a character from Mega Man Legends 2.
  • Your enemies will be tripping over themselves as you send them for a spin.
  • Una bola era un tipo de arma que se usó durante las Guerras Clónicas y posteriormente en la Guerra Civil Galáctica.
  • [Source] A bola was a type of weapon in use during the Clone Wars and later the Galactic Civil War, consisting of weights attached to an interconnected cord. The weapon was capable of wrapping around an individual's neck and breaking it. The bounty hunter Cad Bane carried a concealed bola on his person. The primitive natives of the planet Verig used a bola-like weapon, a long rope with stones tied to either end, to trip the large Pryss-creatures while hunting. Ewoks employed bolas during the Battle of Endor, where the necessity of a neck joint rendered stormtrooper armor ineffective against them.
  • A griffon-like Space Beast of the planet Ikarus who works as a bodyguard and protector of Icarus, the prince of the now-dead world. After Ikarus' destruction, Bola continued to protect his prince even as he decides to become adopted by Bazoo and assist him in his conquering of the universe. Bola fought the Changeman with the Gozma while Icarus tried to win over Sayaka to be his new queen; but after Icarus is killed by Bazoo for turning against him (after realizing the mistakes of joining the conqueror), Bola briefly mourns his princes before being lured by Booba to take his rage out on the Changeman for "luring Icarus to his death". In combat, Bola uses his flight and breathes fire as well as uses a long spear as a weapon. The Changeman make easy work of him first with the Power Bazooka, t
  • * bola ; (Dé latín bŭlla, burbuha, bola). f. Kuerpo ehfériko d’un materiá kuahkiéra. 2. Bolindre. Z’utiliza tambié en plurá. 3. Huégo ke konzihte en tirá kon la mano una bola de hierro, a pie hkieto o a la karrera, zegún konvenga, i en’ er kuá gana é hugaó k’ ar finá dela partía á pazáo kon zu bola mah’ adelante. 4. Armazón kompuehta de doh dihkoh negroh i kruzáoh entre zí perpendikularmente pó loh diámetroh, la kuá tiene aparienzia de bola i zirve p’azé zenyaleh en loh bukeh i n’ otroh zitioh. 5. Betún ( par karzáo). 6. Kolokiá. Mentira, rumó farzo o infundío, pó lo henerá kon fineh polítikoh o d’ otro hénero. 7. Kolokiá. Perzona inetta o inkapáh. Fraze. Ehte tío h’una bola. 8. Montón ( número konziderable). 9. Peléa, tumurto, haléo. Peleando z’izieron una bola. Bola der mundo. f
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era
  • +3
  • 17809
  • yes
  • Plants, Animal Products, Food and Drink
  • 9.800000
  • --
  • Kent Sheriden
  • 35
  • bola
  • 86400.0
  • 0
  • Fiona, Yasir
  • superior
  • Dengeki Sentai Changeman
  • Creature Products
  • 4
  • a
  • yes
  • Bola
  • right|BB Brothers left|BB Bros. Bola
  • Boosts
  • ranged
  • 0
  • 0.750000
  • 2
  • 5
  • 5
  • one-handed
  • Weaponry
  • ?
  • Used in various Blacksmithing Recipes.
  • It can be sold to NPCs and unlike other creature products, has a low gold-to-oz ratio.
  • Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!
  • flail
  • 800
  • #FFF
  • +45 fight attack skill
  • yes
  • * bola ; (Dé latín bŭlla, burbuha, bola). f. Kuerpo ehfériko d’un materiá kuahkiéra. 2. Bolindre. Z’utiliza tambié en plurá. 3. Huégo ke konzihte en tirá kon la mano una bola de hierro, a pie hkieto o a la karrera, zegún konvenga, i en’ er kuá gana é hugaó k’ ar finá dela partía á pazáo kon zu bola mah’ adelante. 4. Armazón kompuehta de doh dihkoh negroh i kruzáoh entre zí perpendikularmente pó loh diámetroh, la kuá tiene aparienzia de bola i zirve p’azé zenyaleh en loh bukeh i n’ otroh zitioh. 5. Betún ( par karzáo). 6. Kolokiá. Mentira, rumó farzo o infundío, pó lo henerá kon fineh polítikoh o d’ otro hénero. 7. Kolokiá. Perzona inetta o inkapáh. Fraze. Ehte tío h’una bola. 8. Montón ( número konziderable). 9. Peléa, tumurto, haléo. Peleando z’izieron una bola. Bola der mundo. f. globo terrákeo (ehfera). Bola de kahne. Z’utiliza en zentío dehpettivo pa indiká k’una perzona no eh mu inteligente o mu ehpabiláo. Bola de niéve. f. Ehfera exa de niéve kompatta i pó lo henerá pa lanzahla. Korré la bola. fraze kolokiá. Divurgá notiziah o menzaheh, pazandola d’una perzona a otra. Exahle bolah a argo. Exahle guévoh. Fraze kolokiá. Emprendé kon dezizión i korahe la ehekuzión d’una koza. Ehtá en bolah. Fraze kolokiá. Ehtá en kuero kon lah bolah a l’aire. Ahta la bola. lokuzión ahetiva. Tauromákia. Dixo d’ una ‘htoká: K’á yegáo ahta ‘r punyo. 2. Ahta la bola. Z’utiliza tambié en zentí figuráo. Ze dize pa indiká k’un zitio o rezipiente htá yeno o zaturáo. Fraze: Ehte loká htá yeno ahta la bola. Yenalé la kopa ahta la bola. Í a zu bola. Í ká uno por zu kuenta zin preozuparze der bien kolettivo. Fraze. Aora en l’attualidá to’r mundo va a zu bola.
  • Bola is a minor villain from Megaman Legends 2. A retired sky pirate, he already made a fortune with his job. He comes out of retirement after Klaymoor hears about the keys to the Mother Lode, a legendary treasure. Although he is not very enthusiastic about this, he helps Klaymoor, as the two split up to look for the keys on different islands. He is fought on Manda Ruins twice, but he doesn't give his all on the fights. As Volnutt finds the Key Room, Bola appears and tells him that a large Reaverbot has eaten the key, but he doesn't want to bother retrieving it. He appears again on Nino Ruins to rescue Klaymoor as he is defeated by Volnutt. Later on, the duo finally give up on searching the keys.
  • Bola adalah kumpulan titik dalam bidang tiga dimensi yang berjarak sama terhadap suatu titik tetap
  • A bola is a light thrown weapon, so a character can throw it as a ranged attack. The Executioner has proficiency with the bola as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat. Martial classes may also gain proficiency with the Bola Training feat.
  • Three solid metal balls connected by strong cords tied together in the shape of a letter “Y” that is thrown as a weapon.
  • Sri Lankan curry beef balls with curry gravy
  • A griffon-like Space Beast of the planet Ikarus who works as a bodyguard and protector of Icarus, the prince of the now-dead world. After Ikarus' destruction, Bola continued to protect his prince even as he decides to become adopted by Bazoo and assist him in his conquering of the universe. Bola fought the Changeman with the Gozma while Icarus tried to win over Sayaka to be his new queen; but after Icarus is killed by Bazoo for turning against him (after realizing the mistakes of joining the conqueror), Bola briefly mourns his princes before being lured by Booba to take his rage out on the Changeman for "luring Icarus to his death". In combat, Bola uses his flight and breathes fire as well as uses a long spear as a weapon. The Changeman make easy work of him first with the Power Bazooka, then with their Dengeki-ken with Change Robo after being rebuilt.Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!
  • Una Bola es un sistema de puntos, , en un espacio euclidiano a una distancia de un punto dado , que llamaremos centro de la bola, menor que ( si la bola es una bola abierta, ) o igual que (si es una bola cerrada ), siendo R el radio de la bola. {} es un segmento, es un disco y para se suelle llamar hiperbola
  • Una bola centrada en un punt de radi són tots aquells punts d' tals que la seva distància a és menor que el radi . Es nota com Categoria:Axiomes Categoria:Topologia
  • Chercher "bola" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • A bola is a type of primitive weaponry, a melee weapon that was sometimes used by hunters to snare wild animals. During his time in Sarpeidon's past, Zar often used a bola to hunt for his food. (TOS novel: "Yesterday's Son")
  • Bola (ボーラ Bōra?) is a character from Mega Man Legends 2.
  • Your enemies will be tripping over themselves as you send them for a spin.
  • Una bola era un tipo de arma que se usó durante las Guerras Clónicas y posteriormente en la Guerra Civil Galáctica.
  • [Source] A bola was a type of weapon in use during the Clone Wars and later the Galactic Civil War, consisting of weights attached to an interconnected cord. The weapon was capable of wrapping around an individual's neck and breaking it. The bounty hunter Cad Bane carried a concealed bola on his person. The primitive natives of the planet Verig used a bola-like weapon, a long rope with stones tied to either end, to trip the large Pryss-creatures while hunting. Ewoks employed bolas during the Battle of Endor, where the necessity of a neck joint rendered stormtrooper armor ineffective against them.