  • Job
  • Job
  • Job
  • Ein Job ist eine Möglichkeit für PolitikerInnen ohne Mandat das wöchentliche Einkommen aufzubessern.
  • Das Wort Job (Einzahl: „der …“, Mehrzahl: „[die] Jobs“; lautschriftlich Dschopp) ist ein aus dem Englischen in der bisherigen auch sogenannten Rechtschreibung nur sehr unzureichend umschriebenes und daher wohl auch nur mangelhaft entlehntes und damit denglisches (Fremd-)Wort. Alles Weitere siehe unter Arbeit.
  • A person's Job is that person's paid work usually done for an employer. It can mean other types of work as well.
  • Job was a prominent biblical figure. Sandra Palmer likened her brother David's patience to that of Job's. ("Day 6: 8:00pm-9:00pm")
  • Job is a broken-down Mister Handy unit in Denver in 2253.
  • A job is professional wrestling slang referring to a performer who loses a match. As professional wrestling is scripted, inevitably a wrestler will be required to lose to an opponent. When a wrestler is booked to lose a match it is described as a "job". To lose in a fight without interference is to job cleanly. To lose through outside interference is called a screwjob.
  • There are 2 jobs: * Hunter The role of a hunter is to protect a trader at all costs. This includes attacks from monsters or thieves. * Thief The role of a thief is to attack a trader and (hopefully) steal the goods once the trader is dead
  • From the phrase jobbe of work "piece of work", from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Job]] jobbe "piece, article". Of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to Middle English gobbe "lump, mouthful", Middle English jobben "to jab, thrust, peck", or Middle English choppe "piece, bargain". More at gob, jab, chop
  • Job was a male Human in the scriptures of the Jewish and Muslim faiths, noted for his patience even under extraordinary circumstances. David Rabin reflected that his assignment to planet Obsidian required no special equipment except "the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job." (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge) Commander Elias Vaughn, believing he had killed his daughter Prynn Tenmei, compared his guilt to the suffering inflicted on Job. (DS9 novel: Warpath)
  • A job is something people have when their parents didn't love them enough to leave them money when they died like most Tea Party folks. Only the Private Sector can create jobs; the government can only create work[1].
  • A job is a certain position in a server for most servers in order to get a job you need to apply on forums while e-jobs need you to ask a admin or go to the 1337 building. Rarely servers allow you to be in a org/cop by asking a admin or org leader.
  • A Job is the role of a Tropican citizen in the nation's workforce economy. Adult Tropicans (age 13 and up) will automatically seek out any jobs available to people with their level of education, favoring jobs that provide the highest possible Job Quality. If no jobs are available to them, the citizen will either seek out an education (if they are smart enough to get one and there are high quality jobs open to educated citizens) or will remain unemployed. Unemployed citizens are frustrated with their situation and, in Tropico 4, will eventually turn to crime if job opportunities don't open up.
  • Job es un libro de la Biblia cual parteni a la Atesta Vea.
  • Sometime prior, Job was infected by a Mandragora plant which was covered as he and Rita took Guts and Casca to town. But during the show, the nasty growth on Job's chest is revealed as the villager proceed to stone out of recognizing its significance. Job ends up transforming into a Mandragoran and goes on a rampage before Guts kills him to Rita's horror.
  • In Dream of Mirror Online, there are many jobs to choose from and you are not restricted to experiencing only one. There are 15 jobs in total. When you start, you begin as a Commoner and must reach level 10 in order to attempt the qualification quests for the other jobs. To switch from one job to another, visit the Careers Advisor.
  • Job is the brother of Sarah. They belong to the few children, who have not joined the cult, that wiped out the adults at Gaitin, including their parents. He had to witness his father´s murder and the murder of other adults, when it happened, while his sister was at home and his father was calling his mother. He also heard through the phone his mother´s death, who was at home with his sister. After the defeat of the cult and the obliteration of "He who walks behind the Rows", he and Sarah leave the town together with Burt and Vicki.
  • Job is the sister of Sarah. He has to witness his father´s death the day all the adults in Gatlin were slaughtered in Children of the Corn, while he was at the diner on Sunday after church. He and Sarah belong to the few children who have not joined the cult. When Burt and Vicky come to Gatlin, he and Sarah are the last ones left, tolerated by Isaac because of the psychic abilities of Sarah. Together they help Burt and Vicky save their lives and defeat the death cult.
  • Jobs are the primary means of earning the money needed to eat, buy items from the market, beer in the tavern, give to the church, etc. There are four main areas in which to obtain a job: * The County (Duchy) Mines - good pay and consistently available. Great resource for level 0 players. Wages range from 15-17 pounds and are set by the county. * Town Hall/ Militia - some mayors will hire a daily militia to keep the peace. Wages range 15-17 pounds. * Town Hall/ Job announcements - here is where local citizens post jobs they need performed. Wages range from 15-20 pounds and are set by the player hiring. * Church - The only job that is allowed to pay below minimum wage. Wages are 5 pounds and 1 Reputation Point (RP). Since this job pays below the daily price for even the lowest
  • In Flyff gibt es verschiedene Klassen, die als Jobs bezeichnet werden. Jeder Spieler beginnt als „Vagrant“ mit Level 1. Durch das Töten von Monstern, erledigen von Quests oder dem Supporten innerhalb einer Party, wobei keiner der in der nähe befindlichen Spieler mehr als 19 Level über dir sein darf, erhält man Exp, wodurch man im Level steigen kann. Wenn man Level 15 erreicht, kann man ein Quest annehmen, um zwischen den folgenden vier Jobs zu wählen, die sich mit Erreichen von Level 60 nochmal unterteilen:
  • The book of Job has no known dates recorded in it. There are 8 different opions on what time this book takes place. A 9th opinion says that it never happened at all, and is actually a parable. It starts mid-life, where G-d and the Satan decide to test Job. First he looses all his cattle. G-d and Satan test him one more time, by making him have boils on his skin. After, Job's 3 friends (Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar) try to convince him that G-d hates him. After he almost gives in, G-d appears to him in a whirlwind and says he has passed the test, with a little rebuking, and gives him back his health and cattle.
  • Job is a character in the fourth Pendergast novel, Still Life with Crows. He is a 51-year old man, the son of Winifred Kraus, owner of the local inn and tourist attraction, Kraus' Kaverns. In her youth, Kraus was impregnated by an unnamed man and forced by her strict, conservative father to raise the child. However, in order to hide her and the family's shame, Kraus was forced to raise her son in the cave-system behind the house. She named him Job after the Biblical figure.
  • The Department of English at The Pennsylvania State University Park invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of beginning to advanced Assistant Professor with expertise in early modern literature from the sixteenth through the seventeenth century. The appointment begins August 12, 2016. The position includes a 2/2 teaching load. Ph.D. required at the time of employment. Information regarding the department can be found at . Please apply directly online at . Include letter of application, curriculum vitae, abstract of dissertation or book (1000 words), and one writing sample (limit 25 pages). Please arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to Karen Davis at Review of applications will begin October 15, 2015. Interviews will be conducted at
Portrayed By
  • Robby Kiger
temp companion
  • no
perm companion
  • yes
  • -
  • "Day 6: 8:00pm-9:00pm"
Game Debut
quests started
  • *Reprogram Job so he can leave Denver
  • -
quests involved
  • *Fix Job/Mr Handy
  • VB
  • Unknown
  • Alive
  • Deceased
Previous Occupation
  • Street performer, strongman
  • Unknown
  • Job
  • Job/Iyov
Known relatives
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Sarah
  • Artist's depiction of Job
  • Job in 1994
  • Job in 2007
plague carrier
  • no
Character Name
  • Job
  • ョブ
  • Job
  • Servant of G-d
  • Unknown
  • Judaism
  • 501
  • Mandragoran
  • Unknown
  • Male
  • Unknown
  • 6
  • In Flyff gibt es verschiedene Klassen, die als Jobs bezeichnet werden. Jeder Spieler beginnt als „Vagrant“ mit Level 1. Durch das Töten von Monstern, erledigen von Quests oder dem Supporten innerhalb einer Party, wobei keiner der in der nähe befindlichen Spieler mehr als 19 Level über dir sein darf, erhält man Exp, wodurch man im Level steigen kann. Wenn man Level 15 erreicht, kann man ein Quest annehmen, um zwischen den folgenden vier Jobs zu wählen, die sich mit Erreichen von Level 60 nochmal unterteilen: * Mercenary * Knight * Blade * Magician * Psykeeper * Elementer * Assist * Billposter * Ringmaster * Acrobat * Jester * Ranger Der Mercenary ist ein Nahkämpfer. Er kämpft mit Schwert oder Axt und einem Schild. Der Mercenary ist vor allem dazu ausgelegt möglichst viel Schaden zu verursachen. Mit Abschuss des 2. Jobchange kann man entweder Blade oder Knight werden. Der Knight ist eine Typische Aoe Einheit. Er zeichnet sich durch einen hohe Def und viel HP aus. Allerdings verfügt er über eine geringe Angriffsgeschwindigkeit und eine relativ niedrigen Damage. Der Knight kämpft mit einer zweihändigen Axt oder manchmal auch mit einem zweihändigem Schwert.Der Blade hingegen ist die Klasse, die am meisten Schaden austeilt. Er kämpft mit 2 Schwertern oder 2 einhändigen Äxten. Beide erweiterte Klassen verzichten auf ein Schild und verfügen somit über eine geringere Verteidigung. Genau wie der Knight kämpft er am meisten mit einem Fullsupporter. Der Blade ist, im Gegensatz zum Knight eine typische 1on1 Einheit. Eine enorm hohe Damage und eine hohe Crit- und Hitrate. Allerdings verfügt er über sehr wenig HP. Eine weitere Klasse ist der Magician oder auch Mage genannt. Er greift seine Gegner mittels Magie an. Das besondere ist, dass es mit Elementen angreift und so gleich den Schadensbonus ausnutzt. Der Magier kämpft entweder mit einem Staff, den er in beiden Händen hält oder einem Zauberstab, der "Wand" genannt wird. Da er diesen nur in einer Hand hält kann er ein Schild in der anderen halten. Der Magier greift aus der Entfernung an, was ihm einen Vorteil in Duellen verschafft. Eine erweiterte Form ist der Elementor. Er kämpft mit dem Staff und ist in den misten Fällen als Aoe-Einheit anzutreffen. Er teilt recht großen Schaden aus und verfügt trotzdem über viel HP. Der eigentliche Vorteil des Elementors liegt jedoch in der Tatsache, das er einige Aoe-Skills aus der Entfernung anwenden kann. Daher ist er nicht drauf angewiesen das der Gegner sich in unmittelbarer Nähe befindet. Die 2. Form ist der Psykeeper. Er teilt sehr großen Schaden aus und tritt entweder als 1on1-Satan-Psykeeper auf, der mittels eines Skills, namens Satanolgy den Gegner fern halten kann oder als Crucio-Psykeeper der mit Hilfe des Selbsbuffs Crucio Spell den doppelten, erleideten Schaden zurückwirft. Es gibt auch Aoe-Psys, sind aber erst in hochem lvl richtig stark. Ein Satan Psy braucht keinen Supporter, Crucio und Aoe können ohne jedoch nicht lvln. Die dritte der vier möglichen Jobklassen ist der Assist. Er kann als Supporter oder Kämpfer auftreten. In den meisten Fällen ist der Ringmaster ein Supporter und der Billposter ein Fighter. Der Vorteil beider Klassen liegt eindeutig dadrin, dass sie Satuswertesteigernde Buffs haben. Die Buffs lassen sich auch auf andere Spieler anwenden. Dies nutzt der Supporter aus. Er bufft und healt den Levler und bekommt dafür Exp, da er mit dem Spieler der ihn levelt in einer Party ist. Ab Level 60 gibt es für den Ringmaster auch die Möglichkeit einen Skill zu nutzen, das der nächste Hit den doppelten Schaden beim Gegner verursacht. Die meisten Ringmaster staten mit Level 95-105 rum auf Aoe-Rm um. Dies liegt darin begründet, da ein Ringmaster mit zunehmendem Level immer weniger Exp bekommt, bis er schließlich weniger als der Lelver selber bekommt und es sich somit nicht mehr für ihn rentiert. Die 2. Variante des Assisten ist der Billposter er ist in den meisten Fällen 1on1 oder Aoe gestatet. Als Supporter tritt er nur extrem selten auf, da es über keine guten 2.-Jobchange-buffs verfügt. Einzig der Hit-and-Run-Elementor nutzt diese Tatsache in der Hoffnung, dass er Quickstep gemastert hat, aus. Der 1on1 Billposter verursacht schnell mittelstarken Schaden. Sein Vorteil liegt darin, dass es einen Selbstbuff hat, der den Gegner betäuben kann. Dieser kann dann für 3 Sekunden nicht angreifen. In der Zeit kann er jedoch erneut betäubt werden. So muss der Billposter nur selten Schaden einstecken und ist damit als Gianthunter bestens Geeignet. Der Vorteil beim Aoe-Bp ist der, dass er einen Skill namen Prevention nutzen kann. Dieser füllt, sobald die HP unter einen bestimmten Wert ist, diese weider auf. Außerdem hat er selber Buffs und der Aoe-Skill kann den Gegner ebenso betäuben. Der Billposter besitzt den stärksten Skill in Flyff, mit dem er fast jeden Spieler 1-hitten kann. Dieser Skill benötigt MP und verbraucht auch alle MP und 100 FP. Asalraalaikum, wie der Skill heißt hat eine lange Spruchzeit. Die letzte Klasse ist der Acrobat. Er ist ebenso wie der Magier ein Distanzkämpfer. Er greift mit einem Yoyo oder mit einem Bogen. Beide Waffen können den Effekt haben, dass sie den gegner zurückschleudern und dieser somit nicht angreifen kann. Außerdem verfügen beide über reltiv viel Dex, das somit ihre Blockrate erhöht ist. Der Acrobat kann ein Ranger oder ein Jester werden. Der Ranger ist wieder eine typische Aoe-Klasse, wohingegen der Jester, als einzige Klasse über keinerlei Aoe-Skill verfügt. der Bowjester mit dem Level 50iger Skill bildet eine Ausnahme. Der Ranger ist mit dem Bogen unterwegs. Das besondere bei dieser Aoe-Einheit ist, dass er über kaum HP verfügt. Seine Stärke liegt darin so wenig wie möglich getroffen zu werden. möglichst viel Dex ermöglicht es ihm. Der Ranger hat viele Skills die auf die Natur und deren Elemente bezogen sind. Trotzdem ist er eine relativ schwache Klasse und wird er mit hohem Level zu einem starken Kämpfer. Der Jester ist eine 1on1-Einheit. Er hat eine erhöhte Crit und Attackspeed, welches sich der Bowjester zu nutzte macht. Der Yoyojester greift mir Yoyos an und schlägt den Gegner zurück. Abgesehen vom Billposter besitzt er einen der stärksten Angriffe in Flyff. Dieser Skill heißt Hit of Penya und Verursacht einen sehr hohen Schaden, da die Verteidigung missachtet wird. Dieser Skill benötigt Geld und basiert auf STR. Der Schaden ist nicht so hoch wie der Billposterskill Asalraalaikum allerding ist die Spruchzeit kürzer und der Acrobat und dessen Nachfolger verfügen über die Fähigkeit sich für rund 10 Sekunden unsichtbar zu machen. Bei allen Jobklassen gibt es besondere Builds und Eigenschaften auf die in den einzelnen Klassenbeschreibungen eingegangen wird. Kategorie:Job
  • Ein Job ist eine Möglichkeit für PolitikerInnen ohne Mandat das wöchentliche Einkommen aufzubessern.
  • Das Wort Job (Einzahl: „der …“, Mehrzahl: „[die] Jobs“; lautschriftlich Dschopp) ist ein aus dem Englischen in der bisherigen auch sogenannten Rechtschreibung nur sehr unzureichend umschriebenes und daher wohl auch nur mangelhaft entlehntes und damit denglisches (Fremd-)Wort. Alles Weitere siehe unter Arbeit.
  • A person's Job is that person's paid work usually done for an employer. It can mean other types of work as well.
  • Job was a prominent biblical figure. Sandra Palmer likened her brother David's patience to that of Job's. ("Day 6: 8:00pm-9:00pm")
  • Job is a broken-down Mister Handy unit in Denver in 2253.
  • Job is the sister of Sarah. He has to witness his father´s death the day all the adults in Gatlin were slaughtered in Children of the Corn, while he was at the diner on Sunday after church. He and Sarah belong to the few children who have not joined the cult. When Burt and Vicky come to Gatlin, he and Sarah are the last ones left, tolerated by Isaac because of the psychic abilities of Sarah. Together they help Burt and Vicky save their lives and defeat the death cult. After the victory he and Sarah leave the town together with Burt and Vicky and later report to the authorities, what happened at Gatlin, in which his report is the most important one because of what he had to witness from the beginning. It is implied he and Sarah will be adopted by Burt and Vicky after that.
  • The book of Job has no known dates recorded in it. There are 8 different opions on what time this book takes place. A 9th opinion says that it never happened at all, and is actually a parable. It starts mid-life, where G-d and the Satan decide to test Job. First he looses all his cattle. G-d and Satan test him one more time, by making him have boils on his skin. After, Job's 3 friends (Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar) try to convince him that G-d hates him. After he almost gives in, G-d appears to him in a whirlwind and says he has passed the test, with a little rebuking, and gives him back his health and cattle. __TOC__ Alternate versions of Job's name: Iyov, Joab. He is known for: * Being a faithful servant of G-d * Being able to withstand large amounts of rebuking (By G-d and freinds) * Being told about the Leviathan and Behemoth. Job lived 140 years, and "He saw his children and his children's children, to four generations" (Job, 42:16)
  • Job is a character in the fourth Pendergast novel, Still Life with Crows. He is a 51-year old man, the son of Winifred Kraus, owner of the local inn and tourist attraction, Kraus' Kaverns. In her youth, Kraus was impregnated by an unnamed man and forced by her strict, conservative father to raise the child. However, in order to hide her and the family's shame, Kraus was forced to raise her son in the cave-system behind the house. She named him Job after the Biblical figure. Over the years, Kraus raised Job with only rudimentary language skills and kept him completely isolated from the outside world. She would deliver food supplies only periodically as Job aged. Job retained an almost childlike innocence about his surroundings with absolutely no understanding of the outside world or human beings beside his mother. One day, an unfortunate woman, Sheila Swegg, an amateur explorer, found the backdoor entrance to the cave-system where Job lived. Job accidentally killed her in his excitement and wonder at meeting a new person, and ritually arranged her body along with numerous Native American artifacts in a clearing. The discovery of the body and Job's subsequent exploration of the outside world via the backdoor entrance sets off a deadly chain of events. Job is described as a curious and creative man-child who had entertained himself for decades in the underground cavern system. Physically he is described as very large, with milky-white, pasty skin, blue eyes flecked with blood, and a wispy beard. He has a wide, moon face, frequently plastered with a dopey smile of rotten teeth. More significantly, having spent decades traversing the caves primarily through climbing, Job is monstrously strong with incredibly powerful arms and grip strength. He is able to pulverize bone with his bare hands and violently rip limbs off man and animal alike. His nails are tough and horn-like. He has a hunched back due to a fall sustained when he was ten years old that went untreated. He is described as smelling immensely foul. He still wears tattered handmade childlike clothes (e.g., suspenders, and pants with rocket ships on them) from his mother. Job is severely injured and incapacitated in a fall in the caverns brought on by several gunshots from Special Agent Pendergast and Sheriff Hazen. However, he does not die as suspected but instead reappears later at the trailer home of Corrie Swanson. Only her quick thinking of offering to be "friends" with Job spares her his rage. He is last seen being treated at the nearby hospital while shackled and under guard, his mother at his side. As Kraus reads Job's favourite childhood nursery rhymes, Pendergast realizes the bizarre ritual tableaus created by Job were a simple-minded recreation of these childhood fables.
  • A job is professional wrestling slang referring to a performer who loses a match. As professional wrestling is scripted, inevitably a wrestler will be required to lose to an opponent. When a wrestler is booked to lose a match it is described as a "job". To lose in a fight without interference is to job cleanly. To lose through outside interference is called a screwjob.
  • There are 2 jobs: * Hunter The role of a hunter is to protect a trader at all costs. This includes attacks from monsters or thieves. * Thief The role of a thief is to attack a trader and (hopefully) steal the goods once the trader is dead
  • From the phrase jobbe of work "piece of work", from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Job]] jobbe "piece, article". Of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to Middle English gobbe "lump, mouthful", Middle English jobben "to jab, thrust, peck", or Middle English choppe "piece, bargain". More at gob, jab, chop
  • The Department of English at The Pennsylvania State University Park invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of beginning to advanced Assistant Professor with expertise in early modern literature from the sixteenth through the seventeenth century. The appointment begins August 12, 2016. The position includes a 2/2 teaching load. Ph.D. required at the time of employment. Information regarding the department can be found at . Please apply directly online at . Include letter of application, curriculum vitae, abstract of dissertation or book (1000 words), and one writing sample (limit 25 pages). Please arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly to Karen Davis at Review of applications will begin October 15, 2015. Interviews will be conducted at the MLA convention in January. CAMPUS SECURITY CRIME STATISTICS: For more about safety at Penn State, and to review the Annual Security Report which contains information about crime statistics and other safety and security matters, please go to , which will also provide you with detail on how to request a hard copy of the Annual Security Report. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.
  • Jobs are the primary means of earning the money needed to eat, buy items from the market, beer in the tavern, give to the church, etc. There are four main areas in which to obtain a job: * The County (Duchy) Mines - good pay and consistently available. Great resource for level 0 players. Wages range from 15-17 pounds and are set by the county. * Town Hall/ Militia - some mayors will hire a daily militia to keep the peace. Wages range 15-17 pounds. * Town Hall/ Job announcements - here is where local citizens post jobs they need performed. Wages range from 15-20 pounds and are set by the player hiring. * Church - The only job that is allowed to pay below minimum wage. Wages are 5 pounds and 1 Reputation Point (RP). Since this job pays below the daily price for even the lowest meal it is not advised for regular employment of level 0 players (though it is required twice in order to level up). Another method of income is to harvest Resources. Forest produces wood, Sea produces fish, and the Orchard produces fruit. These do not reward the citizen with an immediate wage and as such they are not a job. However, if done effectively, these activities can bring an higher average daily profit for the player over traditional jobs.
  • In Dream of Mirror Online, there are many jobs to choose from and you are not restricted to experiencing only one. There are 15 jobs in total. When you start, you begin as a Commoner and must reach level 10 in order to attempt the qualification quests for the other jobs. To switch from one job to another, visit the Careers Advisor. Each job has 2 active skill sets and a passive skill set that can be used to augment the capabilities of other jobs. They can be used provided that the requirements for the skills are met and the skill points to allow their usage have been spent on the respective job. Each job progresses independently of the others. If a player levels up in one job, his or her levels in the other jobs remain as they were before. Attributes and skill point allotments pertain to only the active job: if you place points into Power in one job, it will not affect any of your attributes in any of your other jobs.
  • Job was a male Human in the scriptures of the Jewish and Muslim faiths, noted for his patience even under extraordinary circumstances. David Rabin reflected that his assignment to planet Obsidian required no special equipment except "the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job." (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge) Commander Elias Vaughn, believing he had killed his daughter Prynn Tenmei, compared his guilt to the suffering inflicted on Job. (DS9 novel: Warpath)
  • A job is something people have when their parents didn't love them enough to leave them money when they died like most Tea Party folks. Only the Private Sector can create jobs; the government can only create work[1].
  • A job is a certain position in a server for most servers in order to get a job you need to apply on forums while e-jobs need you to ask a admin or go to the 1337 building. Rarely servers allow you to be in a org/cop by asking a admin or org leader.
  • A Job is the role of a Tropican citizen in the nation's workforce economy. Adult Tropicans (age 13 and up) will automatically seek out any jobs available to people with their level of education, favoring jobs that provide the highest possible Job Quality. If no jobs are available to them, the citizen will either seek out an education (if they are smart enough to get one and there are high quality jobs open to educated citizens) or will remain unemployed. Unemployed citizens are frustrated with their situation and, in Tropico 4, will eventually turn to crime if job opportunities don't open up.
  • Job es un libro de la Biblia cual parteni a la Atesta Vea.
  • Job is the brother of Sarah. They belong to the few children, who have not joined the cult, that wiped out the adults at Gaitin, including their parents. He had to witness his father´s murder and the murder of other adults, when it happened, while his sister was at home and his father was calling his mother. He also heard through the phone his mother´s death, who was at home with his sister. They then have to live under the rule of the cult for the next three years. When Burt and Vicki come to Gaitlin, he and Sarah are the last ones left, tolerated by Isaac because of the psychic abilities of Sarah, which he sees as important to be prepared for the arrival of threats to the cult. Together they help Burt and Vicki save their lives and defeat the cult. After the defeat of the cult and the obliteration of "He who walks behind the Rows", he and Sarah leave the town together with Burt and Vicki. He later tells everyone, including the authorities, what happened at Gaitlin right from the start, which explains his position as the narrator of the story.
  • Sometime prior, Job was infected by a Mandragora plant which was covered as he and Rita took Guts and Casca to town. But during the show, the nasty growth on Job's chest is revealed as the villager proceed to stone out of recognizing its significance. Job ends up transforming into a Mandragoran and goes on a rampage before Guts kills him to Rita's horror.
is Narrator of
is Type of