  • 27
  • 27
  • 27
  • 27
  • 27
  • 27
  • 27
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "27" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Willie Blair (1990) * Scott Brow (1996) * Jeff Byrd (1977) * Tony Castillo (1988-1989) * Frank Catalanotto (2003-2006) * Brett Cecil (2009) * Jeff DeWillis (1987) * Willie Fraser (1991*) * Todd Greene (2000) * Jimmy Key (1984) * Mickey Klutts (1983) * Randy Knorr (1992-1995) * Chris Latham (2001) * Anthony Sanders (1999) * Cory Snyder (1991*) * Tony Solaita (1979)
  • 27 is the most evil of all numbers. After banishing the number 2 to the Plane of Shadow, it amassed a great army and took over the Number Planet, with its capital of Numbertania as where he ruled from. He was eventually deposed by the great hero 73.
  • 27 is a number. It is half of 54.
  • Episode 27, unlocked after completing episode 26.
  • Number 27 was an item on The List.
  • [[Plik:27.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 27 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:1134-27.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Dwudziestka siódemka dojeżdżająca na przystanek Sowińskiego (2008)]] 27 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Metra Marymont na Cmentarz Wolski. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia tramwajowa Wola.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In the year 27, John Hart and Jack Harkness arrived in what eventually became Cardiff via the Cardiff rift. There, Jack was reunited with his long-lost brother, Gray. On Gray's orders, John buried Jack alive. Jack spent the next 1874 years undergoing a cycle of death and resurrection until he was finally exhumed in 1901. (TV: Exit Wounds)
  • 27 is a number that comes up on a lot of Al's songs and other things. Though some are on purpose, others are just mere coincidence.
  • El veintisiete (27), antiguamente veinte y siete, es el número natural que sigue al veintiséis y precede al veintiocho. Categoría:Números
  • thumb 27 — почтовый индекс тридевятого царства (официальное название — Хабаровский край). Этот индекс по умолчанию присваивается всем письмам с адресом «на деревню дедушке».
  • The number 27, like many other number such as 23, or 13, is one which has a following of people who enjoy spotting the number in life and movies. It is already connected to highly esoteric number 72 due to the simple switching of the digits. 27 is probably most popular due to the unfortunate membership of many artists in the "Forever 27 Club." The 27 Club refers to artist who have dies at age 27, of which there are several prominent names such as Hendrix, Joplin and Cobain. The age of 27 is called the Return of Saturn as it is from 27 to 30 years old where the planet saturn has made one full trip around the sun since a persons birth. This happens again at ages 58-60 and again at 86-88.
  • #27 is the twenty-seventh figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 27 (twenty-seven) is a positive integer following 26 and preceding 28. Its ordinal form is written "27th" or "twenty-seventh".
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 27.
  • 27 is a song from Fall Out Boy's fourth studio album, Folie à Deux.
  • Um sich noch mehr aufs Eislaufen konzentrieren zu können, beginnt Diana einen Job im Steinkamp-Zentrum. Sogleich stellt Simone sie vor die schwierigste aller Aufgaben: Diana wird mit den Vorbereitungen von Jennys Verlobungsfeier betraut. Und auch Jenny nutzt diese Gelegenheit, um ihre verhasste Konkurrentin zu gängeln. Diana soll Interviews mit Jenny und Julian führen, die der Welt zeigen sollen, welch glückliches Paar sie sind. Simone und Richard sind sich uneins, wie sie der schweren Finanzkrise begegnen sollen. Simone setzt ganz auf die alleinige Förderung von Jenny, während Richard auch in Diana den Weg aus der Krise sieht. Statt Julian liest Vanessa Tims Brief an seinen Bruder. Tims Verletzlichkeit rührt sie an und sie möchte helfen. Als Vanessa ihn vorsichtig auf den Brief anspricht,
  • Carolyn's glad that the 9-year-old Monster has gone into hiding. Victoria flat out says David attempted to commit murder. Carolyn recounts her experience with Burke and puts two and two together. Victoria outlines the evidence and states that the Monster and the bleeder valve are now missing. Carolyn states that the walls of Collinwood should be padded, not paneled. They begin a search. Burke meets Mr Bronson in Bangor because he doesn't want Bronson near Collinsport. Bronson is apparently going to act as some sort of cover operative for Burke and gives him the financial records from the past 5 years for the Collins Family. Carolyn heads toward her room; Victoria hears something scurrying about in the West Wing and recounts an earlier experience (14). Turns out Elizabeth was in the West Wi
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 27 (September 28, 2008) That Guy: Oh! (closes the book) Sanibonani! [Zulu for "hello" when said to multiple people - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen; the questions appear on-screen, not the names of those who submitted them): Kirby DX asks, "Why is Plan B always the better one?" Narrator: Jacob Anderson asks, "There is a black hole behind my couch. It wasn't there before! What should I do about it?" THE END
  • 192.0
  • 26
  • 306.425000
Folgen Nummer
  • 27
  • 27
  • DStitle.jpg
  • 1.200000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 11102006
  • 28
  • 1966-07-19
  • 27
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 1
  • Episode 27
  • Pop punk, alternative rock
  • 1966-08-02
Character Name
  • List Number 27
  • 1
  • 26
  • 26.0
  • 2008-12-16
  • 27
  • July - September 2008
  • 28
  • 28.0
  • AWZ_Logo.jpg
  • Made fun of people with accents
  • green
  • 27
  • 27
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "27" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Willie Blair (1990) * Scott Brow (1996) * Jeff Byrd (1977) * Tony Castillo (1988-1989) * Frank Catalanotto (2003-2006) * Brett Cecil (2009) * Jeff DeWillis (1987) * Willie Fraser (1991*) * Todd Greene (2000) * Jimmy Key (1984) * Mickey Klutts (1983) * Randy Knorr (1992-1995) * Chris Latham (2001) * Anthony Sanders (1999) * Cory Snyder (1991*) * Tony Solaita (1979)
  • Um sich noch mehr aufs Eislaufen konzentrieren zu können, beginnt Diana einen Job im Steinkamp-Zentrum. Sogleich stellt Simone sie vor die schwierigste aller Aufgaben: Diana wird mit den Vorbereitungen von Jennys Verlobungsfeier betraut. Und auch Jenny nutzt diese Gelegenheit, um ihre verhasste Konkurrentin zu gängeln. Diana soll Interviews mit Jenny und Julian führen, die der Welt zeigen sollen, welch glückliches Paar sie sind. Simone und Richard sind sich uneins, wie sie der schweren Finanzkrise begegnen sollen. Simone setzt ganz auf die alleinige Förderung von Jenny, während Richard auch in Diana den Weg aus der Krise sieht. Statt Julian liest Vanessa Tims Brief an seinen Bruder. Tims Verletzlichkeit rührt sie an und sie möchte helfen. Als Vanessa ihn vorsichtig auf den Brief anspricht, reagiert Tim ganz anders als erhofft ...
  • 27 is the most evil of all numbers. After banishing the number 2 to the Plane of Shadow, it amassed a great army and took over the Number Planet, with its capital of Numbertania as where he ruled from. He was eventually deposed by the great hero 73.
  • 27 is a number. It is half of 54.
  • Carolyn's glad that the 9-year-old Monster has gone into hiding. Victoria flat out says David attempted to commit murder. Carolyn recounts her experience with Burke and puts two and two together. Victoria outlines the evidence and states that the Monster and the bleeder valve are now missing. Carolyn states that the walls of Collinwood should be padded, not paneled. They begin a search. Burke meets Mr Bronson in Bangor because he doesn't want Bronson near Collinsport. Bronson is apparently going to act as some sort of cover operative for Burke and gives him the financial records from the past 5 years for the Collins Family. Carolyn heads toward her room; Victoria hears something scurrying about in the West Wing and recounts an earlier experience (14). Turns out Elizabeth was in the West Wing. Elizabeth interrogates Victoria and explains away the earlier mysterious encounter. Turns out there are at least two keys that could have opened the drawer. Carolyn finds David's magazines with a well-worn page on disassembling brake cylinders. Burke wants more shadow games from Bronson. Elizabeth can't convince Roger to come find David, who's been missing for 45 minutes. Carolyn talks with Elizabeth and storms off. Burke learns that his hotel room has been searched and a small boy attempted to sneak into his room.
  • Episode 27, unlocked after completing episode 26.
  • Number 27 was an item on The List.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 27 (September 28, 2008) That Guy: Oh! (closes the book) Sanibonani! [Zulu for "hello" when said to multiple people - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen; the questions appear on-screen, not the names of those who submitted them): Kirby DX asks, "Why is Plan B always the better one?" That Guy: (with his back to screen right and pipe in mouth, he turns to the camera and takes out the mouthpiece) That's a very good question. The answer is: Most of the time, when Plan A doesn't work, you HAVE to move on to Plan B, which most likely WILL work. (pause) Actually, that was an incredibly STUPID question. / [indicates a jump cut] What were you thinking? / Were you born stupid, or did you have to learn it? / If I ever see you, I will murder you. / (looks up) Actually, I don't know what you look like. / Send me a picture so I can commit it to memory so that if I ever DO see you on the street, I may murder you properly. / (looks up again) Thank GOD I exist. / Yes. Narrator: Josh asks, "I have been hired by Six Flags to make their newest 'extreme' roller coaster. I decided the best route to go would be to create a ride that caused sexual pleasure throughout, but nothing I have thought up has been orgasmic enough. Can you give me any tips on how to make a roller coaster that will achieve such an effect?" That Guy: (brief chuckle) Of course, of course. It's very simple. Just put a picture of ME in front of the coaster. / No doubt, everyone will cream their jeans in a millisecond. / I WAS voted "The Sexiest Man Alive" in a magazine that I just made up in my head. / It's not like anyone watches this show to get some real answers. I am considered soft porn. / In fact, just thinking about me is giving me a hard-on (looks up when he says that word) right now. / (scoffs) To tell you the truth, I orgasm just looking at myself. Watch: (He holds up a small, round mirror and looks at his reflection; we then hear a very weird sound effect indicating that That Guy's bodily functions... have failed him. He puts down the mirror.) Excuse me. I have to change my robe. (exits screen right) Narrator: Jacob Anderson asks, "There is a black hole behind my couch. It wasn't there before! What should I do about it?" That Guy: (back in front of the camera) Well, THAT"S because of a high-energy particle accelerator. / And it's a well-known fact that high-energy particle accelerators pop up very often. / The BEST thing to do is call the High-Energy Particle Accelerator Police. / They'll come in with their high-energy particle accelerator machines and suck out the high-energy particle accelerator nuisance. / (chuckles) And they have a whole warehouse full of high-energy particle accelerator nuisances. / So that's what you should do with your high-energy particle accelerator nuisance. (pause) High-energy particle accelerator nuisance. / Hamster jelly. / (looks up and rocks side-to-side a bit) Ooh! Narrator: Joshua Miles asks, "What flavor would you get if you put watermelon and cheeseburgers into a blender? That Guy: You'd get a Big Mac Super-Duper Quarter Pounder Watermelon Hamster Jelly High-Energy Proton Accelerator Burger ...with cheese. Narrator: Theo asks, "I was in my neighborhood Chili's restaurant with my roommates, and they were running one of those charity things where you could pay a dollar to color a chili pepper for cancer research. Much to our surprise, we saw this hanging along with them: (Cuts to a picture of a charity chili pepper with "That Guy With the Glasses" written on it.) Care to explain yourself?" That Guy: Absolutely. (points his mouthpiece at the camera) There is an IMPOSTOR on the loose! / Anyone who knows me knows I would NEVER waste my money on anything that helps mankind. / I would ONLY use it on things that destroy MY body and everybody else's, like Chili's food. / We must find this impostor and circumsize him with a guillotine. / That way, he will no longer be That Guy With The Glasses. He will be That Guy Without A Penis. / And hopefully, we will NEVER find the cure for that WONDERFUL disease, cancer. / Rock on, cancer. Continue to plague our lives with misery and despair. / By the way, I have cancer. / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying: There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it. (he winks at the camera and returns to reading his book and smoking his pipe) THE END
  • [[Plik:27.PNG|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 27 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:1134-27.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Dwudziestka siódemka dojeżdżająca na przystanek Sowińskiego (2008)]] 27 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Metra Marymont na Cmentarz Wolski. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia tramwajowa Wola.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In the year 27, John Hart and Jack Harkness arrived in what eventually became Cardiff via the Cardiff rift. There, Jack was reunited with his long-lost brother, Gray. On Gray's orders, John buried Jack alive. Jack spent the next 1874 years undergoing a cycle of death and resurrection until he was finally exhumed in 1901. (TV: Exit Wounds)
  • 27 is a number that comes up on a lot of Al's songs and other things. Though some are on purpose, others are just mere coincidence.
  • El veintisiete (27), antiguamente veinte y siete, es el número natural que sigue al veintiséis y precede al veintiocho. Categoría:Números
  • thumb 27 — почтовый индекс тридевятого царства (официальное название — Хабаровский край). Этот индекс по умолчанию присваивается всем письмам с адресом «на деревню дедушке».
  • The number 27, like many other number such as 23, or 13, is one which has a following of people who enjoy spotting the number in life and movies. It is already connected to highly esoteric number 72 due to the simple switching of the digits. 27 is probably most popular due to the unfortunate membership of many artists in the "Forever 27 Club." The 27 Club refers to artist who have dies at age 27, of which there are several prominent names such as Hendrix, Joplin and Cobain. The age of 27 is called the Return of Saturn as it is from 27 to 30 years old where the planet saturn has made one full trip around the sun since a persons birth. This happens again at ages 58-60 and again at 86-88.
  • #27 is the twenty-seventh figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 27 (twenty-seven) is a positive integer following 26 and preceding 28. Its ordinal form is written "27th" or "twenty-seventh".
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 27.
  • 27 is a song from Fall Out Boy's fourth studio album, Folie à Deux.
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